47 KiB
47 KiB
1 | id | name | code | account_type | tag_ids | reconcile | name@da_DK |
2 | dk_coa_1010 | Sale of goods and services | 1010 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1010 | False | Salg af varer og ydelser |
3 | dk_coa_1050 | Sales of goods abroad, EU | 1050 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1050 | False | Salg af varer udland, EU |
4 | dk_coa_1100 | Sales of goods abroad, non-EU | 1100 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1100 | False | Salg af varer udland, ikke-EU |
5 | dk_coa_1150 | Sales of services abroad, EU | 1150 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1150 | False | Salg af ydelser udland, EU |
6 | dk_coa_1200 | Sales of services abroad, non-EU | 1200 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1200 | False | Salg af ydelser udland, ikke-EU |
7 | dk_coa_1300 | Adjustment for work in progress | 1300 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1300 | False | Regulering igangværende arbejder |
8 | dk_coa_1350 | Value adjustments on investment property | 1350 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1350 | False | Værdireguleringer af investeringsejendomme |
9 | dk_coa_1410 | Inventory adjustment on stocks of finished goods and work in progress | 1410 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1410 | False | Varelagerregulering på lagre af færdigvarer og varer under fremstilling |
10 | dk_coa_1430 | Write-down of stocks of finished goods and work in progress | 1430 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1430 | False | Nedskrivning på lagre af færdigvarer og varer under fremstilling |
11 | dk_coa_1460 | Other changes in stocks of finished goods and work in progress | 1460 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1460 | False | Øvrige ændringer på lagre af færdigvarer og varer under fremstilling |
12 | dk_coa_1510 | Gain on sale of intangible fixed assets | 1510 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1510 | False | Gevinst ved salg af immaterielle anlægsaktiver |
13 | dk_coa_1530 | Gain on sale of tangible fixed assets | 1530 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1530 | False | Gevinst ved salg af materielle anlægsaktiver |
14 | dk_coa_1540 | Gain on sale of financial fixed assets | 1540 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1540 | False | Gevinst ved salg af finansielle anlægsaktiver |
15 | dk_coa_1550 | Other operating income | 1550 | income | l10n_dk.account_tag_1550 | False | Øvrige andre driftsindtægter |
16 | dk_coa_1610 | Purchase of goods | 1610 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1610 | False | Varekøb |
17 | dk_coa_1630 | Purchases of goods abroad, EU | 1630 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1630 | False | Varekøb udland, EU |
18 | dk_coa_1650 | Purchases of goods from abroad, non-EU | 1650 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1650 | False | Varekøb udland, ikke-EU |
19 | dk_coa_1660 | Benefit purchases | 1660 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1660 | False | Ydelseskøb |
20 | dk_coa_1710 | Benefit purchases abroad, EU | 1710 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1710 | False | Ydelseskøb udland, EU |
21 | dk_coa_1740 | Benefit purchases, abroad, non-EU | 1740 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1740 | False | Ydelseskøb, udland, ikke-EU |
22 | dk_coa_1770 | Inventory adjustment on stocks of raw materials and consumables | 1770 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1770 | False | Varelagerregulering på lagre af råvarer og hjælpematerialer |
23 | dk_coa_1800 | Write-down of inventories | 1800 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_dk.account_tag_1800 | False | Nedskrivning på varelager |
24 | dk_coa_1830 | Freight costs | 1830 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1830 | False | Fragtomkostninger |
25 | dk_coa_1850 | Advertising and publicity | 1850 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1850 | False | Annoncering og reklame |
26 | dk_coa_1870 | Exhibitions and decoration | 1870 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1870 | False | Udstillinger og dekoration |
27 | dk_coa_1890 | Catering services | 1890 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1890 | False | Restaurationsbesøg |
28 | dk_coa_1910 | Representation expenses, tax deduction limited | 1910 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1910 | False | Repræsentationsomkostninger, skattemæssigt begrænset fradrag |
29 | dk_coa_1930 | Representation expenses, fully deductible for tax purposes | 1930 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1930 | False | Repræsentationsomkostninger, fuld fradragsret skattemæssigt |
30 | dk_coa_1950 | Other selling expenses | 1950 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1950 | False | Andre salgsomkostninger |
31 | dk_coa_1970 | Newspapers and magazines | 1970 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1970 | False | Aviser og blade |
32 | dk_coa_1990 | Gifts and flowers | 1990 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_1990 | False | Gaver og blomster |
33 | dk_coa_2030 | Rent | 2030 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2030 | False | Husleje, ekskl. el, vand og varme |
34 | dk_coa_2050 | Electricity | 2050 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2050 | False | El |
35 | dk_coa_2060 | Electricity tax | 2060 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2060 | False | Elafgift |
36 | dk_coa_2070 | Water | 2070 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2070 | False | Vand |
37 | dk_coa_2080 | Heating | 2080 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2080 | False | Varme |
38 | dk_coa_2090 | Water tax | 2090 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2090 | False | Vandafgift |
39 | dk_coa_2100 | Oil and LPG tax | 2100 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2100 | False | Olie- og flaskegasafgift |
40 | dk_coa_2110 | Coal tax | 2110 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2110 | False | Kulafgift |
41 | dk_coa_2120 | Natural and town gas tax | 2120 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2120 | False | Naturgas- og bygasafgift |
42 | dk_coa_2130 | CO2 tax | 2130 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2130 | False | Co2-afgift |
43 | dk_coa_2140 | Other taxes | 2140 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2140 | False | Øvrige afgifter |
44 | dk_coa_2150 | Cleaning and sanitation (waste management) | 2150 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2150 | False | Rengøring og renovation (affaldshåndtering) |
45 | dk_coa_2160 | Repair and maintenance | 2160 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2160 | False | Reparation og vedligeholdelse |
46 | dk_coa_2170 | Repair and maintenance | 2170 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2170 | False | Reparation og vedligeholdelse, ejendom skattemæssigt afskrivningsberettiget, bygning 1 |
47 | dk_coa_2180 | Insurance | 2180 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2180 | False | Forsikringer |
48 | dk_coa_2190 | Property taxes | 2190 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2190 | False | Ejendomsskatter |
49 | dk_coa_2200 | Other premises costs | 2200 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2200 | False | Andre lokaleomkostninger |
50 | dk_coa_2230 | Small acquisitions below the tax threshold for small assets | 2230 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2230 | False | Småanskaffelser under skattemæssig grænse for småaktiver |
51 | dk_coa_2240 | Small acquisitions above the tax threshold for small assets | 2240 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2240 | False | Småanskaffelser over skattemæssig grænse for småaktiver |
52 | dk_coa_2250 | Subcontractors | 2250 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2250 | False | Underleverandører |
53 | dk_coa_2260 | Research and development costs | 2260 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2260 | False | Forsknings- og udviklingsomkostninger |
54 | dk_coa_2270 | Other production costs | 2270 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2270 | False | Øvrige produktionsomkostninger |
55 | dk_coa_2280 | Recognized losses on trade receivables | 2280 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2280 | False | Konstaterede tab på tilgodehavender fra salg og tjenesteydelser |
56 | dk_coa_2290 | Adjustment of impairment loss on trade receivables | 2290 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2290 | False | Regulering af nedskrivning på tilgodehavender fra salg og tjenesteydelser |
57 | dk_coa_2300 | Adjustment of receivables from group enterprises and associates | 2300 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2300 | False | Regulering af tilgodehavender fra tilknyttede virksomheder og associerede virksomheder |
58 | dk_coa_2310 | IT equipment, etc. | 2310 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2310 | False | It-udstyr mv. |
59 | dk_coa_2330 | Tax-free travel and transportation allowances | 2330 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2330 | False | Skattefri rejse- og befordringsgodtgørelse |
60 | dk_coa_2350 | Canteen expenses | 2350 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2350 | False | Kantineudgifter |
61 | dk_coa_2370 | Membership fees | 2370 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2370 | False | Kontingenter |
62 | dk_coa_2380 | Professional literature | 2380 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2380 | False | Faglitteratur |
63 | dk_coa_2390 | Postage and charges | 2390 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2390 | False | Porto og gebyrer |
64 | dk_coa_2410 | Telephone and internet etc. (business only) | 2410 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2410 | False | Telefon og internet mv. (kun virksomhed) |
65 | dk_coa_2420 | Telephone and internet etc. (partly private) | 2420 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2420 | False | Telefon og internet mv. (delvist privat) |
66 | dk_coa_2450 | Office supplies | 2450 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2450 | False | Kontorartikler |
67 | dk_coa_2460 | Rent and operating lease payments (excluding rent) | 2460 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2460 | False | Leje og operationelle leasingydelser (ekskl. husleje) |
68 | dk_coa_2470 | Travel expenses | 2470 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2470 | False | Rejseudgifter |
69 | dk_coa_2480 | Temporary employment agency services | 2480 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2480 | False | Vikarassistance |
70 | dk_coa_2510 | Consultancy services | 2510 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2510 | False | Konsulentydelser |
71 | dk_coa_2520 | Training costs | 2520 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2520 | False | Kursusudgifter |
72 | dk_coa_2530 | Leasing costs, passenger cars | 2530 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2530 | False | Leasingomkostninger, personbiler |
73 | dk_coa_2540 | Operating costs, passenger cars | 2540 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2540 | False | Driftsomkostninger, personbiler |
74 | dk_coa_2560 | Operating costs, vans | 2560 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2560 | False | Driftsomkostninger, varebiler |
75 | dk_coa_2620 | Parking costs | 2620 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2620 | False | Parkeringsudgifter |
76 | dk_coa_2630 | Car expenses according to government tariffs | 2630 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2630 | False | Biludgifter efter statens takster |
77 | dk_coa_2640 | Free car | 2640 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2640 | False | Fri bil |
78 | dk_coa_2650 | 'Workers' compensation insurance' | 2650 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2650 | False | Arbejdsskadeforsikring |
79 | dk_coa_2660 | Government fees and fines (not tax deductible) | 2660 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2660 | False | Offentlige gebyrer og bøder (ej fradragsberettiget skattemæssigt) |
80 | dk_coa_2670 | Audit and accounting assistance | 2670 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2670 | False | Revision og regnskabsmæssig assistance |
81 | dk_coa_2680 | Legal assistance | 2680 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2680 | False | Advokatmæssig assistance |
82 | dk_coa_2690 | Other consultancy fees | 2690 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2690 | False | Øvrige rådgivningshonorarer |
83 | dk_coa_2700 | Advisory fees not deductible for tax purposes | 2700 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2700 | False | Ej skattemæssigt fradragsberettigede rådgivningshonorarer |
84 | dk_coa_2710 | Administration/management fee | 2710 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2710 | False | Administrationsvederlag/management fee |
85 | dk_coa_2720 | Rounding of pennies/cash differences | 2720 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2720 | False | Øreafrunding/kassedifferencer |
86 | dk_coa_2810 | Other external costs | 2810 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2810 | False | Andre eksterne omkostninger |
87 | dk_coa_2850 | Salaries and wages | 2850 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2850 | False | Lønninger |
88 | dk_coa_2860 | Vacation pay liability | 2860 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2860 | False | Feriepengeforpligtelse |
89 | dk_coa_2870 | Anniversary bonuses and severance pay | 2870 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2870 | False | Jubilæumsgratiale og fratrædelsesgodtgørelse |
90 | dk_coa_2880 | Directors' fees | 2880 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2880 | False | Bestyrelseshonorar |
91 | dk_coa_2890 | AM Contributory A-Income | 2890 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2890 | False | AM Bidragspligtig A-Indkomst |
92 | dk_coa_2900 | AM Contribution-free A-Income | 2900 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2900 | False | AM Bidragsfri A-Indkomst |
93 | dk_coa_2910 | Pensions | 2910 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2910 | False | Pensioner |
94 | dk_coa_2920 | Remuneration in lieu of pension promises | 2920 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2920 | False | Vederlag til afløsning af pensionstilsagn |
95 | dk_coa_2930 | Social security costs | 2930 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2930 | False | Omkostninger til social sikring |
96 | dk_coa_2940 | AER/ AUB | 2940 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2940 | False | AER/ AUB |
97 | dk_coa_2950 | ATP | 2950 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2950 | False | ATP |
98 | dk_coa_2960 | Other personnel costs | 2960 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2960 | False | Andre personaleomkostninger |
99 | dk_coa_2965 | Employee benefits | 2965 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2965 | False | Personalegoder |
100 | dk_coa_2968 | Salary reimbursements | 2968 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2968 | False | Lønrefusioner |
101 | dk_coa_2970 | Tax-free allowances paid in the form of mileage and subsistence allowances | 2970 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2970 | False | Udbetalte skattefrie godtgørelser i form af kørepenge og diæter |
102 | dk_coa_2980 | Payroll tax | 2980 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_2980 | False | Lønsumsafgift |
103 | dk_coa_3000 | Amortization and impairment of acquired intangible assets | 3000 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3000 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af erhvervede immaterielle anlægsaktiver |
104 | dk_coa_3010 | Amortization and impairment of goodwill | 3010 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3010 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af goodwill |
105 | dk_coa_3020 | Depreciation and amortization of land and buildings | 3020 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3020 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af grunde og bygninger |
106 | dk_coa_3030 | Depreciation and write-offs of plant and machinery | 3030 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3030 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af produktionsanlæg og maskiner |
107 | dk_coa_3040 | Depreciation and write-offs of leasehold improvements | 3040 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3040 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af indretning af lejede lokaler |
108 | dk_coa_3050 | Depreciation and write-offs of other plant, equipment and furniture | 3050 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3050 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar |
109 | dk_coa_3060 | Depreciation and amortization of software | 3060 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3060 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af software |
110 | dk_coa_3070 | Depreciation and write-downs of land and buildings held under finance leases | 3070 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3070 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af finansielt leasede grunde og bygninger |
111 | dk_coa_3080 | Depreciation and write-downs of plant and machinery held under finance leases | 3080 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3080 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af finansielt leasede produktionsanlæg og maskiner |
112 | dk_coa_3090 | Depreciation, amortization and write-downs of other plant, machinery and equipment held under finance leases | 3090 | expense_depreciation | l10n_dk.account_tag_3090 | False | Af- og nedskrivninger af finansielt leasede andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar |
113 | dk_coa_3130 | Impairment losses on current assets | 3130 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3130 | False | Nedskrivninger af omsætningsaktiver, som overstiger normale nedskrivninger |
114 | dk_coa_3160 | Loss on disposal of intangible fixed assets | 3160 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3160 | False | Tab ved salg af immaterielle anlægsaktiver |
115 | dk_coa_3170 | Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment | 3170 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3170 | False | Tab ved salg af materielle anlægsaktiver |
116 | dk_coa_3180 | Other operating expenses | 3180 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3180 | False | Øvrige andre driftsomkostninger |
117 | dk_coa_3200 | Income from investments in affiliated enterprises | 3200 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3200 | False | Indtægter af kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder |
118 | dk_coa_3230 | Income from equity investments in participating interests | 3230 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3230 | False | Indtægter af kapitalandele i kapitalinteresser |
119 | dk_coa_3380 | Dividends from unquoted portfolio shares (gross dividend) | 3380 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3380 | False | Udbytte fra unoterede porteføljeaktier (bruttoudbytte) |
120 | dk_coa_3400 | Other income on other equity investments, securities and receivables that are fixed assets | 3400 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3400 | False | Øvrige indtægter af andre kapitalandele, værdipapirer og tilgodehavender, der er anlægsaktiver |
121 | dk_coa_3440 | Other financial income from affiliated enterprises | 3440 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3440 | False | Andre finansielle indtægter fra tilknyttede virksomheder |
122 | dk_coa_3470 | Interest from banks | 3470 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3470 | False | Renter fra banker |
123 | dk_coa_3490 | Interest receivable on trade debtors | 3490 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3490 | False | Renter vedr. tilgodehavende fra salg af varer og tjenesteydelser |
124 | dk_coa_3510 | Interest subsidies, etc. from general government (non-taxable) | 3510 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3510 | False | Rentetillæg mv. fra det offentlige (ej skattepligtig) |
125 | dk_coa_3530 | Other financial income | 3530 | income_other | l10n_dk.account_tag_3530 | False | Øvrige finansielle indtægter |
126 | dk_coa_3560 | Write-down of financial assets | 3560 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3560 | False | Nedskrivning af finansielle aktiver |
127 | dk_coa_3590 | Financial expenses from investments in affiliated enterprises | 3590 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3590 | False | Finansielle omkostninger, der hidrører fra tilknyttede virksomheder |
128 | dk_coa_3610 | Exchange rate adjustments | 3610 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3610 | False | Valutakursreguleringer |
129 | dk_coa_3620 | Exchange rate adjustments, foreign subsidiaries | 3620 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3620 | False | Valutakursreguleringer, udenlandske dattervirksomheder |
130 | dk_coa_3630 | Exchange losses on cash and cash equivalents, bank and mortgage debt | 3630 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3630 | False | Kurstab på likvider, bankgæld og prioritetsgæld |
131 | dk_coa_3640 | Interest on financial lease liabilities | 3640 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3640 | False | Renter på finansiel leasinggæld |
132 | dk_coa_3650 | Interest payable to suppliers of goods and services | 3650 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3650 | False | Renter vedr. leverandører af varer og tjenesteydelser |
133 | dk_coa_3670 | Interest payable to banks and mortgage credit institutions | 3670 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3670 | False | Renter til banker og realkreditinstitutter |
134 | dk_coa_3675 | Interest payable to general government (not deductible for tax purposes) | 3675 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3675 | False | Renter til det offentlige (ej fradragsberettiget skattemæssigt) |
135 | dk_coa_3680 | Value adjustments on investment property | 3680 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3680 | False | Værdireguleringer af investeringsejendomme |
136 | dk_coa_3690 | Other financial expenses | 3690 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3690 | False | Andre finansielle omkostninger |
137 | dk_coa_3740 | Current tax | 3740 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3740 | False | Aktuel skat |
138 | dk_coa_3760 | Change in deferred tax | 3760 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3760 | False | Ændring af udskudt skat |
139 | dk_coa_3780 | Adjustments relating to previous years | 3780 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3780 | False | Regulering vedrørende tidligere år |
140 | dk_coa_3810 | Other taxes | 3810 | expense | l10n_dk.account_tag_3810 | False | Andre skatter |
141 | dk_coa_5010 | Goodwill, book value at beginning of period | 5010 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5010 | False | Goodwill, bogført værdi primo |
142 | dk_coa_5020 | Goodwill, additions during the year | 5020 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5020 | False | Goodwill, årets tilgange |
143 | dk_coa_5030 | Goodwill, departures during the year | 5030 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5030 | False | Goodwill, årets afgange |
144 | dk_coa_5040 | Goodwill, other value adjustments | 5040 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5040 | False | Goodwill, øvrige værdireguleringer |
145 | dk_coa_5050 | Goodwill, amortization and impairment for the year | 5050 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5050 | False | Goodwill, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
146 | dk_coa_5060 | Goodwill, amortization and impairment reversals | 5060 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5060 | False | Goodwill, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
147 | dk_coa_5080 | Acquired intangible fixed assets, book value at beginning of period | 5080 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5080 | False | Erhvervede immaterielle anlægsaktiver, bogført værdi primo |
148 | dk_coa_5090 | Acquired intangible fixed assets, additions during the year | 5090 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5090 | False | Erhvervede immaterielle anlægsaktiver, årets tilgange |
149 | dk_coa_5100 | Acquired intangible fixed assets, disposals during the year | 5100 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5100 | False | Erhvervede immaterielle anlægsaktiver, årets afgange |
150 | dk_coa_5110 | Acquired intangible fixed assets, other value adjustments | 5110 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5110 | False | Erhvervede immaterielle anlægsaktiver, øvrige værdireguleringer |
151 | dk_coa_5120 | Acquired intangible assets, amortization and impairment losses for the year | 5120 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5120 | False | Erhvervede immaterielle anlægsaktiver, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
152 | dk_coa_5130 | Acquired intangible assets, amortization and impairment losses reversed | 5130 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5130 | False | Erhvervede immaterielle anlægsaktiver, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
153 | dk_coa_5160 | Investment properties, book value at beginning of period | 5160 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5160 | False | Investeringsejendomme, bogført værdi primo |
154 | dk_coa_5170 | Investment real estate, additions during the year | 5170 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5170 | False | Investeringsejendomme, årets tilgange |
155 | dk_coa_5180 | Investment real estate, disposals during the year | 5180 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5180 | False | Investeringsejendomme, årets afgange |
156 | dk_coa_5190 | Investment properties, improvements during the year | 5190 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5190 | False | Investeringsejendomme, årets forbedringer |
157 | dk_coa_5200 | Investment properties, other value adjustments | 5200 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5200 | False | Investeringsejendomme, øvrige værdireguleringer |
158 | dk_coa_5210 | Investment property, depreciation, amortization and impairment for the year | 5210 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5210 | False | Investeringsejendomme, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
159 | dk_coa_5220 | Investment properties, reversal of depreciation and impairment losses | 5220 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5220 | False | Investeringsejendomme, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
160 | dk_coa_5240 | Investment properties under construction, book value at beginning of period | 5240 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5240 | False | Investeringsejendomme under opførelse, bogført værdi primo |
161 | dk_coa_5250 | Investment properties under construction, additions during the year | 5250 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5250 | False | Investeringsejendomme under opførelse, årets tilgange |
162 | dk_coa_5260 | Investment properties under construction, disposals during the year | 5260 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5260 | False | Investeringsejendomme under opførelse, årets afgange |
163 | dk_coa_5270 | Investment properties under construction, improvements during the year | 5270 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5270 | False | Investeringsejendomme under opførelse, årets forbedringer |
164 | dk_coa_5280 | Investment properties under construction, other value adjustments | 5280 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5280 | False | Investeringsejendomme under opførelse, øvrige værdireguleringer |
165 | dk_coa_5290 | Investment properties under construction, impairment losses for the year | 5290 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5290 | False | Investeringsejendomme under opførelse, årets nedskrivninger |
166 | dk_coa_5300 | Investment properties under construction, reversal of impairment losses | 5300 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5300 | False | Investeringsejendomme under opførelse, tilbageførte nedskrivninger |
167 | dk_coa_5320 | Land and buildings, book value at beginning of period | 5320 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5320 | False | Grunde og bygninger, bogført værdi primo |
168 | dk_coa_5330 | Land and buildings, additions during the year | 5330 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5330 | False | Grunde og bygninger, årets tilgange |
169 | dk_coa_5340 | Land and buildings, end of year | 5340 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5340 | False | Grunde og bygninger, årets afgange |
170 | dk_coa_5350 | Land and buildings, improvements during the year | 5350 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5350 | False | Grunde og bygninger, årets forbedringer |
171 | dk_coa_5370 | Land and buildings, other value adjustments | 5370 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5370 | False | Grunde og bygninger, øvrige værdireguleringer |
172 | dk_coa_5390 | Land and buildings, depreciation and impairment for the year | 5390 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5390 | False | Grunde og bygninger, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
173 | dk_coa_5400 | Land and buildings, reversal of depreciation and impairment losses | 5400 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5400 | False | Grunde og bygninger, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
174 | dk_coa_5420 | Plant and machinery, book value at beginning of period | 5420 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5420 | False | Produktionsanlæg og maskiner, bogført værdi primo |
175 | dk_coa_5430 | Production plant and machinery, annual additions | 5430 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5430 | False | Produktionsanlæg og maskiner, årets tilgange |
176 | dk_coa_5440 | Production plant and machinery, end of year | 5440 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5440 | False | Produktionsanlæg og maskiner, årets afgange |
177 | dk_coa_5450 | Plant and machinery, other value adjustments | 5450 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5450 | False | Produktionsanlæg og maskiner, øvrige værdireguleringer |
178 | dk_coa_5470 | Plant and machinery, depreciation and amortization for the year | 5470 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5470 | False | Produktionsanlæg og maskiner, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
179 | dk_coa_5480 | Plant and machinery, depreciation and write-offs reversed | 5480 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5480 | False | Produktionsanlæg og maskiner, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
180 | dk_coa_5500 | Leasehold improvements, book value at beginning of period | 5500 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5500 | False | Indretning af lejede lokaler, bogført værdi primo |
181 | dk_coa_5510 | Fitting-out of rented premises, annual approaches | 5510 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5510 | False | Indretning af lejede lokaler, årets tilgange |
182 | dk_coa_5520 | Furnishing of rented premises, yearly departures | 5520 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5520 | False | Indretning af lejede lokaler, årets afgange |
183 | dk_coa_5530 | Fitting-out of rented premises, other value adjustments | 5530 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5530 | False | Indretning af lejede lokaler, øvrige værdireguleringer |
184 | dk_coa_5540 | Leasehold improvements, depreciation and amortization for the year | 5540 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5540 | False | Indretning af lejede lokaler, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
185 | dk_coa_5550 | Fitting-out of rented premises, depreciation and write-offs reversed | 5550 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5550 | False | Indretning af lejede lokaler, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
186 | dk_coa_5570 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment, book value at beginning of period | 5570 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5570 | False | Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar, bogført værdi primo |
187 | dk_coa_5580 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment, additions during the year | 5580 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5580 | False | Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar, årets tilgange |
188 | dk_coa_5590 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment, disposals during the year | 5590 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5590 | False | Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar, årets afgange |
189 | dk_coa_5600 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment, other value adjustments | 5600 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5600 | False | Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar, øvrige værdireguleringer |
190 | dk_coa_5610 | Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment, depreciation and write-downs for the year | 5610 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5610 | False | Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
191 | dk_coa_5620 | Other fixtures and fittings, furniture and equipment, depreciation and write-offs reversed | 5620 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5620 | False | Andre anlæg, driftsmateriel og inventar, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
192 | dk_coa_5640 | Tangible fixed assets under construction and prepayments for tangible fixed assets, book value at beginning of period | 5640 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5640 | False | Materielle anlægsaktiver under udførelse og forudbetalinger for materielle anlægsaktiver, bogført værdi primo |
193 | dk_coa_5650 | Tangible fixed assets under construction and prepayments for tangible fixed assets, additions during the year | 5650 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5650 | False | Materielle anlægsaktiver under udførelse og forudbetalinger for materielle anlægsaktiver, årets tilgange |
194 | dk_coa_5660 | Tangible fixed assets under construction and prepayments for tangible fixed assets, disposals during the year | 5660 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5660 | False | Materielle anlægsaktiver under udførelse og forudbetalinger for materielle anlægsaktiver, årets afgange |
195 | dk_coa_5670 | Tangible fixed assets under construction and prepayments for tangible fixed assets, other value adjustments | 5670 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5670 | False | Materielle anlægsaktiver under udførelse og forudbetalinger for materielle anlægsaktiver, øvrige værdireguleringer |
196 | dk_coa_5680 | Tangible fixed assets under construction and prepayments for tangible fixed assets, impairment losses for the year | 5680 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5680 | False | Materielle anlægsaktiver under udførelse og forudbetalinger for materielle anlægsaktiver, årets nedskrivninger |
197 | dk_coa_5690 | Tangible fixed assets under construction and prepayments for tangible fixed assets, reversal of impairment losses | 5690 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5690 | False | Materielle anlægsaktiver under udførelse og forudbetalinger for materielle anlægsaktiver, tilbageførte nedskrivninger |
198 | dk_coa_5710 | Assets held under finance leases, book value at beginning of period | 5710 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5710 | False | Finansielt leasede aktiver, bogført værdi primo |
199 | dk_coa_5720 | Assets held under finance leases, additions during the year | 5720 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5720 | False | Finansielt leasede aktiver, årets tilgange |
200 | dk_coa_5730 | Assets held under finance leases, disposals during the year | 5730 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5730 | False | Finansielt leasede aktiver, årets afgange |
201 | dk_coa_5740 | Finance lease assets, other value adjustments | 5740 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5740 | False | Finansielt leasede aktiver, øvrige værdireguleringer |
202 | dk_coa_5750 | Assets held under finance leases, depreciation and amortization for the year | 5750 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5750 | False | Finansielt leasede aktiver, årets af- og nedskrivninger |
203 | dk_coa_5760 | Assets held under finance leases, reversal of depreciation and impairment losses | 5760 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5760 | False | Finansielt leasede aktiver, tilbageførte af- og nedskrivninger |
204 | dk_coa_5800 | Investments in group enterprises, book value at beginning of period | 5800 | asset_receivable | l10n_dk.account_tag_5800 | True | Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder, bogført værdi primo |
205 | dk_coa_5810 | Investments in affiliated enterprises, additions during the year | 5810 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5810 | True | Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder, årets tilgange |
206 | dk_coa_5820 | Investments in affiliated enterprises, disposals during the year | 5820 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5820 | True | Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder, årets afgange |
207 | dk_coa_5830 | Investments in group enterprises, other value adjustments | 5830 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5830 | True | Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder, øvrige værdireguleringer |
208 | dk_coa_5840 | Investments in affiliated enterprises, impairment losses for the year | 5840 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5840 | True | Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder, årets nedskrivninger |
209 | dk_coa_5850 | Investments in affiliated enterprises, reversal of impairment losses | 5850 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5850 | True | Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder, tilbageførte nedskrivninger |
210 | dk_coa_5870 | Long-term receivables from affiliated enterprises | 5870 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5870 | True | Langfristede tilgodehavender hos tilknyttede virksomheder |
211 | dk_coa_5880 | Impairment losses on long-term receivables from affiliated enterprises | 5880 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5880 | True | Nedskrivning på langfristede tilgodehavender hos tilknyttede virksomheder |
212 | dk_coa_5900 | Investments in participating interests, book value at beginning of period | 5900 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5900 | True | Kapitalandele i kapitalinteresser, bogført værdi primo |
213 | dk_coa_5910 | Investments in participating interests, additions during the year | 5910 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5910 | True | Kapitalandele i kapitalinteresser, årets tilgange |
214 | dk_coa_5920 | Investments in participating interests, disposals during the year | 5920 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5920 | True | Kapitalandele i kapitalinteresser, årets afgange |
215 | dk_coa_5930 | Investments in participating interests, other value adjustments | 5930 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5930 | True | Kapitalandele i kapitalinteresser, øvrige værdireguleringer |
216 | dk_coa_5940 | Participating interests, impairment losses for the year | 5940 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5940 | True | Kapitalandele i kapitalinteresser, årets nedskrivninger |
217 | dk_coa_5950 | Equity investments, opening book value, impairment losses reversed | 5950 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5950 | True | Kapitalandele i kapitalinteresser, bogført værdi primo, tilbageførte nedskrivninger |
218 | dk_coa_5970 | Long-term receivables from participating interests | 5970 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5970 | True | Langfristede tilgodehavender hos kapitalinteresser |
219 | dk_coa_5980 | Impairment loss on long-term receivables from participating interests | 5980 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_5980 | True | Nedskrivning på langfristede tilgodehavender hos kapitalinteresser |
220 | dk_coa_6000 | Other securities and equity investments | 6000 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6000 | True | Andre værdipapirer og kapitalandele |
221 | dk_coa_6020 | Deferred tax assets | 6020 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6020 | True | Udskudte skatteaktiver |
222 | dk_coa_6030 | Other (non-current) receivables | 6030 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6030 | True | Øvrige (langfristede) tilgodehavender |
223 | dk_coa_6040 | Deposits | 6040 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6040 | True | Deposita |
224 | dk_coa_6060 | Amounts owed by enterprise participants and management | 6060 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6060 | True | Tilgodehavender hos virksomhedsdeltagere og ledelse |
225 | dk_coa_6080 | Raw materials and consumables | 6080 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6080 | False | Råvarer og hjælpematerialer |
226 | dk_coa_6090 | Write-down of raw materials and consumables | 6090 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6090 | False | Nedskrivning på råvarer og hjælpematerialer |
227 | dk_coa_6110 | Work in progress | 6110 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6110 | False | Varer under fremstilling |
228 | dk_coa_6120 | Write-down of work in progress | 6120 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6120 | False | Nedskrivning på varer under fremstilling |
229 | dk_coa_6140 | Manufactured goods and merchandise | 6140 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6140 | False | Fremstillede varer og handelsvarer |
230 | dk_coa_6150 | Write-down of manufactured goods and merchandise | 6150 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6150 | False | Nedskrivning på fremstillede varer og handelsvarer |
231 | dk_coa_6170 | Prepayments for goods | 6170 | asset_fixed | l10n_dk.account_tag_6170 | False | Forudbetalinger for varer |
232 | dk_coa_6190 | Trade and other receivables | 6190 | asset_receivable | l10n_dk.account_tag_6190 | True | Tilgodehavender fra salg og tjenesteydelser |
233 | dk_coa_6200 | Accumulated allowances for losses on trade receivables | 6200 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6200 | False | Akkumulerede nedskrivninger til tab på tilgodehavender fra salg og tjenesteydelser |
234 | dk_coa_6220 | Short-term receivables from affiliated enterprises | 6220 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6220 | False | Kortfristede tilgodehavender hos tilknyttede virksomheder |
235 | dk_coa_6230 | Accumulated allowances for losses on receivables from related companies | 6230 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6230 | False | Akkumulerede nedskrivninger til tab på tilgodehavender fra tilknyttede virksomheder |
236 | dk_coa_6240 | Short-term receivables from participating interests | 6240 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6240 | False | Kortfristede tilgodehavender hos kapitalinteresser |
237 | dk_coa_6250 | Accumulated allowances for losses on receivables from participating interests | 6250 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6250 | False | Akkumulerede nedskrivninger til tab på tilgodehavender fra kapitalinteresser |
238 | dk_coa_6270 | Contract work in progress | 6270 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6270 | False | Igangværende arbejder for fremmed regning |
239 | dk_coa_6290 | Deferred tax assets | 6290 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6290 | False | Udskudte skatteaktiver |
240 | dk_coa_6300 | Corporation tax receivable (current) | 6300 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6300 | False | Tilgodehavende selskabsskat (kortfristet) |
241 | dk_coa_6310 | Tax receivable at source | 6310 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6310 | False | Tilgodehavende kildeskat |
242 | dk_coa_6320 | VAT receivable (current) | 6320 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6320 | False | Tilgodehavende moms (kortfristet) |
243 | dk_coa_6330 | Other receivables (current) | 6330 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6330 | False | Øvrige tilgodehavender (kortfristede) |
244 | dk_coa_6350 | Claims for payment of working capital and share premium | 6350 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6350 | False | Krav på indbetaling af virksomhedskapital og overkurs |
245 | dk_coa_6370 | Short-term receivables from participants and management | 6370 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6370 | False | Kortfristede tilgodehavender hos virksomhedsdeltagere og ledelse |
246 | dk_coa_6390 | Prepayments and accrued income | 6390 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6390 | False | Periodeafgrænsningsposter, der kan opretholdes skattemæssigt |
247 | dk_coa_6400 | Prepayments and accrued income | 6400 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6400 | False | Periodeafgrænsningsposter, der ikke kan opretholdes skattemæssigt |
248 | dk_coa_6420 | Investments in affiliated enterprises | 6420 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6420 | False | Kapitalandele i tilknyttede virksomheder |
249 | dk_coa_6450 | Other securities and equity | 6450 | asset_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_6450 | False | Andre værdipapirer og kapitalandele |
250 | dk_coa_6510 | Registered capital, etc. | 6510 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6510 | False | Registreret kapital mv. |
251 | dk_coa_6520 | Paid-up registered capital, etc. | 6520 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6520 | False | Indbetalt registreret kapital mv. |
252 | dk_coa_6540 | Share premium account | 6540 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6540 | False | Overkurs ved emission |
253 | dk_coa_6560 | Revaluation reserve | 6560 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6560 | False | Reserve for opskrivninger |
254 | dk_coa_6580 | Reserve for net revaluation reserve under the equity method | 6580 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6580 | False | Reserve for nettoopskrivning efter den indre værdis metode |
255 | dk_coa_6810 | Reserve for loans and collateral | 6810 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6810 | False | Reserve for udlån og sikkerhedsstillelse |
256 | dk_coa_6830 | Reserve for unpaid share capital and share premium account | 6830 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6830 | False | Reserve for ikke indbetalt virksomhedskapital og overkurs |
257 | dk_coa_6870 | Other statutory reserves | 6870 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6870 | False | Øvrige lovpligtige reserver |
258 | dk_coa_6890 | Statutory reserves | 6890 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6890 | False | Vedtægtsmæssige reserver |
259 | dk_coa_6910 | Other reserves | 6910 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6910 | False | Øvrige reserver |
260 | dk_coa_6940 | Profit brought forward | 6940 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6940 | False | Overført resultat |
261 | dk_coa_6960 | Proposed dividend recognized in equity | 6960 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_6960 | False | Foreslået udbytte indregnet under egenkapitalen |
262 | dk_coa_7010 | Provisions for deferred taxes | 7010 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_7010 | False | Hensættelser til udskudt skat |
263 | dk_coa_7020 | Provisions for pensions and similar obligations | 7020 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_7020 | False | Hensættelser til pensioner og lignende forpligtelser |
264 | dk_coa_7040 | Other provisions | 7040 | equity | l10n_dk.account_tag_7040 | False | Andre hensatte forpligtelser |
265 | dk_coa_7110 | Amounts owed to credit institutions - long-term debt | 7110 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7110 | False | Gæld til kreditinstitutter - langfristet gæld |
266 | dk_coa_7120 | Amounts owed to banks - long-term debt | 7120 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7120 | False | Gæld til banker - langfristet gæld |
267 | dk_coa_7160 | Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings - long-term debt | 7160 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7160 | False | Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder - langfristet gæld |
268 | dk_coa_7170 | Amounts owed to participating interests - long-term debt | 7170 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7170 | False | Gæld til kapitalinteresser - langfristet gæld |
269 | dk_coa_7190 | Other payables - long-term | 7190 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7190 | True | Anden gæld - langfristet |
270 | dk_coa_7210 | Payables to shareholders and management - long-term debt | 7210 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7210 | True | Gæld til selskabsdeltagere og ledelse - langfristet gæld |
271 | dk_coa_7230 | Deposits - long-term debt | 7230 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7230 | False | Deposita - langfristet gæld |
272 | dk_coa_7240 | Lease liability - long-term debt | 7240 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7240 | False | Leasingforpligtelse - langfristet gæld |
273 | dk_coa_7250 | Corporate income tax - long-term debt | 7250 | liability_non_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7250 | False | Selskabsskat - langfristet gæld |
274 | dk_coa_7310 | Amounts owed to credit institutions - short-term debt | 7310 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7310 | False | Gæld til kreditinstitutter - kortfristet gæld |
275 | dk_coa_7330 | Amounts owed to banks - short-term debt | 7330 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7330 | False | Gæld til banker - kortfristet gæld |
276 | dk_coa_7350 | Other credit institutions | 7350 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7350 | False | Kreditinstitutter i øvrigt |
277 | dk_coa_7410 | Prepayments received from customers | 7410 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7410 | False | Modtagne forudbetalinger fra kunder |
278 | dk_coa_7440 | Suppliers of goods and services | 7440 | liability_payable | l10n_dk.account_tag_7440 | True | Leverandører af varer og tjenesteydelser |
279 | dk_coa_7510 | Amounts owed to affiliated enterprises - current liabilities | 7510 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7510 | False | Gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder - kortfristet gæld |
280 | dk_coa_7520 | Amounts owed to participating interests - current liabilities | 7520 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7520 | False | Gæld til kapitalinteresser - kortfristet gæld |
281 | dk_coa_7590 | Amounts owed to shareholders and management - current liabilities | 7590 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7590 | False | Gæld til selskabsdeltagere og ledelse - kortfristet gæld |
282 | dk_coa_7610 | Deposits - current liabilities | 7610 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7610 | False | Deposita - kortfristet gæld |
283 | dk_coa_7630 | Lease liability - current | 7630 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7630 | False | Leasingforpligtelse - kortfristet |
284 | dk_coa_7680 | Sales tax | 7680 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7680 | False | Salgsmoms |
285 | dk_coa_7700 | VAT on purchases of goods abroad, EU and non-EU | 7700 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7700 | False | Moms af varekøb udland, EU og ikke-EU |
286 | dk_coa_7720 | VAT on purchases of services abroad, EU and non-EU | 7720 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7720 | False | Moms af ydelseskøb udland, EU og ikke-EU |
287 | dk_coa_7740 | VAT on purchases | 7740 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7740 | False | Købsmoms |
288 | dk_coa_7760 | Oil and liquefied petroleum gas tax | 7760 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7760 | False | Olie- og flaskegasafgift |
289 | dk_coa_7780 | Electricity tax | 7780 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7780 | False | Elafgift |
290 | dk_coa_7800 | Natural and town gas tax | 7800 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7800 | False | Naturgas- og bygasafgift |
291 | dk_coa_7810 | Coal tax | 7810 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7810 | False | Kulafgift |
292 | dk_coa_7820 | Water tax | 7820 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7820 | False | Vandafgift |
293 | dk_coa_7830 | CO2 tax | 7830 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7830 | False | Co2-afgift |
294 | dk_coa_7840 | VAT payable | 7840 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7840 | True | Skyldig moms |
295 | dk_coa_7860 | Wages and salaries payable | 7860 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7860 | True | Skyldig løn og gager |
296 | dk_coa_7880 | Bonus and profit-sharing payable | 7880 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7880 | True | Skyldig bonus og tantieme |
297 | dk_coa_7900 | Holiday pay due | 7900 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7900 | False | Skyldige feriepenge |
298 | dk_coa_7920 | A tax payable | 7920 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7920 | True | Skyldig A-skat |
299 | dk_coa_7940 | AM contribution due | 7940 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7940 | False | Skyldigt AM-bidrag |
300 | dk_coa_7960 | ATP contribution due | 7960 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7960 | False | Skyldigt ATP-bidrag |
301 | dk_coa_7980 | AMP contribution due | 7980 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_7980 | False | Skyldigt AMP-bidrag |
302 | dk_coa_8000 | Other pension payable | 8000 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_8000 | True | Anden skyldig pension |
303 | dk_coa_8040 | Other payables | 8040 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_8040 | True | Øvrig anden gæld |
304 | dk_coa_8070 | Accrued expenses and deferred income | 8070 | liability_current | l10n_dk.account_tag_8070 | False | Periodeafgrænsningsposter |