mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 08:55:48 +07:00

Got a bunch of updates since the initial attempt to migrate the mergebot before the odoo days.
534 lines
22 KiB
534 lines
22 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import re
import secrets
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Iterator
import requests
from psycopg2 import sql
from odoo import models, fields, api
from .utils import enum
from .. import git
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FOOTER = '\nMore info at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Mergebot#forward-port\n'
class StagingBatch(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot_merge.staging.batch'
_description = "link between batches and staging in order to maintain an " \
"ordering relationship between the batches of a staging"
_log_access = False
_order = 'id'
runbot_merge_batch_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.batch', required=True)
runbot_merge_stagings_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.stagings', required=True)
def init(self):
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS runbot_merge_staging_batch_idx
ON {table} (runbot_merge_stagings_id, runbot_merge_batch_id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS runbot_merge_staging_batch_rev
ON {table} (runbot_merge_batch_id) INCLUDE (runbot_merge_stagings_id);
class Batch(models.Model):
""" A batch is a "horizontal" grouping of *codependent* PRs: PRs with
the same label & target but for different repositories. These are
assumed to be part of the same "change" smeared over multiple
repositories e.g. change an API in repo1, this breaks use of that API
in repo2 which now needs to be updated.
_name = 'runbot_merge.batch'
_description = "batch of pull request"
_inherit = ['mail.thread']
_parent_store = True
_order = "id desc"
name = fields.Char(compute="_compute_name", search="_search_name")
target = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.branch', store=True, compute='_compute_target')
batch_staging_ids = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.staging.batch', 'runbot_merge_batch_id')
staging_ids = fields.Many2many(
context={'active_test': False},
split_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.split', index=True)
all_prs = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.pull_requests', 'batch_id')
prs = fields.One2many('runbot_merge.pull_requests', compute='_compute_open_prs', search='_search_open_prs')
active = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_active', store=True, help="closed batches (batches containing only closed PRs)")
fw_policy = fields.Selection([
('no', "Do not port forward"),
('default', "Default"),
('skipci', "Skip CI"),
], required=True, default="default", string="Forward Port Policy", tracking=True)
merge_date = fields.Datetime(tracking=True)
# having skipchecks skip both validation *and approval* makes sense because
# it's batch-wise, having to approve individual PRs is annoying
skipchecks = fields.Boolean(
string="Skips Checks",
default=False, tracking=True,
help="Forces entire batch to be ready, skips validation and approval",
cancel_staging = fields.Boolean(
string="Cancels Stagings",
default=False, tracking=True,
help="Cancels current staging on target branch when becoming ready"
priority = fields.Selection([
('default', "Default"),
('priority', "Priority"),
('alone', "Alone"),
], default='default', group_operator=None, required=True, tracking=True,
column_type=enum(_name, 'priority'),
blocked = fields.Char(store=True, compute="_compute_blocked")
# unlike on PRs, this does not get detached... ? (because batches can be
# partially detached so that's a PR-level concern)
parent_path = fields.Char(index=True, unaccent=False)
parent_id = fields.Many2one("runbot_merge.batch")
genealogy_ids = fields.Many2many(
context={"active_test": False},
def _compute_staging_ids(self):
for batch in self:
batch.staging_ids = batch.batch_staging_ids.runbot_merge_stagings_id
def source(self):
return self.browse(map(int, self.parent_path.split('/', 1)[:1]))
def descendants(self, include_self: bool = False) -> Iterator[Batch]:
# in DB both will prefix-match on the literal prefix then apply a
# trivial filter (even though the filter is technically unnecessary for
# the first form), doing it like this means we don't have to `- self`
# in the ``not include_self`` case
if include_self:
pattern = self.parent_path + '%'
pattern = self.parent_path + '_%'
act = self.env.context.get('active_test', True)
return self\
.search([("parent_path", '=like', pattern)], order="parent_path")\
# also depends on all the descendants of the source or sth
def _compute_genealogy(self):
for batch in self:
sid = next(iter(batch.parent_path.split('/', 1)))
batch.genealogy_ids = self \
.search([("parent_path", "=like", f"{sid}/%")], order="parent_path")\
def _auto_init(self):
for field in self._fields.values():
if not isinstance(field, fields.Selection) or field.column_type[0] == 'varchar':
t = field.column_type[1]
self.env.cr.execute("SELECT FROM pg_type WHERE typname = %s", [t])
if not self.env.cr.rowcount:
[tuple(s for s, _ in field.selection)]
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS runbot_merge_batch_ready_idx
ON runbot_merge_batch (target, priority)
WHERE blocked IS NULL;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS runbot_merge_batch_parent_id_idx
ON runbot_merge_batch (parent_id)
WHERE parent_id IS NOT NULL;
def _compute_active(self):
for b in self:
b.active = not all(p.closed for p in b.all_prs)
def _compute_open_prs(self):
for b in self:
b.prs = b.all_prs.filtered(lambda p: not p.closed)
def _search_open_prs(self, operator, value):
return [('all_prs', operator, value), ('active', '=', True)]
def _compute_name(self):
for batch in self:
batch.name = batch.prs[:1].label or batch.all_prs[:1].label
def _search_name(self, operator, value):
return [('all_prs.label', operator, value)]
@api.depends("all_prs.target", "all_prs.closed")
def _compute_target(self):
for batch in self:
targets = batch.prs.mapped('target') or batch.all_prs.mapped('target')
batch.target = targets if len(targets) == 1 else False
"prs.error", "prs.draft",
"prs.status", "prs.reviewed_by", "prs.target",
def _compute_blocked(self):
for batch in self:
if batch.merge_date:
batch.blocked = "Merged."
elif not batch.active:
batch.blocked = "all prs are closed"
elif len(targets := batch.prs.mapped('target')) > 1:
batch.blocked = f"Multiple target branches: {', '.join(targets.mapped('name'))!r}"
elif blocking := batch.prs.filtered(
lambda p: p.error or p.draft
batch.blocked = "Pull request(s) %s blocked." % ', '.join(blocking.mapped('display_name'))
elif not batch.skipchecks and (unready := batch.prs.filtered(
lambda p: not (p.reviewed_by and p.status == "success")
unreviewed = ', '.join(unready.filtered(lambda p: not p.reviewed_by).mapped('display_name'))
unvalidated = ', '.join(unready.filtered(lambda p: p.status == 'pending').mapped('display_name'))
failed = ', '.join(unready.filtered(lambda p: p.status == 'failure').mapped('display_name'))
batch.blocked = "Pull request(s) %s." % ', '.join(filter(None, [
unreviewed and f"{unreviewed} are waiting for review",
unvalidated and f"{unvalidated} are waiting for CI",
failed and f"{failed} have failed CI",
if batch.blocked:
if batch.cancel_staging:
if splits := batch.target.split_ids:
'unstaged by %s becoming ready',
', '.join(batch.prs.mapped('display_name')),
batch.blocked = False
def _port_forward(self):
if not self:
proj = self.target.project_id
if not proj.fp_github_token:
"Can not forward-port %s (%s): no token on project %s",
', '.join(self.prs.mapped('display_name')),
notarget = [r.name for r in self.prs.repository if not r.fp_remote_target]
if notarget:
"Can not forward-port %s (%s): repos %s don't have a forward port remote configured",
', '.join(self.prs.mapped('display_name')),
', '.join(notarget),
all_sources = [(p.source_id or p) for p in self.prs]
all_targets = [p._find_next_target() for p in self.prs]
if all(t is None for t in all_targets):
# TODO: maybe add a feedback message?
"Will not forward port %s (%s): no next target",
', '.join(self.prs.mapped('display_name'))
PRs = self.env['runbot_merge.pull_requests']
targets = defaultdict(lambda: PRs)
for p, t in zip(self.prs, all_targets):
if t:
targets[t] |= p
_logger.info("Skip forward porting %s (of %s): no next target", p.display_name, self)
# all the PRs *with a next target* should have the same, we can have PRs
# stopping forward port earlier but skipping... probably not
if len(targets) != 1:
for t, prs in targets.items():
linked, other = next((
(linked, other)
for other, linkeds in targets.items()
if other != t
for linked in linkeds
for pr in prs:
format_args={'pr': pr, 'linked': linked, 'next': t.name, 'other': other.name},
"Cancelling forward-port of %s (%s): found different next branches (%s)",
', '.join(self.prs.mapped('display_name')),
', '.join(t.name for t in targets),
target, prs = next(iter(targets.items()))
# this is run by the cron, no need to check if otherwise scheduled:
# either the scheduled job is this one, or it's an other scheduling
# which will run after this one and will see the port already exists
if self.search_count([('parent_id', '=', self.id), ('target', '=', target.id)]):
"Will not forward-port %s (%s): already ported",
', '.join(prs.mapped('display_name'))
# the base PR is the PR with the "oldest" target
base = max(all_sources, key=lambda p: (p.target.sequence, p.target.name))
# take only the branch bit
new_branch = '%s-%s-%s-fw' % (
conflicts = {}
for pr in prs:
repo = git.get_local(pr.repository)
conflicts[pr], head = pr._create_port_branch(repo, target, forward=True)
repo.push(git.fw_url(pr.repository), f"{head}:refs/heads/{new_branch}")
gh = requests.Session()
gh.headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % proj.fp_github_token
has_conflicts = any(conflicts.values())
# could create a batch here but then we'd have to update `_from_gh` to
# take a batch and then `create` to not automatically resolve batches,
# easier to not do that.
new_batch = PRs.browse(())
self.env.cr.execute('LOCK runbot_merge_pull_requests IN SHARE MODE')
for pr in prs:
owner, _ = pr.repository.fp_remote_target.split('/', 1)
source = pr.source_id or pr
root = pr.root_id
message = source.message + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(
"Forward-Port-Of: %s" % p.display_name
for p in root | source
title, body = re.fullmatch(r'(?P<title>[^\n]+)\n*(?P<body>.*)', message, flags=re.DOTALL).groups()
r = gh.post(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{pr.repository.name}/pulls', json={
'base': target.name,
'head': f'{owner}:{new_branch}',
'title': '[FW]' + ('' if title[0] == '[' else ' ') + title,
'body': body
if not r.ok:
_logger.warning("Failed to create forward-port PR for %s, deleting branches", pr.display_name)
# delete all the branches this should automatically close the
# PRs if we've created any. Using the API here is probably
# simpler than going through the working copies
for repo in prs.mapped('repository'):
d = gh.delete(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{repo.fp_remote_target}/git/refs/heads/{new_branch}')
if d.ok:
_logger.info("Deleting %s:%s=success", repo.fp_remote_target, new_branch)
_logger.warning("Deleting %s:%s=%s", repo.fp_remote_target, new_branch, d.text)
raise RuntimeError(f"Forwardport failure: {pr.display_name} ({r.text})")
new_pr = PRs._from_gh(r.json())
_logger.info("Created forward-port PR %s", new_pr)
new_batch |= new_pr
# allows PR author to close or skipci
'merge_method': pr.merge_method,
'source_id': source.id,
# only link to previous PR of sequence if cherrypick passed
'parent_id': pr.id if not has_conflicts else False,
'detach_reason': "conflicts:\n{}".format('\n\n'.join(
for _, out, err, _ in filter(None, conflicts.values())
)) if has_conflicts else None,
if has_conflicts and pr.parent_id and pr.state not in ('merged', 'closed'):
format_args={'source': source, 'pr': pr, 'new': new_pr, 'footer': FOOTER},
for pr, new_pr in zip(prs, new_batch):
new_pr._fp_conflict_feedback(pr, conflicts)
labels = ['forwardport']
if has_conflicts:
'repository': new_pr.repository.id,
'pull_request': new_pr.number,
'tags_add': labels,
new_batch = new_batch.batch_id
new_batch.parent_id = self
# try to schedule followup
return new_batch
def _schedule_fp_followup(self, *, force_fw=False):
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__).getChild('forwardport.next')
# if the PR has a parent and is CI-validated, enqueue the next PR
scheduled = self.browse(())
for batch in self:
prs = ', '.join(batch.prs.mapped('display_name'))
_logger.info('Checking if forward-port %s (%s)', batch, prs)
# in cas of conflict or update individual PRs will "lose" their
# parent, which should prevent forward porting
# even if we force_fw, a *followup* should still only be for forward
# ports so check that the batch has a parent (which should be the
# same thing as all the PRs having a source, kinda, but cheaper,
# it's not entirely true as technically the user could have added a
# PR to the forward ported batch
if not (batch.parent_id and force_fw or all(p.parent_id for p in batch.prs)):
_logger.info('-> no parent %s (%s)', batch, prs)
if not force_fw and batch.source.fw_policy != 'skipci' \
and (invalid := batch.prs.filtered(lambda p: p.status != 'success')):
'-> wrong state %s (%s)',
', '.join(f"{p.display_name}: {p.state}" for p in invalid),
# check if we've already forward-ported this branch
next_target = batch._find_next_targets()
if not next_target:
_logger.info("-> forward port done (no next target)")
if len(next_target) > 1:
"-> cancelling forward-port of %s (%s): inconsistent next target branch (%s)",
', '.join(next_target.mapped('name')),
if n := self.search([
('target', '=', next_target.id),
('parent_id', '=', batch.id),
], limit=1):
_logger.info('-> already forward-ported (%s)', n)
_logger.info("check pending port for %s (%s)", batch, prs)
if self.env['forwardport.batches'].search_count([('batch_id', '=', batch.id)]):
_logger.warning('-> already recorded')
_logger.info('-> ok')
'batch_id': batch.id,
'source': 'fp',
scheduled |= batch
return scheduled
def _find_next_target(self):
"""Retrieves the next target from every PR, and returns it if it's the
same for all the PRs which have one (PRs without a next target are
ignored, this is considered acceptable).
If the next targets are inconsistent, returns no next target.
next_target = self._find_next_targets()
if len(next_target) == 1:
return next_target
return self.env['runbot_merge.branch'].browse(())
def _find_next_targets(self):
return self.prs.mapped(lambda p: p._find_next_target() or self.env['runbot_merge.branch'])
def write(self, vals):
if vals.get('merge_date'):
# TODO: remove condition when everything is merged
remover = self.env.get('forwardport.branch_remover')
if remover is not None:
{'pr_id': p.id}
for b in self
if not b.merge_date
for p in b.prs
if vals.get('fw_policy') == 'skipci':
nonskip = self.filtered(lambda b: b.fw_policy != 'skipci')
nonskip = self.browse(())
# if we change the policy to skip CI, schedule followups on merged
# batches which were not previously marked as skipping CI
if nonskip:
toggled = nonskip.filtered(lambda b: b.merge_date)
tips = toggled.mapped(lambda b: b.genealogy_ids[-1:])
for tip in tips:
return True
def _on_delete_clear_stagings(self):
def unlink(self):
batches can be unlinked if they:
- have run out of PRs
- and don't have a parent batch (which is not being deleted)
- and don't have a child batch (which is not being deleted)
this is to keep track of forward port histories at the batch level
unlinkable = self.filtered(
lambda b: not (b.prs or (b.parent_id - self) or (self.search([('parent_id', '=', b.id)]) - self))
return super(Batch, unlinkable).unlink()