# This is an example .goreleaser.yml file with some sensible defaults. # Make sure to check the documentation at https://goreleaser.com project_name: casaos-user-service before: hooks: - go generate - go run github.com/google/go-licenses@latest check . --disallowed_types=restricted - go mod tidy - go test -race -v ./... builds: - id: casaos-user-service-amd64 binary: build/sysroot/usr/bin/casaos-user-service hooks: post: - upx --best --lzma -v --no-progress "{{ .Path }}" env: - CC=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc ldflags: - -X main.commit={{.Commit}} - -X main.date={{.Date}} - -s - -w - -extldflags "-static" tags: - musl - netgo - osusergo goos: - linux goarch: - amd64 - id: casaos-user-service-arm64 binary: build/sysroot/usr/bin/casaos-user-service # hooks: # post: # - upx --best --lzma -v --no-progress "{{ .Path }}" env: - CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc ldflags: - -X main.commit={{.Commit}} - -X main.date={{.Date}} - -s - -w - -extldflags "-static" tags: - musl - netgo - osusergo goos: - linux goarch: - arm64 - id: casaos-user-service-arm-7 binary: build/sysroot/usr/bin/casaos-user-service hooks: post: - upx --best --lzma -v --no-progress "{{ .Path }}" env: - CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ldflags: - -X main.commit={{.Commit}} - -X main.date={{.Date}} - -s - -w - -extldflags "-static" tags: - musl - netgo - osusergo goos: - linux goarch: - arm goarm: - "7" - id: casaos-user-service-migration-tool-amd64 binary: build/sysroot/usr/bin/casaos-user-service-migration-tool hooks: post: - upx --best --lzma -v --no-progress "{{ .Path }}" main: ./cmd/migration-tool env: - CC=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc ldflags: - -X main.commit={{.Commit}} - -X main.date={{.Date}} - -s - -w - -extldflags "-static" tags: - musl - netgo - osusergo goos: - linux goarch: - amd64 - id: casaos-user-service-migration-tool-arm64 binary: build/sysroot/usr/bin/casaos-user-service-migration-tool # hooks: # post: # - upx --best --lzma -v --no-progress "{{ .Path }}" main: ./cmd/migration-tool env: - CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc ldflags: - -X main.commit={{.Commit}} - -X main.date={{.Date}} - -s - -w - -extldflags "-static" tags: - musl - netgo - osusergo goos: - linux goarch: - arm64 - id: casaos-user-service-migration-tool-arm-7 binary: build/sysroot/usr/bin/casaos-user-service-migration-tool hooks: post: - upx --best --lzma -v --no-progress "{{ .Path }}" main: ./cmd/migration-tool env: - CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ldflags: - -X main.commit={{.Commit}} - -X main.date={{.Date}} - -s - -w - -extldflags "-static" tags: - musl - netgo - osusergo goos: - linux goarch: - arm goarm: - "7" archives: - name_template: >- {{ .Os }}-{{- if eq .Arch "arm" }}arm-7{{- else }}{{ .Arch }}{{- end }}-{{ .ProjectName }}-v{{ .Version }} builds: - casaos-user-service-amd64 - casaos-user-service-arm64 - casaos-user-service-arm-7 files: - build/**/* - name_template: >- {{ .Os }}-{{- if eq .Arch "arm" }}arm-7{{- else }}{{ .Arch }}{{- end }}-{{ .ProjectName }}-migration-tool-v{{ .Version }} id: casaos-user-service-migration-tool builds: - casaos-user-service-migration-tool-amd64 - casaos-user-service-migration-tool-arm64 - casaos-user-service-migration-tool-arm-7 files: - build/sysroot/etc/**/* checksum: name_template: "checksums.txt" snapshot: name_template: "{{ incpatch .Version }}" changelog: sort: asc filters: exclude: - "^docs:" - "^test:" release: github: owner: IceWhaleTech name: CasaOS-UserService draft: true prerelease: auto mode: replace name_template: "v{{ .Version }}"