mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 00:45:49 +07:00
1063 lines
43 KiB
1063 lines
43 KiB
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import fcntl
import glob
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
import resource
import shutil
import signal
import simplejson
import subprocess
import time
import sys
import dateutil.parser
import requests
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from matplotlib.textpath import TextToPath
import werkzeug
import openerp
from openerp import http
from openerp.http import request
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.addons.website.models.website import slug
from openerp.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import QueryURL
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# RunBot helpers
def log(*l, **kw):
out = [i if isinstance(i, basestring) else repr(i) for i in l] + \
["%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in kw.items()]
_logger.debug(' '.join(out))
def dashes(string):
"""Sanitize the input string"""
for i in '~":\'':
string = string.replace(i, "")
for i in '/_. ':
string = string.replace(i, "-")
return string
def mkdirs(dirs):
for d in dirs:
if not os.path.exists(d):
def grep(filename, string):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return open(filename).read().find(string) != -1
return False
_re_error = r'^(?:\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d{3} \d+ (?:ERROR|CRITICAL) )|(?:Traceback \(most recent call last\):)$'
_re_warning = r'^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d{3} \d+ WARNING '
def rfind(filename, pattern):
"""Determine in something in filename matches the pattern"""
if os.path.isfile(filename):
regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
if regexp.findall(f.read()):
return True
return False
def lock(filename):
fd = os.open(filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR, 0600)
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
def locked(filename):
result = False
fd = os.open(filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR, 0600)
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError:
result = True
except OSError:
result = False
return result
def nowait():
signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN)
def run(l, env=None):
"""Run a command described by l in environment env"""
log("run", l)
env = dict(os.environ, **env) if env else None
if isinstance(l, list):
if env:
rc = os.spawnvpe(os.P_WAIT, l[0], l, env)
rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, l[0], l)
elif isinstance(l, str):
tmp = ['sh', '-c', l]
if env:
rc = os.spawnvpe(os.P_WAIT, tmp[0], tmp, env)
rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, tmp[0], tmp)
log("run", rc=rc)
return rc
def now():
return time.strftime(openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)
def dt2time(datetime):
"""Convert datetime to time"""
return time.mktime(time.strptime(datetime, openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT))
def s2human(time):
"""Convert a time in second into an human readable string"""
for delay, desc in [(86400,'d'),(3600,'h'),(60,'m')]:
if time >= delay:
return str(int(time / delay)) + desc
return str(int(time)) + "s"
# RunBot Models
class runbot_repo(osv.osv):
_name = "runbot.repo"
_order = 'name'
def _get_path(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
root = self.root(cr, uid)
result = {}
for repo in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
name = repo.name
for i in '@:/':
name = name.replace(i, '_')
result[repo.id] = os.path.join(root, 'repo', name)
return result
def _get_base(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
result = {}
for repo in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
name = re.sub('.+@', '', repo.name)
name = name.replace(':','/')
result[repo.id] = name
return result
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Repository', required=True),
'path': fields.function(_get_path, type='char', string='Directory', readonly=1),
'base': fields.function(_get_base, type='char', string='Base URL', readonly=1),
'testing': fields.integer('Concurrent Testing'),
'running': fields.integer('Concurrent Running'),
'jobs': fields.char('Jobs'),
'nginx': fields.boolean('Nginx'),
'auto': fields.boolean('Auto'),
'fallback_id': fields.many2one('runbot.repo', 'Fallback repo'),
'modules': fields.char("Modules to Install"),
'token': fields.char("Github token"),
_defaults = {
'testing': 1,
'running': 1,
'auto': True,
def domain(self, cr, uid, context=None):
domain = self.pool.get('ir.config_parameter').get_param(cr, uid, 'runbot.domain', 'runbot.odoo.com')
return domain
def root(self, cr, uid, context=None):
"""Return root directory of repository"""
default = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
return self.pool.get('ir.config_parameter').get_param(cr, uid, 'runbot.root', default)
def git(self, cr, uid, ids, cmd, context=None):
"""Execute git command cmd"""
for repo in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
cmd = ['git', '--git-dir=%s' % repo.path] + cmd
_logger.info("git: %s", ' '.join(cmd))
return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
def git_export(self, cr, uid, ids, treeish, dest, context=None):
for repo in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
_logger.debug('checkout %s %s %s', repo.name, treeish, dest)
p1 = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir=%s' % repo.path, 'archive', treeish], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(['tar', '-xC', dest], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p1.stdout.close() # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
def github(self, cr, uid, ids, url, payload=None, delete=False, context=None):
"""Return a http request to be sent to github"""
for repo in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
match_object = re.search('([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)', repo.base)
if match_object:
url = url.replace(':owner', match_object.group(2))
url = url.replace(':repo', match_object.group(3))
url = 'https://api.%s%s' % (match_object.group(1),url)
session = requests.Session()
session.auth = (repo.token,'x-oauth-basic')
session.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.she-hulk-preview+json'})
if payload:
response = session.post(url, data=simplejson.dumps(payload))
elif delete:
response = session.delete(url)
response = session.get(url)
return response.json()
def update(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
for repo in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
self.update_git(cr, uid, repo)
def update_git(self, cr, uid, repo, context=None):
_logger.debug('repo %s updating branches', repo.name)
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo.path)):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo.path, 'refs')):
run(['git', 'clone', '--bare', repo.name, repo.path])
repo.git(['fetch', '-p', 'origin', '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*'])
repo.git(['fetch', '-p', 'origin', '+refs/pull/*/head:refs/pull/*'])
fields = ['refname','objectname','authordate:iso8601','authorname','subject']
fmt = "%00".join(["%("+field+")" for field in fields])
git_refs = repo.git(['for-each-ref', '--format', fmt, '--sort=-committerdate', 'refs/heads', 'refs/pull'])
git_refs = git_refs.strip()
def decode_utf(string):
return field.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return ''
refs = [[decode_utf(field) for field in line.split('\x00')] for line in git_refs.split('\n')]
for name, sha, date, author, subject in refs:
# create or get branch
branch_ids = self.pool['runbot.branch'].search(cr, uid, [('repo_id', '=', repo.id), ('name', '=', name)])
if branch_ids:
branch_id = branch_ids[0]
_logger.debug('repo %s found new branch %s', repo.name, name)
branch_id = self.pool['runbot.branch'].create(cr, uid, {'repo_id': repo.id, 'name': name})
branch = self.pool['runbot.branch'].browse(cr, uid, [branch_id], context=context)[0]
# skip build for old branches
if dateutil.parser.parse(date[:19]) + datetime.timedelta(30) < datetime.datetime.now():
# create build if not found
build_ids = self.pool['runbot.build'].search(cr, uid, [('branch_id', '=', branch.id), ('name', '=', sha)])
if not build_ids:
_logger.debug('repo %s branch %s new build found revno %s', branch.repo_id.name, branch.name, sha)
build_info = {
'branch_id': branch.id,
'name': sha,
'author': author,
'subject': subject,
self.pool['runbot.build'].create(cr, uid, build_info)
def scheduler(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None):
for repo in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
Build = self.pool['runbot.build']
domain = [('repo_id', '=', repo.id)]
# schedule jobs (transitions testing -> running, kill jobs, ...)
build_ids = Build.search(cr, uid, domain + [('state', 'in', ['testing', 'running'])])
Build.schedule(cr, uid, build_ids)
# launch new tests
testing = Build.search_count(cr, uid, domain + [('state', '=', 'testing')])
while testing < repo.testing:
# select the next build to process
pending_ids = Build.search(cr, uid, domain + [('state', '=', 'pending')])
if pending_ids:
pending = Build.browse(cr, uid, pending_ids[0])
# gather information about currently running builds
running_ids = Build.search(cr, uid, domain + [('state', '=', 'running')])
running_len = len(running_ids)
running_max = 0
if running_ids:
running_max = Build.browse(cr, uid, running_ids[0]).sequence
# determine if pending one should be launched
if running_len < repo.running or pending.sequence >= running_max:
# compute the number of testing job again
testing = Build.search_count(cr, uid, domain + [('state', '=', 'testing')])
# terminate and reap doomed build
build_ids = Build.search(cr, uid, domain + [('state', '=', 'running')])
# sort builds: the last build of each sticky branch then the rest
sticky = {}
non_sticky = []
for build in Build.browse(cr, uid, build_ids):
if build.branch_id.sticky and build.branch_id.id not in sticky:
sticky[build.branch_id.id] = build.id
build_ids = sticky.values()
build_ids += non_sticky
# terminate extra running builds
Build.terminate(cr, uid, build_ids[repo.running:])
Build.reap(cr, uid, build_ids)
def nginx(self, cr, uid, context=None):
settings = {}
settings['port'] = openerp.tools.config['xmlrpc_port']
nginx_dir = os.path.join(self.root(cr, uid), 'nginx')
settings['nginx_dir'] = nginx_dir
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('nginx','=',True)], order='id')
if ids:
build_ids = self.pool['runbot.build'].search(cr, uid, [('repo_id','in',ids), ('state','=','running')])
settings['builds'] = self.pool['runbot.build'].browse(cr, uid, build_ids)
nginx_config = self.pool['ir.ui.view'].render(cr, uid, "runbot.nginx_config", settings)
open(os.path.join(nginx_dir, 'nginx.conf'),'w').write(nginx_config)
_logger.debug('reload nginx')
pid = int(open(os.path.join(nginx_dir, 'nginx.pid')).read().strip(' \n'))
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGHUP)
except Exception:
_logger.debug('start nginx')
run(['/usr/sbin/nginx', '-p', nginx_dir, '-c', 'nginx.conf'])
def killall(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None):
# kill switch
Build = self.pool['runbot.build']
build_ids = Build.search(cr, uid, [('state', 'not in', ['done', 'pending'])])
Build.terminate(cr, uid, build_ids)
Build.reap(cr, uid, build_ids)
def cron(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None):
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('auto', '=', True)])
self.update(cr, uid, ids)
self.scheduler(cr, uid, ids)
self.nginx(cr, uid)
class runbot_branch(osv.osv):
_name = "runbot.branch"
_order = 'name'
def _get_branch_name(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
r = {}
for branch in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
r[branch.id] = branch.name.split('/')[-1]
return r
def _get_branch_url(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
r = {}
for branch in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if re.match('^[0-9]+$', branch.branch_name):
r[branch.id] = "https://%s/pull/%s" % (branch.repo_id.base, branch.branch_name)
r[branch.id] = "https://%s/tree/%s" % (branch.repo_id.base, branch.branch_name)
return r
_columns = {
'repo_id': fields.many2one('runbot.repo', 'Repository', required=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'name': fields.char('Ref Name', required=True),
'branch_name': fields.function(_get_branch_name, type='char', string='Branch', readonly=1, store=True),
'branch_url': fields.function(_get_branch_url, type='char', string='Branch url', readonly=1),
'sticky': fields.boolean('Sticky'),
'coverage': fields.boolean('Coverage'),
'state': fields.char('Status'),
class runbot_build(osv.osv):
_name = "runbot.build"
_order = 'sequence desc'
def _get_dest(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
r = {}
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
nickname = dashes(build.branch_id.name.split('/')[2])[:32]
r[build.id] = "%05d-%s-%s" % (build.id, nickname, build.name[:6])
return r
def _get_time(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
"""Return the time taken by the tests"""
r = {}
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
r[build.id] = 0
if build.job_end:
r[build.id] = int(dt2time(build.job_end) - dt2time(build.job_start))
elif build.job_start:
r[build.id] = int(time.time() - dt2time(build.job_start))
return r
def _get_age(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
"""Return the time between job start and now"""
r = {}
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
r[build.id] = 0
if build.job_start:
r[build.id] = int(time.time() - dt2time(build.job_start))
return r
def _get_domain(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
r = {}
domain = self.pool['runbot.repo'].domain(cr, uid)
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if build.repo_id.nginx:
r[build.id] = "%s.%s" % (build.dest, domain)
r[build.id] = "%s:%s" % (domain, build.port)
return r
_columns = {
'branch_id': fields.many2one('runbot.branch', 'Branch', required=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'repo_id': fields.related('branch_id', 'repo_id', type="many2one", relation="runbot.repo", string="Repository", readonly=True, store=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'name': fields.char('Revno', required=True),
'port': fields.integer('Port'),
'dest': fields.function(_get_dest, type='char', string='Dest', readonly=1, store=True),
'domain': fields.function(_get_domain, type='char', string='URL'),
'date': fields.datetime('Commit date'),
'author': fields.char('Author'),
'subject': fields.text('Subject'),
'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence'),
'result': fields.char('Result'), # ok, ko, warn, skipped, killed
'pid': fields.integer('Pid'),
'state': fields.char('Status'), # pending, testing, running, done
'job': fields.char('Job'), # job_*
'job_start': fields.datetime('Job start'),
'job_end': fields.datetime('Job end'),
'job_time': fields.function(_get_time, type='integer', string='Job time'),
'job_age': fields.function(_get_age, type='integer', string='Job age'),
_defaults = {
'state': 'pending',
'result': '',
def create(self, cr, uid, values, context=None):
build_id = super(runbot_build, self).create(cr, uid, values, context=context)
self.write(cr, uid, [build_id], {'sequence' : build_id}, context=context)
def reset(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, { 'state' : 'pending' }, context=context)
def logger(self, cr, uid, ids, *l, **kw):
l = list(l)
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, **kw):
l[0] = "%s %s" % (build.dest , l[0])
def list_jobs(self):
jobs = [job for job in dir(self) if job.startswith('job')]
return jobs
def find_port(self, cr, uid):
# currently used port
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('state','not in',['pending','done'])])
ports = set(i['port'] for i in self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['port']))
# starting port
# TODO take ir.config.parameters or 9000
port = 2000
# find next free port
while port in ports:
port += 2
return port
def path(self, cr, uid, ids, *l, **kw):
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=None):
root = self.pool['runbot.repo'].root(cr, uid)
return os.path.join(root, 'build', build.dest, *l)
def checkout(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
# starts from scratch
if os.path.isdir(build.path()):
# runbot log path
mkdirs([build.path("logs"), build.path('openerp/addons')])
# checkout branch
build.branch_id.repo_id.git_export(build.name, build.path())
# TODO use git log to get commit message date and author
# v6 rename bin -> openerp
if os.path.isdir(build.path('bin/addons')):
shutil.move(build.path('bin'), build.path('openerp'))
# fallback for addons-only community/projet branches
if not os.path.isfile(build.path('openerp/__init__.py')):
l = glob.glob(build.path('*/__openerp__.py'))
for i in l:
shutil.move(os.path.dirname(i), build.path('openerp/addons'))
name = build.branch_id.branch_name.split('-',1)[0]
if build.repo_id.fallback_id:
build.repo_id.fallback_id.git_export(name, build.path())
# move all addons to server addons path
for i in glob.glob(build.path('addons/*')):
shutil.move(i, build.path('openerp/addons'))
def pg_dropdb(self, cr, uid, dbname):
pid_col = 'pid' if cr._cnx.server_version >= 90200 else 'procpid'
cr.execute("select pg_terminate_backend(%s) from pg_stat_activity where datname = %%s" % pid_col, (dbname,))
except Exception:
def pg_createdb(self, cr, uid, dbname):
self.pg_dropdb(cr, uid, dbname)
_logger.debug("createdb %s",dbname)
def cmd(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""Return a list describing the command to start the build"""
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
# Server
server_path = build.path("openerp-server")
# for 7.0
if not os.path.isfile(server_path):
server_path = build.path("openerp-server.py")
# for 6.0 branches
if not os.path.isfile(server_path):
server_path = build.path("bin/openerp-server.py")
# modules
if build.repo_id.modules:
modules = build.repo_id.modules
l = glob.glob(build.path('openerp/addons/*/__init__.py'))
modules = set([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(i)) for i in l])
modules = modules - set(['auth_ldap', 'document_ftp', 'hw_escpos', 'hw_proxy', 'hw_scanner', 'base_gengo', 'website_gengo'])
modules = ",".join(list(modules))
# commandline
cmd = [
"--xmlrpc-port=%d" % build.port,
# options
if grep(build.path("openerp/tools/config.py"), "no-netrpc"):
if grep(build.path("openerp/tools/config.py"), "log-db"):
cmd += ["--log-db=%s" % cr.dbname]
# coverage
#cmd = ["coverage","run","--branch"] + cmd
#self.run_log(cmd, logfile=self.test_all_path)
#run(["coverage","html","-d",self.coverage_base_path,"--ignore-errors","--include=*.py"],env={'COVERAGE_FILE': self.coverage_file_path})
return cmd, modules
def spawn(self, cmd, lock_path, log_path, cpu_limit=None, shell=False, showstderr=False):
def preexec_fn():
if cpu_limit:
# set soft cpulimit
soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU)
r = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
cpu_time = r.ru_utime + r.ru_stime
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, (cpu_time + cpu_limit, hard))
# close parent files
os.closerange(3, os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX"))
_logger.debug("spawn: %s stdout: %s", ' '.join(cmd), log_path)
if showstderr:
stderr = out
stderr = open(os.devnull, 'w')
p=subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=out, stderr=stderr, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, shell=shell)
return p.pid
def github_status(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""Notify github of failed/successful builds"""
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
desc = "runbot build %s" % (build.dest,)
if build.state == 'testing':
state = 'pending'
elif build.state in ('running', 'done'):
state = {
'ok': 'success',
'killed': 'error',
}.get(build.result, 'failure')
desc += " (runtime %ss)" % (build.job_time,)
status = {
"state": state,
"target_url": "http://runbot.odoo.com/runbot/build/%s" % build.id,
"description": desc,
"context": "continuous-integration/runbot"
build.repo_id.github('/repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/%s' % build.name, status)
_logger.debug("github status %s update to %s", build.name, state)
except Exception:
_logger.exception("github status error")
def job_10_test_base(self, cr, uid, build, lock_path, log_path):
build._log('test_base', 'Start test base module')
# checkout source
# run base test
self.pg_createdb(cr, uid, "%s-base" % build.dest)
cmd, mods = build.cmd()
if grep(build.path("openerp/tools/config.py"), "test-enable"):
cmd += ['-d', '%s-base' % build.dest, '-i', 'base', '--stop-after-init', '--log-level=test']
return self.spawn(cmd, lock_path, log_path, cpu_limit=300)
def job_20_test_all(self, cr, uid, build, lock_path, log_path):
build._log('test_all', 'Start test all modules')
self.pg_createdb(cr, uid, "%s-all" % build.dest)
cmd, mods = build.cmd()
if grep(build.path("openerp/tools/config.py"), "test-enable"):
cmd += ['-d', '%s-all' % build.dest, '-i', mods, '--stop-after-init', '--log-level=test']
# reset job_start to an accurate job_20 job_time
build.write({'job_start': now()})
return self.spawn(cmd, lock_path, log_path, cpu_limit=2100)
def job_30_run(self, cr, uid, build, lock_path, log_path):
# adjust job_end to record an accurate job_20 job_time
build._log('run', 'Start running build %s' % build.dest)
log_all = build.path('logs', 'job_20_test_all.txt')
log_time = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(log_all))
v = {
'job_end': time.strftime(openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT, log_time),
if grep(log_all, "openerp.modules.loading: Modules loaded."):
if rfind(log_all, _re_error):
v['result'] = "ko"
elif rfind(log_all, _re_warning):
v['result'] = "warn"
elif not grep(build.path("openerp/test/common.py"), "post_install") or grep(log_all, "Initiating shutdown."):
v['result'] = "ok"
v['result'] = "ko"
# run server
cmd, mods = build.cmd()
if os.path.exists(build.path('openerp/addons/im')):
cmd += ["--workers", "2"]
cmd += ["--longpolling-port", "%d" % (build.port + 1)]
cmd += ["--max-cron-threads", "1"]
# not sure, to avoid old server to check other dbs
cmd += ["--max-cron-threads", "0"]
cmd += ['--log-level=debug']
cmd += ['-d', "%s-all" % build.dest]
if grep(build.path("openerp/tools/config.py"), "db-filter"):
if build.repo_id.nginx:
cmd += ['--db-filter','%d.*$']
cmd += ['--db-filter','%s.*$' % build.dest]
## Web60
#webclient_config % (self.client_web_port+port,self.server_net_port+port,self.server_net_port+port)
#cfgs = [os.path.join(self.client_web_path,"doc","openerp-web.cfg"), os.path.join(self.client_web_path,"openerp-web.cfg")]
#for i in cfgs:
# f=open(i,"w")
# f.write(config)
# f.close()
return self.spawn(cmd, lock_path, log_path, cpu_limit=None, showstderr=True)
def force(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""Force a rebuild"""
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
max_id = self.search(cr, uid, [('repo_id','=',build.repo_id.id)], order='id desc', limit=1)[0]
# Force it now
if build.state in ['pending']:
build.write({ 'sequence':max_id })
# or duplicate it
elif build.state in ['running','done']:
d = {
'sequence': max_id,
'branch_id': build.branch_id.id,
'name': build.name,
'author': build.author,
'subject': build.subject,
self.create(cr, 1, d)
return build.repo_id.id
def schedule(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
jobs = self.list_jobs()
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if build.state == 'pending':
# allocate port and schedule first job
port = self.find_port(cr, uid)
values = {
'port': port,
'state': 'testing',
'job': jobs[0],
'job_start': now(),
'job_end': False,
# check if current job is finished
lock_path = build.path('logs', '%s.lock' % build.job)
if locked(lock_path):
# kill if overpassed
if build.job != jobs[-1] and build.job_time > 2400:
build.logger('%s time exceded (%ss)', build.job, build.job_time)
build.logger('%s finished', build.job)
# schedule
v = {}
# testing -> running
if build.job == jobs[-2]:
v['state'] = 'running'
v['job'] = jobs[-1]
v['job_end'] = now(),
# running -> done
elif build.job == jobs[-1]:
v['state'] = 'done'
v['job'] = ''
# testing
v['job'] = jobs[jobs.index(build.job) + 1]
# run job
if build.state != 'done':
build.logger('running %s', build.job)
job_method = getattr(self,build.job)
lock_path = build.path('logs', '%s.lock' % build.job)
log_path = build.path('logs', '%s.txt' % build.job)
pid = job_method(cr, uid, build, lock_path, log_path)
build.write({'pid': pid})
# needed to prevent losing pids if multiple jobs are started and one them raise an exception
def terminate(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
build.logger('killing %s', build.pid)
os.killpg(build.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
except OSError:
build.write({'state': 'done'})
self.pg_dropdb(cr, uid, "%s-base" % build.dest)
self.pg_dropdb(cr, uid, "%s-all" % build.dest)
if os.path.isdir(build.path()):
def kill(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
for build in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
build._log('kill', 'Kill build %s' % build.dest)
build.write({'result': 'killed', 'job': False})
def reap(self, cr, uid, ids):
while True:
pid, status, rusage = os.wait3(os.WNOHANG)
except OSError:
if pid == 0:
_logger.debug('reaping: pid: %s status: %s', pid, status)
def _log(self, cr, uid, ids, func, message, context=None):
assert len(ids) == 1
self.pool['ir.logging'].create(cr, uid, {
'build_id': ids[0],
'level': 'INFO',
'type': 'runbot',
'name': 'odoo.runbot',
'message': message,
'path': 'runbot',
'func': func,
'line': '0',
}, context=context)
class runbot_event(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'ir.logging'
_order = 'id'
TYPES = [(t, t.capitalize()) for t in 'client server runbot'.split()]
_columns = {
'build_id': fields.many2one('runbot.build', 'Build'),
'type': fields.selection(TYPES, string='Type', required=True, select=True),
# Runbot Controller
class RunbotController(http.Controller):
def common(self, cr, uid):
registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, request.uid, request.context
repo_obj = registry['runbot.repo']
v = {}
ids = repo_obj.search(cr, uid, [], order='id')
v['repos'] = repo_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids)
v['s2h'] = s2human
return v
@http.route(['/runbot', '/runbot/repo/<model("runbot.repo"):repo>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def repo(self, repo=None, search='', limit='100', refresh='', **post):
registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, 1, request.context
branch_obj = registry['runbot.branch']
build_obj = registry['runbot.build']
v = self.common(cr, uid)
# repo
if not repo and v['repos']:
repo = v['repos'][0]
if repo:
# filters
dom = [('repo_id','=',repo.id)]
filters = {}
for k in ['pending','testing','running','done']:
filters[k] = post.get(k, '1')
if filters[k] == '0':
dom += [('state','!=',k)]
if search:
dom += [('dest','ilike',search)]
v['filters'] = filters
qu = QueryURL('/runbot/repo/'+slug(repo), search=search, limit=limit, refresh=refresh, **filters)
v['qu'] = qu
build_ids = build_obj.search(cr, uid, dom + [('branch_id.sticky','=',True)])
build_ids += build_obj.search(cr, uid, dom + [('branch_id.sticky','=',False)], limit=int(limit))
branch_ids = []
# builds and branches, order on join SQL is needed
q = """
SELECT br.id FROM runbot_branch br INNER JOIN runbot_build bu ON br.id=bu.branch_id WHERE bu.id in %s
ORDER BY br.sticky DESC, CASE WHEN br.sticky THEN br.branch_name END, bu.sequence DESC
if build_ids:
cr.execute(q, (tuple(build_ids),))
for br in cr.fetchall():
if br[0] not in branch_ids:
branches = branch_obj.browse(cr, uid, branch_ids, context=context)
for branch in branches:
build_ids = build_obj.search(cr, uid, [('branch_id','=',branch.id)], limit=4)
branch.builds = build_obj.browse(cr, uid, build_ids, context=context)
v['branches'] = branches
# stats
v['testing'] = build_obj.search_count(cr, uid, [('repo_id','=',repo.id), ('state','=','testing')])
v['running'] = build_obj.search_count(cr, uid, [('repo_id','=',repo.id), ('state','=','running')])
v['pending'] = build_obj.search_count(cr, uid, [('repo_id','=',repo.id), ('state','=','pending')])
'search': search,
'limit': limit,
'refresh': refresh,
'repo': repo,
return request.render("runbot.repo", v)
@http.route(['/runbot/build/<build_id>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def build(self, build_id=None, search=None, **post):
registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, 1, request.context
build = registry['runbot.build'].browse(cr, uid, [int(build_id)])[0]
# other builds
build_ids = registry['runbot.build'].search(cr, uid, [('branch_id', '=', build.branch_id.id)])
other_builds = registry['runbot.build'].browse(cr, uid, build_ids)
domain = ['|', ('dbname', '=like', '%s-%%' % build.dest), ('build_id', '=', build.id)]
#if type:
# domain.append(('type', '=', type))
#if level:
# domain.append(('level', '=', level))
if search:
domain.append(('name', 'ilike', search))
logging_ids = registry['ir.logging'].search(cr, uid, domain)
logs = registry['ir.logging'].browse(cr, uid, logging_ids)
v = self.common(cr, uid)
#v['type'] = type
#v['level'] = level
v['build'] = build
v['other_builds'] = other_builds
v['logs'] = logs
return request.render("runbot.build", v)
@http.route(['/runbot/build/<build_id>/force'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def build_force(self, build_id, **post):
registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, 1, request.context
repo_id = registry['runbot.build'].force(cr, 1, [int(build_id)])
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/runbot/repo/%s' % repo_id)
@http.route(['/runbot/build/<build_id>/label/<label_id>'], type='http', auth="public", method='POST')
def toggle_label(self, build_id=None, label_id=None, search=None, **post):
registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, 1, request.context
build = registry['runbot.build'].browse(cr, uid, [int(build_id)])[0]
issue_number = build.branch_id.name.split('/')
if len(issue_number) == 3 and issue_number[0] == 'refs' and issue_number[1] == 'pull':
issue_number = int(issue_number[2])
# not a pull request
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/runbot/repo/%s' % build.repo_id.id)
label_id = int(label_id)
if label_id not in LABELS:
_logger.exception("unknown label")
label_name = LABELS[label_id]
found = False
res = build.repo_id.github('/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/%s/labels' % issue_number)
found = any([label for label in res if label['name'] == label_name])
except Exception, e:
_logger.exception("github error while fetching labels")
if found:
# removing existing label
build.repo_id.github('/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/%s/labels/%s' % (issue_number, label_name), delete=True)
_logger.debug("removed github label %s for %s: %s", (label_name, issue_number))
except Exception, e:
_logger.exception("github error while removing label %s" % label_name)
# adding the label
build.repo_id.github('/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/%s/labels' % issue_number, [label_name])
_logger.debug("added github label %s for %s: %s", (label_name, issue_number))
except Exception, e:
_logger.exception("github error while adding label %s" % label_name)
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/runbot/repo/%s' % build.repo_id.id)
], type="http", auth="public", methods=['GET', 'HEAD'])
def badge(self, repo, branch, theme='default'):
domain = [('repo_id', '=', repo.id),
('branch_id.branch_name', '=', branch),
('branch_id.sticky', '=', True),
('state', 'in', ['testing', 'running', 'done']),
('result', '!=', 'skipped'),
last_update = '__last_update'
builds = request.registry['runbot.build'].search_read(
request.cr, request.uid,
domain, ['state', 'result', 'job_age', last_update],
order='id desc', limit=1)
if not builds:
return request.not_found()
build = builds[0]
etag = request.httprequest.headers.get('If-None-Match')
retag = hashlib.md5(build[last_update]).hexdigest()
if etag == retag:
return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=304)
if build['state'] == 'testing':
state = 'testing'
cache_factor = 1
cache_factor = 2
if build['result'] == 'ok':
state = 'success'
elif build['result'] == 'warn':
state = 'warning'
state = 'failed'
# from https://github.com/badges/shields/blob/master/colorscheme.json
color = {
'testing': "#dfb317",
'success': "#4c1",
'failed': "#e05d44",
'warning': "#fe7d37",
def text_width(s):
fp = FontProperties(family='DejaVu Sans', size=11)
w, h, d = TextToPath().get_text_width_height_descent(s, fp, False)
return int(w + 1)
class Text(object):
__slot__ = ['text', 'color', 'width']
def __init__(self, text, color):
self.text = text
self.color = color
self.width = text_width(text) + 10
data = {
'left': Text(branch, '#555'),
'right': Text(state, color),
five_minutes = 5 * 60
headers = [
('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml'),
('Cache-Control', 'max-age=%d' % (five_minutes * cache_factor,)),
('ETag', retag),
return request.render("runbot.badge_" + theme, data, headers=headers)
1: 'RDWIP',
2: 'OE',
# kill ` ps faux | grep ./static | awk '{print $2}' `
# ps faux| grep Cron | grep -- '-all' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
# psql -l | grep " 000" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 dropdb
# - cannibal branch
# - commit/pull more info
# - v6 support
# - host field in build
# - unlink build to remove ir_logging entires # ondelete=cascade
# - gc either build or only old ir_logging
# - if nginx server logfiles via each virtual server or map /runbot/static to root
# list process group pids
# vim: