55 KiB
55 KiB
1 | id | name | code | account_type | chart_template_id/id | tag_ids/id | reconcile |
2 | a000 | Company creditors, beneficiaries of third party guarantees | 000 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
3 | a001 | Third party guarantees on behalf of the company | 001 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
4 | a010 | Accounts receivable for commitments on bills in circulation | 010 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
5 | a0110 | Creditors of commitments on bills in circulation - Bids ceded by the company under its backing | 0110 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
6 | a0111 | Creditors of commitments on notes in circulation - Other commitments on notes in circulation | 0111 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
7 | a012 | Accounts receivable for other personal guarantees | 012 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
8 | a013 | Creditors of other personal guarantees | 013 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
9 | a020 | Company creditors, beneficiaries of real guarantees | 020 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
10 | a021 | Actual guarantees established for own account | 021 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
11 | a022 | Creditors of third parties, beneficiaries of real guarantees | 022 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
12 | a023 | Real guarantees provided on behalf of third parties | 023 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
13 | a030 | Statutory deposits | 030 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
14 | a031 | Statutory applicants | 031 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
15 | a032 | Guarantees received | 032 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
16 | a033 | Constituents of guarantees | 033 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
17 | a040 | Third parties, holders in their name but at the risks and profits of the business of goods and values | 040 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
18 | a041 | Goods and securities held by third parties on their behalf but at the risk and profit of the company | 041 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
19 | a050 | Acquisition commitments | 050 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
20 | a051 | Creditors of acquisition commitments | 051 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
21 | a052 | Accounts receivable for assignment commitments | 052 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
22 | a053 | Sale commitment | 053 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
23 | a060 | Forward transactions - Goods purchased (to be received) | 060 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
24 | a061 | Creditors for goods purchased at term | 061 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
25 | a062 | Accounts receivable for goods sold forward | 062 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
26 | a063 | Forward transactions - Goods sold (to be delivered) | 063 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
27 | a064 | Forward transactions - Currencies purchased (to be received) | 064 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
28 | a065 | Creditors for forward currency purchases | 065 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
29 | a066 | Accounts receivable for currencies sold forward | 066 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
30 | a067 | Forward transactions - Currencies sold (to be delivered) | 067 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
31 | a0700 | Long-term usage rights - On land and buildings | 0700 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
32 | a0701 | Long-term usage rights - On installations, machines and tools | 0701 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
33 | a0702 | Long-term usage rights - On furniture and rolling stock | 0702 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
34 | a071 | Rent and royalty creditors | 071 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
35 | a072 | Goods and values from third parties received on deposit, consignment or custom | 072 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
36 | a073 | Principals and depositors of goods and securities | 073 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
37 | a074 | Goods and securities held for accounts or at the risk and profit of third parties | 074 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
38 | a075 | Creditors of property and securities held on behalf of third parties or at their risk and profit | 075 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
39 | a090 | Concordat resolution commitments | 090 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
40 | a091 | Concordat resolution claims | 091 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
41 | a092 | Creditors under debt restructuring conditions | 092 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
42 | a093 | Duties on loan conditions | 093 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
43 | a094 | Ongoing litigation | 094 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
44 | a095 | Creditors of pending litigation | 095 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
45 | a096 | Debtors on technical guarantees | 096 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
46 | a097 | Rights on technical guarantees | 097 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
47 | a098 | Holders of options (buying or selling securities) | 098 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
48 | a099 | Options (buy or sell) on securities issued. | 099 | off_balance | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
49 | a100 | Issued capital | 100 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
50 | a101 | Uncalled capital | 101 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
51 | a11 | Share premium account | 11 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
52 | a120 | Revaluation surpluses on intangible fixed assets | 120 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
53 | a121 | Revaluation surpluses on tangible fixed assets | 121 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
54 | a122 | Revaluation surpluses on financial fixed assets | 122 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
55 | a123 | Revaluation surpluses on stocks | 123 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
56 | a124 | Decrease in amounts written down current investments | 124 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
57 | a130 | Legal reserve | 130 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
58 | a1310 | Reserves not available in respect of own shares held | 1310 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
59 | a1311 | Other reserves not available | 1311 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
60 | a132 | Untaxed reserves | 132 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
61 | a133 | Available reserves | 133 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
62 | a140 | Profit carried forward | 140 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
63 | a141 | Loss carried forward | 141 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
64 | a15 | Investment grants | 15 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
65 | a151 | Investment grants received in cash | 151 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
66 | a152 | Investment grants received in kind | 152 | equity | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
67 | a160 | Provisions for pensions and similar obligations | 160 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
68 | a161 | Provisions for taxation | 161 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
69 | a162 | Provisions for major repairs and maintenance | 162 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
70 | a163 | Provisions for environmental obligations | 163 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
71 | a1680 | Deferred taxes on investment grants | 1680 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
72 | a1681 | Deferred taxes on gain on disposal of intangible fixed assets | 1681 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
73 | a1682 | Deferred taxes on gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets | 1682 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
74 | a1687 | Deferred taxes on gain on disposal of securities issued by Belgian public authorities | 1687 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
75 | a1688 | Foreign deferred taxes | 1688 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
76 | a1700 | Subordinated loans with a remaining term of more than one year - Convertible bonds | 1700 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
77 | a1701 | Subordinated loans with a remaining term of more than one year - Non convertible bonds | 1701 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
78 | a1710 | Unsubordinated debentures with a remaining term of more than one year - Convertible bonds | 1710 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
79 | a1711 | Unsubordinated debentures with a remaining term of more than one year - Non convertible bonds | 1711 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
80 | a1730 | Amounts payable to credit institutions with a remaining term of more than one year - Current account payable | 1730 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
81 | a1731 | Amounts payable to credit institutions with a remaining term of more than one year - Promissory notes | 1731 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
82 | a1732 | Amounts payable to credit institutions with a remaining term of more than one year - Bank acceptances | 1732 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
83 | a174 | Other loans with a remaining term of more than one year | 174 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
84 | a1750 | Suppliers (more than one year) | 1750 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
85 | a1751 | Bills of exchange payable after more than one year | 1751 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
86 | a176 | Advances received on contracts in progress (more than one year) | 176 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
87 | a178 | Amounts payable with a remaining term of more than one year - Guarantees received in cash | 178 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
88 | a1790 | Miscellaneous amounts payable with a remaining term of more than one year - Interest-bearing | 1790 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
89 | a1791 | Miscellaneous amounts payable with a remaining term of more than one year - Non interest-bearing or with an abnormally low interest rate | 1791 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
90 | a1792 | Miscellaneous amounts payable with a remaining term of more than one year - Cash Deposit | 1792 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
91 | a19 | Advance to associates on the sharing out of the assets | 19 | liability_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
92 | a200 | Formation or capital increase expenses | 200 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
93 | a201 | Loan issue expenses | 201 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
94 | a202 | Other formation expenses | 202 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
95 | a204 | Restructuring costs | 204 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
96 | a210 | Research and development costs | 210 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
97 | a211 | Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, brands and similar rights | 211 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
98 | a212 | Goodwill | 212 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
99 | a213 | Intangible fixed assets - Advance payments | 213 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
100 | a220 | Land | 220 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
101 | a2201 | Land owned by the association or the foundation in full property | 2201 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
102 | a2202 | Other land | 2202 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
103 | a221 | Buildings | 221 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
104 | a2211 | Building owned by the association or the foundation in full property | 2211 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
105 | a2212 | Other building | 2212 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
106 | a222 | Developed land | 222 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
107 | a2221 | Built-up lands owned by the association or the foundation in full property | 2221 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
108 | a2222 | Other built-up lands | 2222 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
109 | a223 | Other rights to immovable property | 223 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
110 | a2231 | Other rights to immovable property belonging to the association or the foundation in full property | 2231 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
111 | a2232 | Other rights to immovable property - Other | 2232 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
112 | a23 | Plant, machinery and equipment | 23 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
113 | a231 | Plant, machinery and equipment owned by the association or the foundation in full property | 231 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
114 | a232 | Other plant, machinery and equipment | 232 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
115 | a24 | Furniture and vehicles | 24 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
116 | a241 | Furniture and vehicles owned by the association or the foundation in full property | 241 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
117 | a242 | Other furniture and vehicles | 242 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
118 | a250 | Leasing and similar rights - Land and buildings | 250 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
119 | a251 | Leasing and similar rights - Plant, machinery and equipment | 251 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
120 | a252 | Leasing and similar rights - Furniture and vehicles | 252 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
121 | a26 | Other tangible fixed assets | 26 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
122 | a261 | Other tangible fixed assets owned by the association or the foundation in full property | 261 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
123 | a262 | Other tangible fixed assets - Other | 262 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
124 | a27 | Tangible fixed assets under construction and advance payments | 27 | asset_non_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
125 | a2800 | Participating interests and shares in associated enterprises - Acquisition value | 2800 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
126 | a2801 | Participating interests and shares in associated enterprises - Uncalled amounts | 2801 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
127 | a2808 | Participating interests and shares in associated enterprises - Revaluation surpluses | 2808 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
128 | a2809 | Participating interests and shares in associated enterprises - Amounts written down | 2809 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
129 | a2810 | Amounts receivable from affiliated enterprises - Current account | 2810 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
130 | a2811 | Amounts receivable from affiliated enterprises - Bills receivable | 2811 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
131 | a2812 | Amounts receivable from affiliated enterprises - Fixed income securities | 2812 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
132 | a2817 | Other amounts receivable from affiliated enterprises - Doubtful amounts | 2817 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
133 | a2819 | Amounts receivable from affiliated enterprises - Amounts written down | 2819 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
134 | a2820 | Participating interests and shares in enterprises linked by a participating interest - Acquisition value | 2820 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
135 | a2821 | Participating interests and shares in enterprises linked by a participating interest - Uncalled amounts | 2821 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
136 | a2828 | Participating interests and shares in enterprises linked by a participating interest - Revaluation surpluses | 2828 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
137 | a2829 | Participating interests and shares in enterprises linked by a participating interest - Amounts written down | 2829 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
138 | a2830 | Amounts receivable from other enterprises linked by participating interests - Current account | 2830 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
139 | a2831 | Amounts receivable from other enterprises linked by participating interests - Bills receivable | 2831 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
140 | a2832 | Amounts receivable from other enterprises linked by participating interests - Fixed income securities | 2832 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
141 | a2837 | Amounts receivable from other enterprises linked by participating interests - Doubtful amounts | 2837 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
142 | a2839 | Amounts receivable from other enterprises linked by participating interests - Amounts written down | 2839 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
143 | a2840 | Other participating interests and shares - Acquisition value | 2840 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
144 | a2841 | Other participating interests and shares - Uncalled amounts | 2841 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
145 | a2848 | Other participating interests and shares - Revaluation surpluses | 2848 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
146 | a2849 | Other participating interests and shares - Amounts written down | 2849 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
147 | a2850 | Other financial assets - Current account | 2850 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
148 | a2851 | Other financial assets - Bills receivable | 2851 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
149 | a2852 | Other financial assets - Fixed income securities | 2852 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
150 | a2857 | Other financial assets - Doubtful amounts | 2857 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
151 | a2859 | Other financial assets - Amounts written down | 2859 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
152 | a288 | Other financial assets - Cash Guarantees | 288 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
153 | a2900 | Trade debtors after more than one year - Customer | 2900 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
154 | a2901 | Trade debtors after more than one year - Bills receivable | 2901 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
155 | a2906 | Trade debtors after more than one year - Advance payments | 2906 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
156 | a2907 | Trade debtors after more than one year - Doubtful amounts | 2907 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
157 | a2909 | Trade debtors after more than one year - Amounts written down | 2909 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
158 | a2910 | Other amounts receivable after more than one year - Current account | 2910 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
159 | a2911 | Other amounts receivable after more than one year - Bills receivable | 2911 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
160 | a2915 | Non interest-bearing amounts receivable after more than one year or with an abnormally low interest rate | 2915 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
161 | a2917 | Other amounts receivable after more than one year - Doubtful amounts | 2917 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
162 | a2919 | Other amounts receivable after more than one year - Amounts written down | 2919 | asset_fixed | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
163 | a300 | Raw materials - Acquisition value | 300 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
164 | a309 | Raw materials - amounts written down | 309 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
165 | a310 | Consumables - Acquisition value | 310 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
166 | a319 | Consumables - amounts written down | 319 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
167 | a320 | Work in progress - Acquisition value | 320 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
168 | a329 | Work in progress - amounts written down | 329 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
169 | a330 | Finished goods - Acquisition value | 330 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
170 | a339 | Finished goods - amounts written down | 339 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
171 | a340 | Goods purchased for resale - Acquisition value | 340 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
172 | a349 | Goods purchased for resale - amounts written down | 349 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
173 | a350 | Immovable property intended for sale - Acquisition value | 350 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
174 | a359 | Immovable property intended for sale - amounts written down | 359 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
175 | a360 | Advance payments on purchases for stocks - Acquisition value | 360 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
176 | a369 | Advance payments on purchases for stocks - amounts written down | 369 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
177 | a370 | Contracts in progress - Acquisition value | 370 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
178 | a371 | Contracts in progress - Profit recognised | 371 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
179 | a379 | Contracts in progress - amounts written down | 379 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
180 | a400 | Trade debtors within one year - Customer | 400 | asset_receivable | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | True | |
181 | a4001 | Customer (POS) | 4001 | asset_receivable | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | True | |
182 | a401 | Trade debtors within one year - Bills receivable | 401 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
183 | a404 | Trade debtors within one year - Income receivable | 404 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | True | |
184 | a406 | Trade debtors within one year - Advance payments | 406 | asset_receivable | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | True | |
185 | a407 | Trade debtors within one year - Doubtful amounts | 407 | asset_receivable | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | True | |
186 | a409 | Trade debtors within one year - Amounts written down | 409 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
187 | a410 | Called up capital, unpaid | 410 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
188 | a411 | VAT recoverable | 411 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
189 | a4112 | VAT recoverable - Current Account | 4112 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
190 | a412 | Taxes and withholdings taxes to be recovered | 412 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
191 | a4128 | Taxes and withholdings taxes to be recovered - Foreign taxes | 4128 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
192 | a413 | Grants receivable | 413 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
193 | a414 | Other amounts receivable within one year - Income receivable | 414 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
194 | a415 | Non interest-bearing amounts receivable within one year or with an abnormally low interest rate | 415 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
195 | a416 | Other amounts receivable within one year - Sundry amounts | 416 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
196 | a417 | Other amounts receivable within one year - Doubtful amounts | 417 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
197 | a418 | Other amounts receivable within one year - Guarantees paid in cash | 418 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
198 | a419 | Other amounts receivable within one year - Amounts written down | 419 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
199 | a4200 | Subordinated loans payable after more than one year falling due within one year - Convertible | 4200 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
200 | a4201 | Subordinated loans payable after more than one year falling due within one year - Non convertible | 4201 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
201 | a4210 | Unsubordinated debentures payable after more than one year falling due within one year - Convertible | 4210 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
202 | a4211 | Unsubordinated debentures payable after more than one year falling due within one year - Non convertible | 4211 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
203 | a422 | Leasing and similar obligations payable after more than one year falling due within one year | 422 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
204 | a4230 | Amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year to credit institutions - Current account payable | 4230 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
205 | a4231 | Amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year to credit institutions - Promissory notes | 4231 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
206 | a4232 | Amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year to credit institutions - Bank acceptances | 4232 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
207 | a424 | Other loans payable after more than one year falling due within one year | 424 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
208 | a4250 | Amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year to suppliers | 4250 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
209 | a4251 | Bills of exchange payable after more than one year falling due within one year | 4251 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
210 | a426 | Advance payments received on contract in progress payable after more than one year falling due within one year | 426 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
211 | a428 | Amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year - Guarantees received in cash | 428 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
212 | a429 | Miscellaneous amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year | 429 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
213 | a430 | Amounts payable within one year to credit institutions - Fixed term loans | 430 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
214 | a431 | Amounts payable within one year to credit institutions - Promissory notes | 431 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
215 | a432 | Amounts payable within one year to credit institutions - Bank acceptances | 432 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
216 | a433 | Amounts payable within one year to credit institutions - Current account payable | 433 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
217 | a439 | Other loans payable within one year | 439 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
218 | a440 | Suppliers payable within one year | 440 | liability_payable | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | True | |
219 | a441 | Bills of exchange payable within one year | 441 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
220 | a444 | Invoices to be received payable within one year | 444 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | True | |
221 | a450 | Estimated taxes payable | 450 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
222 | a4508 | Estimated taxes payable - Foreign taxes | 4508 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
223 | a451 | VAT payable | 451 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
224 | a451054 | VAT payable - compartment 54 | 451054 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
225 | a451055 | VAT payable - Intracommunity acquisitions - box 55 | 451055 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
226 | a451056 | VAT payable - reverse charge (cocontracting) - compartment 56 | 451056 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
227 | a451057 | VAT payable - reverse charge (import) - compartment 57 | 451057 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
228 | a451063 | VAT payable - credit notes - compartment 63 | 451063 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
229 | a4512 | VAT due - Current Account | 4512 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
230 | a451800 | VAT payable - revisions insufficiencies | 451800 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
231 | a451820 | VAT payable - revisions of deductions | 451820 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
232 | a451830 | VAT payable - revisions | 451830 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
233 | a452 | Taxes payable | 452 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
234 | a4528 | Taxes payable - Foreign taxes | 4528 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
235 | a453 | Taxes withheld | 453 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
236 | a454 | Remuneration and social security - National Social Security Office | 454 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
237 | a455 | Remuneration and social security - Remuneration | 455 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
238 | a456 | Remuneration and social security - Holiday pay | 456 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
239 | a459 | Remuneration and social security - Other social obligations | 459 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
240 | a460 | Advances to be received within one year | 460 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
241 | a461 | Advances received | 461 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
242 | a470 | Dividends and director's fees relating to prior financial periods | 470 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
243 | a471 | Dividends - Current financial period | 471 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
244 | a472 | Director's fees - Current financial period | 472 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
245 | a473 | Other allocations | 473 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
246 | a480 | Miscellaneous amounts payable within one year - Debentures and matured coupons | 480 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
247 | a483 | Miscellaneous amounts payable within one year - Grants to repay | 483 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
248 | a487 | Lent securities to return | 487 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
249 | a488 | Miscellaneous amounts payable within one year - Guarantees received in cash | 488 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
250 | a4890 | Miscellaneous amounts payable within one year - Sundry interest-bearing amounts payable | 4890 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
251 | a4891 | Miscellaneous amounts payable within one year - Sundry non interest-bearing amounts payable or with an abnormally low interest rate | 4891 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
252 | a490 | Deferred charges | 490 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
253 | a491 | Accrued income | 491 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
254 | a492 | Accrued charges | 492 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
255 | a493 | Deferred income | 493 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
256 | a496 | Foreign currency translation differences - Assets | 496 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
257 | a497 | Foreign currency translation differences - Liabilities | 497 | liability_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
258 | a499 | Suspense account | 499 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
259 | a500 | Current investments other than shares, fixed income securities and term accounts - Cost | 500 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
260 | a509 | Current investments other than shares, fixed income securities and term accounts - Amounts written down | 509 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
261 | a510 | Shares and current investments other than fixed income investments - Acquisition value | 510 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
262 | a511 | Shares and current investments other than fixed income investments - Uncalled amount | 511 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
263 | a519 | Shares and current investments other than fixed income investments - Amounts written down | 519 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
264 | a520 | Fixed income securities - Acquisition value | 520 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
265 | a529 | Fixed income securities - Amounts written down | 529 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
266 | a530 | Fixed term deposit over one year | 530 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
267 | a531 | Fixed term deposit between one month and one year | 531 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
268 | a532 | Fixed term deposit up to one month | 532 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
269 | a539 | Fixed term deposit - Amounts written down | 539 | asset_current | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
270 | a54 | Cash at bank - Amounts overdue and in the process of collection | 54 | asset_cash | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
271 | a55 | Cash at bank - Credit institutions | 55 | asset_cash | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
272 | a560 | Cash at bank - Giro account - Bank account | 560 | asset_cash | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
273 | a561 | Cash at bank - Giro account - Cheques issued | 561 | asset_cash | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
274 | a57 | Cash in hand | 57 | asset_cash | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
275 | a578 | Cash in hand - Stamps | 578 | asset_cash | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
276 | a58 | Cash at bank and in hand - Internal transfers of funds | 58 | asset_cash | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
277 | a600 | Purchases of raw materials | 600 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
278 | a601 | Purchases of consumables | 601 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
279 | a602 | Purchases of services, works and studies | 602 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
280 | a603 | Sub-contracting | 603 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
281 | a604 | Purchases of goods for resale | 604 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
282 | a605 | Purchases of immovable property for resale | 605 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
283 | a608 | Discounts, allowance and rebates received on purchase of raw materials, consumables | 608 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
284 | a6090 | Decrease (increase) in stocks of raw materials | 6090 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
285 | a6091 | Decrease (increase) in stocks of consumables | 6091 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
286 | a6094 | Decrease (increase) in stocks of goods purchased for resale | 6094 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
287 | a6095 | Decrease (increase) in immovable property for resale | 6095 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
288 | a61 | Services and other goods | 61 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
289 | a617 | Costs of hired temporary staff and persons placed at the enterprise's disposal | 617 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
290 | a618 | Remuneration, premiums for extra statutory insurance, pensions of the directors, or the management staff which are not allowed following the contract | 618 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
291 | a6200 | Remuneration and direct social benefits - Directors and managers | 6200 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
292 | a6201 | Remuneration and direct social benefits - Executive | 6201 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
293 | a6202 | Remuneration and direct social benefits - Employees | 6202 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
294 | a6203 | Remuneration and direct social benefits - Manual workers | 6203 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
295 | a6204 | Remuneration and direct social benefits - Other staff members | 6204 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
296 | a621 | Employers' contribution for social security | 621 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
297 | a622 | Employers' premiums for extra statutory insurance | 622 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
298 | a623 | Other personnel costs | 623 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
299 | a6240 | Retirement and survivors' pensions - Directors and managers | 6240 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
300 | a6241 | Retirement and survivors' pensions - Personnel | 6241 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
301 | a6300 | Depreciation of formation expenses | 6300 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
302 | a6301 | Depreciation of intangible fixed assets | 6301 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
303 | a6302 | Depreciation of tangible fixed assets | 6302 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
304 | a6308 | Amounts written off intangible fixed assets | 6308 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
305 | a6309 | Amounts written off tangible fixed assets | 6309 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
306 | a6310 | Amounts written off stocks - Appropriations | 6310 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
307 | a6311 | Amounts written off stocks - Write-backs | 6311 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
308 | a6320 | Amounts written off contracts in progress - Appropriations | 6320 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
309 | a6321 | Amounts written off contracts in progress - Write-backs | 6321 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
310 | a6330 | Amounts written off trade debtors (more than one year) - Appropriations | 6330 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
311 | a6331 | Amounts written off trade debtors (more than one year) - Write-backs | 6331 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
312 | a6340 | Amounts written off trade debtors (within one year) - Appropriations | 6340 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
313 | a6341 | Amounts written off trade debtors (within one year) - Write-backs | 6341 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
314 | a6350 | Provisions for pensions and similar obligations - Appropriations | 6350 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
315 | a6351 | Provisions for pensions and similar obligations - Uses and write-backs | 6351 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
316 | a6360 | Provision for major repairs and maintenance - Appropriations | 6360 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
317 | a6361 | Provision for major repairs and maintenance - Uses and write-backs | 6361 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
318 | a6370 | Provisions for other risks and charges - Appropriations | 6370 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
319 | a6371 | Provisions for other risks and charges - Uses (write-back) | 6371 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
320 | a6380 | Provisions for other risks and charges - Provisions for environmental obligations excluded - Appropriations | 6380 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
321 | a6381 | Provisions for other risks and charges - Provisions for environmental obligations excluded - Uses (write-back) | 6381 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
322 | a640 | Taxes related to operation | 640 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
323 | a64012 | Non deductible taxes | 64012 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
324 | a641 | Loss on ordinary disposal of tangible fixed assets | 641 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
325 | a642 | Loss on ordinary disposal of trade debtors | 642 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
326 | a643 | Operating charges - Gifts | 643 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
327 | a6431 | Operating charges - Gifts with a recovery right | 6431 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
328 | a6432 | Operating charges - Gifts without any recovery right | 6432 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
329 | a649 | Operating charges carried to assets as restructuring costs | 649 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
330 | a6500 | Interests, commissions and other charges relating to debts | 6500 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
331 | a6501 | Depreciation of loan issue expenses | 6501 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
332 | a6502 | Other debt charges | 6502 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
333 | a6503 | Capitalized Interests | 6503 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
334 | a6510 | Amounts written off current assets except stocks, contracts in progress and trade debtors - Appropriations | 6510 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
335 | a6511 | Amounts written off current assets except stocks, contracts in progress and trade debtors - Write-backs | 6511 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
336 | a652 | Losses on disposal of current assets | 652 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
337 | a653 | Amount of the discount borne by the enterprise, as a result of negotiating amounts receivable | 653 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
338 | a654 | Financial charges - Exchange differences | 654 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
339 | a655 | Financial charges - Foreign currency translation differences | 655 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
340 | a6560 | Provisions of a financial nature - Appropriations | 6560 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
341 | a657000 | Discounts Given | 657000 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
342 | a6561 | Provisions of a financial nature - Uses and write-backs | 6561 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
343 | a659 | Financial charges carried to assets as restructuring costs | 659 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
344 | a6600 | Non-recurring depreciation of and amounts written off formation expenses | 6600 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
345 | a6601 | Non-recurring depreciation of and amounts written off intangible fixed assets | 6601 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
346 | a6602 | Non-recurring depreciation of and amounts written off tangible fixed assets | 6602 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
347 | a661 | Amounts written off financial fixed assets | 661 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
348 | a66200 | Provisions for non-recurring operating liabilities and charges - Appropriations | 66200 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
349 | a66201 | Provisions for non-recurring operating liabilities and charges - Uses | 66201 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
350 | a66210 | Provisions for non-recurring financial liabilities and charges - Appropriations | 66210 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
351 | a66211 | Provisions for non-recurring financial liabilities and charges - Uses | 66211 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
352 | a6630 | Capital losses on disposal of intangible and tangible fixed assets | 6630 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
353 | a6631 | Capital losses on disposal of financial fixed assets | 6631 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
354 | a668 | Other non-recurring financial charges | 668 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
355 | a6690 | Non-recurring operating charges carried to assets as restructuring costs | 6690 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
356 | a6691 | Non-recurring financial charges carried to assets as restructuring costs | 6691 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
357 | a6700 | Belgian income taxes on the result of the current period - Income taxes paid and withholding taxes due or paid | 6700 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
358 | a6701 | Belgian and foreign income taxes - Income taxes - Withholding taxes on immovables | 6701 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
359 | a6702 | Belgian and foreign income taxes - Income taxes - Withholding taxes on investment income | 6702 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
360 | a6703 | Belgian and foreign income taxes - Income taxes - Other income taxes | 6703 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
361 | a6710 | Belgian income taxes on the result of prior periods - Additional charges for income taxes due or paid | 6710 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
362 | a6711 | Belgian income taxes on the result of prior periods - Additional charges for estimated income taxes | 6711 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
363 | a6712 | Belgian income taxes on the result of prior periods - Additional charges for income taxes provided for | 6712 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
364 | a672 | Foreign income taxes on the result of the current period | 672 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
365 | a673 | Foreign income taxes on the result of prior periods | 673 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
366 | a680 | Transfer to deferred taxes | 680 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
367 | a689 | Transfer to untaxed reserves | 689 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
368 | a690 | Loss brought forward from previous year | 690 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
369 | a691 | Appropriations to capital and share premium account | 691 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
370 | a6920 | Appropriations to legal reserve | 6920 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
371 | a6921 | Appropriations to other reserves | 6921 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
372 | a693 | Profits to be carried forward | 693 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
373 | a694 | Dividends | 694 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
374 | a695 | Directors' or managers' entitlements | 695 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
375 | a696 | Employees' entitlements | 696 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
376 | a697 | Other allocations entitlements | 697 | expense | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
377 | a7000 | Sales rendered in Belgium (marchandises) | 7000 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
378 | a7001 | Sales rendered in E.E.C. (marchandises) | 7001 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
379 | a7002 | Sales rendered for export (marchandises) | 7002 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
380 | a7010 | Sales rendered in Belgium (finished goods) | 7010 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
381 | a7011 | Sales rendered in E.E.C. (finished goods) | 7011 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
382 | a7012 | Sales rendered for export (finished goods) | 7012 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
383 | a7050 | Services rendered in Belgium | 7050 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
384 | a7051 | Services rendered in E.E.C. | 7051 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
385 | a7052 | Services rendered for export | 7052 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
386 | a708 | Discounts, allowances and rebates allowed | 708 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
387 | a71 | Increase (decrease) in stocks of finished goods and work and contracts in progress | 71 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
388 | a712 | Increase (decrease) in work in progress | 712 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
389 | a713 | Increase (decrease) in stocks of finished goods | 713 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
390 | a715 | Increase (decrease) in stocks of immovable property constructed for resale | 715 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
391 | a7170 | Increase (decrease) in contracts in progress - Acquisition value | 7170 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
392 | a7171 | Increase (decrease) in contracts in progress - Profit recognized | 7171 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
393 | a72 | Own work capitalised | 72 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
394 | a730 | Contributions from effective members | 730 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
395 | a731 | Contributions from members | 731 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
396 | a732 | Gifts without any recovery right | 732 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
397 | a733 | Gifts with a recovery right | 733 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
398 | a734 | Legacies without any recovery right | 734 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
399 | a735 | Legacies with a recovery right | 735 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
400 | a736 | Contributions, gifts, legacies and grants - Investment grants and interest subsidies | 736 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
401 | a737 | Operating Subsidies | 737 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
402 | a738 | Compensatory amounts meant to reduce wage costs | 738 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
403 | a740 | Operating subsidies and compensatory amounts | 740 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
404 | a741 | Gain on ordinary disposal of tangible fixed assets | 741 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
405 | a742 | Gain on ordinary disposal of trade debtors | 742 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
406 | a750 | Income from financial fixed assets | 750 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
407 | a751 | Income from current assets | 751 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
408 | a752 | Gain on disposal of current assets | 752 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
409 | a753 | Investment grants and interest subsidies | 753 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
410 | a754 | Financial income - Exchange differences | 754 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
411 | a755 | Financial income - Foreign currency translation differences | 755 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
412 | a757000 | Discounts Taken | 757000 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
413 | a7600 | Write-back of depreciation and of amounts written off intangible fixed assets | 7600 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
414 | a7601 | Write-back of depreciation and of amounts written off tangible fixed assets | 7601 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
415 | a761 | Write-back of amounts written down financial fixed assets | 761 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
416 | a7620 | Write-back of provisions for non-recurring operating liabilities and charges | 7620 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
417 | a7621 | Write-back of provisions for non-recurring financial liabilities and charges | 7621 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
418 | a7630 | Capital gains on disposal of intangible and tangible fixed asset | 7630 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
419 | a7631 | Capital gains on disposal of financial fixed assets | 7631 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
420 | a769 | Other non-recurring financial income | 769 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
421 | a77 | Adjustment of income taxes and write-back of tax provisions | 77 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
422 | a7710 | Adjustment of Belgian income taxes - Taxes due or paid | 7710 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
423 | a7711 | Adjustment of Belgian income taxes - Estimated taxes | 7711 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
424 | a7712 | Adjustment of Belgian income taxes - Tax provisions written back | 7712 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
425 | a773 | Adjustment of foreign income taxes | 773 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
426 | a780 | Transfer from deferred taxes | 780 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
427 | a789 | Transfer from untaxed reserves | 789 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
428 | a790 | Profit brought forward from previous year | 790 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
429 | a791 | Withdrawal from the association or foundation funds | 791 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
430 | a792 | Withdrawal from allocated funds | 792 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
431 | a793 | Losses to be carried forward | 793 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False | |
432 | a794 | Owners' contribution in respect of losses | 794 | income | l10n_be.l10nbe_chart_template | False |