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synced 2025-03-27 13:25:47 +07:00

`test_inconsistent_target` was, appropriately, inconsistent, but would only fail a very small fraction of the time: the issue is that a PR would switch target between `other` and `master` assuming neither was an intrinsic blocker *but* the branches are created independently, just with the same content. This means if a second ticked over between the creation of the `master` branch's commit and that of `other`, they would get different commit hashes (because different timestamp), thus the PR would get 2 commits (or complete nonsense) when targeted to `other`, and the PR itself would be blocked for lack of a merge method. The solution is to be slightly less lazy, and create `other` from `master` instead of copy/pasting the `make_commits` directive. This means the PR has the exact same number of commits whether targeted to `master` or `other`, and we now test what we want to test 60 seconds out of every minute.
202 lines
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202 lines
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"""This module tests edge cases specific to the batch objects themselves,
without wider relevance and thus other location.
import pytest
from utils import Commit, to_pr, pr_page
def test_close_single(env, repo):
"""If a batch has a single PR and that PR gets closed, the batch should be
inactive *and* blocked.
with repo:
repo.make_commits(None, Commit("a", tree={"a": "a"}), ref='heads/master')
[c] = repo.make_commits('master', Commit('b', tree={"b": "b"}))
pr = repo.make_pr(head=c, target='master')
pr_id = to_pr(env, pr)
batch_id = pr_id.batch_id
assert pr_id.state == 'opened'
assert batch_id.blocked
Batches = env['runbot_merge.batch']
assert Batches.search_count([]) == 1
with repo:
assert pr_id.state == 'closed'
assert batch_id.all_prs == pr_id
assert batch_id.prs == pr_id.browse(())
assert batch_id.blocked == "all prs are closed"
assert not batch_id.active
assert Batches.search_count([]) == 0
def test_close_multiple(env, make_repo2):
Batches = env['runbot_merge.batch']
repo1 = make_repo2('wheee')
repo2 = make_repo2('wheeee')
with repo1:
repo1.make_commits(None, Commit("a", tree={"a": "a"}), ref='heads/master')
repo1.make_commits('master', Commit('b', tree={"b": "b"}), ref='heads/a_pr')
pr1 = repo1.make_pr(head='a_pr', target='master')
with repo2:
repo2.make_commits(None, Commit("a", tree={"a": "a"}), ref='heads/master')
repo2.make_commits('master', Commit('b', tree={"b": "b"}), ref='heads/a_pr')
pr2 = repo2.make_pr(head='a_pr', target='master')
pr1_id = to_pr(env, pr1)
pr2_id = to_pr(env, pr2)
batch_id = pr1_id.batch_id
assert pr2_id.batch_id == batch_id
assert pr1_id.state == 'opened'
assert pr2_id.state == 'opened'
assert batch_id.all_prs == pr1_id | pr2_id
assert batch_id.prs == pr1_id | pr2_id
assert batch_id.active
assert Batches.search_count([]) == 1
with repo1:
assert pr1_id.state == 'closed'
assert pr2_id.state == 'opened'
assert batch_id.all_prs == pr1_id | pr2_id
assert batch_id.prs == pr2_id
assert batch_id.active
assert Batches.search_count([]) == 1
with repo2:
assert pr1_id.state == 'closed'
assert pr2_id.state == 'closed'
assert batch_id.all_prs == pr1_id | pr2_id
assert batch_id.prs == env['runbot_merge.pull_requests'].browse(())
assert not batch_id.active
assert Batches.search_count([]) == 0
def test_inconsistent_target(env, project, make_repo2, users, page, config):
"""If a batch's PRs have inconsistent targets,
- only open PRs should count
- it should be clearly notified on the dash
- the dash should not get hopelessly lost
- there should be a wizard to split the batch / move a PR to a separate batch
# region setup
Batches = env['runbot_merge.batch']
repo1 = make_repo2('whe')
repo2 = make_repo2('whee')
repo3 = make_repo2('wheee')
project.write({'branch_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'other'})]})
with repo1:
[m] = repo1.make_commits(None, Commit("a", tree={"a": "a"}), ref='heads/master')
repo1.make_ref('heads/other', m)
repo1.make_commits('master', Commit('b', tree={"b": "b"}), ref='heads/a_pr')
pr1 = repo1.make_pr(head='a_pr', target='master')
repo1.make_commits('master', Commit('b', tree={"c": "c"}), ref='heads/something_else')
pr_other = repo1.make_pr(head='something_else', target='master')
with repo2:
[m] = repo2.make_commits(None, Commit("a", tree={"a": "a"}), ref='heads/master')
repo2.make_ref("heads/other", m)
repo2.make_commits('master', Commit('b', tree={"b": "b"}), ref='heads/a_pr')
pr2 = repo2.make_pr(head='a_pr', target='master')
with repo3:
[m] = repo3.make_commits(None, Commit("a", tree={"a": "a"}), ref='heads/master')
repo3.make_ref("heads/other", m)
repo3.make_commits('master', Commit('b', tree={"b": "b"}), ref='heads/a_pr')
pr3 = repo3.make_pr(head='a_pr', target='master')
assert repo1.owner == repo2.owner == repo3.owner
owner = repo1.owner
# endregion
# region closeable consistency
[b] = Batches.search([('all_prs.label', '=', f'{owner}:a_pr')])
assert b.target.name == 'master'
assert len(b.prs) == 3
assert len(b.all_prs) == 3
with repo3:
pr3.base = 'other'
assert b.target.name == False
assert len(b.prs) == 3
assert len(b.all_prs) == 3
with repo3:
assert b.target.name == 'master'
assert len(b.prs) == 2
assert len(b.all_prs) == 3
# endregion
# region split batch
pr1_id = to_pr(env, pr1)
pr2_id = to_pr(env, pr2)
with repo2:
pr2.base = 'other'
pr2_dashboard = pr_page(page, pr2)
# The dashboard should have an alert
s = pr2_dashboard.cssselect('.alert.alert-danger')
assert s, "the dashboard should have an alert"
assert s[0].text_content().strip() == f"""\
Inconsistent targets:
{pr1_id.display_name} has target 'master'
{pr2_id.display_name} has target 'other'\
assert not pr2_dashboard.cssselect('table'), "the batches table should be suppressed"
assert b.target.name == False
assert to_pr(env, pr_other).label == f'{owner}:something_else'
# try staging
with repo1:
pr1.post_comment("hansen r+", config['role_reviewer']['token'])
repo1.post_status(pr1.head, "success")
with repo2:
pr2.post_comment("hansen r+", config['role_reviewer']['token'])
repo2.post_status(pr2.head, "success")
assert not pr1_id.blocked
assert not pr2_id.blocked
assert b.blocked == "Multiple target branches: 'other, master'"
assert env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search_count([]) == 0
act = pr2_id.button_split()
assert act['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_window'
assert act['views'] == [[False, 'form']]
assert act['target'] == 'new'
w = env[act['res_model']].browse([act['res_id']])
w.new_label = f"{owner}:something_else"
with pytest.raises(Exception):
w.new_label = f"{owner}:blah-blah-blah"
assert pr2_id.label == f"{owner}:blah-blah-blah"
assert pr2_id.batch_id != to_pr(env, pr1).batch_id
assert b.target.name == 'master'
assert len(b.prs) == 1, "the PR has been moved off of this batch entirely"
assert len(b.all_prs) == 2
# endregion
assert not pr1_id.blocked
assert not pr1_id.batch_id.blocked
assert not pr2_id.blocked
assert not pr2_id.batch_id.blocked
assert env['runbot_merge.stagings'].search_count([])