16 KiB
16 KiB
1 | id | sequence | name | description | invoice_label | amount | amount_type | type_tax_use | tax_group_id | children_tax_ids | active | repartition_line_ids/repartition_type | repartition_line_ids/document_type | repartition_line_ids/tag_ids | repartition_line_ids/account_id | description@es | price_include_override |
2 | tax_0_sale | 4 | ITBIS Exempt | ITBIS Exempt Sales | ITBIS Exempt Sales | 0.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | +base.untaxed.sales.services | Exento ITBIS Ventas | ||||
3 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
4 | base | refund | -base.untaxed.sales.services | ||||||||||||||
5 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
6 | tax_0_purch | 10 | ITBIS Exempt | ITBIS Exempt Purchases | ITBIS Exempt Purchases | 0.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | Exento ITBIS Compras | |||||
7 | tax | invoice | |||||||||||||||
8 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
9 | tax | refund | |||||||||||||||
10 | tax_18_sale | 1 | 18% ITBIS | 18% ITBIS Sales | 18% ITBIS Sales | 18.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | +base.18% | 18% ITBIS Ventas | ||||
11 | tax | invoice | +tax.18% | l10n_do_21030102 | |||||||||||||
12 | base | refund | -base.18% | ||||||||||||||
13 | tax | refund | -tax.18% | l10n_do_21030102 | |||||||||||||
14 | tax_tip_sale | 3 | 10% Propina | 10% Propina Legal | 10% Propina Legal | 10.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_tip | base | invoice | ||||||
15 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030503 | ||||||||||||||
16 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
17 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030503 | ||||||||||||||
18 | tax_18_purch | 11 | 18% ITBIS | 18% ITBIS Purchases | 18% ITBIS Purchases | 18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 18% ITBIS Compras | |||||
19 | tax | invoice | +tax.16% | l10n_do_11080101 | |||||||||||||
20 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
21 | tax | refund | -tax.16% | l10n_do_11080101 | |||||||||||||
22 | tax_16_purch | 13 | 16% ITBIS | 16% ITBIS Purchases | 16% ITBIS Purchases | 16.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 16% ITBIS Compras | |||||
23 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_11080101 | ||||||||||||||
24 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
25 | tax | refund | l10n_do_11080101 | ||||||||||||||
26 | tax_9_purch | 15 | 9% ITBIS | 9% ITBIS Purchase (L690-16) | 9% ITBIS Purchase (L690-16) | 9.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 9% ITBIS Compras | |||||
27 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_11080101 | ||||||||||||||
28 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
29 | tax | refund | l10n_do_11080101 | ||||||||||||||
30 | tax_8_purch | 17 | 8% ITBIS | 8% ITBIS Purchase (L690-16) | 8% ITBIS Purchase (L690-16) | 8.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 8% ITBIS Compras | |||||
31 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_11080101 | ||||||||||||||
32 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
33 | tax | refund | l10n_do_11080101 | ||||||||||||||
34 | tax_tip_purch | 19 | 10% Propina | 10% Propina | 10% Propina | 10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_tip | base | invoice | ||||||
35 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_61080900 | ||||||||||||||
36 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
37 | tax | refund | l10n_do_61080900 | ||||||||||||||
38 | tax_18_purch_serv | 20 | 18% ITBIS Serv. | 18% ITBIS Purchases - Services | 18% ITBIS Purchases - Services | 18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 18% ITBIS Compras - Servicios | |||||
39 | tax | invoice | +tax.16% | l10n_do_11080102 | |||||||||||||
40 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
41 | tax | refund | -tax.16% | l10n_do_11080102 | |||||||||||||
42 | tax_18_importation | 20 | 18% ITBIS Imp. | 18% ITBIS - Imports | 18% ITBIS - Imports | 18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 18% ITBIS - Importaciones | |||||
43 | tax | invoice | +tax.paid.imports | l10n_do_11080103 | |||||||||||||
44 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
45 | tax | refund | -tax.paid.imports | l10n_do_11080103 | |||||||||||||
46 | tax_18_of_10 | 20 | 18% of 10% | 18% ITBIS on 10% of the Total Amount | 18% ITBIS on 10% of the Total Amount | 1.8 | percent | sale | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 18% ITBIS sobre el 10% del Monto Total | |||||
47 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030102 | ||||||||||||||
48 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
49 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030102 | ||||||||||||||
50 | tax_0015_bank | 30 | 0.15% Trans. | 0.15% Bank Transfer | 0.15% Bank Transfer | 0.0015 | percent | none | tax_group_other_tax | base | invoice | 0.15% Transferencia Bancaria | tax_included | ||||
51 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_61070200 | ||||||||||||||
52 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
53 | tax | refund | l10n_do_61070200 | ||||||||||||||
54 | tax_10_telco | 30 | 10% ISC | 10% ISC Telecommunications | 10% ISC Telecommunications | 10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_isc | base | invoice | 10% ISC Telecomunicaciones | |||||
55 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_61020200 | ||||||||||||||
56 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
57 | tax | refund | l10n_do_61020200 | ||||||||||||||
58 | tax_2_telco | 30 | 2% CDT | 2% CDT Telecommunications | 2% CDT Telecommunications | 2.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_other_tax | base | invoice | 2% CDT Telecomunicaciones | |||||
59 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_61020200 | ||||||||||||||
60 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
61 | tax | refund | l10n_do_61020200 | ||||||||||||||
62 | tax_group_telco | 30 | Telecom | Telecommunications Taxes | Telecommunications Taxes | 18.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_other_tax | tax_18_purch,tax_10_telco,tax_2_telco | Impuestos a las Telecomunicaciones | ||||||
63 | ret_100_tax_security | 40 | -100% ITBIS (N07-09) | Withholding 100% ITBIS Security Services (N07-09) | Withholding 100% ITBIS Security Services (N07-09) | -18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | Retención 100% ITBIS Servicios de Seguridad (N07-09) | |||||
64 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030201 | ||||||||||||||
65 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
66 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030201 | ||||||||||||||
67 | ret_100_tax_nonprofit | 41 | -100% ITBIS (N01-11) | Withholding 100% ITBIS Non-profit Services (N01-11) | Withholding 100% ITBIS Non-profit Services (N01-11) | -18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | +A.39 | Retención 100% ITBIS Servicios No Lucrativas (N01-11) | ||||
68 | tax | invoice | -A.50 | l10n_do_21030203 | |||||||||||||
69 | base | refund | -A.39 | ||||||||||||||
70 | tax | refund | +A.50 | l10n_do_21030203 | |||||||||||||
71 | ret_100_tax_person | 42 | -100% ITBIS (R293-11) | Withholding 100% ITBIS Services to Individuals (R293-11) | Withholding 100% ITBIS Services to Individuals (R293-11) | -18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | +A.39 | Retención 100% ITBIS Servicios a Físicas (R293-11) | ||||
72 | tax | invoice | -A.50 | l10n_do_21030202 | |||||||||||||
73 | base | refund | -A.39 | ||||||||||||||
74 | tax | refund | +A.50 | l10n_do_21030202 | |||||||||||||
75 | ret_30_tax_moral | 43 | -30% ITBIS Leg. (N02-05) | Withholding 30% ITBIS Services to Legal Entities (N02-05) | Withholding 30% ITBIS Services to Legal Entities (N02-05) | -5.4 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | Retención 30% ITBIS Servicios a Jurídicas (N02-05) | |||||
76 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030201 | ||||||||||||||
77 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
78 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030201 | ||||||||||||||
79 | ret_30_tax_freelance | 43 | -30% ITBIS Prof. (N02-05) | Withholding 30% ITBIS Professional Services (N02-05) | Withholding 30% ITBIS Professional Services (N02-05) | -5.4 | percent | none | tax_group_itbis | False | base | invoice | Retención 30% ITBIS Servicios Profesionales (N02-05) | tax_excluded | |||
80 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030201 | ||||||||||||||
81 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
82 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030201 | ||||||||||||||
83 | ret_75_tax_nonformal | 44 | -75% ITBIS (N08-10) | Withholding 75% ITBIS Goods to Informal Workers (N08-10) | Withholding 75% ITBIS Goods to Informal Workers (N08-10) | -13.5 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | Retención 75% ITBIS Bienes a Informales (N08-10) | |||||
84 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030205 | ||||||||||||||
85 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
86 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030205 | ||||||||||||||
87 | ret_10_income_person | 40 | -10% ISR Fee | Withholding 10% Income Tax Fees to Individuals | Withholding 10% Income Tax Fees to Individuals | -10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_isr | base | invoice | Retención 10% ISR Honorarios a Físicas | |||||
88 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030301 | ||||||||||||||
89 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
90 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030301 | ||||||||||||||
91 | ret_10_income_rent | 50 | -10% ISR Rent. | Withholding 10% Income Tax Rentals to Individuals | Withholding 10% Income Tax Rentals to Individuals | -10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_isr | base | invoice | Retención 10% ISR Alquileres a Físicas | |||||
92 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030302 | ||||||||||||||
93 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
94 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030302 | ||||||||||||||
95 | ret_10_income_dividend | 51 | -10% ISR (L253-12) | Withholding 10% Income Tax on Dividends (L253-12) | Withholding 10% Income Tax on Dividends (L253-12) | -10.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_isr | base | invoice | Retención 10% ISR por Dividendos (L253-12) | |||||
96 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030303 | ||||||||||||||
97 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
98 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030303 | ||||||||||||||
99 | ret_2_income_person | 52 | -2% ISR (N07-07) | Withholding 2% ISR to Individuals (N07-07) | Withholding 2% ISR to Individuals (N07-07) | -2.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_isr | base | invoice | Retención 2% ISR a Física (con Materiales) | |||||
100 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030308 | ||||||||||||||
101 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
102 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030308 | ||||||||||||||
103 | ret_2_income_transfer | 53 | -2% ISR Mat. | Withholding 2% ISR to Individuals (with Materials) | Withholding 2% ISR to Individuals (with Materials) | -2.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_isr | base | invoice | Retención 2% ISR a Física (con Materiales) | |||||
104 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030306 | ||||||||||||||
105 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
106 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030306 | ||||||||||||||
107 | ret_27_income_remittance | 49 | -27% ISR (L253-12) | Withholding 27% Income Tax on Remittances Abroad (L253-12) | Withholding 27% Income Tax on Remittances Abroad (L253-12) | -27.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_isr | base | invoice | Retención 27% ISR por Remesas al Exterior (L253-12) | |||||
108 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_21030307 | ||||||||||||||
109 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
110 | tax | refund | l10n_do_21030307 | ||||||||||||||
111 | ret_5_income_gov | 50 | -5% ISR Gov. | Withholding 5% Governmental Income Tax | Withholding 5% Governmental Income Tax | -5.0 | percent | sale | tax_group_isr | base | invoice | Retención 5% ISR Gubernamentales | tax_excluded | ||||
112 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_11080302 | ||||||||||||||
113 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
114 | tax | refund | l10n_do_11080302 | ||||||||||||||
115 | tax_group_nonformal | 60 | 75% | Withholding from Informal Suppliers of Goods (75%) | Withholding from Informal Suppliers of Goods (75%) | 18.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_ret | tax_18_purch,ret_75_tax_nonformal | Retención a Proveedores Informales de Bienes (75%) | ||||||
116 | tax_group_person_construction | 61 | 2% Mat. | Withholding to Individuals for Services with Materials (2%) | Withholding to Individuals for Services with Materials (2%) | 18.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_ret | tax_18_purch,ret_100_tax_person,ret_2_income_person | Retención a Jurídicas por Servicios Profesionales (30%) | ||||||
117 | tax_group_person_services | 58 | 10% Serv. | Withholding to Individuals for Person Services | Withholding to Individuals for Person Services | 18.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_ret | tax_18_purch,ret_100_tax_person,ret_10_income_person | Retención a Físicas por Honorarios por Servicios (10%) | ||||||
118 | tax_group_moral_services | 58 | 2% Serv P. | Withholding to Individuals for Moral Services | Withholding to Individuals for Moral Services | 18.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_ret | tax_18_purch,ret_30_tax_moral | Retención a Jurídicas por Servicios Profesionales (30%) | ||||||
119 | tax_group_restaurant_sale | 64 | Restaurant | Restaurant Sales | Restaurant Sales | 18.0 | group | sale | tax_group_ret | tax_18_sale,tax_tip_sale | Ventas del Restaurante | ||||||
120 | tax_group_restaurant_purch | 65 | Restaurant | Restaurant Purchases | Restaurant Purchases | 18.0 | group | purchase | tax_group_ret | tax_18_purch,tax_tip_purch | Compras a Restaurantes | ||||||
121 | tax_18_10_total_mount | 18% of 10% | 18% ITBIS on 10% of the Total Amount | 18% ITBIS on 10% of the Total Amount | 1.8 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 18% ITBIS sobre el 10% del Monto Total | ||||||
122 | tax | invoice | l10n_do_11080102 | ||||||||||||||
123 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
124 | tax | refund | l10n_do_11080102 | ||||||||||||||
125 | tax_18_property_cost | 18% Cost Good | 18% ITBIS carried at Cost Goods | 18% ITBIS carried at Cost Goods | 18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 18% ITBIS llevado al Costo Bienes | ||||||
126 | tax | invoice | +tax.16% | l10n_do_51010500 | |||||||||||||
127 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
128 | tax | refund | +tax.16% | l10n_do_51010500 | |||||||||||||
129 | tax_18_serv_cost | 18% Cost Serv. | 18% ITBIS carried at Cost Services | 18% ITBIS carried at Cost Services | 18.0 | percent | purchase | tax_group_itbis | base | invoice | 18% ITBIS llevado al Costo Servicios | ||||||
130 | tax | invoice | +tax.16% | l10n_do_51010500 | |||||||||||||
131 | base | refund | |||||||||||||||
132 | tax | refund | +tax.16% | l10n_do_51010500 |