16 KiB
16 KiB
1 | id | name | code | account_type | chart_template_id/id | tag_ids/id | reconcile |
2 | l10n_bo_1112 | Petty Cash | 1112 | asset_cash | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | False | |
3 | l10n_bo_1114 | Temporary Investments | 1114 | asset_cash | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | False | |
4 | l10n_bo_1121 | Commercial Accounts Receivable | 1121 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
5 | l10n_bo_11211 | Commercial Accounts Receivable - PoS | 11211 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
6 | l10n_bo_1122 | Other Accounts Receivable | 1122 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
7 | l10n_bo_1123 | Accounts Receivable from Related Companies | 1123 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
8 | l10n_bo_1124 | Advances to Suppliers | 1124 | asset_prepayments | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
9 | l10n_bo_1125 | Provision for Bad Accounts | 1125 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
10 | l10n_bo_1131 | Inventory - Finished Products | 1131 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
11 | l10n_bo_1132 | Inventory - Work in Process | 1132 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
12 | l10n_bo_1133 | Inventory - Raw Materials | 1133 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
13 | l10n_bo_11341 | Stock Interim (Received) | 11341 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
14 | l10n_bo_11342 | Stock Interim (Delivered) | 11342 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
15 | l10n_bo_1135 | Inventory - Provision for Obsolescence | 1135 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
16 | l10n_bo_1141 | IVA Tax Credit | 1141 | asset_prepayments | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
17 | l10n_bo_1142 | Taxes to Recover | 1142 | asset_prepayments | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
18 | l10n_bo_1143 | Advance Payments | 1143 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
19 | l10n_bo_1144 | Other Current Assets | 1144 | asset_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
20 | l10n_bo_1211 | Commercial Accounts Receivable - Long Term | 1211 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
21 | l10n_bo_1212 | Other Accounts Receivable - Long Term | 1212 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
22 | l10n_bo_1213 | Long-Term Accounts Receivable from Related and/or Linked Companies | 1213 | asset_receivable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
23 | l10n_bo_1221 | Inventory - Spare Parts | 1221 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | True |
24 | l10n_bo_1222 | Other Inventory | 1222 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | True |
25 | l10n_bo_1231 | Land | 1231 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
26 | l10n_bo_1232 | Buildings | 1232 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
27 | l10n_bo_12321 | Accumulated Depreciation Buildings | 12321 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
28 | l10n_bo_1233 | Machinery | 1233 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
29 | l10n_bo_12331 | Accumulated Depreciation Machinery | 12331 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
30 | l10n_bo_1234 | Vehicles | 1234 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
31 | l10n_bo_12341 | Accumulated Depreciation Vehicles | 12341 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
32 | l10n_bo_1235 | Furniture and Fixtures | 1235 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
33 | l10n_bo_12351 | Accumulated Depreciation Furniture and Fixtures | 12351 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
34 | l10n_bo_1236 | Computer Equipment | 1236 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
35 | l10n_bo_12361 | Accumulated Depreciation Computer Equipment | 12361 | asset_fixed | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
36 | l10n_bo_124 | Investment Properties | 124 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
37 | l10n_bo_1251 | Patents and Trademarks | 1251 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
38 | l10n_bo_12511 | Accumulated Amortization Patents and Trademarks | 12511 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
39 | l10n_bo_1252 | Rights of Use | 1252 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
40 | l10n_bo_12521 | Accumulated Amortization Rights of Use | 12521 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
41 | l10n_bo_126 | Permanent Investments | 126 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
42 | l10n_bo_127 | Other Non-Current Assets | 127 | asset_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
43 | l10n_bo_2111 | Bank loans | 2111 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
44 | l10n_bo_2112 | Other Financial Liabilities | 2112 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
45 | l10n_bo_2113 | Interest Payable | 2113 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
46 | l10n_bo_2121 | Commercial Accounts Payable | 2121 | liability_payable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
47 | l10n_bo_2122 | Notes Payable Short Term | 2122 | liability_payable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
48 | l10n_bo_2123 | Accounts Payable to Related Companies | 2123 | liability_payable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
49 | l10n_bo_2131 | Short-term Contributions and Withholdings | 2131 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
50 | l10n_bo_2132 | Wages Payable | 2132 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
51 | l10n_bo_2133 | Social Benefits Payable | 2133 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
52 | l10n_bo_2134 | Social Charges | 2134 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
53 | l10n_bo_2135 | IVA Tax Debit | 2135 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
54 | l10n_bo_2136 | Transaction Tax Payable | 2136 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
55 | l10n_bo_2137 | IT Withholdings Payable | 2137 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
56 | l10n_bo_2138 | IUE Withholdings Payable | 2138 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
57 | l10n_bo_2139 | Other Tax Payable | 2139 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
58 | l10n_bo_214 | Provisions | 214 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
59 | l10n_bo_215 | Deferred Income | 215 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
60 | l10n_bo_216 | Other Current Liabilities | 216 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
61 | l10n_bo_2211 | Bank loans - Long Term | 2211 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
62 | l10n_bo_2212 | Other Long-Term Financial Liabilities | 2212 | liability_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
63 | l10n_bo_2221 | Notes Payable Long Term | 2221 | liability_payable | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | True |
64 | l10n_bo_2222 | Long-term Accounts Payable to Related Companies | 2222 | liability_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
65 | l10n_bo_223 | Provision for Social Benefits (Personnel Compensation) | 223 | liability_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
66 | l10n_bo_224 | Other Non-Current Liabilities | 224 | liability_non_current | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
67 | l10n_bo_3101 | Paid Share Capital | 3101 | equity | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
68 | l10n_bo_3102 | Contributions to Capitalize | 3102 | equity | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
69 | l10n_bo_3103 | Capital Adjustment | 3103 | equity | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
70 | l10n_bo_3201 | Legal Reserve | 3201 | equity | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
71 | l10n_bo_3202 | Other Reserves | 3202 | equity | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
72 | l10n_bo_3203 | Adjustment of Equity Reserves | 3203 | equity | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
73 | l10n_bo_331 | Retained Earnings | 331 | equity | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
74 | l10n_bo_332 | Current Year Earnings | 332 | equity_unaffected | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_financing | False |
75 | l10n_bo_4101 | Sales | 4101 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
76 | l10n_bo_4102 | Returns, Rebates and Discounts of Goods and/or Services | 4102 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
77 | l10n_bo_4201 | Interest on Bank Deposits | 4201 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
78 | l10n_bo_4202 | Interest on Temporary Investments | 4202 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
79 | l10n_bo_4203 | Other Financial Income | 4203 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_investing | False |
80 | l10n_bo_4301 | Adjustment for Inflation and Property Ownership | 4301 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
81 | l10n_bo_4302 | Income from Sale of Securities | 4302 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
82 | l10n_bo_4303 | Exchange Gain | 4303 | income | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
83 | l10n_bo_4304 | Other Income | 4304 | income_other | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
84 | l10n_bo_5101 | Product Costs | 5101 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
85 | l10n_bo_5102 | Freight and Transportation of Products | 5102 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
86 | l10n_bo_5103 | Returns on Purchases | 5103 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
87 | l10n_bo_5104 | Discounts on Purchases | 5104 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
88 | l10n_bo_5105 | Cost of Damaged Products | 5105 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
89 | l10n_bo_5201 | Costs of Sale - Wages and Salaries | 5201 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
90 | l10n_bo_5202 | Costs of Sale - Social Benefits | 5202 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
91 | l10n_bo_5203 | Costs of Sale - Sales Commissions | 5203 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
92 | l10n_bo_5204 | Costs of Sale - Per diems | 5204 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
93 | l10n_bo_5205 | Costs of Sale - Tickets | 5205 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
94 | l10n_bo_5206 | Costs of Sale - Advertising | 5206 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
95 | l10n_bo_5207 | Costs of Sale - Depreciation of Fixed Assets | 5207 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
96 | l10n_bo_5208 | Costs of Sale - Loss on Bad Accounts | 5208 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
97 | l10n_bo_5209 | Other Costs of Sale | 5209 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
98 | l10n_bo_52091 | Transaction Tax | 52091 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
99 | l10n_bo_52092 | IT Withholdings | 52092 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
100 | l10n_bo_52093 | IUE Withholdings | 52093 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
101 | l10n_bo_53001 | Administration Expenses - Wages and Salaries | 53001 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
102 | l10n_bo_53002 | Administration Expenses - Social Benefits | 53002 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
103 | l10n_bo_53003 | Administrative Expenses - Provision for Christmas Bonuses | 53003 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
104 | l10n_bo_53004 | Administration Expenses - Provision for Compensations | 53004 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
105 | l10n_bo_53005 | Administration Expenses - Per diem | 53005 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
106 | l10n_bo_53006 | Administration Expenses - Tickets | 53006 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
107 | l10n_bo_53007 | Administration Expenses - Basic Services | 53007 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
108 | l10n_bo_53008 | Administration Expenses - Materials and Supplies | 53008 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
109 | l10n_bo_53009 | Administration Expenses - Freight and Transportation | 53009 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
110 | l10n_bo_53010 | Administration Expenses - Maintenance and Repair | 53010 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
111 | l10n_bo_53011 | Administration Expenses - Depreciation of Fixed Assets | 53011 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
112 | l10n_bo_53012 | Administration Expenses - Rentals | 53012 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
113 | l10n_bo_53013 | Administration Expenses - Insurance | 53013 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
114 | l10n_bo_53014 | Administration Expenses - Security Service | 53014 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
115 | l10n_bo_53015 | Administration Expenses - General Expenses | 53015 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
116 | l10n_bo_53016 | Other Administrative Expenses | 53016 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
117 | l10n_bo_5401 | Interest on Bank Loans | 5401 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
118 | l10n_bo_5402 | Interest on Other Financial Obligations | 5402 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
119 | l10n_bo_5403 | Other Interests | 5403 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
120 | l10n_bo_5404 | Bank Fees | 5404 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
121 | l10n_bo_5405 | Other Financial Expenses | 5405 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
122 | l10n_bo_550 | Other Operational Expenses | 550 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
123 | l10n_bo_5601 | Adjustment for Inflation and Property Ownership | 5601 | expense_depreciation | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
124 | l10n_bo_5602 | Exchange Loss | 5602 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
125 | l10n_bo_5603 | Other Expenses | 5603 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |
126 | l10n_bo_570 | Corporate Income Tax | 570 | expense | l10n_bo.bo_chart_template | account.account_tag_operating | False |