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synced 2025-03-26 21:05:49 +07:00

When cleaning build errors before fingerprinting, it's only possible to replace the matching regex with something else but not an empty string. Since the python 3.11 that may adds lines in error message in order to visually improve them, the fingerprint of those errors does not match anymore between different versions. With this commit, when the replacement string is two consecutive simple quotes, the matching element is replaced by an empty sting, allowing to remove unwanted characters.
446 lines
21 KiB
446 lines
21 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import hashlib
import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from markupsafe import Markup
from werkzeug.urls import url_join
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BuildErrorLink(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.build.error.link'
_description = 'Build Build Error Extended Relation'
_order = 'log_date desc, build_id desc'
build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', required=True, index=True)
build_error_id =fields.Many2one('runbot.build.error', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade')
log_date = fields.Datetime(string='Log date')
host = fields.Char(related='build_id.host')
dest = fields.Char(related='build_id.dest')
version_id = fields.Many2one(related='build_id.version_id')
trigger_id = fields.Many2one(related='build_id.trigger_id')
description = fields.Char(related='build_id.description')
build_url = fields.Char(related='build_id.build_url')
_sql_constraints = [
('error_build_rel_unique', 'UNIQUE (build_id, build_error_id)', 'A link between a build and an error must be unique'),
class BuildError(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.build.error"
_description = "Build error"
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']
_rec_name = "id"
content = fields.Text('Error message', required=True)
cleaned_content = fields.Text('Cleaned error message')
summary = fields.Char('Content summary', compute='_compute_summary', store=False)
module_name = fields.Char('Module name') # name in ir_logging
file_path = fields.Char('File Path') # path in ir logging
function = fields.Char('Function name') # func name in ir logging
fingerprint = fields.Char('Error fingerprint', index=True)
random = fields.Boolean('underterministic error', tracking=True)
responsible = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Assigned fixer', tracking=True)
team_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.team', 'Assigned team', tracking=True)
fixing_commit = fields.Char('Fixing commit', tracking=True)
fixing_pr_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', 'Fixing PR', tracking=True, domain=[('is_pr', '=', True)])
fixing_pr_alive = fields.Boolean('Fixing PR alive', related='fixing_pr_id.alive')
fixing_pr_url = fields.Char('Fixing PR url', related='fixing_pr_id.branch_url')
build_error_link_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build.error.link', 'build_error_id')
children_build_error_link_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build.error.link', compute='_compute_children_build_error_link_ids')
build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', compute= '_compute_build_ids')
bundle_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.bundle', compute='_compute_bundle_ids')
version_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.version', compute='_compute_version_ids', string='Versions', search='_search_version')
trigger_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.trigger', compute='_compute_trigger_ids', string='Triggers', search='_search_trigger_ids')
active = fields.Boolean('Active (not fixed)', default=True, tracking=True)
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build.error.tag', string='Tags')
build_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_build_counts', string='Nb seen', store=True)
parent_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.error', 'Linked to', index=True)
child_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build.error', 'parent_id', string='Child Errors', context={'active_test': False})
children_build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', compute='_compute_children_build_ids', string='Children builds')
error_history_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build.error', compute='_compute_error_history_ids', string='Old errors', context={'active_test': False})
first_seen_build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', compute='_compute_first_seen_build_id', string='First Seen build')
first_seen_date = fields.Datetime(string='First Seen Date', compute='_compute_seen_date', store=True)
last_seen_build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', compute='_compute_last_seen_build_id', string='Last Seen build', store=True)
last_seen_date = fields.Datetime(string='Last Seen Date', compute='_compute_seen_date', store=True)
test_tags = fields.Char(string='Test tags', help="Comma separated list of test_tags to use to reproduce/remove this error", tracking=True)
def _check_test_tags(self):
for build_error in self:
if build_error.test_tags and '-' in build_error.test_tags:
raise ValidationError('Build error test_tags should not be negated')
def create(self, vals_list):
cleaners = self.env['runbot.error.regex'].search([('re_type', '=', 'cleaning')])
for vals in vals_list:
content = vals.get('content')
cleaned_content = cleaners._r_sub(content)
'cleaned_content': cleaned_content,
'fingerprint': self._digest(cleaned_content)
records = super().create(vals_list)
return records
def write(self, vals):
if 'active' in vals:
for build_error in self:
(build_error.child_ids - self).write({'active': vals['active']})
if not (self.env.su or self.user_has_groups('runbot.group_runbot_admin')):
if build_error.test_tags:
raise UserError("This error as a test-tag and can only be (de)activated by admin")
if not vals['active'] and build_error.last_seen_date + relativedelta(days=1) > fields.Datetime.now():
raise UserError("This error broke less than one day ago can only be deactivated by admin")
if 'cleaned_content' in vals:
vals.update({'fingerprint': self._digest(vals['cleaned_content'])})
result = super(BuildError, self).write(vals)
if vals.get('parent_id'):
for build_error in self:
parent = build_error.parent_id
if build_error.test_tags:
if parent.test_tags and not self.env.su:
raise UserError(f"Cannot parent an error with test tags: {build_error.test_tags}")
elif not parent.test_tags:
parent.sudo().test_tags = build_error.test_tags
build_error.sudo().test_tags = False
if build_error.responsible:
if parent.responsible and parent.responsible != build_error.responsible and not self.env.su:
raise UserError(f"Error {parent.id} as already a responsible ({parent.responsible}) cannot assign {build_error.responsible}")
parent.responsible = build_error.responsible
build_error.responsible = False
if build_error.team_id:
if not parent.team_id:
parent.team_id = build_error.team_id
build_error.team_id = False
return result
def _compute_build_ids(self):
for record in self:
record.build_ids = record.build_error_link_ids.mapped('build_id')
def _compute_children_build_error_link_ids(self):
for record in self:
record.children_build_error_link_ids = record.build_error_link_ids | record.child_ids.build_error_link_ids
@api.depends('build_ids', 'child_ids.build_ids')
def _compute_build_counts(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.build_count = len(build_error.build_ids | build_error.mapped('child_ids.build_ids'))
def _compute_bundle_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
top_parent_builds = build_error.build_ids.mapped(lambda rec: rec and rec.top_parent)
build_error.bundle_ids = top_parent_builds.mapped('slot_ids').mapped('batch_id.bundle_id')
def _compute_version_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.version_ids = build_error.children_build_ids.version_id
def _compute_trigger_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.trigger_ids = build_error.children_build_ids.trigger_id
def _compute_summary(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.summary = build_error.content[:80]
@api.depends('build_ids', 'child_ids.build_ids')
def _compute_children_build_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
all_builds = build_error.build_ids | build_error.mapped('child_ids.build_ids')
build_error.children_build_ids = all_builds.sorted(key=lambda rec: rec.id, reverse=True)
def _compute_last_seen_build_id(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.last_seen_build_id = build_error.children_build_ids and build_error.children_build_ids[0] or False
@api.depends('build_error_link_ids', 'child_ids.build_error_link_ids')
def _compute_seen_date(self):
for build_error in self:
error_dates = (build_error.build_error_link_ids | build_error.child_ids.build_error_link_ids).mapped('log_date')
build_error.first_seen_date = error_dates and min(error_dates)
build_error.last_seen_date = error_dates and max(error_dates)
def _compute_first_seen_build_id(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.first_seen_build_id = build_error.children_build_ids and build_error.children_build_ids[-1] or False
@api.depends('fingerprint', 'child_ids.fingerprint')
def _compute_error_history_ids(self):
for error in self:
fingerprints = [error.fingerprint] + [rec.fingerprint for rec in error.child_ids]
error.error_history_ids = self.search([('fingerprint', 'in', fingerprints), ('active', '=', False), ('id', '!=', error.id or False)])
def _digest(self, s):
return a hash 256 digest of the string s
return hashlib.sha256(s.encode()).hexdigest()
def _parse_logs(self, ir_logs):
if not ir_logs:
regexes = self.env['runbot.error.regex'].search([])
search_regs = regexes.filtered(lambda r: r.re_type == 'filter')
cleaning_regs = regexes.filtered(lambda r: r.re_type == 'cleaning')
hash_dict = defaultdict(self.env['ir.logging'].browse)
for log in ir_logs:
if search_regs._r_search(log.message):
fingerprint = self._digest(cleaning_regs._r_sub(log.message))
hash_dict[fingerprint] |= log
build_errors = self.env['runbot.build.error']
# add build ids to already detected errors
existing_errors = self.env['runbot.build.error'].search([('fingerprint', 'in', list(hash_dict.keys())), ('active', '=', True)])
existing_fingerprints = existing_errors.mapped('fingerprint')
build_errors |= existing_errors
for build_error in existing_errors:
logs = hash_dict[build_error.fingerprint]
# update filepath if it changed. This is optionnal and mainly there in case we adapt the OdooRunner log
if logs[0].path != build_error.file_path:
build_error.file_path = logs[0].path
build_error.function = logs[0].func
# create an error for the remaining entries
for fingerprint, logs in hash_dict.items():
if fingerprint in existing_fingerprints:
new_build_error = self.env['runbot.build.error'].create({
'content': logs[0].message,
'module_name': logs[0].name.removeprefix('odoo.').removeprefix('addons.'),
'file_path': logs[0].path,
'function': logs[0].func,
build_errors |= new_build_error
for build_error in build_errors:
logs = hash_dict[build_error.fingerprint]
for rec in logs:
if rec.build_id not in build_error.build_error_link_ids.build_id:
'build_id': rec.build_id.id,
'build_error_id': build_error.id,
'log_date': rec.create_date
if build_errors:
window_action = {
"type": "ir.actions.act_window",
"res_model": "runbot.build.error",
"views": [[False, "tree"]],
"domain": [('id', 'in', build_errors.ids)]
if len(build_errors) == 1:
window_action["views"] = [[False, "form"]]
window_action["res_id"] = build_errors.id
return window_action
def _test_tags_list(self):
active_errors = self.search([('test_tags', '!=', False)])
test_tag_list = active_errors.mapped('test_tags')
return [test_tag for error_tags in test_tag_list for test_tag in (error_tags).split(',')]
def _disabling_tags(self):
return ['-%s' % tag for tag in self._test_tags_list()]
def _search_version(self, operator, value):
exclude_domain = []
if operator == '=':
exclude_ids = self.env['runbot.build.error'].search([('version_ids', '!=', value)])
exclude_domain = [('id', 'not in', exclude_ids.ids)]
return [('build_error_link_ids.version_id', operator, value)] + exclude_domain
def _search_trigger_ids(self, operator, value):
return [('build_error_link_ids.trigger_id', operator, value)]
def _get_form_url(self):
return url_join(self.get_base_url(), f'/web#id={self.id}&model=runbot.build.error&view_type=form')
def _get_form_link(self):
return Markup(f'<a href="%s">%s</a>') % (self._get_form_url(), self.id)
def _merge(self):
if len(self) < 2:
_logger.debug('Merging errors %s', self)
base_error = self[0]
base_linked = self[0].parent_id or self[0]
for error in self[1:]:
assert base_error.fingerprint == error.fingerprint, f'Errors {base_error.id} and {error.id} have a different fingerprint'
if error.test_tags and not base_linked.test_tags:
base_linked.test_tags = error.test_tags
if not base_linked.active and error.active:
base_linked.active = True
base_error.message_post(body=Markup('⚠ test-tags inherited from error %s') % error._get_form_link())
elif base_linked.test_tags and error.test_tags and base_linked.test_tags != error.test_tags:
base_error.message_post(body=Markup('⚠ trying to merge errors with different test-tags from %s tag: "%s"') % (error._get_form_link(), error.test_tags))
error.message_post(body=Markup('⚠ trying to merge errors with different test-tags from %s tag: "%s"') % (base_error._get_form_link(), base_error.test_tags))
for build_error_link in error.build_error_link_ids:
if build_error_link.build_id not in base_error.build_error_link_ids.build_id:
build_error_link.build_error_id = base_error
# as the relation already exists and was not transferred we can remove the old one
if error.responsible and not base_linked.responsible:
base_error.responsible = error.responsible
elif base_linked.responsible and error.responsible and base_linked.responsible != error.responsible:
base_linked.message_post(body=Markup('⚠ responsible in merged error %s was "%s" and different from this one') % (error._get_form_link(), error.responsible.name))
if error.team_id and not base_error.team_id:
base_error.team_id = error.team_id
base_error.message_post(body=Markup('Error %s was merged into this one') % error._get_form_link())
error.message_post(body=Markup('Error was merged into %s') % base_linked._get_form_link())
error.child_ids.parent_id = base_error
error.active = False
# Actions
def action_link_errors(self):
""" Link errors with the first one of the recordset
choosing parent in error with responsible, random bug and finally fisrt seen
if len(self) < 2:
self = self.with_context(active_test=False)
build_errors = self.search([('id', 'in', self.ids)], order='responsible asc, random desc, id asc')
build_errors[1:].write({'parent_id': build_errors[0].id})
def action_clean_content(self):
_logger.info('Cleaning %s build errors', len(self))
cleaning_regs = self.env['runbot.error.regex'].search([('re_type', '=', 'cleaning')])
changed_fingerprints = set()
for build_error in self:
fingerprint_before = build_error.fingerprint
build_error.cleaned_content = cleaning_regs._r_sub(build_error.content)
if fingerprint_before != build_error.fingerprint:
# merge identical errors
errors_by_fingerprint = self.env['runbot.build.error'].search([('fingerprint', 'in', list(changed_fingerprints))])
for fingerprint in changed_fingerprints:
errors_to_merge = errors_by_fingerprint.filtered(lambda r: r.fingerprint == fingerprint)
def action_assign(self):
if not any((not record.responsible and not record.team_id and record.file_path and not record.parent_id) for record in self):
teams = self.env['runbot.team'].search(['|', ('path_glob', '!=', False), ('module_ownership_ids', '!=', False)])
repos = self.env['runbot.repo'].search([])
for record in self:
if not record.responsible and not record.team_id and record.file_path and not record.parent_id:
team = teams._get_team(record.file_path, repos)
if team:
record.team_id = team
class BuildErrorTag(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.build.error.tag"
_description = "Build error tag"
name = fields.Char('Tag')
error_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build.error', string='Errors')
class ErrorRegex(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.error.regex"
_description = "Build error regex"
_inherit = "mail.thread"
_rec_name = 'id'
_order = 'sequence, id'
regex = fields.Char('Regular expression')
re_type = fields.Selection([('filter', 'Filter out'), ('cleaning', 'Cleaning')], string="Regex type")
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=100)
replacement = fields.Char('Replacement string', help="String used as a replacment in cleaning. Use '' to remove the matching string. '%' if not set")
def _r_sub(self, s):
""" replaces patterns from the recordset by replacement's or '%' in the given string """
for c in self:
replacement = c.replacement or '%'
if c.replacement == "''":
replacement = ''
s = re.sub(c.regex, replacement, s)
return s
def _r_search(self, s):
""" Return True if one of the regex is found in s """
for filter in self:
if re.search(filter.regex, s):
return True
return False
class ErrorBulkWizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'runbot.error.bulk.wizard'
_description = "Errors Bulk Wizard"
team_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.team', 'Assigned team')
responsible_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Assigned fixer')
fixing_pr_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', 'Fixing PR', domain=[('is_pr', '=', True)])
fixing_commit = fields.Char('Fixing commit')
archive = fields.Boolean('Close error (archive)', default=False)
chatter_comment = fields.Text('Chatter Comment')
@api.onchange('fixing_commit', 'chatter_comment')
def _onchange_commit_comment(self):
for record in self:
if record.fixing_commit or record.chatter_comment:
record.archive = True
def action_submit(self):
error_ids = self.env['runbot.build.error'].browse(self.env.context.get('active_ids'))
if error_ids:
if self.team_id:
error_ids['team_id'] = self.team_id
if self.responsible_id:
error_ids['responsible'] = self.responsible_id
if self.fixing_pr_id:
error_ids['fixing_pr_id'] = self.fixing_pr_id
if self.fixing_commit:
error_ids['fixing_commit'] = self.fixing_commit
if self.archive:
error_ids['active'] = False
if self.chatter_comment:
for build_error in error_ids:
build_error.message_post(body=Markup('%s') % self.chatter_comment, subject="Bullk Wizard Comment")