32 KiB
32 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | name@es |
2 | l10n_do_11010301 | 11010301 | Short-term deposits in RD | asset_cash | False | |
3 | l10n_do_11010302 | 11010302 | Short-term deposits in USD | asset_cash | False | |
4 | l10n_do_11020100 | 11020100 | Bonds and Temporary Shares | asset_current | False | Bonos y Acciones Temporales |
5 | l10n_do_11020200 | 11020200 | Stock market operations | asset_current | False | Operaciones en Bolsa |
6 | l10n_do_11020300 | 11020300 | Other marketable securities | asset_current | False | Otros Valores Negociables |
7 | l10n_do_11030101 | 11030101 | Returned Checks Receivable | asset_receivable | True | Cheques Devueltos por Cobrar |
8 | l10n_do_11030102 | 11030102 | Interest receivable | asset_receivable | True | Intereses por Cobrar |
9 | l10n_do_11030201 | 11030201 | Accounts Receivable from Customers | asset_receivable | True | Cuentas por Cobrar a Clientes |
10 | l10n_do_11030210 | 11030210 | Trade Accounts Receivable (PoS) | asset_receivable | True | Cuentas por Cobrar a Clientes (PoS) |
11 | l10n_do_11030202 | 11030202 | Accounts Receivable from Officers and Employees | asset_receivable | True | Cuentas por Cobrar a Funcionarios y Empleados |
12 | l10n_do_11030203 | 11030203 | Accounts Receivable from Affiliates | asset_receivable | True | Cuentas por Cobrar a Afiliadas |
13 | l10n_do_11030204 | 11030204 | Accounts Receivable from Shareholders | asset_receivable | True | Cuentas por Cobrar a Accionistas |
14 | l10n_do_11030205 | 11030205 | Other Accounts Receivable | asset_receivable | True | Otras Cuentas por Cobrar |
15 | l10n_do_11040100 | 11040100 | Allowance for doubtful accounts receivable from customers | asset_current | False | Provisiones de Incobrables a Clientes |
16 | l10n_do_11040200 | 11040200 | Provisions for Uncollectible Provisions to Officers and Employees | asset_current | False | Provisiones de Incobrables a Funcionarios y Empleados |
17 | l10n_do_11040300 | 11040300 | Allowance for Uncollectible Provisions to Affiliates | asset_current | False | Provisiones de Incobrables a Afiliadas |
18 | l10n_do_11040400 | 11040400 | Provisions for Uncollectible Provisions to Shareholders | asset_current | False | Provisiones de Incobrables a Accionistas |
19 | l10n_do_11040500 | 11040500 | Provisions for Other Uncollectible Accounts | asset_current | False | Provisiones de Otras Cuentas Incobrables |
20 | l10n_do_11050100 | 11050100 | Inventory of merchandise or finished products | asset_current | False | Inventario de Mercancías o Productos Terminados |
21 | l10n_do_11050200 | 11050200 | Raw Materials Inventory | asset_current | False | Inventario de Materia Prima |
22 | l10n_do_11050300 | 11050300 | Inventory in Transit | asset_current | False | Inventario en Tránsito |
23 | l10n_do_11050400 | 11050400 | Materials and Supplies Inventory | asset_current | False | Inventario de Materiales y Suministros |
24 | l10n_do_11050500 | 11050500 | Fuel Inventory | asset_current | False | Inventario de Combustibles |
25 | l10n_do_11050600 | 11050600 | Goods Shipped Not Invoiced | asset_current | True | Bienes Enviados No Facturados |
26 | l10n_do_11060100 | 11060100 | Impairment Accum. of Inventory in Warehouse | asset_current | False | Deterioro Acum. de Inventario en Almacen |
27 | l10n_do_11060200 | 11060200 | Accumulated Impairment of Materials and Supplies | asset_current | False | Deterioro Acum. de Materiales y Suministros |
28 | l10n_do_11060300 | 11060300 | Impairment of Fuel Accum. | asset_current | False | Deterioro Acum. de Combustibles |
29 | l10n_do_11070100 | 11070100 | Warehouse Inventory Obsolescence | asset_current | False | Obsolescencia de Inventario en Almacen |
30 | l10n_do_11070200 | 11070200 | Obsolescence of Materials and Supplies | asset_current | False | Obsolescencia de Materiales y Suministros |
31 | l10n_do_11070300 | 11070300 | Fuel Obsolescence | asset_current | False | Obsolescencia de Combustibles |
32 | l10n_do_11080101 | 11080101 | ITBIS Paid on Purchases of Local Good | asset_current | False | ITBIS Pagado en Compras de Bienes Locales |
33 | l10n_do_11080102 | 11080102 | ITBIS Paid on Deductible Service Purchases | asset_current | False | ITBIS Pagado en Compras de Servicios Deducibles |
34 | l10n_do_11080103 | 11080103 | ITBIS Paid on Imports | asset_current | False | ITBIS Pagado en Importaciones |
35 | l10n_do_11080104 | 11080104 | ITBIS on Purchases of Goods or Services Subject to Proportionality | asset_current | False | ITBIS en Compras de Bienes o Servicios Sujetos a Proporcionalidad |
36 | l10n_do_11080105 | 11080105 | ITBIS on Imports Subject to Proportionalit | asset_current | False | ITBIS en Importaciones Sujeto a Proporcionalidad |
37 | l10n_do_11080106 | 11080106 | ITBIS Paid on Imports Subject to Proportionality | asset_current | False | ITBIS Pagado en Importaciones Sujeto a Proporcionalidad |
38 | l10n_do_11080301 | 11080301 | ITBIS Withheld on Sales (N08-04 and N02-05) | asset_current | False | ITBIS Retenido por Ventas (N08-04 y N02-05) |
39 | l10n_do_11080302 | 11080302 | ITBIS Retained by State Entities (5%) | asset_current | False | ITBIS Retenido por Entidades del Estado (5%) |
40 | l10n_do_11080303 | 11080303 | Balance in Favor Previous | asset_current | False | Saldo a Favor Anterior |
41 | l10n_do_11090100 | 11090100 | Temporary Actions | asset_current | False | Acciones Temporales |
42 | l10n_do_11090200 | 11090200 | Temporary Time Deposits | asset_current | False | Depósitos a Plazo Temporales |
43 | l10n_do_11090300 | 11090300 | Temporary Bonds | asset_current | False | Bonos Temporales |
44 | l10n_do_11090400 | 11090400 | Bonds and Deposits | asset_current | False | Fianzas y Depósitos |
45 | l10n_do_11100100 | 11100100 | Advance to Suppliers | asset_prepayments | False | Avance a Proveedores |
46 | l10n_do_11100200 | 11100200 | Prepaid rents | asset_prepayments | False | Alquileres pagados por Anticipado |
47 | l10n_do_11100300 | 11100300 | Advances for Insurance | asset_prepayments | False | Anticipos para Seguros |
48 | l10n_do_11100400 | 11100400 | Advances for income tax | asset_prepayments | False | Anticipos para ISR |
49 | l10n_do_11100500 | 11100500 | Advances for Expenses | asset_prepayments | False | Anticipos para Gastos |
50 | l10n_do_11100600 | 11100600 | Advances for 1% Assets | asset_prepayments | False | Anticipos para 1% Activos |
51 | l10n_do_12010101 | 12010101 | Land | asset_fixed | False | Terrenos |
52 | l10n_do_12010102 | 12010102 | Buildings | asset_fixed | False | Edificaciones |
53 | l10n_do_12010103 | 12010103 | Building Improvements | asset_fixed | False | Mejoras en Edificaciones |
54 | l10n_do_12010104 | 12010104 | Improvements to Leased Premises and Buildings | asset_fixed | False | Mejoras en Edificaciones y Locales Arrendados |
55 | l10n_do_12010201 | 12010201 | Light Transportation Equipment | asset_fixed | False | Equipos de Transporte Liviano |
56 | l10n_do_12010202 | 12010202 | Office Furniture and Equipment | asset_fixed | False | Mobiliarios y Equipos de Oficina |
57 | l10n_do_12010301 | 12010301 | Machinery | asset_fixed | False | Maquinarias |
58 | l10n_do_12010302 | 12010302 | Tools | asset_fixed | False | Herramientas |
59 | l10n_do_12010303 | 12010303 | Facilities | asset_fixed | False | Instalaciones |
60 | l10n_do_12010304 | 12010304 | Camera and Security Systems | asset_fixed | False | Sistemas de Cámara y Seguridad |
61 | l10n_do_12010305 | 12010305 | Miscellaneous or other assets | asset_fixed | False | Misceláneos u otros activos |
62 | l10n_do_12020100 | 12020100 | Accumulated Depreciation of Buildings | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. de Edificios |
63 | l10n_do_12020200 | 12020200 | Accumulated Depreciation of Transportation Equipment | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. de Equipos de Transporte |
64 | l10n_do_12020300 | 12020300 | Accumulated Depreciation of Furniture and Equipment | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. de Mobiliarios y Equipos |
65 | l10n_do_12020400 | 12020400 | Accumulated Depreciation of Machinery | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. de Maquinarias |
66 | l10n_do_12020500 | 12020500 | Accumulated depreciation of tools | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. de Herramientas |
67 | l10n_do_12020600 | 12020600 | Accumulated Depreciation of Facilities | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. de Instalaciones |
68 | l10n_do_12040100 | 12040100 | Trademarks and Patents | asset_fixed | False | Marcas y Patentes |
69 | l10n_do_12040200 | 12040200 | Licenses and Software | asset_fixed | False | Licencias y Programas Informáticos |
70 | l10n_do_12050100 | 12050100 | Leased Buildings and Premises | asset_fixed | False | Edificaciones y Locales Arrendados |
71 | l10n_do_12050200 | 12050200 | Leased Machinery and Equipment | asset_fixed | False | Maquinarias y Equipos Arrendados |
72 | l10n_do_12050300 | 12050300 | Leased Facilities | asset_fixed | False | Instalaciones Arrendadas |
73 | l10n_do_12060100 | 12060100 | Accumulated Depreciation Buildings and Leased Premises | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. Edificaciones y Locales Arrendados |
74 | l10n_do_12060200 | 12060200 | Accumulated Depreciation Leased Machinery and Equipment | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. Maquinarias y Equipos Arrendados |
75 | l10n_do_12060300 | 12060300 | Accumulated Depreciation Leased Facilities | asset_non_current | False | Depreciación Acum. Instalaciones Arrendadas |
76 | l10n_do_12070100 | 12070100 | Accumulated Impairment Leased Buildings and Premises | asset_non_current | False | Deterioro Valor Acum. Edificios y Locales Arrendados |
77 | l10n_do_12070200 | 12070200 | Accumulated Impairment Leased Machinery and Equipment | asset_non_current | False | Deterioro Valor Acum. Maquinaria y Equipo Arrendado |
78 | l10n_do_12070300 | 12070300 | Accumulated Impairment Leased Facilities | asset_non_current | False | Deterioro Valor Acum. Instalaciones Arrendadas |
79 | l10n_do_12080100 | 12080100 | Shares in other companies | asset_non_current | False | Acciones en otras sociedades |
80 | l10n_do_12090100 | 12090100 | Deductible temporary differences | asset_non_current | False | Diferencias temporales deducibles |
81 | l10n_do_12090200 | 12090200 | Deferred Organizational Expenses | asset_non_current | False | Gastos Organizacionales Diferidos |
82 | l10n_do_12090300 | 12090300 | Deductible ISR | asset_non_current | False | ISR Deducible |
83 | l10n_do_13010100 | 13010100 | Construction in Progress Costs | asset_non_current | False | Costos de Construcción en Proceso |
84 | l10n_do_21010100 | 21010100 | Bank loans payable | liability_payable | True | Préstamos Bancarios por Pagar |
85 | l10n_do_21010200 | 21010200 | Accounts Payable to Local Suppliers | liability_payable | True | |
86 | l10n_do_21010300 | 21010300 | Accounts Payable to Foreign Suppliers | liability_payable | True | Cuentas por Pagar a Proveedores del Exterior |
87 | l10n_do_21010400 | 21010400 | Accounts Payable to Affiliates | liability_payable | True | Cuentas por Pagar a Afiliadas |
88 | l10n_do_21010500 | 21010500 | Accounts Payable to Shareholders | liability_payable | True | Cuentas por Pagar a Accionistas |
89 | l10n_do_21010600 | 21010600 | Payrolls Payable | liability_payable | True | Nóminas por Pagar |
90 | l10n_do_21010700 | 21010700 | Interest payable | liability_payable | True | Intereses por Pagar |
91 | l10n_do_21010800 | 21010800 | Other accounts payable | liability_payable | True | Otras Cuentas por Pagar |
92 | l10n_do_21020100 | 21020100 | Dividends Payable | liability_non_current | False | Dividendos por Pagar |
93 | l10n_do_21020200 | 21020200 | Commissions Payable | liability_non_current | False | Comisiones por Pagar |
94 | l10n_do_21020300 | 21020300 | Vacation Payable | liability_non_current | False | Vacaciones por Pagar |
95 | l10n_do_21020400 | 21020400 | Bonuses Payable | liability_non_current | False | Bonificaciones por Pagar |
96 | l10n_do_21020500 | 21020500 | Easter Royalty Payable | liability_non_current | False | Regalía Pascual por Pagar |
97 | l10n_do_21020600 | 21020600 | Paid Medical Insurance | liability_non_current | False | Seguro Médico por Pagar |
98 | l10n_do_21020700 | 21020700 | Family Health Insurance (FHIS) Payable | liability_non_current | False | Seguro Familiar de Salud (SFS) por Pagar |
99 | l10n_do_21020800 | 21020800 | Pension Fund (AFP) Contribution Payable | liability_non_current | False | Aporte a Fondo de Pensiones (AFP) por Pagar |
100 | l10n_do_21020900 | 21020900 | Labor Risk Insurance (SRL) Payable | liability_non_current | False | Seguro de Riesgo Laboral (SRL) por Pagar |
101 | l10n_do_21021000 | 21021000 | INFOTEP Payable | liability_payable | True | INFOTEP por Pagar |
102 | l10n_do_21021100 | 21021100 | Social Security Treasury (TSS) Payable | liability_payable | True | Tesorería de la Seguridad Social (TSS) por Pagar |
103 | l10n_do_21021200 | 21021200 | Unbilled Goods Received | liability_non_current | True | Bienes Recibidos no Facturados |
104 | l10n_do_21030101 | 21030101 | ITBIS on Sale of Services | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS por Venta Servicios |
105 | l10n_do_21030102 | 21030102 | ITBIS on Sale of Goods | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS por Venta Bienes |
106 | l10n_do_21030103 | 21030103 | ITBIS for sale of services on behalf of 3th Parties | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS por Venta Servicios en Nombre de Terceros |
107 | l10n_do_21030201 | 21030201 | ITBIS Withheld from Legal Entity (N02-05) | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS Retenido a Persona Jurídica (N02-05) |
108 | l10n_do_21030202 | 21030202 | ITBIS Withheld from Individuals (R293-11) | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS Retenido a Persona Física (R293-11) |
109 | l10n_do_21030203 | 21030203 | ITBIS Withheld from Non-Profit Entities (N01-11) | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS Retenido a Entidades No Lucrativas (N01-11) |
110 | l10n_do_21030204 | 21030204 | ITBIS Withheld for Professional Services (N02-05) | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS Retenido por Servicios Profesionales (N02-05) |
111 | l10n_do_21030205 | 21030205 | ITBIS Withheld from Informal Goods (N08-10) | liability_non_current | False | ITBIS Retenido a Informales de Bienes (N08-10) |
112 | l10n_do_21030301 | 21030301 | Income tax withheld for professional fees of individuals | liability_non_current | False | ISR Retenido por Honorarios Profesionales de Personas Físicas |
113 | l10n_do_21030302 | 21030302 | ISR withheld on rent paid to individuals | liability_non_current | False | ISR Retenido por Alquileres Pagados a Personas Físicas |
114 | l10n_do_21030303 | 21030303 | Income tax withheld on dividends paid | liability_non_current | False | ISR Retenido por Dividendos Pagados |
115 | l10n_do_21030304 | 21030304 | ISR Withheld on Interest Paid Abroad | liability_non_current | False | ISR Retenido por Intereses Pagados al Exterior |
116 | l10n_do_21030305 | 21030305 | ISR withheld on interest paid | liability_non_current | False | ISR Retenido por Intereses Pagados |
117 | l10n_do_21030306 | 21030306 | ISR withheld on transfers of securities and properties | liability_non_current | False | ISR Retenido por Transferencias de Títulos y Propiedades |
118 | l10n_do_21030307 | 21030307 | ISR Withheld on Remittances Abroad (L253-12) | liability_non_current | False | ISR Retenido por Remesas al Exterior (L253-12) |
119 | l10n_do_21030308 | 21030308 | Other Withholdings (N07-07) | liability_non_current | False | Otras Retenciones (N07-07) |
120 | l10n_do_21030309 | 21030309 | Other Withholdings | liability_non_current | False | Otras Retenciones |
121 | l10n_do_21030401 | 21030401 | Income Tax Withholding (IR3 ISR) | liability_non_current | False | Retención de Impuesto al Salario (ISR del IR3) |
122 | l10n_do_21030402 | 21030402 | Family Health Insurance (FHI) Withholding | liability_non_current | False | Retención de Seguro Familiar de Salud (SFS) |
123 | l10n_do_21030403 | 21030403 | Pension Fund Retention (AFP) | liability_non_current | False | Retención de Fondo de Pensiones (AFP) |
124 | l10n_do_21030404 | 21030404 | INFOTEP retention (0.5%) | liability_non_current | False | Retención de INFOTEP (0.5%) |
125 | l10n_do_21030501 | 21030501 | ISR payable | liability_non_current | False | ISR por Pagar |
126 | l10n_do_21030502 | 21030502 | Advances ISR payable | liability_non_current | False | Anticipos ISR por Pagar |
127 | l10n_do_21030503 | 21030503 | Statutory Propina Payable (L16-92) | liability_non_current | False | Propina Legal por Pagar (L16-92) |
128 | l10n_do_21030504 | 21030504 | Other Taxes Payable | liability_non_current | False | Otros Impuestos por Pagar |
129 | l10n_do_21040100 | 21040100 | Provisions for Rent Payments | liability_non_current | False | Provisiones Pago Alquileres |
130 | l10n_do_21040200 | 21040200 | Provisions Finance Lease | liability_non_current | False | Provisiones Arrendamiento Financiero |
131 | l10n_do_21040300 | 21040300 | Provisions Fixed Expenses | liability_non_current | False | Provisiones Gastos Fijos |
132 | l10n_do_21050100 | 21050100 | Business Credit Card | liability_non_current | False | Tarjeta de Crédito Empresarial |
133 | l10n_do_21050200 | 21050200 | Credit Card Premium | liability_non_current | False | Prima de Tarjetas de Crédito |
134 | l10n_do_22010100 | 22010100 | Long-Term Bank Loans | liability_non_current | False | Préstamos Bancarios Largo Plazo |
135 | l10n_do_22010200 | 22010200 | LP Mortgage Loans | liability_non_current | False | Préstamos Hipotecarios LP |
136 | l10n_do_22012300 | 22012300 | Shareholder / Individual Loans | liability_non_current | False | Préstamos Accionistas / Particulares |
137 | l10n_do_22020100 | 22020100 | Provisions Employee Benefits LP | liability_non_current | False | Provisiones Beneficios de Empleados LP |
138 | l10n_do_22020200 | 22020200 | Provisions for employee benefits | liability_non_current | False | Provisiones Prestaciones Laborales |
139 | l10n_do_22020300 | 22020300 | Provisions Indemnifications | liability_non_current | False | Provisiones Indemnizaciones |
140 | l10n_do_22030100 | 22030100 | Customer Advances or Guarantees | liability_non_current | False | Anticipos o Garantías de Clientes |
141 | l10n_do_22030200 | 22030200 | Deposits to be identified | liability_non_current | False | Depósitos por Identificar |
142 | l10n_do_22040100 | 22040100 | Provisions Finance Lease LP | liability_non_current | False | Provisiones Arrendamiento Financiero LP |
143 | l10n_do_31010100 | 31010100 | Authorized Capital Stock | equity | False | Capital Social Autorizado |
144 | l10n_do_31010200 | 31010200 | Capital Stock in Unissued Shares | equity | False | Capital Social en Acciones no Emitidas |
145 | l10n_do_31010300 | 31010300 | Paid-in capital stock | equity | False | Capital Social Pagado |
146 | l10n_do_31010400 | 31010400 | Unpaid Capital Stock | equity | False | Capital Social No Pagado |
147 | l10n_do_31010500 | 31010500 | Shares or Treasury Stock | equity | False | Acciones o Participaciones en Tesorería |
148 | l10n_do_31020100 | 31020100 | Land revaluation surplus | equity | False | Superávit por Revaluación de Terrenos |
149 | l10n_do_31020200 | 31020200 | Surplus from Revaluation of Buildings | equity | False | Superávit por Revaluación de Edificaciones |
150 | l10n_do_31020300 | 31020300 | Facilities Revaluation Surplus | equity | False | Superávit por Revaluación de Instalaciones |
151 | l10n_do_31020400 | 31020400 | Surplus from revaluation of furniture and equipment | equity | False | Superávit por Revaluación de Mobiliario y Equipo |
152 | l10n_do_32010100 | 32010100 | Legal Reserve | equity | False | Reserva Legal |
153 | l10n_do_33010100 | 33010100 | Utilidades de Ejercicios Anteriores | equity | False | |
154 | l10n_do_33010200 | 33010200 | Prior Years' Losses | equity | False | Pérdidas de Ejercicios Anteriores |
155 | l10n_do_33020100 | 33020100 | Profit for the year | equity | False | Utilidad del Ejercicio |
156 | l10n_do_33020200 | 33020200 | Loss for the year | equity | False | Pérdidas del Ejercicio |
157 | l10n_do_33040100 | 33040100 | Surplus in Reserve | equity | False | Superávit en Reserva |
158 | l10n_do_33040200 | 33040200 | Deficit in Reserve | equity | False | Déficit en Reserva |
159 | l10n_do_41010100 | 41010100 | Sales of Goods | income | False | Ventas de Bienes |
160 | l10n_do_41010200 | 41010200 | Sales from Exports of Goods | income | False | Ventas por Exportaciones de Bienes |
161 | l10n_do_41020100 | 41020100 | Sales of Services | income | False | Ventas de Servicios |
162 | l10n_do_41020200 | 41020200 | Sales from Services Exports | income | False | Ventas por Exportaciones de Servicios |
163 | l10n_do_41030100 | 41030100 | Return of Goods | income | False | Devoluciones de Bienes |
164 | l10n_do_41030200 | 41030200 | Returns for Services | income | False | Devoluciones por Servicios |
165 | l10n_do_41040100 | 41040100 | Sales discounts (per NC) | income | False | Descuentos por Ventas (por NC) |
166 | l10n_do_42010100 | 42010100 | Interest on Certificates | income | False | Intereses sobre Certificados |
167 | l10n_do_42010200 | 42010200 | Interest on Bank Accounts | income | False | Intereses por Cuentas Bancarias |
168 | l10n_do_42010300 | 42010300 | Interest on financing | income | False | Intereses por Financiamientos |
169 | l10n_do_42020100 | 42020100 | Revenues from Sales of Depreciable Assets (CAT II and III) | income | False | Ingresos por Ventas de Activos Depreciables (CAT II y III) |
170 | l10n_do_42030100 | 42030100 | Dividend Income Earned | income | False | Ingresos por Dividendos Ganados |
171 | l10n_do_42040100 | 42040100 | Income from Exchange Differences | income_other | False | Ingresos por Diferencia Cambiaria |
172 | l10n_do_42040400 | 42040400 | Cash Discount Gain | income_other | False | Ganancia por descuento |
173 | l10n_do_42040200 | 42040200 | Collection of uncollectible accounts | income_other | False | Cobro de Cuentas Incobrables |
174 | l10n_do_42040300 | 42040300 | Surplus Cash Revenues | income_other | False | Ingresos por Sobrante en Caja |
175 | l10n_do_51010100 | 51010100 | Cost of Goods | expense_direct_cost | False | Costos de Bienes |
176 | l10n_do_51010200 | 51010200 | Cost of Services | expense_direct_cost | False | Costos de Servicios |
177 | l10n_do_51010300 | 51010300 | Price Difference | expense_direct_cost | False | Diferencia en Precio |
178 | l10n_do_51020400 | 51020400 | Import Costs | expense_direct_cost | False | Costos de Importación |
179 | l10n_do_51010500 | 51010500 | ITBIS carried at Cost | expense_direct_cost | False | ITBIS llevado al Costo |
180 | l10n_do_51020100 | 51020100 | Raw material costs | expense_direct_cost | False | Costos de Materia Prima |
181 | l10n_do_51020200 | 51020200 | Labor Costs | expense_direct_cost | False | Costos de Mano de Obra |
182 | l10n_do_51020300 | 51020300 | Indirect Costs | expense_direct_cost | False | Costos Indirectos |
183 | l10n_do_61010100 | 61010100 | Wages and Salaries | expense | False | Sueldos y Salarios |
184 | l10n_do_61010200 | 61010200 | Easter Royalty | expense | False | Regalía Pascual |
185 | l10n_do_61010300 | 61010300 | Supplementary Remuneration | expense | False | Retribuciones Complementarias |
186 | l10n_do_61010400 | 61010400 | Vacation Bonus | expense | False | Bono Vacacional |
187 | l10n_do_61010500 | 61010500 | Performance Bonus | expense | False | Bono por Desempeño |
188 | l10n_do_61010600 | 61010600 | Employee Commissions | expense | False | Comisiones a Empleados |
189 | l10n_do_61010700 | 61010700 | Indemnifications | expense | False | Indemnizaciones |
190 | l10n_do_61010800 | 61010800 | Bonuses and Gratuities | expense | False | Bonificaciones y Gratificaciones |
191 | l10n_do_61010900 | 61010900 | Meals or Per Diems to Personnel | expense | False | Comidas o Dietas al Personal |
192 | l10n_do_61011000 | 61011000 | Courses and Training | expense | False | Cursos y Entrenamientos |
193 | l10n_do_61011100 | 61011100 | Labor Benefits (Notice and Severance Pay) | expense | False | Prestaciones Laborales (Preaviso y Cesantia) |
194 | l10n_do_61011200 | 61011200 | Incentives | expense | False | Incentivos |
195 | l10n_do_61011300 | 61011300 | Overtime | expense | False | Horas Extras |
196 | l10n_do_61011400 | 61011400 | Uniforms | expense | False | Uniformes |
197 | l10n_do_61011500 | 61011500 | Other Personnel Expenses | expense | False | Otros Gastos de Personal |
198 | l10n_do_61010102 | 61010102 | Contribution to the Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) | expense | False | Contribución a la Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) |
199 | l10n_do_61010103 | 61010103 | Contribution to Occupational Risk Insurance (SRL) | expense | False | Contribución al Seguro Riesgo Laboral (SRL) |
200 | l10n_do_61010104 | 61010104 | Contribution to the Family Health Insurance (FHIS) | expense | False | Contribución al Seguro Familiar de Salud (SFS) |
201 | l10n_do_61010201 | 61010201 | Contribution to the Health Risk Management System (ARS) | expense | False | Contribución a la Administradora de Riesgos de Salud (ARS) |
202 | l10n_do_61010202 | 61010202 | Contribution to Staff Insurance | expense | False | Contribución a Seguros del Personal |
203 | l10n_do_61010203 | 61010203 | Contribution to Supplemental Health Plans | expense | False | Contribución a Planes Complementarios de Salud |
204 | l10n_do_61010204 | 61010204 | Life Insurance Contribution | expense | False | Contribución Seguros de Vida |
205 | l10n_do_61010205 | 61010205 | Contribution to INFOTEP | expense | False | Contribución al INFOTEP |
206 | l10n_do_61020100 | 61020100 | Electric Power | expense | False | Energía Eléctrica |
207 | l10n_do_61020200 | 61020200 | Communications | expense | False | Comunicaciones |
208 | l10n_do_61020300 | 61020300 | Office Supplies (Stationery and supplies) | expense | False | Suministros de Oficina (Papelería y útiles) |
209 | l10n_do_61020400 | 61020400 | Cleaning and Cleaning Supplies | expense | False | Útiles de Aseo y Limpieza |
210 | l10n_do_61020500 | 61020500 | Water and Garbage | expense | False | Agua y Basura |
211 | l10n_do_61020600 | 61020600 | Building and Premises Insurance | expense | False | Seguro de Edificio y Locales |
212 | l10n_do_61020700 | 61020700 | Fuels and Lubricants | expense | False | Combustibles y Lubricantes |
213 | l10n_do_61020800 | 61020800 | Rentals / Leases | expense | False | Alquileres / Arrendamientos |
214 | l10n_do_61020900 | 61020900 | Franchises | expense | False | Franquicias |
215 | l10n_do_61021000 | 61021000 | Events | expense | False | Eventos |
216 | l10n_do_61021100 | 61021100 | Insurance | expense | False | Seguros |
217 | l10n_do_61021200 | 61021200 | Messaging Services | expense | False | Servicios de Mensajería |
218 | l10n_do_61021300 | 61021300 | Freight and Cargo | expense | False | Flete y Carga |
219 | l10n_do_61021400 | 61021400 | Fees and Subscriptions | expense | False | Cuotas y Suscripciones |
220 | l10n_do_61021500 | 61021500 | Hotel Accommodations | expense | False | Alojamiento en Hoteles |
221 | l10n_do_61030101 | 61030101 | Legal (Individual) | expense | False | Legales (P. Física) |
222 | l10n_do_61030102 | 61030102 | Accounting and Auditing (Individual) | expense | False | Contabilidad y Auditoría (P. Física) |
223 | l10n_do_61030103 | 61030103 | Technology (Individual) | expense | False | Tecnología (P. Física) |
224 | l10n_do_61030104 | 61030104 | Plant Maintenance (Individual) | expense | False | Mantenimientos de Planta (P. Física) |
225 | l10n_do_61030105 | 61030105 | Premises Maintenance (Personal) | expense | False | Mantenimientos de Local (P. Física) |
226 | l10n_do_61030106 | 61030106 | Furniture and Equipment Maintenance (Personal) | expense | False | Mantenimientos Mobiliarios y Equipos (P. Física) |
227 | l10n_do_61030107 | 61030107 | Counseling (Individual) | expense | False | Asesorías (P. Física) |
228 | l10n_do_61030108 | 61030108 | Fumigation (Individal) | expense | False | Fumigaciones (P. Física) |
229 | l10n_do_61030109 | 61030109 | Copies and Scans (Individual) | expense | False | Copias y Escaneos (P. Física) |
230 | l10n_do_61030110 | 61030110 | Surveillance Services (Individual) | expense | False | Servicios de Vigilancia (P. Física) |
231 | l10n_do_61030111 | 61030111 | Other Professional Services (Individual) | expense | False | Otros Servicios Profesionales (P. Física) |
232 | l10n_do_61030201 | 61030201 | Legal (Legal) | expense | False | Legales (P. Jurídica) |
233 | l10n_do_61030202 | 61030202 | Accounting and Auditing (Legal) | expense | False | Contabilidad y Auditoría (P. Jurídica) |
234 | l10n_do_61030203 | 61030203 | Technology (Legal) | expense | False | Tecnología (P. Jurídica) |
235 | l10n_do_61030204 | 61030204 | Plant Maintenance (Legal) | expense | False | Mantenimiento de Planta (P. Jurídica) |
236 | l10n_do_61030205 | 61030205 | Maintenance of Premises (Legal | expense | False | Mantenimiento del Local (P. Jurídica) |
237 | l10n_do_61030206 | 61030206 | Furniture and Equipment Maintenance (Legal) | expense | False | Mantenimiento Mobiliario y Equipos (P. Jurídica) |
238 | l10n_do_61030207 | 61030207 | Counseling (Legal) | expense | False | Asesorías (P. Jurídica) |
239 | l10n_do_61030208 | 61030208 | Fumigation (Legal) | expense | False | Fumigaciones (P. Jurídica) |
240 | l10n_do_61030209 | 61030209 | Copies and Scans (Legal) | expense | False | Copias y Escaneos (P. Jurídica) |
241 | l10n_do_61030210 | 61030210 | Surveillance Services (Legal) | expense | False | Servicios de Vigilancia (P. Jurídica) |
242 | l10n_do_61030211 | 61030211 | Other Professional Services (Legal) | expense | False | Otros Servicios Profesionales (P. Jurídica) |
243 | l10n_do_61030301 | 61030301 | Foreign Service Fees - Related | expense | False | Honorarios por Servicios del Exterior - Relacionadas |
244 | l10n_do_61030302 | 61030302 | Foreign Services Fees - Third Parties | expense | False | Honorarios por Servicios del Exterior - Terceros |
245 | l10n_do_61040100 | 61040100 | Building Depreciation Expense | expense_depreciation | False | Gastos por Depreciación de Edificios |
246 | l10n_do_61040200 | 61040200 | Transportation Equipment Depreciation Expense | expense_depreciation | False | Gastos por Depreciación de Equipo de Transporte |
247 | l10n_do_61040300 | 61040300 | Depreciation and amortization expense | expense_depreciation | False | Gastos por Depreciación de Mobiliario y Equipos |
248 | l10n_do_61040400 | 61040400 | Machinery Depreciation Expense | expense_depreciation | False | Gastos por Depreciación de Maquinaria |
249 | l10n_do_61040500 | 61040500 | Tools Depreciation Expense | expense_depreciation | False | Gastos por Depreciación de Herramientas |
250 | l10n_do_61040600 | 61040600 | Depreciation and amortization expense | expense_depreciation | False | Gastos por Depreciación de Mobiliario y Equipos |
251 | l10n_do_61050100 | 61050100 | Building Repair Expenses | expense | False | Gastos por Reparación de Edificios |
252 | l10n_do_61050200 | 61050200 | Transportation Equipment Repair Expenses | expense | False | Gastos por Reparación de Equipo de Transporte |
253 | l10n_do_61050300 | 61050300 | Furniture and Equipment Repair Expenses | expense | False | Gastos por Reparación de Mobiliario y Equipos |
254 | l10n_do_61050400 | 61050400 | Machinery Repair Expenses | expense | False | Gastos por Reparación de Maquinaria |
255 | l10n_do_61050500 | 61050500 | Tool Repair Expenses | expense | False | Gastos por Reparación de Herramientas |
256 | l10n_do_61050600 | 61050600 | Expenses for Repair of Facilities | expense | False | Gastos por Reparación de Instalaciones |
257 | l10n_do_61060100 | 61060100 | Public Relations | expense | False | Relaciones Públicas |
258 | l10n_do_61060200 | 61060200 | Advertising | expense | False | Publicidad |
259 | l10n_do_61060300 | 61060300 | Travel and Representation Expenses | expense | False | Gastos de Viajes y Representación |
260 | l10n_do_61060400 | 61060400 | Donations | expense | False | Donaciones |
261 | l10n_do_61060500 | 61060500 | Donations to ProIndustria (Law 392-07) | expense | False | Donaciones a ProIndustria (Ley 392-07) |
262 | l10n_do_61060600 | 61060600 | Promotions | expense | False | Promociones |
263 | l10n_do_61060700 | 61060700 | Restaurant Expenses | expense | False | Gastos en Restaurantes |
264 | l10n_do_61070100 | 61070100 | Financial Loan Expenses | expense | False | |
265 | l10n_do_61070200 | 61070200 | Withholding for Checks or Wire Transfers (0.15%) | expense | False | Retención por Cheques o Transferencias Electrónicas (0.15%) |
266 | l10n_do_61070300 | 61070300 | Bank Interest | expense | False | Intereses Bancarios |
267 | l10n_do_61070400 | 61070400 | Banking Commissions | expense | False | Comisiones Bancarias |
268 | l10n_do_61070500 | 61070500 | Credit Card Fees | expense | False | Comisiones de Tarjeta de Crédito |
269 | l10n_do_61070600 | 61070600 | Bank Charges | expense | False | Cargos Bancarios |
270 | l10n_do_61070700 | 61070700 | Bank Loan Insurance | expense | False | Seguro sobre Préstamos Bancarios |
271 | l10n_do_61070800 | 61070800 | Foreign exchange losses | expense | False | Pérdidas por Diferencia Cambiaria |
272 | l10n_do_61070900 | 61070900 | Other Financial Expenses | expense | False | Otro Gastos Financieros |
273 | l10n_do_61080100 | 61080100 | Cash Shortage Losses | expense | False | Pérdidas por Faltante en Caja |
274 | l10n_do_61080200 | 61080200 | Losses on Sales of Fixed Assets | expense | False | Pérdidas por Ventas de Activos Fijos |
275 | l10n_do_61080300 | 61080300 | Losses on uncollectible accounts | expense | False | Pérdidas por Cuentas Incobrables |
276 | l10n_do_61080500 | 61080500 | Asset Taxes | expense | False | Impuestos a los Activos |
277 | l10n_do_61080600 | 61080600 | Penalty Expenses/DGII Charges | expense | False | Gastos por Penalidades/Recargos de DGII |
278 | l10n_do_61080700 | 61080700 | TSS Penalty Charges/Penalty Expenses | expense | False | Gastos por Penalidades/Recargos de TSS |
279 | l10n_do_61080800 | 61080800 | Expenses without Vouchers | expense | False | Gastos sin Comprobantes |
280 | l10n_do_61080900 | 61080900 | Non-Deductible Expenses | expense | False | Gastos No Deducibles |
281 | l10n_do_61081000 | 61081000 | Cash Discount Loss | expense | False | Pérdida por descuento |
282 | l10n_do_71010100 | 71010100 | Profit or Loss | equity_unaffected | False | Ganancias o Pérdidas |
283 | l10n_do_71020100 | 71020100 | Tax Expenses | expense | False | Gastos por Impuestos |
284 | l10n_do_71020200 | 71020200 | Income tax expense | expense | False | Gastos por ISR |