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synced 2025-03-28 05:45:52 +07:00

- don't *fail* in `_compute_identity`, it causes issues when the token is valid but doesn't have `user:email` access as the request is aborted and saving doesn't work - make `github_name` and `github_email` required rather than ad-hoc requiring them in `_compute_identity` (which doesn't work correctly) - force copy of `github_name` and `github_email`, with o2ms being !copy this means duplicating projects now works out of the box (or should...) Currently errors in `_compute_identity` are reported via logging which is not great as it's not UI visible, should probably get moved to chatter eventually but that's not currently enabled on projects. Fixes #990
233 lines
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233 lines
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import logging
import re
from typing import List
import requests
import sentry_sdk
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import reverse_order
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Project(models.Model):
_name = _description = 'runbot_merge.project'
name = fields.Char(required=True, index=True)
repo_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.repository', 'project_id',
help="Repos included in that project, they'll be staged together. "\
"*Not* to be used for cross-repo dependencies (that is to be handled by the CI)"
branch_ids = fields.One2many(
'runbot_merge.branch', 'project_id',
context={'active_test': False},
help="Branches of all project's repos which are managed by the merge bot. Also "\
"target branches of PR this project handles."
staging_enabled = fields.Boolean(default=True)
staging_priority = fields.Selection([
('default', "Splits over ready PRs"),
('largest', "Largest of split and ready PRs"),
('ready', "Ready PRs over split"),
], default="default", required=True)
staging_statuses = fields.Boolean(default=True)
staging_rpc = fields.Boolean(default=False)
ci_timeout = fields.Integer(
default=60, required=True, group_operator=None,
help="Delay (in minutes) before a staging is considered timed out and failed"
github_token = fields.Char("Github Token", required=True)
github_name = fields.Char(store=True, compute="_compute_identity", required=True, copy=True)
github_email = fields.Char(store=True, compute="_compute_identity", required=True, copy=True)
github_prefix = fields.Char(
default="hanson", # mergebot du bot du bot du~
help="Prefix (~bot name) used when sending commands from PR "
"comments e.g. [hanson retry] or [hanson r+ priority]",
fp_github_token = fields.Char()
fp_github_name = fields.Char(store=True, compute="_compute_git_identity")
batch_limit = fields.Integer(
default=8, group_operator=None, help="Maximum number of PRs staged together")
freeze_id = fields.Many2one('runbot_merge.project.freeze', compute='_compute_freeze')
freeze_reminder = fields.Text()
uniquifier = fields.Boolean(
help="Whether to add a uniquifier commit on repositories without PRs"
" during staging. The lack of uniquifier can lead to CI conflicts"
" as github works off of commits, so it's possible for an"
" unrelated build to trigger a failure if somebody is a dummy and"
" includes repos they have no commit for."
def _compute_identity(self):
s = requests.Session()
for project in self:
if not project.github_token or (project.github_name and project.github_email):
headers = {'Authorization': f'token {project.github_token}'}
r0 = s.get('https://api.github.com/user', headers=headers)
if not r0.ok:
_logger.warning("Failed to fetch merge bot information for project %s: %s", project.name, r0.text or r0.content)
r = r0.json()
project.github_name = r['name'] or r['login']
if email := r['email']:
project.github_email = email
if 'user:email' not in set(re.split(r',\s*', r0.headers['x-oauth-scopes'])):
_logger.warning("Unable to fetch merge bot emails for project %s: scope missing from token", project.name)
r1 = s.get('https://api.github.com/user/emails', headers=headers)
if not r1.ok:
_logger.warning("Failed to fetch merge bot emails for project %s: %s", project.name, r1.text or r1.content)
project.github_email = next((
for entry in r1.json()
if entry['primary']
), None)
# technically the email could change at any moment...
def _compute_git_identity(self):
s = requests.Session()
for project in self:
if project.fp_github_name or not project.fp_github_token:
r0 = s.get('https://api.github.com/user', headers={
'Authorization': 'token %s' % project.fp_github_token
if not r0.ok:
_logger.error("Failed to fetch forward bot information for project %s: %s", project.name, r0.text or r0.content)
user = r0.json()
project.fp_github_name = user['name'] or user['login']
def _check_stagings(self, commit=False):
# check branches with an active staging
for branch in self.env['runbot_merge.branch']\
.search([('active_staging_id', '!=', False)]):
staging = branch.active_staging_id
with self.env.cr.savepoint():
except Exception:
_logger.exception("Failed to check staging for branch %r (staging %s)",
branch.name, staging)
if commit:
def _create_stagings(self, commit=False):
from .stagings_create import try_staging
# look up branches which can be staged on and have no active staging
for branch in self.env['runbot_merge.branch'].search([
('active_staging_id', '=', False),
('active', '=', True),
('staging_enabled', '=', True),
('project_id.staging_enabled', '=', True),
with self.env.cr.savepoint():
if not self.env['runbot_merge.patch']._apply_patches(branch):
except Exception:
_logger.exception("Failed to apply patches to branch %r", branch.name)
if commit:
with self.env.cr.savepoint(), \
sentry_sdk.start_span(description=f'create staging {branch.name}') as span:
span.set_tag('branch', branch.name)
except Exception:
_logger.exception("Failed to create staging for branch %r", branch.name)
if commit:
def _find_commands(self, comment: str) -> List[str]:
"""Tries to find all the lines starting (ignoring leading whitespace)
with either the merge or the forward port bot identifiers.
For convenience, the identifier *can* be prefixed with an ``@`` or
``#``, and suffixed with a ``:``.
# horizontal whitespace (\s - {\n, \r}), but Python doesn't have \h or \p{Blank}
h = r'[^\S\r\n]'
return re.findall(
comment, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
def _has_branch(self, name):
self.env['runbot_merge.branch'].flush_model(['project_id', 'name'])
SELECT 1 FROM runbot_merge_branch
WHERE project_id = %s AND name = %s
""", (self.id, name))
return bool(self.env.cr.rowcount)
def _next_freeze(self):
prev = self.branch_ids[1:2].name
if not prev:
return None
m = re.search(r'(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$', prev)
if m:
return "%s.%d" % (m[1], (int(m[2] or 0) + 1))
return f'post-{prev}'
def _compute_freeze(self):
freezes = {
f.project_id.id: f.id
for f in self.env['runbot_merge.project.freeze'].search([('project_id', 'in', self.ids)])
for project in self:
project.freeze_id = freezes.get(project.id) or False
def action_prepare_freeze(self):
""" Initialises the freeze wizard and returns the corresponding action.
Freeze = self.env['runbot_merge.project.freeze'].sudo()
w = Freeze.search([('project_id', '=', self.id)]) or Freeze.create({
'project_id': self.id,
'branch_name': self._next_freeze(),
'release_pr_ids': [
(0, 0, {'repository_id': repo.id})
for repo in self.repo_ids
if repo.freeze
return w.action_open()
def _forward_port_ordered(self, domain=()):
Branches = self.env['runbot_merge.branch']
return Branches.search(expression.AND([
[('project_id', '=', self.id)],
domain or [],
]), order=reverse_order(Branches._order))