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synced 2025-03-15 23:45:44 +07:00

Previously it would count the number of source PRs with outstanding forward ports, which is not the count from the home page so that was confusing. Also add counts next to the groups, so teams can be identified at a glance. And finally outline the current user in the list, so they can find themselves faster when they're not one of the top entries.
101 lines
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101 lines
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import collections
import datetime
import pathlib
import werkzeug.urls
from odoo.http import route, request
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.addons.runbot_merge.controllers.dashboard import MergebotDashboard
DEFAULT_DELTA = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
class Dashboard(MergebotDashboard):
def _entries(self):
changelog = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'changelog'
if not changelog.is_dir():
return super()._entries()
return super()._entries() + [
(d.name, [f.read_text(encoding='utf-8') for f in d.iterdir() if f.is_file()])
for d in changelog.iterdir()
@route('/forwardport/outstanding', type='http', methods=['GET'], auth="user", website=True, sitemap=False)
def outstanding(self, partner=0, authors=True, reviewers=True, group=0):
Partners = request.env['res.partner']
PullRequests = request.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']
partner = Partners.browse(int(partner))
group = Partners.browse(int(group))
authors = int(authors)
reviewers = int(reviewers)
link = lambda **kw: '?' + werkzeug.urls.url_encode({'partner': partner.id or 0, 'authors': authors, 'reviewers': reviewers, **kw, })
groups = Partners.search([('is_company', '=', True), ('child_ids', '!=', False)])
if not (authors or reviewers):
return request.render('forwardport.outstanding', {
'authors': 0,
'reviewers': 0,
'single': partner,
'culprits': partner,
'groups': groups,
'current_group': group,
'outstanding': [],
'outstanding_per_author': {partner: 0},
'outstanding_per_reviewer': {partner: 0},
'link': link,
source_filter = [('merge_date', '<', datetime.datetime.now() - DEFAULT_DELTA)]
partner_filter = []
if partner or group:
if partner:
suffix = ''
arg = partner.id
suffix = '.commercial_partner_id'
arg = group.id
if authors:
partner_filter.append([(f'author{suffix}', '=', arg)])
if reviewers:
partner_filter.append([(f'reviewed_by{suffix}', '=', arg)])
outstanding = PullRequests.search([
('state', 'in', ['opened', 'validated', 'approved', 'ready', 'error']),
('source_id', 'in', PullRequests._search(source_filter)),
outstanding_per_group = collections.Counter()
outstanding_per_author = collections.Counter()
outstanding_per_reviewer = collections.Counter()
outstandings = []
for source in outstanding.mapped('source_id').sorted('merge_date'):
prs = source.forwardport_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.state not in ['merged', 'closed'])
'source': source,
'prs': prs,
if authors:
outstanding_per_author[source.author] += len(prs)
outstanding_per_group[source.author.commercial_partner_id] += len(prs)
if reviewers and source:
outstanding_per_reviewer[source.reviewed_by] += len(prs)
outstanding_per_group[source.reviewed_by.commercial_partner_id] += len(prs)
culprits = Partners.browse(p.id for p, _ in (outstanding_per_reviewer + outstanding_per_author).most_common())
return request.render('forwardport.outstanding', {
'authors': authors,
'reviewers': reviewers,
'single': partner,
'culprits': culprits,
'groups': groups,
'current_group': group,
'outstanding_per_author': outstanding_per_author,
'outstanding_per_reviewer': outstanding_per_reviewer,
'outstanding_per_group': outstanding_per_group,
'outstanding': outstandings,
'link': link,