mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 00:15:47 +07:00
277 lines
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277 lines
12 KiB
import datetime
import subprocess
from ..common import os, RunbotException, make_github_session
import glob
import shutil
from odoo import models, fields, api, registry
from odoo.tools import file_open
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Commit(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.commit'
_description = "Commit"
_sql_constraints = [
"unique (name, repo_id, rebase_on_id)",
"Commit must be unique to ensure correct duplicate matching",
name = fields.Char('SHA')
tree_hash = fields.Char('Tree hash', readonly=True)
repo_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.repo', string='Repo group')
date = fields.Datetime('Commit date')
author = fields.Char('Author')
author_email = fields.Char('Author Email')
committer = fields.Char('Committer')
committer_email = fields.Char('Committer Email')
subject = fields.Text('Subject')
dname = fields.Char('Display name', compute='_compute_dname')
rebase_on_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.commit', 'Rebase on commit')
def create(self, vals_list):
for vals in vals_list:
if 'date' not in vals:
vals['date'] = fields.Datetime.now()
return super().create(vals_list)
def _get_commit_infos(self, sha, repo):
fields = ['date', 'author', 'author_email', 'committer', 'committer_email', 'subject', 'tree_hash']
pretty_format = '%x00'.join(['%ct', '%an', '%ae', '%cn', '%ce', '%s', '%T'])
vals = {}
vals = dict(zip(fields, repo._git(['show', '-s', f'--pretty=format:{pretty_format}', sha]).split('\x00')))
vals['date'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(vals['date']))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
_logger.warning('git show failed with message %s', e.output.decode())
return vals
def _get(self, name, repo_id, vals=None, rebase_on_id=False):
commit = self.search([('name', '=', name), ('repo_id', '=', repo_id), ('rebase_on_id', '=', rebase_on_id)])
if not commit:
if not vals:
repo = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(repo_id)
vals = self._get_commit_infos(name, repo)
commit = self.env['runbot.commit'].create({**vals, 'name': name, 'repo_id': repo_id, 'rebase_on_id': rebase_on_id})
return commit
def _rebase_on(self, commit):
if self == commit:
return self
return self._get(self.name, self.repo_id.id, self.read()[0], commit.id)
def _get_available_modules(self):
for manifest_file_name in self.repo_id.manifest_files.split(','): # '__manifest__.py' '__openerp__.py'
for addons_path in (self.repo_id.addons_paths or '').split(','): # '' 'addons' 'odoo/addons'
sep = os.path.join(addons_path, '*')
for manifest_path in glob.glob(self._source_path(sep, manifest_file_name)):
module = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(manifest_path))
yield (addons_path, module, manifest_file_name)
def _list_files(self, patterns):
#example: git ls-files --with-tree=abcf390f90dbdd39fd61abc53f8516e7278e0931 ':(glob)addons/*/*.py' ':(glob)odoo/addons/*/*.py'
# note that glob is needed to avoid the star matching **
return self.repo_id._git(['ls-files', '--with-tree', self.name, *patterns]).split('\n')
def _list_available_modules(self):
# beta version, may replace _get_available_modules latter
addons_paths = (self.repo_id.addons_paths or '').split(',')
patterns = []
for manifest_file_name in self.repo_id.manifest_files.split(','): # '__manifest__.py' '__openerp__.py'
for addon_path in addons_paths:
addon_path = addon_path or '.'
for file_path in self._list_files(patterns):
if file_path:
elems = file_path.rsplit('/', 2)
if len(elems) == 3:
addons_path, module, manifest_file_name = elems
addons_path = ''
module, manifest_file_name = elems
yield (addons_path, module, manifest_file_name)
def _export(self, build):
"""Export a git repo into a sources"""
# TODO add automated tests
if not self.env['runbot.commit.export'].search([('build_id', '=', build.id), ('commit_id', '=', self.id)]):
self.env['runbot.commit.export'].create({'commit_id': self.id, 'build_id': build.id})
export_path = self._source_path()
if os.path.isdir(export_path):
_logger.info('git export: exporting to %s (already exists)', export_path)
return export_path
_logger.info('git export: exporting to %s (new)', export_path)
export_sha = self.name
if self.rebase_on_id:
export_sha = self.rebase_on_id.name
p1 = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir=%s' % self.repo_id.path, 'archive', export_sha], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(['tar', '--mtime', self.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), '-xC', export_path], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p1.stdout.close() # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
(_, err) = p2.communicate()
p1.poll() # fill the returncode
if p1.returncode:
_logger.info("git export: removing corrupted export %r", export_path)
raise RunbotException("Git archive failed for %s with error code %s. (%s)" % (self.name, p1.returncode, p1.stderr.read().decode()))
if err:
_logger.info("git export: removing corrupted export %r", export_path)
raise RunbotException("Export for %s failed. (%s)" % (self.name, err))
if self.rebase_on_id:
# we could be smart here and detect if merge_base == commit, in witch case checkouting base_commit is enough. Since we don't have this info
# and we are exporting in a custom folder anyway, lets
_logger.info('Applying patch for %s', self.name)
p1 = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir=%s' % self.repo_id.path, 'diff', '%s...%s' % (export_sha, self.name)], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(['patch', '-p0', '-d', export_path], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(message, err) = p2.communicate()
if err:
raise RunbotException("Apply patch failed for %s...%s. (%s)" % (export_sha, self.name, err))
if p1.returncode or p2.returncode:
raise RunbotException("Apply patch failed for %s...%s with error code %s+%s. (%s)" % (export_sha, self.name, p1.returncode, p2.returncode, message))
return export_path
def _read_source(self, file, mode='r'):
file_path = self._source_path(file)
with file_open(file_path, mode) as f:
return f.read()
return False
def _source_path(self, *paths):
export_name = self.name
if self.rebase_on_id:
export_name = '%s_%s' % (self.name, self.rebase_on_id.name)
return self.repo_id._source_path(export_name, *paths)
@api.depends('name', 'repo_id.name')
def _compute_dname(self):
for commit in self:
commit.dname = '%s:%s' % (commit.repo_id.name, commit.name[:8])
def _github_status(self, build, context, state, target_url, description=None):
Status = self.env['runbot.commit.status']
last_status = Status.search([('commit_id', '=', self.id), ('context', '=', context)], order='id desc', limit=1)
if last_status and last_status.state == state:
_logger.info('Skipping already sent status %s:%s for %s', context, state, self.name)
last_status = Status.create({
'build_id': build.id if build else False,
'commit_id': self.id,
'context': context,
'state': state,
'target_url': target_url,
'description': description or context,
'to_process': True,
class CommitLink(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.commit.link'
_description = "Build commit"
commit_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.commit', 'Commit', required=True, index=True)
# Link info
match_type = fields.Selection([('new', 'New head of branch'), ('head', 'Head of branch'), ('base_head', 'Found on base branch'), ('base_match', 'Found on base branch')]) # HEAD, DEFAULT
branch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', string='Found in branch') # Shouldn't be use for anything else than display
base_commit_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.commit', 'Base head commit', index=True)
merge_base_commit_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.commit', 'Merge Base commit', index=True)
base_behind = fields.Integer('# commits behind base')
base_ahead = fields.Integer('# commits ahead base')
file_changed = fields.Integer('# file changed')
diff_add = fields.Integer('# line added')
diff_remove = fields.Integer('# line removed')
class CommitStatus(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.commit.status'
_description = 'Commit status'
_order = 'id desc'
commit_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.commit', string='Commit', required=True, index=True)
context = fields.Char('Context', required=True)
state = fields.Char('State', required=True, copy=True)
build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', string='Build', index=True)
target_url = fields.Char('Url')
description = fields.Char('Description')
sent_date = fields.Datetime('Sent Date')
to_process = fields.Boolean('Status was not processed yet', index=True)
def _send_to_process(self):
commits_status = self.search([('to_process', '=', True)], order='create_date DESC, id DESC')
if commits_status:
_logger.info('Sending %s commit status', len(commits_status))
def _send(self):
session_cache = {}
processed = set()
for commit_status in self.sorted(lambda cs: (cs.create_date, cs.id), reverse=True): # ensure most recent are processed first
commit_status.to_process = False
# only send the last status for each commit+context
key = (commit_status.context, commit_status.commit_id.name)
if key not in processed:
status = {
'context': commit_status.context,
'state': commit_status.state,
'target_url': commit_status.target_url,
'description': commit_status.description,
for remote in commit_status.commit_id.repo_id.remote_ids.filtered('send_status'):
if not remote.token:
_logger.warning('No token on remote %s, skipping status', remote.mapped("name"))
if remote.token not in session_cache:
session_cache[remote.token] = make_github_session(remote.token)
session = session_cache[remote.token]
"github updating %s status %s to %s in repo %s",
status['context'], commit_status.commit_id.name, status['state'], remote.name)
remote._github('/repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/%s' % commit_status.commit_id.name,
commit_status.sent_date = fields.Datetime.now()
_logger.info('Skipping outdated status for %s %s', commit_status.context, commit_status.commit_id.name)
class CommitExport(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.commit.export'
_description = 'Commit export'
build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', index=True)
commit_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.commit')
host = fields.Char(related='build_id.host', store=True)