mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 15:15:35 +07:00
feature : add ondepanel self signed certificate
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"type": "go",
"debugAdapter": "dlv-dap",
"request": "launch",
"port": 33903,
"port": 34353,
"host": "",
"mode": "exec",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/dist/casaos-user-service-amd64_linux_amd64_v1/build/sysroot/usr/bin/casaos-user-service"
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ module github.com/KaySar12/NextZen-UserService
go 1.21
toolchain go1.22.0
require (
github.com/KaySar12/NextZen-Common v1.0.0-alpha6
github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 v3.11.0
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
json2 "encoding/json"
@ -46,15 +47,15 @@ import (
var (
authServer = "http://accessmanager.local"
clientID = "6KwKSxLCtaQ4r6HoAn3gdNMbNOAf75j3SejLIAx7"
clientSecret = "PE05fcDP4qESUmyZ1TNYpZNBxRPq70VpFI81vehsoJ6WhGz5yPXMljrFrOdMRdRhrYmF03fHWTZHgO9ZdNENrLN13BzL8CAgtEkTsyjXfgx9GvISheIjYfpSfvo219fL"
authURL = "http://accessmanager.local/application/o/nextzenos-oidc/"
callbackURL = "http://nextzenos.local/v1/users/oidc/callback"
onePanelServer = "http://nextweb.local"
onePanelName = "nextzen"
onePanelPassword = "Smartyourlife123@*"
authentik_api_token = "jidFioAIXpgl8awyk2O17K8W7vZzlXhOO0QXGxEhMDJdn9g747EQjmaI0i3e"
authServer = "http://accessmanager.local"
clientID = "6KwKSxLCtaQ4r6HoAn3gdNMbNOAf75j3SejLIAx7"
clientSecret = "PE05fcDP4qESUmyZ1TNYpZNBxRPq70VpFI81vehsoJ6WhGz5yPXMljrFrOdMRdRhrYmF03fHWTZHgO9ZdNENrLN13BzL8CAgtEkTsyjXfgx9GvISheIjYfpSfvo219fL"
authURL = "http://accessmanager.local/application/o/nextzenos-oidc/"
callbackURL = "http://nextzenos.local/v1/users/oidc/callback"
onePanelServer = "http://nextweb.local"
onePanelName = "nextzen"
onePanelPassword = "Smartyourlife123@*"
//authentik_api_token = "jidFioAIXpgl8awyk2O17K8W7vZzlXhOO0QXGxEhMDJdn9g747EQjmaI0i3e"
type OIDCSetting struct {
@ -176,38 +177,6 @@ func OnePanelLogin(c *gin.Context) error {
return nil
// func OnePanelLogin(c *gin.Context) {
// var cred = model2.OnePanelCredentials{
// Name: onePanelName,
// Password: onePanelPassword,
// IgnoreCaptcha: true,
// Captcha: "",
// CaptchaID: "",
// AuthMethod: "session",
// Language: "en",
// }
// response, cookies, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().Login(cred, onePanelServer)
// if err != nil {
// c.JSON(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
// model.Result{
// Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
// Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
// })
// }
// session := sessions.Default(c)
// for _, cookie := range cookies {
// session.Set(cookie.Name, cookie.Value)
// c.SetCookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value, 3600, "/", "", false, true)
// }
// session.Save()
// c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS,
// model.Result{
// Success: common_err.SUCCESS,
// Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS),
// Data: response,
// })
// }
func OnePanelUpdateProxyWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
json := make(map[string]string)
@ -247,7 +216,7 @@ func OnePanelUpdateProxyWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
var updateProxy model2.ProxyDetail
updateProxy := model2.ProxyDetail{}
updateProxy = proxyResult.Data[0]
updateProxy.Operate = "edit"
updateProxy.ProxyPass = protocol + "://" + hostname + ":" + port
@ -280,20 +249,21 @@ func OnePanelCreateWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
port := json["port"]
protocol := json["protocol"]
hostname := json["hostname"]
sslProvider := json["sslProvider"]
var website model2.CreateWebsiteRequest
website.PrimaryDomain = domain
website.Type = "proxy"
website.Alias = domain
website.AppType = "installed"
website.WebSiteGroupID = 2
website.Proxy = protocol + "://" + hostname + ":" + port
website.Proxy = "http://" + hostname + ":" + port
portInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(port, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error converting port to integer: %v", err)
website.Port = portInt
website.ProxyProtocol = protocol
website.ProxyProtocol = "http"
website.ProxyAddress = hostname + ":" + port
website.RuntimeType = "php"
headers := make(map[string]string)
@ -316,32 +286,6 @@ func OnePanelCreateWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
if search.Data.Total == 0 {
if protocol == "https" {
//TODO Apply Certificate and Enable HTTPS
var searchSSL model2.SearchSSLRequest
searchSSL.Page = 1
searchSSL.PageSize = 50
ssl, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().SearchWebsiteSSl(searchSSL, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
if ssl.Data.Total == 0 {
createSSL, err := OnePanelApplyWebsiteSSl(domain, search.Data.Items[0].ID, headers)
if err != nil {
Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
response, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().CreateWebsite(website, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
@ -350,13 +294,113 @@ func OnePanelCreateWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
Success: common_err.SUCCESS,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS),
Data: response,
search, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().SearchWebsite(searchParam, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
if protocol == "https" {
var searchSSL model2.SearchSSLRequest
searchSSL.Page = 1
searchSSL.PageSize = 50
sslId := -1
ssl, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().SearchWebsiteSSl(searchSSL, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
for _, item := range ssl.Data.Items {
if item.PrimaryDomain == domain && item.Organization == sslProvider {
sslId = item.ID
if sslId < 0 {
if sslProvider == "http" {
sslId, err = OnePanelApplyWebsiteSSl(domain, search.Data.Items[0].ID, headers)
if err != nil {
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Fail to upgrade %s from http to https", domain),
Data: false,
} else {
sslId, err = IssueSelfSignedCert(domain, search.Data.Items[0].ID, headers, 3)
if err != nil {
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Fail to upgrade %s from http to https", domain),
Data: false,
// TODO Enable HTTPS
var searchAcme model2.AcmeSearchRequest
acmeId := 0
searchAcme.Page = 1
searchAcme.PageSize = 50
if sslProvider == "http" {
acme, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().AcmeAccountSearch(searchAcme, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
acmeId = acme.Data.Items[0].ID
search, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().SearchWebsite(searchParam, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
updateWebsite, err := EnableWebsiteHttps(acmeId, sslId, search.Data.Items[0].ID, headers)
if err != nil {
Success: common_err.SERVICE_ERROR,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SERVICE_ERROR),
if updateWebsite.Code < 200 || updateWebsite.Code > 300 {
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Fail to upgrade %s from http to https", domain),
Data: false,
Success: common_err.SUCCESS,
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS),
Data: response,
@ -364,14 +408,77 @@ func OnePanelCreateWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.SUCCESS),
func OnePanelApplyWebsiteSSl(domain string, websiteId int, headers map[string]string) (model2.CreateSSLResponse, error) {
func IssueSelfSignedCert(domain string, websiteId int, headers map[string]string, maxAttempts int) (int, error) {
if maxAttempts <= 0 {
return 0, errors.New("maximum attempts reached")
var searchSelfSignedCert model2.SelfSignedCertSearchRequest
searchSelfSignedCert.Page = 1
searchSelfSignedCert.PageSize = 50
selfsignedCert, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().SelfSignedCertSearch(searchSelfSignedCert, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if selfsignedCert.Data.Total == 0 {
var createParam model2.CreateSelfSignedCertRequest
createParam.Name = ""
createParam.KeyType = "P256"
createParam.CommonName = ""
createParam.Country = ""
createParam.Organization = ""
createParam.OrganizationUint = ""
createParam.Province = ""
createParam.City = ""
createNewSelfSignCert, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().CreateSelfSignedCert(createParam, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return IssueSelfSignedCert(domain, websiteId, headers, maxAttempts-1)
} else {
var issueSelfSignedCertReq model2.SelfSignedIssueRequest
issueSelfSignedCertReq.KeyType = "P256"
issueSelfSignedCertReq.Domains = domain
issueSelfSignedCertReq.ID = selfsignedCert.Data.Items[0].ID
issueSelfSignedCertReq.Time = 10
issueSelfSignedCertReq.Unit = "year"
issueSelfSignedCertReq.PushDir = false
issueSelfSignedCertReq.Dir = ""
issueSelfSignedCertReq.AutoRenew = true
issueSelfSignedCertReq.Description = ""
issueSelfSignedCertReq.ExecShell = false
issueSelfSignedCertReq.Shell = ""
issueSelfSignedCertRes, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().IssueSelfSignedCert(issueSelfSignedCertReq, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var searchSSL model2.SearchSSLRequest
searchSSL.Page = 1
searchSSL.PageSize = 50
ssl, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().SearchWebsiteSSl(searchSSL, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, item := range ssl.Data.Items {
if item.Provider == "selfSigned" {
for _, website := range item.Websites {
if website.ID == websiteId {
return item.ID, nil
return 0, err
func OnePanelApplyWebsiteSSl(domain string, websiteId int, headers map[string]string) (int, error) {
var searchAcme model2.AcmeSearchRequest
searchAcme.Page = 1
searchAcme.PageSize = 50
acme, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().AcmeAccountSearch(searchAcme, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
return model2.CreateSSLResponse{}, err
return 0, err
if acme.Data.Total > 0 {
var createSSL model2.CreateSSLRequest
@ -392,9 +499,30 @@ func OnePanelApplyWebsiteSSl(domain string, websiteId int, headers map[string]st
createSSL.ExecShell = false
createSSL.Shell = ""
createSSLRes, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().ApplyWebsiteSSl(createSSL, onePanelServer, headers)
return createSSLRes, err
return createSSLRes.Data.ID, err
return model2.CreateSSLResponse{}, err
return 0, err
func EnableWebsiteHttps(acmeAccountID int, websiteSSLID int, websiteId int, headers map[string]string) (model2.GenericResponse, error) {
var updateConfig model2.WebsiteHttpsConfigRequest
updateConfig.AcmeAccountID = acmeAccountID
updateConfig.Enable = true
updateConfig.WebsiteSSLID = websiteSSLID
updateConfig.WebsiteID = websiteId
updateConfig.Type = "existed"
updateConfig.ImportType = "paste"
updateConfig.PrivateKey = ""
updateConfig.Certificate = ""
updateConfig.PrivateKeyPath = ""
updateConfig.HTTPConfig = "HTTPToHTTPS"
updateConfig.Hsts = true
updateConfig.SSLProtocol = append(updateConfig.SSLProtocol, "TLSv1.3", "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1")
updateWebsite, err := service.MyService.OnePanel().UpdateWebsiteProtocol(updateConfig, onePanelServer, headers)
if err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, err
return updateWebsite, nil
func OnePanelDeleteWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
json := make(map[string]string)
@ -739,14 +867,14 @@ func OIDCValidateToken(c *gin.Context) {
var validateToken model2.AuthentikToken
validateToken, err = service.MyService.Authentik().ValidateToken(clientID, clientSecret, accessToken, authServer)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, model.Result{Success: common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN)})
c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN)})
if !validateToken.Active {
c.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, model.Result{Success: common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN)})
c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN)})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, model.Result{Success: common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN)})
c.JSON(common_err.SUCCESS, model.Result{Success: common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN, Message: common_err.GetMsg(common_err.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN)})
func OIDCLogout(c *gin.Context) {
json := make(map[string]string)
@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ type OnePanelService interface {
GetProxyWebsite(m model2.ProxyWebsiteRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.ProxyWebsiteResponse, error)
UpdateProxyWebsite(m model2.ProxyDetail, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.GenericResponse, error)
AcmeAccountSearch(m model2.AcmeSearchRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.AcmeSearchResponse, error)
SelfSignedCertSearch(m model2.SelfSignedCertSearchRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse, error)
IssueSelfSignedCert(m model2.SelfSignedIssueRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.GenericResponse, error)
CreateSelfSignedCert(m model2.CreateSelfSignedCertRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse, error)
ApplyWebsiteSSl(m model2.CreateSSLRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.CreateSSLResponse, error)
SearchWebsiteSSl(m model2.SearchSSLRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.SearchSSLResponse, error)
UpdateWebsiteProtocol(m model2.WebsiteHttpsConfigRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.GenericResponse, error)
var (
@ -35,6 +38,123 @@ type onePanelService struct {
// TODO A lot of redundant code need refactor
func (o *onePanelService) UpdateWebsiteProtocol(m model2.WebsiteHttpsConfigRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.GenericResponse, error) {
path := baseUrl + fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/websites/%d/https", m.WebsiteID)
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling request body: %v", err)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", path, bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
if err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating request: %v", err)
// Add headers to the request
for key, value := range headers {
req.Header.Set(key, value)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error making request: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 300 {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("HTTP error: %s", resp.Status)
var result model2.GenericResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result); err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding response: %v", err)
return result, nil
func (o *onePanelService) SelfSignedCertSearch(m model2.SelfSignedCertSearchRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse, error) {
path := "/api/v1/websites/ca/search"
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling request body: %v", err)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", path, bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
if err != nil {
return model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating request: %v", err)
// Add headers to the request
for key, value := range headers {
req.Header.Set(key, value)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error making request: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 300 {
return model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("HTTP error: %s", resp.Status)
var result model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result); err != nil {
return model2.SelfSignedCertSearchResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding response: %v", err)
return result, nil
func (o *onePanelService) CreateSelfSignedCert(m model2.CreateSelfSignedCertRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse, error) {
path := baseUrl + "/api/v1/websites/ca"
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling request body: %v", err)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", path, bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
if err != nil {
return model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating request: %v", err)
// Add headers to the request
for key, value := range headers {
req.Header.Set(key, value)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error making request: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 300 {
return model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("HTTP error: %s", resp.Status)
var result model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result); err != nil {
return model2.CreateSelfSignedCertResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding response: %v", err)
return result, nil
func (o *onePanelService) IssueSelfSignedCert(m model2.SelfSignedIssueRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.GenericResponse, error) {
path := "/api/v1/websites/ca/obtain"
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling request body: %v", err)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", path, bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
if err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating request: %v", err)
// Add headers to the request
for key, value := range headers {
req.Header.Set(key, value)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error making request: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 300 {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("HTTP error: %s", resp.Status)
var result model2.GenericResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result); err != nil {
return model2.GenericResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding response: %v", err)
return result, nil
func (o *onePanelService) SearchWebsiteSSl(m model2.SearchSSLRequest, baseUrl string, headers map[string]string) (model2.SearchSSLResponse, error) {
path := baseUrl + "/api/v1/websites/ssl/search"
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(m)
@ -46,12 +46,51 @@ type CreateSSLResponse struct {
Shell string `json:"shell"`
} `json:"data"`
type CreateSelfSignedCertRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
CommonName string `json:"commonName"`
Country string `json:"country"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
OrganizationUint string `json:"organizationUint"`
Province string `json:"province"`
City string `json:"city"`
type CreateSelfSignedCertResponse struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data struct {
CommonName string `json:"commonName"`
Country string `json:"country"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
OrganizationUint string `json:"organizationUint"`
Name string `json:"name"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
Province string `json:"province"`
City string `json:"city"`
} `json:"data"`
type SelfSignedIssueRequest struct {
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
Domains string `json:"domains"`
ID int `json:"id"`
Time int `json:"time"`
Unit string `json:"unit"`
PushDir bool `json:"pushDir"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"`
Description string `json:"description"`
ExecShell bool `json:"execShell"`
Shell string `json:"shell"`
type AcmeSearchRequest struct {
Page int `json:"page"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize"`
type SelfSignedCertSearchRequest struct {
Page int `json:"page"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize"`
type SearchSSLRequest struct {
Page int `json:"page"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize"`
@ -62,42 +101,58 @@ type SearchSSLResponse struct {
Data struct {
Total int `json:"total"`
Items []struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
Pem string `json:"pem"`
Domains string `json:"domains"`
CertURL string `json:"certURL"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Provider string `json:"provider"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
DNSAccountID int `json:"dnsAccountId"`
AcmeAccountID int `json:"acmeAccountId"`
CaID int `json:"caId"`
AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"`
ExpireDate time.Time `json:"expireDate"`
StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
PushDir bool `json:"pushDir"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
Description string `json:"description"`
SkipDNS bool `json:"skipDNS"`
Nameserver1 string `json:"nameserver1"`
Nameserver2 string `json:"nameserver2"`
DisableCNAME bool `json:"disableCNAME"`
ExecShell bool `json:"execShell"`
Shell string `json:"shell"`
AcmeAccount AcmeAccount `json:"acmeAccount"`
DNSAccount DNSAccount `json:"dnsAccount"`
Websites []interface{} `json:"websites"`
LogPath string `json:"logPath"`
ID int `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
Pem string `json:"pem"`
Domains string `json:"domains"`
CertURL string `json:"certURL"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Provider string `json:"provider"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
DNSAccountID int `json:"dnsAccountId"`
AcmeAccountID int `json:"acmeAccountId"`
CaID int `json:"caId"`
AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"`
ExpireDate time.Time `json:"expireDate"`
StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
PushDir bool `json:"pushDir"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
Description string `json:"description"`
SkipDNS bool `json:"skipDNS"`
Nameserver1 string `json:"nameserver1"`
Nameserver2 string `json:"nameserver2"`
DisableCNAME bool `json:"disableCNAME"`
ExecShell bool `json:"execShell"`
Shell string `json:"shell"`
AcmeAccount AcmeAccount `json:"acmeAccount"`
DNSAccount DNSAccount `json:"dnsAccount"`
Websites []WebsiteDetail `json:"websites"`
LogPath string `json:"logPath"`
} `json:"items"`
} `json:"data"`
type WebsiteHttpsConfigRequest struct {
AcmeAccountID int `json:"acmeAccountID"`
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
WebsiteID int `json:"websiteId"`
WebsiteSSLID int `json:"websiteSSLId"`
Type string `json:"type"`
ImportType string `json:"importType"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
Certificate string `json:"certificate"`
PrivateKeyPath string `json:"privateKeyPath"`
CertificatePath string `json:"certificatePath"`
HTTPConfig string `json:"httpConfig"`
Hsts bool `json:"hsts"`
Algorithm string `json:"algorithm"`
SSLProtocol []string `json:"SSLProtocol"`
type AcmeSearchResponse struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
@ -106,7 +161,92 @@ type AcmeSearchResponse struct {
Items []AcmeAccount `json:"items"`
} `json:"data"`
type SelfSignedCertSearchResponse struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data struct {
Total int `json:"total"`
Items []struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
Csr string `json:"csr"`
Name string `json:"name"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
CommonName string `json:"commonName"`
Country string `json:"country"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
OrganizationUint string `json:"organizationUint"`
Province string `json:"province"`
City string `json:"city"`
} `json:"items"`
} `json:"data"`
type WebsiteDetail struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Alias string `json:"alias"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
Status string `json:"status"`
HTTPConfig string `json:"httpConfig"`
ExpireDate time.Time `json:"expireDate"`
Proxy string `json:"proxy"`
ProxyType string `json:"proxyType"`
SiteDir string `json:"siteDir"`
ErrorLog bool `json:"errorLog"`
AccessLog bool `json:"accessLog"`
DefaultServer bool `json:"defaultServer"`
IPV6 bool `json:"IPV6"`
Rewrite string `json:"rewrite"`
WebSiteGroupID int `json:"webSiteGroupId"`
WebSiteSSLID int `json:"webSiteSSLId"`
RuntimeID int `json:"runtimeID"`
AppInstallID int `json:"appInstallId"`
FtpID int `json:"ftpId"`
User string `json:"user"`
Group string `json:"group"`
Domains interface{} `json:"domains"`
WebSiteSSL WebsiteSSL `json:"webSiteSSL"`
type WebsiteSSL struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
Pem string `json:"pem"`
Domains string `json:"domains"`
CertURL string `json:"certURL"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Provider string `json:"provider"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
DNSAccountID int `json:"dnsAccountId"`
AcmeAccountID int `json:"acmeAccountId"`
CaID int `json:"caId"`
AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"`
ExpireDate time.Time `json:"expireDate"`
StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
PushDir bool `json:"pushDir"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
Description string `json:"description"`
SkipDNS bool `json:"skipDNS"`
Nameserver1 string `json:"nameserver1"`
Nameserver2 string `json:"nameserver2"`
DisableCNAME bool `json:"disableCNAME"`
ExecShell bool `json:"execShell"`
Shell string `json:"shell"`
AcmeAccount AcmeAccount `json:"acmeAccount"`
DNSAccount DNSAccount `json:"dnsAccount"`
Websites interface{} `json:"websites"`
type AcmeAccount struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user