mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 10:25:44 +07:00

Since we store the target_branch_name, filtering out pull head names that contains `patch-` is not necessary anymore. This commit is one first step towards a clean refactoring.
355 lines
17 KiB
355 lines
17 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import re
import time
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.osv import expression
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class runbot_branch(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.branch"
_description = "Branch"
_order = 'name'
_sql_constraints = [('branch_repo_uniq', 'unique (name,repo_id)', 'The branch must be unique per repository !')]
repo_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.repo', 'Repository', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
duplicate_repo_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.repo', 'Duplicate Repository', related='repo_id.duplicate_id',)
name = fields.Char('Ref Name', required=True)
branch_name = fields.Char(compute='_get_branch_infos', string='Branch', readonly=1, store=True)
branch_url = fields.Char(compute='_get_branch_url', string='Branch url', readonly=1)
pull_head_name = fields.Char(compute='_get_branch_infos', string='PR HEAD name', readonly=1, store=True)
target_branch_name = fields.Char(compute='_get_branch_infos', string='PR target branch', store=True)
pull_branch_name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_pull_branch_name', string='Branch display name')
sticky = fields.Boolean('Sticky')
closest_sticky = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', compute='_compute_closest_sticky', string='Closest sticky')
defined_sticky = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', string='Force sticky')
previous_version = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', compute='_compute_previous_version', string='Previous version branch')
intermediate_stickies = fields.Many2many('runbot.branch', compute='_compute_intermediate_stickies', string='Intermediates stickies')
coverage_result = fields.Float(compute='_compute_coverage_result', type='Float', string='Last coverage', store=False) # non optimal search in loop, could we store this result ? or optimise
state = fields.Char('Status')
modules = fields.Char("Modules to Install", help="Comma-separated list of modules to install and test.")
priority = fields.Boolean('Build priority', default=False)
no_build = fields.Boolean("Forbid creation of build on this branch", default=False)
no_auto_build = fields.Boolean("Don't automatically build commit on this branch", default=False)
rebuild_requested = fields.Boolean("Request a rebuild", help="Rebuild the latest commit even when no_auto_build is set.", default=False)
branch_config_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.config', 'Branch Config')
config_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.config', 'Run Config', compute='_compute_config_id', inverse='_inverse_config_id')
make_stats = fields.Boolean('Extract stats from logs', compute='_compute_make_stats', store=True)
@api.depends('sticky', 'defined_sticky', 'target_branch_name', 'name')
# won't be recompute if a new branch is marked as sticky or sticky is removed, but should be ok if not stored
def _compute_closest_sticky(self):
for branch in self:
if branch.sticky:
branch.closest_sticky = branch
elif branch.defined_sticky:
branch.closest_sticky = branch.defined_sticky # be carefull with loop
elif branch.target_branch_name:
corresponding_branch = self.search([('branch_name', '=', branch.target_branch_name), ('repo_id', '=', branch.repo_id.id)])
branch.closest_sticky = corresponding_branch.closest_sticky
repo_ids = (branch.repo_id | branch.repo_id.duplicate_id).ids
self.env.cr.execute("select id from runbot_branch where sticky = 't' and repo_id = any(%s) and %s like name||'%%'", (repo_ids, branch.name or ''))
branch.closest_sticky = self.browse(self.env.cr.fetchone())
@api.depends('closest_sticky') #, 'closest_sticky.previous_version')
def _compute_previous_version(self):
for branch in self.sorted(key='sticky', reverse=True):
# orm does not support non_searchable.non_stored dependency.
# thus, the closest_sticky.previous_version dependency will log an error
# when previous_version is written.
# this dependency is usefull to make the compute recursive, avoiding to have
# both record and record.closest_sticky in self, in that order, making the record.previous_version
# empty in all cases.
# Sorting self on sticky will mitigate the problem. but it is still posible to
# have computation errors if defined_sticky is not sticky. (which is not a normal use case)
if branch.closest_sticky == branch:
repo_ids = (branch.repo_id | branch.repo_id.duplicate_id).ids
domain = [('branch_name', 'like', '%.0'), ('sticky', '=', True), ('branch_name', '!=', 'master'), ('repo_id', 'in', repo_ids)]
if branch.branch_name != 'master' and branch.id:
domain += [('id', '<', branch.id)]
branch.previous_version = self.search(domain, limit=1, order='id desc')
branch.previous_version = branch.closest_sticky.previous_version
@api.depends('previous_version', 'closest_sticky')
def _compute_intermediate_stickies(self):
for branch in self.sorted(key='sticky', reverse=True):
if branch.closest_sticky == branch:
if not branch.previous_version:
branch.intermediate_stickies = [(5, 0, 0)]
repo_ids = (branch.repo_id | branch.repo_id.duplicate_id).ids
domain = [('id', '>', branch.previous_version.id), ('sticky', '=', True), ('branch_name', '!=', 'master'), ('repo_id', 'in', repo_ids)]
if branch.closest_sticky.branch_name != 'master' and branch.closest_sticky.id:
domain += [('id', '<', branch.closest_sticky.id)]
branch.intermediate_stickies = [(6, 0, self.search(domain, order='id desc').ids)]
branch.intermediate_stickies = [(6, 0, branch.closest_sticky.intermediate_stickies.ids)]
def _compute_config_id(self):
for branch in self:
if branch.branch_config_id:
branch.config_id = branch.branch_config_id
branch.config_id = branch.repo_id.config_id
def _inverse_config_id(self):
for branch in self:
branch.branch_config_id = branch.config_id
def _compute_pull_branch_name(self):
for branch in self:
branch.pull_branch_name = branch.pull_head_name.split(':')[-1] if branch.pull_head_name else branch.branch_name
def _compute_make_stats(self):
for branch in self:
branch.make_stats = branch.sticky
def _get_branch_infos(self, pull_info=None):
"""compute branch_name, branch_url, pull_head_name and target_branch_name based on name"""
for branch in self:
if branch.name:
branch.branch_name = branch.name.split('/')[-1]
pi = pull_info or branch._get_pull_info()
if pi:
branch.target_branch_name = pi['base']['ref']
branch.pull_head_name = pi['head']['label']
branch.branch_name = ''
def recompute_infos(self):
""" public method to recompute infos on demand """
def _get_branch_url(self):
"""compute the branch url based on branch_name"""
for branch in self:
if branch.name:
if re.match('^[0-9]+$', branch.branch_name):
branch.branch_url = "https://%s/pull/%s" % (branch.repo_id.base, branch.branch_name)
branch.branch_url = "https://%s/tree/%s" % (branch.repo_id.base, branch.branch_name)
branch.branch_url = ''
def _get_pull_info(self):
repo = self.repo_id
if repo.token and self.name.startswith('refs/pull/'):
pull_number = self.name[len('refs/pull/'):]
return repo._github('/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/%s' % pull_number, ignore_errors=True) or {}
return {}
def _is_on_remote(self):
# check that a branch still exists on remote
branch = self
repo = branch.repo_id
repo._git(['ls-remote', '-q', '--exit-code', repo.name, branch.name])
except CalledProcessError:
return False
return True
def _get_last_branch_name_builds(self):
# naive way to find corresponding build, only matching branch name or pr pull_head_name and target_branch_name.
domain = []
if self.pull_head_name:
domain = [('pull_head_name', 'like', '%%:%s' % self.pull_head_name.split(':')[-1]), ('target_branch_name', '=', self.target_branch_name)] # pr matching pull head name
domain = [('name', '=', self.name)]
#domain += [('id', '!=', self.branch_id.id)]
e = expression.expression(domain, self)
where_clause, where_params = e.to_sql()
repo_ids = tuple(self.env['runbot.repo'].search([]).ids) # access rights
query = """
SELECT max(b.id)
FROM runbot_build b
JOIN runbot_branch br ON br.id = b.branch_id
WHERE b.branch_id IN (
SELECT id from runbot_branch WHERE %s
AND b.build_type IN ('normal', 'rebuild')
AND b.repo_id in %%s
AND (b.hidden = false OR b.hidden IS NULL)
AND b.parent_id IS NULL
AND (br.no_build = false OR br.no_build IS NULL)
GROUP BY b.repo_id
""" % where_clause
self.env.cr.execute(query, where_params + [repo_ids])
results = [r[0] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()]
return self.env['runbot.build'].browse(results)
def create(self, vals):
if not vals.get('config_id') and ('use-coverage' in (vals.get('name') or '')):
coverage_config = self.env.ref('runbot.runbot_build_config_test_coverage', raise_if_not_found=False)
if coverage_config:
vals['config_id'] = coverage_config
return super(runbot_branch, self).create(vals)
def _get_last_coverage_build(self):
""" Return the last build with a coverage value > 0"""
return self.env['runbot.build'].search([
('branch_id.id', '=', self.id),
('local_state', 'in', ['done', 'running']),
('coverage_result', '>=', 0.0),
], order='sequence desc', limit=1)
def _compute_coverage_result(self):
""" Compute the coverage result of the last build in branch """
for branch in self:
last_build = branch._get_last_coverage_build()
branch.coverage_result = last_build.coverage_result or 0.0
def _get_closest_branch(self, target_repo_id):
Return branch id of the closest branch based on name or pr informations.
Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
repo = self.repo_id
name = self.pull_head_name or self.branch_name
target_repo = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(target_repo_id)
target_repo_ids = [target_repo.id]
r = target_repo.duplicate_id
while r:
if r.id in target_repo_ids:
r = r.duplicate_id
_logger.debug('Search closest of %s (%s) in repos %r', name, repo.name, target_repo_ids)
def sort_by_repo(branch):
return (
not branch.sticky, # sticky first
-1 * len(branch.branch_name), # little change of logic here, was only sorted on branch_name in prefix matching case before
-1 * branch.id
# 1. same name, not a PR
if not self.pull_head_name: # not a pr
domain = [
('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids),
('branch_name', '=', self.branch_name),
('name', '=like', 'refs/heads/%'),
targets = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
targets = sorted(targets, key=sort_by_repo)
if targets and targets[0]._is_on_remote():
return (targets[0], 'exact')
# 2. PR with head name equals
if self.pull_head_name:
domain = [
('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids),
('pull_head_name', '=', self.pull_head_name),
('name', '=like', 'refs/pull/%'),
pulls = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
pulls = sorted(pulls, key=sort_by_repo)
for pull in Branch.browse([pu['id'] for pu in pulls]):
pi = pull._get_pull_info()
if pi.get('state') == 'open':
if ':' in self.pull_head_name:
(repo_name, pr_branch_name) = self.pull_head_name.split(':')
repo = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(target_repo_ids).filtered(lambda r: ':%s/' % repo_name in r.name)
# most of the time repo will be pull.repo_id.duplicate_id, but it is still possible to have a pr pointing the same repo
if repo:
pr_branch_ref = 'refs/heads/%s' % pr_branch_name
pr_branch = self._get_or_create_branch(repo.id, pr_branch_ref)
# use _get_or_create_branch in case a pr is scanned before pull_head_name branch.
return (pr_branch, 'exact PR')
return (pull, 'exact PR')
# 4.Match a PR in enterprise without community PR
# Moved before 3 because it makes more sense
if self.pull_head_name:
if self.name.startswith('refs/pull'):
if ':' in self.pull_head_name:
(repo_name, pr_branch_name) = self.pull_head_name.split(':')
repos = self.env['runbot.repo'].browse(target_repo_ids).filtered(lambda r: ':%s/' % repo_name in r.name)
pr_branch_name = self.pull_head_name
repos = target_repo
if repos:
duplicate_branch_name = 'refs/heads/%s' % pr_branch_name
domain = [
('repo_id', 'in', tuple(repos.ids)),
('branch_name', '=', pr_branch_name),
('pull_head_name', '=', False),
targets = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
targets = sorted(targets, key=sort_by_repo)
if targets and targets[0]._is_on_remote():
return (targets[0], 'no PR')
# 3. Match a branch which is the dashed-prefix of current branch name
if not self.pull_head_name:
if '-' in self.branch_name:
name_start = 'refs/heads/%s' % self.branch_name.split('-')[0]
domain = [('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), ('name', '=like', '%s%%' % name_start)]
branches = Branch.search(domain, order='id DESC')
branches = sorted(branches, key=sort_by_repo)
for branch in branches:
if self.branch_name.startswith('%s-' % branch.branch_name) and branch._is_on_remote():
return (branch, 'prefix')
# 5. last-resort value
if self.target_branch_name:
default_target_ref = 'refs/heads/%s' % self.target_branch_name
default_branch = self.search([('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), ('name', '=', default_target_ref)], limit=1)
if default_branch:
return (default_branch, 'pr_target')
default_target_ref = 'refs/heads/master'
default_branch = self.search([('repo_id', 'in', target_repo_ids), ('name', '=', default_target_ref)], limit=1)
# we assume that master will always exists
return (default_branch, 'default')
def _branch_exists(self, branch_id):
Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
branch = Branch.search([('id', '=', branch_id)])
if branch and branch[0]._is_on_remote():
return True
return False
def _get_or_create_branch(self, repo_id, name):
res = self.search([('repo_id', '=', repo_id), ('name', '=', name)], limit=1)
if res:
return res
_logger.warning('creating missing branch %s', name)
Branch = self.env['runbot.branch']
branch = Branch.create({'repo_id': repo_id, 'name': name})
return branch
def toggle_request_branch_rebuild(self):
for branch in self:
if not branch.rebuild_requested:
branch.rebuild_requested = True
branch.rebuild_requested = False