2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

103 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

2tax_vat_15_411_goodsVAT 15% Gsalepercent515VAT 15% (411, Goods)411421tax_group_vat_15100baseinvoice+401 (Reporte 104)||+411 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (411, B)IVA 15% (411, Bienes)IVA 15%VAT 15% GTrue
3100taxinvoice+421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
4100baserefund-411 (Reporte 104)
5100taxrefund-421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
6tax_vat_15_411_servicesVAT 15% Ssalepercent515VAT 15% (411, Services)411421tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+401 (Reporte 104)||+411 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (411, S)IVA 15% (411, Servicios)IVA 15%VAT 15% STrue
7taxinvoice+421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
8baserefund-411 (Reporte 104)
9taxrefund-421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
10tax_vat_15_412VAT 15% assetssalepercent515VAT 15% (412, Assets)412422tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+402 (Reporte 104)||+412 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (412, A)IVA 15% (412, Activos)IVA 15%VAT 15% assetsTrue
11taxinvoice+422 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
12baserefund-412 (Reporte 104)
13taxrefund-422 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
14tax_vat_411_goodsVAT 12% Gsalepercent2012VAT 12% (411, Goods)411421tax_group_vat_12100baseinvoice+401 (Reporte 104)||+411 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (411, B)IVA 12% (411, Bienes)IVA 12%VAT 12% GFalse
15100taxinvoice+421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
16100baserefund-411 (Reporte 104)
17100taxrefund-421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
18tax_vat_411_servicesVAT 12% Ssalepercent2012VAT 12% (411, Services)411421tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+401 (Reporte 104)||+411 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (411, S)IVA 12% (411, Servicios)IVA 12%VAT 12% SFalse
19taxinvoice+421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
20baserefund-411 (Reporte 104)
21taxrefund-421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
22tax_vat_412VAT 12% assetssalepercent2012VAT 12% (412, Assets)412422tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+402 (Reporte 104)||+412 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (412, A)IVA 12% (412, Activos)IVA 12%VAT 12% assetsFalse
23taxinvoice+422 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
24baserefund-412 (Reporte 104)
25taxrefund-422 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
26tax_vat_05_411_goodsVAT 5% Gsalepercent255VAT 5% (435, Goods)435445tax_group_vat_05100baseinvoice+425 (Reporte 104)||+435 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (435, B)IVA 5% (435, Bienes)IVA 5%VAT 5% GFalse
27100taxinvoice+445 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
28100baserefund-435 (Reporte 104)
29100taxrefund-445 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
30tax_vat_05_411_servicesVAT 5% Ssalepercent255VAT 5% (411, Services)411421tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+401 (Reporte 104)||+411 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (411, S)IVA 5% (411, Servicios)IVA 5%VAT 5% SFalse
31taxinvoice+421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
32baserefund-411 (Reporte 104)
33taxrefund-421 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
34tax_vat_05_412VAT 5% assetssalepercent255VAT 5% (412, Assets)412422tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+402 (Reporte 104)||+412 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (412, A)IVA 5% (412, Activos)IVA 5%VAT 5% assetsFalse
35taxinvoice+422 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
36baserefund-412 (Reporte 104)
37taxrefund-422 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat
38tax_vat_415_goodsVAT 0% Gsalepercent400VAT 0% (415, Goods)415tax_group_vat0100baseinvoice+405 (Reporte 104)||+415 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (415, B)IVA 0% (415, Bienes)IVA 0%VAT 0% GTrue
40100baserefund-415 (Reporte 104)
42tax_vat_415_servicesVAT 0% Ssalepercent500VAT 0% (415, Services)415tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+405 (Reporte 104)||+415 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (415, S)IVA 0% (415, Servicios)IVA 0%VAT 0% STrue
44baserefund-415 (Reporte 104)
46tax_vat_416VAT 0% assetssalepercent600VAT 0% (416, Assets)416tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+406 (Reporte 104)||+416 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (416, A)IVA 0% (416, Activos)IVA 0%VAT 0% assetsTrue
48baserefund-416 (Reporte 104)
50tax_vat_413VAT 0% NTCsalepercent700VAT 0% (413, No Tax Credit)413tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+403 (Reporte 104)||+413 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (413, Sin Créd Trib)IVA 0% (413, Sin Crédito Tributario)IVA 0%VAT 0% NTCTrue
52baserefund-413 (Reporte 104)
54tax_vat_414VAT 0% assets NTCsalepercent800VAT 0% (414, Assets Without Tax Credit)414tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+404 (Reporte 104)||+414 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (414, A Sin Créd Trib)IVA 0% (414, Activos Sin Crédito Tributario)IVA 0%VAT 0% assets NTCTrue
56baserefund-414 (Reporte 104)
58tax_vat_417VAT 0% EX Gsalepercent900VAT 0% (417, Export Goods)417tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+407 (Reporte 104)||+417 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (417, Expo B)IVA 0% (417, Exportación Bienes)IVA 0%VAT 0% EX GTrue
60baserefund-417 (Reporte 104)
62tax_vat_418VAT 0% EX Ssalepercent1000VAT 0% (418, Export Services)418tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+408 (Reporte 104)||+418 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (418, Expo S)IVA 0% (418, Exportación Servicios)IVA 0%VAT 0% EX STrue
64baserefund-418 (Reporte 104)
66tax_vat_441VAT 0% EXsalepercent1100VAT 0% (441, Exempt/Non-Object)441tax_group_vat_exemptbaseinvoice+431 (Reporte 104)||+441 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (441, No Obj/Exen)IVA 0% (441, No Objeto/Exentas)IVA EXENTOVAT 0% EXTrue
68baserefund-441 (Reporte 104)
70tax_vat_15_444VAT 15% REIMBsalepercent11515VAT 15% (444, Reimbursement)444454tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+434 (Reporte 104)||+444 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (444, Reemb)IVA 15% (444, Reembolsos)IVA 15%VAT 15% REIMBTrue
71taxinvoice+454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
72baserefund-444 (Reporte 104)
73taxrefund-454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
74tax_vat_444VAT 12% REIMBsalepercent12512VAT 12% (444, Reimbursement)444454tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+434 (Reporte 104)||+444 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (444, Reemb)IVA 12% (444, Reembolsos)IVA 12%VAT 12% REIMBFalse
75taxinvoice+454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
76baserefund-444 (Reporte 104)
77taxrefund-454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
78tax_vat_05_444VAT 5% REIMBsalepercent1285VAT 5% (444, Reimbursement)444454tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+434 (Reporte 104)||+444 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (444, Reemb)IVA 5% (444, Reembolsos)IVA 5%VAT 5% REIMBFalse
79taxinvoice+454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
80baserefund-444 (Reporte 104)
81taxrefund-454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
82tax_vat_444_zero_vatVAT 0% REIMBsalepercent1300VAT 0% (444, Reimbursement)444454tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+434 (Reporte 104)||+444 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (444, Reemb)IVA 0% (444, Reembolsos)IVA 0%VAT 0% REIMBTrue
83taxinvoice+454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
84baserefund-444 (Reporte 104)
85taxrefund-454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
86tax_vat_444_not_charged_vatVAT 0% N S REIMBsalepercent1400VAT 0% Non-Subject (444, Reimbursement)444454tax_group_vat_not_chargedbaseinvoice+434 (Reporte 104)||+444 (Reporte 104)No Obj IVA 0% (444, Reemb)No Objeto IVA 0% (444, Reembolsos)IVA 0%VAT 0% N S REIMBTrue
87taxinvoice+454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
88baserefund-444 (Reporte 104)
89taxrefund-454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
90tax_vat_444_not_exempt_vatVAT 0% EXEMPT REIMBsalepercent1500VAT 0% Exempt (444, Reimbursement)444454tax_group_vat_exemptbaseinvoice+434 (Reporte 104)||+444 (Reporte 104)Exen IVA 0% (444, Reemb)Exento IVA 0% (444, Reembolsos)IVA EXENTOVAT 0% EXEMPT REIMBTrue
91taxinvoice+454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
92baserefund-444 (Reporte 104)
93taxrefund-454 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
94tax_vat_15_510_sup_01VAT 15% 510 01purchasepercent515VAT 15% (510, 01 VAT Credit)510520tax_group_vat_15100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (510, 01 Créd)IVA 15% (510, 01 Crédito IVA)IVA 15%VAT 15% 510 01True
95100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
96100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
97100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
98tax_vat_15_510_sup_05VAT 15% 510 05 S T E IRpurchasepercent515VAT 15% (510, 05 Settlement Trip Expense IR)510520tax_group_vat_15100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (510, 05 Liq. V G IR)IVA 15% (510, 05 Liq. Viaje Gasto IR)IVA 15%VAT 15% 510 05 S T E IRTrue
99100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
100100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
101100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
102tax_vat_15_510_sup_06VAT 15% 510 06 Ipurchasepercent515VAT 15% (510, 06 Inventory VAT Credit)510520tax_group_vat_15100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (510, 06 Inv Créd)IVA 15% (510, 06 Inventario Crédito IVA)IVA 15%VAT 15% 510 06 ITrue
103100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
104100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
105100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
106tax_vat_15_510_sup_15VAT 15% 511 15 D Spurchasepercent515VAT 15% (510, 15 Digital Services)510520tax_group_vat_15100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (510, 15 Serv Dig)IVA 15% (510, 15 Servicios Digitales)IVA 15%VAT 15% 511 15 D STrue
107100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
108100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
109100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
110tax_vat_15_511_sup_03VAT 15% 511 03 assetspurchasepercent615VAT 15% (511, 03 VAT Credit Assets)511521tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+501 (Reporte 104)||+511 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (511, 03 A Créd)IVA 15% (511, 03 Activos Crédito IVA)IVA 15%VAT 15% 511 03 assetsTrue
111taxinvoice+521 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets
112baserefund-511 (Reporte 104)
113taxrefund-521 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets
114tax_vat_15_512_sup_04VAT 15% 512 04 Assets IR Cpurchasepercent615VAT 15% (512, 04 Assets IR Cost)512522tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (512, 04 Act. Costo IR)IVA 15% (512, 04 Activos Costo IR)IVA 15%VAT 15% 512 04 Assets IR CTrue
115taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
116baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
117taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
118tax_vat_15_512_sup_05VAT 15% 512 05 S T E IRpurchasepercent615VAT 15% (512, 05 Settlement Trip Expense IR)512522tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (512, 05 Liq. Viaje G. IR)IVA 15% (512, 05 Liq. Viaje Gasto IR)IVA 15%VAT 15% 512 05 S T E IRTrue
119taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
120baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
121taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
122tax_vat_15_512_sup_07VAT 15% 512 07 I C IRpurchasepercent615VAT 15% (512, 07 Inventory Cost IR)512522tax_group_vat_15100baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (512, 07 Inv. Costo IR)IVA 15% (512, 07 Inventario Costo IR)IVA 15%VAT 15% 512 07 I C IRTrue
123100taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
124100baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
125100taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
126tax_vat_15_513_sup_01VAT 15% 513 01purchasepercent615VAT 15% (513, 01 VAT Credit)513523tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+503 (Reporte 104)||+513 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (513, 01 Créd)IVA 15% (513, 01 Crédito IVA)IVA 15%VAT 15% 513 01True
127taxinvoice+523 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_service_imports
128baserefund-513 (Reporte 104)
129taxrefund-523 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_service_imports
130tax_vat_15_514_sup_06VAT 15% 514 06 Ipurchasepercent615VAT 15% (514, 06 Inventory VAT Credit)514524tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+504 (Reporte 104)||+514 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (514, 06 Inv. Créd)IVA 15% (514, 06 Inventario Crédito IVA)IVA 15%VAT 15% 514 06 ITrue
131taxinvoice+524 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_goods_imports
132baserefund-514 (Reporte 104)
133taxrefund-524 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_goods_imports
134tax_vat_15_515_sup_03VAT 15% 515 03 assetspurchasepercent615VAT 15% (515, 03 VAT Credit Assets)515525tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+505 (Reporte 104)||+515 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (515, 03 A. Créd)IVA 15% (515, 03 Activos Crédito IVA)IVA 15%VAT 15% 515 03 assetsTrue
135taxinvoice+525 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets_imports
136baserefund-515 (Reporte 104)
137taxrefund-525 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets_imports
138tax_vat_510_sup_01VAT 12% 510 01purchasepercent912VAT 12% (510, 01 VAT Credit)510520tax_group_vat_12100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (510, 01 Créd)IVA 12% (510, 01 Crédito IVA)IVA 12%VAT 12% 510 01False
139100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
140100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
141100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
142tax_vat_510_sup_05VAT 12% 510 05 S T E IRpurchasepercent912VAT 12% (510, 05 Settlement Trip Expense IR)510520tax_group_vat_12100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (510, 05 Liq. V G IR)IVA 12% (510, 05 Liq. Viaje Gasto IR)IVA 12%VAT 12% 510 05 S T E IRFalse
143100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
144100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
145100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
146tax_vat_510_sup_06VAT 12% 510 06 Ipurchasepercent912VAT 12% (510, 06 Inventory VAT Credit)510520tax_group_vat_12100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (510, 06 Inv Créd)IVA 12% (510, 06 Inventario Crédito IVA)IVA 12%VAT 12% 510 06 IFalse
147100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
148100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
149100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
150tax_vat_510_sup_15VAT 12% 511 15 D Spurchasepercent912VAT 12% (510, 15 Digital Services)510520tax_group_vat_12100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (510, 15 Serv Dig)IVA 12% (510, 15 Servicios Digitales)IVA 12%VAT 12% 511 15 D SFalse
151100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
152100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
153100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
154tax_vat_511_sup_03VAT 12% 511 03 assetspurchasepercent1012VAT 12% (511, 03 VAT Credit Assets)511521tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+501 (Reporte 104)||+511 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (511, 03 A Créd)IVA 12% (511, 03 Activos Crédito IVA)IVA 12%VAT 12% 511 03 assetsFalse
155taxinvoice+521 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets
156baserefund-511 (Reporte 104)
157taxrefund-521 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets
158tax_vat_512_sup_04VAT 12% 512 04 Assets IR Cpurchasepercent1012VAT 12% (512, 04 Assets IR Cost)512522tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (512, 04 Act. Costo IR)IVA 12% (512, 04 Activos Costo IR)IVA 12%VAT 12% 512 04 Assets IR CFalse
159taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
160baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
161taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
162tax_vat_512_sup_05VAT 12% 512 05 S T E IRpurchasepercent1012VAT 12% (512, 05 Settlement Trip Expense IR)512522tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (512, 05 Liq. Viaje G. IR)IVA 12% (512, 05 Liq. Viaje Gasto IR)IVA 12%VAT 12% 512 05 S T E IRFalse
163taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
164baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
165taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
166tax_vat_512_sup_07VAT 12% 512 07 I C IRpurchasepercent1012VAT 12% (512, 07 Inventory Cost IR)512522tax_group_vat_12100baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (512, 07 Inv. Costo IR)IVA 12% (512, 07 Inventario Costo IR)IVA 12%VAT 12% 512 07 I C IRFalse
167100taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
168100baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
169100taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
170tax_vat_513_sup_01VAT 12% 513 01purchasepercent1012VAT 12% (513, 01 VAT Credit)513523tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+503 (Reporte 104)||+513 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (513, 01 Créd)IVA 12% (513, 01 Crédito IVA)IVA 12%VAT 12% 513 01False
171taxinvoice+523 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_service_imports
172baserefund-513 (Reporte 104)
173taxrefund-523 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_service_imports
174tax_vat_514_sup_06VAT 12% 514 06 Ipurchasepercent1012VAT 12% (514, 06 Inventory VAT Credit)514524tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+504 (Reporte 104)||+514 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (514, 06 Inv. Créd)IVA 12% (514, 06 Inventario Crédito IVA)IVA 12%VAT 12% 514 06 IFalse
175taxinvoice+524 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_goods_imports
176baserefund-514 (Reporte 104)
177taxrefund-524 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_goods_imports
178tax_vat_515_sup_03VAT 12% 515 03 assetspurchasepercent1012VAT 12% (515, 03 VAT Credit Assets)515525tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+505 (Reporte 104)||+515 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (515, 03 A. Créd)IVA 12% (515, 03 Activos Crédito IVA)IVA 12%VAT 12% 515 03 assetsFalse
179taxinvoice+525 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets_imports
180baserefund-515 (Reporte 104)
181taxrefund-525 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets_imports
182tax_vat_05_510_sup_01VAT 5% 550 01purchasepercent135VAT 5% (550, 01 VAT Credit)550560tax_group_vat_05100baseinvoice+540 (Reporte 104)||+550 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (550, 01 Créd)IVA 5% (550, 01 Crédito IVA)IVA 5%VAT 5% 550 01True
183100taxinvoice+560 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
184100baserefund-550 (Reporte 104)
185100taxrefund-560 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
186tax_vat_05_510_sup_05VAT 5% 510 05 S T E IRpurchasepercent135VAT 5% (510, 05 Settlement Trip Expense IR)510520tax_group_vat_05100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (510, 05 Liq. V G IR)IVA 5% (510, 05 Liq. Viaje Gasto IR)IVA 5%VAT 5% 510 05 S T E IRTrue
187100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
188100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
189100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
190tax_vat_05_510_sup_06VAT 5% 510 06 Ipurchasepercent135VAT 5% (510, 06 Inventory VAT Credit)510520tax_group_vat_05100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (510, 06 Inv Créd)IVA 5% (510, 06 Inventario Crédito IVA)IVA 5%VAT 5% 510 06 ITrue
191100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
192100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
193100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
194tax_vat_05_510_sup_15VAT 5% 511 15 D Spurchasepercent135VAT 5% (510, 15 Digital Services)510520tax_group_vat_05100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (510, 15 Serv Dig)IVA 5% (510, 15 Servicios Digitales)IVA 5%VAT 5% 511 15 D STrue
195100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
196100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
197100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
198tax_vat_05_511_sup_03VAT 5% 511 03 assetspurchasepercent145VAT 5% (511, 03 VAT Credit Assets)511521tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+501 (Reporte 104)||+511 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (511, 03 A Créd)IVA 5% (511, 03 Activos Crédito IVA)IVA 5%VAT 5% 511 03 assetsTrue
199taxinvoice+521 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets
200baserefund-511 (Reporte 104)
201taxrefund-521 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets
202tax_vat_05_512_sup_04VAT 5% 512 04 Assets IR Cpurchasepercent145VAT 5% (512, 04 Assets IR Cost)512522tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (512, 04 Act. Costo IR)IVA 5% (512, 04 Activos Costo IR)IVA 5%VAT 5% 512 04 Assets IR CTrue
203taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
204baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
205taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
206tax_vat_05_512_sup_05VAT 5% 512 05 S T E IRpurchasepercent145VAT 5% (512, 05 Settlement Trip Expense IR)512522tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (512, 05 Liq. Viaje G. IR)IVA 5% (512, 05 Liq. Viaje Gasto IR)IVA 5%VAT 5% 512 05 S T E IRTrue
207taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
208baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
209taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
210tax_vat_05_512_sup_07VAT 5% 512 07 I C IRpurchasepercent145VAT 5% (512, 07 Inventory Cost IR)512522tax_group_vat_05100baseinvoice+502 (Reporte 104)||+512 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (512, 07 Inv. Costo IR)IVA 5% (512, 07 Inventario Costo IR)IVA 5%VAT 5% 512 07 I C IRTrue
211100taxinvoice+522 (Reporte 104)
212100baserefund-512 (Reporte 104)
213100taxrefund-522 (Reporte 104)
214tax_vat_05_513_sup_01VAT 5% 513 01purchasepercent145VAT 5% (513, 01 VAT Credit)513523tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+503 (Reporte 104)||+513 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (513, 01 Créd)IVA 5% (513, 01 Crédito IVA)IVA 5%VAT 5% 513 01True
215taxinvoice+523 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_service_imports
216baserefund-513 (Reporte 104)
217taxrefund-523 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_service_imports
218tax_vat_05_514_sup_06VAT 5% 514 06 Ipurchasepercent145VAT 5% (514, 06 Inventory VAT Credit)514524tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+504 (Reporte 104)||+514 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (514, 06 Inv. Créd)IVA 5% (514, 06 Inventario Crédito IVA)IVA 5%VAT 5% 514 06 ITrue
219taxinvoice+524 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_goods_imports
220baserefund-514 (Reporte 104)
221taxrefund-524 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_goods_imports
222tax_vat_05_515_sup_03VAT 5% 515 03 assetspurchasepercent145VAT 5% (515, 03 VAT Credit Assets)515525tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+505 (Reporte 104)||+515 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (515, 03 A. Créd)IVA 5% (515, 03 Activos Crédito IVA)IVA 5%VAT 5% 515 03 assetsTrue
223taxinvoice+525 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets_imports
224baserefund-515 (Reporte 104)
225taxrefund-525 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat_assets_imports
226tax_vat_516_sup_07VAT 0% 516 07 I C IRpurchasepercent200VAT 0% (516, 07 Inventory Cost IR)516tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+506 (Reporte 104)||+516 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (516, 07 Inv. Costo IR)IVA 0% (516, 07 Inventario Costo IR)IVA 0%VAT 0% 516 07 I C IRTrue
228baserefund-516 (Reporte 104)
230tax_vat_517_sup_02VAT 0% 517 02 IR Cpurchasepercent200VAT 0% (517, 02 IR Cost)517tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+507 (Reporte 104)||+517 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (517, 02 Costo IR)IVA 0% (517, 02 Costo IR)IVA 0%VAT 0% 517 02 IR CTrue
232baserefund-517 (Reporte 104)
234tax_vat_517_sup_04VAT 0% 517 04 A IR Cpurchasepercent200VAT 0% (517, 04 Assets IR Cost)517tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+507 (Reporte 104)||+517 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (517, 04 A. Costo IR)IVA 0% (517, 04 Activos Costo IR)IVA 0%VAT 0% 517 04 A IR CTrue
236baserefund-517 (Reporte 104)
238tax_vat_517_sup_05VAT 0% 517 05 S T E IRpurchasepercent200VAT 0% (517, 05 Settlement Trip Expense IR)517tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+507 (Reporte 104)||+517 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (517, 05 Liq. Viaje G. IR)IVA 0% (517, 05 Liq. Viaje Gasto IR)IVA 0%VAT 0% 517 05 S T E IRTrue
240baserefund-517 (Reporte 104)
242tax_vat_517_sup_07VAT 0% 517 07 I C IRpurchasepercent200VAT 0% (517, 07 Inventory Cost IR)517tax_group_vat0100baseinvoice+507 (Reporte 104)||+517 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (517, 07 Inv. Costo IR)IVA 0% (517, 07 Inventario Costo IR)IVA 0%VAT 0% 517 07 I C IRTrue
244100baserefund-517 (Reporte 104)
246tax_vat_517_sup_15VAT 0% 517 15 D Spurchasepercent200VAT 0% (517, 15 Digital Services)517tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+507 (Reporte 104)||+517 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (517, 15 Serv. Dig)IVA 0% (517, 15 Servicios Digitales)IVA 0%VAT 0% 517 15 D STrue
248baserefund-517 (Reporte 104)
250tax_vat_518_sup_02VAT 0% 518 02 IR Cpurchasepercent200VAT 0% (518, 02 IR Cost)518tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+508 (Reporte 104)||+518 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (518, 02 Costo IR)IVA 0% (518, 02 Costo IR)IVA 0%VAT 0% 518 02 IR CTrue
252baserefund-518 (Reporte 104)
254tax_vat_541_sup_02VAT 0% 541 02 IR C N Opurchasepercent300VAT 0% (541, 02 IR Cost, No Object)541tax_group_vat_not_charged100baseinvoice+531 (Reporte 104)||+541 (Reporte 104)No Obj. IVA 0% (541, 02 Costo IR)No Objeto IVA 0% (541, 02 Costo IR)IVA 0%VAT 0% 541 02 IR C N OTrue
256100baserefund-541 (Reporte 104)
258tax_vat_510_08_sup_01VAT 8% 510 01purchasepercent508VAT 8% (510, 01 VAT credit)510520tax_group_vat_08100baseinvoice+500 (Reporte 104)||+510 (Reporte 104)IVA 8% (510, 01 Créd)IVA 8% (510, 01 Crédito IVA)IVA 8%VAT 8% 510 01True
259100taxinvoice+520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
260100baserefund-510 (Reporte 104)
261100taxrefund-520 (Reporte 104)ec_purchase_vat
262tax_vat_542_sup_02VAT 0% EXEMPT 542 02 IR Cpurchasepercent400VAT exempt 0% (542, 02 IR Cost)542tax_group_vat_exemptbaseinvoice+532 (Reporte 104)||+542 (Reporte 104)Exento IVA 0% (542, 02 Costo IR)Exento IVA 0% (542, 02 Costo IR)IVA EXENTOVAT 0% EXEMPT 542 02 IR CTrue
264baserefund-542 (Reporte 104)
266tax_vat_15_545_sup_08VAT 15% 545 08 REIMBpurchasepercent615VAT 15% (545, 08 Reimbursement)545555tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (545, 08 Reemb)IVA 15% (545, 08 Reembolso)IVA 15%VAT 15% 545 08 REIMBTrue
267taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
268baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
269taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
270tax_vat_545_sup_08VAT 12% 545 08 REIMBpurchasepercent1212VAT 12% (545, 08 Reimbursement)545555tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (545, 08 Reemb)IVA 12% (545, 08 Reembolso)IVA 12%VAT 12% 545 08 REIMBFalse
271taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
272baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
273taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
274tax_vat_05_545_sup_08VAT 5% 545 08 REIMBpurchasepercent145VAT 5% (545, 08 Reimbursement)545555tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (545, 08 Reemb)IVA 5% (545, 08 Reembolso)IVA 5%VAT 5% 545 08 REIMBTrue
275taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
276baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
277taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
278tax_vat_545_sup_08_vat0VAT 0% 545 08 REIMBpurchasepercent200VAT 0% (545, 08 Reimbursement)545555tax_group_vat0baseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)IVA 0% (545, 08 Reemb)IVA 0% (545, 08 Reembolso)IVA 0%VAT 0% 545 08 REIMBTrue
279taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
280baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
281taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
282tax_vat_545_sup_08_vat_exemptVAT 0% Exempt 545 08 REIMBpurchasepercent300VAT 0% Exempt (545, 08 Reimbursement)545555tax_group_vat_exemptbaseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)Exento IVA 0% (545, 08 Reemb)Exento IVA 0% (545, 08 Reembolso)IVA EXENTOVAT 0% Exempt 545 08 REIMBTrue
283taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
284baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
285taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
286tax_vat_545_sup_08_vat_not_chargedVAT 0% N S 545 08 REIMBpurchasepercent400VAT 0% Non-Subject (545, 08 Reimbursement)545555tax_group_vat_not_chargedbaseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)No Obj. IVA 0% (545, 08 Reemb)No Objeto IVA 0% (545, 08 Reembolso)IVA 0%VAT 0% N S 545 08 REIMBTrue
287taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
288baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
289taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
290tax_vat_15_545_sup_09VAT 15% 545 09 REIMB Spurchasepercent615VAT 15% (545, 09 Reimbursement Sinister)545555tax_group_vat_15baseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)IVA 15% (545, 09 Reemb Sinies)IVA 15% (545, 09 Reembolso Siniestro)IVA 15%VAT 15% 545 09 REIMB STrue
291taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
292baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
293taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
294tax_vat_545_sup_09VAT 12% 545 09 REIMB Spurchasepercent1212VAT 12% (545, 09 Reimbursement Sinister)545555tax_group_vat_12baseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)IVA 12% (545, 09 Reemb Sinies)IVA 12% (545, 09 Reembolso Siniestro)IVA 12%VAT 12% 545 09 REIMB SFalse
295taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
296baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
297taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
298tax_vat_05_545_sup_09VAT 5% 545 09 REIMB Spurchasepercent145VAT 5% (545, 09 Reimbursement Sinister)545555tax_group_vat_05baseinvoice+535 (Reporte 104)||+545 (Reporte 104)IVA 5% (545, 09 Reemb Sinies)IVA 5% (545, 09 Reembolso Siniestro)IVA 5%VAT 5% 545 09 REIMB STrue
299taxinvoice+555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
300baserefund-545 (Reporte 104)
301taxrefund-555 (Reporte 104)ec_other_downpayments
302tax_withhold_profit_30310% 303nonepercent70-10303 10% Professional Fees and Other Payments for Services Related to the Professional Degree303353tax_group_withhold_income_purchase303baseinvoice+303 (Reporte 103)303 10% Honorarios Profesionales303 10% Honorarios Profesionales y Demás Pagos por Servicios Relacionados con el Titulo Profesional30310% 303Truetax_excluded
303taxinvoice+353 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
304baserefund-303 (Reporte 103)
305taxrefund-353 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
306tax_withhold_profit_3048% 304nonepercent70-8304 8% Services Predominantly Intellectual Services not Related to Professional Degree304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304baseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304 8% Servicios Intelecto304 8% Servicios Predomina el Intelecto No Relacionados con el Titulo Profesional3048% 304Falsetax_excluded
307taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
308baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
309taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
310tax_withhold_profit_304A8% 304anonepercent70-8304a 8% Commissions and Other Payments for Services Predominantly Intellectually Unrelated to Professional Title304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Abaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304A 8% Comisiones304A 8% Comisiones y Demas Pagos por Servicios Predomina Intelecto No Relacionados con el Titulo Profesional3048% 304aFalsetax_excluded
311taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
312baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
313taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
314tax_withhold_profit_304B8% 304bnonepercent70-8304b 8% Payments to Notaries and Property and Commercial Registrars for their Activities as Such304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Bbaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304B 8% Notarios304B 8% Pagos a Notarios y Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantil por sus Actividades Ejercidas Como Tales3048% 304bFalsetax_excluded
315taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
316baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
317taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
318tax_withhold_profit_304C8% 304cnonepercent70-8304c 8% Payments to Athletes, Coaches, Referees, Members of the Coaching Staff for their Activities as Such304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Cbaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304C 8% Deportistas304C 8% Pagos a Deportistas, Entrenadores, Arbitros, Miembros del Cuerpo Tecnico por sus Actividades Ejercidas Como Tales3048% 304cTruetax_excluded
319taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
320baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
321taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
322tax_withhold_profit_304D8% 304dnonepercent70-8304d 8% Payments to Artists for their Activities as Performers304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Dbaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304D 8% Artistas304D 8% Pagos a Artistas por sus Actividades Ejercidas Como Tales3048% 304dTruetax_excluded
323taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
324baserefund+304 (Reporte 103)
325taxrefund+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
326tax_withhold_profit_304E8% 304enonepercent70-8304e 8% Fees and Other Payments for Teaching Services304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Ebaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304E 8% Docencia304E 8% Honorarios y Demas Pagos por Servicios de Docencia3048% 304eTruetax_excluded
327taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
328baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
329taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
330tax_withhold_profit_3072% 307nonepercent70-2307 2% Services Predominantly Labor Force307357tax_group_withhold_income_purchase307baseinvoice+307 (Reporte 103)307 2% Servicios Mano de Obra307 2% Servicios Predomina Mano de Obra3072% 307Truetax_excluded
331taxinvoice+357 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
332baserefund-307 (Reporte 103)
333taxrefund-357 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
334tax_withhold_profit_30810% 308nonepercent70-10308 10% Use or Exploitation of Image or Reputation308358tax_group_withhold_income_purchase308baseinvoice+308 (Reporte 103)308 10% Imagen/Renombre308 10% Utilizacion o Aprovechamiento de la Imagen o Renombre30810% 308Truetax_excluded
335taxinvoice+358 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
336baserefund-308 (Reporte 103)
337taxrefund-358 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
338tax_withhold_profit_3091.75% 309nonepercent70-1.75309 1.75% Services Rendered by Media and Advertising Agencies309359tax_group_withhold_income_purchase309baseinvoice+309 (Reporte 103)309 1.75% Medios/Publicidad309 1.75% Servicios Prestados por Medios de Comunicación y Agencias de Publicidad3091.75% 309Falsetax_excluded
339taxinvoice+359 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
340baserefund-309 (Reporte 103)
341taxrefund-359 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
342tax_withhold_profit_3101% 310nonepercent70-1310 1% Private Passenger Transportation Service or Public or Private Transportation of Cargo310360tax_group_withhold_income_purchase310baseinvoice+310 (Reporte 103)310 1% Transporte310 1% Servicio de Transporte Privado de Pasajeros o Transporte Publico o Privado de Carga3101% 310Truetax_excluded
343taxinvoice+360 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
344baserefund-310 (Reporte 103)
345taxrefund-360 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
346tax_withhold_profit_3112% 311nonepercent70-2311 2% For Payments Through Purchase Settlement (Cultural or Rustic Level)311361tax_group_withhold_income_purchase311baseinvoice+311 (Reporte 103)311 2% Compra311 2% Por Pagos a Traves de Liquidacion de Compra (nivel cultural o rusticidad)3112% 311Truetax_excluded
347taxinvoice+361 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
348baserefund-311 (Reporte 103)
349taxrefund-361 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
350tax_withhold_profit_3121.75% 312nonepercent70-1.75312 1.75% Transfer of Tangible Movable Property of a Tangible Nature312362tax_group_withhold_income_purchase312baseinvoice+312 (Reporte 103)312 1.75% Transferencia Bienes312 1.75% Transferencia de Bienes Muebles de Naturaleza Corporal3121.75% 312Truetax_excluded
351taxinvoice+362 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
352baserefund-312 (Reporte 103)
353taxrefund-362 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
354tax_withhold_profit_312A1% 312anonepercent70-1312a 1% Purchases from the Producer: of Goods of Bio-aquatic, Forestry Origin and Those Described in Art.27.1 of LRTI31203620tax_group_withhold_income_purchase312Abaseinvoice+3120 (Reporte 103)312A 1% Compras al Productor312A 1% Compras al Productor: de Bienes de Origen Bioacuático, Forestal y los Descritos el Art.27.1 de LRTI31201% 312aTruetax_excluded
355taxinvoice+3620 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
356baserefund-3120 (Reporte 103)
357taxrefund-3620 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
358tax_withhold_profit_314A8% 314anonepercent70-8314a 8% Royalties From Franchises Under The Intellectual Property Law - Payment to Individuals314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Abaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314A 8% Regalias Personas314A 8% Regalias por Concepto de Franquicias de Acuerdo a Ley de Propiedad Intelectual - Pago a Personas Naturales3148% 314aFalsetax_excluded
359taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
360baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
361taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
362tax_withhold_profit_314B8% 314bnonepercent70-8314b 8% Royalties, Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Similar in Accordance with the Intellectual Property Law - Payment to Natural Persons314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Bbaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314B 8% Derechos Autor314B 8% Casales, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares de Acuerdo a Ley de Propiedad Intelectual Pago a Personas Naturales3148% 314bFalsetax_excluded
363taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
364baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
365taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
366tax_withhold_profit_314C8% 314cnonepercent70-8314c 8% Royalties from Franchises in Accordance with Intellectual Property Law - Payment to Corporations314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Cbaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314C 8% Regalias Sociedades314C 8% Regalias por Concepto de Franquicias de Acuerdo a Ley de Propiedad Intelectual - Pago a Sociedades3148% 314cFalsetax_excluded
367taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
368baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
369taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
370tax_withhold_profit_314D8% 314dnonepercent70-8314d 8% Royalties, Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Similar Under Intellectual Property law - Payment to Companies314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Dbaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314D 8% Derechos Sociedades314D 8% Casales, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares de Acuerdo a Ley de Propiedad Intelectual Pago a Sociedades3148% 314dFalsetax_excluded
371taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
372baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
373taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
374tax_withhold_profit_3191.75% 319nonepercent70-1.75319 1.75% Lease Payments (Provided by Companies), Including the Option to Purchase319369tax_group_withhold_income_purchase319baseinvoice+319 (Reporte 103)319 1.75% Cuotas Arrendamiento319 1.75% Cuotas de Arrendamiento Mercantil (Prestado por Sociedades), Inclusive la de Opción de Compra3191.75% 319Falsetax_excluded
375taxinvoice+369 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
376baserefund-319 (Reporte 103)
377taxrefund-369 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
378tax_withhold_profit_319_22% 319nonepercent70-2319 2% Commercial Lease Fees (Loaned by Companies), Including the Purchase Option319369tax_group_withhold_income_purchase319baseinvoice+319 (Reporte 103)319 2% Cuotas de Arrendamiento Mercantil319 2% Cuotas de Arrendamiento Mercantil (Prestado por Sociedades), Inclusive la de Opción de Compra3192% 319Truetax_excluded
379taxinvoice+369 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
380baserefund-319 (Reporte 103)
381taxrefund-369 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
382tax_withhold_profit_3208% 320nonepercent70-8320 8% For Lease of Real Estate320370tax_group_withhold_income_purchase320baseinvoice+320 (Reporte 103)320 8% Arrendamiento Inmuebles320 8% Por Arrendamiento Bienes Inmuebles3208% 320Falsetax_excluded
383taxinvoice+370 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
384baserefund-320 (Reporte 103)
385taxrefund-370 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_8x100
386tax_withhold_profit_3221.75% 322nonepercent70-1.75322 1.75% Insurance and Reinsurance (Premiums and Cessions)322372tax_group_withhold_income_purchase322baseinvoice+322 (Reporte 103)322 1.75% Seguros322 1.75% Seguros y Reaseguros (Primas y Cesiones) 1.75%3221.75% 322Falsetax_excluded
387taxinvoice+372 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
388baserefund-322 (Reporte 103)
389taxrefund-372 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
390tax_withhold_profit_3320% 332nonepercent700332 0% Other Purchases of Goods and Services not Subject to Withholding Tax332tax_group_withhold_income_purchase332baseinvoice+332 (Reporte 103)332 0% Otras Compras332 0% Otras Compras de Bienes y Servicios No Sujetas a Retencion3320% 332True
392baserefund-332 (Reporte 103)
394tax_withhold_profit_332A0% 332anonepercent700332a 0% Disposal of Rights Representing Capital and Other Exempted Rights (may 2016)332tax_group_withhold_income_purchase332Abaseinvoice+332 (Reporte 103)332A 0% Enajenacion332A 0% Enajenacion de Derechos Representativos de Capital y Otros Derechos Exentos (mayo 2016)3320% 332aTrue
396baserefund-332 (Reporte 103)
398tax_withhold_profit_332B0% 332bnonepercent700332b 0% Purchase of Real Estate332tax_group_withhold_income_purchase332Bbaseinvoice+332 (Reporte 103)332B 0% Compra Inmuebles332B 0% Compra de Bienes Inmuebles3320% 332bTrue
400baserefund-332 (Reporte 103)
402tax_withhold_profit_332C0% 332cnonepercent700332c 0% Public Passenger Transportation332tax_group_withhold_income_purchase332Cbaseinvoice+332 (Reporte 103)332C 0% Transporte Pasajeros332C 0% Transporte Publico de Pasajeros3320% 332cTrue
404baserefund-332 (Reporte 103)
406tax_withhold_profit_332D0% 332dnonepercent700332d 0% Payments in the Country for the Transportation of Passengers or International Transportation of Cargo, to National or Foreign Aviation or Maritime Companies332tax_group_withhold_income_purchase332Dbaseinvoice+332 (Reporte 103)332D 0% Pagos Transporte332D 0% Pagos en el Pais por Transporte de Pasajeros o Transporte Internacional de Carga, a Compañias Nacionales o Extranjeras de Aviacion o Maritimas3320% 332dTrue
408baserefund-332 (Reporte 103)
410tax_withhold_profit_332G0% 332gnonepercent700332g 0% Credit Card Payments332tax_group_withhold_income_purchase332Gbaseinvoice+332 (Reporte 103)332G 0% Pagos Tarjeta332G 0% Pagos con Tarjeta de Credito3320% 332gTrue
412baserefund-332 (Reporte 103)
414tax_withhold_profit_332I0% 332inonepercent700332i 0% Payments Through Debit Agreements (ifi`s Customers)332tax_group_withhold_income_purchase332Ibaseinvoice+332 (Reporte 103)332I 0% Pagos Débito332I 0% Pagos a Través de Convenios de Débito (clientes ifi`s)3320% 332iTrue
416baserefund-332 (Reporte 103)
418tax_withhold_profit_3431% 343nonepercent70-1343 1% Other Applicable Withholdings 1% (Includes RIMPE regimen)343393tax_group_withhold_income_purchase343100baseinvoice+343 (Reporte 103)343 1% Otras Retenciones343 1% Otras Retenciones Aplicables el 1% (Incluye régimen RIMPE)Otras 1%1% 343Truetax_excluded
419100taxinvoice+393 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
420100baserefund-343 (Reporte 103)
421100taxrefund-393 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
422tax_withhold_profit_343A1% 343anonepercent70-1343a 1% for electric energy343393tax_group_withhold_income_purchase343Abaseinvoice+343 (Reporte 103)343A 1% Energia Electrica343A 1% Por Energia Electrica3431% 343aTruetax_excluded
423taxinvoice+393 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
424baserefund-343 (Reporte 103)
425taxrefund-393 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
426tax_withhold_profit_343B1% 343bnonepercent70-1343b 1% For Construction Activities of Real Estate Urbanization Land Development or Similar Activitiestax_group_withhold_income_purchase343Bbaseinvoice+343 (Reporte 103)343B 1%,True" Construccion"343B 1% Por Actividades de Construccion de Obra Material Inmueble, Urbanizacion, Lotizacion o Actividades Similares3431% 343btax_excluded
427taxinvoice+393 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
428baserefund-343 (Reporte 103)
429taxrefund-393 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
430tax_withhold_profit_34402.75% 3440nonepercent70-2.753440-344 2.75% Other Withholdings 2.75% Applicable34403940tax_group_withhold_income_purchase3440baseinvoice+3440 (Reporte 103)3440-344 2.75% Otras Retenciones3440-344 2.75% Otras Retenciones Aplicables el 2,75%34402.75% 3440Truetax_excluded
431taxinvoice+3940 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2_75x100
432baserefund-3440 (Reporte 103)
433taxrefund-3940 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2_75x100
434tax_withhold_profit_3461.75% 346nonepercent70-1.75346 1.75% Microenterprises (Other Withholdings Applicable to Other Percentages)346396tax_group_withhold_income_purchase346baseinvoice+346 (Reporte 103)346 1.75% Microempresas346 1.75% Microempresas (Otras retenciones aplicables a otros porcentajes)3461.75% 346Truetax_excluded
435taxinvoice+396 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
436baserefund-346 (Reporte 103)
437taxrefund-396 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
438tax_withhold_profit_347_3462% 347-346nonepercent70-2347-346 2% Cash Donations - Donation Tax346396tax_group_withhold_income_purchase347baseinvoice+346 (Reporte 103)347-346 2% Donaciones347-346 2% Donaciones en Dinero -Impuesto a las Donaciones3472% 347-346Truetax_excluded
439taxinvoice+396 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
440baserefund-346 (Reporte 103)
441taxrefund-396 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
442tax_withhold_profit_501_41122% 501-411nonepercent70-22501-411 22% Payment Abroad - Corporate Profits (With Double Taxation Agreement)411461tax_group_withhold_income_purchase501baseinvoice+411 (Reporte 103)501-411 22% Pago al Ext. Benef. Emp. (C/ Conv. D. T.)501-411 22% Pago al Exterior - Beneficios Empresariales (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41122% 501-411Truetax_excluded
443taxinvoice+461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
444baserefund-411 (Reporte 103)
445taxrefund-461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
446tax_withhold_profit_501_42222% 501-422nonepercent70-22501-422 22% Payment Abroad - Corporate Profits (Without Double Taxation Agreement)422472tax_group_withhold_income_purchase501baseinvoice+422 (Reporte 103)501-422 22% Pago al Ext. Benef. Emp. (S/ Conv. D. T.)501-422 22% Pago al Exterior - Beneficios Empresariales (Sin Convenio de Doble Tributación)42222% 501-422Truetax_excluded
447taxinvoice+472 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
448baserefund-422 (Reporte 103)
449taxrefund-472 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
450tax_withhold_profit_502_41122% 502-411nonepercent70-22502-411 22% Payment Abroad - Business Services (Under Double Taxation Agreement)411461tax_group_withhold_income_purchase502baseinvoice+411 (Reporte 103)502-411 22% Pago al Ext. Serv. Emp. (C/ Conv. D. T.)502-411 22% Pago al Exterior - Servicios Empresariales (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41122% 502-411Truetax_excluded
451taxinvoice+461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
452baserefund-411 (Reporte 103)
453taxrefund-461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
454tax_withhold_profit_502_42222% 502-422nonepercent70-22502-422 22% Payment Abroad - Business Services (No Double Taxation Agreement)422472tax_group_withhold_income_purchase502baseinvoice+422 (Reporte 103)502-422 22% Pago al Ext. Serv. Emp. (S/ Conv. D. T.)502-422 22% Pago al Exterior - Servicios Empresariales (Sin Convenio de Doble Tributación)42222% 502-422Truetax_excluded
455taxinvoice+472 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
456baserefund-422 (Reporte 103)
457taxrefund-472 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
458tax_withhold_profit_509_41122% 509-411nonepercent70-22509-411 22% Payment Abroad - Royalties, Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and the Like (With Double Taxation Agreement)411461tax_group_withhold_income_purchase509baseinvoice+411 (Reporte 103)509-411 22% Pago al Ext. Casales (C/ Conv. D. T.)509-411 22% Pago al Exterior - Casales, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41122% 509-411Truetax_excluded
459taxinvoice+461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
460baserefund-411 (Reporte 103)
461taxrefund-461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
462tax_withhold_profit_509_42222% 509-422nonepercent70-22509-422 Payment Abroad - Royalties, Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Similar (Without Double Taxation Agreement)422472tax_group_withhold_income_purchase509baseinvoice+422 (Reporte 103)509-422 Pago al Ext. Casales (S/ Conv. D. T.)509-422 Pago al Exterior - Casales, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares (Sin Convenio de Doble Tributación)42222% 509-422Truetax_excluded
463taxinvoice+472 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
464baserefund-422 (Reporte 103)
465taxrefund-472 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
466tax_withhold_profit_511_41122% 511-411nonepercent70-22511-411 22% Payment Abroad - Independent Professional Services (With Double Taxation Agreement)411461tax_group_withhold_income_purchase511baseinvoice+411 (Reporte 103)511-411 22% Pago al Ext. Serv. Prof. Ind. (C/ Conv. D. T.)511-411 22% Pago al Exterior - Servicios Profesionales Independientes (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41122% 511-411Truetax_excluded
467taxinvoice+461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
468baserefund-411 (Reporte 103)
469taxrefund-461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
470tax_withhold_profit_512_41122% 512-411nonepercent70-22512-411 22% Payment Abroad - Dependent Professional Services (With Double Taxation Agreement)411461tax_group_withhold_income_purchase512baseinvoice+411 (Reporte 103)512-411 22% Pago al Ext. Serv. Prof. Dep. (C/ Conv. D. T.)512-411 22% Pago al Exterior - Servicios Profesionales Dependientes (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41122% 512-411Truetax_excluded
471taxinvoice+461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
472baserefund-411 (Reporte 103)
473taxrefund-461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
474tax_withhold_profit_517_41122% 517-411nonepercent70-22517-411 22% Payment Abroad - Reimbursement of Expenses (With Double Taxation Agreement)411461tax_group_withhold_income_purchase517baseinvoice+411 (Reporte 103)517-411 22% Pago al Ext. Reem. Gastos (C/ Conv. D. T.)517-411 22% Pago al Exterior - Reembolso de Gastos (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41122% 517-411Truetax_excluded
475taxinvoice+461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
476baserefund-411 (Reporte 103)
477taxrefund-461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
478tax_withhold_profit_520D_41122% 520d-411nonepercent70-22520d-411 22% Payment Abroad - Commissions on Exports and Inbound Tourism Promotion (With Double Taxation Agreement)411461tax_group_withhold_income_purchase520Dbaseinvoice+411 (Reporte 103)520D-411 22% Pago al Ext. Comis. Export. y Promoc. Tur. Rec. (C/ Conv. D. T.)520D-411 22% Pago al Exterior - Comisiones por Exportaciones y Por Promocion de Turismo Receptivo (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41122% 520d-411Truetax_excluded
479taxinvoice+461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
480baserefund-411 (Reporte 103)
481taxrefund-461 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
482tax_withhold_profit_522A_41022% 522a-410nonepercent70-22522a-410 22% Foreign Payment - Technical, Administrative or Consulting Services and Royalties with Double Taxation Agreement (With Double Taxation Agreement)410460tax_group_withhold_income_purchase522Abaseinvoice+410 (Reporte 103)522A-410 22% Pago al Ext. Serv. Téc., Admin. o Consult. y Regalias (C/ Conv. D. T.)522A-410 22% Pago al Exterior - Servicios Tecnicos, Administrativos o de Consultoria y Regalias (Con Convenio de Doble Tributación)41022% 522a-410Truetax_excluded
483taxinvoice+460 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
484baserefund-410 (Reporte 103)
485taxrefund-460 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_22x100
486income_tax_withholding_30222% 302 WTHnonepercent70-22302 In a Dependency Relationship that Exceeds or Not the Deductible Base302352tax_group_withhold_income_purchase352100baseinvoice+302 (Reporte 103)302 En rel. de Dep. que Supera o no la Base Desg.302 En relación de Dependencia que Supera o no la Base Desgravada30222% 302 WTHTruetax_excluded
487100taxinvoice+352 (Reporte 103)ec21070101
488100baserefund-302 (Reporte 103)
489100taxrefund-352 (Reporte 103)ec21070101
490tax_withhold_profit_304_1010% 304nonepercent70-10304 10% Services Predominantly Intellectual Services not Related to Professional Degree304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304baseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304 10% Servicios Predomina el Intelecto No Relacionados con el Titulo Profesional304 10% Servicios Predomina el Intelecto No Relacionados con el Titulo Profesional30410% 304Truetax_excluded
491taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
492baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
493taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
494tax_withhold_profit_304A_1010% 304anonepercent70-10304a 10% Commissions and Other Payments for Services Predominantly Intellectually Unrelated to Professional Title304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Abaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304A 10% Comisiones y Demas Pagos por Servicios Predomina Intelecto No Relacionados con el Titulo Profesional304A 10% Comisiones y Demas Pagos por Servicios Predomina Intelecto No Relacionados con el Titulo Profesional30410% 304aTruetax_excluded
495taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
496baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
497taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
498tax_withhold_profit_304B_1010% 304bnonepercent70-10304b 10% Payments to Notaries and Property and Commercial Registrars for their Activities as Such304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Bbaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304B 10% Pagos a Notarios y Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantil por sus Actividades Ejercidas Como Tales304B 10% Pagos a Notarios y Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantil por sus Actividades Ejercidas Como Tales30410% 304bTruetax_excluded
499taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
500baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
501taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
502tax_withhold_profit_304E_1010% 304enonepercent70-10304e 10% Fees and Other Payments for Teaching Services304354tax_group_withhold_income_purchase304Ebaseinvoice+304 (Reporte 103)304E 10% Honorarios y Demas Pagos por Servicios de Docencia304E 10% Honorarios y Demas Pagos por Servicios de Docencia30410% 304eFalsetax_excluded
503taxinvoice+354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
504baserefund-304 (Reporte 103)
505taxrefund-354 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
506tax_withhold_profit_309_2_752.75% 309nonepercent70-2.75309 2.75% Services Rendered by Media and Advertising Agencies309359tax_group_withhold_income_purchase309baseinvoice+309 (Reporte 103)309 2.75% Servicios Prestados por Medios de Comunicación y Agencias de Publicidad309 2.75% Servicios Prestados por Medios de Comunicación y Agencias de Publicidad3092.75% 309Truetax_excluded
507taxinvoice+359 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2_75x100
508baserefund-309 (Reporte 103)
509taxrefund-359 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2_75x100
510tax_withhold_profit_303A3% 303anonepercent70-3303a 3% Professional Services Provided by Resident Companies30303530tax_group_withhold_income_purchase303Abaseinvoice+3030 (Reporte 103)303A 3% Servicios Profesionales Prestados por Sociedades Residentes303A 3% Servicios Profesionales Prestados por Sociedades Residentes30303% 303aTruetax_excluded
511taxinvoice+3530 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_3x100
512baserefund-3030 (Reporte 103)
513taxrefund-3530 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_3x100
514tax_withhold_profit_312C1.75% 312cnonepercent70-1.75312c 1.75% Purchases from the Marketer: of Goods of Bio-aquatic, Forest and those described in Art.27.1 of LRTI31213621tax_group_withhold_income_purchase312Cbaseinvoice+3121 (Reporte 103)312C 1.75% Compras al Comercializador: de Bienes de Origen Bioacuático, Forestal y los Descritos el Art.27.1 de LRTI312C 1.75% Compras al Comercializador: de Bienes de Origen Bioacuático, Forestal y los Descritos el Art.27.1 de LRTI31211.75% 312cTruetax_excluded
515taxinvoice+3621 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
516baserefund-3121 (Reporte 103)
517taxrefund-3621 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1_75x100
518tax_withhold_profit_34823% 3482nonepercent70-3.03482 3% Comisiones a sociedades, nacionales o extranjeras residentes y establecimientos permanentes domiciliados en el país31403640tax_group_withhold_income_purchase3482baseinvoice+3140 (Reporte 103)3482 3% Comisiones a sociedades, nacionales o extranjeras residentes y establecimientos permanentes domiciliados en el país3482 3% Comisiones a sociedades, nacionales o extranjeras residentes y establecimientos permanentes domiciliados en el país31403% 3482Truetax_excluded
519taxinvoice+3640 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_3x100
520baserefund-3140 (Reporte 103)
521taxrefund-3640 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_3x100
522tax_withhold_profit_314A_1010% 314anonepercent70-10314a 10% Royalties for Franchises under the INGENIOS Code (COESCCI) - Payment to Natural Persons314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Abaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314A 10% Regalías por Concepto de Franquicias de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI) - Pago a Personas Naturales314A 10% Regalías por Concepto de Franquicias de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI) - Pago a Personas Naturales31410% 314aTruetax_excluded
523taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
524baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
525taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
526tax_withhold_profit_314B_1010% 314bnonepercent70-10314b 10% Royalties, Copyrights, Brands, Patents and Similar according to the INGENIOS Code (COESCCI) - Payment to Natural Persons314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Bbaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314B 10% Cánones, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI) Pago a Personas Naturales314B 10% Cánones, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI) Pago a Personas Naturales31410% 314bTruetax_excluded
527taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
528baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
529taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
530tax_withhold_profit_314C_1010% 314cnonepercent70-10314c 10% Royalties on account of Franchises under the INGENIOS Code (COESCCI) - Payment to Companies314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Cbaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314C 10% Regalias por Concepto de Franquicias de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI) - Pago a Sociedades314C 10% Regalias por Concepto de Franquicias de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI) - Pago a Sociedades31410% 314cTruetax_excluded
531taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
532baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
533taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
534tax_withhold_profit_314D_1010% 314dnonepercent70-10314d 10% Royalties, Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Similar according to the INGENIOS Code (COESCCI)314364tax_group_withhold_income_purchase314Dbaseinvoice+314 (Reporte 103)314D 10% Cánones, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI)314D 10% Cánones, Derechos de Autor, Marcas, Patentes y Similares de Acuerdo al Código INGENIOS (COESCCI)31410% 314dTruetax_excluded
535taxinvoice+364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
536baserefund-314 (Reporte 103)
537taxrefund-364 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
538tax_withhold_profit_320_1010% 320nonepercent70-10320 10% For Lease of Real Estate320370tax_group_withhold_income_purchase320baseinvoice+320 (Reporte 103)320 10% Por Arrendamiento Bienes Inmuebles320 10% Por Arrendamiento Bienes Inmuebles32010% 320Truetax_excluded
539taxinvoice+370 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
540baserefund-320 (Reporte 103)
541taxrefund-370 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_10x100
542tax_withhold_profit_322_11% 322nonepercent70-1322 1% Insurance and Reinsurance (Premiums and Cessions)322372tax_group_withhold_income_purchase322baseinvoice+322 (Reporte 103)322 1% Seguros y Reaseguros (Primas y Cesiones)322 1% Seguros y Reaseguros (Primas y Cesiones)3221% 322Truetax_excluded
543taxinvoice+372 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
544baserefund-322 (Reporte 103)
545taxrefund-372 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
546tax_withhold_profit_323O1% 323ononepercent70-1323o 1% Interest and Other Financial Income Paid to Banks and Other Entities Subject to the Control of the Superintendency of Banks and the Popular and Solidarity Economy323373tax_group_withhold_income_purchase323Obaseinvoice+323 (Reporte 103)323O 1% Intereses y Demás Rendimientos Financieros Pagados a Bancos y Otras Entidades Sometidas al Control de la Superintendencia de Bancos y de la Economía Popular y Solidaria323O 1% Intereses y Demás Rendimientos Financieros Pagados a Bancos y Otras Entidades Sometidas al Control de la Superintendencia de Bancos y de la Economía Popular y Solidaria3231% 323oTruetax_excluded
547taxinvoice+372 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
548baserefund-322 (Reporte 103)
549taxrefund-372 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_1x100
550tax_withhold_profit_343C2% 343cnonepercent70-2343c 2% PET Non-Returnable Plastic Bottles Reception344394tax_group_withhold_income_purchase343Cbaseinvoice+344 (Reporte 103)343C 2% Recepción de Botellas Plásticas no Retornables de PET343C 2% Recepción de Botellas Plásticas no Retornables de PET3442% 343cTruetax_excluded
551taxinvoice+394 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
552baserefund-344 (Reporte 103)
553taxrefund-394 (Reporte 103)ret_ir_2x100
554tax_withhold_profit_sale_1x1001% WTHnonepercent70-11% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice1% Ret. de la Fuente1% Retenciones de la Fuente1%1% WTHTruetax_excluded
558tax_withhold_profit_sale_1_75x1001.75% WTHnonepercent70-1.751.75% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice1.75% Ret. de la Fuente1.75% Retenciones de la Fuente1.75%1.75% WTHTruetax_excluded
562tax_withhold_profit_sale_2x1002% WTHnonepercent70-22% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice2% Ret. de la Fuente2% Retenciones de la Fuente2%2% WTHTruetax_excluded
566tax_withhold_profit_sale_2_75x1002.75% WTHnonepercent70-2.752.75% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice2.75% Ret. de la Fuente2.75% Retenciones de la Fuente2.75%2.75% WTHTruetax_excluded
570tax_withhold_profit_sale_3x1003% WHnonepercent70-33% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice3% Ret. de la Fuente3% Retenciones de la Fuente3%3% WTHTruetax_excluded
574tax_withhold_profit_sale_5x1005% WTHnonepercent70-55% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice5% Ret. de la Fuente5% Retenciones de la Fuente5%5% WTHTruetax_excluded
578tax_withhold_profit_sale_8x1008% WTHnonepercent70-88% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice8% Ret. de la Fuente8% Retenciones de la Fuente8%8% WTHTruetax_excluded
582tax_withhold_profit_sale_10x10010% WTHnonepercent70-1010% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice10% Ret. de la Fuente10% Retenciones de la Fuente10%10% WTHTruetax_excluded
586tax_withhold_profit_sale_15x10015% WTHnonepercent70-1515% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice15% Ret. de la Fuente15% Retenciones de la Fuente15%15% WTHTruetax_excluded
590tax_withhold_profit_sale_22x10022% WTHnonepercent70-2222% Withholding Taxestax_group_withhold_income_salebaseinvoice22% Ret. de la Fuente22% Retenciones de la Fuente22%22% WTHTruetax_excluded
594tax_withhold_vat_00% WTHnonepercent400VAT Withholding 00%tax_group_withhold_vat_purchasebaseinvoice0% Ret. IVA0% Retención IVARET IVA 0%0% WTHTruetax_excluded
598tax_withhold_vat_1010% WTHnonepercent50-10VAT Withholding 10%721tax_group_withhold_vat_purchasebaseinvoice10% Ret. IVA10% Retención IVARET IVA 10%10% WTHTruetax_excluded
599100taxinvoice+721 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_10
601100taxrefund-721 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_10
602tax_withhold_vat_2020% WTHnonepercent50-20VAT Withholding 20%723tax_group_withhold_vat_purchasebaseinvoice20% Ret. IVA20% Retención IVARET IVA 20%20% WTHTruetax_excluded
603100taxinvoice+723 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_20
605100taxrefund-723 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_20
606tax_withhold_vat_3030% WTHnonepercent50-30VAT Withholding 30%725tax_group_withhold_vat_purchasebaseinvoice30% Ret. IVA30% Retención IVARET IVA 30%30% WTHTruetax_excluded
607100taxinvoice+725 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_30
609100taxrefund-725 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_30
610tax_withhold_vat_5050% WTHnonepercent50-50VAT Withholding 50%727tax_group_withhold_vat_purchasebaseinvoice50% Ret. IVA50% Retención IVARET IVA 50%50% WTHTruetax_excluded
611100taxinvoice+727 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_50
613100taxrefund-727 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_50
614tax_withhold_vat_7070% WTHnonepercent50-70VAT Withholding 70%729tax_group_withhold_vat_purchasebaseinvoice70% Ret. IVA70% Retención IVARET IVA 70%70% WTHTruetax_excluded
615100taxinvoice+729 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_70
617100taxrefund-729 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_70
618tax_withhold_vat_100100% WTHnonepercent50-100VAT Withholding 100%731tax_group_withhold_vat_purchasebaseinvoice100% Ret. IVA100% Retención IVARET IVA 100%100% WTHTruetax_excluded
619100taxinvoice+731 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_100
621100taxrefund-731 (Reporte 104)ec_vat_withhold_100
622tax_sale_withhold_vat_1010% WTHnonepercent60-10VAT Withholding 10%609tax_group_withhold_vat_salebaseinvoice10% Ret. IVA10% Retención IVARET IVA 10%10% WTHTruetax_excluded
623100taxinvoice+609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
625100taxrefund-609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
626tax_sale_withhold_vat_20VAT WTH 20%nonepercent60-20VAT Withholding 20%609tax_group_withhold_vat_salebaseinvoice20% Ret. IVA20% Retención IVARET IVA 20%VAT WTH 20%Truetax_excluded
627100taxinvoice+609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
629100taxrefund-609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
630tax_sale_withhold_vat_30VAT WTH 30%nonepercent60-30VAT Withholding 30%609tax_group_withhold_vat_salebaseinvoice30% Ret. IVA30% Retención IVARET IVA 30%VAT WTH 30%Truetax_excluded
631100taxinvoice+609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
633100taxrefund-609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
634tax_sale_withhold_vat_50VAT WTH 50%nonepercent60-50VAT Withholding 50%609tax_group_withhold_vat_salebaseinvoice50% Ret. IVA50% Retención IVARET IVA 50%VAT WTH 50%Truetax_excluded
635100taxinvoice+609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
637100taxrefund-609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
638tax_sale_withhold_vat_70VAT WTH 70%nonepercent60-70VAT Withholding 70%609tax_group_withhold_vat_salebaseinvoice70% Ret. IVA70% Retención IVARET IVA 70%VAT WTH 70%Truetax_excluded
639100taxinvoice+609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
641100taxrefund-609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
642tax_sale_withhold_vat_100VAT WTH 100%nonepercent60-100VAT Withholding 100%609tax_group_withhold_vat_salebaseinvoice100% Ret. IVA100% Retención IVARET IVA 100%VAT WTH 100%Truetax_excluded
643100taxinvoice+609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds
645100taxrefund-609 (Reporte 104)ec_sale_vat_outstanding_withholds