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synced 2025-03-19 09:25:46 +07:00

This commit aims to replace static jobs by fully configurable build config. Each build has a config (custom or inherited from repo or branch). Each config has a list of steps. For now, a step can test/run odoo or create a new child build. A python job is also available. The mimic the previous behaviour of runbot, a default config is available with three steps, an install of base, an install+test of all modules, and a last step for run. Multibuilds are replace by a config containing cretaion steps. The created builds are not displayed in main views, but are available on parent build log page. The result of a parent takes the result of all children into account. This new mechanics will help to create some custom behaviours for specifics use cases, and latter help to parallelise work.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Containerize builds
The docker image used for the build is always tagged like this:
This file contains helpers to containerize builds with Docker.
When testing this file:
the first parameter should be a directory containing Odoo.
The second parameter is the exposed port
import argparse
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RUN groupadd -g %(group_id)s odoo \\
&& useradd -u %(user_id)s -g odoo -G audio,video odoo \\
&& mkdir /home/odoo \\
&& chown -R odoo:odoo /home/odoo \\
&& echo "odoo ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pip" > /etc/sudoers.d/pip \\
&& echo "odoo ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pip3" >> /etc/sudoers.d/pip
USER odoo
ENV COVERAGE_FILE /data/build/.coverage
""" % {'group_id': os.getgid(), 'user_id': os.getuid()}
def build_odoo_cmd(odoo_cmd):
""" returns the chain of commands necessary to run odoo inside the container
: param odoo_cmd: odoo command as a list
: returns: a string with the command chain to execute in the docker container
# build cmd
cmd_chain = []
cmd_chain.append('cd /data/build')
cmd_chain.append('head -1 odoo-bin | grep -q python3 && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt || sudo pip install -r requirements.txt')
cmd_chain.append(' '.join(odoo_cmd))
return ' && '.join(cmd_chain)
def docker_build(log_path, build_dir):
"""Build the docker image
:param log_path: path to the logfile that will contain odoo stdout and stderr
:param build_dir: the build directory that contains the Odoo sources to build.
# Prepare docker image
docker_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'docker')
os.makedirs(docker_dir, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'Dockerfile'), docker_dir)
# synchronise the current user with the odoo user inside the Dockerfile
with open(os.path.join(docker_dir, 'Dockerfile'), 'a') as df:
logs = open(log_path, 'w')
dbuild = subprocess.Popen(['docker', 'build', '--tag', 'odoo:runbot_tests', '.'], stdout=logs, stderr=logs, cwd=docker_dir)
def docker_run(run_cmd, log_path, build_dir, container_name, exposed_ports=None, cpu_limit=None, preexec_fn=None):
"""Run tests in a docker container
:param run_cmd: command string to run in container
:param log_path: path to the logfile that will contain odoo stdout and stderr
:param build_dir: the build directory that contains the Odoo sources to build.
This directory is shared as a volume with the container
:param container_name: used to give a name to the container for later reference
:param exposed_ports: if not None, starting at 8069, ports will be exposed as exposed_ports numbers
_logger.debug('Docker run command: %s', run_cmd)
logs = open(log_path, 'w')
logs.write("Docker command:\n%s\n=================================================\n" % run_cmd.replace('&& ', '&&\n').replace('|| ','||\n\t'))
# create start script
docker_command = [
'docker', 'run', '--rm',
'--name', container_name,
'--volume=%s:/data/build' % build_dir,
serverrc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.openerp_serverrc')
odoorc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.odoorc')
final_rc = odoorc_path if os.path.exists(odoorc_path) else serverrc_path if os.path.exists(serverrc_path) else None
if final_rc:
docker_command.extend(['--volume=%s:/home/odoo/.odoorc:ro' % final_rc])
if exposed_ports:
for dp,hp in enumerate(exposed_ports, start=8069):
docker_command.extend(['-p', '' % (hp, dp)])
if cpu_limit:
docker_command.extend(['--ulimit', 'cpu=%s' % int(cpu_limit)])
docker_command.extend(['odoo:runbot_tests', '/bin/bash', '-c', "%s" % run_cmd])
docker_run = subprocess.Popen(docker_command, stdout=logs, stderr=logs, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, close_fds=False, cwd=build_dir)
_logger.info('Started Docker container %s', container_name)
return docker_run.pid
def docker_stop(container_name):
"""Stops the container named container_name"""
_logger.info('Stopping container %s', container_name)
dstop = subprocess.run(['docker', 'stop', container_name])
def docker_is_running(container_name):
"""Return True if container is still running"""
dinspect = subprocess.run(['docker', 'container', 'inspect', container_name], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
return True if dinspect.returncode == 0 else False
def docker_get_gateway_ip():
"""Return the host ip of the docker default bridge gateway"""
docker_net_inspect = subprocess.run(['docker', 'network', 'inspect', 'bridge'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if docker_net_inspect.returncode != 0:
return None
if docker_net_inspect.stdout:
return json.loads(docker_net_inspect.stdout)[0]['IPAM']['Config'][0]['Gateway']
except KeyError:
return None
def build(args):
"""Build container from CLI"""
_logger.info('Building the base image container')
logdir = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs')
os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True)
logfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'logs-build.txt')
docker_build(logfile, args.build_dir)
_logger.info('Finished building the base image container')
def tests(args):
_logger.info('Start container tests')
os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs'), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'datadir'), exist_ok=True)
if args.kill:
# Test stopping a non running container
_logger.info('Test killing an non existing container')
docker_stop('xy' * 5)
# Test building
_logger.info('Test building the base image container')
logfile = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs', 'logs-build.txt')
docker_build(logfile, args.build_dir)
# Test testing
odoo_cmd = ['/data/build/odoo-bin', '-d %s' % args.db_name, '--addons-path=/data/build/addons', '--data-dir', '/data/build/datadir', '-r %s' % os.getlogin(), '-i', args.odoo_modules, '--test-enable', '--stop-after-init', '--max-cron-threads=0']
if args.kill:
logfile = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs', 'logs-partial.txt')
container_name = 'odoo-container-test-%s' % datetime.datetime.now().microsecond
docker_run(build_odoo_cmd(odoo_cmd), logfile, args.build_dir, container_name)
# Test stopping the container
_logger.info('Waiting 30 sec before killing the build')
# Test full testing
logfile = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs', 'logs-full-test.txt')
container_name = 'odoo-container-test-%s' % datetime.datetime.now().microsecond
if args.coverage:
omit = ['--omit', '*__manifest__.py']
with open(os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'odoo-bin'), 'r') as exfile:
pyversion = 'python3' if 'python3' in exfile.readline() else 'python'
odoo_cmd = [ pyversion, '-m', 'coverage', 'run', '--branch', '--source', '/data/build'] + omit + odoo_cmd
docker_run(build_odoo_cmd(odoo_cmd), logfile, args.build_dir, container_name)
time.sleep(1) # give time for the container to start
while docker_is_running(container_name):
_logger.info("Waiting for %s to stop", container_name)
if args.dump:
_logger.info("Testing pg_dump")
logfile = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs', 'logs-pg_dump.txt')
container_name = 'odoo-container-test-pg_dump-%s' % datetime.datetime.now().microsecond
docker_pg_dump_cmd = 'cd /data/build/datadir && pg_dump -U %s -f db_export.sql %s' % (os.getlogin(), args.db_name)
docker_run(docker_pg_dump_cmd, logfile, args.build_dir, container_name)
while docker_is_running(container_name):
_logger.info("Waiting for %s to stop", container_name)
if args.run:
# Test running
logfile = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'logs', 'logs-running.txt')
odoo_cmd = [
'/data/build/odoo-bin', '-d %s' % args.db_name,
'--db-filter', '%s.*$' % args.db_name, '--addons-path=/data/build/addons',
'-r %s' % os.getlogin(), '-i', 'web', '--max-cron-threads=1',
'--data-dir', '/data/build/datadir', '--workers', '2',
'--longpolling-port', '8070']
smtp_host = docker_get_gateway_ip()
if smtp_host:
odoo_cmd.extend(['--smtp', smtp_host])
container_name = 'odoo-container-test-%s' % datetime.datetime.now().microsecond
docker_run(build_odoo_cmd(odoo_cmd), logfile, args.build_dir, container_name, exposed_ports=[args.odoo_port, args.odoo_port + 1], cpu_limit=300)
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparser = parser.add_subparsers(help='commands')
p_build = subparser.add_parser('build', help='Build docker image')
p_test = subparser.add_parser('tests', help='Test docker functions')
p_test.add_argument('odoo_port', type=int)
p_test.add_argument('--coverage', action='store_true', help= 'test a build with coverage')
p_test.add_argument('-i', dest='odoo_modules', default='web', help='Comma separated list of modules')
p_test.add_argument('--kill', action='store_true', default=False, help='Also test container kill')
p_test.add_argument('--dump', action='store_true', default=False, help='Test database export with pg_dump')
p_test.add_argument('--run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Also test running (Warning: the container survives exit)')
args = parser.parse_args()