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1 | id | name | code | reconcile | account_type | tag_ids | name@de |
2 | chart_at_template_transfer_288 | Money in transit | 2880 | True | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2885 | Schwebende Geldbewegungen |
3 | chart_at_template_0010 | Start-up expenses | 0010 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0010 | Aufwendungen für das Ingangsetzen eines Betriebes |
4 | chart_at_template_0019 | Accumulated depreciation of start-up expenses | 0019 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0019 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für das Ingangsetzen eines Betriebes |
5 | chart_at_template_0020 | Expansion expenses | 0020 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0020 | Aufwendungen für das Erweitern eines Betriebes |
6 | chart_at_template_0029 | Accumulated depreciation of expansion expenses | 0029 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0029 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für das Erweitern eines Betriebes |
7 | chart_at_template_0100 | Concessions | 0100 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0100 | Konzessionen |
8 | chart_at_template_0110 | Patent rights | 0110 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0110 | Patentrechte |
9 | chart_at_template_0112 | Licensing rights | 0112 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0112 | Lizenzen |
10 | chart_at_template_0119 | Accumulated deprecation of licensing and patent rights | 0119 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0119 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für Lizenzen und Patentrechte |
11 | chart_at_template_0120 | Software | 0120 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0120 | Software |
12 | chart_at_template_0129 | Accumulated depreciation of software | 0129 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0129 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für Software |
13 | chart_at_template_0130 | Brands | 0130 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0130 | Marken |
14 | chart_at_template_0131 | Trademarks | 0131 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0131 | Warenzeichen |
15 | chart_at_template_0132 | Design rights | 0132 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0132 | Musterschutzrechte |
16 | chart_at_template_0133 | Other copyrights | 0133 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0133 | Sonstige Urheberrechte |
17 | chart_at_template_0140 | Leasing and rental rights | 0140 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0140 | Pacht- und Mietrechte |
18 | chart_at_template_0149 | Accumlated depreciation of industrial property rights, similar | 0149 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0149 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für gewerbliche Schutzrechte, ähnlich |
19 | chart_at_template_0150 | Goodwill | 0150 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0150 | Geschäfts(Firmen)wert |
20 | chart_at_template_0159 | Accumulated depreciation of goodwill | 0159 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0159 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für Geschäfts(Firmen)wert |
21 | chart_at_template_0180 | Prepayments for intangible fixed assets | 0180 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAI3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0180 | Geleistete Anzahlungen für immaterielles Vermögen |
22 | chart_at_template_0200 | Undeveloped land | 0200 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0200 | Unbebaute Grundstücke |
23 | chart_at_template_0210 | Developed land (Land value) | 0210 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0210 | Bebaute Grundstücke (Grundwert) |
24 | chart_at_template_022 | Land rights | 0220 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0220 | Grundstücksgleiche Rechte |
25 | chart_at_template_0300 | Operating, commercial buildings on own land | 0300 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0300 | Betriebs- und Geschäftsgebäude auf eigenem Grund |
26 | chart_at_template_0310 | Residential, social buildings on own land | 0310 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0310 | Wohn- und Sozialgebäude auf eigenem Grund |
27 | chart_at_template_0320 | Operating, commercial buildings on third-party land | 0320 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0320 | Betriebs- und Geschäftsgebäude auf fremdem Grund |
28 | chart_at_template_0330 | Residential, social buildings on third-party land | 0330 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0330 | Wohn- und Sozialgebäude auf fremdem Grund |
29 | chart_at_template_0340 | Site improvements on own land | 0340 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0340 | Grundstückseinrichtungen auf eigenem Grund |
30 | chart_at_template_0349 | Accumulated depreciation of buildings on own land | 0349 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0349 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für Gebäude auf eigenem Grund |
31 | chart_at_template_0350 | Site improvements on third-part land | 0350 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0350 | Grundstückseinrichtungen auf fremdem Grund |
32 | chart_at_template_0359 | Accumulated depreciation of buildings on third-party land | 0359 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0359 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für Gebäude auf fremden Grund |
33 | chart_at_template_0360 | Structural improvements to third-party (leased) operating and commercial buildings | 0360 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0360 | Bauliche Investitionen in fremden (gepachteten) Betriebs- und Geschäftsgebäuden |
34 | chart_at_template_0370 | Structural improvements to third-party (leased) residential and social buildings | 0370 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0370 | Bauliche Investitionen in fremden (gepachteten) Wohn- und Sozialgebäuden |
35 | chart_at_template_0379 | Accumulated depreciation for fixtures in third-party buildings | 0379 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0379 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen für Einbauten in fremden Gebäuden |
36 | chart_at_template_0400 | Production machinery | 0400 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0400 | Fertigungsmaschinen |
37 | chart_at_template_0410 | Drive machinery | 0410 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0410 | Antriebsmaschinen |
38 | chart_at_template_0420 | Power supply systems | 0420 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0420 | Energieversorgungsanlagen |
39 | chart_at_template_0430 | Transportation systems | 0430 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0430 | Transportanlagen |
40 | chart_at_template_0500 | Machine tools | 0500 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0500 | Maschinenwerkzeuge |
41 | chart_at_template_0510 | General and hand tools | 0510 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0510 | Allgemeine Werkzeuge und Handwerkzeuge |
42 | chart_at_template_0520 | Devices, dies and models | 0520 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0520 | Vorrichtungen, Formen und Modelle |
43 | chart_at_template_0530 | Other manufacturing resources | 0530 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0530 | Andere Erzeugungshilfsmittel |
44 | chart_at_template_0540 | Lifting devices and assembly systems | 0540 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0540 | Hebezeuge und Montageanlagen |
45 | chart_at_template_0550 | Low-value assets used in the production process (machinery) | 0550 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0550 | Geringwertige Vermögensgegenstände, soweit im Erzeugungsprozeß verwendet (Maschinen) |
46 | chart_at_template_0600 | Heating and lighting systems | 0600 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0600 | Beheizungs- und Beleuchtungsanlagen |
47 | chart_at_template_0610 | Messaging and control devices | 0610 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0610 | Nachrichten- und Kontrollanlagen |
48 | chart_at_template_0620 | Office machines, IT systems | 0620 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0620 | Büromaschinen, EDV-Anlagen |
49 | chart_at_template_0630 | Cars | 0630 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0630 | PKW |
50 | chart_at_template_0640 | Commercial vehicles | 0640 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0640 | LKW |
51 | chart_at_template_0650 | Other transportation resources | 0650 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0650 | Andere Beförderungsmittel |
52 | chart_at_template_0660 | Other operating and office equipment | 0660 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0660 | Andere Betriebs- und Geschäftsausstattung |
53 | chart_at_template_0670 | Containers | 0670 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0670 | Gebinde |
54 | chart_at_template_0680 | Low value office machines, IT systems | 0680 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0680 | Geringwertige Büromaschinen, EDV-Anlagen |
55 | chart_at_template_0681 | Low value operating and office equipment | 0681 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0680 | Geringwertige Betriebs- und Geschäftsausstattung |
56 | chart_at_template_0692 | Accumulated depreciation of office machines, IT systems | 0692 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0659 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen zu Büromaschinen, EDV-Anlagen |
57 | chart_at_template_0693 | Accumulated depreciation of cars | 0693 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0655 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen zu PKW |
58 | chart_at_template_0694 | Accumulated depreciation of commercial vehicles | 0694 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0655 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen zu LKW |
59 | chart_at_template_0696 | Accumulated depreciation of operating and office equipment | 0696 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0689 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen zur Betriebs- und Geschäftsausstattung |
60 | chart_at_template_0700 | Prepayments for tangible fixed assets 20 % | 0700 | False | asset_prepayments | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0700 | Anzahlungen für Sachanlagen 20% |
61 | chart_at_template_0701 | Prepayments for tangible fixed assets 10 % | 0701 | False | asset_prepayments | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0701 | Anzahlungen für Sachanlagen 10% |
62 | chart_at_template_0702 | Prepayments for tangible fixed assets 0 % | 0702 | False | asset_prepayments | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0702 | Anzahlungen für Sachanlagen 0% |
63 | chart_at_template_0710 | Assets under construction | 0710 | False | asset_fixed | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0710 | Anlagen in Bau |
64 | chart_at_template_0800 | Shares in affiliated companies | 0800 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0800 | Anteile an verbundenen Unternehmen |
65 | chart_at_template_0810 | Investments in joint ventures | 0810 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0810 | Beteiligungen an Gemeinschaftsunternehmen |
66 | chart_at_template_0820 | Investments in associates | 0820 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0820 | Beteiligungen an angeschlossenen (assoziierten) Unternehmen |
67 | chart_at_template_0830 | Other investments | 0830 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0830 | Sonstige Beteiligungen |
68 | chart_at_template_0840 | Loans to affiliated companies | 0840 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0840 | Ausleihungen an verbundene Unternehmen |
69 | chart_at_template_0850 | Loans to other long-term investees and investors | 0850 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0850 | Ausleihungen an Unternehmen, mit denen ein Beteiligungsverhältnis besteht |
70 | chart_at_template_0860 | Other Loans | 0860 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII6,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0860 | Sonstige Ausleihungen |
71 | chart_at_template_0870 | Shares in corporations of a non-participating nature | 0870 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0870 | Anteile an Kapitalgesellschaften ohne Beteiligungscharakter |
72 | chart_at_template_0880 | Shares in partnerships of a non-participating nature | 0880 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0880 | Anteile an Personengesellschaften ohne Beteiligungscharakter |
73 | chart_at_template_0900 | Cooperative shares of a non-participating nature | 0900 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0900 | Genossenschaftsanteile ohne Beteiligungscharakter |
74 | chart_at_template_0910 | Shares in investment funds | 0910 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0910 | Anteile an Investmentfonds |
75 | chart_at_template_0980 | Prepayments for financial assets | 0980 | False | asset_prepayments | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0980 | Geleistete Anzahlungen für Finanzanlagen |
76 | chart_at_template_0990 | Accumulated Depreciation | 0990 | False | asset_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AAIII5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_0990 | Kumulierte Abschreibungen |
77 | chart_at_template_1600 | Merchandise | 1600 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABI3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_1600 | Handelswaren |
78 | chart_at_template_1800 | Prepayments for inventories 20% | 1800 | False | asset_prepayments | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABI5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_1800 | Geleistete Anzahlungen auf Vorräte 20 % |
79 | chart_at_template_1801 | Prepayments for inventories 10% | 1801 | False | asset_prepayments | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABI5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_1801 | Geleistete Anzahlungen auf Vorräte 10 % |
80 | chart_at_template_1803 | Prepayments for inventories 0% | 1803 | False | asset_prepayments | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABI5,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_1803 | Geleistete Anzahlungen auf Vorräte 0 % |
81 | chart_at_template_2000 | Trade receivables, domestic | 2000 | True | asset_receivable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2000 | Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen Inland |
82 | chart_at_template_2099 | Trade receivables, domestic (point of sale) | 2099 | True | asset_receivable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2000 | Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen Inland (Point Of Sale) |
83 | chart_at_template_2080 | Specific valuation allowances on trade receivables, domestic | 2080 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2080 | Einzelwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen Inland |
84 | chart_at_template_2090 | Global valuation allowances on trade receivables, domestic | 2090 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2090 | Pauschalwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen Inland |
85 | chart_at_template_2100 | Trade receivables, EU area | 2100 | True | asset_receivable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2100 | Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen EU-Raum |
86 | chart_at_template_2130 | Specific valuation allowances on trade receivables, EU area | 2130 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2130 | Einzelwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen EU-Raum |
87 | chart_at_template_2140 | Global valuation allowances on trade receivables, EU area | 2140 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2140 | Pauschalwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen EU-Raum |
88 | chart_at_template_2150 | Trade receivables, international | 2150 | True | asset_receivable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2150 | Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen sonstiges Ausland |
89 | chart_at_template_2180 | Specific valuation allowances on trade receivables, international | 2180 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2180 | Einzelwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen sonstiges Ausland |
90 | chart_at_template_2190 | Global valuation allowances on trade receivables, international | 2190 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2190 | Pauschalwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen sonstiges Ausland |
91 | chart_at_template_2230 | Specific valuation allowances on receivables from affiliated companies | 2230 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2230 | Einzelwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen gegenüber verbundenen Unternehmen |
92 | chart_at_template_2240 | Global valuation allowances on receivables from affiliated companies | 2240 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2240 | Pauschalwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen gegenüber verbundenen Unternehmen |
93 | chart_at_template_2280 | Specific valuation allowances on receivables from other long-term investees and investors | 2280 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2280 | Einzelwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen gegenüber Unternehmen, mit denen ein Beteiligungsverhältnis besteht |
94 | chart_at_template_2290 | Global valuation allowances on receivables from other long-term investees and investors | 2290 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2290 | Pauschalwertberichtigungen zu Forderungen gegenüber Unternehmen, mit denen ein Beteiligungsverhältnis besteht |
95 | chart_at_template_2300 | Other receivables and other assets | 2300 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2300 | Sonstige Forderungen und Vermögensgegenstände |
96 | chart_at_template_2470 | Unpaid called capital contributions | 2470 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2470 | Eingeforderte, aber noch nicht eingezahlte Einlagen |
97 | chart_at_template_2480 | Specific valuation allowances on other receivables and other assets | 2480 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2480 | Einzelwertberichtigungen zu sonstigen Forderungen und Vermögensgegenständen |
98 | chart_at_template_2490 | Global valuation allowances on other receivables and other assets | 2490 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2490 | Pauschalwertberichtigungen zu sonstigen Forderungen und Vermögensgegenständen |
99 | chart_at_template_2500 | Input tax 20% | 2500 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2500 | Vorsteuern 20% |
100 | chart_at_template_2501 | Input tax 10% | 2501 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2500 | Vorsteuern 10% |
101 | chart_at_template_2502 | Input tax 13% | 2502 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2500 | Vorsteuern 13% |
102 | chart_at_template_2505 | Other tax 13% | 2505 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2500 | Sonstige Vorsteuern |
103 | chart_at_template_2506 | Input tax RC 20% | 2506 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2502 | Vorsteuern RC 20% |
104 | chart_at_template_2507 | Input tax RC 10% | 2507 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2502 | Vorsteuern RC 10% |
105 | chart_at_template_2510 | Input tax RC EU 20% | 2510 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2502 | Vorsteuern RC EU-Raum 20% |
106 | chart_at_template_2511 | Input tax on intra-Community acquisitions 20% | 2511 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2501 | Vorsteuern IGE 20% |
107 | chart_at_template_2512 | Input tax on intra-Community acquisitions 10% | 2512 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2501 | Vorsteuern IGE 10% |
108 | chart_at_template_2513 | Input tax on intra-Community acquisitions 13% | 2513 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2501 | Vorsteuern IGE 13% |
109 | chart_at_template_2515 | Input tax 20% (from import VAT) | 2515 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABII4,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2509 | Vorsteuern 20% (aus EUSt.) |
110 | chart_at_template_2610 | Shares in affiliated companies | 2610 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2610 | Anteile an verbundenen Unternehmen |
111 | chart_at_template_2620 | Other shares | 2620 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2620 | Sonstige Anteile |
112 | chart_at_template_2680 | Bills of exchange where the entity is entitled to the underlying receivables | 2680 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2680 | Besitzwechsel, soweit dem Unternehmen nicht die der Ausstellung zugrundeliegenden Forderungen zustehen |
113 | chart_at_template_2690 | Valuation allowances on long-term securities | 2690 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIII2,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2690 | Wertberichtigungen Wertpapiere des Umlaufvermögens |
114 | chart_at_template_2730 | Postage stamps | 2730 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2730 | Postwertzeichen |
115 | chart_at_template_2740 | Stamps | 2740 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2740 | Stempelmarken |
116 | chart_at_template_2780 | Cheques in foreign currency | 2780 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2780 | Schecks in Inlandswährung |
117 | chart_at_template_2890 | Valuation allowances | 2890 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_ABIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2890 | Wertberichtigungen |
118 | chart_at_template_2900 | Prepaid Expenses | 2900 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AC,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2900 | Aktive Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten |
119 | chart_at_template_2950 | Discount | 2950 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AC,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2950 | Disagio |
120 | chart_at_template_2960 | Difference to required pension provisions | 2960 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PBI,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2960 | Unterschiedsbetrag zur gebotenen Pensionsrückstellung |
121 | chart_at_template_2970 | Difference under section XII Pensionskassengesetz | 2970 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PBII,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2970 | Unterschiedsbetrag gem. Abschnitt XII Pensionskassengesetz |
122 | chart_at_template_2980 | Deferred tax assets | 2980 | False | asset_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_AC,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2980 | Steuerabgrenzung |
123 | chart_at_template_3000 | Provisions for termination benefits | 3000 | False | liability_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PBI,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3000 | Rückstellungen für Abfertigungen |
124 | chart_at_template_3010 | Provisions for pensions | 3010 | False | liability_non_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PBII,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3010 | Rückstellungen für Pensionen |
125 | chart_at_template_3100 | Bonds (including convertible ones) | 3100 | True | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCI,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3100 | Anleihen (einschließlich konvertibler) |
126 | chart_at_template_3200 | Payments received on account of orders 20% | 3200 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCIII,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3200 | Erhaltene Anzahlungen auf Bestellungen 20 % |
127 | chart_at_template_3201 | Payments received on account of orders 10% | 3201 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCIII,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3201 | Erhaltene Anzahlungen auf Bestellungen 10 % |
128 | chart_at_template_3202 | Payments received on account of orders 0% | 3202 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCIII,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3202 | Erhaltene Anzahlungen auf Bestellungen 0 % |
129 | chart_at_template_3210 | VAT contingent/unrecognised transaction account for payments received on account of orders | 3210 | True | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3210 | Umsatzsteuer-Evidenzkonto für erhaltene Anzahlungen auf Bestellungen |
130 | chart_at_template_3300 | Trade payables, domestic | 3300 | True | liability_payable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3300 | Lieferverbindlichkeiten Inland |
131 | chart_at_template_3360 | Trade payables, EU area | 3360 | True | liability_payable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3360 | Lieferverbindlichkeiten EU-Raum |
132 | chart_at_template_3370 | Trade payables, other countries | 3370 | True | liability_payable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3370 | Lieferverbindlichkeiten sonstiges Ausland |
133 | chart_at_template_3480 | Liabilities to partners/shareholders | 3480 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3480 | Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Gesellschaftern |
134 | chart_at_template_3500 | VAT 20% | 3500 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3500 | Umsatzsteuer 20% |
135 | chart_at_template_3501 | VAT 10% | 3501 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3500 | Umsatzsteuer 10% |
136 | chart_at_template_3502 | VAT 13% | 3502 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3500 | Umsatzsteuer 13% |
137 | chart_at_template_3505 | VAT, other | 3505 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3500 | Sonstige Umsatzsteuer |
138 | chart_at_template_3510 | VAT RC EU 20% | 3510 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3502 | Umsatzsteuer RC EU-Raum 20% |
139 | chart_at_template_3511 | VAT on intra-Community acquisitions 20% | 3511 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3501 | Umsatzsteuer IGE 20% |
140 | chart_at_template_3512 | VAT on intra-Community acquisitions 10% | 3512 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3501 | Umsatzsteuer IGE 10% |
141 | chart_at_template_3513 | VAT on intra-Community acquisitions 13% | 3513 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3501 | Umsatzsteuer IGE 13% |
142 | chart_at_template_3515 | Import VAT 20% | 3515 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3509 | Einfuhrumsatzsteuer 20% |
143 | chart_at_template_3520 | VAT payable | 3520 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3520 | Ust. Zahllast |
144 | chart_at_template_3530 | Allocation account for tax authorities | 3530 | True | liability_payable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3530 | Verrechnungskonto Finanzamt |
145 | chart_at_template_3540 | Allocation for wage tax | 3540 | True | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3540 | Verrechnung Lohnsteuer |
146 | chart_at_template_3541 | Allocation for employer contributions | 3541 | True | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3541 | Verrechnung Dienstgeberbeitrag |
147 | chart_at_template_3542 | Allocation for supplement to employer contributions | 3542 | True | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3542 | Verrechnung Dienstgeberzuschlag |
148 | chart_at_template_3550 | Allocation for municipal taxes | 3550 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3550 | Verrechnung Kommunalsteuer |
149 | chart_at_template_3551 | Allocation for Vienna employers' tax | 3551 | False | liability_current | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII1,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3551 | Verrechnung Wiener Dienstgeberabgabe |
150 | chart_at_template_3600 | Allocation account for social security | 3600 | True | liability_payable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII2,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3600 | Verrechnungskonto Sozialversicherung |
151 | chart_at_template_3610 | Allocation account for municipality | 3610 | True | liability_payable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII2,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PCVIII3,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3600 | Verrechnungskonto Magistrat/Gemeinde (KoSt, U-Bahn, etc.) |
152 | chart_at_template_3740 | Allocation account for goods/invoice receipt | 3740 | True | liability_payable | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PD,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_3700 | WERE Verrechnungskonto |
153 | chart_at_template_4000 | Revenue 20% | 4000 | False | income | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_4000 | Brutto-Umsatzerlöse im Inland (20%) |
154 | chart_at_template_4001 | Revenue 10% | 4001 | False | income | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_4010 | Brutto-Umsatzerlöse im Inland (10%) |
155 | chart_at_template_4100 | Revenue euro-zone RC 20% | 4100 | False | income | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_4100 | Brutto-Umsatzerlöse im EU-Raum (RC 20%) |
156 | chart_at_template_4110 | Revenue euro-zone RC 10% | 4110 | False | income | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_4100 | Brutto-Umsatzerlöse im EU-Raum (RC 10%) |
157 | chart_at_template_4200 | Revenue international 0% | 4200 | False | income | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_4050 | Brutto-Umsatzerlöse in Drittstaaten (0%) |
158 | chart_at_template_4860 | Exchange rate gains from foreign currency transactions | 4860 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT1,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_4860 | Kursgewinne aus Fremdwährungstransaktionen |
159 | chart_at_template_5000 | Cost of goods sold | 5000 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5000 | Wareneinsatz |
160 | chart_at_template_5010 | Purchased merchandise 20% | 5010 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5410 | Wareneinkauf 20% |
161 | chart_at_template_5011 | Purchased merchandise 10% | 5011 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5411 | Wareneinkauf 10% |
162 | chart_at_template_5050 | Purchased merchandise 20% (intra-Community acquisitions) | 5050 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5320 | Wareneinkauf ig. Erwerb 20% |
163 | chart_at_template_5051 | Purchased merchandise 10% (intra-Community acquisitions) | 5051 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5310 | Wareneinkauf ig. Erwerb 10% |
164 | chart_at_template_5052 | Purchased merchandise 0% (intra-Community acquisitions) according to article 6 (2) | 5052 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5330 | Wareneinkauf ig. Erwerb 0% nach Art. 6 Abs. 2 |
165 | chart_at_template_5090 | Purchased merchandise 0% | 5090 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5417 | Wareneinkauf 0% |
166 | chart_at_template_5800 | Cash discount income 20% | 5800 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5800 | Skontoertrag Materialaufwand 20 % |
167 | chart_at_template_5801 | Cash discount income 10% | 5801 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5801 | Skontoertrag Materialaufwand 10 % |
168 | chart_at_template_5805 | Cash discount income 0% | 5805 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5805 | Skontoertrag Materialaufwand 0% |
169 | chart_at_template_5810 | Cash discount income 20% purchased services | 5810 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5830 | Skontoertrag bezogene Leistungen 20 % |
170 | chart_at_template_5811 | Cash discount income 10% purchased services | 5811 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5831 | Skontoertrag bezogene Leistungen 10 % |
171 | chart_at_template_5812 | Cash discount income 0% purchased services | 5812 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5805 | Skontoertrag bezogene Leistungen 0 % |
172 | chart_at_template_5900 | Expense items list | 5900 | False | expense_direct_cost | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT5I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_5900 | Aufwandsstellenrechnung |
173 | chart_at_template_6200 | Salaries - salaried employees | 6200 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6200 | Gehälter - Angestellte |
174 | chart_at_template_6205 | Salaries - managing directors | 6205 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6205 | Geschäftsführerbezug |
175 | chart_at_template_6220 | Non-performance salaries | 6220 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6220 | Nichtleistungsgehälter |
176 | chart_at_template_6225 | Additional allowances - salaried employees | 6225 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6225 | Zulagen - Angestellte |
177 | chart_at_template_6230 | Bonuses and commissions - salaried employees | 6230 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6230 | Prämien und Provisionen - Angestellte |
178 | chart_at_template_6240 | Special payments - salaried employees | 6240 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6240 | Sonderzahlungen - Angestellte |
179 | chart_at_template_6242 | Vacation payments - salaried employees | 6242 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6290 | Urlaubsabfindung - Angestellte |
180 | chart_at_template_6255 | Anniversary payments - salaried employees | 6255 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6250 | Jubiläumsaufwendungen - Angestellte |
181 | chart_at_template_6260 | Voluntary travel and meal allowances | 6260 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6260 | Freiwillige Fahrt- und Verpflegungszuschüsse - Angestellte |
182 | chart_at_template_6270 | Non-cash benefits - salaried employees | 6270 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6270 | Sachbezug - Angestellte |
183 | chart_at_template_6271 | Non-cash benefits - managing directors | 6271 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7585 | Sachbezug - Geschäftsführer |
184 | chart_at_template_6310 | Overtime - salaried employees | 6310 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6210 | Überstunden - Angestellte |
185 | chart_at_template_6340 | Changes in provisions for vacations | 6340 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6421 | Veränderung Urlaubsrückstellung - Angestellte |
186 | chart_at_template_6400 | Employees' occupational pension fund | 6400 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6400 | Mitarbeitervorsorgekasse - Angestellte |
187 | chart_at_template_6560 | Statutory social welfare expenses - salaried employees | 6560 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6560 | Gesetzlicher Sozialaufwand - Angestellte |
188 | chart_at_template_6660 | Municipal taxes | 6660 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6662 | Kommunalsteuer (KoSt) - Angestellte |
189 | chart_at_template_6661 | Employer contributions | 6661 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6660 | Dienstgeberbeitrag zum Familienlastenausgleichsfonds (DB) - Angestellte |
190 | chart_at_template_6662 | Supplement to employer contributions | 6662 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6661 | Zuschlag zum Dienstnehmerbeitrag (DZ) - Angestellte |
191 | chart_at_template_6640 | Vienna employers' tax | 6663 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6663 | Dienstgeberabgabe der Gemeinde Wien (U-Bahn Steuer) - Angestellte |
192 | chart_at_template_6700 | Voluntary social welfare expenses | 6700 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_6790 | Sonstiger freiwilliger Sozialaufwand |
193 | chart_at_template_6900 | Expense items list | 6900 | False | expense | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT6I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7990 | Aufwandsstellenrechnung |
194 | chart_at_template_7000 | Amortization of capitalised business start-up and expansion expenses | 7000 | False | expense_depreciation | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT7I,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7000 | Abschreibungen auf aktivierte Aufwendungen für das Ingangsetzen und Erweitern eines Betriebes |
195 | chart_at_template_7090 | Write-downs of capitalised business start-up and expansion expenses | 7090 | False | expense_depreciation | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT7II,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7090 | Abschreibungen vom Umlaufvermögen, soweit diese die im Unternehmen üblichen Abschreibungen übersteigen |
196 | chart_at_template_7600 | Office supplies and printed forms | 7600 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7600 | Büromaterial und Drucksorten |
197 | chart_at_template_763 | Specialist literature and newspapers | 7630 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7630 | Fachliteratur und Zeitungen |
198 | chart_at_template_7690 | Donations and tips | 7690 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7690 | Spenden und Trinkgelder |
199 | chart_at_template_7770 | Vocational training and continuing professional development | 7770 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7770 | Aus- und Fortbildung |
200 | chart_at_template_7780 | Membership contributions | 7780 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7780 | Mitgliedsbeiträge |
201 | chart_at_template_7790 | Money transfer charges | 7790 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7790 | Spesen des Geldverkehrs |
202 | chart_at_template_7820 | Carrying amount of disposed assets, excluding financial assets | 7820 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7820 | Buchwert abgegangener Anlagen, ausgenommen Finanzanlagen |
203 | chart_at_template_7830 | Loss on disposal of fixed assets, excluding financial assets (Carrying amount of sold assets (-)) | 7830 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7830 | Verlust aus dem Abgang von Anlagevermögen, ausgenommen Finanzanlagen (Buchwert verkaufter Anlagen (-)) |
204 | chart_at_template_7860 | Exchange rate loss from foreign currency transactions | 7860 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7860 | Kursverluste aus Fremdwährungstransaktionen |
205 | chart_at_template_7890 | Cash discount income on other operating expenses | 7890 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7890 | Skontoerträge auf sonstige betriebliche Aufwendungen |
206 | chart_at_template_7900 | Expense items list | 7900 | False | expense | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7900 | Aufwandsstellenrechnung |
207 | chart_at_template_7960 | Cost of sales | 7960 | False | expense | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7960 | Herstellungskosten der zur Erzielung der Umsatzerlöse erbrachten Leistungen |
208 | chart_at_template_7970 | Selling expenses | 7970 | False | expense | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7970 | Vertriebskosten |
209 | chart_at_template_7980 | Administrative expenses | 7980 | False | expense | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7980 | Verwaltungskosten |
210 | chart_at_template_7990 | Other operating expenses | 7990 | False | expense | account.account_tag_operating,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_EBIT8,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_7990 | Sonstige betriebliche Aufwendungen |
211 | chart_at_template_8140 | Revenue from disposal of long-term equity investments (-) | 8140 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8140 | Erlöse aus dem Abgang von Beteiligungen (-) |
212 | chart_at_template_8150 | Revenue from disposal of other long-term financial assets (-) | 8150 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8150 | Erlöse aus dem Abgang von sonstigen Finanzanlagen (-) |
213 | chart_at_template_8160 | Revenue from disposal of long-term securities (-) | 8160 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8160 | Erlöse aus dem Abgang von Wertpapieren des Umlaufvermögens (-) |
214 | chart_at_template_8170 | Carrying amount of disposed long-term equity investments (+) | 8170 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8170 | Buchwert abgegangener Beteiligungen (+) |
215 | chart_at_template_8171 | Carrying amount of disposed long-term equity investments (-) | 8171 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8171 | Buchwert abgegangener Beteiligungen (-) |
216 | chart_at_template_8180 | Carrying amount of disposed other long-term financial assets (+) | 8180 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN11,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8180 | Buchwert abgegangener sonstiger Finanzanlagen (+) |
217 | chart_at_template_8181 | Carrying amount of disposed other long-term financial assets (-) | 8181 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN11,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8181 | Buchwert abgegangener sonstiger Finanzanlagen (-) |
218 | chart_at_template_8190 | Carrying amount of disposed long-term securities (+) | 8190 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN11,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8190 | Buchwert abgegangener Wertpapiere des Umlaufvermögens (+) |
219 | chart_at_template_8191 | Carrying amount of disposed long-term securities (-) | 8191 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN11,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8191 | Buchwert abgegangener Wertpapiere des Umlaufvermögens (-) |
220 | chart_at_template_8200 | Revenue from disposal of long-term equity investments (+) | 8200 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8200 | Erlöse aus dem Abgang von Beteiligungen (+) |
221 | chart_at_template_8205 | Revenue from disposal of other long-term financial assets (+) | 8205 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8205 | Erlöse aus dem Abgang von sonstigen Finanzanlagen (+) |
222 | chart_at_template_8206 | Revenue from appreciation of other long-term financial assets | 8206 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN10,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8206 | Erlöse aus Zuschreibung sonstige Finanzanlagen |
223 | chart_at_template_8210 | Revenue from disposal of long-term securities (+) | 8210 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN11,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8210 | Erlöse aus dem Abgang von Wertpapieren des Umlaufvermögens (+) |
224 | chart_at_template_8211 | Appreciation of other long-term securities | 8211 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN11,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8211 | Zuschreibung Wertpapiere des Umlaufvermögens |
225 | chart_at_template_8350 | Unused supplier cash discount | 8350 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_FIN12,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8350 | Nicht ausgenützte Lieferantenskonti |
226 | chart_at_template_8900 | Profit transfer from profit and loss transfer | 8990 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_RL,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8030 | Gewinnüberrechnung Ergebnisabführung |
227 | chart_at_template_8901 | Loss transfer from profit and loss transfer | 8901 | False | income_other | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_RL,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_8230 | Verlustübernahme Ergebnisabführung |
228 | chart_at_template_9190 | Unpaid uncalled contributions | 9190 | False | equity | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PAI,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_9190 | Nicht eingeforderte ausstehende Einlagen |
229 | chart_at_template_9260 | Treasury shares | 9260 | False | equity | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PAI,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_2600 | Eigene Anteile |
230 | chart_at_template_9390 | Balance sheet profit (loss) | 9390 | False | equity | account.account_tag_financing,l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_PAIV,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_9390 | Bilanzgewinn (-verlust) |
231 | chart_at_template_9800 | Opening balance | 9800 | False | equity | l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_9800 | Eröffnungsbilanz |
232 | chart_at_template_9850 | Closing balance | 9850 | False | equity | l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_9850 | Schlussbilanz |
233 | chart_at_template_9890 | Profit and loss statement | 9890 | False | equity_unaffected | l10n_at.account_tag_l10n_at_RL,l10n_at.account_tag_external_code_9350 | Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung |