xdo 24d35988a4
[IMP] runbot: add auto restore for custom trigger (#784)
One of the most common custom trigger is to restore a build before
starting some test, either to create a multibuild or make the execution
and debug of some test faster.

It is somethimes tedious to use because we need to give an url of a
build to restore. This build must correspond to the right commits,
must still exixt, ... this means that the dump url must be adapted
everytime a branch is rebased.

The way the dump_url is defined is by going on the last batch, following
the link to the `base_reference_batch_id`, finding a slot corresponding
to the right repo set, (ex: Custom enterprise -> enterprise), and
copying the dump_url in this build.

The base_reference_batch_id is eay to automated but we have to find the
right trigger, this is now a parameter of the custom trigger wizard.
There are actually 2 strategy now to define how to download the dump:
- `url`, using `restore_ dump_url`
- `auto`,  using `restore_trigger_id` and `restore_database_suffix`

To ease the setup, a `restore_trigger_id` is added on a trigger, so that
when selecting a trigger, lets say `Custom enterprise`, the defined
`trigger.restore_trigger_id` is automatically chosen for the
`custom_trigger.restore_trigger_id` and the `restore_mode` is setted to

Two actions are also added to the header of a bundle, a shorcut to
setup a multi build (restore in children) or a restore and test build
(restore in parent).
2023-06-27 14:13:12 +02:00

637 lines
30 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import json
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import time
import requests
from pathlib import Path
from odoo import models, fields, api
from ..common import os, RunbotException, _make_github_session
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from import safe_eval
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _sanitize(name):
for i in '@:/':
name = name.replace(i, '_')
return name
class Trigger(models.Model):
List of repo parts that must be part of the same bundle
_name = 'runbot.trigger'
_inherit = 'mail.thread'
_description = 'Triggers'
_order = 'sequence, id'
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
name = fields.Char("Name")
description = fields.Char("Description", help="Informative description")
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.project', string="Project id", required=True)
repo_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.repo', relation='runbot_trigger_triggers', string="Triggers", domain="[('project_id', '=', project_id)]")
dependency_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.repo', relation='runbot_trigger_dependencies', string="Dependencies")
config_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Config", required=True)
batch_dependent = fields.Boolean('Batch Dependent', help="Force adding batch in build parameters to make it unique and give access to bundle")
ci_context = fields.Char("CI context", tracking=True)
category_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.category', default=lambda self: self.env.ref('runbot.default_category', raise_if_not_found=False))
version_domain = fields.Char(string="Version domain")
hide = fields.Boolean('Hide trigger on main page')
manual = fields.Boolean('Only start trigger manually', default=False)
restore_trigger_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.trigger', string='Restore Trigger ID for custom triggers', help="Mainly usefull to automatically define where to find a reference database when creating a custom trigger", tracking=True)
upgrade_dumps_trigger_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.trigger', string='Template/complement trigger', tracking=True)
upgrade_step_id = fields.Many2one('', compute="_compute_upgrade_step_id", store=True)
ci_url = fields.Char("CI url")
ci_description = fields.Char("CI description")
has_stats = fields.Boolean('Has a make_stats config step', compute="_compute_has_stats", store=True)
team_ids = fields.Many2many('', string="Runbot Teams", help="Teams responsible of this trigger, mainly usefull for nightly")
active = fields.Boolean("Active", default=True)
def _compute_has_stats(self):
for trigger in self:
trigger.has_stats = any(trigger.config_id.step_order_ids.step_id.mapped('make_stats'))
@api.depends('upgrade_dumps_trigger_id', 'config_id', 'config_id.step_order_ids.step_id.job_type')
def _compute_upgrade_step_id(self):
for trigger in self:
trigger.upgrade_step_id = False
if trigger.upgrade_dumps_trigger_id:
trigger.upgrade_step_id = self._upgrade_step_from_config(trigger.config_id)
def _upgrade_step_from_config(self, config):
upgrade_step = next((step_order.step_id for step_order in config.step_order_ids if step_order.step_id._is_upgrade_step()), False)
if not upgrade_step:
upgrade_step = next((step_order.step_id for step_order in config.step_order_ids if step_order.step_id.job_type == 'python'), False)
if not upgrade_step:
raise UserError('Upgrade trigger should have a config with step of type Configure Upgrade')
return upgrade_step
def _reference_builds(self, bundle):
if self.upgrade_step_id: # this is an upgrade trigger, add corresponding builds
custom_config = next((trigger_custom.config_id for trigger_custom in bundle.trigger_custom_ids if trigger_custom.trigger_id == self), False)
step = self._upgrade_step_from_config(custom_config) if custom_config else self.upgrade_step_id
refs_builds = step._reference_builds(bundle, self)
return [(4, for b in refs_builds]
return []
def get_version_domain(self):
if self.version_domain:
return safe_eval(self.version_domain)
return []
class Remote(models.Model):
Regroups repo and it duplicates (forks): odoo+odoo-dev for each repo
_name = 'runbot.remote'
_description = 'Remote'
_order = 'sequence, id'
_inherit = 'mail.thread'
name = fields.Char('Url', required=True, tracking=True)
repo_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.repo', required=True, tracking=True)
owner = fields.Char(compute='_compute_base_infos', string='Repo Owner', store=True, readonly=True, tracking=True)
repo_name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_base_infos', string='Repo Name', store=True, readonly=True, tracking=True)
repo_domain = fields.Char(compute='_compute_base_infos', string='Repo domain', store=True, readonly=True, tracking=True)
base_url = fields.Char(compute='_compute_base_url', string='Base URL', readonly=True, tracking=True)
short_name = fields.Char('Short name', compute='_compute_short_name', tracking=True)
remote_name = fields.Char('Remote name', compute='_compute_remote_name', tracking=True)
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', tracking=True)
fetch_heads = fields.Boolean('Fetch branches', default=True, tracking=True)
fetch_pull = fields.Boolean('Fetch PR', default=False, tracking=True)
send_status = fields.Boolean('Send status', default=False, tracking=True)
token = fields.Char("Github token", groups="runbot.group_runbot_admin")
def _compute_base_infos(self):
for remote in self:
name = re.sub('.+@', '',
name = re.sub('^https://', '', name) # support https repo style
name = re.sub('.git$', '', name)
name = name.replace(':', '/')
s = name.split('/')
remote.repo_domain = s[-3]
remote.owner = s[-2]
remote.repo_name = s[-1]
@api.depends('repo_domain', 'owner', 'repo_name')
def _compute_base_url(self):
for remote in self:
remote.base_url = '%s/%s/%s' % (remote.repo_domain, remote.owner, remote.repo_name)
@api.depends('name', 'base_url')
def _compute_short_name(self):
for remote in self:
remote.short_name = '/'.join(remote.base_url.split('/')[-2:])
def _compute_remote_name(self):
for remote in self:
remote.remote_name = _sanitize(remote.short_name)
def create(self, values_list):
remote = super().create(values_list)
if not remote.repo_id.main_remote_id:
remote.repo_id.main_remote_id = remote
return remote
def write(self, values):
res = super().write(values)
return res
def _github(self, url, payload=None, ignore_errors=False, nb_tries=2, recursive=False, session=None):
generator = self.sudo()._github_generator(url, payload=payload, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, nb_tries=nb_tries, recursive=recursive, session=session)
if recursive:
return generator
result = list(generator)
return result[0] if result else False
def _github_generator(self, url, payload=None, ignore_errors=False, nb_tries=2, recursive=False, session=None):
"""Return a http request to be sent to github"""
for remote in self:
if remote.owner and remote.repo_name and remote.repo_domain:
url = url.replace(':owner', remote.owner)
url = url.replace(':repo', remote.repo_name)
url = 'https://api.%s%s' % (remote.repo_domain, url)
session = session or _make_github_session(remote.token)
while url:
if recursive:'Getting page %s', url)
try_count = 0
while try_count < nb_tries:
if payload:
response =, data=json.dumps(payload))
response = session.get(url)
if try_count > 0:'Success after %s tries', (try_count + 1))
if recursive:
link = response.headers.get('link')
url = False
if link:
url = {link.split(';')[1]: link.split(';')[0] for link in link.split(',')}.get(' rel="next"')
if url:
url = url.strip('<> ')
yield response.json()
yield response.json()
except requests.HTTPError:
try_count += 1
if try_count < nb_tries:
if ignore_errors:
_logger.exception('Ignored github error %s %r (try %s/%s)', url, payload, try_count, nb_tries)
url = False
def check_token(self):
if not self.user_has_groups('runbot.group_runbot_admin'):
raise UserError('This action is restricted to admin users')
token_results = {}
for repo in self:
session = _make_github_session(repo.token)
if repo.token not in token_results:
token_results[repo.token] = session.get("")
response = token_results[repo.token]
limit_total = response.headers['X-RateLimit-Limit']
limit_used = response.headers['X-RateLimit-Used']
limit_remaining = response.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining']
limit_reset = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(response.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset']))
json = response.json()
login = json['login']
user_id = json['id']
html_url = json['html_url']
avatar_url = json['avatar_url']
repo_access_response = session.get(f'{repo.owner}/{self.repo_name}/collaborators/{login}/permission')
if repo_access_response.status_code == 200:
repo_access = repo_access_response.json()
permission = repo_access['permission']
permissions = repo_access['user']['permissions']
access_info = f'''
<b>Permissions:</b> {permission}<br/>
<li><b>admin:</b> <span class="fa fa-{'check' if permissions['admin'] else 'times'}"></li>
<li><b>maintain:</b> <span class="fa fa-{'check' if permissions['maintain'] else 'times'}"/></li>
<li><b>push:</b> <span class="fa fa-{'check' if permissions['push'] else 'times'}"/></li>
<li><b>triage:</b> <span class="fa fa-{'check' if permissions['triage'] else 'times'}"/></li>
<li><b>pull:</b> <span class="fa fa-{'check' if permissions['pull'] else 'times'}"/></li>
access_info = 'Look like this repo does not exist or given token does not have access to it'
message = f'''
<b>User:</b> <a href="{html_url}">{login}</a> <img src={avatar_url} height="20px" width="20px"><br/>
<b>User id:</b> {user_id}<br/>
<b>Limit total:</b> {limit_total}<br/>
<b>Limit used:</b> {limit_used}<br/>
<b>Limit remaining:</b> {limit_remaining}<br/>
<b>Limit reset:</b> {limit_reset}<br/>
except Exception as e:
_logger.exception('An error occured')
message = f"An error occured: \n{str(e)}"
class Repo(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.repo'
_description = "Repo"
_order = 'sequence, id'
_inherit = 'mail.thread'
name = fields.Char("Name", tracking=True) # odoo/enterprise/upgrade/security/runbot/design_theme
identity_file = fields.Char("Identity File", help="Identity file to use with git/ssh", groups="runbot.group_runbot_admin")
main_remote_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.remote', "Main remote", tracking=True)
remote_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.remote', 'repo_id', "Remotes")
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.project', required=True, tracking=True,
help="Default bundle project to use when pushing on this repos")
# -> not verry usefull, remove it? (iterate on projects or contraints triggers:
# all trigger where a repo is used must be in the same project.
modules = fields.Char("Modules to install", help="Comma-separated list of modules to install and test.", tracking=True)
server_files = fields.Char('Server files', help='Comma separated list of possible server files', tracking=True) # odoo-bin,openerp-server,
manifest_files = fields.Char('Manifest files', help='Comma separated list of possible manifest files', default='', tracking=True)
addons_paths = fields.Char('Addons paths', help='Comma separated list of possible addons path', default='', tracking=True)
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', tracking=True)
path = fields.Char(compute='_get_path', string='Directory', readonly=True)
mode = fields.Selection([('disabled', 'Disabled'),
('poll', 'Poll'),
('hook', 'Hook')],
string="Mode", required=True, help="hook: Wait for webhook on /runbot/hook/<id> i.e. github push event", tracking=True)
hook_time = fields.Float('Last hook time', compute='_compute_hook_time')
last_processed_hook_time = fields.Float('Last processed hook time')
get_ref_time = fields.Float('Last refs db update', compute='_compute_get_ref_time')
trigger_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.trigger', relation='runbot_trigger_triggers', readonly=True)
single_version = fields.Many2one('runbot.version', "Single version", help="Limit the repo to a single version for non versionned repo")
forbidden_regex = fields.Char('Forbidden regex', help="Regex that forid bundle creation if branch name is matching", tracking=True)
invalid_branch_message = fields.Char('Forbidden branch message', tracking=True)
def _compute_get_ref_time(self):"""
SELECT repo_id, time FROM runbot_repo_reftime
SELECT max(id) FROM runbot_repo_reftime
WHERE repo_id = any(%s) GROUP BY repo_id
""", [self.ids])
times = dict(
for repo in self:
repo.get_ref_time = times.get(, 0)
def _compute_hook_time(self):"""
SELECT repo_id, time FROM runbot_repo_hooktime
SELECT max(id) FROM runbot_repo_hooktime
WHERE repo_id = any(%s) GROUP BY repo_id
""", [self.ids])
times = dict(
for repo in self:
repo.hook_time = times.get(, 0)
def set_hook_time(self, value):
for repo in self:
self.env['runbot.repo.hooktime'].create({'time': value, 'repo_id':})
def set_ref_time(self, value):
for repo in self:
self.env['runbot.repo.reftime'].create({'time': value, 'repo_id':})
def _gc_times(self):"""
DELETE from runbot_repo_reftime WHERE id NOT IN (
SELECT max(id) FROM runbot_repo_reftime GROUP BY repo_id
DELETE from runbot_repo_hooktime WHERE id NOT IN (
SELECT max(id) FROM runbot_repo_hooktime GROUP BY repo_id
def _get_path(self):
"""compute the server path of repo from the name"""
root = self.env['runbot.runbot']._root()
for repo in self:
repo.path = os.path.join(root, 'repo', _sanitize(
def _git(self, cmd, errors='strict'):
"""Execute a git command 'cmd'"""
config_args = []
if self.identity_file:
config_args = ['-c', 'core.sshCommand=ssh -i %s/.ssh/%s' % (str(Path.home()), self.identity_file)]
cmd = ['git', '-C', self.path] + config_args + cmd"git command: %s", ' '.join(cmd))
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode(errors=errors)
def _fetch(self, sha):
if not self._hash_exists(sha):
if not self._hash_exists(sha):
for remote in self.remote_ids:
self._git(['fetch', remote.remote_name, sha])'Success fetching specific head %s on %s', sha, remote)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if not self._hash_exists(sha):
raise RunbotException("Commit %s is unreachable. Did you force push the branch?" % sha)
def _hash_exists(self, commit_hash):
""" Verify that a commit hash exists in the repo """
self._git(['cat-file', '-e', commit_hash])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
return True
def _is_branch_forbidden(self, branch_name):
if self.forbidden_regex:
return re.match(self.forbidden_regex, branch_name)
return False
def _get_fetch_head_time(self):
fname_fetch_head = os.path.join(self.path, 'FETCH_HEAD')
if os.path.exists(fname_fetch_head):
return os.path.getmtime(fname_fetch_head)
return 0
def _get_refs(self, max_age=30, ignore=None):
"""Find new refs
:return: list of tuples with following refs informations:
name, sha, date, author, author_email, subject, committer, committer_email
get_ref_time = round(self._get_fetch_head_time(), 4)
commit_limit = time.time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * max_age)
if not self.get_ref_time or get_ref_time > self.get_ref_time:
fields = ['refname', 'objectname', 'committerdate:unix', 'authorname', 'authoremail', 'subject', 'committername', 'committeremail']
fmt = "%00".join(["%(" + field + ")" for field in fields])
cmd = ['for-each-ref', '--format', fmt, '--sort=-committerdate', 'refs/*/heads/*']
if any(remote.fetch_pull for remote in self.remote_ids):
git_refs = self._git(cmd)
git_refs = git_refs.strip()
if not git_refs:
return []
refs = [tuple(field for field in line.split('\x00')) for line in git_refs.split('\n')]
refs = [r for r in refs if not re.match(r'^refs/[\w-]+/heads/\d+$', r[0])] # remove branches with interger names to avoid confusion with pr names
refs = [r for r in refs if int(r[2]) > commit_limit or self.env['runbot.branch'].match_is_base(r[0].split('/')[-1])]
if ignore:
refs = [r for r in refs if r[0].split('/')[-1] not in ignore]
return refs
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Fail to get refs for repo %s',
self.env['runbot.runbot'].warning('Fail to get refs for repo %s',
return []
def _find_or_create_branches(self, refs):
"""Parse refs and create branches that does not exists yet
:param refs: list of tuples returned by _get_refs()
:return: dict {}
The returned structure contains all the branches from refs newly created
or older ones.
names = [r[0].split('/')[-1] for r in refs]
branches = self.env['runbot.branch'].search([('name', 'in', names), ('remote_id', 'in', self.remote_ids.ids)])
ref_branches = {branch.ref(): branch for branch in branches}
new_branch_values = []
for ref_name, sha, date, author, author_email, subject, committer, committer_email in refs:
if not ref_branches.get(ref_name):
# format example:
# refs/ruodoo-dev/heads/12.0-must-fail
# refs/ruodoo/pull/1
_, remote_name, branch_type, name = ref_name.split('/')
remote_id = self.remote_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.remote_name == remote_name).id
if not remote_id:
_logger.warning('Remote %s not found', remote_name)
new_branch_values.append({'remote_id': remote_id, 'name': name, 'is_pr': branch_type == 'pull'})
# TODO catch error for pr info. It may fail for multiple raison. closed? external? check corner cases'new branch %s found in %s', name,
if new_branch_values:'Creating new branches')
new_branches = self.env['runbot.branch'].create(new_branch_values)
for branch in new_branches:
ref_branches[branch.ref()] = branch
return ref_branches
def _find_new_commits(self, refs, ref_branches):
"""Find new commits in bare repo
:param refs: list of tuples returned by _get_refs()
:param ref_branches: dict structure {}
described in _find_or_create_branches
for ref_name, sha, date, author, author_email, subject, committer, committer_email in refs:
branch = ref_branches[ref_name]
if branch.head_name != sha: # new push on branch'repo %s branch %s new commit found: %s',,, sha)
commit = self.env['runbot.commit']._get(sha,, {
'author': author,
'author_email': author_email,
'committer': committer,
'committer_email': committer_email,
'subject': subject,
'date': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(date)),
branch.head = commit
if not branch.alive:
if branch.is_pr:'Recomputing infos of dead pr %s',
branch.alive = True
if branch.reference_name and branch.remote_id and branch.remote_id.repo_id._is_branch_forbidden(branch.reference_name):
message = "This branch name is incorrect. Branch name should be prefixed with a valid version"
message = branch.remote_id.repo_id.invalid_branch_message or message
branch.head._github_status(False, "Branch naming", 'failure', False, message)
bundle = branch.bundle_id
if bundle.no_build:
if bundle.last_batch.state != 'preparing':
preparing = self.env['runbot.batch'].create({
'state': 'preparing',
bundle.last_batch = preparing
if bundle.last_batch.state == 'preparing':
def _update_batches(self, force=False, ignore=None):
""" Find new commits in physical repos"""
updated = False
for repo in self:
if repo.remote_ids and self._update(poll_delay=30 if force else 60*5):
max_age = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('runbot.runbot_max_age', default=30))
ref = repo._get_refs(max_age, ignore=ignore)
ref_branches = repo._find_or_create_branches(ref)
repo._find_new_commits(ref, ref_branches)
updated = True
return updated
def _update_git_config(self):
""" Update repo git config file """
for repo in self:
if repo.mode == 'disabled':'skipping disabled repo {}')
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo.path, 'refs')):
git_config_path = os.path.join(repo.path, 'config')
template_params = {'repo': repo}
git_config = self.env['ir.ui.view']._render_template("runbot.git_config", template_params)
with open(git_config_path, 'w') as config_file:
config_file.write(str(git_config))'Config updated for repo %s' %
else:'Repo not cloned, skiping config update for %s' %
def _git_init(self):
""" Clone the remote repo if needed """
repo = self
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo.path, 'refs')):"Initiating repository '%s' in '%s'" % (, repo.path))
git_init =['git', 'init', '--bare', repo.path], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if git_init.returncode:
_logger.warning('Git init failed with code %s and message: "%s"', git_init.returncode, git_init.stderr)
return True
def _update_git(self, force=False, poll_delay=5*60):
""" Update the git repo on FS """
repo = self
if not repo.remote_ids:
return False
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo.path)):
force = self._git_init() or force
fname_fetch_head = os.path.join(repo.path, 'FETCH_HEAD')
if not force and os.path.isfile(fname_fetch_head):
fetch_time = os.path.getmtime(fname_fetch_head)
if repo.mode == 'hook':
if not repo.hook_time or (repo.last_processed_hook_time and repo.hook_time <= repo.last_processed_hook_time):
return False
repo.last_processed_hook_time = repo.hook_time
if repo.mode == 'poll':
if (time.time() < fetch_time + poll_delay):
return False'Updating repo %s',
return self._update_fetch_cmd()
def _update_fetch_cmd(self):
# Extracted from update_git to be easily overriden in external module
try_count = 0
success = False
delay = 0
while not success and try_count < 5:
self._git(['fetch', '-p', '--all', ])
success = True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
try_count += 1
delay = delay * 1.5 if delay else 0.5
if try_count > 4:
message = 'Failed to fetch repo %s: %s' % (, e.output.decode())
host = self.env['']._get_current()
icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
if icp.get_param('runbot.runbot_disable_host_on_fetch_failure'):
self.env['runbot.runbot'].warning('Host %s got reserved because of fetch failure' %
return success
def _update(self, force=False, poll_delay=5*60):
""" Update the physical git reposotories on FS"""
return self._update_git(force, poll_delay)
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Fail to update repo %s',
def _get_module(self, file):
for addons_path in (self.addons_paths or '').split(','):
base_path = f'{}/{addons_path}'
if file.startswith(base_path):
return file[len(base_path):].strip('/').split('/')[0]
class RefTime(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.repo.reftime'
_description = "Repo reftime"
_log_access = False
time = fields.Float('Time', index=True, required=True)
repo_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.repo', 'Repository', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
class HookTime(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.repo.hooktime'
_description = "Repo hooktime"
_log_access = False
time = fields.Float('Time')
repo_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.repo', 'Repository', required=True, ondelete='cascade')