20 KiB
20 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | tag_ids | name@es |
2 | account_11700 | 117000 | Transfer Account | asset_current | True | Cuenta de Transferencia | |
3 | account_110210 | 110210 | Foreign Currency Deposits | asset_current | False | Depósitos en Divisas | |
4 | account_110220 | 110220 | Shares | asset_current | False | Acciones | |
5 | account_110310 | 110310 | Customers | asset_receivable | True | Clientes | |
6 | account_110315 | 110315 | Factoring Receivable Account | asset_receivable | True | Facturas cedidas por cobrar (Factoring) | |
7 | account_11320 | 110320 | Advances Suppliers | asset_current | True | Anticipo Proveedores | |
8 | account_11410 | 110410 | Checks Receivable | asset_current | True | Cheques a Fecha Por Cobrar | |
9 | account_110420 | 110420 | Sundry Accounts Receivable | asset_receivable | True | Deudores Varios | |
10 | account_110421 | 110421 | Accounts receivable (Pos) | asset_receivable | True | Deudores por Ventas (Pos) | |
11 | account_110430 | 110430 | Guaranty Ballots | asset_current | True | Boletas en Garantía | |
12 | account_110440 | 110440 | Portfolio | asset_current | True | Letras en Cartera | |
13 | account_110450 | 110450 | Protested Documents | asset_current | True | Documentos Protestados | |
14 | account_110510 | 110510 | Salary Advance | asset_current | True | Anticipo de Sueldo | |
15 | account_110520 | 110520 | Loans granted | asset_current | True | Préstamos otorgados | |
16 | account_110530 | 110530 | Per Expense Advances | asset_prepayments | True | Anticipos de Viáticos | |
17 | account_110540 | 110540 | Funds x Yield | asset_current | True | Fondos x Rendir | |
18 | account_110550 | 110550 | Advance of Fees | asset_prepayments | True | Anticipo de Honorarios | |
19 | account_110560 | 110560 | Advance of Christmas Bonus | asset_prepayments | True | Anticipo de Aguinaldo | |
20 | account_110570 | 110570 | Family Allowance | asset_current | True | Asignación Familiar | |
21 | account_110580 | 110580 | Advance Taxes | asset_current | False | Anticipo de Impuestos | |
22 | account_110585 | 110585 | Prepaid Rents | asset_current | False | Alquileres Pagados por Adelantado | |
23 | account_110590 | 110590 | Interest Paid in Advance | asset_current | False | Intereses Pagados por Adelantado | |
24 | account_110610 | 110610 | Merchandise | asset_current | False | Mercaderías | |
25 | account_110612 | 110612 | Raw Materials | asset_current | False | Materia Prima | |
26 | account_110615 | 110615 | Materials | asset_current | False | Materiales | |
27 | account_110620 | 110620 | Inputs | asset_current | False | Insumos | |
28 | account_110625 | 110625 | Equipment | asset_current | False | Equipos | |
29 | account_110630 | 110630 | Spare parts | asset_current | False | Repuestos | |
30 | account_110640 | 110640 | Stocks in Transit | asset_current | True | Existencias en Tránsito | |
31 | account_110650 | 110650 | Manufactured Products | asset_current | False | Productos Fabricados | |
32 | account_110660 | 110660 | Products In Process | asset_current | False | Productos En Proceso | |
33 | account_110670 | 110670 | Packaging | asset_current | False | Envases | |
34 | account_110710 | 110710 | VAT Tax Credit | asset_current | False | IVA Crédito Fiscal | |
35 | account_110720 | 110720 | Remaining Tax Credit | asset_current | False | Remanente Crédito Fiscal | |
36 | account_110730 | 110730 | Property, plant and equipment | asset_current | False | Crédito por Activo Fijo | |
37 | account_110740 | 110740 | P.P.M. / Art 33 BIS | asset_receivable | True | P.P.M. / Art 33 BIS | |
38 | account_110750 | 110750 | Sence Credit | asset_current | False | Crédito Sence | |
39 | account_110810 | 110810 | Foreign Trade Advances | asset_current | False | Anticipos Comercio Exterior | |
40 | account_110820 | 110820 | Prepaid Expenses | asset_current | False | Gastos Anticipados | |
41 | account_110830 | 110830 | Organization and Start-up | asset_current | False | Organización y Puesta en Marcha | |
42 | account_110910 | 110910 | Member Retreats | asset_current | False | Retiros Socios | |
43 | account_110920 | 110920 | Withdrawals Reinvestment | asset_current | False | Retiros Reinversión | |
44 | account_111010 | 111010 | Reorganization Expenses | asset_current | False | Gastos Reorganización | |
45 | account_111110 | 111110 | Obligated Accounts Members | asset_current | False | Cuentas Obligadas Socios | |
46 | account_111210 | 111210 | Tax Expenses | asset_current | False | Gastos Tributarios | |
47 | account_111310 | 111310 | Imports Account | asset_current | False | Cuenta Importaciones | |
48 | account_111410 | 111410 | Rejected Expenses | asset_current | False | Gastos Rechazados | |
49 | account_120110 | 120110 | Delinquent Debtors | asset_receivable | True | Deudores Morosos | |
50 | account_120120 | 120120 | Debtors in Judicial Management | asset_receivable | True | Deudores en Gestión Judicial | |
51 | account_121110 | 121110 | Office Equipment and Furniture | asset_fixed | False | Equipos y Mobiliario de Oficina | |
52 | account_121120 | 121120 | Computer Equipment | asset_fixed | False | Equipos Computacionales | |
53 | account_121130 | 121130 | Vehicles | asset_fixed | False | Vehículos | |
54 | account_121140 | 121140 | Machinery | asset_fixed | False | Maquinaria | |
55 | account_121210 | 121210 | Real Estate | asset_fixed | False | Bienes Raíces | |
56 | account_121310 | 121310 | Depreciation Accum Office Equipment and Furniture | asset_fixed | False | Depreciación Acum Equipos y Mob de Oficina | |
57 | account_121320 | 121320 | Depreciation Acum Computer Equipment | asset_fixed | False | Depreciación Acum Equipos Computacionales | |
58 | account_121330 | 121330 | Depreciation Accum Other Assets | asset_fixed | False | Depreciación Acum Otros Activos | |
59 | account_130110 | 130110 | Intangible Assets - Right of Keys | asset_non_current | False | Activo Intangible - Derecho de Llaves | |
60 | account_130112 | 130112 | Intangible Assets - Concessions and Franchises | asset_non_current | False | Activo Intangible - Concesiones y Franquicias | |
61 | account_130114 | 130114 | Intangible Assets - Trademarks and Patents | asset_non_current | False | Activo Intangible - Marcas y Patentes de Invención | |
62 | account_130116 | 130116 | Intangible Assets - (-) Accumulated Amortization | asset_non_current | False | Activo Intangible - (-) Amortización Acumulada | |
63 | account_130120 | 130120 | Rights Other Companies | asset_non_current | False | Derechos Otras Empresas | |
64 | account_130130 | 130130 | Accounts Receivable from Individuals and Related Companies Long term | asset_non_current | False | Cuentas por Cobrar a Personas y Empresas Relacionadas Largo Plazo | |
65 | account_130140 | 130140 | Long-Term Notes and Accounts Receivable | asset_non_current | False | Documentos y Cuentas por Cobrar a Largo Plazo | |
66 | account_130150 | 130150 | Guarantees of Long-Term Obligations and Third-Party Obligations | asset_non_current | False | Garantías de Obligaciones a Largo Plazo y de Obligaciones de Terceros | |
67 | account_130160 | 130160 | Equity Securities Commodity Exchanges | asset_non_current | False | Títulos Patrimoniales Bolsas de Productos | |
68 | account_190110 | 190110 | Guaranty Slips | asset_non_current | False | Boletas de Garantía | |
69 | account_190210 | 190210 | Discounted Letters | asset_non_current | False | Letras Descontadas | |
70 | account_190310 | 190310 | Collateral Documents | asset_non_current | False | Documentos en Garantía | |
71 | account_190410 | 190410 | Subscribed Shares | asset_non_current | False | Acciones Suscritas | |
72 | account_210110 | 210110 | Corporate Credit Card | liability_current | False | Tarjeta de Crédito Corporativa | |
73 | account_210120 | 210120 | Bank Line of Credit | liability_current | False | Linea de Crédito Bancaria | |
74 | account_210140 | 210140 | Commercial Credit with Term | liability_current | False | Crédito Comercial C/Plazo | |
75 | account_210150 | 210150 | Short-Term Leasing Obligations | liability_current | False | Obligaciones Leasing Corto Plazo | |
76 | account_210160 | 210160 | Mortgage loan with term | liability_current | False | Crédito Hipotecario C/Plazo | |
77 | account_210170 | 210170 | Commercial Credit LP Venc. with Term | liability_current | False | Crédito Comercial LP Venc. C/Plazo | |
78 | account_210180 | 210180 | Dividends Payable | liability_current | False | Dividendos por Pagar | |
79 | account_210190 | 210190 | Interest Accrued on Credit Purchases | liability_payable | True | Intereses a Devengar por Compras al Crédito | |
80 | account_210195 | 210195 | Interest payable | liability_current | False | Intereses a pagar | |
81 | account_210210 | 210210 | Suppliers | liability_payable | True | Proveedores | |
82 | account_210220 | 210220 | Customer Advances | liability_payable | True | Anticipo de Clientes | |
83 | account_210230 | 210230 | Invoices Receivable | liability_current | True | Facturas por Recibir | |
84 | account_210310 | 210310 | Checks Drawn and Uncollected | liability_current | False | Cheques Girados y No Cobrados | |
85 | account_210320 | 210320 | Collateral Documents | liability_current | False | Documentos en Garantía | |
86 | account_210330 | 210330 | Warranty Bond | liability_current | False | Boleta en Garantia | |
87 | account_210410 | 210410 | AFP x Pay | liability_current | False | AFP x Pagar | |
88 | account_210420 | 210420 | C.C.A.F. x Payable | liability_current | False | C.C.A.F. x Pagar | |
89 | account_210430 | 210430 | INP x Pagar | liability_current | False | INP x Pagar | |
90 | account_210440 | 210440 | ISAPRES x Pagar | liability_current | False | ISAPRES x Pagar | |
91 | account_210450 | 210450 | Mutual Insurance Paid | liability_current | False | Mutual Seg. x Pagar | |
92 | account_210510 | 210510 | Salaries Payable | liability_current | False | Sueldos por Pagar | |
93 | account_210520 | 210520 | Fees Payable | liability_current | False | Honorarios por Pagar | |
94 | account_210550 | 210550 | Renditions Payable | liability_current | False | Rendiciones por Pagar | |
95 | account_210560 | 210560 | Vacation Provision | liability_current | False | Provisión de Vacaciones | |
96 | account_210565 | 210565 | Provision for severance payments | liability_current | False | Provisión por Finiquitos | |
97 | account_210610 | 210610 | PPM Tax Provision | liability_non_current | False | Provisión de Impuesto PPM | |
98 | account_210620 | 210620 | Other Provisions | liability_current | False | Otras Provisiones | |
99 | account_210710 | 210710 | VAT Tax Debit | liability_current | False | IVA Débito Fiscal | |
100 | account_210720 | 210720 | PPM Payable | liability_current | False | PPM por Pagar | |
101 | account_210730 | 210730 | Single Tax Workers | liability_current | False | Impuesto Único Trabajadores | |
102 | account_210740 | 210740 | Second Category Withholding Tax | liability_current | False | Impuesto Retención Segunda Categoría | |
103 | account_210715 | 210715 | VAT withheld from third parties | liability_current | False | IVA Retenido a terceros | |
104 | account_210750 | 210750 | 1st Category Income Tax Payable | liability_current | False | Impuesto Renta 1a Categoría por Pagar | |
105 | account_210760 | 210760 | Monthly Taxes Payable | liability_current | True | Impuestos Mensuales por Pagar | |
106 | account_220120 | 220120 | Leasing Obligations Term | liability_current | False | Obligaciones Leasing L/Plazo | |
107 | account_220130 | 220130 | Commercial Credit without Term | liability_current | False | Crédito Comercial L/Plazo | |
108 | account_220210 | 220210 | Provision for Years of Service Indemnity | liability_current | False | Provisión Indemnización por Años de Servicio | |
109 | account_220310 | 220310 | Current Account Related Company | liability_non_current | False | Cta Corriente Empresa Relacionada | |
110 | account_220320 | 220320 | Long-term deferred taxes | liability_non_current | False | Impuesto Diferido Largo Plazo | |
111 | account_220330 | 220330 | Other Liabilities | liability_current | False | Otros Pasivos | |
112 | account_230110 | 230110 | Capital Stock | equity | False | Capital Social | |
113 | account_230120 | 230120 | Shares in Circulation | equity | False | Acciones en Circulación | |
114 | account_230130 | 230130 | Dividends to be Distributed in Shares | equity | False | Dividendos a Distribuir en Acciones | |
115 | account_230140 | 230140 | Stock Issuance Discount | equity | False | Descuento de Emisión de Acciones | |
116 | account_230210 | 230210 | Revaluation of shareholders' equity | equity | False | Revalorización Capital Propio | |
117 | account_230220 | 230220 | Other Revaluations | equity | False | Otras Revalorizaciones | |
118 | account_230230 | 230230 | Revaluation of fixed assets | equity | False | Revalorización Activo Fijo | |
119 | account_230240 | 230240 | Value Fluctuation | equity | False | Fluctuación de Valores | |
120 | account_230250 | 230250 | Legal Reserve | equity | False | Reserva Legal | |
121 | account_230260 | 230260 | Statutory Reserve | equity | False | Reserva Estatutaria | |
122 | account_230270 | 230270 | Optional Reserve | equity | False | Reserva Facultativa | |
123 | account_230280 | 230280 | Fixed Asset Renewal Reserve | equity | False | Reserva para Renovación de Activo Fijo | |
124 | account_230290 | 230290 | Accumulated Results | equity | False | Resultados Acumulados | |
125 | account_230300 | 230300 | Profit and Loss for the Year | equity | False | Utilidades y Pérdidas del Ejercicio | |
126 | account_230310 | 230310 | Prior Year Retained Earnings | equity | False | Resultados Acumulados del Ejercicio Anterior | |
127 | account_230510 | 230510 | Income for the year | equity | False | Resultado del Ejercicio | |
128 | account_290110 | 290110 | Bridge Account | liability_non_current | True | Cuenta Puente | |
129 | account_290210 | 290210 | Responsible for Guarantee Vouchers | liability_non_current | False | Responsable Boletas Garantía | |
130 | account_290220 | 290220 | Responsible Documents Warranty | liability_current | False | Responsable Documentos Garantía | |
131 | account_290230 | 290230 | Responsible for Discounted Letters | liability_non_current | False | Responsable Letras Descontadas | |
132 | account_310110 | 310110 | Consulting revenues | income | False | Ingresos por Consultoría | |
133 | account_310115 | 310115 | Product Sales | income | False | Ventas de Productos | |
134 | account_310120 | 310120 | Sales of Services | income | False | Ventas de Servicios | |
135 | account_310122 | 310122 | National/International Ticket Sales and/or Unaffected Commissions | income | False | Ventas de Pasajes Nacionales/Internacionales y/o Comisiones No Afectas | |
136 | account_310125 | 310125 | Export Sales | income | False | Ventas de Exportación | |
137 | account_310130 | 310130 | Commissions earned on sales | income | False | Comisiones Percibidas por Ventas | |
138 | account_320210 | 320210 | Profit from sale of fixed assets | income | False | Utilidad Venta Activo Fijo | |
139 | account_320220 | 320220 | Interest Received on Loans Granted | income | False | Intereses Percibidos Sobre Préstamos Otorgados | |
140 | account_320225 | 320225 | Leases earned, obtained, received | income | False | Arriendos ganados, obtenidos, percibidos | |
141 | account_320230 | 320230 | Discounts earned, obtained, received | income | False | Descuentos ganados, obtenidos, percibidos | |
142 | account_320235 | 320235 | Interest on investments | income | False | Intereses sobre Inversiones | |
143 | account_320240 | 320240 | Gain on sale of shares | income | False | Ganancia Venta de Acciones | |
144 | account_320245 | 320245 | Recovery of Arrears | income | False | Recupero de Rezagos | |
145 | account_320250 | 320250 | Recovery of uncollectible accounts receivable | income | False | Recupero de Deudores Incobrables | |
146 | account_320255 | 320255 | Donations obtained, earned, received | income | False | Donaciones obtenidas, ganandas, percibidas | |
147 | account_320260 | 320260 | Gain on sale of permanent investments | income | False | Ganancia Venta Inversiones Permanentes | |
148 | account_320265 | 320265 | Exchange rate difference Gain | income | False | Diferencia tipo de cambio Ganancia | |
149 | account_320270 | 320270 | Long-term loans | income_other | False | Cŕeditos a Largo Plazo | |
150 | account_320275 | 320275 | Other Income | income_other | False | Otros Ingresos | |
151 | account_320280 | 320280 | Price-level restatement Assets | income_other | False | Corrección Monetaria Activos | |
152 | account_320285 | 320285 | Price-level restatement Leasing assets | income_other | False | Corrección Monetaria Bienes Leasing | |
153 | account_410110 | 410110 | Remunerations Operation | expense | False | Remuneraciones Operación | |
154 | account_410115 | 410115 | Employer's contribution Operation | expense | False | Aporte Patronal Operación | |
155 | account_410120 | 410120 | Per diem | expense | False | Viáticos | |
156 | account_410125 | 410125 | Training | expense | False | Capacitación | |
157 | account_410130 | 410130 | Fees Paid | expense | False | Honorarios Pagados | |
158 | account_410135 | 410135 | Consultancies | expense | False | Asesorías | |
159 | account_410140 | 410140 | Office Leases | expense | False | Arriendos Oficina | |
160 | account_410145 | 410145 | Warehouse Leases | expense | False | Arriendos Bodega | |
161 | account_410150 | 410150 | Communications | expense | False | Comunicaciones | |
162 | account_410155 | 410155 | Legal Services | expense | False | Servicios Legales | |
163 | account_410160 | 410160 | Asset Maintenance and Repair | expense | False | Manutención y Reparación de Activos | |
164 | account_410165 | 410165 | Stationery-Sanitary-Miscellaneous Expenses | expense | False | Papelería-Aseo-Gastos Diversos | |
165 | account_410170 | 410170 | Remunerations Administration | expense | False | Remuneraciones Administración | |
166 | account_410175 | 410175 | Employer's contribution Administration | expense | False | Aporte Patronal Administración | |
167 | account_410180 | 410180 | Electricity | expense | False | Electricidad | |
168 | account_410185 | 410185 | Common Expenses | expense | False | Gastos Comunes | |
169 | account_410190 | 410190 | Bank charges | off_balance | False | Gastos Bancarios | |
170 | account_410195 | 410195 | Exchange Rate Difference Loss | expense | False | Diferencia Tipo de Cambio Perdida | |
171 | account_410200 | 410200 | Monetary Correction | expense | False | Corrección Monetaria | |
172 | account_410205 | 410205 | Tax Fines | expense | False | Multas Fiscales | |
173 | account_410210 | 410210 | Income Tax 1st Category | expense | False | Impuesto a la Renta 1ra Categoría | |
174 | account_410215 | 410215 | Loss on sale of assets | expense | False | Pérdida por Venta Activo | |
175 | account_410220 | 410220 | Prior Year Adjustment | expense | False | Ajuste Ejercicio Anterior | |
176 | account_410225 | 410225 | Donation | expense | False | Donación | |
177 | account_410230 | 410230 | Purchases Products 1st Category | expense | False | Compras Productos 1ra Categoría | |
178 | account_410231 | 410231 | Net Purchases (VAT Common Use) | expense | False | Compras Netas (IVA Uso Común) | |
179 | account_410232 | 410232 | Net Purchases (Non-recoverable VAT) | expense | False | Compras Netas (IVA No Recuperable) | |
180 | account_410233 | 410233 | Supermarket Shopping | expense | False | Compras de Supermercado | |
181 | account_410235 | 410235 | Cost of Goods Sold - 1st Category Prod | expense_direct_cost | False | Costo de Mercaderías Vendidas - Prod. 1ra Categoría | |
182 | account_410240 | 410240 | Imports | expense_direct_cost | False | Importaciones | |
183 | account_410245 | 410245 | CIF | expense_direct_cost | False | CIF | |
184 | account_410250 | 410250 | Purchases of raw materials | expense_direct_cost | False | Compras de Materia Prima | |
185 | account_410255 | 410255 | Direct Labor | expense | False | Mano de Obra Directa | |
186 | account_420110 | 420110 | Merchandise Received on Consignment | expense | False | Mercaderias Recibidas en Consignación | |
187 | account_440210 | 440210 | Customer for Goods Received on Consignment | expense | False | Comitente por Mercaderias Recibidas en Consignación | |
188 | account_420120 | 420120 | Fixed asset depreciation expense | expense | False | Gastos en Depreciación de Activo Fijo | |
189 | account_420140 | 420140 | Amortization Expenses | expense | False | Gastos en Amortización | |
190 | account_420150 | 420150 | Claims Expenses | expense | False | Gastos en Siniestros | |
191 | account_420170 | 420170 | Warranties Granted | off_balance | False | Garantias Otorgadas | |
192 | account_420220 | 420220 | Expenses Other Taxes | expense | False | Gastos Otros Impuestos |