927 B
927 B
Netherlands, 2015-03-09
Updated: 2016-05-27 2017-06-27 2020-10-08 2021-03-02 2025-03-06
Therp BV agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
We declare that we are authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
- Ronald Portier ronald@therp.nl https://github.com/nl66278
List of contributors:
- Giovanni Capalbo giovanni@therp.nl https://github.com/gfcapalbo
- Holger Brunn hbrunn@therp.nl https://github.com/hbrunn (up to 2020-05-31)
- Lara Freeke lfreeke@therp.nl https://github.com/lfreeke
- Ronald Portier ronald@therp.nl https://github.com/nl66278
- George Daramouskas gdaramouskas@therp.nl https://github.com/daramousk
- Nikos Tsirintanis ntsirintanis@therp.nl https://github.com/ntsirintanis
- Jan Verbeek jverbeek@therp.nl https://github.com/janverb
- Danny de Jong ddejong@therp.nl https://github.com/ddejong-therp