13 KiB
13 KiB
1 | id | name | description | invoice_label | amount | amount_type | type_tax_use | tax_group_id | sequence | active | children_tax_ids | repartition_line_ids/repartition_type | repartition_line_ids/document_type | repartition_line_ids/tag_ids | repartition_line_ids/account_id | description@de | description@it | description@fr | price_include_override |
2 | vat_25 | 2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5 | percent | sale | tax_group_tva_25 | False | base | invoice | +312a | ||||||||
3 | tax | invoice | +312b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
4 | base | refund | -312a | ||||||||||||||||
5 | tax | refund | -312b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
6 | vat_25_purchase | 2.5% | 2.5% | 2.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tva_25 | False | base | invoice | |||||||||
7 | tax | invoice | +400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
8 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
9 | tax | refund | -400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
10 | vat_25_invest | 2.5% I OE | 2.5% on invest. and others expenses | 2.5% invest. | 2.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tva_25 | False | base | invoice | VST 2.5% Inv./übr.BA (exkl. MWST) | IVA 2.5% Investimenti e altri costi (TR) | TVA 2.5% sur invest. et autres ch. (TR) | |||||
11 | tax | invoice | +405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
12 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
13 | tax | refund | -405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
14 | vat_37 | 3.7% | 3.7% | 3.7 | percent | sale | tax_group_tva_37 | False | base | invoice | +342a | ||||||||
15 | tax | invoice | +342b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
16 | base | refund | -342a | ||||||||||||||||
17 | tax | refund | -342b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
18 | vat_37_purchase | 3.7% | 3.7% | 3.7 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tva_37 | False | base | invoice | |||||||||
19 | tax | invoice | +400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
20 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
21 | tax | refund | -400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
22 | vat_37_invest | 3.7% I OE | 3.7% on invest. and others expenses | 3.7% invest. | 3.7 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tva_37 | False | base | invoice | VST 3.7% Inv./übr.BA (exkl. MWST) | IVA 3,7% su investimenti e altre voci (TS) | TVA 3.7% sur invest. et autres ch. (TS) | |||||
23 | tax | invoice | +405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
24 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
25 | tax | refund | -405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
26 | vat_77 | 7.7% | 7.7% | 7.7 | percent | sale | tax_group_tva_77 | 0 | False | base | invoice | +302a | |||||||
27 | tax | invoice | +302b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
28 | base | refund | -302a | ||||||||||||||||
29 | tax | refund | -302b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
30 | vat_77_invest | 7.7% I OE | 7.7% on invest. and others expenses | 7.7% invest. | 7.7 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tva_77 | False | base | invoice | VST 7.7% Inv./übr.BA (exkl. MWST) | IVA 7,7% su investimenti e altre voci (TN) | TVA 7.7% sur invest. et autres ch. (TN) | |||||
31 | tax | invoice | +405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
32 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
33 | tax | refund | -405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
34 | vat_XO | 0% EX | Export | 0% | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_tva_0 | True | base | invoice | +220 | 0% Export | IVA dovuta 0% (Export) | TVA due a 0% (Exportations) | ||||
35 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||||
36 | base | refund | -220 | ||||||||||||||||
37 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||||
38 | vat_O_exclude | 0% EXC | Exclude | 0% excl. | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_tva_0 | True | base | invoice | +230 | 0% Ausgenommen | IVA 0% Esclusa | TVA 0% exclue | ||||
39 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||||
40 | base | refund | -230 | ||||||||||||||||
41 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||||
42 | vat_O_import | 0% EX | Import | 0% import | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tva_0 | True | base | invoice | 0% Import | IVA 0% Importazioni di bene e servizi | TVA 0% Importations de biens et services | |||||
43 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||||
44 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
45 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||||
46 | vat_100_import | 100% GS | Customs VAT on goods and services | 100% imp. | 100.0 | division | purchase | tax_group_tva_100 | True | base | invoice | Zoll Mehrwertsteuer auf Waren und Dienstleistungen | Liquidazione IVA al 100% | tax_included | |||||
47 | tax | invoice | +400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
48 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
49 | tax | refund | -400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
50 | vat_100_import_invest | 100% I OE | Customs VAT on invest. and others expenses | 100% imp. invest. | 100.0 | division | purchase | tax_group_tva_100 | True | base | invoice | Zoll Mehrwertsteuer auf Investitionen und andere Ausgaben | 100 % iva dogana | Dédouanement TVA (invest. et autres ch.) | tax_included | ||||
51 | tax | invoice | +405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
52 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
53 | tax | refund | -405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
54 | vat_77_purchase_return | 7.7% R | 7.7% Sales (reverse) | 7.7% return | -7.7 | percent | none | tax_group_tva_77 | 0 | False | base | invoice | -382a | UST 7.7% Bezugssteuer | IVA dovuta al 7,7% (TN) (rendimento) | TVA due a 7.7% (TN) (return) | tax_excluded | ||
55 | tax | invoice | -382b | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
56 | base | refund | +382a | ||||||||||||||||
57 | tax | refund | +382b | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
58 | vat_77_purchase | 7.7% | 7.7% | 7.7 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tva_77 | 0 | False | base | invoice | ||||||||
59 | tax | invoice | +400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
60 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
61 | tax | refund | -400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
62 | vat_77_purchase_reverse | 7.7% R C | 7.7% on purchase of service abroad (reverse charge) | 7.7% reverse | group | purchase | tax_group_tva_77 | False | vat_77_purchase_return,vat_77_purchase | BZS 7.7% Bezugssteuer | IVA 7,7% sull'acquisto di servizi all'estero (reverse charge) | TVA 7.7% sur achat service a l'etranger (reverse charge) | |||||||
63 | vat_other_movements_900 | 0% S T | 0% - Subsidies, tourist taxes | 0% subventions | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_tva_0 | True | base | invoice | +900 | 0% - Subventionen, Kurtaxen | Sovvenzioni, 0% tasse turistiche | Subventions, taxes touristiques à 0% | ||||
64 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||||
65 | base | refund | -900 | ||||||||||||||||
66 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||||
67 | vat_other_movements_910 | 0% D | 0% - Donations, dividends, compensation | 0% dons | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_tva_0 | True | base | invoice | +910 | 0% - Schenkungen, Dividenden, Entschädigungen | Donazioni, dividendi, compensi a 0% | Dons, dividendes, dédommagements à 0% | ||||
68 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||||
69 | base | refund | -910 | ||||||||||||||||
70 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||||
71 | vat_sale_26 | 2.6% | 2.6% Sales | 2.6% | 2.6 | percent | sale | tax_group_vat_26 | True | base | invoice | +313a | UST 2,6% Lief./DL (exkl. MWST) | IVA dovuta al 2,6% (TR) | TVA due à 2,6% (TR) | ||||
72 | tax | invoice | +313b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
73 | base | refund | -313a | ||||||||||||||||
74 | tax | refund | -313b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
75 | vat_purchase_26 | 2.6% | 2.6% on goods and services | 2.6% | 2.6 | percent | purchase | tax_group_vat_26 | True | base | invoice | VST 2,6% Mat.-/DL (exkl. MWST) | IVA 2,6% sull'acquisto di B&S (TR) | TVA 2,6% sur achat B&S (TR) | |||||
76 | tax | invoice | +400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
77 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
78 | tax | refund | -400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
79 | vat_purchase_26_invest | 2.6% I OE | 2.6% on invest. and others expenses | 2.6% invest. | 2.6 | percent | purchase | tax_group_vat_26 | True | base | invoice | VST 2,6% Inv./übr.BA (exkl. MWST) | IVA 2,6% Investimenti e altri costi (TR) | TVA 2,6% sur invest. et autres ch. (TR) | |||||
80 | tax | invoice | +405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
81 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
82 | tax | refund | -405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
83 | vat_sale_38 | 3.8% | 3.8% Sales | 3.8% | 3.8 | percent | sale | tax_group_vat_38 | True | base | invoice | +343a | UST 3,8% Lief./DL (exkl. MWST) | IVA dovuta al 3,8% (TS) | TVA due à 3,8% (TS) | ||||
84 | tax | invoice | +343b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
85 | base | refund | -343a | ||||||||||||||||
86 | tax | refund | -343b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
87 | vat_purchase_38 | 3.8% | 3.8% purchase on goods and services | 3.8% | 3.8 | percent | purchase | tax_group_vat_38 | True | base | invoice | VST 3,8% Mat.-/DL (exkl. MWST) | IVA 3,8% sull'acquisto di B&S (TS) | TVA 3,8% sur achat B&S (TS) | |||||
88 | tax | invoice | +400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
89 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
90 | tax | refund | -400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
91 | vat_purchase_38_invest | 3.8% I OE | 3.8% on invest. and others expenses | 3.8% invest. | 3.8 | percent | purchase | tax_group_vat_38 | True | base | invoice | VST 3,8% Inv./übr.BA (exkl. MWST) | IVA 3,8% su investimenti e altre voci (TS) | TVA 3,8% sur invest. et autres ch. (TS) | |||||
92 | tax | invoice | +405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
93 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
94 | tax | refund | -405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
95 | vat_sale_81 | 8.1% | 8.1% Sales | 8.1% | 8.1 | percent | sale | tax_group_vat_81 | 1 | True | base | invoice | +303a | UST 8,1% Lief./DL (exkl. MWST) | IVA dovuta al 8,1% (TN) | TVA due à 8,1% (TN) | |||
96 | tax | invoice | +303b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
97 | base | refund | -303a | ||||||||||||||||
98 | tax | refund | -303b | ch_coa_2200 | |||||||||||||||
99 | vat_purchase_81 | 8.1% | 8.1% on goods and services | 8.1% | 8.1 | percent | purchase | tax_group_vat_81 | 1 | True | base | invoice | VST 8,1% Mat.-/DL (exkl. MWST) | IVA 8,1% sull'acquisto di B&S (TN) | TVA 8,1% sur achat B&S (TN) | ||||
100 | tax | invoice | +400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
101 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
102 | tax | refund | -400 | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
103 | vat_purchase_81_invest | 8.1% I OE | 8.1% on invest. and others expenses | 8.1% invest. | 8.1 | percent | purchase | tax_group_vat_81 | True | base | invoice | VST 8,1% Inv./übr.BA (exkl. MWST) | IVA 8,1% su investimenti e altre voci (TN) | TVA 8,1% sur invest. et autres ch. (TN) | |||||
104 | tax | invoice | +405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
105 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||||
106 | tax | refund | -405 | ch_coa_1171 | |||||||||||||||
107 | vat_purchase_81_return | 8.1% R | 8.1% Sales (return) | 8.1% return | -8.1 | percent | none | tax_group_vat_81 | 0 | True | base | invoice | -383a | UST 8,1% Bezugssteuer | IVA dovuta al 8,1% (TN) (rendimento) | TVA due à 8,1% (TN) (return) | tax_excluded | ||
108 | tax | invoice | -383b | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
109 | base | refund | +383a | ||||||||||||||||
110 | tax | refund | +383b | ch_coa_1170 | |||||||||||||||
111 | vat_purchase_81_reverse | 8.1% R C | 8.1% on purchase of service abroad (reverse charge) | 8.1% reverse | group | purchase | tax_group_vat_81 | True | vat_purchase_81_return,vat_purchase_81 | BZS 8,1% Bezugssteuer | IVA 8,1% sull'acquisto di servizi all'estero (reverse charge) | TVA 8,1% sur achat service a l'étranger (reverse charge) |