22 KiB
22 KiB
1 | id | name | code | account_type | tag_ids | reconcile | name@et |
2 | l10n_ee_1000 | Cash Accounts | 1000 | asset_cash | False | Rahakontod | |
3 | l10n_ee_1001 | Bank Accounts | 1001 | asset_cash | False | Pangakontod | |
4 | l10n_ee_1008 | Transfer Accounts | 1008 | asset_current | True | Ülekandekontod | |
5 | l10n_ee_1009 | Bank Suspense Account | 1009 | asset_current | False | Panga vahekonto | |
6 | l10n_ee_1010 | Short-Term Financial Investments | 1010 | asset_current | False | Lühiajalised finantsinvesteeringud | |
7 | l10n_ee_1011 | Depreciations on Short-Term Financial Investments | 1011 | asset_current | False | Lühiajaliste finantsinvesteeringute amortisatsioon | |
8 | l10n_ee_10200 | Accounts Receivable | 10200 | asset_receivable | True | Nõuded | |
9 | l10n_ee_10201 | Accounts Receivable (POS) | 10201 | asset_receivable | True | Nõuded (POS) | |
10 | l10n_ee_10202 | Doubtful Receivables | 10202 | asset_receivable | True | Ebatõenäolised nõuded | |
11 | l10n_ee_1021 | Receivables from Related Parties | 1021 | asset_current | False | Nõuded seotud osapoolte vastu | |
12 | l10n_ee_1022 | Prepaid and Deferred Taxes | 1022 | asset_current | False | Maksude ettemaksed ja tagasinõuded | |
13 | l10n_ee_1023 | Loan Receivables | 1023 | asset_current | False | Laenunõuded | |
14 | l10n_ee_10240 | Interest Receivable | 10240 | asset_current | False | Saadaolevad intressid | |
15 | l10n_ee_10241 | Dividend Receivable | 10241 | asset_current | False | Saadaolevad dividendid | |
16 | l10n_ee_10242 | Accounts Receivable from Social Insurance Board | 10242 | asset_current | False | Nõuded Sotsiaalkindlustusametilt | |
17 | l10n_ee_10243 | Netting Account | 10243 | asset_current | False | Tasaarvelduskonto | |
18 | l10n_ee_10244 | Other Short-Term Receivables | 10244 | asset_current | False | Muud lühiajalised nõuded | |
19 | l10n_ee_1025 | Prepayments | 1025 | asset_prepayments | False | Ettemaksed | |
20 | l10n_ee_1030 | Raw and Other Materials | 1030 | asset_current | False | Tooraine ja materjal | |
21 | l10n_ee_1031 | Work in Progress | 1031 | asset_current | False | Lõpetamata toodang | |
22 | l10n_ee_10320 | Finished Goods from Agricultural Production | 10320 | asset_current | False | Põllumajandustootmisest saadud valmistooted | |
23 | l10n_ee_10321 | Other Finished Goods | 10321 | asset_current | False | Muud valmistooted | |
24 | l10n_ee_1033 | Goods for Resale | 1033 | asset_current | False | Müügiks ostetud kaubad | |
25 | l10n_ee_1034 | Prepayments to Suppliers | 1034 | asset_current | False | Ettemaksed varude eest | |
26 | l10n_ee_1040 | Biological Assets | 1040 | asset_current | False | Bioloogilised varad | |
27 | l10n_ee_1100 | Shares and Participations in Subsidiaries | 1100 | asset_non_current | False | Tütarettevõtjate aktsiad ja osad | |
28 | l10n_ee_1101 | Shares and Participations in Affiliates | 1101 | asset_non_current | False | Sidusettevõtjate aktsiad ja osad | |
29 | l10n_ee_1110 | Other Shares, Stocks and Bonds | 1110 | asset_non_current | False | Muud aktsiad, aktsiad ja võlakirjad | |
30 | l10n_ee_1111 | Other Long-Term Financial Investments | 1111 | asset_non_current | False | Muud pikaajalised finantsinvesteeringud | |
31 | l10n_ee_1120 | Long-Term Trade Receivables | 1120 | asset_non_current | False | Nõuded ostjate vastu | |
32 | l10n_ee_1121 | Long-Term Receivables from Related Parties | 1121 | asset_non_current | False | Nõuded seotud osapoolte vastu | |
33 | l10n_ee_1122 | Long-Term Prepaid and Deferred Taxes | 1122 | asset_non_current | False | Maksude ettemaksed ja tagasinõuded | |
34 | l10n_ee_1123 | Long-Term Loan Receivables | 1123 | asset_non_current | False | Laenunõuded | |
35 | l10n_ee_1124 | Other Long-Term Receivables | 1124 | asset_non_current | False | Muud nõuded | |
36 | l10n_ee_11250 | Constructions in Progress | 11250 | asset_non_current | False | Käimasolevad ehitised | |
37 | l10n_ee_11251 | Prepayments for Non-Current Assets | 11251 | asset_non_current | False | Ettemaksed põhivara eest | |
38 | l10n_ee_11300 | Investment Properties | 11300 | asset_fixed | False | Investeerimiskinnisvara | |
39 | l10n_ee_11301 | Depreciations on Investment Properties | 11301 | asset_fixed | False | Kinnisvarainvesteeringute amortisatsioon | |
40 | l10n_ee_1140 | Land | 1140 | asset_fixed | False | Maa | |
41 | l10n_ee_11410 | Buildings and Structures | 11410 | asset_fixed | False | Ehitised ja struktuurid | |
42 | l10n_ee_11411 | Depreciations on Buildings and Structures | 11411 | asset_fixed | False | Hoonete ja rajatiste amortisatsioon | |
43 | l10n_ee_11420 | Vehicles | 11420 | asset_fixed | False | Sõidukid | |
44 | l10n_ee_11421 | Depreciations on Vehicles | 11421 | asset_fixed | False | Sõidukite amortisatsioon | |
45 | l10n_ee_11430 | Computers and Computer Systems | 11430 | asset_fixed | False | Arvutid ja arvutisüsteemid | |
46 | l10n_ee_11431 | Depreciations on Computers and Computer Systems | 11431 | asset_fixed | False | Arvutite ja arvutisüsteemide amortisatsioon | |
47 | l10n_ee_11440 | Other Machinery and Equipment | 11440 | asset_fixed | False | Muud masinad ja seadmed | |
48 | l10n_ee_11441 | Depreciations on Other Machinery and Equipment | 11441 | asset_fixed | False | Muude masinate ja seadmete amortisatsioon | |
49 | l10n_ee_11450 | Other Tangible Non-Current Assets | 11450 | asset_fixed | False | Muud materiaalsed põhivarad | |
50 | l10n_ee_11451 | Depreciations on Other Tangible Non-Current Assets | 11451 | asset_fixed | False | Muude materiaalsete põhivarade amortisatsioonikulud | |
51 | l10n_ee_115 | Biological Assets | 115 | asset_fixed | False | Bioloogilised varad | |
52 | l10n_ee_11600 | Goodwill | 11600 | asset_non_current | False | Firmaväärtus | |
53 | l10n_ee_11601 | Amortizations on Goodwill | 11601 | asset_non_current | False | Firmaväärtuse amortisatsioon | |
54 | l10n_ee_11610 | Development Costs | 11610 | asset_non_current | False | Arenduskulud | |
55 | l10n_ee_11611 | Amortizations on Development Costs | 11611 | asset_non_current | False | Arengukulude amortisatsioon | |
56 | l10n_ee_11620 | Computer Software | 11620 | asset_non_current | False | Arvutitarkvara | |
57 | l10n_ee_11621 | Amortizations on Computer Software | 11621 | asset_non_current | False | Arvutitarkvara amortisatsioon | |
58 | l10n_ee_11630 | Patents, Licenses and Trademarks | 11630 | asset_non_current | False | Patendid, litsentsid ja kaubamärgid | |
59 | l10n_ee_11631 | Amortizations on Patents, Licenses and Trademarks | 11631 | asset_non_current | False | Patendite, litsentside ja kaubamärkide amortisatsioonid | |
60 | l10n_ee_11640 | Other Intangible Assets | 11640 | asset_non_current | False | Muud immateriaalsed varad | |
61 | l10n_ee_11641 | Amortizations on Other Intangible Assets | 11641 | asset_non_current | False | Muude immateriaalsete varade amortisatsioonid | |
62 | l10n_ee_2000 | Short-Term Bank Loans | 2000 | liability_current | False | Lühiajalised pangalaenud | |
63 | l10n_ee_2001 | Current Bank Overdrafts | 2001 | liability_current | False | Praegused panga arvelduskontod | |
64 | l10n_ee_2002 | Short-Term Loans from Owners | 2002 | liability_current | False | Lühiajalised laenud omanikelt | |
65 | l10n_ee_2003 | Short-Term Loans from Other Parties | 2003 | liability_current | False | Lühiajalised laenud teistelt osapooltelt | |
66 | l10n_ee_2004 | Current Portion of Long-Term Loan | 2004 | liability_current | False | Pikaajalise laenu praegune osa | |
67 | l10n_ee_2010 | Accounts Payable | 2010 | liability_payable | True | Võlad tarnijatele | |
68 | l10n_ee_20110 | Salaries and Wages Payable | 20110 | liability_current | False | Makstavad palgad ja töötasud | |
69 | l10n_ee_20111 | Withholdings from Salary | 20111 | liability_current | False | Palgast kinnipeetavad summad | |
70 | l10n_ee_20112 | Vacation Pay Reserve | 20112 | liability_current | False | Puhkusetasu reserv | |
71 | l10n_ee_20113 | Other Employee Payables | 20113 | liability_current | False | Muud töötajate võlad | |
72 | l10n_ee_201200 | VAT Current Account | 201200 | liability_current | False | Käibemaksu arvelduskonto | |
73 | l10n_ee_201201 | VAT Receivable (Input VAT) | 201201 | asset_current | False | Saadaolev käibemaks (sisendkäibemaks) | |
74 | l10n_ee_201202 | VAT on the Acquisition of Non-Current Assets | 201202 | liability_current | False | Käibemaksu põhivara soetamisel | |
75 | l10n_ee_201203 | VAT on the Import at Customs | 201203 | liability_current | False | Impordi käibemaksu tasumine tollis | |
76 | l10n_ee_201204 | VAT Payable (Output VAT) | 201204 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv käibemaks (väljundkäibemaks) | |
77 | l10n_ee_20121 | Income Tax Payable (Company) | 20121 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv tulumaks (ettevõte) | |
78 | l10n_ee_20122 | Income Tax Payable (Personal) | 20122 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv tulumaks (füüsiline) | |
79 | l10n_ee_20123 | Income Tax Payable (Fringe Benefits) | 20123 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv tulumaks (lisahüvitised) | |
80 | l10n_ee_20124 | Social Tax Payable | 20124 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv sotsiaalmaks | |
81 | l10n_ee_20125 | Unemployment Insurance Premium Payable | 20125 | liability_current | False | Tasumisele kuuluv töötuskindlustusmakse | |
82 | l10n_ee_20126 | Pension Insurance Payable | 20126 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv pensionikindlustus | |
83 | l10n_ee_20127 | Land Tax Payable | 20127 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv maamaks | |
84 | l10n_ee_20128 | Excise Tax Payable | 20128 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluv aktsiisimaks | |
85 | l10n_ee_20129 | Other Taxes Payable | 20129 | liability_current | False | Muud tasumisele kuuluvad maksud | |
86 | l10n_ee_20130 | Payables to Related Parties | 20130 | liability_current | False | Võlad seotud osapooltele | |
87 | l10n_ee_20131 | Dividends Payable | 20131 | liability_current | False | Maksmisele kuuluvad dividendid | |
88 | l10n_ee_20132 | Interests Payable | 20132 | liability_current | False | Tasumisele kuuluvad intressid | |
89 | l10n_ee_20133 | Other Short-Term Payables | 20133 | liability_current | False | Muud lühiajalised võlgnevused | |
90 | l10n_ee_20140 | Prepayments from Customers | 20140 | liability_current | False | Klientide ettemaksed | |
91 | l10n_ee_2015 | Other Received Prepayments | 2015 | liability_current | False | Muud saadud ettemaksed | |
92 | l10n_ee_2020 | Warranty Provisions | 2020 | liability_current | False | Garantiieraldis | |
93 | l10n_ee_2021 | Tax Provisions | 2021 | liability_current | False | Maksueraldis | |
94 | l10n_ee_2022 | Other Provisions | 2022 | liability_current | False | Muud eraldised | |
95 | l10n_ee_203 | Government Grants | 203 | liability_current | False | Sihtfinantseerimine | |
96 | l10n_ee_2100 | Long-Term Bank Loans | 2100 | liability_non_current | False | Pikaajalised pangalaenud | |
97 | l10n_ee_2101 | Long-Term Loans from Owners | 2101 | liability_non_current | False | Omanike pikaajalised laenud | |
98 | l10n_ee_2102 | Long-Term Portion of Financial Lease | 2102 | liability_non_current | False | Kapitalirendi pikaajaline osa | |
99 | l10n_ee_2110 | Long-Term Accounts Payable | 2110 | liability_non_current | False | Võlad tarnijatele | |
100 | l10n_ee_2111 | Long-Term Employee Payables | 2111 | liability_non_current | False | Võlad töövõtjatele | |
101 | l10n_ee_2112 | Long-Term Taxes Payable | 2112 | liability_non_current | False | Maksuvõlad | |
102 | l10n_ee_2113 | Other Long-Term Payables | 2113 | liability_non_current | False | Muud võlad | |
103 | l10n_ee_2114 | Long-Term Deferred Revenue | 2114 | liability_non_current | False | Tulevaste perioodide tulud | |
104 | l10n_ee_2115 | Other Received Long-Term Prepayments | 2115 | liability_non_current | False | Muud saadud ettemaksed | |
105 | l10n_ee_2120 | Long-Term Warranty Provisions | 2120 | liability_non_current | False | Garantiieraldis | |
106 | l10n_ee_2121 | Long-Term Tax Provisions | 2121 | liability_non_current | False | Maksueraldis | |
107 | l10n_ee_2122 | Other Long-Term Provisions | 2122 | liability_non_current | False | Muud eraldised | |
108 | l10n_ee_213 | Long-Term Government Grants | 213 | liability_non_current | False | Sihtfinantseerimine | |
109 | l10n_ee_300 | Share Capital (Nominal Value) | 300 | equity | False | Aktsiakapital või osakapital nimiväärtuses | |
110 | l10n_ee_301 | Unregistered Share Capital or Equity | 301 | equity | False | Registreerimata aktsiakapital või osakapital | |
111 | l10n_ee_302 | Unpaid Share Capital | 302 | equity | False | Sissemaksmata osakapital | |
112 | l10n_ee_303 | Share Premium | 303 | equity | False | Ülekurss | |
113 | l10n_ee_304 | Own Shares | 304 | equity | False | Oma aktsiad või osad | |
114 | l10n_ee_310 | Statutory Reserve Capital | 310 | equity | False | Kohustuslik reservkapital | |
115 | l10n_ee_311 | Other Reserves | 311 | equity | False | Muud reservid | |
116 | l10n_ee_32 | Other Equity | 32 | equity | False | Muu omakapital | |
117 | l10n_ee_330 | Retained Profit/Loss From Previous Periods | 330 | equity | False | Eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasum (kahjum) | |
118 | l10n_ee_331 | Profit/Loss for the Financial Year | 331 | equity | False | Aruandeaasta kasum (kahjum) | |
119 | l10n_ee_40000 | Sales of Goods in Estonia | 40000 | income | False | Kaupade müük Eestis | |
120 | l10n_ee_40001 | Sales of Goods from Biological Assets in Estonia | 40001 | income | False | Kaupade müük bioloogilistest varadest Eestis | |
121 | l10n_ee_4001 | Sales of Services in Estonia | 4001 | income | False | Teenuste müük Eestis | |
122 | l10n_ee_40100 | Sales of Goods in the EU | 40100 | income | False | Kaupade müük ELis | |
123 | l10n_ee_40101 | Sales of Goods from Biological Assets in the EU | 40101 | income | False | Kaupade müük bioloogilistest varadest ELis | |
124 | l10n_ee_4011 | Sales of Services in the EU | 4011 | income | False | Teenuste müük ELis | |
125 | l10n_ee_40200 | Export of Goods | 40200 | income | False | Kaupade eksport | |
126 | l10n_ee_40201 | Export of Goods from Biological Assets | 40201 | income | False | Kaupade eksport bioloogilistest varadest | |
127 | l10n_ee_4021 | Export of Services | 4021 | income | False | Teenuste eksport | |
128 | l10n_ee_41 | Sales of Assets | 41 | income | False | Varade müük | |
129 | l10n_ee_420 | Cash Rounding Gains | 420 | income_other | False | Sularaha ümardamise kasumid | |
130 | l10n_ee_421 | Payment Difference Gains | 421 | income_other | False | Maksete erinevus kasum | |
131 | l10n_ee_422 | Currency Exchange Rate Gains | 422 | income_other | False | Valuutakursi kasumid | |
132 | l10n_ee_423 | Interest Received | 423 | income_other | False | Saadud intressid | |
133 | l10n_ee_424 | Financial Income from Shares in Subsidiaries | 424 | income_other | False | Finantstulu tütarettevõtete aktsiatest | |
134 | l10n_ee_425 | Financial Income from Shares in Associates | 425 | income_other | False | Finantstulu sidusettevõtete aktsiatest | |
135 | l10n_ee_426 | Financial Income from Other Financial Investments | 426 | income_other | False | Finantstulu muudest finantsinvesteeringutest | |
136 | l10n_ee_427 | Other Financial Income | 427 | income_other | False | Muud finantstulud | |
137 | l10n_ee_430 | Cash Discount Gains | 430 | income_other | False | Sularaha diskontokasumid | |
138 | l10n_ee_431 | Other Income | 431 | income_other | False | Muud tulud | |
139 | l10n_ee_50 | Purchase of Goods for Resale | 50 | expense_direct_cost | False | Kaupade ostmine edasimüügiks | |
140 | l10n_ee_51 | Purchase of Raw and Other Materials | 51 | expense_direct_cost | False | Tooraine ja muude materjalide ostmine | |
141 | l10n_ee_52 | Purchase of Services / Subcontracting | 52 | expense_direct_cost | False | Teenuste ostmine / alltöövõtt | |
142 | l10n_ee_53 | Transportation Costs for Goods, Raw Materials and Services | 53 | expense_direct_cost | False | Kaupade, tooraine ja teenuste transpordikulud | |
143 | l10n_ee_54 | Customs Fees for Goods, Raw Materials and Services | 54 | expense_direct_cost | False | Kaupade, tooraine ja teenuste tollimaksud | |
144 | l10n_ee_600 | Buildings Rental | 600 | expense | False | Hoonete rentimine | |
145 | l10n_ee_6010 | Office Rental | 6010 | expense | False | Kontori rentimine | |
146 | l10n_ee_6011 | Office Utilities | 6011 | expense | False | Kontori kommunaalteenused | |
147 | l10n_ee_6012 | Office Security Costs | 6012 | expense | False | Kontori turvakulud | |
148 | l10n_ee_6013 | Office Maintenance and Repairs | 6013 | expense | False | Kontori hooldus ja remont | |
149 | l10n_ee_6020 | Workshop Rental | 6020 | expense | False | Töökoja rentimine | |
150 | l10n_ee_6021 | Workshop Utilities | 6021 | expense | False | Töökoja kommunaalteenused | |
151 | l10n_ee_6022 | Workshop Security Costs | 6022 | expense | False | Töökoja turvalisuse kulud | |
152 | l10n_ee_6023 | Workshop Maintance and Repairs | 6023 | expense | False | Töökoja hooldus ja remont | |
153 | l10n_ee_603 | Property Insurance | 603 | expense | False | Varakindlustus | |
154 | l10n_ee_604 | Electricity / Gas | 604 | expense | False | Elekter / gaas | |
155 | l10n_ee_605 | Water | 605 | expense | False | Vesi | |
156 | l10n_ee_606 | Internet | 606 | expense | False | Internet | |
157 | l10n_ee_607 | Phone Costs | 607 | expense | False | Telefonikulud | |
158 | l10n_ee_610 | Equipment Rental | 610 | expense | False | Seadmete rentimine | |
159 | l10n_ee_611 | Machinery and Equipment Maintenance and Repairs | 611 | expense | False | Masinate ja seadmete hooldus ja remont | |
160 | l10n_ee_612 | Fuels, Oils and Lubricants | 612 | expense | False | Kütused, õlid ja määrdeained | |
161 | l10n_ee_620 | Office Supplies and Postal Expenses | 620 | expense | False | Kontoritarbed ja postikulud | |
162 | l10n_ee_621 | Informational and Educational Materials | 621 | expense | False | Informatsiooni- ja õppematerjalid | |
163 | l10n_ee_622 | Small Tools | 622 | expense | False | Väikesed tööriistad | |
164 | l10n_ee_630 | IT Services | 630 | expense | False | IT-teenused | |
165 | l10n_ee_631 | Software | 631 | expense | False | Tarkvara | |
166 | l10n_ee_632 | Consultations and Trainings | 632 | expense | False | Konsultatsioonid ja koolitused | |
167 | l10n_ee_633 | Accounting Services | 633 | expense | False | Raamatupidamisteenused | |
168 | l10n_ee_634 | Legal Services | 634 | expense | False | Õigusteenused | |
169 | l10n_ee_635 | Auditing Services | 635 | expense | False | Auditeerimisteenused | |
170 | l10n_ee_636 | Costs of Entertaining Guests | 636 | expense | False | Külaliste majutamisega seotud kulud | |
171 | l10n_ee_637 | Marketing Expenses | 637 | expense | False | Turunduskulud | |
172 | l10n_ee_640 | Car Rental | 640 | expense | False | Autorent | |
173 | l10n_ee_641 | Car Insurance | 641 | expense | False | Autokindlustus | |
174 | l10n_ee_642 | Car Fuel | 642 | expense | False | Autokütus | |
175 | l10n_ee_643 | Car Maintenance and Repairs | 643 | expense | False | Autode hooldus ja remont | |
176 | l10n_ee_644 | Other Car Expenses | 644 | expense | False | Muud autokulud | |
177 | l10n_ee_650 | Compensation for the Use of a Personal Car | 650 | expense | False | Isikliku auto kasutamise eest makstav hüvitis | |
178 | l10n_ee_651 | Fringe Benefits to Employees | 651 | expense | False | Töötajatele makstavad lisahüvitised | |
179 | l10n_ee_652 | Salaries and Wages | 652 | expense | False | Palgad ja töötasu | |
180 | l10n_ee_653 | Social Security Costs | 653 | expense | False | Sotsiaalkindlustuskulud | |
181 | l10n_ee_654 | Unemployment Insurance Premium | 654 | expense | False | Töötuskindlustusmakse | |
182 | l10n_ee_655 | Pension Expenses | 655 | expense | False | Pensionikulud | |
183 | l10n_ee_656 | Vacation Pay Reserve | 656 | expense | False | Puhkusetasu reserv | |
184 | l10n_ee_6570 | Income Tax on Fringe Benefits | 6570 | expense | False | Lisahüvitiste tulumaks | |
185 | l10n_ee_6571 | Social Tax on Fringe Benefits | 6571 | expense | False | Sotsiaalmaks lisahüvitistele | |
186 | l10n_ee_6572 | Social Tax | 6572 | expense | False | Sotsiaalmaks | |
187 | l10n_ee_660 | State Fees | 660 | expense | False | Riigilõivud | |
188 | l10n_ee_661 | Land Tax | 661 | expense | False | Maamaks | |
189 | l10n_ee_662 | Income Tax | 662 | expense | False | Tulumaks | |
190 | l10n_ee_663 | Fines and Fines for Delay | 663 | expense | False | Trahvid ja trahvid hilinemise eest | |
191 | l10n_ee_670 | Bank Fees | 670 | expense | False | Pangatasud | |
192 | l10n_ee_671 | Cash Rounding Losses | 671 | expense | False | Sularaha ümardamise kahjum | |
193 | l10n_ee_672 | Payment Difference Losses | 672 | expense | False | Maksete erinevus kahjud | |
194 | l10n_ee_673 | Currency Exchange Losses | 673 | expense | False | Valuutakursikahjum | |
195 | l10n_ee_674 | Interest Expenses | 674 | expense | False | Intressikulud | |
196 | l10n_ee_675 | Financial Expenses from Shares in Subsidiaries | 675 | expense | False | Tütarettevõtete aktsiatest tulenevad finantskulud | |
197 | l10n_ee_676 | Financial Expenses from Shares in Associates | 676 | expense | False | Finantskulud sidusettevõtete aktsiatest | |
198 | l10n_ee_677 | Financial Expenses from Other Financial Investments | 677 | expense | False | Finantskulud muudest finantsinvesteeringutest | |
199 | l10n_ee_678 | Other Financial Expenses | 678 | expense | False | Muud finantskulud | |
200 | l10n_ee_680 | Capitalized Expenses in the Manufacturing of Fixed Assets for Own Use | 680 | expense | False | Kapitaliseeritud väljaminekud oma tarbeks põhivarade valmistamisel | |
201 | l10n_ee_6810 | Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods and Work in Progress | 6810 | expense | False | Valmis ja lõpetamata toodangu varude jääkide muutus | |
202 | l10n_ee_6811 | Changes in Inventories of Agricultural Production | 6811 | expense | False | Põllumajandusliku toodangu varude jääkide muutus | |
203 | l10n_ee_682 | Irrecoverable Receivables | 682 | expense | False | Sissenõudmata nõuded | |
204 | l10n_ee_6830 | Depreciations on Non-Current Assets | 6830 | expense_depreciation | False | Põhivara amortisatsioon | |
205 | l10n_ee_6831 | Amortizations on Intangible Assets | 6831 | expense_depreciation | False | Immateriaalsete varade amortisatsioonid | |
206 | l10n_ee_6832 | Loss on Sales of Biological Assets | 6832 | expense | False | Kahju bioloogiliste varade müügist | |
207 | l10n_ee_6833 | Loss on Sales of Non-Current Assets | 6833 | expense | False | Kahju põhivara müügist | |
208 | l10n_ee_6834 | Significant Impairment of Current Assets | 6834 | expense | False | Olulised käibevara allahindlused | |
209 | l10n_ee_684 | Gifts and Donations | 684 | expense | False | Kingitused ja annetused | |
210 | l10n_ee_6850 | Cash Discount Losses | 6850 | expense | False | Sularaha diskontokahjumid | |
211 | l10n_ee_6851 | Other Operating Expenses | 6851 | expense | False | Muud ärikulud | |
212 | l10n_ee_70 | Clearing Account | 70 | off_balance | False | Arvelduskonto |