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synced 2025-03-15 23:45:44 +07:00

The primary variables are also used in the backend, and they get manipulated via SCSS, so setting the SCSS link-color to a `var()` expression blows up the backend.
124 lines
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124 lines
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// resets a bunch of CSS rules to either `inherit` color or use CSS variables,
// such that they properly follow CSS variables
:root, :root.light {
color-scheme: light dark;
// dunno why it's not global
--bg-opacity: 1;
--link-color: var(--primary);
--link-hover-color: color-mix(in oklch, var(--link-color), var(--dark));
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
--#{$variable-prefix}#{$color}-bg-rgb: #{to-rgb(hsl(
max(saturation($value) - 16%, 0%),
// the adjusted danger is too saturated and a bit odd, rather than bother with
// adjusting the conversion just set the value we want
--danger-bg-rgb: 242, 222, 222;
@function invlight($value) {
@return hsl(hue($value), saturation($value), 100% - lightness($value));
@mixin darkrules {
$ibc: invlight($body-color);
--body-color: #{$ibc};
--body-color-rgb: #{to-rgb($ibc)};
$ibg: $gray-900;
--body-bg: #{$ibg};
--body-bg-rgb: #{to-rgb($ibg)};
@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
$value: invlight($value);
--#{$color}: #{$value};
--#{$color}-rgb: #{to_rgb($value)};
--#{$color}-bg-rgb: #{to-rgb(hsl(
min(saturation($value) + 16%, 100%),
--success-bg-rgb: 17, 68, 28;
--danger-bg-rgb: 96, 32, 32;
:root.dark {
@include darkrules;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root:not(.light) {
@include darkrules;
body {
font-family: inherit;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6{
color: inherit;
margin-top: 0.66em !important;
margin-bottom: 0.33em !important;
a, .nav-link {
color: var(--link-color);
&:hover, &:focus {
color: var(--link-hover-color);
.table-success, .table-info, .table-warning, .table-danger {
color: inherit;
.navbar-light {
background-color: var(--body-bg);
color: inherit;
// reset the table and alert bg rules so they use the generic (rg)bg variables
@each $category, $_ in $theme-colors {
.alert-#{$category} {
// inline alert-variant as it can't handle ~~the truth~~ CSS variables
background-color: rgba(var(--#{$category}-bg-rgb), var(--bg-opacity));
border-color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--#{$category}) #{-$alert-border-scale}, var(--light));
color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--#{$category}) #{$alert-color-scale}, var(--dark));
a {
color: color-mix(
in srgb,
in srgb,
var(--#{$category}) #{$alert-color-scale},
) 80%,
.table-#{$category} {
$c: rgba(var(--#{$category}-bg-rgb), var(--bg-opacity));
--table-bg: #{$c};
--table-accent-bg: transparent;
&.table-active {
--table-bg: color-mix(in oklch, #{$c} 85%, var(--#{$category}));
.dropdown-menu {
color: var(--body-color);
background-color: var(--body-bg);
.dropdown-item {
color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--link-color) 85%, var(--light));
&:hover, &:focus {
color: color-mix(in srgb, var(--link-color), var(--dark));
// TODO: doesn't work for statuses (doesn't combine with .bg-{category}
background-color: oklch(from var(--dark) l c h / 0.1);