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1 | id | name | code | account_type | reconcile | name@zh_CN |
2 | l10n_cn_1101 | Transactional Financial Assets | 110100 | asset_current | False | 交易性金融资产 |
3 | l10n_cn_1012 | Other Monetary Funds | 101200 | asset_current | False | 其他货币资金 |
4 | l10n_cn_1121 | Bills Receivable | 112100 | asset_receivable | True | 应收票据 |
5 | l10n_cn_1123 | Advance Payment | 112300 | asset_prepayments | False | 预付账款 |
6 | l10n_cn_1131 | Divident Receivable | 113100 | asset_receivable | True | 应收股利 |
7 | l10n_cn_1132 | Interest Receivable | 113200 | asset_receivable | True | 应收利息 |
8 | l10n_cn_1221 | Other Receivable | 122100 | asset_receivable | True | 其他应收款 |
9 | l10n_cn_1231 | Bad Debt Provisions | 123100 | asset_current | False | 坏账准备 |
10 | l10n_cn_1401 | Material Purchasing | 140100 | asset_current | False | 材料采购 |
11 | l10n_cn_1406 | Goods shipped in transit | 140600 | asset_current | False | 运输中的货物 |
12 | l10n_cn_1407 | Differences between purchasing and selling price | 140700 | asset_current | False | 商品进销差价 |
13 | l10n_cn_1408 | Consigned processing materials | 140800 | asset_current | False | 委托加工的材料 |
14 | l10n_cn_1471 | Inventory falling price reserves | 147100 | asset_current | False | 存货跌价准备 |
15 | l10n_cn_1531 | Long-term receivables | 153100 | asset_non_current | True | 长期应收款 |
16 | l10n_cn_1602 | Accumulated depreciation | 160200 | expense_depreciation | False | 累计折旧 |
17 | l10n_cn_1603 | Fixed assets depreciation reserves | 160300 | expense_depreciation | False | 固定资产减值准备 |
18 | l10n_cn_1605 | Engineering materials | 160500 | asset_non_current | False | 工程物资 |
19 | l10n_cn_1801 | Long-term amortized expenses | 180100 | expense_depreciation | False | 长期待摊销费用 |
20 | l10n_cn_2001 | Short-term borrowing | 200100 | liability_payable | True | 短期借款 |
21 | l10n_cn_2201 | Bills Payable | 220100 | liability_payable | True | 应付票据 |
22 | l10n_cn_2203 | Deposit Received | 220300 | liability_payable | True | 预收账款 |
23 | l10n_cn_2211 | Payroll payable | 221100 | liability_payable | True | 应付职工薪酬 |
24 | l10n_cn_2221 | Tax payable | 222100 | liability_current | True | 应交税金 |
25 | l10n_cn_2231 | Interest payable | 223100 | liability_payable | True | 应付利息 |
26 | l10n_cn_2241 | Dividents payable | 224100 | liability_payable | True | 应付股利 |
27 | l10n_cn_2501 | Other payable | 250100 | liability_payable | True | 其他应付款 |
28 | l10n_cn_2502 | Bonds Payable | 250200 | liability_payable | True | 应付债券 |
29 | l10n_cn_2701 | Long Term payables | 270100 | liability_payable | True | 长期应付款 |
30 | l10n_cn_2711 | Account payable special funds | 271100 | liability_payable | True | 专项应付款 |
31 | l10n_cn_2801 | Projected liabilities | 280100 | liability_payable | True | 预计负债 |
32 | l10n_cn_2901 | Deferred Tax Liability | 290100 | liability_payable | True | 递延税项负债 |
33 | l10n_cn_4001 | Paid in capital | 400100 | equity | False | 实收资本 |
34 | l10n_cn_4002 | Capital Surplus | 400200 | equity | False | 资本公积金 |
35 | l10n_cn_4003 | Other Comprehensive Income | 400300 | equity | False | 其他综合收益 |
36 | l10n_cn_4101 | Surplus Reserve | 410100 | equity | False | 盈余公积 |
37 | l10n_cn_4103 | Profit for the year | 410300 | equity | False | 本年利润 |
38 | l10n_cn_4104 | Profit distribution | 410400 | equity | False | 利润分配 |