8.0 KiB
8.0 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | tag_ids/id | chart_template_id:id |
2 | il_account_100100 | 100100 | Land and buildings | asset_fixed | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
3 | il_account_100200 | 100200 | Machinery and equipment | asset_fixed | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
4 | il_account_100300 | 100300 | Vehicles | asset_fixed | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
5 | il_account_100400 | 100400 | Other property | asset_fixed | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
6 | il_account_101110 | 101110 | Stock Valuation | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
7 | il_account_101120 | 101120 | Stock Interim Account (Received) | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
8 | il_account_101130 | 101130 | Stock Interim Account (Delivered) | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
9 | il_account_101140 | 101140 | Inventory - Raw materials | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
10 | il_account_101150 | 101150 | Inventory - Work in progress | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
11 | il_account_101160 | 101160 | Inventory - Finished goods | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
12 | il_account_101200 | 101200 | Account Receivable | asset_receivable | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
13 | il_account_101201 | 101201 | Account Receivable(POS) | asset_receivable | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
14 | il_account_101250 | 101250 | Allowance for credit losses | asset_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
15 | il_account_101410 | 101410 | Bank Deposit | asset_cash | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
16 | il_account_101420 | 101420 | Cheques | asset_cash | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
17 | il_account_101430 | 101430 | Financial Assets | asset_cash | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
18 | il_account_101440 | 101440 | Petty Cash | asset_cash | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
19 | il_account_101310 | 101310 | VAT - Inputs | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
20 | il_account_101320 | 101320 | VAT - Fixed Assets | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
21 | il_account_101330 | 101330 | VAT - Import Transactions | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
22 | il_account_101340 | 101340 | VAT - PA Import Transactions | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
23 | il_account_101840 | 101840 | VAT - Inputs import line | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
24 | il_account_100110 | 100110 | Land and buildings depreciation | asset_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
25 | il_account_100210 | 100210 | Machinery and equipment depreciation | asset_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
26 | il_account_100310 | 100310 | Vehicles depreciation | asset_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
27 | il_account_100410 | 100410 | Other property depreciation | asset_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
28 | il_account_100420 | 100420 | Intangible Assets | asset_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
29 | il_account_101350 | 101350 | Prepayments | asset_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
30 | il_account_111000 | 111000 | Current Liabilities | liability_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
31 | il_account_111100 | 111100 | Account Payable | liability_payable | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
32 | il_account_111110 | 111110 | VAT Sales | liability_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
33 | il_account_111120 | 111120 | VAT PA Sales | liability_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
34 | il_account_111200 | 111200 | Income tax withheld - vendors | liability_current | FALSE | account_tag_retention_tax_vendor_account | il_chart_template |
35 | il_account_111210 | 111210 | Income tax withheld - employees | liability_current | FALSE | account_tag_retention_tax_employees_account | il_chart_template |
36 | il_account_111220 | 111220 | Income tax withheld - dividends | liability_current | FALSE | account_tag_retention_tax_dividend_account | il_chart_template |
37 | il_account_111230 | 111230 | Income tax withheld - customers | liability_current | FALSE | account_tag_retention_tax_customers_account | il_chart_template |
38 | il_account_300300 | 300300 | Reserve and Profit/Loss | equity | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
39 | il_account_111400 | 111400 | Credit cards | liability_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
40 | il_account_111450 | 111450 | Short term loans | liability_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
41 | il_account_111460 | 111460 | Interest Payable | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
42 | il_account_111500 | 111500 | Employees wages | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
43 | il_account_111550 | 111550 | Employees Benefits | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
44 | il_account_112210 | 112210 | Deferred Revenue | liability_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
45 | il_account_111650 | 111650 | Advances | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
46 | il_account_111660 | 111660 | Other Payable | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
47 | il_account_111700 | 111700 | Income Tax | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
48 | il_account_111710 | 111710 | National Insurance | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
49 | il_account_111720 | 111720 | VAT due | liability_current | TRUE | il_chart_template | |
50 | il_account_111730 | 111730 | Deferred Taxes | liability_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
51 | il_account_112000 | 112000 | Non-current Liabilities | liability_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
52 | il_account_112100 | 112100 | Long Term loans | liability_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
53 | il_account_112150 | 112150 | Provisions | liability_non_current | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
54 | il_account_200000 | 200000 | Product Sales | income | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
55 | il_account_200100 | 200100 | Services Sales | income | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
56 | il_account_200200 | 200200 | Other Income | income_other | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
57 | il_account_200300 | 200300 | Interest Income | income_other | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
58 | il_account_202000 | 202000 | Other Expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
59 | il_account_202100 | 202100 | Foreign Exchange Gain&Loss | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_financing | il_chart_template |
60 | il_account_202200 | 202200 | Interest Expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_financing | il_chart_template |
61 | il_account_202300 | 202300 | Donations | expense | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
62 | il_account_202400 | 202400 | Fines | expense | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
63 | il_account_201000 | 201000 | Cost of Goods Sold | expense_direct_cost | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
64 | il_account_211000 | 211000 | Cost of Services Sold | expense_direct_cost | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
65 | il_account_212000 | 212000 | Customer discounts | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
66 | il_account_212100 | 212100 | Salary Expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
67 | il_account_212200 | 212200 | Purchase of Equipments | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_investing | il_chart_template |
68 | il_account_212300 | 212300 | Bank Fees | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_financing | il_chart_template |
69 | il_account_213000 | 213000 | Customer returns | expense_direct_cost | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
70 | il_account_214000 | 214000 | Vendor returns | expense_direct_cost | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
71 | il_account_215000 | 215000 | Vendor discounts | expense_direct_cost | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
72 | il_account_216000 | 216000 | Good's Shrinkage | expense_direct_cost | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
73 | il_account_217000 | 217000 | Lost goods | expense_direct_cost | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
74 | il_account_220000 | 220000 | G&A Expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
75 | il_account_220100 | 220100 | Rent Expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
76 | il_account_220200 | 220200 | Communication expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
77 | il_account_220300 | 220300 | Transportation expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
78 | il_account_220400 | 220400 | Depretiation expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
79 | il_account_220500 | 220500 | Credit provision expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
80 | il_account_220600 | 220600 | Sales and marketing expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
81 | il_account_220700 | 220700 | Other non-operating expenses | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
82 | il_account_220800 | 220800 | Bad debts expense | expense | FALSE | account.account_tag_operating | il_chart_template |
83 | il_account_300100 | 300100 | Capital | equity | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
84 | il_account_300110 | 300110 | Ordinary Shares | equity | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
85 | il_account_300120 | 300120 | Preferred Shares | equity | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
86 | il_account_300130 | 300130 | Shares Premium | equity | FALSE | il_chart_template | |
87 | il_account_300270 | 300270 | current year earnings | equity_unaffected | FALSE | il_chart_template |