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synced 2025-03-27 13:25:47 +07:00

With the increasing usage of runbot to test various things and to take care of random bugs in tests, the need of a team dashboard arose. This commit adds a `runbot.team` model. Internal users can be linked to the team. Module wildcards can be used to automatically assign build errors to a team at 'build.error` creation. Also, an upgrade exception can be assigned to a team in order to display it on a dashboard. A dashboard model is used to create custom dashboards on the team frontend page. By default, a dashboard is meant to display a list of failed builds. The failed builds are selected by specifying a project, a trigger category (e.g. nightly), a config and a domain (which select failed builds by default). The dashboard can be customized by specifying a custom view. Each created team has a frontend page that displays all the team dashboards and the errors assigned to the team. A few other improvement also come with this commit: * The cleaned error is now in a tab on the build error form * Known errors are displayed as "known" on the build log page * The build form shows the config used for the build
333 lines
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333 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ast
import hashlib
import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BuildError(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.build.error"
_description = "Build error"
_inherit = "mail.thread"
_rec_name = "id"
content = fields.Text('Error message', required=True)
cleaned_content = fields.Text('Cleaned error message')
summary = fields.Char('Content summary', compute='_compute_summary', store=False)
module_name = fields.Char('Module name') # name in ir_logging
file_path = fields.Char('File Path') # path in ir logging
function = fields.Char('Function name') # func name in ir logging
fingerprint = fields.Char('Error fingerprint', index=True)
random = fields.Boolean('underterministic error', tracking=True)
responsible = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Assigned fixer', tracking=True)
team_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.team', 'Assigned team')
fixing_commit = fields.Char('Fixing commit', tracking=True)
fixing_pr_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.branch', 'Fixing PR', tracking=True)
build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', 'runbot_build_error_ids_runbot_build_rel', string='Affected builds')
bundle_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.bundle', compute='_compute_bundle_ids')
version_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.version', compute='_compute_version_ids', string='Versions', search='_search_version')
trigger_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.trigger', compute='_compute_trigger_ids')
active = fields.Boolean('Error is not fixed', default=True, tracking=True)
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build.error.tag', string='Tags')
build_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_build_counts', string='Nb seen', store=True)
parent_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.error', 'Linked to', index=True)
child_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build.error', 'parent_id', string='Child Errors', context={'active_test': False})
children_build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', compute='_compute_children_build_ids', string='Children builds')
error_history_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build.error', compute='_compute_error_history_ids', string='Old errors', context={'active_test': False})
first_seen_build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', compute='_compute_first_seen_build_id', string='First Seen build')
first_seen_date = fields.Datetime(string='First Seen Date', related='first_seen_build_id.create_date')
last_seen_build_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build', compute='_compute_last_seen_build_id', string='Last Seen build', store=True)
last_seen_date = fields.Datetime(string='Last Seen Date', related='last_seen_build_id.create_date', store=True)
test_tags = fields.Char(string='Test tags', help="Comma separated list of test_tags to use to reproduce/remove this error")
def _check_test_tags(self):
for build_error in self:
if build_error.test_tags and '-' in build_error.test_tags:
raise ValidationError('Build error test_tags should not be negated')
def create(self, vals):
cleaners = self.env['runbot.error.regex'].search([('re_type', '=', 'cleaning')])
content = vals.get('content')
cleaned_content = cleaners.r_sub('%', content)
vals.update({'cleaned_content': cleaned_content,
'fingerprint': self._digest(cleaned_content)
if not 'team_id' in vals and 'module_name' in vals:
vals.update({'team_id': self.env['runbot.team']._get_team(vals['module_name'])})
return super().create(vals)
def write(self, vals):
if 'active' in vals:
for build_error in self:
(build_error.child_ids - self).write({'active': vals['active']})
return super(BuildError, self).write(vals)
@api.depends('build_ids', 'child_ids.build_ids')
def _compute_build_counts(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.build_count = len(build_error.build_ids | build_error.mapped('child_ids.build_ids'))
def _compute_bundle_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
top_parent_builds = build_error.build_ids.mapped(lambda rec: rec and rec.top_parent)
build_error.bundle_ids = top_parent_builds.mapped('slot_ids').mapped('batch_id.bundle_id')
@api.depends('build_ids', 'child_ids.build_ids')
def _compute_version_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.version_ids = build_error.build_ids.version_id
def _compute_trigger_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.trigger_ids = build_error.mapped('build_ids.params_id.trigger_id')
def _compute_summary(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.summary = build_error.content[:50]
@api.depends('build_ids', 'child_ids.build_ids')
def _compute_children_build_ids(self):
for build_error in self:
all_builds = build_error.build_ids | build_error.mapped('child_ids.build_ids')
build_error.children_build_ids = all_builds.sorted(key=lambda rec: rec.id, reverse=True)
def _compute_last_seen_build_id(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.last_seen_build_id = build_error.children_build_ids and build_error.children_build_ids[0] or False
def _compute_first_seen_build_id(self):
for build_error in self:
build_error.first_seen_build_id = build_error.children_build_ids and build_error.children_build_ids[-1] or False
@api.depends('fingerprint', 'child_ids.fingerprint')
def _compute_error_history_ids(self):
for error in self:
fingerprints = [error.fingerprint] + [rec.fingerprint for rec in error.child_ids]
error.error_history_ids = self.search([('fingerprint', 'in', fingerprints), ('active', '=', False), ('id', '!=', error.id or False)])
def _digest(self, s):
return a hash 256 digest of the string s
return hashlib.sha256(s.encode()).hexdigest()
def _parse_logs(self, ir_logs):
regexes = self.env['runbot.error.regex'].search([])
search_regs = regexes.filtered(lambda r: r.re_type == 'filter')
cleaning_regs = regexes.filtered(lambda r: r.re_type == 'cleaning')
hash_dict = defaultdict(list)
for log in ir_logs:
if search_regs.r_search(log.message):
fingerprint = self._digest(cleaning_regs.r_sub('%', log.message))
build_errors = self.env['runbot.build.error']
# add build ids to already detected errors
existing_errors = self.env['runbot.build.error'].search([('fingerprint', 'in', list(hash_dict.keys())), ('active', '=', True)])
build_errors |= existing_errors
for build_error in existing_errors:
for build in {rec.build_id for rec in hash_dict[build_error.fingerprint]}:
build.build_error_ids += build_error
del hash_dict[build_error.fingerprint]
# create an error for the remaining entries
for fingerprint, logs in hash_dict.items():
build_errors |= self.env['runbot.build.error'].create({
'content': logs[0].message,
'module_name': logs[0].name,
'file_path': logs[0].path,
'function': logs[0].func,
'build_ids': [(6, False, [r.build_id.id for r in logs])],
if build_errors:
window_action = {
"type": "ir.actions.act_window",
"res_model": "runbot.build.error",
"views": [[False, "tree"]],
"domain": [('id', 'in', build_errors.ids)]
if len(build_errors) == 1:
window_action["views"] = [[False, "form"]]
window_action["res_id"] = build_errors.id
return window_action
def link_errors(self):
""" Link errors with the first one of the recordset
choosing parent in error with responsible, random bug and finally fisrt seen
if len(self) < 2:
self = self.with_context(active_test=False)
build_errors = self.search([('id', 'in', self.ids)], order='responsible asc, random desc, id asc')
build_errors[1:].write({'parent_id': build_errors[0].id})
def clean_content(self):
cleaning_regs = self.env['runbot.error.regex'].search([('re_type', '=', 'cleaning')])
for build_error in self:
build_error.cleaned_content = cleaning_regs.r_sub('%', build_error.content)
def test_tags_list(self):
active_errors = self.search([('test_tags', '!=', False)])
test_tag_list = active_errors.mapped('test_tags')
return [test_tag for error_tags in test_tag_list for test_tag in (error_tags).split(',')]
def disabling_tags(self):
return ['-%s' % tag for tag in self.test_tags_list()]
def _search_version(self, operator, value):
return [('build_ids.version_id', operator, value)]
class BuildErrorTag(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.build.error.tag"
_description = "Build error tag"
name = fields.Char('Tag')
error_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build.error', string='Errors')
class ErrorRegex(models.Model):
_name = "runbot.error.regex"
_description = "Build error regex"
_inherit = "mail.thread"
_rec_name = 'id'
_order = 'sequence, id'
regex = fields.Char('Regular expression')
re_type = fields.Selection([('filter', 'Filter out'), ('cleaning', 'Cleaning')], string="Regex type")
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=100)
def r_sub(self, replace, s):
""" replaces patterns from the recordset by replace in the given string """
for c in self:
s = re.sub(c.regex, '%', s)
return s
def r_search(self, s):
""" Return True if one of the regex is found in s """
for filter in self:
if re.search(filter.regex, s):
return True
return False
class RunbotTeam(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.team'
_description = "Runbot Team"
_order = 'name, id'
name = fields.Char('Team', required=True)
user_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users', string='Team Members', domain=[('share', '=', False)])
dashboard_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.dashboard', String='Dashboard')
build_error_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.build.error', 'team_id', string='Team Errors')
path_glob = fields.Char('Module Wildcards',
help='Comma separated list of `fnmatch` wildcards used to assign errors automaticaly\n'
'Negative wildcards starting with a `-` can be used to discard some path\n'
'e.g.: `*website*,-*website_sale*`')
upgrade_exception_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.upgrade.exception', 'team_id', string='Team Upgrade Exceptions')
def create(self, values):
if 'dashboard_id' not in values or values['dashboard_id'] == False:
dashboard = self.env['runbot.dashboard'].search([('name', '=', values['name'])])
if not dashboard:
dashboard = dashboard.create({'name': values['name']})
values['dashboard_id'] = dashboard.id
return super().create(values)
def _get_team(self, module_name):
for team in self.env['runbot.team'].search([('path_glob', '!=', False)]):
if any([fnmatch(module_name, pattern.strip().strip('-')) for pattern in team.path_glob.split(',') if pattern.strip().startswith('-')]):
if any([fnmatch(module_name, pattern.strip()) for pattern in team.path_glob.split(',') if not pattern.strip().startswith('-')]):
return team.id
return False
class RunbotDashboard(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.dashboard'
_description = "Runbot Dashboard"
_order = 'name, id'
name = fields.Char('Team', required=True)
team_ids = fields.One2many('runbot.team', 'dashboard_id', string='Teams')
dashboard_tile_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.dashboard.tile', string='Dashboards tiles')
class RunbotDashboardTile(models.Model):
_name = 'runbot.dashboard.tile'
_description = "Runbot Dashboard Tile"
_order = 'sequence, id'
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
name = fields.Char('Name')
dashboard_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.dashboard', string='Dashboards')
display_name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_display_name')
project_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.project', 'Project', help='Project to monitor', required=True,
default=lambda self: self.env.ref('runbot.main_project'))
category_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.category', 'Category', help='Trigger Category to monitor', required=True,
default=lambda self: self.env.ref('runbot.default_category'))
trigger_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.trigger', 'Trigger', help='Trigger to monitor in chosen category')
config_id = fields.Many2one('runbot.build.config', 'Config', help='Select a sub_build with this config')
domain_filter = fields.Char('Domain Filter', help='If present, will be applied on builds', default="[('global_result', '=', 'ko')]")
custom_template_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', help='Change for a custom Dasbord card template',
domain=[('type', '=', 'qweb')], default=lambda self: self.env.ref('runbot.default_dashboard_tile_view'))
sticky_bundle_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.bundle', compute='_compute_sticky_bundle_ids', string='Sticky Bundles')
build_ids = fields.Many2many('runbot.build', compute='_compute_build_ids', string='Builds')
@api.depends('project_id', 'category_id', 'trigger_id', 'config_id')
def _compute_display_name(self):
for board in self:
names = [board.project_id.name, board.category_id.name, board.trigger_id.name, board.config_id.name, board.name]
board.display_name = ' / '.join([n for n in names if n])
def _compute_sticky_bundle_ids(self):
sticky_bundles = self.env['runbot.bundle'].search([('sticky', '=', True)])
for dashboard in self:
dashboard.sticky_bundle_ids = sticky_bundles.filtered(lambda b: b.project_id == dashboard.project_id)
@api.depends('project_id', 'category_id', 'trigger_id', 'config_id', 'domain_filter')
def _compute_build_ids(self):
for dashboard in self:
last_done_batch_ids = dashboard.sticky_bundle_ids.with_context(category_id=dashboard.category_id.id).last_done_batch
if dashboard.trigger_id:
all_build_ids = last_done_batch_ids.slot_ids.filtered(lambda s: s.trigger_id == dashboard.trigger_id).all_build_ids
all_build_ids = last_done_batch_ids.all_build_ids
domain = ast.literal_eval(dashboard.domain_filter) if dashboard.domain_filter else []
if dashboard.config_id:
domain.append(('config_id', '=', dashboard.config_id.id))
dashboard.build_ids = all_build_ids.filtered_domain(domain)