mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 08:55:48 +07:00

Turns out I was running "15.0" except just on the runbot, enterprise and community were still the 14.0 repos, so some of the changes were missing. While at it, bundle fixes for 3.10, as that's what Jammy needs, and the mergebot/15.0 will be running on that.
1234 lines
42 KiB
1234 lines
42 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
* an ``odoo`` binary in the path, which runs the relevant odoo; to ensure a
clean slate odoo is re-started and a new database is created before each
test (technically a "template" db is created first, then that DB is cloned
and the fresh clone is used for each test)
* pytest.ini (at the root of the runbot repo or higher) with the following
sections and keys
- owner, the name of the account (personal or org) under which test repos
will be created & deleted (note: some repos might be created under role
accounts as well)
- token, either personal or oauth, must have the scopes ``public_repo``,
``delete_repo`` and ``admin:repo_hook``, if personal the owner must be
the corresponding user account, not an org. Also user:email for the
forwardport / forwardbot tests
``role_reviewer``, ``role_self_reviewer`` and ``role_other``
- name (optional, used as partner name when creating that, otherwise github
login gets used)
- email (optional, used as partner email when creating that, otherwise
github email gets used, reviewer and self-reviewer must have an email)
- token, a personal access token with the ``public_repo`` scope (otherwise
the API can't leave comments), maybe eventually delete_repo (for personal
.. warning:: the accounts must *not* be flagged, or the webhooks on
commenting or creating reviews will not trigger, and the
tests will fail
* either ``ngrok`` or ``lt`` (localtunnel) available on the path. ngrok with
a configured account is recommended: ngrok is more reliable than localtunnel
but a free account is necessary to get a high-enough rate limiting for some
of the multi-repo tests to work
Finally the tests aren't 100% reliable as they rely on quite a bit of network
traffic, it's possible that the tests fail due to network issues rather than
logic errors.
import base64
import collections
import configparser
import contextlib
import copy
import functools
import http.client
import itertools
import os
import pathlib
import pprint
import random
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
import warnings
import xmlrpc.client
from contextlib import closing
import psutil
import pytest
import requests
'ngrok', 'start', '--none', '--region', 'eu',
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--no-delete", action="store_true", help="Don't delete repo after a failed run")
parser.addoption('--log-github', action='store_true')
parser.addoption('--coverage', action='store_true')
'--tunnel', action="store", type="choice", choices=['', 'ngrok', 'localtunnel'], default='',
help="Which tunneling method to use to expose the local Odoo server "
"to hook up github's webhook. ngrok is more reliable, but "
"creating a free account is necessary to avoid rate-limiting "
"issues (anonymous limiting is rate-limited at 20 incoming "
"queries per minute, free is 40, multi-repo batching tests will "
"blow through the former); localtunnel has no rate-limiting but "
"the servers are way less reliable")
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def pytest_configure(config):
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mergebot_test_utils'))
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def _set_socket_timeout():
""" Avoid unlimited wait on standard sockets during tests, this is mostly
an issue for non-trivial cron calls
def config(pytestconfig):
""" Flat version of the pytest config file (pytest.ini), parses to a
simple dict of {section: {key: value}}
conf = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
cnf = {
name: dict(s.items())
for name, s in conf.items()
# special case user / owner / ...
cnf['role_user'] = {
'token': conf['github']['token']
return cnf
def rolemap(request, config):
# hack because capsys is not session-scoped
capmanager = request.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("capturemanager")
# only fetch github logins once per session
rolemap = {}
for k, data in config.items():
if k.startswith('role_'):
role = k[5:]
elif k == 'github':
role = 'user'
with capmanager.global_and_fixture_disabled():
r = _rate_limited(lambda: requests.get('https://api.github.com/user', headers={'Authorization': 'token %s' % data['token']}))
user = rolemap[role] = r.json()
data['user'] = user['login']
return rolemap
def partners(env, config, rolemap):
m = {}
for role, u in rolemap.items():
if role in ('user', 'other'):
login = u['login']
conf = config['role_' + role]
m[role] = env['res.partner'].create({
'name': conf.get('name', login),
'email': conf.get('email') or u['email'] or False,
'github_login': login,
return m
def setreviewers(partners):
def _(*repos):
'review_rights': [
(0, 0, {'repository_id': repo.id, 'review': True})
for repo in repos
'review_rights': [
(0, 0, {'repository_id': repo.id, 'self_review': True})
for repo in repos
return _
def users(partners, rolemap):
return {k: v['login'] for k, v in rolemap.items()}
def tunnel(pytestconfig, port):
""" Creates a tunnel to localhost:<port> using ngrok or localtunnel, should yield the
publicly routable address & terminate the process at the end of the session
tunnel = pytestconfig.getoption('--tunnel')
if tunnel == '':
yield f'http://localhost:{port}'
elif tunnel == 'ngrok':
web_addr = 'http://localhost:4040/api'
addr = 'localhost:%d' % port
# try to find out if ngrok is running, and if it's not attempt
# to start it
# FIXME: this is for xdist to avoid workers running ngrok at the
# exact same time, use lockfile instead
time.sleep(random.SystemRandom().randint(1, 10))
# FIXME: use config file so we can set web_addr to something else
# than localhost:4040 (otherwise we can't disambiguate
# between the ngrok we started and an ngrok started by
# some other user)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
subprocess.Popen(NGROK_CLI, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
for _ in range(5):
with contextlib.suppress(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError):
raise Exception("Unable to connect to ngrok")
requests.post(f'{web_addr}/tunnels', json={
'name': str(port),
'proto': 'http',
'bind_tls': True, # only https
'addr': addr,
'inspect': True,
tunnel = f'{web_addr}/tunnels/{port}'
for _ in range(10):
r = requests.get(tunnel)
# not created yet, wait and retry
if r.status_code == 404:
# check for weird responses
yield r.json()['public_url']
for _ in range(10):
r = requests.get(tunnel)
# check if deletion is done
if r.status_code == 404:
raise TimeoutError("ngrok tunnel deletion failed")
r = requests.get(f'{web_addr}/tunnels')
# there are still tunnels in the list -> bail
if r.ok and r.json()['tunnels']:
# ngrok is broken or all tunnels have been shut down -> try to
# find and kill it (but only if it looks a lot like we started it)
for p in psutil.process_iter():
if p.name() == 'ngrok' and p.cmdline() == NGROK_CLI:
raise TimeoutError("ngrok tunnel creation failed (?)")
elif tunnel == 'localtunnel':
p = subprocess.Popen(['lt', '-p', str(port)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
r = p.stdout.readline()
m = re.match(br'your url is: (https://.*\.localtunnel\.me)', r)
assert m, "could not get the localtunnel URL"
yield m.group(1).decode('ascii')
raise ValueError("Unsupported %s tunnel method" % tunnel)
class DbDict(dict):
def __init__(self, adpath):
self._adpath = adpath
def __missing__(self, module):
self[module] = db = 'template_%s' % uuid.uuid4()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
'odoo', '--no-http',
'--addons-path', self._adpath,
'-d', db, '-i', module + ',auth_oauth',
'--max-cron-threads', '0',
'--log-level', 'warn'
env={**os.environ, 'XDG_DATA_HOME': d}
return db
def dbcache(request):
""" Creates template DB once per run, then just duplicates it before
starting odoo and running the testcase
dbs = DbDict(request.config.getoption('--addons-path'))
yield dbs
for db in dbs.values():
subprocess.run(['dropdb', db], check=True)
def db(request, module, dbcache):
rundb = str(uuid.uuid4())
subprocess.run(['createdb', '-T', dbcache[module], rundb], check=True)
yield rundb
if not request.config.getoption('--no-delete'):
subprocess.run(['dropdb', rundb], check=True)
def wait_for_hook(n=1):
time.sleep(10 * n)
def wait_for_server(db, port, proc, mod, timeout=120):
""" Polls for server to be response & have installed our module.
Raises socket.timeout on failure
limit = time.time() + timeout
while True:
if proc.poll() is not None:
raise Exception("Server unexpectedly closed")
uid = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(
.authenticate(db, 'admin', 'admin', {})
mods = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(
db, uid, 'admin', 'ir.module.module', 'search_read', [
[('name', '=', mod)], ['state']
if mods and mods[0].get('state') == 'installed':
except ConnectionRefusedError:
if time.time() > limit:
raise socket.timeout()
def port():
with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s:
s.bind(('', 0))
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
return s.getsockname()[1]
def dummy_addons_path():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dummy_addons_path:
mod = pathlib.Path(dummy_addons_path, 'saas_worker')
(mod / '__init__.py').write_bytes(b'')
(mod / '__manifest__.py').write_text(pprint.pformat({
'name': 'dummy saas_worker',
'version': '1.0',
}), encoding='utf-8')
(mod / 'util.py').write_text("""\
def from_role(_):
return lambda fn: fn
""", encoding='utf-8')
yield dummy_addons_path
def server(request, db, port, module, dummy_addons_path, tmpdir):
log_handlers = [
if not request.config.getoption('--log-github'):
addons_path = ','.join(map(str, [
cov = []
if request.config.getoption('--coverage'):
cov = ['coverage', 'run', '-p', '--source=odoo.addons.runbot_merge,odoo.addons.forwardport', '--branch']
p = subprocess.Popen([
'odoo', '--http-port', str(port),
'--addons-path', addons_path,
'-d', db,
'--max-cron-threads', '0', # disable cron threads (we're running crons by hand)
*itertools.chain.from_iterable(('--log-handler', h) for h in log_handlers),
], env={
# stop putting garbage in the user dirs, and potentially creating conflicts
# TODO: way to override this with macOS?
'XDG_DATA_HOME': str(tmpdir.mkdir('share')),
'XDG_CACHE_HOME': str(tmpdir.mkdir('cache')),
wait_for_server(db, port, p, module)
yield p
def env(port, server, db, default_crons):
yield Environment(port, db, default_crons)
def check(response):
assert response.ok, response.text or response.reason
return response
# users is just so I can avoid autouse on toplevel users fixture b/c it (seems
# to) break the existing local tests
def make_repo(capsys, request, config, tunnel, users):
owner = config['github']['owner']
github = requests.Session()
github.headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % config['github']['token']
# check whether "owner" is a user or an org, as repo-creation endpoint is
# different
with capsys.disabled():
q = _rate_limited(lambda: github.get('https://api.github.com/users/{}'.format(owner)))
if q.json().get('type') == 'Organization':
endpoint = 'https://api.github.com/orgs/{}/repos'.format(owner)
endpoint = 'https://api.github.com/user/repos'
r = check(github.get('https://api.github.com/user'))
assert r.json()['login'] == owner
repos = []
def repomaker(name):
name = 'ignore_%s_%s' % (name, base64.b64encode(os.urandom(6), b'-_').decode())
fullname = '{}/{}'.format(owner, name)
repo_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{}'.format(fullname)
# create repo
r = check(github.post(endpoint, json={
'name': name,
'has_issues': False,
'has_projects': False,
'has_wiki': False,
'auto_init': False,
# at least one merge method must be enabled :(
'allow_squash_merge': False,
# 'allow_merge_commit': False,
'allow_rebase_merge': False,
r = r.json()
# wait for repository visibility
while True:
if github.head(r['url']).ok:
repo = Repo(github, fullname, repos)
# create webhook
check(github.post('{}/hooks'.format(repo_url), json={
'name': 'web',
'config': {
'url': '{}/runbot_merge/hooks'.format(tunnel),
'content_type': 'json',
'insecure_ssl': '1',
'events': ['pull_request', 'issue_comment', 'status', 'pull_request_review']
check(github.put('{}/contents/{}'.format(repo_url, 'a'), json={
'path': 'a',
'message': 'github returns a 409 (Git Repository is Empty) if trying to create a tree in a repo with no objects',
'content': base64.b64encode(b'whee').decode('ascii'),
'branch': 'garbage_%s' % uuid.uuid4()
return repo
yield repomaker
if not request.config.getoption('--no-delete'):
for repo in reversed(repos):
def _rate_limited(req):
while True:
q = req()
if not q.ok and q.headers.get('X-RateLimit-Remaining') == '0':
reset = int(q.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset'])
delay = max(0, round(reset - time.time() + 1.0))
print("Hit rate limit, sleeping for", delay, "seconds")
return q
Commit = collections.namedtuple('Commit', 'id tree message author committer parents')
class Repo:
def __init__(self, session, fullname, repos):
self._session = session
self.name = fullname
self._repos = repos
self.hook = False
def owner(self):
return self.name.split('/')[0]
def unsubscribe(self, token=None):
self._get_session(token).put('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/subscription'.format(self.name), json={
'subscribed': False,
'ignored': True,
def add_collaborator(self, login, token):
# send invitation to user
r = check(self._session.put('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/collaborators/{}'.format(self.name, login)))
# accept invitation on behalf of user
check(requests.patch('https://api.github.com/user/repository_invitations/{}'.format(r.json()['id']), headers={
'Authorization': 'token ' + token
# sanity check that user is part of collaborators
r = check(self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/collaborators'.format(self.name)))
assert any(login == c['login'] for c in r.json())
def _get_session(self, token):
s = self._session
if token:
s = requests.Session()
s.headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % token
return s
def delete(self):
r = self._session.delete('https://api.github.com/repos/{}'.format(self.name))
if r.status_code != 204:
warnings.warn("Unable to delete repository %s (HTTP %s)" % (self.name, r.status_code))
def set_secret(self, secret):
assert self.hook
r = self._session.get(
response = r.json()
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, response
[hook] = response
r = self._session.patch('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/hooks/{}'.format(self.name, hook['id']), json={
'config': {**hook['config'], 'secret': secret},
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def get_ref(self, ref):
# differs from .commit(ref).id for the sake of assertion error messages
# apparently commits/{ref} returns 422 or some other fool thing when the
# ref' does not exist which sucks for asserting "the ref' has been
# deleted"
# FIXME: avoid calling get_ref on a hash & remove this code
if re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{40}', ref):
# just check that the commit exists
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/commits/{}'.format(self.name, ref))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.reason or http.client.responses[r.status_code]
return r.json()['sha']
if ref.startswith('refs/'):
ref = ref[5:]
if not ref.startswith('heads'):
ref = 'heads/' + ref
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/ref/{}'.format(self.name, ref))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.reason or http.client.responses[r.status_code]
res = r.json()
assert res['object']['type'] == 'commit'
return res['object']['sha']
def commit(self, ref):
if not re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{40}', ref):
if not ref.startswith(('heads/', 'refs/heads/')):
ref = 'refs/heads/' + ref
# apparently heads/<branch> ~ refs/heads/<branch> but are not
# necessarily up to date ??? unlike the git ref system where :ref
# starts at heads/
if ref.startswith('heads/'):
ref = 'refs/' + ref
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/commits/{}'.format(self.name, ref))
response = r.json()
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, response
return self._commit_from_gh(response)
def _commit_from_gh(self, gh_commit):
c = gh_commit['commit']
return Commit(
parents=[p['sha'] for p in gh_commit['parents']],
def read_tree(self, commit):
""" read tree object from commit
:param Commit commit:
:rtype: Dict[str, str]
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/trees/{}'.format(self.name, commit.tree))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
# read tree's blobs
tree = {}
for t in r.json()['tree']:
assert t['type'] == 'blob', "we're *not* doing recursive trees in test cases"
r = self._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/blobs/{}'.format(self.name, t['sha']))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
tree[t['path']] = base64.b64decode(r.json()['content']).decode()
return tree
def make_ref(self, name, commit, force=False):
assert self.hook
assert name.startswith('heads/')
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/refs'.format(self.name), json={
'ref': 'refs/' + name,
'sha': commit,
if force and r.status_code == 422:
self.update_ref(name, commit, force=force)
assert r.ok, r.text
def update_ref(self, name, commit, force=False):
assert self.hook
r = self._session.patch('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/refs/{}'.format(self.name, name), json={'sha': commit, 'force': force})
assert r.ok, r.text
def protect(self, branch):
assert self.hook
r = self._session.put('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/branches/{}/protection'.format(self.name, branch), json={
'required_status_checks': None,
'enforce_admins': True,
'required_pull_request_reviews': None,
'restrictions': None,
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
# FIXME: remove this (runbot_merge should use make_commits directly)
def make_commit(self, ref, message, author, committer=None, tree=None, wait=True):
assert tree
if isinstance(ref, list):
assert all(re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{40}', r) for r in ref)
ancestor_id = ref
ref = None
ancestor_id = self.get_ref(ref) if ref else None
# if ref is already a commit id, don't pass it in
if ancestor_id == ref:
ref = None
[h] = self.make_commits(
MakeCommit(message, tree=tree, author=author, committer=committer, reset=True),
return h
def make_commits(self, root, *commits, ref=None, make=True):
assert self.hook
if isinstance(root, list):
parents = root
tree = None
elif root:
c = self.commit(root)
tree = c.tree
parents = [c.id]
tree = None
parents = []
hashes = []
for commit in commits:
if commit.tree:
if commit.reset:
tree = None
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/trees'.format(self.name), json={
'tree': [
{'path': k, 'mode': '100644', 'type': 'blob', 'content': v}
for k, v in commit.tree.items()
'base_tree': tree
assert r.ok, r.text
tree = r.json()['sha']
data = {
'parents': parents,
'message': commit.message,
'tree': tree,
if commit.author:
data['author'] = commit.author
if commit.committer:
data['committer'] = commit.committer
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/git/commits'.format(self.name), json=data)
assert r.ok, r.text
parents = [hashes[-1]]
if ref:
fn = self.make_ref if make else self.update_ref
fn(ref, hashes[-1], force=True)
return hashes
def fork(self, *, token=None):
s = self._get_session(token)
r = s.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/forks'.format(self.name))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
repo_name = r.json()['full_name']
repo_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/' + repo_name
# poll for end of fork
limit = time.time() + 60
while s.head(repo_url, timeout=5).status_code != 200:
if time.time() > limit:
raise TimeoutError("No response for repo %s over 60s" % repo_name)
return Repo(s, repo_name, self._repos)
def get_pr(self, number):
# ensure PR exists before returning it
return PR(self, number)
def make_pr(self, *, title=None, body=None, target, head, draft=False, token=None):
assert self.hook
self.hook = 2
if title is None:
assert ":" not in head, \
"will not auto-infer titles for PRs in a remote repo"
c = self.commit(head)
parts = iter(c.message.split('\n\n', 1))
title = next(parts)
body = next(parts, None)
headers = {}
if token:
headers['Authorization'] = 'token {}'.format(token)
# FIXME: change tests which pass a commit id to make_pr & remove this
if re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{40}', head):
ref = "temp_trash_because_head_must_be_a_ref_%d" % next(ct)
self.make_ref('heads/' + ref, head)
head = ref
r = self._session.post(
'title': title,
'body': body,
'head': head,
'base': target,
'draft': draft,
pr = r.json()
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, pr
return PR(self, pr['number'])
def post_status(self, ref, status, context='default', **kw):
assert self.hook
assert status in ('error', 'failure', 'pending', 'success')
r = self._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/statuses/{}'.format(self.name, self.commit(ref).id), json={
'state': status,
'context': context,
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def is_ancestor(self, sha, of):
return any(c['sha'] == sha for c in self.log(of))
def log(self, ref_or_sha):
for page in itertools.count(1):
r = self._session.get(
params={'sha': ref_or_sha, 'page': page}
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
yield from r.json()
if not r.links.get('next'):
def __enter__(self):
self.hook = 1
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self.hook = 0
class Commit:
def __init__(self, message, *, author=None, committer=None, tree, reset=False):
self.id = None
self.message = message
self.author = author
self.committer = committer
self.tree = tree
self.reset = reset
MakeCommit = Repo.Commit
ct = itertools.count()
class Comment(tuple):
def __new__(cls, c):
self = super(Comment, cls).__new__(cls, (c['user']['login'], c['body']))
self._c = c
return self
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._c[item]
mutation setReady($pid: ID!) {
markPullRequestReadyForReview(input: { pullRequestId: $pid}) {
mutation setDraft($pid: ID!) {
convertPullRequestToDraft(input: { pullRequestId: $pid }) {
def state_prop(name: str) -> property:
def _prop(self):
return self._pr[name]
return _prop.setter(lambda self, v: self._set_prop(name, v))
class PR:
def __init__(self, repo, number):
self.repo = repo
self.number = number
self.labels = LabelsProxy(self)
self._cache = None, {}
def _pr(self):
previous, caching = self._cache
r = self.repo._session.get(
'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls/{}'.format(self.repo.name, self.number),
assert r.ok, r.json()
if r.status_code == 304:
return previous
contents, caching = self._cache = r.json(), {}
if r.headers.get('etag'):
caching['If-None-Match'] = r.headers['etag']
if r.headers.get('last-modified'):
caching['If-Modified-Since']= r.headers['Last-Modified']
return contents
title = state_prop('title')
body = state_prop('body')
base = state_prop('base')
def draft(self):
return self._pr['draft']
def draft(self, v):
assert self.repo.hook
# apparently it's not possible to update the draft flag via the v3 API,
# only the V4...
r = self.repo._session.post('https://api.github.com/graphql', json={
'query': PR_SET_DRAFT if v else PR_SET_READY,
'variables': {'pid': self._pr['node_id']}
assert r.ok, r.text
out = r.json()
assert 'errors' not in out, out['errors']
def head(self):
return self._pr['head']['sha']
def user(self):
return self._pr['user']['login']
def state(self):
return self._pr['state']
def comments(self):
r = self.repo._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/comments'.format(self.repo.name, self.number))
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
return [Comment(c) for c in r.json()]
def ref(self):
return 'heads/' + self.branch.branch
def post_comment(self, body, token=None):
assert self.repo.hook
headers = {}
if token:
headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % token
r = self.repo._session.post(
'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/comments'.format(self.repo.name, self.number),
json={'body': body},
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
return r.json()['id']
def edit_comment(self, cid, body, token=None):
assert self.repo.hook
headers = {}
if token:
headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % token
r = self.repo._session.patch(
'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/comments/{}'.format(self.repo.name, cid),
json={'body': body},
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
def delete_comment(self, cid, token=None):
assert self.repo.hook
headers = {}
if token:
headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % token
r = self.repo._session.delete(
'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/comments/{}'.format(self.repo.name, cid),
assert r.status_code == 204, r.json()
def _set_prop(self, prop, value, token=None):
assert self.repo.hook
headers = {}
if token:
headers['Authorization'] = 'token ' + token
r = self.repo._session.patch('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls/{}'.format(self.repo.name, self.number), json={
prop: value
}, headers=headers)
assert r.ok, r.text
def open(self, token=None):
self._set_prop('state', 'open', token=token)
def close(self, token=None):
self._set_prop('state', 'closed', token=token)
def branch(self):
r = self.repo._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls/{}'.format(
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
info = r.json()
repo = self.repo
reponame = info['head']['repo']['full_name']
if reponame != self.repo.name:
# not sure deep copying the session object is safe / proper...
repo = Repo(copy.deepcopy(self.repo._session), reponame, [])
return PRBranch(repo, info['head']['ref'])
def post_review(self, state, body, token=None):
assert self.repo.hook
headers = {}
if token:
headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % token
r = self.repo._session.post(
'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/pulls/{}/reviews'.format(self.repo.name, self.number),
json={'body': body, 'event': state,},
assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300, r.json()
PRBranch = collections.namedtuple('PRBranch', 'repo branch')
class LabelsProxy(collections.abc.MutableSet):
def __init__(self, pr):
self._pr = pr
def _labels(self):
pr = self._pr
r = pr.repo._session.get('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/labels'.format(pr.repo.name, pr.number))
assert r.ok, r.json()
return {label['name'] for label in r.json()}
def __repr__(self):
return '<LabelsProxy %r>' % self._labels
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, collections.abc.Set):
return other == self._labels
return NotImplemented
def __contains__(self, label):
return label in self._labels
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._labels)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._labels)
def add(self, label):
pr = self._pr
assert pr.repo.hook
r = pr.repo._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/labels'.format(pr.repo.name, pr.number), json={
'labels': [label]
assert r.ok, r.json()
def discard(self, label):
pr = self._pr
assert pr.repo.hook
r = pr.repo._session.delete('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/labels/{}'.format(pr.repo.name, pr.number, label))
# discard should do nothing if the item didn't exist in the set
assert r.ok or r.status_code == 404, r.json()
def update(self, *others):
pr = self._pr
assert pr.repo.hook
# because of course that one is not provided by MutableMapping...
r = pr.repo._session.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/issues/{}/labels'.format(pr.repo.name, pr.number), json={
'labels': list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(others)))
assert r.ok, r.json()
class Environment:
def __init__(self, port, db, default_crons=()):
self._uid = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://localhost:{}/xmlrpc/2/common'.format(port)).authenticate(db, 'admin', 'admin', {})
self._object = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://localhost:{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(port))
self._db = db
self._default_crons = default_crons
def __call__(self, model, method, *args, **kwargs):
return self._object.execute_kw(
self._db, self._uid, 'admin',
model, method,
args, kwargs
def __getitem__(self, name):
return Model(self, name)
def run_crons(self, *xids, **kw):
crons = xids or self._default_crons
print('running crons', crons, file=sys.stderr)
for xid in crons:
t0 = time.time()
print('\trunning cron', xid, '...', file=sys.stderr)
model, cron_id = self('ir.model.data', 'check_object_reference', *xid.split('.', 1))
assert model == 'ir.cron', "Expected {} to be a cron, got {}".format(xid, model)
self('ir.cron', 'method_direct_trigger', [cron_id], **kw)
print('\tdone %.3fs' % (time.time() - t0), file=sys.stderr)
print('done', file=sys.stderr)
# sleep for some time as a lot of crap may have happened (?)
class Model:
__slots__ = ['env', '_name', '_ids', '_fields']
def __init__(self, env, model, ids=(), fields=None):
object.__setattr__(self, 'env', env)
object.__setattr__(self, '_name', model)
object.__setattr__(self, '_ids', tuple(ids or ()))
object.__setattr__(self, '_fields', fields or self.env(self._name, 'fields_get', attributes=['type', 'relation']))
def ids(self):
return self._ids
def _env(self): return self.env
def _model(self): return self._name
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._ids)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._ids)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Model):
return NotImplemented
return self._model == other._model and set(self._ids) == set(other._ids)
def __repr__(self):
return "{}({})".format(self._model, ', '.join(str(id_) for id_ in self._ids))
def browse(self, ids):
return Model(self._env, self._model, ids)
def exists(self):
ids = self._env(self._model, 'exists', self._ids)
return Model(self._env, self._model, ids)
def search(self, *args, **kwargs):
ids = self._env(self._model, 'search', *args, **kwargs)
return Model(self._env, self._model, ids)
def name_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._env(self._model, 'name_search', *args, **kwargs)
def create(self, values):
return Model(self._env, self._model, [self._env(self._model, 'create', values)])
def check_object_reference(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.env(self._model, 'check_object_reference', *args, **kwargs)
def sorted(self, field):
rs = sorted(self.read([field]), key=lambda r: r[field])
return Model(self._env, self._model, [r['id'] for r in rs])
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, str):
return getattr(self, index)
ids = self._ids[index]
if isinstance(ids, int):
ids = [ids]
return Model(self._env, self._model, ids, fields=self._fields)
def __getattr__(self, fieldname):
if fieldname in ['__dataclass_fields__', '__attrs_attrs__']:
raise AttributeError('%r is invalid on %s' % (fieldname, self._model))
field_description = self._fields.get(fieldname)
if field_description is None:
return functools.partial(self._call, fieldname)
if not self._ids:
return False
if fieldname == 'id':
return self._ids[0]
val = self.read([fieldname])[0][fieldname]
field_description = self._fields[fieldname]
if field_description['type'] in ('many2one', 'one2many', 'many2many'):
val = val or []
if field_description['type'] == 'many2one':
val = val[:1] # (id, name) => [id]
return Model(self._env, field_description['relation'], val)
return val
# because it's difficult to discriminate between methods and fields
def _call(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
return self._env(self._model, name, self._ids, *args, **kwargs)
def __setattr__(self, fieldname, value):
self._env(self._model, 'write', self._ids, {fieldname: value})
def __iter__(self):
return (
Model(self._env, self._model, [i], fields=self._fields)
for i in self._ids
def mapped(self, path):
field, *rest = path.split('.', 1)
descr = self._fields[field]
if descr['type'] in ('many2one', 'one2many', 'many2many'):
result = Model(self._env, descr['relation'])
for record in self:
result |= getattr(record, field)
return result.mapped(rest[0]) if rest else result
assert not rest
return [getattr(r, field) for r in self]
def filtered(self, fn):
result = Model(self._env, self._model, fields=self._fields)
for record in self:
if fn(record):
result |= record
return result
def __sub__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Model) or self._model != other._model:
return NotImplemented
return Model(self._env, self._model, tuple(id_ for id_ in self._ids if id_ not in other._ids), fields=self._fields)
def __or__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Model) or self._model != other._model:
return NotImplemented
return Model(
self._env, self._model,
self._ids + tuple(id_ for id_ in other.ids if id_ not in self._ids),
__add__ = __or__
def __and__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Model) or self._model != other._model:
return NotImplemented
return Model(self._env, self._model, tuple(id_ for id_ in self._ids if id_ in other._ids), fields=self._fields)
def invalidate_cache(self, fnames=None, ids=None):
pass # not a concern when every access is an RPC call