2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00

873 B

Belgium, 2022-10-26

Coop IT Easy SC agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.

I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.


Carmen Bianca Bakker carmen@coopiteasy.be https://github.com/carmenbianca

List of contributors:

Carmen Bianca Bakker carmen@coopiteasy.be https://github.com/carmenbianca

Catherine Lembrée catherine@coopiteasy.be https://github.com/cathLemb

Hugues De Keyzer odoo@hugues.info https://github.com/huguesdk

Pol Champion pol@coopiteasy.be https://github.com/polchampion

Rémy Taymans remytms@tsmail.eu https://github.com/remytms

Robin Keunen robin@keunen.net https://github.com/robinkeunen

Victor Champonnois victor@coopiteasy.be https://github.com/victor-champonnois

Virginie Dewulf virginie@coopiteasy.be https://github.com/vdewulf