Xavier Morel 884306428e [FIX] runbot_merge: avoid disappearing closed batches from stagings
This is only a temporary / partial fix (see #1100 for further issues)
but it solves the most obvious problem of a batch having a single PR,
being staged, the staging fails, the PR gets closed, and the batch
disappearing from the staging.

The issue remains that stagings don't actually reflect the state as of
the staging, since they link to the updated version of batches rather
than the version as of staging. That probably can't be fixed if we
want to keep track of everything *but* for documentary and display
purposes the staging should store the state of batches and
PRs (e.g. as JSON) as of its creation.

Fixes #1079
2025-03-13 12:21:21 +01:00

668 lines
32 KiB

<function model="" name="write">
<value eval="ref('website.homepage_page')"/>
<value eval="{'active': False}"/>
<template id="link-pr" name="create a link to `pr`">
<t t-set="title"
t-value="pr.message.split('\n', 1)[0] if pr.repository.group_id &lt;= env.user.groups_id else ''"/>
<t t-set="title">
<t t-if="title and pr.blocked" >
<t t-out="title"/>: <t t-out="pr.blocked"/>
<t t-else="">
<t t-out="pr.blocked or title"/>
<a t-attf-href="{{ }}/pull/{{ pr.number }}"
t-att-target="target or None"
t-att-class="classes or None"
><t t-esc="pr.display_name"/></a>
<template id="staging-statuses" name="dropdown statuses list of stagings">
<div class="dropdown" t-if="staging.heads">
<button class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle"
t-attf-title="Staged at {{staging.staged_at}}Z for {{round(staging.staging_duration)}}s"
<t t-out="0"/>
<span class="caret"></span>
<div class="dropdown-menu staging-statuses">
<a groups="runbot_merge.group_admin"
class="dropdown-item" role="menuitem"
Open Staging
<t t-set="statuses" t-value="{(r, c): (s, t) for r, c, s, t in staging.statuses}"/>
<t t-foreach="repo_statuses._for_staging(staging)" t-as="req">
<t t-set="st" t-value="statuses.get((, req.context)) or (None, None)"/>
<a t-att-href="st[1]" target="new" role="menuitem" t-attf-class="
{{'bg-success' if st[0] == 'success'
else 'bg-danger' if st[0] in ('error', 'failure')
else 'bg-info' if st[0]
else 'bg-light'}}">
<t t-esc=""/>: <t t-esc="req.context"/>
<template id="alerts">
<div id="alerts" class="row text-center">
<div class="alert alert-light col-md-12 h6 mb-0">
<a href="/runbot_merge/changelog">Changelog</a>
<t t-set="stagingcron" t-value="env(user=1).ref('runbot_merge.staging_cron')"/>
<div t-if="not" class="alert alert-warning col-12 mb-0" role="alert">
Staging is disabled, "ready" pull requests will not be staged.
<t t-set="mergecron" t-value="env(user=1).ref('runbot_merge.merge_cron')"/>
<div t-if="not" class="alert alert-warning col-12 mb-0" role="alert">
Merging is disabled, stagings will not be integrated.
<template id="dashboard" name="mergebot dashboard">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<t t-call="runbot_merge.alerts"/>
<ul class="nav justify-content-center mt-3">
<li t-foreach="projects" t-as="project"
<a t-attf-href="#project-{{}}" class="nav-link">
<t t-out=""/>
t-foreach="projects" t-as="project"
class="row" t-attf-id="project-{{}}"
<h1 class="col-md-12"><t t-out=""/></h1>
<div class="col-md-12">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li class="bg-success">success (hopefully merged)</li>
<li class="bg-info">ongoing</li>
<li class="bg-danger">failure</li>
<li class="bg-gray-lighter">cancelled</li>
<section t-foreach="project.branch_ids" t-as="branch" t-if="" class="col-md-12">
<a t-attf-href="/runbot_merge/{{}}">
<t t-out=""/>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.stagings"/>
<t t-set="splits" t-value="branch.split_ids"/>
<t t-set="ready_unstaged" t-value="
('target', '=',,
('state', '=', 'ready'),
('staging_id', '=', False),
]) - splits.mapped('batch_ids.prs')
<t t-set="ready" t-value="ready_unstaged.filtered(lambda p: not p.blocked)"/>
<t t-set="blocked" t-value="ready_unstaged.filtered(lambda p: p.blocked)"/>
<div t-if="splits" class="splits bg-warning pr-awaiting">
<small class="text-muted">will be staged next</small>
<li t-foreach="splits" t-as="split">
<ul class="pr-listing list-inline list-unstyled mb0">
<li t-foreach="split.mapped('batch_ids.prs')" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<div t-if="ready" class="pr-listing pr-awaiting bg-warning">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-foreach="ready" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<div t-if="blocked" class="pr-listing pr-blocked bg-info">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-foreach="blocked" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<t t-set="failed" t-value="
('target', '=',,
('state', '=', 'error'),
('staging_id', '=', False),
<div t-if="failed" class="pr-listing pr-failed bg-danger">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li t-foreach="failed" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<template id="stagings" name="mergebot branch stagings">
<t t-set="repo_statuses" t-value="branch.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(branch).status_ids"/>
<ul class="list-unstyled stagings">
<t t-foreach="stagings_map[branch]" t-as="staging">
<t t-set="success" t-value="staging.state == 'success'"/>
<t t-set="failure" t-value="staging.state == 'failure'"/>
<t t-set="pending" t-value=" and (not staging.state or staging.state == 'pending')"/>
<t t-set="stateclass">
<t t-if="success">bg-success <t t-if="">bg-unmerged</t></t>
<t t-if="failure">bg-danger</t>
<t t-if="pending">bg-info</t>
<t t-if="not (success or failure or pending)">bg-gray-lighter</t>
<t t-set="decorationclass" >
<t t-if="4 > staging_index >= 2">d-none d-md-block</t>
<t t-if="staging_index >= 4">d-none d-lg-block</t>
<t t-set="title">
<t t-if="staging.state == 'success'"/>
<t t-else="">
<t t-if="staging.state == 'pending'">last status</t
><t t-elif="staging.state == 'ff_failed'">fast forward failed (<t t-out="(staging.reason or '').replace('\'', '')"/>)</t
><t t-else="" t-out="(staging.reason or '').replace('\'', '')"
/> at <t t-out="(staging.staging_end or staging.write_date).replace(microsecond=0)"/>Z
<li t-attf-class="staging {{stateclass.strip()}} {{decorationclass.strip()}}" t-att-title="title.strip() or None">
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li t-foreach="staging.batch_ids" t-as="batch"
t-attf-class="batch {{'' if else 'text-decoration-line-through'}}">
<t t-esc=""/>
<t t-if="">
<t t-foreach="batch.prs" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<t t-else="">
<t t-foreach="batch.all_prs" t-as="pr">
<t t-call=""/>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.staging-statuses">
Staged <span t-field="staging.staged_at" t-options="{'widget': 'relative'}"/>
(duration <span t-field="staging.staging_duration" t-options="{
'widget': 'duration',
'format': 'short',
'round': 'minute'
<template id="branch_stagings" name="mergebot stagings page">
<t t-set="repo_statuses" t-value="branch.project_id.repo_ids.having_branch(branch).status_ids"/>
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<section class="row">
<h1 class="col-md-12"><t t-esc=""/>: <t t-esc=""/></h1>
<form method="get">
<label for="until">Staged before:</label>
<input type="datetime-local" name="until" t-att-value="until"/>
<label for="state">State:</label>
<select name="state">
<option t-att-selected="'selected' if not state else None"/>
<option t-att-selected="'selected' if state == 'success' else None" value="success">Success</option>
<option t-att-selected="'selected' if state == 'failure' else None" value="failure">Failure</option>
<button type="submit">Apply</button>
<t t-foreach="stagings" t-as="staging">
<t t-set="success"
t-value="staging.state == 'success'"/>
<t t-set="failure"
t-value="staging.state == 'failure'"/>
<t t-set="pending"
t-value=" and (not staging.state or staging.state == 'pending')"/>
<t t-set="stateclass">
<t t-if="success">bg-success</t>
<t t-if="failure">bg-danger</t>
<t t-if="pending">bg-info</t>
<t t-if="not (success or failure or pending)">
<t t-set="title">
<t t-if="staging.state == 'ff_failed'">
Fast Forward Failed
<t t-elif="staging.state == 'canceled'">
Cancelled<t t-if="staging.reason">: <t t-out="staging.reason.replace('\'', '')"/></t>
<t t-else="">
<t t-out="(staging.reason or '').replace('\'', '')"/>
<tr t-att-class="stateclass"
style="border-bottom: 1px solid gainsboro; vertical-align: top">
<th t-att-title="title.strip() or None">
<t t-if="not staging.heads">
<span t-field="staging.staged_at"
t-options="{'format': 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ssZ'}"/>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.staging-statuses">
<span t-field="staging.staged_at"
t-options="{'format': 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ssZ'}"/>
in <span t-field="staging.staging_duration" t-options="{
'widget': 'duration',
'format': 'narrow',
'round': 'minute'
<ul class="list-inline list-unstyled mb0">
<t t-foreach="staging.batch_ids"
<t t-set="first_pr"
<li class="dropdown" t-if="first_pr">
<button class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle"
<t t-esc="first_pr.label"/>
<span class="caret"></span>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<t t-foreach="batch.prs" t-as="pr">
<t t-call="">
<t t-set="target">new</t>
<t t-set="classes">dropdown-item</t>
<t t-if="next">
<a t-attf-href="/runbot_merge/{{}}?until={{next}}&amp;state={{state}}">
Next >
<template id="changelog" name="mergebot changelog">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<section t-foreach="entries" t-as="entry">
<h3 t-if="not entry_first" t-esc="entry"/>
<li t-foreach="sorted(entry_value)" t-as="item">
<t t-out="item"/>
<template id="view_pull_request_info_merged">
<div class="alert alert-success">
<t t-if="merged_head">
at <a t-attf-href="{{}}/commit/{{merged_head}}"><t t-esc="merged_head"/></a>
<t t-foreach="pr.repository.status_ids._for_pr(pr)" t-as="ci">
<t t-set="st" t-value="statuses.get(ci.context.strip())"/>
<li t-if="st">
<a t-att-href="st.get('target_url') if st else None"><t t-esc="ci.context.strip()"/></a><t t-if="st and st.get('description')">: <t t-esc="st['description']"/></t>
<t t-set="linked_prs" t-value="pr._linked_prs"/>
<div t-if="linked_prs">
Linked pull requests
<li t-foreach="linked_prs" t-as="linked">
<a t-att-href="linked.url" t-field="linked.display_name"/>
<template id="view_pull_request_info_closed">
<div class="alert alert-light">
<template id="view_pull_request_info_error">
<div class="alert alert-danger">
<span t-esc="pr.with_context(active_test=False).batch_id.staging_ids[-1:].reason">
Unable to stage PR
<template id="view_pull_request_info_staging">
<div class="alert alert-primary">
Staged <span t-field="pr.staging_id.staged_at" t-options="{'widget': 'relative'}"/>.
<t t-set="linked_prs" t-value="pr._linked_prs"/>
<div t-if="linked_prs">
Linked pull requests
<li t-foreach="linked_prs" t-as="linked">
<a t-att-href="linked.url" t-field="linked.display_name"/>
<template id="view_pull_request_info_open">
<!-- nb: replicates `blocked`, maybe that should be split into various criteria? -->
<div class="alert alert-info">
<p t-if="pr.blocked" class="alert-danger">Blocked</p>
<p t-else="" class="alert-success">Ready (waiting for staging)</p>
<ul class="todo">
<li t-att-class="'ok' if pr.squash or pr.merge_method else 'fail'">
Merge method
<li t-att-class="'ok' if pr._approved else 'fail'">
<li t-att-class="'ok' if pr.state not in ('opened', 'approved') else ''">
<ul class="todo">
<t t-foreach="pr.repository.status_ids._for_pr(pr)" t-as="ci">
<t t-set="st" t-value="statuses.get(ci.context.strip())"/>
<t t-set="result">
<t t-if="not st or st['state'] == 'pending'"></t>
<t t-elif="st['state'] in ('error', 'failure')">fail</t>
<t t-else="">ok</t>
<li t-if="ci.prs == 'required' or st" t-att-class="result">
<a t-att-href="st.get('target_url') if st else None"><t t-esc="ci.context.strip()"/></a><t t-if="st and st.get('description')">: <t t-esc="st['description']"/></t>
<t t-set="linked_prs" t-value="pr._linked_prs"/>
<li t-if="linked_prs" t-att-class="'ok' if all(l._ready for l in linked_prs) else 'fail'">
Linked pull requests
<ul class="todo">
<t t-foreach="linked_prs" t-as="linked">
<li t-att-class="'ok' if linked._ready else 'fail'">
<a t-att-href="linked.url" t-field="linked.display_name"/>
<template id="view_pull_request">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<div id="wrap"><div class="container-fluid">
<t t-call="runbot_merge.alerts"/>
<a t-att-href="pr.github_url" t-field="pr.display_name">
<a t-attf-href="/web#view_type=form&amp;model=runbot_merge.pull_requests&amp;id={{}}"
class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary align-top float-end"
groups="runbot_merge.group_admin">View in backend</a>
<h6>Created by <span t-field=""/></h6>
<t t-set="tmpl">
<t t-if="pr.state in ('merged', 'closed', 'error')"><t t-esc="pr.state"/></t>
<t t-elif="pr.staging_id">staging</t>
<t t-else="">open</t>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.view_pull_request_info_{{tmpl.strip()}}"/>
<dl class="runbot-merge-fields">
<dd><span t-field="pr.label"/></dd>
<dd><a t-attf-href="{{pr.github_url}}/commits/{{pr.head}}"><span t-field="pr.head"/></a></dd>
<t t-call="runbot_merge.dashboard-table"/>
<p t-field="pr.message_html"/>
<record id="dashboard-pre" model="ir.actions.server">
<field name="name">Preparation for the preparation of the PR dashboard content</field>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="base.model_ir_qweb"/>
<field name="code"><![CDATA[
project = pr.repository.project_id
genealogy = pr.batch_id.genealogy_ids
repos = project.repo_ids & genealogy.all_prs.repository
targets =
if not genealogy:
# if a PR is closed, it may not have a batch to get a genealogy from,
# in which case it's just a sole soul drifting in the deep dark
branches =
repos = pr.repository
elif all(p.state in ('merged', 'closed') for p in genealogy[-1].all_prs):
branches = (project.branch_ids & targets)[::-1]
elif pr.batch_id.fw_policy == 'no':
branches =
# if the tip of the genealogy is not closed, extend to the furthest limit,
# keeping branches which are active or have an associated batch / PR
limit = min(genealogy.prs.limit_id, key=lambda b: (b.sequence,, default=None)
limit_high = project.branch_ids.ids.index( if limit else None
limit = max(targets, key=lambda b: (b.sequence,
limit_low = project.branch_ids.ids.index(
branches = project.branch_ids[limit_high:limit_low+1].filtered(lambda b: or b in targets)[::-1]
action = (project, repos, branches, genealogy)
<record id="dashboard-prep" model="ir.actions.server">
<field name="name">Preparation of the PR dashboard content</field>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="base.model_ir_qweb"/>
<field name="code"><![CDATA[
batches = {}
for branch in [*branches, branches.browse(())]:
if genealogy:
prs_batch = genealogy.filtered(lambda b: == branch).all_prs
if not (branch or prs_batch):
prs_batch = pr
for repo in repos:
prs = prs_batch.filtered(lambda p: p.repository == repo)
st = 0
detached = False
pr_fmt = []
for p in prs:
st |= (bool(p.error) << 2 | (p.state == 'merged') << 1 | bool(p.blocked) << 0)
done = p.state in ('closed', 'merged')
# this will hide the detachment signal when the PRs are merged/closed, cleaner but less correct?
detached = detached or bool(p.source_id and not p.parent_id and not done)
label = p.state
if p.blocked:
label = "%s, %s" % (label, p.blocked)
'pr': p,
'number': p.number,
'label': label,
'closed': p.closed,
'backend_url': "/web#view_type=form&model=runbot_merge.pull_requests&id=%d" %,
'github_url': p.github_url,
'checked': done or p.status == 'success',
'reviewed': done or bool(p.reviewed_by),
'attached': done or p.parent_id or not p.source_id,
'merge_date': p.merge_date or '',
state = None
for i, s in zip(range(2, -1, -1), ['danger', 'success', 'warning']):
if st & (1 << i):
state = s
batches[repo, branch] = {
'active': pr in prs,
'detached': detached,
'state': state,
'prs': pr_fmt,
'pr_ids': prs,
action = batches
<template id="dashboard-table">
<t t-set="pre" t-value="pr.env.ref('runbot_merge.dashboard-pre').sudo()._run_action_code_multi({'pr': pr})"/>
<t t-set="repos" t-value="pre[1]"/>
<t t-set="branches" t-value="pre[2]"/>
<t t-set="batches" t-value="env.ref('runbot_merge.dashboard-prep').sudo()._run_action_code_multi({
'pr': pr,
'repos': repos,
'branches': branches,
'genealogy': pre[3],
<div t-if="not" class="alert alert-danger">
<p>Inconsistent targets:</p>
<ul><li t-foreach="pr.batch_id.prs" t-as="p">
<a t-att-href="p.url"><t t-out="p.display_name"/></a> has target '<t t-out=""/>'</li></ul>
<table t-else="" class="table table-bordered table-sm">
<col t-foreach="repos" t-as="repo"
t-att-class="'bg-info' if repo == pr.repository else None"
<th t-foreach="repos" t-as="repo">
<t t-out=""/>
table-info looks like shit (possibly because no odoo styling so use bg-info
text-muted doesn't do anything, so set some opacity
<tr t-foreach="branches" t-as="branch"
t-att-title="None if else 'branch is disabled'"
'bg-info' if branch == else ''
}} {{
'inactive' if not else ''
<td t-out=" or ''"/>
<t t-foreach="repos" t-as="repo">
<t t-set="ps" t-value="batches[repo, branch]"/>
<t t-set="stateclass" t-value="ps['state'] and 'table-'+ps['state']"/>
<t t-set="detached" t-value="ps['detached']"/>
<td t-if="ps['prs']"
t-att-title="'detached' if detached else None"
'table-active' if ps['active'] else ''
}} {{
'detached' if detached else ''
there should be only one PR per (repo, target) but
that's not always the case
<span t-foreach="ps['prs']" t-as="p"
t-att-title="p['label'] + (p['merge_date'] and (f' at ' + str(p['merge_date'])))"
t-att-class="'closed' if p['closed'] else None">
<a t-attf-href="/{{}}/pull/{{p['number']}}">#<t t-out="p['number']"/></a>
<sup t-if="p['merge_date'] and request.session.debug" t-out="p['merge_date']"/>
<a t-attf-class="fa fa-brands fa-github"
title="Open on Github"
<a groups="runbot_merge.group_admin"
title="Open in Backend"
t-attf-class="fa fa-external-link"
<sup t-if="not p['checked']" class="text-danger">missing statuses</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['reviewed']" class="text-danger">missing r+</sup>
<sup t-if="not p['attached']"
t-attf-title="detached: {{p['pr'].detach_reason}}"
class="text-warning fa fa-unlink"/>
<sup t-if="p['pr'].staging_id" class="text-success">
<sup t-elif="p['pr']._ready" class="text-success">
<td t-else=""/>
<template id="theme-script" inherit_id="website.layout">
<xpath expr="//head" position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript"
<template id="theme-toggle" inherit_id="website.placeholder_header_call_to_action">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle theme-toggle">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary fa fa-sun-o"/>
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary fa fa-moon-o"/>
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary fa fa-ban active"/>