10 KiB
10 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile |
2 | rw_102 | 102 | Cash Equivalents | asset_cash | False |
3 | rw_104 | 104 | Internal Transfers of Funds | asset_current | False |
4 | rw_106 | 106 | Other current assets | asset_current | False |
5 | rw_107 | 107 | Tax paid | asset_current | False |
6 | rw_108 | 108 | Tax receivable | asset_current | False |
7 | rw_110 | 110 | Property, Plant And Equipment | asset_fixed | False |
8 | rw_111 | 111 | Land And Land Improvements | asset_fixed | False |
9 | rw_112 | 112 | Buildings, Structures And Improvements | asset_fixed | False |
10 | rw_113 | 113 | Machinery And Equipment | asset_fixed | False |
11 | rw_114 | 114 | Furniture And Fixtures | asset_fixed | False |
12 | rw_115 | 115 | Right Of Use Assets (Classified As PP&E) | asset_fixed | False |
13 | rw_116 | 116 | Additional Property, Plant And Equipment | asset_fixed | False |
14 | rw_117 | 117 | Construction In Progress | asset_non_current | False |
15 | rw_121 | 121 | Investment Property | asset_non_current | False |
16 | rw_122 | 122 | Investment Property Under Construction Or Development | asset_non_current | False |
17 | rw_130 | 130 | Goodwill | asset_non_current | False |
18 | rw_135 | 135 | Advances for Capital Assets | asset_non_current | False |
19 | rw_140 | 140 | Intangible Assets (Excluding Goodwill) | asset_non_current | False |
20 | rw_141 | 141 | Intellectual Property | asset_fixed | False |
21 | rw_142 | 142 | Computer Software | asset_fixed | False |
22 | rw_143 | 143 | Trade And Distribution Assets | asset_non_current | False |
23 | rw_144 | 144 | Contracts And Rights | asset_non_current | False |
24 | rw_145 | 145 | Right To Use Assets (Classified By Type) | asset_non_current | False |
25 | rw_146 | 146 | Other Intangible Assets | asset_non_current | False |
26 | rw_147 | 147 | Acquisition In Progress | asset_non_current | False |
27 | rw_148 | 148 | Deferred tax assets | asset_non_current | False |
28 | rw_149 | 149 | Available for sale investments | asset_non_current | False |
29 | rw_150 | 150 | Financial Assets (Investments) | asset_non_current | False |
30 | rw_151 | 151 | Non-Derivative Financial Assets | asset_receivable | True |
31 | rw_152 | 152 | Derivative Financial Assets | asset_receivable | True |
32 | rw_153 | 153 | Restricted Cash And Financial Assets | asset_cash | False |
33 | rw_154 | 154 | Additional Financial Assets And Investments | asset_non_current | False |
34 | rw_155 | 155 | Trade receivables (PoS) | asset_receivable | True |
35 | rw_156 | 156 | Investments in associate | asset_receivable | True |
36 | rw_160 | 160 | Agricultural (Biological) Assets | asset_current | False |
37 | rw_161 | 161 | Bearer Plants | asset_current | False |
38 | rw_162 | 162 | Animals | asset_current | False |
39 | rw_163 | 163 | Other Agricultural Assets | asset_current | False |
40 | rw_170 | 170 | Inventory | asset_current | False |
41 | rw_171 | 171 | Merchandise | asset_current | False |
42 | rw_172 | 172 | Raw Material, Parts And Supplies | asset_current | False |
43 | rw_173 | 173 | Work In Process | asset_current | False |
44 | rw_174 | 174 | Finished Goods | asset_current | False |
45 | rw_175 | 175 | Other Inventory | asset_current | False |
46 | rw_176 | 176 | Income tax assets | asset_current | False |
47 | rw_180 | 180 | Accruals And Additional Assets | asset_receivable | True |
48 | rw_181 | 181 | Prepaid Expense | asset_current | False |
49 | rw_182 | 182 | Accrued Income | asset_current | False |
50 | rw_183 | 183 | Additional Assets | asset_receivable | True |
51 | rw_184 | 184 | Investments and financial receivables | asset_receivable | True |
52 | rw_190 | 190 | Receivables And Contracts | asset_receivable | True |
53 | rw_191 | 191 | Accounts, Notes And Loans Receivable | asset_receivable | True |
54 | rw_192 | 192 | Contracts | asset_current | False |
55 | rw_193 | 193 | Nontrade And Other Receivables | asset_receivable | True |
56 | rw_210 | 210 | Owners Equity (Attributable To Owners Of Parent) | equity | False |
57 | rw_211 | 211 | Equity At Par (Issued Capital) | equity | False |
58 | rw_212 | 212 | Retained Earnings | equity | False |
59 | rw_213 | 213 | Additional Paid-In Capital | equity | False |
60 | rw_220 | 220 | Treasury Stock | equity | False |
61 | rw_221 | 221 | Treasury Stock Common | equity | False |
62 | rw_222 | 222 | Treasury Stock Preferred | equity | False |
63 | rw_230 | 230 | Accumulated OCI | equity | False |
64 | rw_231 | 231 | Exchange Differences On Translation | equity | False |
65 | rw_232 | 232 | Remeasurements Cash Flow Hedges | equity | False |
66 | rw_233 | 233 | Remeasurements Available-For-Sale Financial Assets | equity | False |
67 | rw_234 | 234 | Remeasurement Of Defined Benefit Plans | equity | False |
68 | rw_235 | 235 | Revaluation Surplus (IFRS Only) | equity | False |
69 | rw_236 | 236 | Remeasurements Investments In Equity Instruments (IFRS only) | equity | False |
70 | rw_240 | 240 | Other Equity Items | equity | False |
71 | rw_241 | 241 | ESOP Related Items | equity | False |
72 | rw_242 | 242 | Subscribed Stock Receivables | equity | False |
73 | rw_250 | 250 | Miscellaneous Equity | equity | False |
74 | rw_260 | 260 | Non-controlling (Minority) Interest | equity | False |
75 | rw_270 | 270 | Share capital | equity | False |
76 | rw_307 | 307 | Tax received | liability_current | False |
77 | rw_308 | 308 | Tax Payable | liability_current | False |
78 | rw_311 | 311 | Trade Payables | liability_payable | True |
79 | rw_312 | 312 | Dividends Payable | liability_payable | True |
80 | rw_313 | 313 | Interest Payable | liability_payable | True |
81 | rw_314 | 314 | Other Payables | liability_payable | True |
82 | rw_320 | 320 | Provisions (Contingencies) | liability_current | False |
83 | rw_321 | 321 | Customer Related Provisions | liability_current | False |
84 | rw_322 | 322 | Ligation And Regulatory Provisions | liability_current | False |
85 | rw_323 | 323 | Additional Provisions | liability_current | False |
86 | rw_330 | 330 | Financial Liabilities | liability_current | False |
87 | rw_331 | 331 | Notes Payable | liability_payable | True |
88 | rw_332 | 332 | Loans Payable | liability_payable | True |
89 | rw_333 | 333 | Bonds (Debentures) | liability_current | False |
90 | rw_334 | 334 | Other Debts And Borrowings | liability_current | False |
91 | rw_335 | 335 | Lease Obligations | liability_current | False |
92 | rw_336 | 336 | Derivative Financial Liabilities | liability_current | False |
93 | rw_340 | 340 | Accruals And Other Liabilities | liability_current | False |
94 | rw_341 | 341 | Accrued Expenses | liability_current | False |
95 | rw_342 | 342 | Deferred Income (Unearned Revenue) | liability_current | False |
96 | rw_343 | 343 | Accrued Taxes (Other Than Payroll) | liability_current | False |
97 | rw_344 | 344 | Other Liabilities | liability_current | False |
98 | rw_350 | 350 | Banks overdrafts and short-term borrowings | liability_current | False |
99 | rw_360 | 360 | Interest-bearing loans and short term borrowings | liability_current | False |
100 | rw_370 | 370 | Income tax liabilities | liability_current | False |
101 | rw_380 | 380 | Interest-bearing loans and short term borrowings | liability_non_current | False |
102 | rw_390 | 390 | Employee benefits liabilities | liability_non_current | False |
103 | rw_395 | 395 | Provisions | liability_non_current | False |
104 | rw_396 | 396 | Deferred tax liabilities | liability_non_current | False |
105 | rw_400 | 400 | Revenue | income | False |
106 | rw_410 | 410 | Recognized Point Of Time | income | False |
107 | rw_411 | 411 | Goods | income | False |
108 | rw_412 | 412 | Services | income | False |
109 | rw_420 | 420 | Recognized Over Time | income | False |
110 | rw_421 | 421 | Products | income | False |
111 | rw_422 | 422 | Services | income | False |
112 | rw_430 | 430 | Adjustments | income | False |
113 | rw_431 | 431 | Variable Consideration | income | False |
114 | rw_432 | 432 | Consideration Paid (Payable) To Customers | income | False |
115 | rw_433 | 433 | Other Adjustments | income | False |
116 | rw_510 | 510 | Expenses Classified By Nature | expense | False |
117 | rw_511 | 511 | Material And Merchandise | expense | False |
118 | rw_512 | 512 | Employee Benefits | expense | False |
119 | rw_513 | 513 | Services | expense | False |
120 | rw_514 | 514 | Rent, Depreciation, Amortization And Depletion | expense | False |
121 | rw_515 | 515 | Increase (Decrease) In Inventories Of Finished Goods And Work In Progress (IFRS only) | expense | False |
122 | rw_516 | 516 | Other Work Performed By Entity And Capitalized (IFRS only) | expense | False |
123 | rw_520 | 520 | Expenses Classified By Function | expense | False |
124 | rw_521 | 521 | Cost Of Sales | expense | False |
125 | rw_522 | 522 | Selling, General And Administrative | expense | False |
126 | rw_611 | 611 | Other Revenue | income | False |
127 | rw_612 | 612 | Other Expenses | expense | False |
128 | rw_613 | 613 | Change in inventories | income | False |
129 | rw_614 | 614 | Change in fair value of investment property | income | False |
130 | rw_615 | 615 | Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of non-financial assets | income | False |
131 | rw_616 | 616 | Impairment losses of financial assets | expense | False |
132 | rw_6211 | 6211 | Foreign Currency Transaction Gain | income | False |
133 | rw_6212 | 6212 | Foreign Currency Transaction Loss | expense | False |
134 | rw_6221 | 6221 | Gain On Investments | income | False |
135 | rw_6222 | 6222 | Loss On Investments | expense | False |
136 | rw_6231 | 6231 | Gain On Derivatives | income | False |
137 | rw_6232 | 6232 | Loss On Derivatives | expense | False |
138 | rw_6241 | 6241 | Gain On Disposal Of Assets | income | False |
139 | rw_6242 | 6242 | Loss On Disposal Of Assets | expense | False |
140 | rw_6251 | 6251 | Debt Related Gain | income | False |
141 | rw_6252 | 6252 | Debt Related Loss | expense | False |
142 | rw_626 | 626 | Impairment Loss | expense | False |
143 | rw_627 | 627 | Impairment Loss (Reversal) Financial Assets (IFRS Only) | expense | False |
144 | rw_6281 | 6281 | Other Gains | income | False |
145 | rw_6282 | 6282 | Other Losses | expense | False |
146 | rw_630 | 630 | Taxes (Other Than Income And Payroll) And Fees | expense | False |
147 | rw_631 | 631 | Real Estate Taxes And Insurance | expense | False |
148 | rw_632 | 632 | Highway (Road) Taxes And Tolls | expense | False |
149 | rw_633 | 633 | Direct Tax And License Fees | expense | False |
150 | rw_634 | 634 | Excise And Sales Taxes | expense | False |
151 | rw_635 | 635 | Customs Fees And Duties (Not Classified As Sales Or Excise) | expense | False |
152 | rw_636 | 636 | Non-Deductible VAT (GST) | expense | False |
153 | rw_637 | 637 | General Insurance Expense | expense | False |
154 | rw_638 | 638 | Administrative Fees (Revenue Stamps) | expense | False |
155 | rw_639 | 639 | Fines And Penalties | expense | False |
156 | rw_640 | 640 | Income Tax Expense (Benefit) | expense | False |
157 | rw_650 | 650 | Miscellaneous Taxes | expense | False |
158 | rw_660 | 660 | Other Taxes And Fees | expense | False |
159 | rw_671 | 671 | Foreign Exchange Gain | income | False |
160 | rw_672 | 672 | Foreign Exchange Loss | expense | False |
161 | rw_680 | 680 | Share of profit from equity accounted investments | income | False |
162 | rw_681 | 681 | Finance costs | expense | False |
163 | rw_682 | 682 | Finance income | income | False |
164 | rw_683 | 683 | Other financial items | expense | False |
165 | rw_690 | 690 | Loss for the year from discontinued operations | expense | False |