This commit is contained in:
KaySar12 2025-01-21 18:05:13 +07:00
commit 0ebf6745c7
1294 changed files with 4540 additions and 0 deletions

.obsidian/app.json vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

.obsidian/appearance.json vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

.obsidian/core-plugins.json vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# User Guide by Purpose
1. Sync data from Phone, iPad to Cloud => [Here](
2. How to publish an application on the Internet accessed through a Domain => [[Website Management - NextWeb|Here]]
3. Create personal, e-commerce websites on the Internet => [[App Manager|Here]]
4. Manage network systems, block ads, prevent virus/malware websites, parental control => [[Ad Block and Monitoring|Here]]
5. How to backup and restore data => [[System Management - Proxmox|Here]]
6. Guide to watch movies, listen to music, watch high-quality TV => [[Movies, Music, Multimedia|Here]]
7. Guide to optimizing Internet bandwidth => [[NextRouter#^169b63|Here]]
8. Guide to online meetings and sharing meeting links => [[Using NextCloud#^301415|Here]]
9. Guide to sharing files online => [[Using NextCloud#^f1c7e3|Here]]
10. Guide to managing tasks and projects on NextCloud => [[Using NextCloud#^c36b76|Here]]
11. Guide to allocating storage for each user => [[NextNAS - Hard Drive Management|Here]]
12. Guide to assigning access permissions for each user => [[NextNAS - Hard Drive Management#^94238a|Here]]
13. Guide to remote working - connecting home using VPN technology => [[WireGuard|Here]]
14. Manage multiple hard drives with RAID technology => [[NextNAS - Hard Drive Management#^0e72bc|Here]]
15. Add drop file sharing in admin file => [[Control Center#^db03a9|Here]]

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
### Portainer
**Portainer** is an application management tool with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface
### Login to Portainer
- Step 1: Customers Access IP address: -> **App Manager**
- Step 2: Enter **Username** and **Password** -> **Login**
![[Pasted image 20240411205639.png]]
- Step 3: The App Manager interface appears
### Manage applications on Webserver
- After successfully logging in, Select **WebServer Apps**
- Dashboard display interface
![[Pasted image 20240315184939.png]]
### Automatically add IP addresses to domain names
- Step 1: Select **App Templates** -> **NextZen Cloudflare DDNS**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t3.png]]
- Step 2: Enter the information:
+ Enter name: Enter the full domain name
+ Enter DOMAIN: Enter main domain name (Ex:
+ Enter SUBDOMAIN: Enter the subdomain if any (Ex:, only enter fire)
+ Enter Email: Enter the email registered to the Cloudflare domain management account
+ Enter GLOBAL API KEY: Enter Cloudflare GLOBAL API KEY according to account
![[Pasted image 20240315154444.png]]
- Step 3: Then select **Deploy the container** to complete.
- After successful Deploy, the interface displays a list of **Containers**
![[Pasted image 20240318100157.png]]
### Quickly create a new domain name
For domains previously connected to CloudFlare, you can quickly create additional SUBDOMAIN for the domain by duplicating the Container you just created.
- Step 1: Select **Container** -> Click **Container** corresponding to the domain name you just created or existing.
![[Pasted image 20240411210110.png]]
- Step 2: On the **Action** bar -> Select **Duplicate/Edit**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t4.png]]
- Step 3: Fill in all DOMAIN and SUBDOMAIN
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t5.png]]
- Step 4: In **Advanced container settings** -> **Env**
- Step 5: In Env -> Edit **SUBDOMAIN**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t8.png]]
- Step 6: Select **Deploy the container** and complete.
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t7.png]]
### Created application operations
- Step 1: Go to **Container** -> Select **Application** you want to operate
- Step 2: On the **Action** bar displays the following functions:
- Start: Launch
- Kill: Stop
- Restart: Restart
- Pause: Pause
- Resume: Continue
- Remove: Delete
- Step 3: Choose the function you want.
### Domain Management - CloudFlare
**CloudFlare** is a domain name management party and customers transfer domain names to Cloudflare for management
### Create a CloudFlare account for configuration
- Visit website [**CloudFlare**]( -> **Sign Up** to create an account
- Enter **Email** and **Password** -> **Sign Up**
### Transfer domain name to Cloudflare for management
- Step 1: After successful registration, you need to **enter domain name** -> **Continue**
- Step 2: Then, choose the **free** package then select **continue**
- Step 3: Cloudflare scans your website's existing records -> **Continue**
![[Pasted image 20240314135544.png]]
- Step 4: Log in to your domain management account and change DNS 2 Cloudflare's nameservers to connect to Cloudflare
- Successful connection status
### How to get GLOBAL API KEY
- Step 1: To get the **Global API Key**, log in to Cloudflare then go to **My Profile**
- Step 2: Here, select the tab **API Tokens** and scroll down and click on the View button in the section **Global API Key**
- Step 3: After entering the password and verifying the captcha, you will see API Tokens
![[Pasted image 20240315192620.png]]

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
## Instructions for using the ADMIN section:
- Admin is the interface for administrators to be able to manage and delete applications in the system
- On the dashboard interface, click on the ADMIN icon or access the address [](
![[Pasted image 20240316112637.png]]
- Create an account by clicking “Get Started” -> Create your account if you don't have an account -> Log in.
![[Pasted image 20240411190735.png]]
- After logging in to your account, you can see the ADMIN interface
![[Pasted image 20240316112836.png]]
### a. File management:
-  To manage files, you can select the **Files** icon
![[Pasted image 20240409155522.png]]
- Interface of file management section:
![[Pasted image 20240316112959.png]]
- Right-click on the screen to create new files, folders, upload, etc.
![[Pasted image 20240409155647.png]]
- **FilesDrop**: you can share data from devices on the same network with each other. Requirements: must have 2 or more devices on the same network to share files
![[Pasted image 20240409155813.png]]
o   To share files, click on the device name you want to share the file with displayed on the screen:
![[Pasted image 20240316113238.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240316113513.png]]
o   Select the file you want to share and click Open
o   Then on the device selected to receive the shared file, click Agree to receive the file.
- In addition, to quickly share files to your device, you can do the following:
![[Pasted image 20240409155853.png]]
o   Click on the icon…
o   Then select “Share”:
![[Pasted image 20240409155932.png]]
o   Copy the following link:
![[Pasted image 20240316113727.png]]
o   On your device, use the Windows + R key combination and paste the path we just copied above
![[Pasted image 20240316113924.png]]
o   The device will then take you to the saved folder. Here, you can freely work according to your purpose.
![[Pasted image 20240319090535.png]]
o   When you no longer need to share files, return to the original file
Select the “…” icon
![[Pasted image 20240409160122.png]]
Select “Stop sharing”:
![[Pasted image 20240409160204.png]]
- You can also connect to Google Drive, DropBox or OneDrive by:
o   In the **Location** - **(Location)** section, select “+”:
![[Pasted image 20240409160233.png]]
o   Paste the address you want to connect to via the service you want to use for **Network Storage Connection**:
![[Pasted image 20240409160309.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240316114356.png]]
o   For the remaining services: select **Connect Google Drive** *(or the service you want to connect to)*.
o   When connected successfully, in the **Location** - **Location** section, the **Google Drive** icon along with your gmail will also appear.
### b. Other amenities:
- Return to the home page of the ADMIN interface, at the **User** icon in the top left corner of the screen, you can change your account, password or log out of the system.
![[Pasted image 20240411190848.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240411190931.png]]
- In the Settings section, we can: turn on/off the search engine, customize the language, wallpaper, turn off the power, restart the system...
![[Pasted image 20240409160026.png]]
- In the **Widget Setting** - **Utility Settings** section, we can optionally enable/disable widgets as desired:
![[Pasted image 20240409160431.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240409160500.png]]
### c. App Store:
-  To be able to download and install the app into your ADMIN interface, you need to access **App Store**:
o   Click on the **App Store** icon:
![[Pasted image 20240411191026.png]]
o   You can  see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240411191100.png]]
o   Click “Install” to download and install the application you want to install:
![[Screenshot 2024-03-16 115638.png]]
o   After clicking download, you wait until the application is 100% downloaded or can continue in the background:
![[Pasted image 20240316115902.png]]
After successful download, you can see the application icon in our main interface
![[Pasted image 20240316120054.png]]
### **d. Update, restart the application:**
**App Update**
- To update the application to the latest version, select the application you want to update:
![[Pasted image 20240525184636 1.png]]
Select the "More" icon, then select "Check and update"
![[Pasted image 20240525184941.png]]
If your application has been updated to the latest version, the system will display a notification that the application has been updated to the latest version!
**Restart the application**
- To restart the application, after clicking on the "Add" icon, select the "Restart" application icon.
![[Pasted image 20240525185212.png]]

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
## I. Instructions for using the Dashboard interface:
-  In the **ADMIN** interface, access the **Home DashBoard** icon.
![[Pasted image 20240411191130.png]]
-  You will see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240319141720.png]]
-  To log in, go to the Account icon in the top right-hand corner and click log in
![[Pasted image 20240331211423.png]]
- Proceed to log in with your account.
![[Pasted image 20240411191212.png]]
- After logging in, you will go to the main interface.
![[Pasted image 20240319141911.png]]
- To return to the **DashBoard** interface, select **Table**, then select **View Board**.
![[Pasted image 20240319141931.png]]
- After clicking **View Board**, you will return to the **DashBoard** interface.
![[Pasted image 20240319142052.png]]
- To edit, enter editing mode.
![[Pasted image 20240331211512.png]]
o You can also edit application information:
- Click on the cog icon of the application you want to edit information.
![[Pasted image 20240331211910.png]]
- Click **Edit**:
![[Pasted image 20240331211947.png]]
- You can edit the name and IP address of the application in the **General Settings** section:
![[Pasted image 20240319142659.png]]
- In the **Display Settings** section, you can change the icon, application status, etc.
![[Pasted image 20240319142854.png]]
-  More apps:
o  To add applications to **DashBoard**, click on the **Add tile** icon > **Application**:
![[Pasted image 20240331212023.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319143050.png]]
o   Customize application information:
![[Pasted image 20240319143202.png]]
o   You can integrate information such as accounts, passwords, etc. of other applications into the application you just created in the **Integration** section.
![[Pasted image 20240319143237.png]]
- In the **Integration** section, select the **Integration Configuration** you want to integrate:
![[Pasted image 20240319143436.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319143618.png]]
o   After customizing, click **Save** to save the newly added application.
- To add widgets to **DashBoard**, click on the **Add Box** icon and select **Add Widget**
![[Pasted image 20240411191255.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319143821.png]]
o   Here, you can add widgets:
![[Pasted image 20240503233601.png]]
o   Click Add to Dashboard.
![[Pasted image 20240411191344.png]]
o   You will now see the updated interface.
![[Pasted image 20240411191426.png]]
-  After completing the adjustments, select Save and exit to save the customizations.
![[Pasted image 20240331212054.png]]
-  Additionally, to customize **DashBoard**, click on **Customize Board**.
![[Pasted image 20240331212122.png]]
o   You will see the interface to customize **DashBoard**.
![[Pasted image 20240319144507.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319144527.png]]
We can customize the **DashBoard** interface according to our wishes here!

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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# What is Syncthing?
*Syncthing is an open source, file synchronization program that can synchronize files between two or more computers at the same time. It has an easy-to-use configuration and interface. Users can choose whether data is shared with third parties or not. Therefore, synchronized data will be relatively safe.*
# Install Syncthing on the Web
- Step 1: Access **Admin** -> **App Store**
- Step 2: Select **Syncthing** application -> Click **Install**
- Step 3: Install successfully
You can follow the details as shown below:
- Access **App Store**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/1.png]]
- Install **Syncthing**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/2.png]]![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/3.png]]
- The interface displays the Syncthing application being installed
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/4.png]]
- Syncthing installed successfully
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/5.png]]
# Install Syncthing on Phone
- Step 1: Access **CHPlay**
- Step 2: Select **Syncthing** application -> Click **Install**
![[Pasted image 20240504000411.png]]
- Syncthing installed successfully
# Memory binding
- Step 1: Select **settings** -> Scroll down to "**Linked memory**"
- Step 2: Select **+** Add
- **Host:** Enter new memory path
- **Container:** Set the container path to map into syncthing
- Step 3: Select **Save** to complete.
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/8.png]]
- You can link any memory.
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/7.png]]
# Log in to Syncthing
- Step 1: Open the **Syncthing** application
>*Note: When you first open it, you need to create an account for **Syncthing** -> **Settings**, you need to set the following parameters:
>- ***Device Name**: Device name*
>- ***GUI Authentication User**: Login account*
>- ***GUI Authentication Password**: Login password*
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/9.png]]
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/10.png]]
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/11.png]]
- Step 2: Log in **Syncthing**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/12.png]]
- Step 3: Log in successfully, the interface displays
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/13.png]]
# Use Syncthing
### Get ID on PC
- Step 1: **Actions** -> **Show ID**
- Step 2: Save **ID** or **QR code ID**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/14.png]]
- QR code connection
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/15.png]]
You can also refer to more articles on installation instructions of Syncthing at the official website of **Syncthing** at the following link: [](https://docs
### Get ID on Phone
- Step 1: Select the **menu** icon
- Step 2: Select **Show device ID**
- Step 3: Interface displays ID to connect
- **QR code** connects on phone
### Grant permission to open firewall for Syncthing
To use Syncthing you need to open the Syncthing firewall to the Internet
1. Go to **Nextzen Router** -> **Sign in**
2. Select **network** -> Select **firewall** - > **Port forwarding**
3. Enable **Syncthing Server TCP Port 22222** -> **Save and Apply**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/20.png]]
### Connect
- Step 1: Select **Add Remote Device**
- Step 2: Enter **Device ID** or **scan QR**
- Step 3: **Save**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/16.png]]
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/17.png]]
- Select shared folders if desired: For example: **Sharing** -> Select **Default Folder**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_sync/18.png]]
Device is connected
- Step 1: Select **menu** -> **web GUI**
- Step 2: Confirm connection: **Add Device** -> **Save**
- Step 3: The device is connected successfully
- Confirm connection on phone
- Connection successful
## Synchronize data for the device
- Step 1: Select **Add Folder**
- Step 2: Enter the desired folder path and name
- Step 3: **Save**
- Step 4: Select **Edit** ->**Sharing**
- Step 5: Select device (Example: Redmi Note 9S)
- Step 6: Wait for the device to confirm
- Confirm synchronization
- Step 7: Complete synchronization

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Access Proxmox File and Webserver File
*Purpose: Manage backup server files and website source code using the Admin interface*
## Login Admin
- Step 1: Access or Visit
- Step 2: Enter **Username** and **Password** -> **Login**
![[Pasted image 20240411205554.png]]
- Step 3: The Admin interface appears
![[Pasted image 20240320105903.png]]
## Access Proxmox File
*Purpose: Access Proxmox backup files*
- Step 1: In the Admin interface -> Select **Files**
- Step 2: Select **Proxmox Server** and you can manage ProxmoxServer data like Proxmox
- Step 3 Select **Dump**
- The interface displays files
![[Pasted image 20240320110451.png]]
## Access WebServer File
- Step 1: In **Admin** interface -> Select **Files**
- Step 2: Select **WebServer**
- Step 3 The interface displays and you can manage it similar to accessing **Webserver** directly
![[Pasted image 20240320110711.png]]

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
## Home Assistant
*Purpose: Manage smart devices in the home via LAN*
## Log in to Home Assistant
- Step 1: Customers Access IP address: -> **Home Assistant**
- Step 2: Enter **Username** and **Password** -> **Sign in**
- Step 3: Successfully logged in, the **Home Assistant** interface appears
## Connect the new device to Home Assistant
- Step 1: Select notification -> check **New devices discovered** -> **Check it out**
- Step 2: Here the interface displays the found devices
![[Pasted image 20240321160734.png]]
- Step 3: Configure the device (Each device will have a different configuration type)
ex: **OpenWRT Router UPnP/IGD**
- Step 4: Select **Configuration** -> **Send** -> The interface displays a success message and confirms **Completion**
![[Pasted image 20240321161020.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240321161127.png]]
## Connect the integrator
- Step 1: In the interface **Overview** -> **Setup**
- Step 2: Select **Devices & services** -> **+ ADD INTEGRATOR**
- Step 3: You can search and select supported HA devices and each device will have a different configuration (ex: AdGuard Home)
- Step 4: Enter the necessary information
- Step 5: After successfully creating, you need to select the area -> **Completed**
- Step 6: Once completed you will see AdGuard Home has been added
And in the Overview interface you can see AdGuard Home widgets
And you can completely control and customize it.
ex: Total number of ads blocked
![[Pasted image 20240321114803.png]]
## Overview
- Show all linked devices and control them
## View operation log
- You select **Log** to view the history of operations on HA and filter to view operations as desired
![[Pasted image 20240321115428.png]]
## Activity history
- You select History to see the frequency and operating history of the devices and can filter by date, region, device, etc.
## Map
- Display map + Tracker Drive to track and view location, record location
## To-do list
- Add, edit, delete tasks and jobs
## Status
- Select **Developer Tools** -> **Status**
- Purpose: Show all the devices you have and all the statuses they have
![[Pasted image 20240321143113.png]]
## Template
Purpose: In Home Assistant, templates are used to calculate values based on various information and control devices based on conditions. There are several ways to use templates in Home Assistant, including calculating values for sensors, controlling smart devices, creating virtual states, and more.
![[Pasted image 20240321172048.png]]
## Service
- When you connect to a certain device, services will be provided. And you can fully control the devices and functions
- ex: Call service to delete 1 Item To-do: Task 1
![[Pasted image 20240321161940.png]]
## Automation
You can install and set up devices automatically without having to perform any operations
- Step 1: **Select settings** -> **Automations and scenes** -> **+Create automation**
- Step 2: Select **Create new automation**
- Step 3: Add triggers to your devices
![[Pasted image 20240321150422.png]]
Ex: I will install an activator for AdGuard Home Protection that will automatically turn on after 30 seconds when it is turned off
![[Pasted image 20240321161653.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240321161531.png]]
- Step 4: Save and complete an activation set
## Areas and regions
ex: Add region
- Step 1: **Select settings** -> **Regions & regions** -> **+Create region**
- Step 2: Fill in the necessary information
![[Pasted image 20240321162655.png]]
- Step 3: Select Add and the interface displays
![[Pasted image 20240321162947.png]]
## Add new user
- Step 1: **Select settings** -> **People** -> **+Add person**
- Step 2: Fill in the information
- Step 3: Create an account and choose to allow this person to log in to grant login and administrative rights -> **Create**
![[Pasted image 20240321163650.png]]
- Step 4: The interface displays system management accounts
![[Pasted image 20240321163920.png]]
## System installation
- You can change Name, Timezone, memory management, activity log, hardware...
![[Pasted image 20240321164304.png]]
## Install and connect on phone
- Step 1: Go to App **CHPlay** and search: **Home Assistant** -> **Settings**
- Step 2: Go to App **Home Assistant** -> **Continue**
- Step 3: Click **enter address manually**
- Step 4: Enter **URL of Home Assistant Server**
- Step 5: Click **Connect**
Step 6: Enter **login information**
Step 7: Click the **Login** button
Step 8: **Turn on location tracking** -> **Continue**
Step 9: Successfully logged in, the **Home Assistant** interface is displayed

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## 1. Jellyfin:
### 1.1. What is Jellyfin?
- **Jellyfin** is a media server for streaming and organizing images, videos, and audio files. Unlike other solutions on the market, **Jellyfin** is completely free, without any paid features or premium upgrades, and allows users to have full control over their media. Any device with a modern web browser can access and stream from Jellyfin. Jellyfin has apps for iOS, Android, Android TV and Amazon Fire TV…
### 1.2. Instructions for accessing and installing **Jellyfin**:
#### a. Instructions to go to **Jellyfin** at the website:
- If you do not have Admin rights:
- At the Dashboard interface, click on the icon as shown to download **Jellyfin**:
![[Pasted image 20240325085331.png]]
- If you have Admin rights:
- At the Admin interface, access **App Store** to download Jellyfin
![[Pasted image 20240322110011.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322110118.png]]
- After successfully downloading, you can access Jellyfin by clicking on the icon below.
![[Pasted image 20240322110213.png]]
- However, for optimal viewing, please download the **Jellyfin Media Player** app.
#### b. Instructions for downloading and accessing Jellyfin on PC and Laptop:
- You access the following link: [](
- Then, scroll down and select Download.
![[Pasted image 20240322110356.png]]
- After clicking on the link above, we will go to the download page:
![[Pasted image 20240322110613.png]]
- Scroll down, select **Assets**, select the file corresponding to your PC version. You can check if your device is 32bit or 64bit at [here]( is-32-bit-or-64-1317761#:~:text=B%E1%BA%A1n%20nh%E1%BA%A5n%20t%E1%BB%95%20h%E1%BB%A3p%20ph %C3%ADm,v%C3%A0o%20%C3%B4%20Open%20%3E%20Nh%E1%BA%A5n%20OK.&text=B%E1%BA%A1n%20quan%20s%C3%A1t %20%E1%BB%9F%20m%E1%BB%A5c%20System%20Type.,%C4%91%C3%B3%20l%C3%A0%20Windows%2032%20bit.)
![[Pasted image 20240322110657.png]]
- After downloading, open the downloaded file and proceed with the installation.
![[Pasted image 20240322111911.png]]
<center><i>Open the file you just downloaded<i><center/>
![[Pasted image 20240322112054.png]]
- Installation is successful, after installation is complete, you can immediately access Jellyfin Media Player by clicking Launch or clicking the Jellyfin icon.
![[Screenshot 2024-03-22 112208.png]]
### 1.3. Instructions for using Jellyfin:
#### 1.3.1. For admins:
- Instructions for creating an admin account: access Jellyfin on the website, click on the Jellyfin icon on the Admin interface:
![[Pasted image 20240322110213.png]]
- You will see the new account registration interface:
![[Pasted image 20240322113250.png]]
- You start setting up your account.
- First, you need to choose the display language:
![[Pasted image 20240322113343.png]]
- Click **Next** to continue.
- Next, create your username and password.
![[Pasted image 20240322113531.png]]
- After creating your username and password, next you need to set up your library:
![[Pasted image 20240322113807.png]]
- Select the library's content type:
![[Pasted image 20240322113917.png]]
- Select the folder name, and the folder path:
![[Pasted image 20240322114211.png]]
- We will choose the path to the **Media > Movies** folder in **NAS**:
![[Pasted image 20240322114329.png]]
- You choose the language to prioritize downloading:
![[Pasted image 20240322114430.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322114606.png]]
- You can add and group into a collection:
![[Pasted image 20240322114719.png]]
- After completing the settings, click **Agree**
![[Pasted image 20240322114916.png]]
- You can see the **Movie** library we just created, select **Next** to continue
![[Pasted image 20240322115056.png]]
- Select general default language, country:
![[Pasted image 20240322115133.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322115245.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322115310.png]]
- Next, you will install Remote Access, you can tick the box **Enable automatic connection of ports** to automatically scan and find each other on the LAN, limiting the Connecting to a Jellyfin server must enter the IP address with the port
![[Pasted image 20240322115644.png]]
- Once completed, you will log in to Jellyfin with the account you just created.
![[Pasted image 20240322115801.png]]
- Once you have a Jellyfin account, you can log in to Jellyfin on your device to optimize movie viewing as smoothly as possible.
- Open **Jellyfin Media Player** on your device, now you will need to select Server: (you only need to select the server on the PC application, not the server on the website)
![[Pasted image 20240322121045.png]]
-Click **Add Server**:
![[Pasted image 20240322121108.png]]
- Choose your server:
![[Pasted image 20240326154011.png]]
- At this point, you will have to get the IP address from **Jellyfin** on the web server by the following way:
+ Access **Jellyfin** on the web server.
+ On the browser path, copy the address:
![[Pasted image 20240326154045.png]]
+ Return to **Jellyfin Media Player**, enter the copied address as follows:
![[Pasted image 20240322122252.png]]
+ Select **Connect** and log in your account to **Jellyfin Media Player**.
![[Pasted image 20240322122457.png]]
- After successfully logging in, you will go to the main interface of **Jellyfin Media Player**:
![[Pasted image 20240322122604.png]]
- To see the list of all movies available on the server, click on the navigation bar in the top left corner of the screen:
![[Pasted image 20240322134947.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322135128.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322135206.png]]
<center>We can see a list of all the movies<center/>
- Click on a movie to view information and details of the movie:
![[Pasted image 20240322135408.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322135659.png]]
- In addition, you can see the system suggesting similar movies to us:
![[Pasted image 20240322135755.png]]
- Click the Play button to watch the movie:
![[Pasted image 20240322140113.png]]
- You can edit subtitles when clicking on the icon as shown on the screen:
![[Pasted image 20240326154646.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326154736.png]]
<center>Here, you can choose subtitles<center/>
- Or turn off/switch the voiceover language by doing the following:
![[Pasted image 20240326154840.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326155019.png]]
- Of course, you can also edit subtitle and voiceover files of the movie with administrative rights.
![[Pasted image 20240322140740.png]]
- To edit the movie, click the edit icon:
![[Pasted image 20240322135953.png]]
<center>The following will appear<center/>
- You select **Edit information**
![[Pasted image 20240326155312.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322141441.png]]
<center>You can edit the movie's information<center/>
After successfully editing, click **Save changes**
- All your movie archives will be stored in the **Download** folder at NAS Files:
![[Pasted image 20240322141640.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322141716.png]]
- To be able to add movies to an existing collection or create a new one:
- Click on the **Add** icon at the movie we choose
![[Pasted image 20240326155413.png]]
- Select **Add to collection**
![[Pasted image 20240322151922.png]]
- To add a new collection, enter the collection name and click **Agree**:
![[Pasted image 20240322152508.png]]
You'll then see the collection you just created:
![[Pasted image 20240322152631.png]]
- If you want to add a movie to an existing collection, in the **Add to collection** section, **Collection** section, select the collection you want to add:
![[Pasted image 20240322152844.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322152824.png]]
- When we first initialized the movie system, to watch it in the browser, you had to enable a feature called [Transcoding]( /) (Transcoding)
- We can still watch movies at Jellyfin on the browser, BUT the system resources will be full because the browser does not support running large-capacity movies, so the system will have to convert to a lighter format to browser can run it. So the system resources will be full, leading to an undesirable experience.
- And to reduce that problem, what you need to do is use [iGPU]( -through-cua-igpu-when-operating-dong-nhu-the-how-152717) (simply understood, we will use the CPU's graphics processing chip to handle this load).
- Step 1: Go to **Settings** in the right hand corner of the screen:
![[Pasted image 20240322143259.png]]
Then, go to **Dashboard** in **Admin**:
![[Pasted image 20240322143408.png]]
- In the **Administration** section, go to **Playback**, then select all decoders so the system can decode all video formats:
![[Pasted image 20240322143710.png]]
- After setting up, scroll down and press **Save** to save the settings:
![[Pasted image 20240322143948.png]]
- In addition, with Admin rights, you can add a list of IPTVs (you can learn more about IPTV here]( -uu-nhuoc-diem-cua-truyen-hinh-nay-1403428))
- On the admin page, go to **Live TV**:
![[Pasted image 20240322144711.png]]
- Click on the ****+** icon in the **Detectors** section:
![[Pasted image 20240322144836.png]]
- The interface will appear as follows:
![[Pasted image 20240322145323.png]]
- You choose the tuner type, here, you should choose M3U Tuner, M3U (MP3 URL) is an audio playlist file stored with .m3u extension. M3U is not an actual audio file, it just points to audio and sometimes video files. You can learn more about M3U at [here](
![[Pasted image 20240322145348.png]]
- Then, enter the IPTV List URL here:
![[Pasted image 20240322150821.png]]
*You can search for IPTV URLs on the Internet*
- Then press **Save** to add IPTV List to your Jellyfin.
- You can see the interface after installing IPTV List:
![[Pasted image 20240322151050.png]]
- To watch Live TV, return to the Home page, access the navigation bar, select **Live TV**:
![[Pasted image 20240326155513.png]]
- Access the **Channel** section, you can see all the channels in the IPTV List there.
![[Pasted image 20240322151538.png]]
(Note: When you create an IPTV list, all users in your system can also view that list)
- To create an account for a user, go to **Administration**, go to **Users**, press **+** to add a new user.
![[Pasted image 20240322153615.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322153722.png]]
Here, you can issue a login name and password for new users.
You can allow them to access your collections and libraries:
![[Pasted image 20240322153909.png]]
Then, click **Save** to create the user.
![[Pasted image 20240322153959.png]]
You can customize for users in the **Profile** section
![[Pasted image 20240504001940.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322154201.png]]
User creation was successful, you can see the user we just created.
- To be able to control that user more easily, select that user:
![[Pasted image 20240322154201.png]]
- Select **Parental Controls**
![[Pasted image 20240504001901.png]]
Here, you can choose the minimum reviews that user is allowed to see
![[Pasted image 20240322154818.png]]
- Or Lock items with no rating information or unreliable information:
![[Pasted image 20240322154907.png]]
- Block items with the labels we want:
![[Pasted image 20240322154937.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322155002.png]]
- Or you can limit certain access times:
![[Pasted image 20240322155055.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322155157.png]]
You can customize how long that user is restricted from accessing Jellyfin
- To reset the password for that user, switch to the **Password** tab:
![[Pasted image 20240322155308.png]]
After entering and confirming the new password, click **Save**
#### 1.3.2. For users - user:
- Access the interface of **Jellyfin** from the Dashboard home page
![[Pasted image 20240322160340.png]]
- If Jellyfin asks us to choose a server, you do the same steps as choosing a server in the creating a server with admin section above.
- After accessing, log in to Jellyfin with the password account that the admin created:
![[Pasted image 20240322160446.png]]
- After successfully logging in, you will see the interface:
![[Pasted image 20240322163028.png]]
- In the user's account, Jellyfin also has functions such as watching movies, changing passwords,... identical to the administrator's account EXCEPT the right to edit movie information and there is no section ** Administration** at **Settings** section.
- After your administrator has created your account, you can change your password by:
- Access the navigation bar in the left corner of the screen, select **Settings**
![[Pasted image 20240322163511.png]]
- Select **Profile**:
![[Pasted image 20240322163609.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240322163646.png]]
- Here, you can change your password, reset the password provided by the administrator,...
- You can also download the movies you want by clicking on the **More** icon in the right corner of the movie details page:
![[Pasted image 20240322170052.png]]
Select **Download**
![[Pasted image 20240322170143.png]]

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### What is **Plex**?
**Plex** is software that provides online services that can help users store large data related to movies, sounds, images and also supports slideshows on Smartphone devices and computers. Users can experience it anytime and anywhere you want.
### Instructions for accessing and using **Plex**:
- If you have admin rights:
- At the **App Store** of the ADMIN interface, download the **Plex** application:
![[Pasted image 20240322164417.png]]
- After downloading, you will see the **Plex** icon, now you can access **Plex** at the main interface:
![[Pasted image 20240322164822.png]]
- If you do not have admin rights:
- Access the Dashboard interface, click on the **Plex** icon:
![[Pasted image 20240325091759.png]]
- Access **Plex**, you will see the login interface:
![[Pasted image 20240322165009.png]]
- After logging in, you will see the home page of **Plex**
![[Pasted image 20240322165333.png]]
- As for **Plex**, the movies will be synced to their own storage so we don't need to choose to connect to a server like **Jellyfin**.
- We can also view the movie's information:
![[Pasted image 20240322165635.png]]
- For movies that have been released, you will see a **Play** button, click on it to watch the movie:
![[Pasted image 20240322170258.png]]
- In addition, you can refer to other reviews in the **Review** section:
![[Pasted image 20240322170424.png]]
- You can set up these settings for your account in the **Account Settings** section:
![[Pasted image 20240322170906.png]]
Here, you can see account information, as well as change passwords, personal information,...
![[Pasted image 20240322171101.png]]

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## Personal Settings
### Personal information
- You can update and change your personal information with the following information:
- **Avatar photo**: Select and change your avatar photo
- **Full name**: Set the desired display name (different from Nextcloud login name, login name is unique and cannot be changed)
- **Email**: Update the email address associated with your Nextcloud account
- **Phone number**
- **Location**
- **Language**: Select interface language
- **Time zone**: Select time zone
- **Website**
- **X** (formerly Twitter)
- **Fediverse** (e.g. Mastodon)
- **Organization:** See a list of groups you belong to
- **Role**
- **Title**
- **Introduce**
- **See a list of groups you join**
- **See how much storage you've used and total allocated space**
- You can specify limits for personal information such as
- **Private**: If you set your data to Private, no one except you will be able to see it
- **Local**: If you set your data to Local, all logged in users in your Nextcloud will be able to see the information, but no one outside Nextcloud will be able to see it
- **Federated**: If you set your data to Federated, trusted servers added by administrators will be able to see this data, along with all logged in users
- **Posted**: If you set your data to Global, anyone can see your data. This is suitable for a number of use cases. For example, someone in a public-facing role like marketing or sales may want to share their contact information with a variety of connections who may not use Nextcloud
- **Profile Visibility**: More limited visibility or scope settings are respected on your Profile. For example, if visibility is set to "Visible to everyone" and scope is set to "Private" then "Private" will be respected. There are 3 profile visibility settings
- Visible to everyone
- Only visible to logged in users
- Hidden
### Security
- **first. Change Password**
- Step 1: Enter old and new password information
- Step 2: Select Change password
- **2. 2-factor authentication**
- [TOTP]( %AAn_th%E1%BB%9Di_gian) (Authenticator app)
- Backup code: Backup key
- Note: If you use third-party apps to connect to Nextcloud, please make sure to create and configure an app password for each app before enabling second-factor authentication. Ex: Google authenticator [Installation instructions here](
- When you choose TOTP, the interface shows you 2 authentication options:
- Scan QR
- Enter the Setup Key
-> Then you need to enter **authentication code** to **verify**
- After successfully verifying the display interface, you have successfully enabled TOTP
- Backup code (Backup key): Used in some cases: forgot password, cannot authenticate..... You can save the backup code or print the code for backup
- *Note: If you regenerate backup codes, you will automatically disable the old codes*
See more at [here]( for more information
- **3. Authentication without password**
- Set up your account for passwordless authentication according to the [FIDO2] standard(
- You only need to confirm on the device that has been added to be able to log in to the application
- Add Device
- Add device successfully
- **4. Device and session**
Shows which web, desktop, and mobile clients are currently logged into your account, what time they were logged in, and what device.
And you can absolutely:
- **Rename**: Change the device name
- **Revocation**: The device is temporarily disconnected
- **Erase device** : The device will no longer be accessible
- **Generate app password**
An app password is a 25-digit passcode that allows a less secure app or device to access your Nextzen Account. Only accounts with [2-Step Verification]( enabled can use app passwords
Learn more [here](
### Notification
- **First. Set up notifications**
- You can set reminders for unprocessed notifications
- Play sound when there are new notifications
- Pronunciation when the call starts (Talk request)
- **2. Set up activity notifications**
You can choose notifications by Email or Push (Displayed in notification bell)
- **3. Summary of the day's activities**
Once you choose, you will receive daily emails and notifications to summarize your entire day's activities every morning.
### External storage
- You can add some external memory:
- Amazon S3 [Learn what Amazon S3 is here](
- FTP [Learn what FTP is here](
- Nextcloud
- OpenStack Object Storage [Learn more here](
- SFTP [Learn what SFTP is here](
- SMB/CIFS [Learn about SMB/CIFS here](
- WebDAV [Learn more here](
For example, add SMB
- Here you enter server IP address, shared folder, password account information -> We can map SMB external storage to file management
- *Note: Use with admin approval*
- See more details at [here](
### Cell phones and computers
- 1. Download Nextcloud on many platforms
- 2. Connect to the devices' utilities
3. Connect to the application
4. Nextcloud Talk on mobile devices
### Sharing
1. Share on social networking sites
2. **You can transfer your files to another person's ownership**
- Step 1: Scroll to **Settings** (menu in the upper right corner) > **Sharing**
- Step 2: In the Files section, click **select files or folders to transfer**. A file selection window opens, displaying all the files and folders in the user's account
- Step 3: Select a file or folder and click **Choose**. The selected file or folder name will be displayed
- Step 4 Click **Change** to change the selection if necessary
- Step 5: Select a new owner by typing their name in the search box next to New Owner
- Step 6: Select **Transfer** to complete
>Note: Automatic completion of usernames or listings may be limited due to display admin configuration. See [administrator documentation]( for detailed information
Notice to the recipient
- 1: When a user sends a file to another person in Nextcloud, the recipient will receive a notification asking to **accept** or **decline** receiving the file
- 2: **If accepted:** The recipient will find the transferred files and folders in their root folder, inside a folder named **"Transferred from [sender name] on [date hour]"**
- 3: **If rejected:** The sender will receive a notification that the file transfer was rejected.
3. Accept user and group shares by default
### Topic
1. Change the system theme
2. Change the wallpaper
3. Shortcut keys
- *Note: Use when the admin has granted permission to change
1. Navigation bar
### Availability
- Time zone setting
- Set time
### Flow
- Work flow management: Allows automation of file-related tasks. This feature simplifies workflow and increases efficiency by automatically performing actions based on predefined conditions
- **Workflow File Structure:**
- **Condition:** Identify workflow triggers. For example, when a new file is uploaded, when a file is edited, etc.
- **Action:** Define automatic actions to be performed when the condition is met. For example, move files, change file names, send notifications, etc.
- **Example using Workflow File:**
- Automatically move newly uploaded files to specific folders.
- Automatically change file names according to certain format.
- Send email notifications when files are edited.
- Integration with external services like Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.
- **Benefits of using Workflow File:**
- Automate manual tasks.
- Save time and increase efficiency.
- Minimize human error.
- Improve workflow and collaboration.
### Private
- User permissions and data
### Office
- Add templates to the Nextcloud Office template picker.
### Data migration
The system is updating
### Connected accounts
- OpenAI and LocalAI integration
- The system is updating
## Administration settings
### Overview
- NextCloud Interface
- Security and warning settings
- Display error warning content related to your device
- Check the security of your NextCloud -> **Our Security Scan**
### Support
- Advertisement to buy NextCloud Subscription packages
### Basic setup
**1.Three methods to execute background jobs on the server**
- [AJAX](
- Perform a task for each page loaded.
- Suitable for single user versions.
- Webcron:
- Register `cron.php` at the webcron service to call `cron.php` every 5 minutes over HTTP.
- Suitable for very small instances (1-5 users depending on usage).
- Cron(Recommended)
- Cron is a system service that allows you to run commands automatically on a schedule.
- Use cron to run the file `cron.php` every 5 minutes.
- `Cron.php` needs to be executed by system user "www-data"
- Allows you to perform automated tasks on the server without user intervention.
- Helps you automate routine processes, such as backing up data or sending emails.
- Server performance can be improved by performing tasks when no users are in use.
- Configuration can be complicated, especially if you're not familiar with cron or AJAX.
- Background jobs can affect server performance if they are not configured properly.
- Security measures are required to prevent unauthorized access to background jobs.
- Enable or disable new user's profile
**2. Mail server**
- The administrator sets up an email server to send notification emails to everyone
For example: Choose 1 gmail as an intermediary to send notifications to everyone
Enter the information:
- **Sending mode:** [SMTP]( is the standard protocol for sending email.
- **Encryption:** Encryption helps protect emails from being stolen and read.
- **From Email address:** This is the email address that will appear when the recipient receives your email.
- **Server address:** This is the address of the mail server.
- **Port:** Port is the number used to connect to the mail server.
- **Authentication:** Authentication helps protect mail servers from spam.
Then select Save to complete
**3.Work card**???
- Work cards allow users to perform the following operations:
- **Create new tag:** Enter tag name and select collaboration level (collaboration, limited or invisible)
- **Edit an existing tag:** Search for the tag you want to edit and change the tag name or collaboration level
- **Tag Name:** Enter a short name and description for the tag.
- **Collaboration level:** Select the card's collaboration level:
- **Collaboration:** All users can view and assign cards.
- **Limitations:** Users can view but cannot assign tags.
- **Invisible:** For internal use only, users cannot view or assign tags.
- **Search for tags to edit:** Enter the name of the tag you want to edit in the search box.
### Share
- You have control over some user permissions for file sharing
- **Allow application to use API Sharing** to enable users to share files. If this is not enabled, no user can create file shares.
- Choose **Allow resharing** to permit users to reshare files shared with them.
- Choose **Allow sharing with groups** to allow users to share with groups.
- Choose **Restrict users to only share with users in their group** to limit sharing to members within the group scope.
> This setting does not apply to Federated Cloud Sharing feature. If [Federated Cloud Sharing]( is enabled, users can still share items with any user on any instance (including the version they are using) through remote sharing.
- **Allow users to share via link and email** to enable creating public shares for non-Nextcloud users via public links.
- Choose **Allow public uploads** to permit anyone to upload files into public shares.
- Choose **Always require password** to actively prompt users to set a password for a shared link.
- Choose to Apply **password protection** to enforce users to set a password for all public shared links. This does not apply to user and group local shares.
- Exclude groups from **Excluding groups from link share creation** to not apply the settings to those groups.
- **Exclude groups from sharing** to prevent members of specific groups from creating any file shares within that group. When you check this, you will receive a dropdown list of all your groups to choose from. Type any group name to search. Members of excluded groups can still receive shares but cannot create any shares.
- Set **default expiration date** for shares to establish a default expiration date for user and group local shares.
- **Set default expiration date for shares via link or email** to set a default expiration date for public shares.
- **Allow autocomplete of user names in the share dialog and allow access to system address book** to enable automatic completion of Nextcloud user names and listing the system address book as a resource when synchronizing contacts with CardDAV.
- Choose **allow autocomplete of user names for users within the same group and limit system address book for users within the same group** to restrict autocomplete of user names for users within the same group as the share owner.
- Choose **allow autocomplete of user names for users based on phone number integration** to limit autocomplete of user names for users when the share owner has synchronized their phone address book through the Nextcloud Talk mobile app and that book contains the phone numbers configured in their profile.
- Select **Allow autocomplete when entering full names or email addresses (ignore matches from missing contacts and belonging to the same group)** to display user suggestions regardless of previous restrictions when entering full display names or user IDs.
- Select **Display disclaimer text on public link upload page** to set and display disclaimer text on public links with hidden file lists. If you enable this feature, a text input field will be displayed to enter disclaimer text.
- Default share permissions you can reset share permissions for users: Create, Edit, Delete, Reshare.
- **Federation allows you to connect to other trusted servers** to exchange user directories. For example, this would be used to autocomplete link sharing by external users. It is not necessary to add the server as a trusted server to create link shares.
- **Share by mail**: Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by entering an email address.
You can learn more at [here](
### Security
**first. Brute-force IP whitelist**
- Put an IP address on the safe list to avoid spam login reports, the webserver will not be temporarily blocked by nextcloud.
**2. Two-factor authentication**
- When enabled, all users and specific groups logging in need two-factor authentication
- *Note: If users do not configure two-factor providers, they will not be able to log in to the system*
**3. Server-side encryption**
- When busy, files will be converted and encrypted
**4. Password policy**
- Set password policy
- **Minimum password length:** Password must be at least 10 characters long and contain at least 8 characters.
- **User's password history:** 0. Users are not allowed to reuse previously used passwords.
- **Number of days until user's password expires:** 0. Password never expires.
- **Number of login attempts before user account is locked:** 0 (unlimited). Users can try to log in as many times as they want without having their account locked.
- **Forbid common passwords:** Enable. The system will not allow users to use common and easily guessed passwords, such as "123456" or "password".
- **Required use of uppercase and lowercase letters:** Enabled. Password must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.
- **Required use of numeric characters:** On. Password must include at least one numeric character.
- **Required use of special characters:** Enabled. Password must include at least one special character, for example "$", "#" or "@".
- **Check passwords with leaked password list from** On. The system will check the user's password against the list of leaked passwords to ensure that the password has not been exposed.
**5. Connect [OAuth 2.0](**
OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to NextCloud
### External storage
The system is being updated
### Adjust the interface
- Interface adjustments allow you to easily customize the system's presentation layout. When implemented it will be available to all users
- **Name** (eg:NextCloud)
- **Web link**
- **Slogan**
- **Color**: Color of title bar, checkbox, and folder icon
- **Logo**: Logo will appear in the title and on the login page. Default is 62/34 px.
- **Background and login image**: Background image
- **Additional Legal Links** (Legal Notice and Privacy Policy link)
- **Logo** custom title and favicon as an alternative to automatic logo-based generation
- **Disable user themes**: While you can choose and customize your instance, users can change their background image and colors. If you want to enforce your customization, you can enable this feature.
- Learn more [Adjust the theme](
### Artificial intelligence
- The system is updating
### Groupware
- **Calendar server**
- **Send invitations to attendees:** You can easily send invitations to attendees of events by entering their email addresses. The calendar server automatically handles sending invitations and tracking responses.
- **Send notifications for events:** You can choose to send notifications to calendar shares before an event occurs. This will help everyone be reminded of upcoming events.
- **Send reminders to calendar shares:** You can also choose to send reminders to calendar shares. This will help ensure that people don't forget important events.
- **Automatically generate birthday calendar:** The calendar server can automatically generate birthday calendar for you. This will help you keep track of your friends and family's birthdays.
- **Enable notifications for push events:** You can enable notifications for push events. This will ensure that you receive notifications about upcoming events instantly on your mobile device
Learn more [Groupware](
### Administrative privileges
By default, only members of the Administrators group can access and edit administrator settings. Sometimes it is necessary to give certain groups of users access to the settings page while not giving them access to everything. To do this, you can use the Administrator privilege settings.
Learn more at [here](
### Activity
- When the administrator enables email notifications, users can receive and configure email notifications.
- **Set default notification settings for new accounts.**
### Notification
- Configure default notification settings for new users
### Flux
- The system is updating
### Chat
- The system is updating
### Office
- **Nextcloud Office** is a powerful online office suite based on Collabora Online that supports collaborative editing (you and your friends can work on the same document at the same time at the same time). at the same time), supports most types of document, spreadsheet and presentation file formats and is compatible with all new browsers available today.
- **Office**
**Advanced Settings**
- **1. Use Office Open XML (OOXML) instead of OpenDocument Format (ODF) by default for new files:**
- **OOXML** is the default file format for **Office**.
- **ODF** is an open file format supported by various software.
- Choose this setting if you want to save new files in **OOXML** format.
- **2. Restrict usage for specific groups:**
- **Office** is enabled for all users by default.
- When this setting is activated, only members of the designated group can use **Office**.
- Choose this setting if you want to limit access to **Office** for a specific group of people.
- **3. Restrict editing with specific groups:**
- All users can edit documents with **Office** by default.
- When this setting is activated, only members of the designated group can edit documents, while others can only view the documents.
- Choose this setting if you want to restrict editing permissions for a specific group of people.
- **4. Use webroot Canonical:**
- This setting allows you to use specific URLs to access **Office**.
- Choose this setting if you want to use custom URLs to access **Office**.
- **5. Enable access for external applications:**
- This setting allows external applications to access **Office**.
- Choose this setting if you want to use external applications with **Office**.
- **6. Allow list for WOPI requests:**
- This setting allows you to specify a list of IP addresses allowed to make WOPI requests.
- WOPI is a protocol that enables external applications to interact with **Office**.
- Choose this setting if you want to limit access to **Office** for specific IP addresses.
- **Add fonts**
- **Safe View Settings**
- Add new spreadsheet template
### Usage survey
- Usage survey
### Logging
- Display the entire system log
### System
- Display Nextcloud system overview
- CD driver
- System drive
- Hard Drive

View File

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## 1. Create a new domain name using Portainer
- Before you create a new domain name, you need to transfer the domain name to **Cloudflare management** and get **GLOBAL API KEY** [[Domain name management - CloudFlare|Detailed instructions here]]
- Step 1: Access **Portainer** through the system **Dashboard** or directly via the link: [app.local](https://app.local/)-> Log in to your account and password . [[App Manager|Detailed instructions here]]
- Step 2: In the interface **Portainer** -> **NextWeb Apps** -> Select **App Templates** -> **NextZen Cloudflare DDNS**
- Step 3: Enter the information:
+ Enter **Name**: Enter the full domain name.
+ Enter **DOMAIN**: Enter the main domain name (Ex:
+ Enter **SUBDOMAIN**: Enter the subdomain if any (Ex:, only enter cloud).
+ Enter **Email**: Enter the email registered to the Cloudflare domain management account.
+ Enter **GLOBAL API KEY**: Enter Cloudflare GLOBAL API KEY according to account.
- Step 3: After entering the information -> select **Deploy the container** to complete
After successful Deploy, the interface displays the newly created **** application
## 2. Link the domain name to the NextCloud application using the NextWeb
- You need to log in to Webserser[[Website Management - NextWeb|Login instructions here]]
- Step 1: In **Site List** -> **+ADD SITE**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t1.png]]
- Step 2: Select **"Create a PHP website"**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t2.png]]
- Step 3: Select application: **NextZen-Nextcloud**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t3.png]]
- Step 4: Enter **information**:
- Domain name: Domain name you connected to Portainer (****)
- PHP version
- Site User: The primary SSH account for the site
- Website user password: Can be self-generated or randomly generated
Then -> **Generate**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t4.png]]
- Step 5: After you have successfully created it, you need to issue an **SSL certificate** -> Select the nextcloud website you just created -> Click **website domain name:**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t5.png]]
- Step 6: Issue **SSL certificate** to keep the website absolutely secure -> Select **SSL/TLS**
- Step 7: In the Certificates section -> Select **Actions** -> Select the certificate
- **Added new Let's Encrypt certificate**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t6.png]]
- Select **Create and install** to complete the certificate and automatically renew after 3 months.
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t7.png]]
***Domain is linked to Nextcloud***
## 3. Set up NAS for Nextcloud
- Initially, the system does not have a hard drive set up, so you need to log in to the NextNAS to set up
[[NextNAS - Hard Drive Management|NAS login instructions here]]
- **Set up new hard drive**
- Step 1: Select **Storage** -> **File Systems**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_DataImg/t8.png]]
- Step 2: Select **+** -> **BTRFS** to add a new hard drive
- Step 3: In Profiles, select Single to create a single hard drive -> In Devices: select the drive to  format into **BTRFS** format to mount in the system -> **Save**
After the success notification, select **close** to turn it off
- Step 4: After formatting, the system will automatically switch to the **Mount** section (attach the drive to the operating system)
- In the **File System** section, select the drive you just formatted
- In the section **Usage Warning Threshold**, you choose the warning level that the drive is almost full. You can leave the default at 85% (when it reaches 85%, we will receive a warning that the drive is almost full).
then -> **Save**
- Step 5: Select the v icon to apply these changes -> **Yes**
- Step 6: Select the drive as default storage -> **Services** -> **Symlinks** -> **Default storage location** -> **Edit**
- Step 7: Select the icon as shown -> **dev-disk-by-uuid** -> **Choose**
- Step 8: After choosing a storage location -> Save to complete.
- Step 9: Restart the NAS to update the new hard drive -> **Reboot** -> **Confirm** -> **Yes**
## 4. Create NextCloud AIO using Portainer
- Create NextCloud AIO application using NAS Apps
- Step 1: After NAS Apps Online (UP) -> Select **NAS Apps**
- Step 2: In **NAS Apps** interface -> Select **App Templates** -> **NextZen Nextcloud AIO NAS**
- Step 3: Enter the information (recommended to keep the default parameters):
- Name: Enter the application
- CLOUD FOLDER: Enter the directory path containing data, default: /DATA/cloud
- MAX UPLOAD SIZE: Enter the maximum upload file size, default: 1000 GB per file
- MAX UPLOAD TIME: Enter the maximum upload time, default: 36000 seconds per file
- TALK PORT: Enter the Port used for Nextcloud talk, default: 58743
Then select **Deloy the stack**
After installation is complete, the interface displays the nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer application in **heathy** status, meaning you have successfully installed it.
## 5. Access Nextcloud AIO
- Step 1: Customers Access IP address: -> **Nextcloud AIO**
*You can access directly via the link: or https://cloud.local/ or*
- Step 2: After customers access Nextcloud AIO setup, they will provide you with an administrative password -> Select **Open Nextcloud AIO login**
- Step 4: Enter the password you are provided -> **Login**
- Step 5: After successfully logging in, the nextcloud custom interface appears
- Step 6: After accessing the nextcloud custom interface, you need to enter the domain name you created on the webserver: **** -> **Submit domain**
- Step 7: You need to customize the parameters you need to use for the system
- **ClamAV (Antivirus backend for Nextcloud)**: Antivirus for Nextcloud, only supported on x64, requires additional ~1GB of RAM.
- **Collabora (Nextcloud Office)**: Allows use of the Nextcloud Office online office suite.
- **Fulltextsearch**: Full text search, requires ~1GB more RAM.
- **All text in files**: Fulltextsearch will extract all text in supported files, including text in headings, paragraphs, tables, images, and captions.
- **File Attributes:** Fulltextsearch will also index file attributes such as file name, file type, creation date, and modification date.
- **Imaginary (for previews of heic, heif, illustrator, pdf, svg, tiff and webp)**: Allows previews of heic, heif, illustrator, pdf, svg, tiff and webp files. Imaginary is currently incompatible with server-side encoding.
- **Nextcloud Talk**: Allows use of Nextcloud Talk voice calling and video conferencing features. Need to open/forward port 58743/TCP and 58743/UDP on your firewall/router.
- **Nextcloud Talk Recording-server**: Record calls for Nextcloud Talk. Needs to enable Nextcloud Talk, add ~1GB RAM, and ~2 additional vCPUs.
- **Docker Socket Proxy**: Required for Nextcloud App API.
Then select **Save changes**
- Step 8: Then you need to enter your time and time zone. For example: Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
***You can see the time zone [here](***
- Step 9: Next, select **Download and start containers**
- Step 10: Then select **Reload** to relaunch
![[Pasted image 20240503234020 1.png]]
- The interface shows you have successfully created, the container is in **Running** state and **Admin Account** for you to access
- **AIO password change**
You can change your AIO password (Minimum 24 characters) here
## 6. Visit Nextcloud
- Step 1: Customers access directly via the link:
- Step 2: Enter username and password -> **Log in**
- Step 3: After successfully logging in, the Nextcloud Interface displays
## 7. Where to store Nextcloud
- Step 1: Customers Access IP address: -> **Admin**
*You can access directly via the link: or https://ad.local/ or*
- Step 2: Log in to Admin to check
- Step 3: Select manage **Files**
- Step 4: Here you will see the cloud folder, all download and upload data of Nextcloud is contained here.
*Note: Nextcloud has a control mechanism: File management in the nextcloud system, when you use external managers, you will not be allowed to write, edit or delete data, you will be able to check, read, copy copy, move to another place. If you want to have an impact, you need to go through the system's administrative interface. Administrators accessing the cloud will see each person's folder, each created user will see the folder with that user's name.*
Ex: The admin account is stored in the admin folder.
- Where to store nextcloud source code: Go to Root>DATA> AppData> Docker> volumes
## 8. Backup NextCloud
- 1. Select the path to save the system backup
- Step 1: Access Admin -> File
- Step 2: Here you create a new folder to save the backup
For example, create a backup folder
2. After creating a backup location, return to the Nextcloud AIO settings page and enter the path to the backup location (**/DATA/backup**) -> **Submit backup location**
3. After successful submission, you will see backups will be created in the folder on the server: /DATA/backup/borg
4. You can select **Create backup** to backup system data at that time
While backing up, the systems will be paused and after the backup is complete, applications will continue to be launched -> **Reload**
After a successful backup: you will see the date and time you created the backup
- If you want to copy or transfer the backup to another place or read it on another system, you need to copy the backup you just created and need a password to decrypt it.
- Backup check: To check the integrity of backups, This is an option that verifies that your backup is intact.
- Backup restore: Select a version you want to restore
- Daily backup and automatic updates: Automatic backups and updates, and automatic deletion after 7 days
- Back up additional directories and docker volumes of your host: Back up additional folders and Docker volumes of the server
**Things You Might Not Know**
> _Borg Backup Mechanism:_ Borg is an open-source, decentralized backup tool that uses the "deduplicated archive" storage model to optimize efficiency and storage space.
> - Here are the key points about the Borg backup mechanism: _**1. Decentralized Storage:**_
> - _Borg does not store data as a single backup copy but divides it into multiple smaller "archives."_
> - _These archives are distributed across multiple storage servers, which can be internal hard drives, network-attached storage (NAS), or cloud storage services._
> - _Data distribution enhances data protection and reduces the risk of data loss due to hardware or software failures._ _**2. Deduplication:**_
> - _Borg employs deduplication technique to eliminate duplicate data among archives._
> - _When creating a new backup, Borg stores only new data portions instead of storing the entire data._
> - _Deduplication reduces the storage space needed for backups, especially when you have multiple backups of the same data._ _**3. Encryption:**_
> - _Borg supports data encryption to enhance security._
> - _You can use various encryption algorithms, such as AES-256._
> - _Data encryption safeguards data from unauthorized access, even if the data is stolen._ _**4. Backup Schedule:**_
> - _Borg allows you to create automatic backup schedules._
> - _You can set backup schedules by day, hour, or minute._
> - _Automatic backups ensure that your data is always up-to-date and protected._ _**5. Data Restoration:**_
> - _Borg provides multiple options for data restoration._
> - _You can restore all data or only specific portions of the data._
> - _Data restoration can be performed quickly and easily._ _[Learn more here](
## 9. Using Nextcloud Talk
- To use Nextcloud Talk, you need to open the Nextcloud Talk firewall to the Internet, otherwise, you cannot make calls.
1. Access **Nextzen Router** -> **Log in**
2. Select **Network** -> Choose **Firewall** - > **Port Forwarding**
3. Enable **Nextcloud Talk Port 58743** -> **Save and Apply**
## 10. Uninstalling Nextcloud and Reinstalling
### Steps to Remove Nextcloud from the System
1. **Portainer** -> **Nas Apps**
2. Select **Container** -> Check the boxes for **containers** related to Nextcloud -> Click **Remove** to delete the containers (Uninstall the application)
3. Select **Volumes** -> Check the boxes for **volumes** related to Nextcloud -> Click **Remove** to delete the volumes (Delete application data)
4. Select **Stack** -> Check the box for **nextzen-nextcloud-aio-nas** -> Click **Remove** to delete the Stack
5. Completing the removal of **Nextcloud**
- Access Portainer
- Dekete container
- Delete Volumes
- Delete Stack
After deleting application data, you can delete personal data by:
1. Access **Admin** -> **File**
2. In the **Data** folder -> Select the **cloud** folder -> **Delete cloud folder**
3. Complete deletion of all user data
### Regenerate the Nextcloud application
1. Go to **Portainer** -> **NAS Apps**
2. Select **App Template** -> **NextZen Nextcloud AIO NAS**
3. Set parameters
4. **Deploy the stack**
5. Complete the installation of the container **nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer** to setup and run nextcloud
6. Access Dashboard -> Nextcloud AIO -> Get new Password
7. Access [Open Nextcloud AIO login ↗]( -> And you can completely create or restore nextcloud
**Details of operations**
1. Access **NAS Apps**
2. Set parameters -> **Deploy the stack**
3. Access **Nextcloud AIO**
4. Create or restore Nextcloud
For example: You want to backup old nextcloud data
1. Enter the path where to save the backup data: (DATA/backup)
2. Enter the backup Password
3. **Submit location and password** ->**Test path and password** -> **Reload**
4. Check data integrity -> **Check backup integrity**
5. Select backup -> **Restore selected backup**
6. Select **Start and update containers** to launch
*Note: Is your data safe?*
- *Nextcloud initialization creates a completely random, extremely strong password.*
- *Your data is completely secure and private.*
## 11. How to access nextcloud AIO while the system is running
- When the system is running, you will not be able to access nextcloud AIO through the Dashboard as well as the links:*
To access Nextcloud AIO
1. Access the nextcloud application using the domain name you created.
2. Go to account-> **Administration settings**
3. At overview -> **Open Nextcloud AIO interface** -> You will access Nextcloud AIO without entering a password
- To access Nextcloud AIO another way (Do not use the domain **cloud.local** or from the dashboard) you need to close the container **nextcloud-aio-apache** (Because this container will block you from accessing updated when Nextcloud is running)
1. Go to **Portainer** -> **NAS Apps**
2. Select **Container** -> **nextcloud-aio-apache** -> **Stop**
3. You can access Nextcloud AIO via Dashboard etc
## 12. Change the domain name to have Nextcloud
1. Create a new domain name using Portainer [Detailed instructions here]
2. Link domain name to NextCloud application using Webserver [Instructions here]
3. Go to Nextcloud -> Administration settings
4. **Chat** -> Delete old configuration (If you use Nextcloud Talk)
5. After deletion -> **Overview** -> **Open Nextcloud AIO interface**
6. At Nextcloud AIO -> **Stop containers**
7. Move to **Optinal containers** -> Turn off all installed applications -> **Save changes**
8. Go to Admin -> File -> App Data -> Docker -> Volumes -> **nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer**
9. In **nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer** -> _data -> configuration.json
10. Change domain: to new domain ( -**> Save**
11. Go to **Portainer** -> **NAS Apps** -> **Containers** -> **Restart** **nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer** .
12. **Start container** -> After the container is running -> **Stop containers**
13. Access **Nextcloud AIO**: Go to **Optinal containers** -> enable all desired services -> **Save changes**
14. **Start containers** -> Changed successfully.
- Delete old Nextcloud talk configuration (Step 4)
- Stop containers
- Access configuration.json
- Modify domain name
- Start container
## 13. Access Nextcloud using local network
- Use Nextcloud in the internal network
1. Block webserver from going out to the Internet
- Go to **Nextzen Router** -> **Sign in**
- Select **network** -> Select **firewall** -> **Port forwarding**
- Turn off **Webserver TCP Port 80** and **Web server TCP Port 433** -> **Save and Apply**
- Now you cannot access the web via the Internet
2. Adguard Home
- Go to **Adguard Home** -> **Sign in**
- Select **filter** -> **Select DNS rewrite** - > **Add DNS rewrite**
- Enter your domain name and IP address: -> **Save**
3. Complete **Nextcloud** in the local network

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### 1. What is NextCloud?
- **NextCloud** is the platform to bring data in **NextZen**'s system into a set of tools like [Google Workspace]( and more like So.
### 2. Instructions for using NextCloud:
- Access your NextCloud system domain name, you will see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240325104011.png]]
This is the interface **Overview**
- In the above interface, you can see widgets that you can customize as you like.
- At the **File** interface, you can see a lot of information about the files in our system:
![[Pasted image 20240325104610.png]]
- To share a file or folder, click on **Show sharing options** as shown below:
![[Pasted image 20240325104910.png]]
- The interface will display information about file sharing options:
![[Pasted image 20240325105114.png]]
- To share with a certain group or user, you can select **Search for sharing recipients**:
![[Pasted image 20240325110345.png]]
- Users and groups with permission to receive file sharing will receive notifications.
- To customize file sharing permissions, you can select **Share link** then select **Custom permissions**
![[Pasted image 20240325110526.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240325110925.png]]
Here, you can customize sharing such as: Set password, Set expiration date,...
- After customizing sharing, click **Update sharing**
![[Pasted image 20240325111237.png]]
- After selecting sharing permissions, you can copy the link:
![[Pasted image 20240325111516.png]]
- ***Share publicly*** You will copy the link to suit your needs. When you copy the link at **Share link**, everyone can access it. can access.
- ***Internal sharing***: you copy **Internal link** and only share it with accounts in the same system that can access it
- Access the **Activity** tab, you can view the activities of that file and folder:
![[Pasted image 20240325112738.png]]
- In the **Version** section, you can see previous versions of files and folders
![[Pasted image 20240325113026.png]]
- To discuss that file or folder, access **Chat**, and initiate a conversation:
![[Pasted image 20240325113258.png]]
- To remove sharing permission, go to **Share link**, click on the ... icon, select **Unshare**
![[Pasted image 20240325113541.png]]
- You will also be able to add that file or folder to your favorites list by selecting the ... icon, then clicking **Add to favorites**:
![[Pasted image 20240325113836.png]]
- You can view your favorites list in the left navigation bar, select **Favorites**:
![[Pasted image 20240325114053.png]]
- And you can view shared files in the **Share** section in the navigation bar:
![[Pasted image 20240326091438.png]]
- In the **Label** section, you can see available labels. The system will automatically classify the categories of photos in the system.
![[Pasted image 20240326092853.png]]
- In the **Deleted Files** section, you can see the files and folders that have been deleted:
![[Pasted image 20240326093633.png]]
We have the option to restore or delete files and file folders. If you do not restore, they will be permanently deleted.
- At the navigation bar in the top left corner of the screen, to view activities on the system like a diary. Go to **Activities**, here you can see activities sorted by time:
![[Pasted image 20240326094304.png]]
- To see your activities, select **By you**:
![[Pasted image 20240326094600.png]]
- In the **By others** section, you can view the activities of other users in the system:
![[Pasted image 20240326094745.png]]
- At **Change Files**, you can view the information and change history of the files:
![[Pasted image 20240326095004.png]]
- You can view information about shared files and folders at **Shared Files**:
![[Pasted image 20240326095333.png]]
- You can also create, join conversations and more in **Chat**:
![[Pasted image 202403260955342.png]]
- To create a conversation, select the icon as shown:
![[Pasted image 20240326095754.png]]
- Select **Create a new conversation** (Create a new conversation)
![[Pasted image 20240326095956.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326100249.png]]
You can customize the name, description, image of the conversation
- You can create a custom password to allow non-users of the system to also participate in the conversation:
![[Pasted image 20240326100727.png]]
- You select **Add participants** to invite the users and groups you want to the conversation:
![[Pasted image 20240326100941.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326101052.png]]
Click to select people or groups; then create a conversation
- Copy the link to send it out if "Allow guests to join via link" is enabled:
![[Pasted image 20240326101420.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326101645.png]]
Customize your settings in **Preview**
You can set up your device's input and output for the conversation:
![[Pasted image 20240326101818.png]]
You can customize the background in the **Background** section
- You can start recording the conversation immediately if you want:
![[Pasted image 20240326102901.png]]
NOTE: Only the host of the conversation or call can record that call.
- On the call screen, you can see information such as the number of participants, the call time,...
![[Pasted image 20240326103249.png]]
- Additionally, you can also drop emoticons:
![[Pasted image 20240326103345.png]]
- To share your screen, click on the **Share** icon, then choose to share the full screen or browser window you want:
![[Pasted image 20240326103622.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326103802.png]]
- At the **More** icon, you can start/stop call recording (if you are the host of the call), mute everyone, customize the view,...
![[Pasted image 20240326104211.png]]
- You can also send messages directly during the call as well as view conversation information:
![[Pasted image 20240326104336.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326104421.png]]
- For the host of the call, to end/leave the call, select **Leave call**, you have 2 options:
- Select **Leave call** to leave the call to leave the call while it is still active with others.
- Select **End call for everyone** to end the call with all participants in the call.
![[Pasted image 20240326104633.png]]
- You can see the list of contacts in your system in the **Contacts** section:
![[Pasted image 20240326105357.png]]
- Here, you can view information of contacts in the system:
![[Pasted image 20240326105357.png]]
- You select **Add contact** to create a new contact:
![[Pasted image 20240326105841.png]]
- To create a new contact group, select **Add** at **Contact Group** (Contact Group):
![[Pasted image 20240326110158.png]]
- In the group you just created, select the icon **Add** > **Add contact** to add a contact to the group:
![[Pasted image 20240326110426.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326110510.png]]
- You can add your new notes at **Notes**:
![[Pasted image 20240326111453.png]]
You can create a new note and start taking notes:
![[Pasted image 20240326112149.png]]
You can classify each note as you like:
![[Pasted image 20240326112701.png]]
- Next, in the **Plan** section, you can manage work by individuals as well as groups:
![[Pasted image 20240326113223.png]]
- To create a new plan, select **Add project**:
![[Pasted image 20240326113600.png]]
Then enter the project name and click the arrow on the right:
![[Pasted image 20240326113645.png]]
You can see the plan/project you just created:
![[Pasted image 20240326113810.png]]
Select the plan/project you created:
![[Pasted image 20240326114224.png]]
Create additional work items:
![[Pasted image 20240326114450.png]]
Then you can see the job you just created:
![[Pasted image 20240326114543.png]]
Select the "+" icon to add tasks in those jobs:
![[Pasted image 20240326114633.png]]
Select the task name and continue:
![[Pasted image 20240326114739.png]]
By clicking on the task, you can add detailed information about the task:
![[Pasted image 20240326115141.png]]
- First, you can customize the progress by assigning distinct tags:
![[Pasted image 20240326115150.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326115226.png]]
- Additionally, you can add/assign users to this task:
![[Pasted image 20240326115509.png]]
- You can also add due dates to tasks:
![[Pasted image 20240326115608.png]]
- You can add attachments, comments to tasks:
![[Pasted image 20240326130309.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326130431.png]]
- You can also review the **Activity** history for that task:
![[Pasted image 20240326130555.png]]
- Select **Done**, you will see the task we just edited:
![[Pasted image 20240326115915.png]]
- To be able to share plans/projects with others and groups. Select the icon on the top right hand side:
![[Pasted image 20240326131130.png]]
- Then choose to share with a user or group:
![[Pasted image 20240326131242.png]]
- Select the users and groups you want to share with:
![[Pasted image 20240326131350.png]]
- You can assign permissions to users and groups to share, manage or take ownership of that task:
![[Pasted image 20240326131541.png]]
- Additionally, you can customize and add task status tags in the **Tags** section:
![[Pasted image 20240326131814.png]]
- To add a new card, select **Add a new card**, enter the name of the card you want:
![[Pasted image 20240326131956.png]]
- You can see the tag you just created:
![[Pasted image 20240326132059.png]]
- Bạn có thể chỉnh sửa màu của thẻ đó:
![[Pasted image 20240326132256.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326132346.png]]
- You can see tasks and notes in the **Calendar** section:
![[Pasted image 20240326125654.png]]
- Additionally, to add an event for any day, select the day you want to add:
![[Pasted image 20240326125905.png]]
- As an administrator, you can create notifications in the **Notifications** section:
![[Pasted image 20240326150914.png]]
- You can optionally choose which people and groups to display notifications to:
![[Pasted image 20240326151041.png]]
And set up notifications, allowing them to comment:
![[Pasted image 20240326151155.png]]
- You can also comment on admin announcements:
![[Pasted image 20240326151332.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326151511.png]]
- You can also edit/delete comments:
![[Pasted image 20240326151615.png]]
- You can create a survey in the **Forms** section:
![[Pasted image 20240326134008.png]]
- Click on **Create a form** or **New Form** to create a new survey:
![[Pasted image 20240326134059.png]]
- You can customize the form title and description as you like:
![[Pasted image 20240326134533.png]]
- To create questions in the form, select **Add a question** (Add a question):
![[Pasted image 20240326134632.png]]
- You can choose question type:
![[Pasted image 20240326134956.png]]
- Demo question types:
- Type *Radio buttons* (Multiple choice): In this type of question, for each question you can only choose multiple answers.
![[Pasted image 20240326135242.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326135654.png]]
- Type *Checkbox* (Checkbox): For the checkbox type, you can select multiple answers in the same question by ticking.
![[Pasted image 20240326135503.png]]![[Pasted image 20240326135746.png]]
- *Dropdown* type (Scroll): In this question type, you can choose 1 answer when scrolling down the answer bar
![[Pasted image 20240326140122.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326140134.png]]
![[Pasted image 202403261402112.png]]
- *Short answer* type: For this type of question, the survey taker will fill in a short answer.
![[Pasted image 20240326140724.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326140752.png]]
- Type *Long text* (Long answer): Survey fill-ins can fill in a long answer like a paragraph, state their feelings,...
![[Pasted image 20240326140927.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326141441.png]]
- Type *Date*: The surveyor can choose the date (suitable for questions asking for a date or month).
![[Pasted image 20240326141725.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326141756.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326141911.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326141811.png]]- *Time question* type: In this question type, you can let the survey taker enter the time (in accordance with the time question format).
![[Pasted image 20240326142215.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240326142205.png]]
- You can view the form you just created when you click on the **View** section:
![[Pasted image 20240326142400.png]]
- To share the survey link, select **Share**:
![[Pasted image 20240326142730.png]]
- You can optionally share links: Internal links, links with everyone.
![[Pasted image 20240326142849.png]]
- You can set the form's expiration date by going to **Settings**, selecting **Set expiration date**
![[Pasted image 20240326143459.png]]
- You can see the results of the survey/form on the **Result** page:
![[Pasted image 20240326143705.png]]
- In the **Tasks** section, you can see the tasks (synchronized with the plan) arranged by time:
![[Pasted image 20240326144009.png]]
- You can view the information about that task:
![[Pasted image 20240326144111.png]]
- In the **Memories** section, the system will automatically scan your photos when uploaded to the system according to the timeline and you can manage your photo library.
- Select **Click here to start** to get started:
![[Pasted image 20240326144524.png]]
- You can choose folder:
![[Pasted image 20240326144612.png]]
- Select **Continue to Memories** to continue or **Choose again** if you want to select again:
![[Pasted image 20240326144745.png]]
- After successfully selecting an item, you can see all the photos arranged in a timeline:
![[Pasted image 20240326145539.png]]
- You can upload photos by clicking on the **Add** icon, selecting **Upload Files**:
![[Pasted image 20240326150158.png]]
Select photos to upload:
![[Pasted image 20240326150311.png]]
- In the **Labels** section, you can see photo collections according to categories that the system automatically classifies:
![[Pasted image 20240326145651.png]]
- In the **Map** section, you can view photos based on their location, which is very useful when traveling when you want to review memories!
![[Pasted image 20240326150529.png]]
- ## Synchronize files and folders on **NextCloud**:
- You can sync files and folders from Windows devices as well as phones.
### On the phone:
- You download **NextCloud** from App Store or CH Play.
![[Pasted image 20240503223154.png]]
- After downloading, you proceed to log in.
- To automatically sync photos from your mobile device, go to **More**, select **Settings**:
![[Pasted image 20240401100315.png]]
Select **AutoUpload**:
![[Pasted image 20240401100622.png]]
Then click **Auto upload photos/videos**:
![[Pasted image 20240401113657.png]]
1. Bạn có thể chọn nơi lưu trữ các ảnh mà bạn muốn đồng bộ trên hệ thống.
2. In addition to syncing photos, you can also check to sync videos on your device to the system.
3. You can customize the synchronization of your entire camera collection.
- After turning on automatic sync mode, you can go to the location where the photos you just selected are stored to see the photos and videos that have been synchronized.
### On Windows devices:
- You can download **NextCloud** for Windows devices using the following link:,
![[Pasted image 20240401204627.png]]
- After downloading, install **NextCloud** on your device and log in with your account.
- You can see the **NextCloud** interface on Windows:
![[Pasted image 20240401211251.png]]
**NextCloud** will display calls and notifications in the system.
- To open the system archive file, select the Folder icon:
![[Pasted image 202404012112512.png]]
- You can also view the photos and videos you just synced at **NextCloud**.
![[Pasted image 20240401205751.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240401212833.png]]
- You can sync more photos and videos and view them on different devices.

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- NextDNS is a network software to control Internet access, block ads and filter bad content, malicious code by interfering with the device's connection to the DNS server.
- This is a system that has been equipped with the most common ad blocking filters so that when we access the Internet there will be no more ads.
### a. Access instructions:
- At the **Dashboard** interface after successfully logging in to the LAN system, click on the AdGuard Home icon on the display screen:
![[Pasted image 20240314214019.png]]
- After successful access, you will go to the AdGuard Home homepage and will display the login interface as follows:
![[Pasted image 20240411193538.png]]
### b. User manual:
- After logging in to NextDNS, you can see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240314213703.png]]
- In the interface above, we can see:
+ Number of DNS queries inside the network going out to the Internet:
![[Pasted image 20240314213803.png]]
+ Number of domains; bad IP address; [malicious code](, phishing and adult websites have been blocked:
![[Pasted image 20240314213818.png]]
- We can see which devices on the network or IP addresses are using the most Internet in the **Top Users** section:
![[Pasted image 20240314213833.png]]
+ When we select any user, we can see that device's Internet query history:
![[Pasted image 20240314213906.png]]
+ We can see some information such as blocked addresses and advertising addresses of that device.
+ In addition to observing their Internet query history, we can block that device and IP address:
![[Pasted image 20240314213948.png]]
- In the main interface, we can see the most queried domains and most blocked domains in the past 24 hours as well as the number of requests and how many times that domain has been blocked or accessed.
![[Pasted image 20240312151739.png]]
- On the **Query History** tab, we will see an overview of the devices in the system from many different IP addresses in the LAN that are being accessed.
![[Pasted image 20240314214336.png]]
We can quickly block some popular services today such as Youtube, TikTok, Telegram, Spotify,... when clicking on the **Blocked Services** tab in the **Query History** section:
![[Pasted image 202403121518122.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240314214408.png]]
+ Additionally, we can set a schedule to pause blocking a service if we are blocking that service by default:
![[Pasted image 20240411193707.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240411193737.png]]
- If we want to allow certain devices to access the service, we select **Filter**, then go to **Allow List**:
![[Pasted image 20240314214654.png]]
+ By clicking **Add list**, we can enter the name and IP address in the LAN, then we can add that device to the allowed list, that address will be allowed access.
![[Pasted image 20240314160945.png]]
+ A whitelisted domain name will not be blocked even if it is on any blocked list.

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## Introduction to the ADMIN interface and instructions for initializing hard drives using NextNAS:
**NextNAS** is an abbreviation for [Network-attached storage]( which is a file-level computer data storage server connected to computer network that provides data access to a heterogeneous group of customers. NextNAS specializes in serving files by hardware, software or configuration.
### a.Admin interface:
- Used for administrators to manage files, install, add, edit, delete applications. When accessing the device for the first time, you cannot access ADMIN.
- To access ADMIN, you need to initialize the storage hard drive to store the application by accessing the NextNAS.
### b.Instructions for accessing NextNAS:
At the main interface, click on the NextNAS icon:
![[Pasted image 20240315164235.png]]
After accessing the NextNAS, you will see the login interface, you need to log in to the NextNAS
![[Pasted image 20240503162403.png]]
After successfully logging in, you will go to the main interface of **NextNAS:**
![[Pasted image 20240315164522.png]]
Here, we can see some information such as:
- **Hard drive information:**
![[Pasted image 20240315164543.png]]
- **System partition:**
![[Pasted image 20240315164601.png]]
- **Memory storage:**
![[Pasted image 20240315164654.png]]
### c. Instructions for initializing hard drives using NextNAS:
At the main interface of the NextNAS, access the **Storage** section in the navigation bar:
![[Pasted image 20240411194046.png]]
At **Storage**, you can see many sub-sections:
- **Disks**:
![[Pasted image 20240315164916.png]]
<center>QEMU is the system drive<center/>
You can check the information of each drive (capacity, drive name,...)
- **S.M.A.R.T**:
- In the **S.M.A.R.T** section, you will check whether the quality of the hard drive is still good or not, whether there are data errors or not.
- Click on the **Device** subsection in the **S.M.A.R.T** section, you can see information such as:
![[Pasted image 20240315165130.png]]
- **Status** of hard drive:
-- If the display status is green => the hard drive's condition is still good
-- The display status is yellow => the hard drive is at risk of failure, you should replace it with another type of drive to avoid data loss.
- In the **Software RAID** section, we can create a **RAID** partition:
![[Pasted image 20240315165758.png]]
**So what is RAID?**
RAID is the abbreviation for [Redundant Array of Independent Disks]( - A form of combining multiple physical hard drives into one system. Previously, RAID was used as a data backup solution, allowing data to be simultaneously written to multiple hard disks. Until now, besides the above Backup role, RAID has many variations that allow significantly increasing the ability to retrieve data from hard disks.
-- Create RAID:
o   At the interface, click on the “+” sign as shown:
![[Pasted image 20240411194212.png]]
o   In the **RAID** creation section, you need to choose the **RAID** type, there are many types of **RAID**, in this article, we will use RAID 5 *(need at least 3 hard drives with same capacity or more, 2 drives are combined together to get total capacity and 1 spare drive)*. In addition, you can learn more about other types of RAID at [here]( .
![[Pasted image 20240411194310.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240411194351.png]]
Then, we will select the drive:
![[Pasted image 20240315170144.png]]
o After that, click **Save**, the interface will display the **Pending configuration changes** section, select the ✓ sign to be successful.
![[Pasted image 202403151702362.png]]
oAfter successful creation, there will be a message "Applied the configuration changes" and we can see the interface displaying information of the newly created **RAID**.
- To Format a drive, go to **File System**, click on the "+" sign to create a new File System, you can see many formats:
![[Pasted image 20240315170818.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240411194447.png]]
· In this example, we will format it into **BTRFS** format.
· When you click on the format you want to format, you will see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240315171002.png]]
· You need to select **Profile**, select **Single** if you need to create a single drive
· In the **Device** section, you need to select the drive to format into **BTRFS** format.
· After selecting, click **Save** to format the drive.
![[Pasted image 20240315171141.png]]
<center>Success, click Close to turn off the notification<center/>
· When formatting is complete, the system will automatically jump to **Mount** (attach the drive to the operating system)
![[Pasted image 20240315171327.png]]
OR return to the **File System** section, click as shown:
![[Pasted image 20240411194621.png]]
· In the **Mount** section:
- In the **File System** section, select the drive you just formatted.
![[Pasted image 20240315171637.png]]
- In the **Usage Warning Threshold** section, you choose the warning level that the drive is almost full. You can set the default to 85% (when it reaches 85%, we will receive a warning that the drive is almost full).
![[Pasted image 20240315171648.png]]
- After selecting, press **Save** to save.
**So where is the drive we just created?*
Back at **Dashboard**, you can see the NAS files section
![[Pasted image 20240315171727.png]]
Click on the NAS Files icon, log in with your account and password
![[Pasted image 20240503162606.png]]
After logging in, you will see the following interface
![[Pasted image 20240315171924.png]]
o Go into **System**->**srv**, you can see the drive we just created
![[Pasted image 20240315172134.png]]
- To select the partition as the default storage location, go back to ==NAS==, you need to click on the **Services** section:
o Go into the **Symlinks** section
![[Pasted image 20240411194747.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240315172632.png]]
o You go to the editing section:
![[Pasted image 20240315172813.png]]
Choose where you want to store it
Click Choose
o After selecting the default storage location, you must reboot by clicking the **power button->Reboot->tick Confirm->Yes** to receive the entire new configuration.
![[Pasted image 20240411194913.png]]
- Share **SMB**:
+ What is SMB sharing?
+ SMB (Server Message Block) is a network protocol used to share files and devices within a network. It is mainly used in Windows operating systems to allow different computers to access and share resources such as files, printers and folders. The SMB protocol plays an important role in connecting and sharing information between computers in the internal network, facilitating work and data transmission in a group work environment. You can learn more about the SMB protocol at [here]( ,m%C3%A1y%20in%20v%C3%A0%20th%C6%B0%20m%E1%BB%A5c.)
+ Instructions for sharing SMB at NextNAS:
+ Step 1: Create users/groups:
+ Go to **Users** section in the navigation bar:
![[Pasted image 20240411194829.png]]
+ Create group:
+ In the **Users** section, go to **Groups**:
![[Pasted image 20240411194949.png]]
+ Click **Create** to create a group:
![[Pasted image 20240411195029.png]]
+ Choose name:
![[Pasted image 20240411195143.png]]
+ Save:
![[Pasted image 20240411195205.png]]
After successfully creating, you will see the group we just created in the interface in the **Groups** section:
+ Create user:
+ In the **Users** section, go to **Users**:
![[Pasted image 20240411195255.png]]
+ Click **Create** to create a user:
![[Pasted image 20240411195325.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319100543.png]]
+ Fill in information:
+ Fill in user name.
+ Password.
+ Select group:
![[Pasted image 20240319100925.png]]
+ Save and Apply.
+ After successful creation, you can see the user we just created:
![[Pasted image 20240319101218.png]]
+ Step 2: Create folder to share:
You return to **Storage** > **Shared Folder**:
![[Pasted image 20240411195430.png]]
+ The interface that appears will be as follows:
![[Pasted image 20240319093313.png]]
+ You need to enter the folder name:
![[Pasted image 20240319093300.png]]
+ In the **File System** section, select the newly created partition:
![[Pasted image 20240319093401.png]]
+ Next, select the path to the folder you want to share:
![[Pasted image 20240319094036.png]]
+ Decentralization:
![[Pasted image 20240319094249.png]]
Choose the permissions you want, here, we will give everyone the right to: View, edit and write in the directory:
![[Pasted image 20240319094404.png]]
+ After selecting, press **Save** to save.
+ Similarly, select **✓** at **Pending configuration changes**:
After successful creation, you will see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240319094917.png]]
+ Step 3: At **Services**, go to the **SMB/CIFS** section, then go to the **Shares** section:
The interface that appears will be as follows:
![[Pasted image 20240319092700.png]]
+ Step 4: Click on the **Create** icon:
+ Select the folder to share:
You select the folder you just created.
![[Pasted image 20240319101809.png]]
Then scroll down and press **Save** and **Apply**:
You can see the folder we just created for sharing:
![[Pasted image 20240319102159.png]]
+ Step 5: Press the combination **"Windows + R"**, then enter the path ==//
![[Pasted image 20240319102401.png]]
+ Log in to the user account you just created:
+ After that, the folder we shared will be shared with the user we just created:
![[Pasted image 20240319102817.png]]
+ Step 6: To edit permissions:
+ We return to **Storage** > **Shared Folder**.
+ Click on the created folder to share then click on the **Access Control List** icon:
![[Pasted image 20240319103647.png]]
+ Then, in the newly created group, select "Read/Write" to give writing and reading rights to the entire group:
![[Pasted image 20240319104153.png]]
In addition, there are other decentralization modes such as:
![[Pasted image 20240319104234.png]]
+ Read/Write: Read/write permission.
+ Read-only: Read only.
+ No access: No access rights.
+ To edit permissions for all users, scroll down:
![[Pasted image 20240319105210.png]]
Here, you can choose to assign permissions to all users.
![[Pasted image 20240319105245.png]]
+ To adjust permissions for users in the group, find that user's name and select their permissions:
![[Pasted image 20240319104632.png]]
In this example, if you choose **Read-only** for user1, user1 only has read rights.
+ Then we click on **Replace** (replace all existing permissions) and **Recursive** (allow that permission even in subfolders):
![[Pasted image 20240319104839.png]]
+ Click Save and Apply.
- Download video:
- To Download videos from the Internet, in the **Services** section, select **Downloader**:
![[Pasted image 20240411195650.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319110110.png]]
- Click on **Add Download**:
![[Pasted image 20240411195733.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319110210.png]]
- At **Download Type**, select the download type you want:
![[Pasted image 20240411195815.png]]
*In this example, we will select **youtube-dl** to download videos from [Youtube](*
- Choose the name of the video:
![[Pasted image 20240411195905.png]]
- Fill in the format you want to download: including many formats such as: mp3, mp4,...
![[Pasted image 20240411195953.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240411200023.png]]
- Fill in the URL of the video on [Youtube](
![[Pasted image 20240319110735.png]]
- Select the folder where you want the video to be saved and shared:
![[Pasted image 20240319110807.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319110821.png]]
In this example, we will choose to save the video to the Media folder that was just shared.
- Select here if you want to download the video's Subtitles:
![[Pasted image 20240411200110.png]]
- When you finish selecting, press **Add** to add:
![[Pasted image 20240319111024.png]]
- You will see information about the file about to be downloaded:
![[Pasted image 20240319111132.png]]
- Click and select **Start Download**
![[Pasted image 20240319111200.png]]
- So it was successful.
- We open the combination "**Windows + R**" and enter the path \\ to go to the folder:
![[Pasted image 20240319111522.png]]
We will see the video we just downloaded:
![[Pasted image 20240319111457.png]]

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- Is a system that helps users access the Internet remotely from the business to the user's Internet network, designed to simplify and optimize the way VPN. This system is built with the goal of providing greater security, speed and flexibility than existing VPN protocols, while saving computing resources and power.
### 1. Instructions for installing WireGuard VPN:
#### a. Login instructions:
- Access the address: []( to use
-  Click on the WireGuard icon, it will go to the home page, the system now asks us to log in:
![[Pasted image 202403142148502.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240312151203.png]]
- After successfully logging in, you will go to WireGuard's home page, here you will see all Clients accessing the LAN system:
![[Pasted image 20240314215004.png]]
- To change the domain name, switch to the **Global Settings** tab, select the **Endpoint Adress** section to edit and change the domain name:
![[Pasted image 20240314215040.png]]
#### b. Instructions for downloading WireGuard:
- To access the internal network system, you must download WireGuard:
˖   **Step 1**: Go to , download the version of WireGuard suitable for your computer operating system:
![[Pasted image 20240314215128.png]]
˖   **Step 2**: Go to the interface page, download the config file:
+ Click **Download**, now the config file will be downloaded but the default browser thinks it is an unsafe file, so click **Keep** to see the file displayed:
![[Pasted image 20240504000915.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240504001125.png]]
### 2. VPN connection:
### a. Initialization instructions:
- **Step 1**: Open WireGuard VPN and Import the config file downloaded above using the **Import Tunnel** button:
![[Pasted image 202403141547162.png]]
- After successful import, you will see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 202403121510072.png]]
- **Step 2**: Activate by clicking the **Activate** button.
o   After Activate successfully, the interface will update the status as follows:
![[Pasted image 20240312151031.png]]
o   When you want to deactivate, click the **Deactivate** button.
o   Additionally, if you want to remove the selected tunnel, right-click on **Tunnel**, select **Remove selected tunnel(s).**
### b. User manual:
- You can create a completely new client by clicking the **New Client** button at the top right hand side:
![[Pasted image 20240504001156.png]]
- After filling in the information of the fields, click **Submit** to create a new client
- By clicking on **More**, a menu will appear, you can delete, edit or block that client:
![[Pasted image 202403121513102.png]]
- You can view the clients in use on the LAN system when clicking on the **Status** tab in the navigation bar:
![[Pasted image 20240314215215.png]]
+ If the client is using a LAN system, you will see that the client is green and see information such as the address that the client connects to (the **Endpoint** section), or how much data the client has transmitted ( **Transmitted** section).
- To change your account and login password, you can do it in 2 ways:
+ **Method 1**: Click on the **Administrator** tab, here, you can easily change **username** as well as password (Note: if you want to keep the old password, just need not fill anything in the password field)
![[Pasted image 202403121513382.png]]
+ **Method 2**: Switch to the **Users Setting** tab, select **Edit**, from there you can change the password and new account:
![[Pasted image 202403121514042.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240312151414.png]]
*Instructions for downloading and installing WireGuard on your phone:
*For IOS devices:
- **Step 1**: On your phone, access App Store on IOS devices.
- **Step 2**: Search for WireGuard, download and install.
![[Pasted image 20240504001221.png]]
After successfully installing the WireGuard application, you can click **Add a Tunnel** or the + sign to add config on the screen.
![[Pasted image 20240504001237.png]]
- **Step 3**: Get and scan the QR:
+ You can get the QR code from the profile on the system by clicking the **QR code** button:
![[Pasted image 202403141405052.png]]
- Step 4 :
+ Fill in the name of your VPN profile.
+ Add VPN configuration in Settings, click “Allow” to allow VPN configuration settings:
![[Pasted image 20240504001319.png]]
After successful configuration installation, WireGuard's interface will be as follows:
![[Pasted image 202403121515272.png]]
- **Step 5**: Turn on VPN and enjoy.
*For Android devices:
- **Step 1**: Visit CH Play and search for WireGuard.
- **Step 2**: Download:
![[Pasted image 20240312151541.png]]
- **Step 3**: After downloading, access WireGuard, add VPN configuration by clicking "+" on the screen and scanning the QR code or adding a config file:
![[Pasted image 202403121515502.png]]
+ You can get the QR code from your profile on the system by clicking the **QR code** button:
![[Pasted image 202403141405052.png]]
- **Step 4**: Add VPN configuration successfully!

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### 1. Web Application User Guide:
**Dashboard Interface**:
- Access the Camera NVR Application:
![[Pasted image 20240401214303.png]]
- Log in with your account and password:
![[Pasted image 20240401214429.png]]
- After logging in, you can see the installed cameras in the **Live** section.
![[Pasted image 20240401214740.png]]
- Customize View Mode
![[Pasted image 20240401215047.png]]
- You can watch recorded videos in the **Playback** section:
![[Pasted image 20240401215812.png]]
1. Choose the type of recording you want to view and select other recordings if needed:
![[Pasted image 20240401220713.png]]
2.Select the time, camera, and then click Search to find and view the recordings.:
![[Pasted image 20240401220958.png]]
Tick the recordings you want to watch and press Play to start.
- View system alerts in the **Alarm** section:
![[Pasted image 20240401221448.png]]
- See the list of alerts, alert types, times, and which camera triggered the alert.
- In **Remote Setting**, you can configure system parameters:
![[Pasted image 20240401222100.png]]
- In **Record** > **Record Conf**, set the system to automatically record in real-time, customize recording times, etc.
![[Pasted image 20240401222323.png]]
- Select the camera, recording time, automatic recording schedule, recording type, and save the settings.
- **Intelligent Alert:** Customize camera alerts
![[Pasted image 20240401222939.png]]
- Adjust alerts as needed.
- In the **Advance** section, customize voice alerts
![[Pasted image 20240401223923.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240401224008.png]]
- Record different audio files using your voice
![[Pasted image 20240401224059.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240401224124.png]]
- Press Record to start recording.
- In **Sensitiveness** > **Setting**, the system will alert you when entering the designated area
![[Pasted image 20240401224758.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240401225204.png]]
Draw boundary lines as needed.
![[Pasted image 20240401225428.png]]
- Set timezone, date, language in **System** > **General**
![[Pasted image 20240401225619.png]]
- Configure camera settings in **Encode**:
![[Pasted image 20240401233503.png]]
- Important parameters include Compression (H.265 standard), Resolution, and Quality.
- Compression: H.265 reduces bitrate using smart algorithms for storage efficiency.
- Resolution: Choose the appropriate resolution for your device.
- Change camera names according to their locations in **IPC Param** > **Version**:
![[Pasted image 20240401234548.png]]
- Adjust image settings in **Image Set**
![[Pasted image 20240401234709.png]]
- Set lighting mode in **Light set**
![[Pasted image 20240402090252.png]]
- - In **Day/Night mode**, the camera defaults to automatic light adjustment (Intelligent Variable Light).
- Manage hard drives in **Advance** > **HDD Manager**.
![[Pasted image 20240401234953.png]]
View capacity and remaining space, format the disk to delete data.
- Capacity: View capacity
- Left capacity: Remaining space
![[Pasted image 202404012349532.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240402120242.png]]
- Create and manage users in **Account**
![[Pasted image 20240401235155.png]]
- Add new users with login details and set permissions:
![[Pasted image 20240401235324.png]]
You fill in information such as username, password for the user and assign permissions to the user at **Authority**.
![[Pasted image 20240402134923.png]]
- Assign user permissions for system functions in **System Manager**..
- Choose cameras users can view in the **Monitor** tab:
![[Pasted image 20240402135255.png]]
- Assign cameras for playback in **Playback**.:
![[Pasted image 20240402135405.png]]
### 2. Mobile Application User Guide:
- **Download XMeye Pro**: available on the App Store and CH Play
![[Pasted image 20240504002107.png]]
- Access it on your screen.
- Select **Local**
![[Pasted image 20240503234457.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240504002127.png]]
- Click + to add a new device.:
![[Pasted image 20240402100414.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240503234520.png]]
- Select **NVR**.
- Enter details such as device name, IP, port, username, and password.
- After adding successfully, click the device to view the cameras
![[Pasted image 20240402101004.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240504002147.png]]
- Click the camera to watch live:
![[Pasted image 20240504004042.png]]
- Select **Talk** and press-hold to speak.
![[Pasted image 20240504004013 1.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240504004022 1.png]]
- Select **Console** to control the camera:
![[Pasted image 20240503234743.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240402102028.png]]
- Use **PTZ** controls to adjust camera angles
![[Pasted image 20240402102224.png]]
- View recorded videos in **Playback**:
![[Pasted image 20240503234758.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240504003943.png]]
Choose the time to watch recorded footage:
![[Pasted image 20240402103039.png]]
- Customize and configure settings:
![[Pasted image 20240503234835.png]]

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### 1. **Router** and **NextRouter**:
Router, router (also known as router) is network device forwards data packets between computer network. Routers perform traffic routing functions on the Internet. Data is sent over the internet, such as website or email, in the form of data packets. A packet is typically forwarded from one router to another through the constituting networks Internet until it reaches network node
**NextZen Router** is a function that replaces the network operator's modem, to help increase the quality of the network much better than free modems. provided by the network.
### 2. Instructions for accessing and using **NextRouter**:
#### a.Instructions for accessing **NextRouter:**
- At the ADMIN interface, you can access **NextRouter** by clicking on the **NextRouter** icon:
![[Pasted image 20240328142756.png]]
Or you can also access **NextRouter** by clicking on this application's icon in the interface of **DashBoard.**
![[Pasted image 20240328142356.png]]
- After that, you will go to the login interface of **NextRouter,** you proceed to log in with your account and password.
![[Pasted image 20240328142225.png]]
- Next, you need to log in to **NextRouter** with the subscription account provided by the network:
o   Go to **Network > Interface:**
![[Pasted image 20240331205954.png]]
o You can see there are 2 network interfaces: lan and wan.
![[Pasted image 20240331210044.png]]
o   You select the **Edit** section on the wan network interface.
![[Pasted image 20240331210109.png]]
o   The interface appears as follows:
![[Pasted image 20240319172509.png]]
o   You need to enter the username and password provided by the network:
![[Pasted image 202403191725292.png]]
o   In some cases, the network operator requires us to tag a certain [VLAN]( number that is suitable for successful login:
- In the Devices section, scroll down to select the VLAN of the network operator you are using.
![[Pasted image 20240319172757.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319172819.png]]
- If your network operator does not require it, leave the default as “**eth2**” in the **Device** section.
![[Pasted image 20240319172915.png]]
o   Scroll down and click **Save**
o   Select **Save and Apply**.
o   After clicking **Save and Apply**, you can see the interface of the **wan** section with some information as shown below:
![[Pasted image 20240319173103.png]]
- To allow the router to license applications on the network, select **Network > Firewall**
![[Pasted image 20240331210517.png]]
o   Select the **Port Forwarding** tab:
![[Pasted image 20240331210709.png]]
o   You will see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240319202721.png]]
o   Click to select:
![[Pasted image 20240319202748.png]]
o   Click **Save and Apply**
#### b.Instructions for use **NextRouter:**
-  After successful access, you can see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240319202849.png]]
In the interface above, you can see information such as:
+ System information:
![[Pasted image 20240319202910.png]]
+ CPU usage of the entire system:
![[Pasted image 20240319202926.png]]
+ System memory:
![[Pasted image 20240319202941.png]]
+ Storage:
![[Pasted image 20240319202956.png]]
+ Network:
![[Pasted image 20240319203029.png]]
+ Start asking for id from DHCP:
![[Pasted image 20240319203100.png]]
These are the IP addresses on the LAN that the router grants to devices connected to the network
o   To set a Static IP for a device with an IP address, select **Set Static.**
![[Pasted image 20240331210940.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319203309.png]]
That device will be permanently assigned to that IP address in the network and cannot be changed.
- To review the list of devices that have been set up with Static IPs
o   You select **Network > DHCP and DNS**
![[Pasted image 20240331211016.png]]
o    Switch to the tab "**Statistics of allocated addresses**":
![[Pasted image 20240331211055.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319203535.png]]
o   Below are devices that have been allocated but have not yet been set up with Static IPs.
![[Pasted image 20240319203553.png]]
o   Once a device has been set up with a Static IP, you can rename that device to make it visible on the network
- Select “**Edit**”.
The interface appears:
![[Pasted image 20240319203715.png]]
- Edit name:
![[Pasted image 20240319203749.png]]
Renamed 'May-chu-1'
- Additionally, you can edit the IP address if you want.
![[Pasted image 20240319203908.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319203933.png]]
- After setting up, select **Save.**
- Next, select **Save and Apply**.
- Upon success, you will see your adjustments have been applied:
![[Pasted image 20240319204042.png]]
- You can view the bandwidth information of the devices when clicking on **Traffic Status:**
![[Pasted image 20240331211153.png]]
o   You will see the following interface:
![[Pasted image 20240319204151.png]]
o   In the interface of the **Details** tab under **Traffic Status**, you will see **Downstream** and **Upstream** information (Download and Upload information)
![[Pasted image 20240319204313.png]]
o   Scroll down, you will see information about the devices in the system:
![[Pasted image 20240319204337.png]]
You may see information like:
![[Pasted image 20240417134516.png]]
+ Clients:
+ MAC address (learn more here](
+ How fast is that device downloading?
+ What speed is that device uploading at?
+ Total download capacity (Total Down)
+ Total uploaded capacity (Total Up)
+ Total capacity (Total)
+ First operation (First Seen)
+ Last seen (Last Seen)
- System installation:
![[Pasted image 20240409150111 1.png]]
o   At the **General Settings** tab, you can change the server name, notes, description, time zone, etc.
![[Pasted image 20240319205715.png]]
o   You can change the language and interface in the **Language and style** section:
![[Pasted image 20240319205759.png]]
o   In the **Administration** section, you can change the password specifically for **NextZen Router**
![[Pasted image 20240409143714.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319210444.png]]
o   In addition, you can customize the wallpaper, interface, and main color when clicking on the **Aaron Config** tab.
![[Pasted image 20240331211253.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240319210546.png]]
- Bandwidth throttling feature (**bandwidth regulation provided by the network operator or network administrator**):
![[Pasted image 20240409150624.png]]
- You choose a device on the network to squeeze bandwidth:
![[Pasted image 20240409151003.png]]
You can select devices by MAC address or IP address:
- MAC address is the physical address of the device and it is unique, you can change the IP address but you cannot change the MAC address.
- You can customize Download and Upload speed (MBps) and time to automatically activate:
![[Pasted image 20240409151551.png]]
### NextZen Anti-lag:
- To be able to prioritize online calls, streaming or online gaming,... without lag or high latency, you can manage the queue, this function will be as follows:
This function will help our network system be divided into 2 parts:
- Priority processing goods: include services and requests that need to be resolved immediately. For example: Video calls, meetings, playing online games,...
- Sequential waiting queue: includes services that do not need to be processed immediately.
Simply put, we will prioritize tasks that need more priority so we can optimize those tasks and put tasks that do not need priority into the queue for later processing.
- First, you can check the download and upload speed of the system, go to and conduct a latency test. (This page will operate by downloading/uploading on the system to conduct latency measurements).
- After testing, you will receive the results. In the example in the image below, the download latency in the system is 5ms and the upload latency is 0ms.
![[Pasted image 20240331195845.png]]
- Next, you will check your network package or you can visit **** to check in case you don't remember your package.
![[Pasted image 20240331204517.png]]
- Then, go to **Network** > **NextZen Anti Lag**:
![[Pasted image 20240409143524.png]]
- Here, you can customize your upload and download speeds (for the most optimal results, you should choose to reduce the upload/download speed by 10% compared to your network plan).
![[Pasted image 20240331205321.png]]
After successfully editing, click **Save and apply**, at this time, the system's download and upload latency will be improved. You can check the latency again at https:/ /, click **Test Again** to check the delay again.
![[Pasted image 20240331205724.png]]
You can see that the system latency has gone down to 0ms and that means your system is not lagging, which means the tasks that need to be prioritized in your system have been optimized.

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*Is the host operating system environment that contains all system applications. Promox's role is to help customers backup data, operate and manage systems and virtual machines...*
## Login to Proxmox
- Step 1: Customers Access IP address: -> **Proxmox**
- Step 2: Enter **Username** and **Password** -> **Login**
- Step 3: Successfully logged in, the **Proxmox** interface appears
## Virtual machines running and services in use
- Step 1: Select ↓ **Datacenter** -> **↓ NextZen** -> The interface displays running **virtual machines**.
>The 3-digit machines are running versions*
>*4-digit machines are machines that contain original, fixed, unchangeable data*
- Step 2: Select **NextZen** -> **Summary** -> Show all resources in use of the system
![[Pasted image 20240318230721.png]]
For example: The system has been in use for 4 days
## Backup data
Data backup
- Step 1: Choose any virtual machine (ex: Router-Lite-101)
- Step 2: Select **Backup** -> **Backup now**
- Step 3: Select **Backup**
Immediately back up this entire machine at that state and time. And if you want to go back to that point, do the following:
- Step 1: Select **local (NextZen)** -> **Backups**-> Select that computer at that time
- Step 2: Select **Restore** -> **Restore**
That machine will be restored.
Purpose: Proofread errors and create backups for customers
## Return the device to factory defaults
- *Virtual machines with 4-digit version (Ex: 2003, 2004) are the original data files of the software, while virtual machines with shortened version of 3 numbers (Ex: 2003-> 203) are the current running version, When you want to return to the default, you just need to delete the currently running version and clone the 3-number version into the corresponding 4-number version*
- When the customer wants to return the device to its original state
Ex: Return Dashboard to default
- Step 1: Select **204 (DashBoard)** -> Select **Stop**
- Step 2: Then delete DashBoard: Select **More** -> **Remove**
- Step 3: Enter confirmation ID and select to delete data -> **Remove**
After removal, the 204 device's data has been completely erased from the system
- Step 4: Click the device **2004 (DashBoard)**
Note: Devices with 4 numbers contain backup data to restore the devices to default
- Step 5: Left click -> **Clone**
Then set the ID for the machine (Ex: 204) and press Clone
After pressing Clone, a completely new DashBoard appears.
- Step 6: Select **Start** to launch 204 (DashBoard)
After DashBoard is launched you can visit and you will see the Dashboard has restored to its original state.
## Create multiple machines to use the service
Create a machine that runs parallel and independent of other machines
Ex: Create 1 more machine running DashBoard
- Step 1: Click on the device **2004 (DashBoard)**
- Step 2: Right click -> **Clone**
Then Enter ID (Must not be the same as an existing device)
- Step 3: Change IP address: Select machine **208 (DashBoard)** -> **Network** -> Select Network line-> **Edit**
Change IP address. For example change to
Then press **OK**
- Step 4: Select **Start** to launch the device and you can access **Dashboard** at
- When the machine has been launched, it will display as shown below

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Software to download files automatically
# Install the NextGet application
- Step 1: Access **App Store**
- Step 2: Install the **NextGet** application
- Step 3: Select **NextGet** -> Complete installation
*- **Default Account**: Pyload password account*
*- **Default Accessible Path in NextGet**: Download path*
You can follow the details as shown below:
- Access **App Store**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/1.png]]![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/2.png]]
- *Note: Shows the original default NextGet account and download path*
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/3.png]]
- NextGet application status is being installed
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/4.png]]
- NextGet has been installed successfully
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/5.png]]
# Access NextGet
- Step 1: Select the **NextGet** application on the **Admin** Interface or **Dashboard**.
- Step 2: Enter **Username**, **Password** -> **SignIn**
Please follow the details as shown below
- Log in to NextGet
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/6.png]]
- Successful login, interface displayed.
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/7.png]]
# Settings NextGet
On the menu bar -> **Settings**
1. Select **Download** to set download parameters
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/8.png]]
- Parameters:
- Maximum connections for one download: Maximum number of threads for the download task.
- Maximum parallel downloads: Number of simultaneous download tasks. The remaining will be displayed in the queue
- Maximum download speed in KiB/s: Maximum download speed
- Limit download speed: Limit download speed
- Download interface to bind (IP Address): Allows you to specify a specific network interface
- Allow IPv6: Enables or disables the use of IPv6 internet protocol for downloads.
- Skip already existing files: Skip existing downloaded files.
- Start time: This setting allows you to schedule downloads to start at a specific time
- End time: This setting allows you to schedule downloads to stop at a specific time
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/9.png]]
2. Select **Accounts** to add VIP accounts of download services.
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/10.png]]
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/11.png]]
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/12.png]]
*After downloading Fshare links, NextGet automatically checks if there is a VIP account. If there is, pyload will authenticate and you can download at maximum speed.*
3. Select **Users** to change or add a new login account
- Example: Change account -> **Change**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/13.png]]
- Change password -> **OK**
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/14.png]]
4. Select **Plugins** to install Plugins
For example: Setup to automatically scan folders and download folders in FshareVnFolder
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/15.png]]
# Add new download task
- Step 1: Select **+** to download
- Step 2: Enter **Name**, **Links** and **Password** (If any)
- Step 3: Select **Add Package** to download
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/16.png]]![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/17.png]]
# NextGet functions
- At the **Dashboard** interface, a list of downloading tasks will be displayed
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/20.png]]
- At the **Queue** interface you can view tasks that have been downloaded, are downloading, or failed downloads
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/18.png]]
- At the **File** interface, you can manage downloaded files
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/19.png]]
- Functions: **Resume**, **Stop**, **Abort**, **Add** tasks.
![[Instructions for use by features/Z_Tài Nguyên/z_pyload/16.png]]

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### Instructions for using NextWeb
Function: Manage, create, store, operate website, issue SSL certificate for domain names
### Login to the NextWeb
- Step 1: Customers Access IP address: -> **NextWeb**
- Step 2: Enter information in order into the boxes -> **Create account**
![[Pasted image 20240503235827.png]]
- Step 3: After successfully creating an account, enter **Username**, **Password** -> **Login**
- Step 4: Log in successfully, the interface displays
Available websites have a .local domain name representing the access path in the system
### Dashboard Overview
### Create new Website
**There are 6 types of websites you can create**:
- WordPress
- Node.js
- Static HTML
- Python
- Reverse Proxy
**Ex: Create a WordPress site**
- Step 1: Select **Site List** -> **+ADD SITE**
- Step 2: Choose the type of website you want (Ex: WordPress)
![[Pasted image 20240504000104.png]]
- Step 3: Enter **information**:
- Domain name: The domain name you connected to Portainer
- Site title: Title for the page
- Site User: The primary SSH account for the site
- Administrator name: Account to access the Wordpress administration page
- Password: Can be self-generated or randomly generated
- Administrator email: Email to recover password
Then click **Create**
- Step 4: Successfully created interface -> **Return to website**
### Make any application a domain name
- Step 1: Select **Site List** -> **+ADD SITE**
- Step 2: Select **"Create a PHP website"**
![[Pasted image 20240504000130.png]]
Step 3: Select the application you want to create (pre-configured applications for popular services)
![[Pasted image 20240318103926.png]]
Step 4: Enter **information**:
- Domain name: The domain name you connected to Portainer
- PHP version
- Site User: The primary SSH account for the site
- Website user password: Can be self-generated or randomly generated
Then -> **Generate**
- After you successfully put the application into a domain name. You can directly access the application under the newly created domain name
### Issue SSL certificate for domain name
After you create a website, you will see a security warning from your browser
To make your website absolutely secure, you need to provide SSL
- Step 1: Select the website you want to secure -> Click **website name** or **manage**
- Step 2: Select **SSL/TLS**
- Step 3: In the Certificate section -> Select **Action** -> Select certificate, you can choose 1 of 2 ways:
+ Method 1: Add a new Let's Encrypt certificate
+ Method 2: Import certificate
Method 1: Add a new Let's Encrypt certificate
Select **Create and install** to complete the certificate and automatically renew after 3 months.
Method 2: Import certificate
Enter **Private Key**, **Certificate**, **Certificate Chain** -> Select **Import and Install** to complete certificate issuance
![[Pasted image 20240314160200.png]]
**Your website has now been granted SSL**
### Delete website
- Step 1: Select the website you want to delete (Click **website name** or **manage**) -> **Delete website**
- Step 2: **Enter confirmation** -> **Delete website**
### Edit Website
- Select **Manage** -> Adjust parameters in **Settings**
![[Pasted image 20240314161030.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240314161047.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240314161116.png]]
### Database management
- Step 1: Select the website you want to select -> Click **website name** or **manage** -> **Database**
- Step 2: In Database Account -> **Manage**
- Step 3: The website redirects to phpMyAdmin and you can make changes and manage the database
![[Pasted image 20240314161534.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240314161534.png]]
### Varnish buffer
- The utility speeds up the website by loading the cache
![[Pasted image 20240314161820.png]]
### Security
Basic security methods
- Block IP: Add an IP address and block it
![[Pasted image 20240314162020.png]]
- Chop Bots
![[Pasted image 20240314162043.png]]
- Basic authentication: Create an authentication layer
![[Pasted image 20240314162110.png]]
- CloudFlare: The identifier must point to Cloudflare and the proxy needs to be enabled for your dns records
![[Pasted image 20240314162143.png]]
### File management
- Select the website you want to select (Click **website name** or **manage**) -> **File management**
![[Pasted image 20240314162404.png]]
### Create Cron Jobs
- Select the website you want to select (Click **website name** or **manage**) -> **Cron Jobs**
- You can schedule repetitions in many modes
![[Pasted image 20240314162523.png]]
### Diary
- Select the website you want to select (Click **website name** or **manage**) -> **Diary**
- View user access logs
![[Pasted image 20240314162726.png]]
### Create a management account
You can assign any website to a new admin account
- Step 1: Select **Admin Area** ->**Account**-> **Add Account**
- Step 2: Enter information:
### Event
- Select **Admin Area** -> **Events**
- Statistics on access history and operations on the Webserver
![[Pasted image 20240314163316.png]]
### Sao lưu
- Select **Admin Area** -> **Backup**
- You can automatically back up your website to the following providers:
+ Amazon S3
+ Wasabi
+ Digital Ocean Spaces
+ Dropbox
+ Google Drive
+ Custom Rclone Config
![[Pasted image 20240314163408.png]]
### Create domain name for Webserver
- Select **Admin Area** -> **Settings** -> Assign new domain -> **Save**
- Assign a domain name to the webserver instead of accessing by IP address
![[Pasted image 20240314163519.png]]
### Change the database server
- Select **Admin Area** -> **Settings** -> **Database Server** -> Add Database Server -> **Save**
![[Pasted image 20240314163620.png]]
### Change Webserver account password
- Step 1: Select Account -> **Settings**
- Step 2: Change account information
![[Pasted image 20240314163802.png]]
- Step 3: Select **Save**

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