Xavier Morel 907c6072d1 [FIX] runbot_merge: cancel master staging on freeze
If there are bump PRs anyway: the bump commits will cause the
forward-port of the staging to fail, so might as well clearly notify
everybody of the issue if there is a pending staging, and not waste
too much time waiting for a staging which can not succeed.

We could also cancel stagings when there's no bump PR, but it's not
clear that there's any reason to do so: if we didn't touch any master
branch, there's no reason for the staging to fail, or to otherwise
cancel it.

And obviously we can't have staged anything on the new branch so
there's nothing to cancel.

Part-Of: #718
2023-01-25 12:25:45 +01:00

475 lines
18 KiB

import contextlib
import enum
import itertools
import json
import logging
import time
from collections import Counter
from markupsafe import Markup
from odoo import models, fields, api, Command
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.exceptions import FastForwardError
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from import drop_view_if_exists
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FreezeWizard(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.project.freeze'
_description = "Wizard for freezing a project('s master)"
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project', required=True)
errors = fields.Text(compute='_compute_errors')
branch_name = fields.Char(required=True, help="Name of the new branches to create")
required_pr_ids = fields.Many2many(
'runbot_merge.pull_requests', string="Required Pull Requests",
domain="[('state', 'not in', ('closed', 'merged'))]",
help="Pull requests which must have been merged before the freeze is allowed",
pr_state_key = fields.Html(string="Color Key", compute='_compute_state_key', readonly=True)
def _compute_state_key(self):
s = dict(self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']._fields['state'].selection)
self.pr_state_key = Markup("""
""") % Markup(" ").join(
Markup('<span class="badge border-0 fucking_color_key_{}">{}</span>').format(v, s[k])
for k, v in STATE_COLORMAP.items()
if v
release_label = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.freeze.labels', store=False, string="Release label", help="Find release PRs by label")
release_pr_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.project.freeze.prs', 'wizard_id',
string="Release pull requests",
help="Pull requests used as tips for the freeze branches, "
"one per repository",
bump_label = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.freeze.labels', store=False, string="Bump label", help="Find bump PRs by label")
bump_pr_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.project.freeze.bumps', 'wizard_id',
string="Bump pull requests",
help="Pull requests used as tips of the frozen-off branches, "
"one per repository",
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_per_project', 'unique (project_id)',
"There should be only one ongoing freeze per project"),
def _onchange_release_label(self):
if not self.release_label:
prs = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('label', '=', self.release_label.label),
('state', 'not in', ('merged', 'closed')),
for release_pr in self.release_pr_ids:
p = prs.filtered(lambda p: p.repository == release_pr.repository_id)
if len(p) < 2:
release_pr.pr_id = p
def _onchange_release_prs(self):
labels = {p.pr_id.label for p in self.release_pr_ids if p.pr_id}
self.release_label = len(labels) == 1 and self.env['runbot_merge.freeze.labels'].search([
('label', '=', labels.pop()),
def _onchange_bump_label(self):
if not self.bump_label:
prs = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].search([
('label', '=', self.bump_label.label),
('state', 'not in', ('merged', 'closed')),
commands = []
for bump_pr in self.bump_pr_ids:
p = prs.filtered(lambda p: p.repository == bump_pr.repository_id)
if len(p) == 1:
commands.append(Command.update(, {'pr_id':}))
prs -= p
Command.create({'repository_id':, 'pr_id':})
for pr in prs
self.bump_pr_ids = commands
def _onchange_bump_prs(self):
labels = {p.pr_id.label for p in self.bump_pr_ids if p.pr_id}
self.bump_label = len(labels) == 1 and self.env['runbot_merge.freeze.labels'].search([
('label', '=', labels.pop()),
@api.depends('release_pr_ids.pr_id.label', 'required_pr_ids.state')
def _compute_errors(self):
errors = []
release_repos = Counter(self.mapped('release_pr_ids.repository_id'))
excess = { for k, v in release_repos.items() if v > 0}
if excess:
errors.append("* Every repository must have one release PR, found multiple for %s" % ', '.join(excess))
without = self.release_pr_ids.filtered(lambda p: not p.pr_id)
if without:
errors.append("* Every repository must have a release PR, missing release PRs for %s." % ', '.join(
labels = set(self.mapped('release_pr_ids.pr_id.label'))
if len(labels) != 1:
errors.append("* All release PRs must have the same label, found %r." % ', '.join(sorted(labels)))
non_squash = self.mapped('release_pr_ids.pr_id').filtered(lambda p: not p.squash)
if non_squash:
errors.append("* Release PRs should have a single commit, found more in %s." % ', '.join(p.display_name for p in non_squash))
bump_repos = Counter(self.mapped('bump_pr_ids.repository_id'))
excess = { for k, v in bump_repos.items() if v > 1}
if excess:
errors.append("* Every repository may have one bump PR, found multiple for %s" % ', '.join(excess))
bump_labels = set(self.mapped('bump_pr_ids.pr_id.label'))
if len(bump_labels) > 1:
errors.append("* All bump PRs must have the same label, found %r" % ', '.join(sorted(bump_labels)))
non_squash = self.mapped('bump_pr_ids.pr_id').filtered(lambda p: not p.squash)
if non_squash:
errors.append("* Bump PRs should have a single commit, found more in %s." % ', '.join(p.display_name for p in non_squash))
unready = sum(p.state not in ('closed', 'merged') for p in self.required_pr_ids)
if unready:
errors.append(f"* {unready} required PRs not ready.")
self.errors = '\n'.join(errors) or False
def action_cancel(self):
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def action_open(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'name': f'Freeze project {}',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': self._name,
def action_freeze(self):
""" Attempts to perform the freeze.
# if there are still errors, reopen the wizard
if self.errors:
return self.action_open()
conflict_crons = self.env.ref('runbot_merge.merge_cron') | self.env.ref('runbot_merge.staging_cron')
# we don't want to run concurrently to the crons above, though we
# don't need to prevent read access to them
project_id = self.project_id
# need to create the new branch, but at the same time resequence
# everything so the new branch is the second one, just after the branch
# it "forks"
master, rest = project_id.branch_ids[0], project_id.branch_ids[1:]
seq = itertools.count(start=1) # start reseq at 1
commands = [
(1,, {'sequence': next(seq)}),
(0, 0, {
'name': self.branch_name,
'sequence': next(seq),
commands.extend((1,, {'sequence': s}) for s, b in zip(seq, rest))
project_id.branch_ids = commands
master_name =
gh_sessions = {r: r.github() for r in self.project_id.repo_ids}
# prep new branch (via tmp refs) on every repo
rel_heads = {}
# store for master heads as odds are high the bump pr(s) will be on the
# same repo as one of the release PRs
prevs = {}
for rel in self.release_pr_ids:
repo_id = rel.repository_id
gh = gh_sessions[repo_id]
prev = prevs[repo_id] = gh.head(master_name)
except Exception:
raise UserError(f"Unable to resolve branch {master_name} of repository {} to a commit.")
# create the tmp branch to merge the PR into
tmp_branch = f'tmp.{self.branch_name}'
gh.set_ref(tmp_branch, prev)
except Exception as err:
raise UserError(f"Unable to create branch {self.branch_name} of repository {}: {err}.")
rel_heads[repo_id], _ = gh.rebase(rel.pr_id.number, tmp_branch)
# prep bump
bump_heads = {}
for bump in self.bump_pr_ids:
repo_id = bump.repository_id
gh = gh_sessions[repo_id]
prev = prevs[repo_id] = prevs.get(repo_id) or gh.head(master_name)
except Exception:
raise UserError(f"Unable to resolve branch {master_name} of repository {} to a commit.")
# create the tmp branch to merge the PR into
tmp_branch = f'tmp.{master_name}'
gh.set_ref(tmp_branch, prev)
except Exception as err:
raise UserError(f"Unable to create branch {master_name} of repository {}: {err}.")
bump_heads[repo_id], _ = gh.rebase(bump.pr_id.number, tmp_branch)
deployed = {}
# at this point we've got a bunch of tmp branches with merged release
# and bump PRs, it's time to update the corresponding targets
to_delete = [] # release prs go on new branches which we try to delete on failure
to_revert = [] # bump prs go on new branch which we try to revert on failure
failure = None
for rel in self.release_pr_ids:
repo_id = rel.repository_id
# helper API currently has no API to ensure we're just creating a
# new branch (as cheaply as possible) so do it by hand
status = None
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
status = gh_sessions[repo_id].create_ref(self.branch_name, rel_heads[repo_id])
deployed[] = rel_heads[repo_id]
if status != 201:
failure = ('create',, self.branch_name)
else: # all release deployments succeeded
for bump in self.bump_pr_ids:
repo_id = bump.repository_id
gh_sessions[repo_id].fast_forward(master_name, bump_heads[repo_id])
deployed[] = bump_heads[repo_id]
except FastForwardError:
failure = ('fast-forward',, master_name)
if failure:
addendums = []
# creating the branch failed, try to delete all previous branches
failures = []
for prev_id in to_revert:
revert = gh_sessions[prev_id]('PATCH', f'git/refs/heads/{master_name}', json={
'sha': prevs[prev_id],
'force': True
}, check=False)
if not revert.ok:
if failures:
"Subsequently unable to revert branches created in %s." % \
', '.join(failures)
for prev_id in to_delete:
deletion = gh_sessions[prev_id]('DELETE', f'git/refs/heads/{self.branch_name}', check=False)
if not deletion.ok:
if failures:
"Subsequently unable to delete branches created in %s." % \
", ".join(failures)
if addendums:
addendum = '\n\n' + '\n'.join(addendums)
addendum = ''
reason, repo, branch = failure
raise UserError(
f"Unable to {reason} branch {repo}:{branch}.{addendum}"
all_prs = self.release_pr_ids.pr_id | self.bump_pr_ids.pr_id
all_prs.state = 'merged'
'pull_request': pr.number,
'close': True,
'message': json.dumps({
'sha': deployed[],
'base': self.branch_name if pr in self.release_pr_ids.pr_id else None
} for pr in all_prs])
if self.bump_pr_ids:
master.active_staging_id.cancel("freeze by %s", self.env.user.login)
# delete wizard
# managed to create all the things, show reminder text (or close)
if project_id.freeze_reminder:
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'name': f'Freeze reminder {}',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': project_id._name,
'view_id': self.env.ref('runbot_merge.project_freeze_reminder').id
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
class ReleasePullRequest(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.project.freeze.prs'
_description = "links to pull requests used to \"cap\" freezes"
wizard_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project.freeze', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade')
repository_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', required=True)
pr_id = fields.Many2one(
domain='[("repository", "=", repository_id), ("state", "not in", ("closed", "merged"))]',
string="Release Pull Request",
label = fields.Char(related='pr_id.label')
def write(self, vals):
# only the pr should be writeable after initial creation
assert 'wizard_id' not in vals
assert 'repository_id' not in vals
# and if the PR gets set, it should match the requested repository
if 'pr_id' in vals:
assert self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].browse(vals['pr_id'])\
.repository == self.repository_id
return super().write(vals)
class BumpPullRequest(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.project.freeze.bumps'
_description = "links to pull requests used to \"bump\" the development branches"
wizard_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project.freeze', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade')
# FIXME: repo = wizard.repo?
repository_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.repository', required=True)
pr_id = fields.Many2one(
domain='[("repository", "=", repository_id), ("state", "not in", ("closed", "merged"))]',
string="Bump Pull Request",
label = fields.Char(related='pr_id.label')
def _onchange_repository(self):
self.pr_id = False
def write(self, vals):
# only the pr should be writeable after initial creation
assert 'wizard_id' not in vals
# and if the PR gets set, it should match the requested repository
if vals.get('pr_id'):
assert self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].browse(vals['pr_id'])\
.repository == self.repository_id
return super().write(vals)
class RepositoryFreeze(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.repository'
freeze = fields.Boolean(required=True, default=True,
help="Freeze this repository by default")
class Colors(enum.IntEnum):
No = 0
Red = 1
Orange = 2
Yellow = 3
LightBlue = 4
DarkPurple = 5
Salmon = 6
MediumBlue = 7
DarkBlue = 8
Fuchsia = 9
Green = 10
Purple = 11
'opened': Colors.No,
'closed': Colors.Orange,
'validated': Colors.No,
'approved': Colors.No,
'ready': Colors.LightBlue,
'merged': Colors.Green,
'error': Colors.Red,
class PullRequest(models.Model):
_inherit = 'runbot_merge.pull_requests'
state_color = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_state_color')
def _compute_state_color(self):
for p in self:
p.state_color = STATE_COLORMAP[p.state]
class OpenPRLabels(models.Model):
"""Hacking around using contextual display_name to try and autocomplete
labels through PRs doesn't work because the client fucks up the display_name
(apparently they're not keyed on the context), therefore the behaviour
is inconsistent as the label shown in the autocomplete will result in the
PR being shown as its label in the o2m, and the other way around (if a PR
is selected directly in the o2m, then the PR's base display_name will be
shown in the label lookup field).
Therefore create a dumbshit view of label records.
Under the assumption that we'll have less than 256 repositories, the id of a
label record is the PR's id shifted as the high 24 bits, and the repo id as
the low 8.
_name = 'runbot_merge.freeze.labels'
_description = "view representing labels for open PRs so they can autocomplete properly"
_rec_name = "label"
_auto = False
def init(self):
drop_view_if_exists(, "runbot_merge_freeze_labels");"""
CREATE VIEW runbot_merge_freeze_labels AS (
id << 8 | repository as id,
FROM runbot_merge_pull_requests
WHERE state != 'merged' AND state != 'closed'
ORDER BY label, repository, id
label = fields.Char()