68 KiB
68 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | chart_template_id:id |
2 | lu_2011_account_101 | 101 | Subscribed capital | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
3 | lu_2011_account_102 | 102 | Subscribed capital not called | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
4 | lu_2011_account_103 | 103 | Subscribed capital called but unpaid | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
5 | lu_2020_account_104 | 104 | Capital of individual companies, corporate partnerships and similar | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
6 | lu_2011_account_105 | 105 | Endowment of branches | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
7 | lu_2011_account_10611 | 10611 | Cash withdrawals (daily life) | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
8 | lu_2011_account_10612 | 10612 | Withdrawals of merchandise, finished products and services (at cost) | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
9 | lu_2011_account_10613 | 10613 | Private share of medical services expenses | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
10 | lu_2011_account_106141 | 106141 | Life insurance | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
11 | lu_2011_account_106142 | 106142 | Accident insurance | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
12 | lu_2011_account_106143 | 106143 | Fire insurance | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
13 | lu_2011_account_106144 | 106144 | Third-party insurance | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
14 | lu_2011_account_106145 | 106145 | Full coverage insurance | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
15 | lu_2011_account_106148 | 106148 | Other private insurance premiums | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
16 | lu_2011_account_106151 | 106151 | Social Security | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
17 | lu_2011_account_106152 | 106152 | Child benefit office | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
18 | lu_2011_account_106153 | 106153 | Health insurance funds | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
19 | lu_2011_account_106154 | 106154 | Death and other health insurance funds | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
20 | lu_2011_account_106158 | 106158 | Other contributions | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
21 | lu_2011_account_106161 | 106161 | Wages | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
22 | lu_2011_account_106162 | 106162 | Rent | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
23 | lu_2011_account_106163 | 106163 | Heating, gas, electricity | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
24 | lu_2011_account_106164 | 106164 | Water | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
25 | lu_2011_account_106165 | 106165 | Telephone | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
26 | lu_2011_account_106166 | 106166 | Car | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
27 | lu_2011_account_106168 | 106168 | Other in kind withdrawals | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
28 | lu_2011_account_106171 | 106171 | Private furniture | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
29 | lu_2011_account_106172 | 106172 | Private car | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
30 | lu_2011_account_106173 | 106173 | Private held securities | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
31 | lu_2011_account_106174 | 106174 | Private buildings | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
32 | lu_2011_account_106178 | 106178 | Other acquisitions | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
33 | lu_2011_account_106181 | 106181 | Income tax paid | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
34 | lu_2011_account_106183 | 106183 | Municipal business tax - payment in arrears | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
35 | lu_2011_account_106188 | 106188 | Other taxes | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
36 | lu_2011_account_106191 | 106191 | Repairs to private buildings | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
37 | lu_2011_account_106192 | 106192 | Deposits on private financial accounts | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
38 | lu_2011_account_106193 | 106193 | Refund of private debts | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
39 | lu_2011_account_106194 | 106194 | Gifts and allowance to children | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
40 | lu_2011_account_106195 | 106195 | Inheritance taxes and mutation tax due to death | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
41 | lu_2011_account_106198 | 106198 | Other special private withdrawals | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
42 | lu_2011_account_10621 | 10621 | Inheritance or donation | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
43 | lu_2011_account_10622 | 10622 | Personal holdings | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
44 | lu_2011_account_10623 | 10623 | Private loans | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
45 | lu_2011_account_106241 | 106241 | Private furniture | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
46 | lu_2011_account_106242 | 106242 | Private car | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
47 | lu_2011_account_106243 | 106243 | Private shares / bonds | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
48 | lu_2011_account_106244 | 106244 | Private buildings | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
49 | lu_2011_account_106248 | 106248 | Other disposals | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
50 | lu_2011_account_10625 | 10625 | Received rents | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
51 | lu_2011_account_10626 | 10626 | Received wages or pensions | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
52 | lu_2011_account_10627 | 10627 | Received child benefit | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
53 | lu_2011_account_106281 | 106281 | Income tax | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
54 | lu_2011_account_106284 | 106284 | Municipal business tax (MBT) | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
55 | lu_2011_account_106288 | 106288 | Other tax refunds | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
56 | lu_2011_account_10629 | 10629 | Business share in private expenses | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
57 | lu_2011_account_111 | 111 | Share premium | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
58 | lu_2011_account_112 | 112 | Merger premium | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
59 | lu_2011_account_113 | 113 | Contribution premium | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
60 | lu_2011_account_114 | 114 | Premiums on conversion of bonds into shares | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
61 | lu_2011_account_115 | 115 | Capital contribution without issue of shares | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
62 | lu_2011_account_122 | 122 | Reserves in application of the equity method | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
63 | lu_2011_account_123 | 123 | Temporarily not taxable currency translation adjustments | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
64 | lu_2011_account_128 | 128 | Other revaluation reserves | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
65 | lu_2011_account_131 | 131 | Legal reserve | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
66 | lu_2011_account_132 | 132 | Reserves for own shares or own corporate units | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
67 | lu_2011_account_133 | 133 | Reserves provided for by the articles of association | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
68 | lu_2011_account_1381 | 1381 | Other reserves available for distribution | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
69 | lu_2020_account_13821 | 13821 | Reserve for net wealth tax (NWT) | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
70 | lu_2020_account_13822 | 13822 | Reserves in application of fair value | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
71 | lu_2020_account_138231 | 138231 | Temporarily not taxable capital gains to reinvest | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
72 | lu_2020_account_138232 | 138232 | Temporarily not taxable capital gains reinvested | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
73 | lu_2020_account_13828 | 13828 | Reserves not available for distribution not mentioned above | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
74 | lu_2020_account_1411 | 1411 | Results brought forward in the process of assignment | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
75 | lu_2020_account_1412 | 1412 | Results brought forward (assigned) | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
76 | lu_2011_account_142 | 142 | Result for the financial year | equity_unaffected | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
77 | lu_2011_account_15 | 15 | Interim dividends | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
78 | lu_2020_account_1611 | 1611 | Development costs | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
79 | lu_2020_account_16121 | 16121 | Acquired against payment (except Goodwill) | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
80 | lu_2020_account_16122 | 16122 | Created by the undertaking itself | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
81 | lu_2020_account_1613 | 1613 | Goodwill acquired for consideration | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
82 | lu_2020_account_1621 | 1621 | Subsidies on land, fitting-outs and buildings | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
83 | lu_2020_account_1622 | 1622 | Subsidies on plant and machinery | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
84 | lu_2020_account_1623 | 1623 | Subsidies on other fixtures, fittings, tools and equipment (including rolling stock) | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
85 | lu_2011_account_168 | 168 | Other capital investment subsidies | equity | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
86 | lu_2011_account_181 | 181 | Provisions for pensions and similar obligations | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
87 | lu_2020_account_182 | 182 | Provisions for taxation | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
88 | lu_2011_account_183 | 183 | Deferred tax provisions | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
89 | lu_2011_account_1881 | 1881 | Operating provisions | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
90 | lu_2011_account_1882 | 1882 | Financial provisions | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
91 | lu_2020_account_1921 | 1921 | Due and payable within one year | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
92 | lu_2020_account_1922 | 1922 | Due and payable after more than one year | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
93 | lu_2020_account_1931 | 1931 | Due and payable within one year | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
94 | lu_2020_account_1932 | 1932 | Due and payable after more than one year | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
95 | lu_2020_account_1941 | 1941 | Due and payable within one year | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
96 | lu_2020_account_1942 | 1942 | Due and payable after more than one year | liability_non_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
97 | lu_2011_account_201 | 201 | Set-up and start-up costs | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
98 | lu_2011_account_203 | 203 | Expenses for increases in capital and for various operations (merger, demerger, change of legal form) | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
99 | lu_2011_account_204 | 204 | Loan issuances expenses | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
100 | lu_2011_account_208 | 208 | Other similar expenses | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
101 | lu_2011_account_211 | 211 | Development costs | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
102 | lu_2011_account_21211 | 21211 | Concessions | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
103 | lu_2011_account_21212 | 21212 | Patents | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
104 | lu_2011_account_21213 | 21213 | Software licences | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
105 | lu_2011_account_21214 | 21214 | Trademarks and franchises | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
106 | lu_2011_account_212151 | 212151 | Copyrights and reproduction rights | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
107 | lu_2011_account_212152 | 212152 | Greenhouse gas and similar emission quotas | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
108 | lu_2011_account_212158 | 212158 | Other similar rights and assets acquired for consideration | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
109 | lu_2011_account_21221 | 21221 | Concessions | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
110 | lu_2011_account_21222 | 21222 | Patents | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
111 | lu_2011_account_21223 | 21223 | Software licences | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
112 | lu_2011_account_21224 | 21224 | Trademarks and franchises | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
113 | lu_2011_account_212251 | 212251 | Copyrights and reproduction rights | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
114 | lu_2011_account_212258 | 212258 | Other similar rights and assets created by the undertaking itself | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
115 | lu_2011_account_213 | 213 | Goodwill acquired for consideration | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
116 | lu_2020_account_214 | 214 | Down payments and intangible fixed assets under development | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
117 | lu_2020_account_221111 | 221111 | Developed land | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
118 | lu_2020_account_221112 | 221112 | Property rights and similar | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
119 | lu_2020_account_221118 | 221118 | Other land | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
120 | lu_2011_account_22112 | 22112 | Land in foreign countries | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
121 | lu_2011_account_22121 | 22121 | Fixtures and fitting-outs of land in Luxembourg | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
122 | lu_2011_account_22122 | 22122 | Fixtures and fitting-outs of land in foreign countries | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
123 | lu_2020_account_221311 | 221311 | Residential buildings | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
124 | lu_2020_account_221312 | 221312 | Non-residential buildings | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
125 | lu_2020_account_221313 | 221313 | Mixed-use buildings | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
126 | lu_2020_account_221318 | 221318 | Other buildings | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
127 | lu_2011_account_22132 | 22132 | Buildings in foreign countries | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
128 | lu_2020_account_22141 | 22141 | Fixtures and fitting-outs of buildings in Luxembourg | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
129 | lu_2020_account_22142 | 22142 | Fixtures and fitting-outs of buildings in foreign countries | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
130 | lu_2020_account_22151 | 22151 | Investment properties in Luxembourg | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
131 | lu_2020_account_22152 | 22152 | Investment properties in foreign countries | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
132 | lu_2011_account_2221 | 2221 | Plant | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
133 | lu_2011_account_2222 | 2222 | Machinery | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
134 | lu_2011_account_2231 | 2231 | Transportation and handling equipment | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
135 | lu_2011_account_2232 | 2232 | Motor vehicles | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
136 | lu_2011_account_2233 | 2233 | Tools | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
137 | lu_2011_account_2234 | 2234 | Furniture | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
138 | lu_2011_account_2235 | 2235 | Computer equipment | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
139 | lu_2011_account_2236 | 2236 | Livestock | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
140 | lu_2011_account_2237 | 2237 | Returnable packaging | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
141 | lu_2011_account_2238 | 2238 | Other fixtures | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
142 | lu_2011_account_22411 | 22411 | Land, fitting-outs and buildings in Luxembourg | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
143 | lu_2011_account_22412 | 22412 | Land, fitting-outs and buildings in foreign countries | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
144 | lu_2011_account_2242 | 2242 | Plant and machinery | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
145 | lu_2011_account_2243 | 2243 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment (including rolling stock) | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
146 | lu_2011_account_231 | 231 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
147 | lu_2011_account_232 | 232 | Amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
148 | lu_2011_account_233 | 233 | Participating interests | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
149 | lu_2011_account_234 | 234 | Amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
150 | lu_2020_account_235111 | 235111 | Listed shares | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
151 | lu_2020_account_235112 | 235112 | Unlisted shares | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
152 | lu_2011_account_23518 | 23518 | Other securities held as fixed assets (equity right) | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
153 | lu_2011_account_23521 | 23521 | Debentures | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
154 | lu_2011_account_23528 | 23528 | Other securities held as fixed assets (creditor's right) | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
155 | lu_2020_account_2353 | 2353 | Shares of collective investment funds | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
156 | lu_2011_account_2358 | 2358 | Other securities held as fixed assets | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
157 | lu_2020_account_2361 | 2361 | Loans | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
158 | lu_2020_account_2362 | 2362 | Deposits and guarantees paid | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
159 | lu_2011_account_2363 | 2363 | Long-term receivables | asset_fixed | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
160 | lu_2011_account_301 | 301 | Inventories of raw materials | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
161 | lu_2020_account_303 | 303 | Inventories of consumable materials and supplies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
162 | lu_2020_account_304 | 304 | Inventories of packaging | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
163 | lu_2011_account_311 | 311 | Inventories of work in progress | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
164 | lu_2011_account_312 | 312 | Contracts in progress - goods | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
165 | lu_2011_account_313 | 313 | Contracts in progress - services | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
166 | lu_2011_account_314 | 314 | Buildings under construction | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
167 | lu_2011_account_321 | 321 | Inventories of finished goods | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
168 | lu_2011_account_322 | 322 | Inventories of semi-finished goods | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
169 | lu_2020_account_323 | 323 | Inventories of residual goods (waste, rejected and recuperable material) | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
170 | lu_2020_account_361 | 361 | Inventories of merchandise | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
171 | lu_2020_account_3621 | 3621 | Inventories of land for resale in Luxembourg | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
172 | lu_2020_account_3622 | 3622 | Inventories of land for resale in foreign countries | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
173 | lu_2020_account_3631 | 3631 | Inventories of buildings for resale in Luxembourg | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
174 | lu_2020_account_3632 | 3632 | Inventories of buildings for resale in foreign countries | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
175 | lu_2020_account_37 | 37 | Down payments on account on inventories | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
176 | lu_2011_account_4011 | 4011 | Customers | asset_receivable | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
177 | lu_2011_account_40111 | 40111 | Customers (PoS) | asset_receivable | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
178 | lu_2011_account_4012 | 4012 | Customers - Receivable bills of exchange | asset_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
179 | lu_2011_account_4013 | 4013 | Doubtful or disputed customers | asset_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
180 | lu_2011_account_4014 | 4014 | Customers - Unbilled sales | asset_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
181 | lu_2011_account_4015 | 4015 | Customers with a credit balance | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
182 | lu_2011_account_4019 | 4019 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
183 | lu_2011_account_4021 | 4021 | Customers | asset_receivable | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
184 | lu_2011_account_4025 | 4025 | Customers with creditor balance | asset_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
185 | lu_2011_account_4029 | 4029 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
186 | lu_2011_account_41111 | 41111 | Trade receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
187 | lu_2011_account_41112 | 41112 | Loans and advances | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
188 | lu_2011_account_41118 | 41118 | Other receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
189 | lu_2011_account_41119 | 41119 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
190 | lu_2011_account_41121 | 41121 | Trade receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
191 | lu_2011_account_41122 | 41122 | Loans and advances | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
192 | lu_2011_account_41128 | 41128 | Other receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
193 | lu_2011_account_41129 | 41129 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
194 | lu_2011_account_41211 | 41211 | Trade receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
195 | lu_2011_account_41212 | 41212 | Loans and advances | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
196 | lu_2011_account_41218 | 41218 | Other receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
197 | lu_2011_account_41219 | 41219 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
198 | lu_2011_account_41221 | 41221 | Trade receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
199 | lu_2011_account_41222 | 41222 | Loans and advances | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
200 | lu_2011_account_41228 | 41228 | Other receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
201 | lu_2011_account_41229 | 41229 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
202 | lu_2011_account_42111 | 42111 | Advances and down payments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
203 | lu_2011_account_42119 | 42119 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
204 | lu_2020_account_4212 | 4212 | Amounts owed by partners and shareholders (others than from affiliated undertakings) | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
205 | lu_2011_account_42131 | 42131 | Investment subsidies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
206 | lu_2011_account_42132 | 42132 | Operating subsidies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
207 | lu_2011_account_42138 | 42138 | Other subsidies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
208 | lu_2020_account_42141 | 42141 | Corporate income tax | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
209 | lu_2020_account_42142 | 42142 | Municipal business tax | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
210 | lu_2020_account_42143 | 42143 | Net wealth tax | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
211 | lu_2020_account_42144 | 42144 | Withholding tax on wages and salaries | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
212 | lu_2020_account_42145 | 42145 | Withholding tax on financial investment income | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
213 | lu_2020_account_42146 | 42146 | Withholding tax on director's fees | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
214 | lu_2020_account_42148 | 42148 | ACD - Other amounts receivable | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
215 | lu_2011_account_4215 | 4215 | Customs and Excise Authority (ADA) | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
216 | lu_2020_account_421611 | 421611 | VAT paid and recoverable | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
217 | lu_2011_account_421612 | 421612 | VAT receivable | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
218 | lu_2011_account_421613 | 421613 | VAT down payments made | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
219 | lu_2011_account_421618 | 421618 | VAT - Other receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
220 | lu_2011_account_421621 | 421621 | Registration duties | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
221 | lu_2011_account_421622 | 421622 | Subscription tax | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
222 | lu_2011_account_421628 | 421628 | Other indirect taxes | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
223 | lu_2011_account_42168 | 42168 | Other receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
224 | lu_2011_account_42171 | 42171 | Social Security office (CCSS) | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
225 | lu_2011_account_42172 | 42172 | Foreign social security offices | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
226 | lu_2011_account_42178 | 42178 | Other social bodies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
227 | lu_2011_account_421811 | 421811 | Foreign VAT | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
228 | lu_2011_account_421818 | 421818 | Other foreign taxes | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
229 | lu_2020_account_42187 | 42187 | Derivative financial instruments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
230 | lu_2011_account_42188 | 42188 | Other miscellaneous receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
231 | lu_2011_account_42189 | 42189 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
232 | lu_2020_account_4221 | 4221 | Staff - advances and down payments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
233 | lu_2020_account_4222 | 4222 | Amounts owed by partners and shareholders (others than from affiliated undertakings) | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
234 | lu_2011_account_42231 | 42231 | Investment subsidies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
235 | lu_2011_account_42232 | 42232 | Operating subsidies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
236 | lu_2011_account_42238 | 42238 | Other subsidies | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
237 | lu_2020_account_42287 | 42287 | Derivative financial instruments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
238 | lu_2011_account_42288 | 42288 | Other miscellaneous receivables | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
239 | lu_2011_account_42289 | 42289 | Value adjustments | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
240 | lu_2011_account_431 | 431 | Down payments received within one year | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
241 | lu_2011_account_432 | 432 | Down payments received after more than one year | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
242 | lu_2011_account_44111 | 44111 | Suppliers | liability_payable | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
243 | lu_2011_account_44112 | 44112 | Suppliers - invoices not yet received | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
244 | lu_2020_account_44113 | 44113 | Suppliers with a debit balance | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
245 | lu_2011_account_44121 | 44121 | Suppliers | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
246 | lu_2020_account_44123 | 44123 | Suppliers with a debit balance | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
247 | lu_2011_account_4421 | 4421 | Bills of exchange payable within one year | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
248 | lu_2011_account_4422 | 4422 | Bills of exchange payable after more than one year | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
249 | lu_2011_account_45111 | 45111 | Purchases and services | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
250 | lu_2011_account_45112 | 45112 | Loans and advances | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
251 | lu_2011_account_45118 | 45118 | Other payables | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
252 | lu_2011_account_45121 | 45121 | Purchases and services | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
253 | lu_2011_account_45122 | 45122 | Loans and advances | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
254 | lu_2011_account_45128 | 45128 | Other payables | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
255 | lu_2011_account_45211 | 45211 | Purchases and services | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
256 | lu_2011_account_45212 | 45212 | Loans and advances | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
257 | lu_2011_account_45218 | 45218 | Other payables | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
258 | lu_2011_account_45221 | 45221 | Purchases and services | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
259 | lu_2011_account_45222 | 45222 | Loans and advances | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
260 | lu_2011_account_45228 | 45228 | Other payables | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
261 | lu_2020_account_4611 | 4611 | Municipal authorities | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
262 | lu_2011_account_461211 | 461211 | Corporate income tax - Tax accrual | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
263 | lu_2011_account_461212 | 461212 | CIT - Tax payable | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
264 | lu_2011_account_461221 | 461221 | MBT - Tax accrual | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
265 | lu_2011_account_461222 | 461222 | MBT - Tax payable | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
266 | lu_2011_account_461231 | 461231 | NWT - Tax accrual | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
267 | lu_2011_account_461232 | 461232 | NWT - Tax payable | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
268 | lu_2011_account_46124 | 46124 | Withholding tax on wages and salaries | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
269 | lu_2011_account_46125 | 46125 | Withholding tax on financial investment income | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
270 | lu_2011_account_46126 | 46126 | Withholding tax on director's fees | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
271 | lu_2011_account_46128 | 46128 | ACD - Other amounts payable | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
272 | lu_2020_account_4613 | 4613 | Customs and Excise Authority (ADA) | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
273 | lu_2020_account_461411 | 461411 | VAT received | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
274 | lu_2011_account_461412 | 461412 | VAT payable | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
275 | lu_2011_account_461413 | 461413 | VAT down payments received | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
276 | lu_2011_account_461418 | 461418 | VAT - Other payables | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
277 | lu_2011_account_461421 | 461421 | Registration duties | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
278 | lu_2011_account_461422 | 461422 | Subscription tax | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
279 | lu_2011_account_461428 | 461428 | Other indirect taxes | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
280 | lu_2020_account_46148 | 46148 | AED - Other debts | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
281 | lu_2020_account_46151 | 46151 | Foreign VAT | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
282 | lu_2020_account_46158 | 46158 | Other foreign taxes | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
283 | lu_2011_account_4621 | 4621 | Social Security office (CCSS) | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
284 | lu_2011_account_4622 | 4622 | Foreign Social Security offices | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
285 | lu_2011_account_4628 | 4628 | Other social bodies | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
286 | lu_2020_account_4711 | 4711 | Received deposits and guarantees | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
287 | lu_2020_account_4712 | 4712 | Amounts payable to partners and shareholders (others than from affiliated undertakings) | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
288 | lu_2011_account_4713 | 4713 | Amounts payable to directors, managers, statutory auditors and similar | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
289 | lu_2020_account_4714 | 4714 | Amounts payable to staff | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
290 | lu_2011_account_4715 | 4715 | State - Greenhous gas and similar emission quotas to be returned or acquired | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
291 | lu_2020_account_47161 | 47161 | Other loans | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
292 | lu_2020_account_47162 | 47162 | Lease debts | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
293 | lu_2020_account_47163 | 47163 | Life annuities | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
294 | lu_2020_account_47164 | 47164 | Other similar debts | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
295 | lu_2020_account_4717 | 4717 | Derivative financial instruments | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
296 | lu_2011_account_4718 | 4718 | Other miscellaneous debts | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
297 | lu_2020_account_4721 | 4721 | Received deposits and guarantees | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
298 | lu_2020_account_4722 | 4722 | Amounts payable to partners and shareholders (others than from affiliated undertakings) | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
299 | lu_2011_account_4723 | 4723 | Amounts payable to directors, managers, statutory auditors and similar | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
300 | lu_2020_account_4724 | 4724 | Amounts payable to staff | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
301 | lu_2020_account_47261 | 47261 | Other loans | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
302 | lu_2020_account_47262 | 47262 | Lease debts | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
303 | lu_2020_account_47263 | 47263 | Life annuities | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
304 | lu_2020_account_47264 | 47264 | Other similar debts | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
305 | lu_2020_account_4727 | 4727 | Derivative financial instruments | liability_current | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
306 | lu_2011_account_4728 | 4728 | Other miscellaneous debts | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
307 | lu_2011_account_481 | 481 | Deferred charges (on one or more financial years) | asset_prepayments | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
308 | lu_2011_account_482 | 482 | Deferred income (on one or more financial years) | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
309 | lu_2011_account_483 | 483 | State - Greenhouse gas and similar emission quotas received | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
310 | lu_2011_account_484 | 484 | Transitory or suspense accounts - Assets | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
311 | lu_2011_account_485 | 485 | Transitory or suspense accounts - Liabilities | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
312 | lu_2011_account_486 | 486 | Linking accounts (branches) - Assets | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
313 | lu_2011_account_487 | 487 | Linking accounts (branches) - Liabilities | liability_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
314 | lu_2011_account_501 | 501 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
315 | lu_2011_account_502 | 502 | Own shares or own corporate units | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
316 | lu_2011_account_503 | 503 | Shares in undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
317 | lu_2011_account_5081 | 5081 | Shares - listed securities | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
318 | lu_2011_account_5082 | 5082 | Shares - unlisted securities | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
319 | lu_2011_account_5083 | 5083 | Debenture loans and other notes issued and repurchased by the company | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
320 | lu_2011_account_5084 | 5084 | Listed debenture loans | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
321 | lu_2011_account_5085 | 5085 | Unlisted debenture loans | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
322 | lu_2011_account_5088 | 5088 | Other miscellaneous transferable securities | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
323 | lu_2020_account_5131 | 5131 | Banks and CCP : available balance | asset_cash | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
324 | lu_2020_account_5132 | 5132 | Banks and CCP : overdraft | asset_cash | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
325 | lu_2020_account_516 | 516 | Cash in hand | asset_cash | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
326 | lu_2020_account_5171 | 5171 | Internal transfers : debit balance | asset_cash | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
327 | lu_2020_account_5172 | 5172 | Internal transfers : credit balance | asset_cash | TRUE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
328 | lu_2011_account_518 | 518 | Other cash amounts | asset_current | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
329 | lu_2020_account_601 | 601 | Purchases of raw materials | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
330 | lu_2011_account_60311 | 60311 | Solid fuels | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
331 | lu_2011_account_60312 | 60312 | Liquid fuels | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
332 | lu_2011_account_60313 | 60313 | Gas | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
333 | lu_2020_account_60314 | 60314 | Water and sewage | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
334 | lu_2020_account_60315 | 60315 | Electricity | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
335 | lu_2011_account_6032 | 6032 | Maintenance supplies | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
336 | lu_2011_account_6033 | 6033 | Workshop, factory and store supplies and small equipment | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
337 | lu_2011_account_6034 | 6034 | Work clothes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
338 | lu_2011_account_6035 | 6035 | Office and administrative supplies | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
339 | lu_2011_account_6036 | 6036 | Motor fuels | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
340 | lu_2011_account_6037 | 6037 | Lubricants | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
341 | lu_2011_account_6038 | 6038 | Other consumable supplies | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
342 | lu_2020_account_604 | 604 | Purchases of packaging | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
343 | lu_2011_account_6061 | 6061 | Purchases of merchandise | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
344 | lu_2011_account_6062 | 6062 | Purchases of land for resale | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
345 | lu_2011_account_6063 | 6063 | Purchases of buildings for resale | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
346 | lu_2011_account_6071 | 6071 | Changes in inventory of raw materials | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
347 | lu_2011_account_6073 | 6073 | Changes in inventory of consumable materials and supplies | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
348 | lu_2011_account_6074 | 6074 | Changes in inventory of packaging | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
349 | lu_2020_account_60761 | 60761 | Merchandise | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
350 | lu_2020_account_60762 | 60762 | Land for resale | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
351 | lu_2020_account_60763 | 60763 | Buildings for resale | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
352 | lu_2020_account_60811 | 60811 | Tailoring | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
353 | lu_2011_account_60812 | 60812 | Research and development | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
354 | lu_2011_account_60813 | 60813 | Architects' and engineers' fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
355 | lu_2011_account_60814 | 60814 | Outsourcing included in the production of goods and services | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
356 | lu_2020_account_6082 | 6082 | Other purchases of material included in the production of goods and services | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
357 | lu_2020_account_6083 | 6083 | Purchase of greenhouse gas and similar emission quotas | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
358 | lu_2020_account_6088 | 6088 | Other purchases included in the production of goods and services | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
359 | lu_2011_account_6091 | 6091 | RDR on purchases of raw materials | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
360 | lu_2011_account_6093 | 6093 | RDR on purchases of consumable materials and supplies | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
361 | lu_2011_account_6094 | 6094 | RDR on purchases of packaging | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
362 | lu_2011_account_6096 | 6096 | RDR on purchases of merchandise and other goods for resale | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
363 | lu_2011_account_6098 | 6098 | RDR on purchases included in the production of goods and services | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
364 | lu_2011_account_6099 | 6099 | Unallocated RDR | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
365 | lu_2011_account_61111 | 61111 | Land | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
366 | lu_2011_account_61112 | 61112 | Buildings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
367 | lu_2011_account_61123 | 61123 | Rolling stock | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
368 | lu_2020_account_61128 | 61128 | Other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
369 | lu_2011_account_6113 | 6113 | Service charges and co-ownership expenses | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
370 | lu_2020_account_6114 | 6114 | Financial leasing on real property | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
371 | lu_2011_account_61153 | 61153 | Rolling stock | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
372 | lu_2020_account_61158 | 61158 | Other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
373 | lu_2011_account_6121 | 6121 | General subcontracting (not included in the production of goods and services) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
374 | lu_2011_account_61221 | 61221 | Buildings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
375 | lu_2011_account_61223 | 61223 | Rolling stock | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
376 | lu_2020_account_61228 | 61228 | Other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
377 | lu_2020_account_6131 | 6131 | Commissions and brokerage fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
378 | lu_2011_account_6132 | 6132 | IT services | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
379 | lu_2011_account_61332 | 61332 | Loans' issuance expenses | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
380 | lu_2011_account_61333 | 61333 | Bank account charges and bank commissions (included custody fees on securities) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
381 | lu_2011_account_61334 | 61334 | Charges for electronic means of payment | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
382 | lu_2011_account_61336 | 61336 | Factoring services | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
383 | lu_2011_account_61338 | 61338 | Other banking and similar services (except interest and similar expenses) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
384 | lu_2011_account_61341 | 61341 | Legal, litigation and similar fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
385 | lu_2011_account_61342 | 61342 | Accounting, tax consulting, auditing and similar fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
386 | lu_2011_account_61348 | 61348 | Other professional fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
387 | lu_2011_account_6135 | 6135 | Notarial and similar fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
388 | lu_2011_account_6138 | 6138 | Other remuneration of intermediaries and professional fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
389 | lu_2011_account_61411 | 61411 | Buildings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
390 | lu_2011_account_61412 | 61412 | Rolling stock | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
391 | lu_2011_account_61418 | 61418 | Other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
392 | lu_2011_account_6142 | 6142 | Insurance on rented assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
393 | lu_2020_account_6143 | 6143 | Transport insurance | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
394 | lu_2011_account_6144 | 6144 | Business risk insurance | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
395 | lu_2011_account_6145 | 6145 | Customers credit insurance | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
396 | lu_2011_account_6146 | 6146 | Third-party insurance | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
397 | lu_2011_account_6148 | 6148 | Other insurances | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
398 | lu_2011_account_61511 | 61511 | Press advertising | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
399 | lu_2011_account_61512 | 61512 | Samples | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
400 | lu_2011_account_61513 | 61513 | Fairs and exhibitions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
401 | lu_2011_account_61514 | 61514 | Gifts to customers | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
402 | lu_2011_account_61515 | 61515 | Catalogues, printed materials and publications | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
403 | lu_2011_account_61516 | 61516 | Donations | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
404 | lu_2011_account_61517 | 61517 | Sponsorship | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
405 | lu_2011_account_61518 | 61518 | Other purchases of advertising services | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
406 | lu_2011_account_615211 | 615211 | Management (respectively owner and partner) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
407 | lu_2011_account_615212 | 615212 | Staff | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
408 | lu_2011_account_61522 | 61522 | Relocation expenses | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
409 | lu_2011_account_61523 | 61523 | Business assignments | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
410 | lu_2011_account_61524 | 61524 | Receptions and entertainment costs | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
411 | lu_2011_account_61531 | 61531 | Postal charges | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
412 | lu_2011_account_61532 | 61532 | Telecommunication costs | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
413 | lu_2011_account_6161 | 6161 | Transportation of purchased goods | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
414 | lu_2011_account_6162 | 6162 | Transportation of sold goods | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
415 | lu_2011_account_6165 | 6165 | Collective staff transportation | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
416 | lu_2011_account_6168 | 6168 | Other transportation | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
417 | lu_2011_account_6171 | 6171 | Temporary staff | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
418 | lu_2011_account_6172 | 6172 | External staff on secondment | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
419 | lu_2020_account_6181 | 6181 | Documentation | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
420 | lu_2011_account_6182 | 6182 | Costs of training, symposiums, seminars, conferences | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
421 | lu_2011_account_6183 | 6183 | Industrial and non-industrial waste treatment | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
422 | lu_2020_account_61841 | 61841 | Solid fuels | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
423 | lu_2020_account_61842 | 61842 | Liquid fuels (oil, motor fuel, etc.) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
424 | lu_2020_account_61843 | 61843 | Gas | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
425 | lu_2020_account_61844 | 61844 | Water and waste water | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
426 | lu_2020_account_61845 | 61845 | Electricity | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
427 | lu_2020_account_61851 | 61851 | Office supplies | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
428 | lu_2020_account_61852 | 61852 | Small equipment | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
429 | lu_2020_account_61853 | 61853 | Work clothes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
430 | lu_2020_account_61854 | 61854 | Maintenance supplies | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
431 | lu_2020_account_61858 | 61858 | Other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
432 | lu_2011_account_6186 | 6186 | Surveillance and security charges | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
433 | lu_2011_account_6187 | 6187 | Contributions to professional associations | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
434 | lu_2011_account_6188 | 6188 | Other miscellaneous external charges | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
435 | lu_2011_account_619 | 619 | Rebates, discounts and refunds received on other external charges | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
436 | lu_2011_account_62111 | 62111 | Base wages | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
437 | lu_2011_account_621121 | 621121 | Sunday | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
438 | lu_2011_account_621122 | 621122 | Public holidays | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
439 | lu_2011_account_621123 | 621123 | Overtime | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
440 | lu_2011_account_621128 | 621128 | Other supplements | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
441 | lu_2011_account_62114 | 62114 | Incentives, bonuses and commissions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
442 | lu_2011_account_62115 | 62115 | Benefits in kind | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
443 | lu_2011_account_62116 | 62116 | Severance pay | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
444 | lu_2011_account_62117 | 62117 | Survivor's pay | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
445 | lu_2011_account_6218 | 6218 | Other benefits | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
446 | lu_2020_account_6219 | 6219 | Refunds on wages paid | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
447 | lu_2011_account_6221 | 6221 | Students | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
448 | lu_2011_account_6222 | 6222 | Casual workers | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
449 | lu_2011_account_6228 | 6228 | Other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
450 | lu_2020_account_6231 | 6231 | Social security on pensions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
451 | lu_2011_account_6232 | 6232 | Other social security costs (including illness, accidents, a.s.o.) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
452 | lu_2020_account_62411 | 62411 | Premiums for external pensions funds | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
453 | lu_2020_account_62412 | 62412 | Changes to provisions for complementary pensions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
454 | lu_2020_account_62413 | 62413 | Withholding tax on complementary pensions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
455 | lu_2020_account_62414 | 62414 | Insolvency insurance premiums | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
456 | lu_2020_account_62415 | 62415 | Complementary pensions paid by the employer | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
457 | lu_2020_account_6248 | 6248 | Other staff expenses not mentioned above | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
458 | lu_2011_account_6311 | 6311 | AVA on set-up and start-up costs | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
459 | lu_2011_account_6313 | 6313 | AVA on expenses for capital increases and various operations (mergers, demergers, changes of legal form) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
460 | lu_2011_account_6314 | 6314 | AVA on loan-issuance expenses | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
461 | lu_2011_account_6318 | 6318 | AVA on other similar expenses | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
462 | lu_2011_account_6321 | 6321 | AVA on development costs | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
463 | lu_2011_account_6322 | 6322 | AVA on concessions, patents, licences, trademarks and similar rights and assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
464 | lu_2011_account_6323 | 6323 | AVA on goodwill acquired for consideration | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
465 | lu_2011_account_6324 | 6324 | AVA on down payments and intangible fixed assets under development | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
466 | lu_2011_account_63311 | 63311 | AVA on land | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
467 | lu_2011_account_63312 | 63312 | AVA on fixtures and fittings-out of land | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
468 | lu_2011_account_63313 | 63313 | AVA on buildings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
469 | lu_2020_account_63314 | 63314 | AVA on fixtures and fittings-out of buildings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
470 | lu_2020_account_63315 | 63315 | FVA on investment properties | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
471 | lu_2011_account_6332 | 6332 | AVA on plant and machinery | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
472 | lu_2011_account_6333 | 6333 | AVA on other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment (including rolling stock) | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
473 | lu_2011_account_6334 | 6334 | AVA on down payments and tangible fixed assets under development | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
474 | lu_2011_account_6341 | 6341 | AVA on inventories of raw materials and consumables | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
475 | lu_2011_account_6342 | 6342 | AVA on inventories of work and contracts in progress | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
476 | lu_2011_account_6343 | 6343 | AVA on inventories of goods | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
477 | lu_2011_account_6344 | 6344 | AVA on inventories of merchandise and other goods for resale | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
478 | lu_2011_account_6345 | 6345 | AVA on down payments on inventories | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
479 | lu_2011_account_6351 | 6351 | AVA on trade receivables | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
480 | lu_2011_account_6352 | 6352 | AVA on amounts owed by affiliated undertakings and undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
481 | lu_2011_account_6353 | 6353 | AVA on other receivables | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
482 | lu_2020_account_6354 | 6354 | FVA on receivables from current assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
483 | lu_2011_account_6411 | 6411 | Concessions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
484 | lu_2011_account_6412 | 6412 | Patents | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
485 | lu_2011_account_6413 | 6413 | Software licences | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
486 | lu_2011_account_6414 | 6414 | Trademarks and franchise | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
487 | lu_2011_account_64151 | 64151 | Copyrights and reproduction rights | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
488 | lu_2011_account_64158 | 64158 | Other similar rights and assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
489 | lu_2011_account_642 | 642 | Indemnities, damages and interest | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
490 | lu_2020_account_6431 | 6431 | Attendance fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
491 | lu_2020_account_6432 | 6432 | Director's fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
492 | lu_2020_account_6438 | 6438 | Other similar remuneration | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
493 | lu_2020_account_64411 | 64411 | Book value of yielded intangible fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
494 | lu_2020_account_64412 | 64412 | Disposal proceeds of intangible fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
495 | lu_2020_account_64421 | 64421 | Book value of yielded tangible fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
496 | lu_2020_account_64422 | 64422 | Disposal proceeds of tangible fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
497 | lu_2011_account_6451 | 6451 | Trade receivables | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
498 | lu_2011_account_6452 | 6452 | Amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
499 | lu_2011_account_6453 | 6453 | Amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
500 | lu_2020_account_6454 | 6454 | Other receivables | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
501 | lu_2011_account_6461 | 6461 | Real property tax | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
502 | lu_2011_account_6462 | 6462 | Non-refundable VAT | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
503 | lu_2020_account_6463 | 6463 | Duties on imported merchandise | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
504 | lu_2011_account_6464 | 6464 | Excise duties on production and tax on consumption | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
505 | lu_2011_account_64651 | 64651 | Registration fees | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
506 | lu_2011_account_64658 | 64658 | Other registration fees, stamp duties and mortgage duties | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
507 | lu_2011_account_6466 | 6466 | Motor-vehicle taxes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
508 | lu_2011_account_6467 | 6467 | Bar licence tax | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
509 | lu_2011_account_6468 | 6468 | Other duties and taxes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
510 | lu_2011_account_647 | 647 | Allocations to tax-exempt capital gains | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
511 | lu_2020_account_6481 | 6481 | Fines, sanctions and penalties | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
512 | lu_2020_account_6488 | 6488 | Miscellaneous operating charges | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
513 | lu_2020_account_6491 | 6491 | Allocations to tax provisions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
514 | lu_2020_account_6492 | 6492 | Allocations to operating provisions | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
515 | lu_2011_account_65111 | 65111 | AVA on shares in affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
516 | lu_2011_account_65112 | 65112 | AVA on amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
517 | lu_2011_account_65113 | 65113 | AVA on participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
518 | lu_2011_account_65114 | 65114 | AVA on amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
519 | lu_2011_account_65115 | 65115 | AVA on securities held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
520 | lu_2011_account_65116 | 65116 | AVA on loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
521 | lu_2011_account_6512 | 6512 | FVA on financial fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
522 | lu_2020_account_65211 | 65211 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
523 | lu_2020_account_65212 | 65212 | Amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
524 | lu_2020_account_65213 | 65213 | Participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
525 | lu_2020_account_65214 | 65214 | Amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
526 | lu_2020_account_65215 | 65215 | Securities held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
527 | lu_2020_account_65216 | 65216 | Loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
528 | lu_2020_account_652211 | 652211 | Book value of yielded shares in affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
529 | lu_2020_account_652212 | 652212 | Disposal proceeds of shares in affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
530 | lu_2020_account_652221 | 652221 | Book value of yielded amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
531 | lu_2020_account_652222 | 652222 | Disposal proceeds of amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
532 | lu_2020_account_652231 | 652231 | Book value of yielded participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
533 | lu_2020_account_652232 | 652232 | Disposal proceeds of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
534 | lu_2020_account_652241 | 652241 | Book value of yielded amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
535 | lu_2020_account_652242 | 652242 | Disposal proceeds of amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
536 | lu_2020_account_652251 | 652251 | Book value of yielded securities held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
537 | lu_2020_account_652252 | 652252 | Disposal proceeds of securities held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
538 | lu_2020_account_652261 | 652261 | Book value of yielded loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
539 | lu_2020_account_652262 | 652262 | Disposal proceeds of loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
540 | lu_2011_account_65311 | 65311 | AVA on shares in affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
541 | lu_2011_account_65312 | 65312 | AVA on own shares or own corporate units | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
542 | lu_2011_account_65313 | 65313 | AVA on shares in undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
543 | lu_2011_account_65318 | 65318 | AVA on other transferable securities | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
544 | lu_2011_account_6532 | 6532 | FVA on transferable securities | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
545 | lu_2020_account_65411 | 65411 | From affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
546 | lu_2020_account_65412 | 65412 | From undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
547 | lu_2020_account_65413 | 65413 | From other receivables from current assets | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
548 | lu_2020_account_65421 | 65421 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
549 | lu_2020_account_65422 | 65422 | Own shares or corporate units | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
550 | lu_2020_account_65423 | 65423 | Shares in undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
551 | lu_2020_account_65428 | 65428 | Other transferable securities | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
552 | lu_2011_account_65511 | 65511 | Interest on debenture loans - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
553 | lu_2011_account_65512 | 65512 | Interest on debenture loans - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
554 | lu_2011_account_65521 | 65521 | Banking interest on current accounts | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
555 | lu_2011_account_65522 | 65522 | Banking interest on financing operations | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
556 | lu_2020_account_655231 | 655231 | Interest on financial leases - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
557 | lu_2020_account_655232 | 655232 | Interest on financial leases - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
558 | lu_2011_account_6553 | 6553 | Interest on trade payables | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
559 | lu_2020_account_65541 | 65541 | Interest payable to affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
560 | lu_2020_account_65542 | 65542 | Interest payable to undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
561 | lu_2020_account_65551 | 65551 | Discounts and charges on bills of exchange - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
562 | lu_2020_account_65552 | 65552 | Discounts and charges on bills of exchange - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
563 | lu_2020_account_65561 | 65561 | Granted discounts - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
564 | lu_2020_account_65562 | 65562 | Granted discounts - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
565 | lu_2011_account_657 | 657 | Share in the losses of undertakings accounted for under the equity method | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
566 | lu_2020_account_65581 | 65581 | Interest payable on other loans and debts - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
567 | lu_2020_account_65582 | 65582 | Interest payable on other loans and debts - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
568 | lu_2020_account_6561 | 6561 | Foreign currency exchange losses - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
569 | lu_2020_account_6562 | 6562 | Foreign currency exchange losses - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
570 | lu_2020_account_6581 | 6581 | Other financial charges - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
571 | lu_2020_account_6582 | 6582 | Other financial charges - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
572 | lu_2020_account_6591 | 6591 | Allocations to financial provisions - affiliated undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
573 | lu_2020_account_6592 | 6592 | Allocations to financial provisions - other | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
574 | lu_2011_account_6711 | 6711 | CIT - current financial year | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
575 | lu_2011_account_6712 | 6712 | CIT - previous financial years | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
576 | lu_2011_account_6721 | 6721 | MBT - current financial year | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
577 | lu_2011_account_6722 | 6722 | MBT - previous financial years | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
578 | lu_2011_account_6731 | 6731 | Withholding taxes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
579 | lu_2011_account_67321 | 67321 | Current financial year | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
580 | lu_2011_account_67322 | 67322 | Previous financial years | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
581 | lu_2011_account_6733 | 6733 | Taxes levied on non-resident undertakings | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
582 | lu_2011_account_6738 | 6738 | Other foreign income taxes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
583 | lu_2020_account_679 | 679 | Allocations to provisions for deferred taxes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
584 | lu_2011_account_6811 | 6811 | NWT - current financial year | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
585 | lu_2011_account_6812 | 6812 | NWT - previous financial years | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
586 | lu_2011_account_682 | 682 | Subscription tax | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
587 | lu_2011_account_683 | 683 | Foreign taxes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
588 | lu_2011_account_688 | 688 | Other taxes | expense | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
589 | lu_2020_account_7021 | 7021 | Sales of finished goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
590 | lu_2020_account_7022 | 7022 | Sales of semi-finished goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
591 | lu_2020_account_7023 | 7023 | Sales of residual products | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
592 | lu_2020_account_7029 | 7029 | Sales of work in progress | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
593 | lu_2020_account_703001 | 703001 | Sale of Services | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
594 | lu_2020_account_70311 | 70311 | Concessions | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
595 | lu_2020_account_70312 | 70312 | Patents | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
596 | lu_2020_account_70313 | 70313 | Software licences | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
597 | lu_2020_account_70314 | 70314 | Trademarks and franchises | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
598 | lu_2020_account_703151 | 703151 | Copyrights and reproduction rights | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
599 | lu_2020_account_703158 | 703158 | Other similar rights and assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
600 | lu_2020_account_70321 | 70321 | Rental income from real property | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
601 | lu_2020_account_70322 | 70322 | Rental income from movable property | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
602 | lu_2020_account_7033 | 7033 | Sales of services not mentioned above | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
603 | lu_2020_account_7039 | 7039 | Sales of services in the course of completion | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
604 | lu_2011_account_704 | 704 | Sales of packaging | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
605 | lu_2020_account_705 | 705 | Commissions and brokerage fees | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
606 | lu_2020_account_7061 | 7061 | Sales of merchandise | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
607 | lu_2020_account_7062 | 7062 | Sales of land resale | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
608 | lu_2020_account_7063 | 7063 | Sales of buildings for resale | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
609 | lu_2020_account_708 | 708 | Other components of turnover | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
610 | lu_2011_account_7092 | 7092 | RDR on sales of goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
611 | lu_2011_account_7093 | 7093 | RDR on sales of services | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
612 | lu_2011_account_7094 | 7094 | RDR on sales of packages | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
613 | lu_2011_account_7095 | 7095 | RDR on commissions and brokerage fees | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
614 | lu_2011_account_7096 | 7096 | RDR on sales of merchandise and other goods for resale | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
615 | lu_2011_account_7098 | 7098 | RDR on other components of turnover | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
616 | lu_2020_account_7099 | 7099 | Not allocated rebates, discounts and refunds | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
617 | lu_2011_account_7111 | 7111 | Change in inventories of work in progress | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
618 | lu_2011_account_7112 | 7112 | Change in inventories: contracts in progress - goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
619 | lu_2011_account_7113 | 7113 | Change in inventories: contracts in progress - services | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
620 | lu_2011_account_7114 | 7114 | Change in inventories: buildings under construction | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
621 | lu_2011_account_7121 | 7121 | Change in inventories of finished goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
622 | lu_2011_account_7122 | 7122 | Change in inventories of semi-finished goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
623 | lu_2011_account_7123 | 7123 | Change in inventories of residual goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
624 | lu_2011_account_7211 | 7211 | Development costs | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
625 | lu_2011_account_72121 | 72121 | Concessions | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
626 | lu_2011_account_72122 | 72122 | Patents | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
627 | lu_2011_account_72123 | 72123 | Software licences | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
628 | lu_2011_account_72124 | 72124 | Trademarks and franchises | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
629 | lu_2011_account_721251 | 721251 | Copyrights and reproduction rights | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
630 | lu_2011_account_721258 | 721258 | Other similar rights and assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
631 | lu_2011_account_7221 | 7221 | Land, fittings and buildings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
632 | lu_2011_account_7222 | 7222 | Plant and machinery | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
633 | lu_2011_account_7223 | 7223 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment (included motor vehicles) | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
634 | lu_2020_account_7321 | 7321 | RVA on development costs | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
635 | lu_2011_account_7322 | 7322 | RVA on concessions, patents, licences, trademarks and similar rights and assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
636 | lu_2011_account_7324 | 7324 | RVA on down payments and intangible fixed assets under development | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
637 | lu_2011_account_73311 | 73311 | RVA on land | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
638 | lu_2011_account_73312 | 73312 | RVA on fixtures and fittings-out of land | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
639 | lu_2011_account_73313 | 73313 | RVA on buildings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
640 | lu_2011_account_73314 | 73314 | RVA on fixtures and fittings-out of buildings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
641 | lu_2020_account_73315 | 73315 | FVA on investment properties | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
642 | lu_2011_account_7332 | 7332 | RVA on plant and machinery | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
643 | lu_2011_account_7333 | 7333 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment (included motor vehicles) | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
644 | lu_2011_account_7334 | 7334 | RVA on down payments and tangible fixed assets under development | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
645 | lu_2011_account_7341 | 7341 | RVA on inventories of raw materials and consumables | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
646 | lu_2011_account_7342 | 7342 | RVA on inventories of work and contracts in progress | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
647 | lu_2011_account_7343 | 7343 | RVA on inventories of goods | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
648 | lu_2011_account_7344 | 7344 | RVA on inventories of merchandise and other goods for resale | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
649 | lu_2011_account_7345 | 7345 | RVA on down payments on inventories | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
650 | lu_2011_account_7351 | 7351 | RVA on trade receivables | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
651 | lu_2011_account_7352 | 7352 | RVA on amounts owed by affiliated undertakings and undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
652 | lu_2011_account_7353 | 7353 | RVA on other receivables | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
653 | lu_2020_account_7354 | 7354 | FVA on receivables from current assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
654 | lu_2011_account_7411 | 7411 | Concessions | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
655 | lu_2011_account_7412 | 7412 | Patents | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
656 | lu_2011_account_7413 | 7413 | Software licences | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
657 | lu_2011_account_7414 | 7414 | Trademarks and franchises | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
658 | lu_2011_account_74151 | 74151 | Copyrights and reproduction rights | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
659 | lu_2011_account_74158 | 74158 | Other similar rights and assets | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
660 | lu_2020_account_7421 | 7421 | Rental income on real property | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
661 | lu_2020_account_7422 | 7422 | Rental income on movable property | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
662 | lu_2011_account_743 | 743 | Attendance fees, director's fees and similar remunerations | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
663 | lu_2020_account_74411 | 74411 | Book value of yielded intangible fixed assets | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
664 | lu_2020_account_74412 | 74412 | Disposal proceeds of intangible fixed assets | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
665 | lu_2020_account_74421 | 74421 | Book value of yielded tangible fixed assets | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
666 | lu_2020_account_74422 | 74422 | Disposal proceeds of tangible fixed assets | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
667 | lu_2020_account_7451 | 7451 | Product subsidies | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
668 | lu_2020_account_7452 | 7452 | Interest subsidies | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
669 | lu_2020_account_7453 | 7453 | Compensatory allowances | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
670 | lu_2020_account_7454 | 7454 | Subsidies in favour of employment development | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
671 | lu_2020_account_7458 | 7458 | Other subsidies for operating activities | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
672 | lu_2011_account_746 | 746 | Benefits in kind | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
673 | lu_2011_account_7471 | 7471 | Temporarily not taxable capital gains not reinvested | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
674 | lu_2011_account_7472 | 7472 | Temporarily not taxable capital gains reinvested | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
675 | lu_2011_account_7473 | 7473 | Capital investment subsidies | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
676 | lu_2020_account_7481 | 7481 | Insurance indemnities | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
677 | lu_2020_account_7488 | 7488 | Miscellaneous operating income | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
678 | lu_2020_account_7491 | 7491 | Reversals of provisions for taxes | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
679 | lu_2020_account_7492 | 7492 | Reversals of operating provisions | income_other | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
680 | lu_2011_account_75111 | 75111 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
681 | lu_2011_account_75112 | 75112 | Amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
682 | lu_2011_account_75113 | 75113 | Participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
683 | lu_2011_account_75114 | 75114 | Amounts owed by undertakings with which the company is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
684 | lu_2011_account_75115 | 75115 | Securities held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
685 | lu_2011_account_75116 | 75116 | Loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
686 | lu_2011_account_7512 | 7512 | FVA on financial fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
687 | lu_2020_account_75211 | 75211 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
688 | lu_2020_account_75212 | 75212 | Amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
689 | lu_2020_account_75213 | 75213 | Participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
690 | lu_2020_account_75214 | 75214 | Amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
691 | lu_2020_account_75215 | 75215 | Securities held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
692 | lu_2020_account_75216 | 75216 | Loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
693 | lu_2020_account_752211 | 752211 | Book value of yielded shares in affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
694 | lu_2020_account_752212 | 752212 | Disposal proceeds of shares in affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
695 | lu_2020_account_752221 | 752221 | Book value of yielded amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
696 | lu_2020_account_752222 | 752222 | Disposal proceeds of amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
697 | lu_2020_account_752231 | 752231 | Book value of yielded participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
698 | lu_2020_account_752232 | 752232 | Disposal proceeds of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
699 | lu_2020_account_752241 | 752241 | Book value of yielded amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
700 | lu_2020_account_752242 | 752242 | Disposal proceeds of amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
701 | lu_2020_account_752251 | 752251 | Book value of yielded securities held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
702 | lu_2020_account_752252 | 752252 | Disposal proceeds of securities held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
703 | lu_2020_account_752261 | 752261 | Book value of yielded loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
704 | lu_2020_account_752262 | 752262 | Disposal proceed of loans, deposits and claims held as fixed assets | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
705 | lu_2020_account_75311 | 75311 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
706 | lu_2020_account_75312 | 75312 | Own shares or corporate units | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
707 | lu_2020_account_75313 | 75313 | Shares in undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
708 | lu_2020_account_75318 | 75318 | Other transferable securities | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
709 | lu_2011_account_7532 | 7532 | Fair value adjustments on transferable securities | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
710 | lu_2011_account_75411 | 75411 | On affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
711 | lu_2011_account_75412 | 75412 | On undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
712 | lu_2011_account_75413 | 75413 | On other current receivables | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
713 | lu_2020_account_75421 | 75421 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
714 | lu_2020_account_75422 | 75422 | Own shares or corporate units | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
715 | lu_2020_account_75423 | 75423 | Shares in undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
716 | lu_2020_account_75428 | 75428 | Other transferable securities | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
717 | lu_2011_account_75481 | 75481 | Shares in affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
718 | lu_2011_account_75482 | 75482 | Own shares or corporate units | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
719 | lu_2011_account_75483 | 75483 | Shares in undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
720 | lu_2011_account_75488 | 75488 | Other transferable securities | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
721 | lu_2011_account_75521 | 75521 | Interest on bank accounts | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
722 | lu_2020_account_755231 | 755231 | From affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
723 | lu_2020_account_755232 | 755232 | From other | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
724 | lu_2011_account_7553 | 7553 | Interest on trade receivables | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
725 | lu_2020_account_75541 | 75541 | Interest on amounts owed by affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
726 | lu_2020_account_75542 | 75542 | Interest on amounts owed by undertakings with which the undertaking is linked by virtue of participating interests | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
727 | lu_2020_account_75551 | 75551 | Discounts on bills of exchange - affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
728 | lu_2020_account_75552 | 75552 | Discounts on bills of exchange - other | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
729 | lu_2020_account_75561 | 75561 | Discounts received - affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
730 | lu_2020_account_75562 | 75562 | Discounts received - other | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
731 | lu_2020_account_75581 | 75581 | Interest on other amounts receivable - affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
732 | lu_2020_account_75582 | 75582 | Interest on other amounts receivable - other | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
733 | lu_2020_account_7561 | 7561 | Foreign currency exchange gains - affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
734 | lu_2020_account_7562 | 7562 | Foreign currency exchange gains - other | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
735 | lu_2011_account_757 | 757 | Share of profit from undertakings accounted for under the equity method | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
736 | lu_2020_account_7581 | 7581 | Other financial income - affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
737 | lu_2020_account_7582 | 7582 | Other financial income - other | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
738 | lu_2020_account_7591 | 7591 | Reversals of financial provisions - affiliated undertakings | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
739 | lu_2020_account_7592 | 7592 | Reversals of financial provisions - other | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
740 | lu_2011_account_771 | 771 | Adjustments of corporate income tax (CIT) | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
741 | lu_2011_account_772 | 772 | Adjustments of municipal business tax (MBT) | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
742 | lu_2011_account_773 | 773 | Adjustments of foreign income taxes | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
743 | lu_2020_account_779 | 779 | Reversals of provisions for deferred taxes | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
744 | lu_2011_account_781 | 781 | Adjustments of net wealth tax (NWT) | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
745 | lu_2011_account_782 | 782 | Adjustments of subscription tax | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
746 | lu_2011_account_783 | 783 | Adjustments of foreign taxes | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |
747 | lu_2011_account_788 | 788 | Adjustments of other taxes | income | FALSE | lu_2011_chart_1 |