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synced 2025-03-21 02:15:46 +07:00

slightly improved the error
message on non-PR ci failure (e.g. a community PR makes enterprise
break) by adding the failed commit, but that's still not exactly clear,
even for technical users (plus it requires having access to all the
repos which is not the case for everyone).
This commit further improves the situation by storing the target_url
and description fields of the commit statuses, and printing out the
target_url on failure if it's present.
That way the PR comment denoting build failure should now have a link to
the relevant failed build on runbot, as that's the target_url it
The change is nontrivial as it tries to be compatible with both old and
new statuses storage format, such that there is no migration to perform.
173 lines
5.7 KiB
173 lines
5.7 KiB
import collections
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import requests
from . import exceptions
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GH(object):
def __init__(self, token, repo):
self._url = 'https://api.github.com'
self._repo = repo
session = self._session = requests.Session()
session.headers['Authorization'] = 'token {}'.format(token)
def __call__(self, method, path, params=None, json=None, check=True):
:type check: bool | dict[int:Exception]
r = self._session.request(
'{}/repos/{}/{}'.format(self._url, self._repo, path),
if check:
if isinstance(check, collections.Mapping):
exc = check.get(r.status_code)
if exc:
raise exc(r.content)
return r
def head(self, branch):
d = self('get', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch)).json()
assert d['ref'] == 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch)
assert d['object']['type'] == 'commit'
return d['object']['sha']
def commit(self, sha):
return self('GET', 'git/commits/{}'.format(sha)).json()
def comment(self, pr, message):
self('POST', 'issues/{}/comments'.format(pr), json={'body': message})
def close(self, pr, message):
self.comment(pr, message)
self('PATCH', 'pulls/{}'.format(pr), json={'state': 'closed'})
def change_tags(self, pr, from_, to_):
to_add, to_remove = to_ - from_, from_ - to_
for t in to_remove:
r = self('DELETE', 'issues/{}/labels/{}'.format(pr, t), check=False)
# successful deletion or attempt to delete a tag which isn't there
# is fine, otherwise trigger an error
if r.status_code not in (200, 404):
if to_add:
self('POST', 'issues/{}/labels'.format(pr), json=list(to_add))
def fast_forward(self, branch, sha):
self('patch', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), json={'sha': sha})
except requests.HTTPError:
raise exceptions.FastForwardError()
def set_ref(self, branch, sha):
# force-update ref
r = self('patch', 'git/refs/heads/{}'.format(branch), json={
'sha': sha,
'force': True,
}, check=False)
if r.status_code == 200:
# 422 makes no sense but that's what github returns, leaving 404 just
# in case
if r.status_code in (404, 422):
# fallback: create ref
r = self('post', 'git/refs', json={
'ref': 'refs/heads/{}'.format(branch),
'sha': sha,
}, check=False)
if r.status_code == 201:
raise AssertionError("{}: {}".format(r.status_code, r.json()))
def merge(self, sha, dest, message):
r = self('post', 'merges', json={
'base': dest,
'head': sha,
'commit_message': message,
}, check={409: exceptions.MergeError})
r = r.json()
return dict(r['commit'], sha=r['sha'])
def rebase(self, pr, dest, reset=False, commits=None):
""" Rebase pr's commits on top of dest, updates dest unless ``reset``
is set.
Returns the hash of the rebased head.
original_head = self.head(dest)
if commits is None:
commits = self.commits(pr)
assert commits, "can't rebase a PR with no commits"
for c in commits:
assert len(c['parents']) == 1, "can't rebase commits with more than one parent"
tmp_msg = 'temp rebasing PR %s (%s)' % (pr, c['sha'])
c['new_tree'] = self.merge(c['sha'], dest, tmp_msg)['tree']['sha']
self.set_ref(dest, original_head)
prev = original_head
for c in commits:
copy = self('post', 'git/commits', json={
'message': c['commit']['message'],
'tree': c['new_tree'],
'parents': [prev],
'author': c['commit']['author'],
'committer': c['commit']['committer'],
}, check={409: exceptions.MergeError}).json()
prev = copy['sha']
if reset:
self.set_ref(dest, original_head)
# prev is updated after each copy so it's the rebased PR head
return prev
# fetch various bits of issues / prs to load them
def pr(self, number):
return (
self('get', 'issues/{}'.format(number)).json(),
self('get', 'pulls/{}'.format(number)).json()
def comments(self, number):
for page in itertools.count(1):
r = self('get', 'issues/{}/comments'.format(number), params={'page': page})
yield from r.json()
if not r.links.get('next'):
def reviews(self, number):
for page in itertools.count(1):
r = self('get', 'pulls/{}/reviews'.format(number), params={'page': page})
yield from r.json()
if not r.links.get('next'):
def commits(self, pr):
""" Returns a PR's commits oldest first (that's what GH does &
is what we want)
r = self('get', 'pulls/{}/commits'.format(pr), params={'per_page': PR_COMMITS_MAX})
assert not r.links.get('next'), "more than {} commits".format(PR_COMMITS_MAX)
return r.json()
def statuses(self, h):
r = self('get', 'commits/{}/status'.format(h)).json()
return [{
'sha': r['sha'],
} for s in r['statuses']]