6.5 KiB
6.5 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile |
2 | au_11110 | 11110 | Bank | asset_cash | False |
3 | au_11130 | 11130 | Petty Cash | asset_cash | False |
4 | au_11140 | 11140 | Cash Drawer | asset_cash | False |
5 | au_11180 | 11180 | Undeposited Funds | asset_current | True |
6 | au_11190 | 11190 | Electronic Clearing | asset_current | True |
7 | au_11200 | 11200 | Trade Debtors | asset_receivable | True |
8 | au_11201 | 11201 | Trade Debtors (PoS) | asset_receivable | True |
9 | au_11210 | 11210 | Less Prov'n for Doubtful Debts | asset_current | False |
10 | au_11310 | 11310 | Raw Materials | asset_current | False |
11 | au_11320 | 11320 | Finished Goods | asset_current | False |
12 | au_11330 | 11330 | Trading Stock on Hand | asset_current | False |
13 | au_11340 | 11340 | Goods Shipped not Invoiced | asset_current | False |
14 | au_11350 | 11350 | Work In Process (Inventory) | asset_current | False |
15 | au_12100 | 12100 | Deposits Paid | asset_prepayments | False |
16 | au_12200 | 12200 | Prepaid Insurance | asset_current | False |
17 | au_13110 | 13110 | Manufacturing Plant at Cost | asset_fixed | False |
18 | au_13120 | 13120 | Manufac. Plant Accum Dep | asset_fixed | False |
19 | au_13130 | 13130 | Manufacturing Equipment Cost | asset_fixed | False |
20 | au_13140 | 13140 | Manufac. Equip Accum Dep | asset_fixed | False |
21 | au_13210 | 13210 | Furniture & Fixtures at Cost | asset_fixed | False |
22 | au_13220 | 13220 | Furniture & Fixtures Accum Dep | asset_fixed | False |
23 | au_13310 | 13310 | Office Equip at Cost | asset_fixed | False |
24 | au_13320 | 13320 | Office Equip Accum Dep | asset_fixed | False |
25 | au_13410 | 13410 | Motor Vehicles at Cost | asset_fixed | False |
26 | au_13420 | 13420 | Motor Vehicles Accum Dep | asset_fixed | False |
27 | au_21110 | 21110 | Credit Card | liability_current | False |
28 | au_21200 | 21200 | Trade Creditors | liability_payable | True |
29 | au_21210 | 21210 | Goods Received not Billed | liability_current | False |
30 | au_21300 | 21300 | Wages & Salaries | liability_current | True |
31 | au_21310 | 21310 | GST Collected | liability_current | False |
32 | au_21320 | 21320 | BAS Payments | liability_current | False |
33 | au_21330 | 21330 | GST Paid | asset_current | False |
34 | au_21350 | 21350 | Fuel Tax Credits Accrued | liability_current | False |
35 | au_21355 | 21355 | WET Payable | liability_current | False |
36 | au_21360 | 21360 | Import Duty Payable | liability_current | False |
37 | au_21370 | 21370 | Voluntary Withholdings Payable | liability_current | False |
38 | au_21380 | 21380 | ABN Withholdings Payable | liability_current | False |
39 | au_21400 | 21400 | Superannuation | liability_current | False |
40 | au_21410 | 21410 | Payroll Accruals Payable | liability_current | False |
41 | au_21420 | 21420 | PAYG Withholding Payable | liability_current | False |
42 | au_21500 | 21500 | Child Support | liability_current | False |
43 | au_21600 | 21600 | Customer Deposits | liability_current | False |
44 | au_21700 | 21700 | Other Current Liabilities | liability_current | False |
45 | au_22100 | 22100 | Mortgages Payable | liability_non_current | False |
46 | au_22200 | 22200 | Notes Payable | liability_non_current | False |
47 | au_22300 | 22300 | Other Long Term Liabilities | liability_non_current | False |
48 | au_31100 | 31100 | Capital Investment | equity | False |
49 | au_31200 | 31200 | Capital Drawings | equity | False |
50 | au_38000 | 38000 | Retained Earnings | equity | False |
51 | au_39000 | 39000 | Current Year Earnings | equity_unaffected | False |
52 | au_39999 | 39999 | Historical Balancing | equity | False |
53 | au_41110 | 41110 | Sales Product #1 | income | False |
54 | au_41120 | 41120 | Sales Product #2 | income | False |
55 | au_41130 | 41130 | Sales Product #3 | income | False |
56 | au_42000 | 42000 | Wholesale Sales | income | False |
57 | au_43000 | 43000 | Consignment Sales | income | False |
58 | au_44000 | 44000 | Freight Income | income | False |
59 | au_45000 | 45000 | Late Fees Collected | income_other | False |
60 | au_46000 | 46000 | Miscellaneous Income | income_other | False |
61 | au_47000 | 47000 | Fuel Tax Credits | income_other | False |
62 | au_51110 | 51110 | Cost of Goods Sold #1 | expense_direct_cost | False |
63 | au_51120 | 51120 | Cost of Goods Sold # 2 | expense_direct_cost | False |
64 | au_51130 | 51130 | Cost of Goods Sold # 3 | expense_direct_cost | False |
65 | au_52000 | 52000 | Wholesale Cost of Sales | expense_direct_cost | False |
66 | au_53000 | 53000 | Consignment Cost of Sales | expense_direct_cost | False |
67 | au_54000 | 54000 | Wages for Production Labour | expense_direct_cost | False |
68 | au_55000 | 55000 | Materials & Supplies | expense_direct_cost | False |
69 | au_56000 | 56000 | Freight | expense_direct_cost | False |
70 | au_57000 | 57000 | Other Costs | expense_direct_cost | False |
71 | au_61000 | 61000 | Advertising | expense | False |
72 | au_61200 | 61200 | Car & Truck Expenses | expense | False |
73 | au_61300 | 61300 | Commissions Paid | expense | False |
74 | au_61500 | 61500 | Depreciation Expense | expense_depreciation | False |
75 | au_61610 | 61610 | Discounts Given | expense | False |
76 | au_61620 | 61620 | Discounts Taken | expense | False |
77 | au_61630 | 61630 | Exchange Rate Loss | expense | False |
78 | au_61640 | 61640 | Exchange Rate Gain | income | False |
79 | au_61700 | 61700 | Freight Paid | expense | False |
80 | au_61800 | 61800 | Insurance | expense | False |
81 | au_61910 | 61910 | Overdraft Interest | expense | False |
82 | au_61920 | 61920 | Mortgage Interest | expense | False |
83 | au_61930 | 61930 | Other Interest | expense | False |
84 | au_62000 | 62000 | Late Fees Paid | expense | False |
85 | au_62110 | 62110 | Machinery & Equipment | expense | False |
86 | au_62120 | 62120 | Other Business Property | expense | False |
87 | au_62200 | 62200 | Legal & Professional Services | expense | False |
88 | au_62300 | 62300 | Office Expenses | expense | False |
89 | au_62410 | 62410 | Staff Amenities | expense | False |
90 | au_62420 | 62420 | Superannuation | expense | False |
91 | au_62430 | 62430 | Wages & Salaries | expense | False |
92 | au_62440 | 62440 | Workers' Compensation | expense | False |
93 | au_62450 | 62450 | Other Employer Expenses | expense | False |
94 | au_62460 | 62460 | Child Support | expense | False |
95 | au_62500 | 62500 | Repairs | expense | False |
96 | au_62550 | 62550 | Shrinkage/Spoilage | expense | False |
97 | au_62600 | 62600 | Supplies | expense | False |
98 | au_62700 | 62700 | Taxes | expense | False |
99 | au_62800 | 62800 | Telephone | expense | False |
100 | au_62910 | 62910 | Gas | expense | False |
101 | au_62920 | 62920 | Electricity | expense | False |
102 | au_62930 | 62930 | Water | expense | False |
103 | au_63110 | 63110 | Travel | expense | False |
104 | au_63120 | 63120 | Meals & Entertainment | expense | False |
105 | au_81000 | 81000 | Interest Income | income_other | False |
106 | au_91000 | 91000 | Interest Expense | expense | False |
107 | au_92000 | 92000 | Income Tax Expense | expense | False |