604 B
604 B
Spain, 2020-05-19
Sygel Technology S.L. agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
Harald Panten harald.panten@sygel.es https://github.com/HaraldPanten
List of contributors:
Harald Panten harald.panten@sygel.es https://github.com/HaraldPanten Valentín Vinagre valentin.vinagre@sygel.es https://github.com/ValentinVinagre Manuel Regidor manuel.regidor@sygel.es https://github.com/manuelregidor Alberto Martínez alberto.martinez@sygel.es https://github.com/tisho99