Christophe Monniez 847622552f [IMP] runbot: limit memory usage of containers
In some conditions, it appears that a containerized build can eat up
all memory of the container host. This leads to disturbance of other
builds as the kernel OOM killer enters the dance.

With this commit, the docker ability to limit memory usage of a
container is used. The OOM killer will choose its victim among the
container processes.

The containers memory limit has to be set in the runbot settings. If not
set, no memory limit is used.
2021-07-15 11:15:38 +02:00

315 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Containerize builds
The docker image used for the build is always tagged like this:
This file contains helpers to containerize builds with Docker.
When testing this file:
the first parameter should be a directory containing Odoo.
The second parameter is the exposed port
import configparser
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RUN groupadd -g %(group_id)s odoo \\
&& useradd -u %(user_id)s -g odoo -G audio,video odoo \\
&& mkdir /home/odoo \\
&& chown -R odoo:odoo /home/odoo \\
&& echo "odoo ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pip" > /etc/sudoers.d/pip \\
&& echo "odoo ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pip3" >> /etc/sudoers.d/pip
USER odoo
ENV COVERAGE_FILE /data/build/.coverage
""" % {'group_id': os.getgid(), 'user_id': os.getuid()}
class Command():
def __init__(self, pres, cmd, posts, finals=None, config_tuples=None, cmd_checker=None):
""" Command object that represent commands to run in Docker container
:param pres: list of pre-commands
:param cmd: list of main command only run if the pres commands succeed (&&)
:param posts: list of post commands posts only run if the cmd command succedd (&&)
:param finals: list of finals commands always executed
:param config_tuples: list of key,value tuples to write in config file
:param cmd_checker: a checker object that must have a `_cmd_check` method that will be called at build
returns a string of the full command line to run
self.pres = pres or []
self.cmd = cmd
self.posts = posts or []
self.finals = finals or []
self.config_tuples = config_tuples or []
self.cmd_checker = cmd_checker
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.cmd, name)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.cmd[key]
def __add__(self, l):
return Command(self.pres, self.cmd + l, self.posts, self.finals, self.config_tuples, self.cmd_checker)
def __str__(self):
return ' '.join(self)
def __repr__(self):
return'&& ', '&&\n').replace('|| ', '||\n\t').replace(';', ';\n')
def build(self):
if self.cmd_checker:
cmd_chain = []
cmd_chain += [' '.join(pre) for pre in self.pres if pre]
cmd_chain.append(' '.join(self))
cmd_chain += [' '.join(post) for post in self.posts if post]
cmd_chain = [' && '.join(cmd_chain)]
cmd_chain += [' '.join(final) for final in self.finals if final]
return ' ; '.join(cmd_chain)
def add_config_tuple(self, option, value):
assert '-' not in option
self.config_tuples.append((option, value))
def get_config(self, starting_config=''):
""" returns a config file content based on config tuples and
and eventually update the starting config
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if self.config_tuples and not config.has_section('options'):
for option, value in self.config_tuples:
config.set('options', option, value)
res = io.StringIO()
def docker_build(build_dir, image_tag):
return _docker_build(build_dir, image_tag)
def _docker_build(build_dir, image_tag):
"""Build the docker image
:param build_dir: the build directory that contains Dockerfile.
:param image_tag: name used to tag the resulting docker image
# synchronise the current user with the odoo user inside the Dockerfile
with open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'Dockerfile'), 'a') as df:
log_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'docker_build.txt')
logs = open(log_path, 'w')
dbuild = subprocess.Popen(['docker', 'build', '--tag', image_tag, '.'], stdout=logs, stderr=logs, cwd=build_dir)
return dbuild.wait()
def docker_run(*args, **kwargs):
return _docker_run(*args, **kwargs)
def _docker_run(cmd=False, log_path=False, build_dir=False, container_name=False, image_tag=False, exposed_ports=None, cpu_limit=None, memory=None, preexec_fn=None, ro_volumes=None, env_variables=None):
"""Run tests in a docker container
:param run_cmd: command string to run in container
:param log_path: path to the logfile that will contain odoo stdout and stderr
:param build_dir: the build directory that contains the Odoo sources to build.
This directory is shared as a volume with the container
:param container_name: used to give a name to the container for later reference
:param image_tag: Docker image tag name to select which docker image to use
:param exposed_ports: if not None, starting at 8069, ports will be exposed as exposed_ports numbers
:param memory: memory limit in bytes for the container
:params ro_volumes: dict of dest:source volumes to mount readonly in builddir
:params env_variables: list of environment variables
assert cmd and log_path and build_dir and container_name
run_cmd = cmd
image_tag = image_tag or 'odoo:DockerDefault'
container_name = sanitize_container_name(container_name)
if isinstance(run_cmd, Command):
cmd_object = run_cmd
run_cmd =
cmd_object = Command([], run_cmd.split(' '), [])'Docker run command: %s', run_cmd)
logs = open(log_path, 'w')
run_cmd = 'cd /data/build;touch start-%s;%s;cd /data/build;touch end-%s' % (container_name, run_cmd, container_name)
docker_clear_state(container_name, build_dir) # ensure that no state are remaining
open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'exist-%s' % container_name), 'w+').close()
logs.write("Docker command:\n%s\n=================================================\n" % cmd_object)
# create start script
docker_command = [
'docker', 'run', '--rm',
'--name', container_name,
'--volume=%s:/data/build' % build_dir,
if memory:
docker_command.append('--memory=%s' % memory)
if ro_volumes:
for dest, source in ro_volumes.items():
logs.write("Adding readonly volume '%s' pointing to %s \n" % (dest, source))
docker_command.append('--volume=%s:/data/build/%s:ro' % (source, dest))
if env_variables:
for var in env_variables:
docker_command.append('-e=%s' % var)
serverrc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.openerp_serverrc')
odoorc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.odoorc')
final_rc = odoorc_path if os.path.exists(odoorc_path) else serverrc_path if os.path.exists(serverrc_path) else None
rc_content = cmd_object.get_config(starting_config=open(final_rc, 'r').read() if final_rc else '')
rc_path = os.path.join(build_dir, '.odoorc')
with open(rc_path, 'w') as rc_file:
docker_command.extend(['--volume=%s:/home/odoo/.odoorc:ro' % rc_path])
if exposed_ports:
for dp, hp in enumerate(exposed_ports, start=8069):
docker_command.extend(['-p', '' % (hp, dp)])
if cpu_limit:
docker_command.extend(['--ulimit', 'cpu=%s' % int(cpu_limit)])
docker_command.extend([image_tag, '/bin/bash', '-c', "%s" % run_cmd])
subprocess.Popen(docker_command, stdout=logs, stderr=logs, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, close_fds=False, cwd=build_dir)'Started Docker container %s', container_name)
def docker_stop(container_name, build_dir=None):
return _docker_stop(container_name, build_dir)
def _docker_stop(container_name, build_dir):
"""Stops the container named container_name"""
container_name = sanitize_container_name(container_name)'Stopping container %s', container_name)
if build_dir:
end_file = os.path.join(build_dir, 'end-%s' % container_name)['touch', end_file])
else:'Stopping docker without defined build_dir')['docker', 'stop', container_name])
def docker_is_running(container_name):
container_name = sanitize_container_name(container_name)
dinspect =['docker', 'container', 'inspect', container_name], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
return True if dinspect.returncode == 0 else False
def docker_state(container_name, build_dir):
container_name = sanitize_container_name(container_name)
exist = os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, 'exist-%s' % container_name))
started = os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, 'start-%s' % container_name))
ended = os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, 'end-%s' % container_name))
if not exist:
return 'VOID'
if ended:
return 'END'
if started:
if docker_is_running(container_name):
return 'RUNNING'
return 'GHOST'
return 'UNKNOWN'
def docker_clear_state(container_name, build_dir):
"""Return True if container is still running"""
container_name = sanitize_container_name(container_name)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, 'start-%s' % container_name)):
os.remove(os.path.join(build_dir, 'start-%s' % container_name))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, 'end-%s' % container_name)):
os.remove(os.path.join(build_dir, 'end-%s' % container_name))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, 'exist-%s' % container_name)):
os.remove(os.path.join(build_dir, 'exist-%s' % container_name))
def docker_get_gateway_ip():
"""Return the host ip of the docker default bridge gateway"""
docker_net_inspect =['docker', 'network', 'inspect', 'bridge'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if docker_net_inspect.returncode != 0:
return None
if docker_net_inspect.stdout:
return json.loads(docker_net_inspect.stdout)[0]['IPAM']['Config'][0]['Gateway']
except KeyError:
return None
def docker_ps():
return _docker_ps()
def _docker_ps():
"""Return a list of running containers names"""
docker_ps =['docker', 'ps', '--format', '{{.Names}}'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
except FileNotFoundError:
_logger.warning('Docker not found, returning an empty list.')
return []
if docker_ps.returncode != 0:
return []
output = docker_ps.stdout.decode()
if not output:
return []
return output.strip().split('\n')
def build(args):
"""Build container from CLI"""'Building the base image container')
logdir = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs')
os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True)
logfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'logs-build.txt')'Logfile is in %s', logfile)
docker_build(logfile, args.build_dir)'Finished building the base image container')
def sanitize_container_name(name):
"""Returns a container name with unallowed characters removed"""
name = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', name)
return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]', '', name)
# Ugly monkey patch to set runbot in set runbot in testing mode
# No Docker will be started, instead a fake docker_run function will be used
if os.environ.get('RUNBOT_MODE') == 'test':
_logger.warning('Using Fake Docker')
def fake_docker_run(run_cmd, log_path, build_dir, container_name, exposed_ports=None, cpu_limit=None, preexec_fn=None, ro_volumes=None, env_variables=None, *args, **kwargs):'Docker Fake Run: %s', run_cmd)
open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'exist-%s' % container_name), 'w').write('fake end')
open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'start-%s' % container_name), 'w').write('fake start\n')
open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'end-%s' % container_name), 'w').write('fake end')
with open(log_path, 'w') as log_file:
log_file.write('Fake docker_run started\n')
log_file.write('run_cmd: %s\n' % run_cmd)
log_file.write('build_dir: %s\n' % container_name)
log_file.write('container_name: %s\n' % container_name)
log_file.write('.modules.loading: Modules loaded.\n')
log_file.write('Initiating shutdown\n')
docker_run = fake_docker_run