5.8 KiB
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1 | id | code_prefix_start | name | chart_template_id/id |
2 | gd_acc_group_0 | 0 | Long-term assets | gd_chart |
3 | gd_acc_group_00 | 00 | Intangible assets and long-term accrued costs and deferred revenue | gd_chart |
4 | gd_acc_group_01 | 01 | Investment property | gd_chart |
5 | gd_acc_group_02 | 02 | Real estate | gd_chart |
6 | gd_acc_group_03 | 03 | Impairment and impairment of real estate | gd_chart |
7 | gd_acc_group_04 | 04 | Equipment and other tangible fixed assets | gd_chart |
8 | gd_acc_group_05 | 05 | Adjustment and impairment of equipment and other property, plant and equipment | gd_chart |
9 | gd_acc_group_06 | 06 | Long-term financial investments, except loans | gd_chart |
10 | gd_acc_group_07 | 07 | Long-term loans and receivables given for unpaid called-up capital | gd_chart |
11 | gd_acc_group_08 | 08 | Long-term operating receivables | gd_chart |
12 | gd_acc_group_09 | 09 | Deferred tax assets | gd_chart |
13 | gd_acc_group_1 | 1 | Short-term assets, except inventories, and short-term accrued and deferred income | gd_chart |
14 | gd_acc_group_10 | 10 | Cash on hand and immediately realizable securities | gd_chart |
15 | gd_acc_group_11 | 11 | Balances with banks and other financial institutions | gd_chart |
16 | gd_acc_group_12 | 12 | Short-term trade receivables | gd_chart |
17 | gd_acc_group_13 | 13 | Short-term advances and securities given | gd_chart |
18 | gd_acc_group_14 | 14 | Short-term operating receivables for a foreign account | gd_chart |
19 | gd_acc_group_15 | 15 | Short-term receivables related to financial income | gd_chart |
20 | gd_acc_group_16 | 16 | Other short-term receivables | gd_chart |
21 | gd_acc_group_17 | 17 | Short-term financial investments, except loans | gd_chart |
22 | gd_acc_group_18 | 18 | Short-term loans and short-term receivables for unpaid capital | gd_chart |
23 | gd_acc_group_19 | 19 | Short-term accrued costs and deferred revenue | gd_chart |
24 | gd_acc_group_2 | 2 | Short-term liabilities (debt) and short-term accrued and deferred income | gd_chart |
25 | gd_acc_group_21 | 21 | Liabilities included in disposal groups | gd_chart |
26 | gd_acc_group_22 | 22 | Short-term liabilities (debts) to suppliers | gd_chart |
27 | gd_acc_group_23 | 23 | Short-term advances and securities received | gd_chart |
28 | gd_acc_group_24 | 24 | Short-term operating liabilities for a foreign account | gd_chart |
29 | gd_acc_group_25 | 25 | Short-term wage liabilities | gd_chart |
30 | gd_acc_group_26 | 26 | Liabilities to state and other institutions | gd_chart |
31 | gd_acc_group_27 | 27 | Short-term financial liabilities | gd_chart |
32 | gd_acc_group_28 | 28 | Other current liabilities | gd_chart |
33 | gd_acc_group_29 | 29 | Shorthand passive time relations | gd_chart |
34 | gd_acc_group_3 | 3 | Stocks of raw materials | gd_chart |
35 | gd_acc_group_30 | 30 | Accounting for the purchase of raw materials and supplies (including small inventory and packaging) | gd_chart |
36 | gd_acc_group_31 | 31 | Inventories of raw materials and supplies | gd_chart |
37 | gd_acc_group_32 | 32 | Stocks of small inventory and packaging | gd_chart |
38 | gd_acc_group_4 | 4 | Costs | gd_chart |
39 | gd_acc_group_40 | 40 | Material costs | gd_chart |
40 | gd_acc_group_41 | 41 | Cost of service | gd_chart |
41 | gd_acc_group_43 | 43 | Depreciation | gd_chart |
42 | gd_acc_group_44 | 44 | Reservations | gd_chart |
43 | gd_acc_group_45 | 45 | Interest costs | gd_chart |
44 | gd_acc_group_47 | 47 | Labor costs | gd_chart |
45 | gd_acc_group_48 | 48 | Other costs | gd_chart |
46 | gd_acc_group_49 | 49 | Cost transfer | gd_chart |
47 | gd_acc_group_6 | 6 | Inventories of products, services, goods and non-current assets (disposal groups) for sale | gd_chart |
48 | gd_acc_group_60 | 60 | Work in progress and services | gd_chart |
49 | gd_acc_group_61 | 61 | Stocks of crops (harvested) from biological assets | gd_chart |
50 | gd_acc_group_63 | 63 | Products | gd_chart |
51 | gd_acc_group_65 | 65 | Accounting for the purchase of goods | gd_chart |
52 | gd_acc_group_66 | 66 | Stocks of goods | gd_chart |
53 | gd_acc_group_67 | 67 | Non-current assets (disposal groups) for sale | gd_chart |
54 | gd_acc_group_7 | 7 | Expenses and revenues | gd_chart |
55 | gd_acc_group_70 | 70 | Operating expenses (I. version of the income statement) | gd_chart |
56 | gd_acc_group_71 | 71 | Operating expenses (II. Version of the income statement) | gd_chart |
57 | gd_acc_group_72 | 72 | Revaluation operating expenses | gd_chart |
58 | gd_acc_group_74 | 74 | Financial expenses | gd_chart |
59 | gd_acc_group_75 | 75 | Other expenses | gd_chart |
60 | gd_acc_group_76 | 76 | Business income | gd_chart |
61 | gd_acc_group_77 | 77 | Financial income | gd_chart |
62 | gd_acc_group_78 | 78 | Other incomes | gd_chart |
63 | gd_acc_group_79 | 79 | Capitalize own products and own services | gd_chart |
64 | gd_acc_group_8 | 8 | Profit or loss | gd_chart |
65 | gd_acc_group_80 | 80 | Profit or loss before tax | gd_chart |
66 | gd_acc_group_81 | 81 | Distribution of profit and / or total surplus revenue | gd_chart |
67 | gd_acc_group_82 | 82 | Allocation of net profit for the financial year or net surplus of revenues | gd_chart |
68 | gd_acc_group_89 | 89 | Net loss or net surplus of expenses and transfer of net loss or net surplus of expenses | gd_chart |
69 | gd_acc_group_9 | 9 | Capital, long-term liabilities (debt) and long-term provisions | gd_chart |
70 | gd_acc_group_90 | 90 | Called-up and initial capital and founding deposits | gd_chart |
71 | gd_acc_group_91 | 91 | Capital reserves and transfers of funds | gd_chart |
72 | gd_acc_group_92 | 92 | Profit reserves or allocated net surplus of revenues | gd_chart |
73 | gd_acc_group_93 | 93 | Net profit or net loss or unallocated net surplus of revenues or net surplus of expenses | gd_chart |
74 | gd_acc_group_94 | 94 | Revaluation reserves | gd_chart |
75 | gd_acc_group_95 | 95 | Reserves arising from fair value measurement | gd_chart |
76 | gd_acc_group_96 | 96 | Provisions and long-term accrued costs and deferred revenue | gd_chart |
77 | gd_acc_group_97 | 97 | Long-term financial liabilities | gd_chart |
78 | gd_acc_group_98 | 98 | Long-term operating liabilities | gd_chart |
79 | gd_acc_group_99 | 99 | Off-balance sheet accounts | gd_chart |