18 KiB
18 KiB
1 | id | name | code | account_type | chart_template_id/id | reconcile |
2 | ch_coa_1060 | Securities (with stock exchange price) | 1060 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
3 | ch_coa_1069 | Accumulated depreciation on securities | 1069 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
4 | ch_coa_1091 | Transfer account: Salaries | 1091 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | True |
5 | ch_coa_1099 | Transfer account: miscellaneous | 1099 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | True |
6 | ch_coa_1100 | Accounts receivable from goods and services (Debtors) | 1100 | asset_receivable | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | True |
7 | ch_coa_1101 | Receivable (PoS) | 1101 | asset_receivable | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | True |
8 | ch_coa_1109 | Del credere (Acc. depr. on debtors) | 1109 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
9 | ch_coa_1140 | Advances and loans | 1140 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
10 | ch_coa_1149 | Advances and loans adjustments | 1149 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
11 | ch_coa_1170 | Input Tax (VAT) receivable on material, goods, services, energy | 1170 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
12 | ch_coa_1171 | Input Tax (VAT) receivable on investments, other operating expenses | 1171 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
13 | ch_coa_1176 | Withholding Tax (WT) receivable | 1176 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
14 | ch_coa_1180 | Receivables from social insurances and social security institutions | 1180 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
15 | ch_coa_1189 | Withholding tax | 1189 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
16 | ch_coa_1190 | Other short-term receivables | 1190 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
17 | ch_coa_1199 | Accumulated depreciation on short-terms receivables | 1199 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
18 | ch_coa_1200 | Goods / Merchandise (Trade) | 1200 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
19 | ch_coa_1207 | Accumulated depreciation on Goods / Merchandise (Trade) | 1207 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
20 | ch_coa_1208 | Downpayment on Goods / Merchandise (Trade) | 1208 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
21 | ch_coa_1209 | Correction on Goods / Merchandise (Trade) | 1209 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
22 | ch_coa_1210 | Raw materials | 1210 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
23 | ch_coa_1217 | Accumulated depreciation on raw material | 1217 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
24 | ch_coa_1218 | Downpayment on raw material | 1218 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
25 | ch_coa_1219 | Correction on raw material | 1219 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
26 | ch_coa_1220 | Auxiliary material | 1220 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
27 | ch_coa_1230 | Consumables | 1230 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
28 | ch_coa_1250 | Consignments Goods | 1250 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
29 | ch_coa_1260 | Finished products | 1260 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
30 | ch_coa_1267 | Accumulated depreciation on Finished products | 1267 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
31 | ch_coa_1269 | Correction on Finished products | 1269 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
32 | ch_coa_1270 | Products in process / Unfinished products | 1270 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
33 | ch_coa_1277 | Accumulated depreciation on Products in process / Unfinished products | 1277 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
34 | ch_coa_1279 | Correction on Products in process / Unfinished products | 1279 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
35 | ch_coa_1280 | Work in progress | 1280 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
36 | ch_coa_1287 | Accumulated depreciation on work in progress | 1287 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
37 | ch_coa_1289 | Correction on work in progress | 1289 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
38 | ch_coa_1300 | Accrued revenue and deferred expense (Accounts paid in advance) | 1300 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
39 | ch_coa_1301 | Deferred expense (Accounts paid in advance) | 1301 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
40 | ch_coa_1400 | Long-term securities | 1400 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
41 | ch_coa_1409 | Accumulated depreciation on long-term securities | 1409 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
42 | ch_coa_1440 | Loan (Asset) | 1440 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
43 | ch_coa_1441 | Mortgages | 1441 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
44 | ch_coa_1449 | Accumulated depreciation on long term receivables | 1449 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
45 | ch_coa_1480 | Participations | 1480 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
46 | ch_coa_1489 | Accumulated depreciation on participations | 1489 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
47 | ch_coa_1500 | Machinery | 1500 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
48 | ch_coa_1509 | Accumulated depreciation on machinery | 1509 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
49 | ch_coa_1510 | Equipment | 1510 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
50 | ch_coa_1519 | Accumulated depreciation on equipment | 1519 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
51 | ch_coa_1520 | Office Equipment (including Information & Communication Technology) | 1520 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
52 | ch_coa_1529 | Accumulated depreciation on office equipment (incl. ICT) | 1529 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
53 | ch_coa_1530 | Vehicles | 1530 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
54 | ch_coa_1539 | Accumulated depreciation on vehicles | 1539 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
55 | ch_coa_1540 | Tools | 1540 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
56 | ch_coa_1549 | Accumulated depreciation on tools | 1549 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
57 | ch_coa_1550 | Warehouse | 1550 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
58 | ch_coa_1559 | Accumulated depreciation on warehouse | 1559 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
59 | ch_coa_1570 | Equipments and Facilities | 1570 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
60 | ch_coa_1579 | Accumulated depreciation on Equipments and Facilities | 1579 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
61 | ch_coa_1590 | Other movable tangible assets | 1590 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
62 | ch_coa_1599 | Accumulated depreciation on Other movable tangible assets | 1599 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
63 | ch_coa_1600 | Real Estate | 1600 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
64 | ch_coa_1609 | Accumulated depreciation on real estate | 1609 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
65 | ch_coa_1700 | Patents, Licences | 1700 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
66 | ch_coa_1709 | Accumulated depreciation on Patents, Licences | 1709 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
67 | ch_coa_1770 | Goodwill | 1770 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
68 | ch_coa_1779 | Accumulated depreciation on goodwill | 1779 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
69 | ch_coa_1850 | Non-paid-in share capital | 1850 | asset_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
70 | ch_coa_2000 | Accounts payable from goods and services (Creditors) | 2000 | liability_payable | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | True |
71 | ch_coa_2030 | Prepayments received | 2030 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
72 | ch_coa_2100 | Bank Overdraft (Bank) | 2100 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
73 | ch_coa_2120 | Leasing bondings | 2120 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
74 | ch_coa_2140 | Other interest-bearing short terms liabilities | 2140 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
75 | ch_coa_2160 | Dettes envers l'actionnaire | 2160 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
76 | ch_coa_2200 | Sales Tax (VAT) owed | 2200 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
77 | ch_coa_2201 | VAT payable | 2201 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
78 | ch_coa_2206 | Withholding Tax (WT) owed | 2206 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
79 | ch_coa_2208 | Direct Taxes | 2208 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
80 | ch_coa_2210 | Others short term liabilities | 2210 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
81 | ch_coa_2261 | Dividend payouts resolved (Dividends) | 2261 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
82 | ch_coa_2270 | Social insurances owed | 2270 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
83 | ch_coa_2279 | Withholding taxes | 2279 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
84 | ch_coa_2300 | Deferred revenue and accrued expenses (Accounts received in advance) | 2300 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
85 | ch_coa_2301 | Deferred revenue (Accounts Received in Advance) | 2301 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
86 | ch_coa_2330 | Short-term provisions | 2330 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
87 | ch_coa_2400 | Bank debts | 2400 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
88 | ch_coa_2420 | Finance lease commitments | 2420 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
89 | ch_coa_2430 | Debentures | 2430 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
90 | ch_coa_2450 | Loans | 2450 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
91 | ch_coa_2451 | Mortgages | 2451 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
92 | ch_coa_2500 | Other long term liabilities | 2500 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
93 | ch_coa_2600 | Long-term provisions | 2600 | liability_current | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
94 | ch_coa_2800 | Share capital | 2800 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
95 | ch_coa_2900 | Legal capital reserves | 2900 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
96 | ch_coa_2940 | Valuation Reserves | 2940 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
97 | ch_coa_2950 | Legal retained earnings (Reserves) | 2950 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
98 | ch_coa_2960 | Voluntary retained earnings | 2960 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
99 | ch_coa_2970 | Profits brought forward / Losses brought forward | 2970 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
100 | ch_coa_2979 | Annual profit or annual loss | 2979 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
101 | ch_coa_2980 | Treasury stock, shares, participation rights (negative item) | 2980 | equity | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
102 | ch_coa_3000 | Sales of products (Manufacturing) | 3000 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
103 | ch_coa_3009 | Deductions on sales | 3009 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
104 | ch_coa_3200 | Sales of goods (Trade) | 3200 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
105 | ch_coa_3400 | Revenues from services | 3400 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
106 | ch_coa_3600 | Other revenues | 3600 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
107 | ch_coa_3700 | Own services | 3700 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
108 | ch_coa_3710 | Own consumption | 3710 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
109 | ch_coa_3800 | Financial discount | 3800 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
110 | ch_coa_3801 | Discounts and price reduction | 3801 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
111 | ch_coa_3802 | Rebates | 3802 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
112 | ch_coa_3803 | Third-party commissions | 3803 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
113 | ch_coa_3804 | Collection fees | 3804 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
114 | ch_coa_3805 | Losses from bad debts | 3805 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
115 | ch_coa_3806 | Exchange rate differences | 3806 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
116 | ch_coa_3807 | Shipping & Returns | 3807 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
117 | ch_coa_3900 | Changes in inventories of unfinished and finished products | 3900 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
118 | ch_coa_3901 | Change in inventories of finished goods | 3901 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
119 | ch_coa_3940 | Change in the value of unbilled services | 3940 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
120 | ch_coa_4000 | Cost of raw materials (Manufacturing) | 4000 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
121 | ch_coa_4008 | Inventory changes | 4008 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
122 | ch_coa_4009 | Deductions obtained on purchases | 4009 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
123 | ch_coa_4070 | Purchase Loans | 4070 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
124 | ch_coa_4071 | Customs duties on importation | 4071 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
125 | ch_coa_4072 | Transport costs at purchase | 4072 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
126 | ch_coa_4080 | Inventory changes | 4080 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
127 | ch_coa_4086 | Loss of material | 4086 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
128 | ch_coa_4200 | Cost of materials (Trade) | 4200 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
129 | ch_coa_4400 | Cost of purchased services | 4400 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
130 | ch_coa_4500 | Electricity | 4500 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
131 | ch_coa_4510 | Gas | 4510 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
132 | ch_coa_4520 | Fuel oil | 4520 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
133 | ch_coa_4521 | Coal, briquettes, wood | 4521 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
134 | ch_coa_4530 | Petrol | 4530 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
135 | ch_coa_4540 | Water | 4540 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
136 | ch_coa_4800 | Change in inventories of goods | 4800 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
137 | ch_coa_4801 | Change in raw material inventories | 4801 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
138 | ch_coa_4900 | Financial Discounts | 4900 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
139 | ch_coa_4901 | Discounts and price reductions | 4901 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
140 | ch_coa_4991 | Cash Difference Loss | 4991 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
141 | ch_coa_4992 | Cash Difference Gain | 4992 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
142 | ch_coa_4092 | Rebates | 4902 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
143 | ch_coa_4903 | Commissions on purchases | 4903 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
144 | ch_coa_4906 | Exchange rate differences | 4906 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
145 | ch_coa_5000 | Wages and salaries | 5000 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
146 | ch_coa_5700 | Social benefits | 5700 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
147 | ch_coa_5800 | Other staff cost | 5800 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
148 | ch_coa_5900 | Temporary staff expenditures | 5900 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
149 | ch_coa_6000 | Rent | 6000 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
150 | ch_coa_6100 | Maintenance & repair expenses | 6100 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
151 | ch_coa_6105 | Leasing movable tangible fixed assets | 6105 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
152 | ch_coa_6200 | Vehicle expenses | 6200 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
153 | ch_coa_6260 | Vehicules leasing and renting | 6260 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
154 | ch_coa_6300 | Insurance premiums | 6300 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
155 | ch_coa_6400 | Energy expenses & disposal expenses | 6400 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
156 | ch_coa_6500 | Administration expenses | 6500 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
157 | ch_coa_6570 | IT leasing | 6570 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
158 | ch_coa_6600 | Promotion and advertising expenses | 6600 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
159 | ch_coa_6700 | Other operating expenses | 6700 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
160 | ch_coa_6800 | Depreciations | 6800 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
161 | ch_coa_6900 | Financial expenses (Interest expenses, Securities expenses, Participations expenses) | 6900 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
162 | ch_coa_6950 | Financial revenues (Interest revenues, Securities revenues, Participations revenues) | 6950 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
163 | ch_coa_7000 | Non-core business revenues | 7000 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
164 | ch_coa_7010 | Non-core business expenses | 7010 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
165 | ch_coa_7500 | Revenues from operational real estate | 7500 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
166 | ch_coa_7510 | Expenses from operational real estate | 7510 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
167 | ch_coa_8000 | Non-operational expenses | 8000 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
168 | ch_coa_8100 | Non-operational revenues | 8100 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
169 | ch_coa_8500 | Extraordinary expenses | 8500 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
170 | ch_coa_8510 | Extraordinary revenues | 8510 | income | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |
171 | ch_coa_8900 | Direct Taxes | 8900 | expense | l10n_ch.l10nch_chart_template | False |