# Access Proxmox File and Webserver File *Purpose: Manage backup server files and website source code using the Admin interface* ## Login Admin - Step 1: Access or Visit - Step 2: Enter **Username** and **Password** -> **Login** ![[Pasted image 20240411205554.png]] - Step 3: The Admin interface appears ![[Pasted image 20240320105903.png]] ## Access Proxmox File *Purpose: Access Proxmox backup files* - Step 1: In the Admin interface -> Select **Files** ![[Ad_1.png]] - Step 2: Select **Proxmox Server** and you can manage ProxmoxServer data like Proxmox ![[Ad_2.png]] - Step 3 Select **Dump** ![[Ad_3.png]] - The interface displays files ![[Pasted image 20240320110451.png]] ## Access WebServer File - Step 1: In **Admin** interface -> Select **Files** ![[Ad_1.png]] - Step 2: Select **WebServer** ![[Ad_4.png]] - Step 3 The interface displays and you can manage it similar to accessing **Webserver** directly ![[Pasted image 20240320110711.png]]