mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 00:15:47 +07:00
172 lines
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172 lines
6.9 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from odoo import Command
from odoo.http import Controller, request, route
from odoo.addons.saas_worker.util import from_role
except ImportError:
def from_role(*_, **__):
return lambda _: None
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MergebotReviewerProvisioning(Controller):
@from_role('accounts', signed=True)
@route('/runbot_merge/users', type='json', auth='public')
def list_users(self):
return request.env['res.users'].sudo().search_fetch(
[('github_login', '!=', False)],
['github_login', 'email'],
)._read_format(['github_login', 'email'])
@from_role('accounts', signed=True)
@route('/runbot_merge/provision', type='json', auth='public')
def provision_user(self, users):
_logger.info('Provisioning %s users: %s.', len(users), ', '.join(map(
'{email} ({github_login})'.format_map,
env = request.env(su=True)
Partners = env['res.partner']
Users = env['res.users']
existing_logins = set()
existing_oauth = set()
for u in Users.with_context(active_test=False).search([]):
existing_oauth .add((u.oauth_provider_id.id, u.oauth_uid))
existing_partners = Partners.with_context(active_test=False).search([
'|', ('email', 'in', [u['email'] for u in users]),
('github_login', 'in', [u['github_login'] for u in users])
_logger.info("Found %d existing matching partners.", len(existing_partners))
partners = {}
for p in existing_partners:
if p.email:
# email is not unique, though we want it to be (probably)
current = partners.get(p.email)
if current:
"Lookup conflict: %r set on two partners %r and %r.",
p.email, current.display_name, p.display_name,
partners[p.email] = p
if p.github_login:
# assume there can't be an existing one because github_login is
# unique, and should not be able to collide with emails
partners[p.github_login.casefold()] = p
portal = env.ref('base.group_portal')
internal = env.ref('base.group_user')
odoo_provider = env.ref('auth_oauth.provider_openerp')
to_create = []
updated = 0
to_activate = Partners
for new in users:
if 'sub' in new:
new['oauth_provider_id'] = odoo_provider.id
new['oauth_uid'] = new.pop('sub')
# prioritise by github_login as that's the unique-est point of information
current = partners.get(new['github_login'].casefold()) or partners.get(new['email']) or Partners
if not current.active:
to_activate |= current
# if partner has a user, update it (and re-enable it if necessary)
if user := current.user_ids:
if len(user) != 1:
_logger.warning("Got %d users for partner %s, updating first.", len(user), current.display_name)
user = user[:1]
new.setdefault("active", True)
update_vals = {
k: v
for k, v in new.items()
if v != (user[k].id if k == 'oauth_provider_id' else user[k])
if user.has_group('base.group_portal'):
update_vals['groups_id'] = [
if update_vals:
updated += 1
else: # otherwise create it
if not new['email']:
"Unable to create user for %s: no email in provisioning data",
if 'oauth_uid' in new:
if (new['oauth_provider_id'], new['oauth_uid']) in existing_oauth:
"Attempted to create user with duplicate oauth uid "
"%s with provider %r for provisioning entry %r. "
"There is likely a duplicate partner (one version "
"with email, one with github login)",
new['oauth_uid'], odoo_provider.display_name, new,
if new['email'] in existing_logins:
"Attempted to create user with duplicate login %s for "
"provisioning entry %r. There is likely a duplicate "
"partner (one version with email, one with github "
new['email'], new,
new['login'] = new['email']
new['groups_id'] = [Command.link(internal.id)]
# entry has partner -> create user linked to existing partner
# (and update partner implicitly)
if current:
new['partner_id'] = current.id
created = len(to_create)
if to_create:
# only create 100 users at a time to avoid request timeout
if to_activate:
to_activate.active = True
_logger.info("Provisioning: created %d updated %d.", created, updated)
return [created, updated]
# deprecated endpoint (redundant with /users)
@from_role('accounts', signed=True)
@route(['/runbot_merge/get_reviewers'], type='json', auth='public')
def fetch_reviewers(self, **kwargs):
return request.env['res.users'].sudo()\
.search_fetch([('github_login', '!=', False)], ['github_login'])\
@from_role('accounts', signed=True)
'/runbot_merge/remove_reviewers', # deprecated URL
], type='json', auth='public', methods=['POST'])
def disable_users(self, github_logins, **kwargs):
partners = request.env['res.partner'].sudo().search([('github_login', 'in', github_logins)])
'email': False,
'parent_id': False,
'review_rights': [Command.clear()],
'delegate_reviewer': [Command.clear()],
'active': False,
'groups_id': [Command.set([request.env.ref('base.group_portal').id])]
return True