76 KiB
76 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | name@hr |
2 | hr_000000 | 000000 | Receivables for recoded but not paid in capital in joint-stock company | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja za upisani a neuplaćeni dionički kapital (analitika po upisnicima) |
3 | hr_001000 | 001000 | Receivables for repeated share issues for recorded but not paid capital | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja iz ponovljene emisije dionica za upisane a neuplaćene svote kapitala (razrada po emisijama dionica) |
4 | hr_002000 | 002000 | Receivables for recoded but not paid in capital in private limited company(analytics by owners) | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja za upisani a neuplaćeni kapital u d.o.o. (analitika po članovima društva) |
5 | hr_003000 | 003000 | Receivables for stake in capital of limited partnership | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja za temeljni ulog komanditora |
6 | hr_004000 | 004000 | Receivables for other business stakes in capital | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanje za ostale uloge u kapital |
7 | hr_010000 | 010000 | Research and development | asset_non_current | False | Izdatci za razvoj |
8 | hr_011000 | 011000 | Concession rights, patents, commodity and service brands | asset_non_current | False | Koncesije, patenti, licencije, robne i uslužne marke |
9 | hr_012000 | 012000 | Software and other rights | asset_non_current | False | Softver i ostala prava |
10 | hr_013000 | 013000 | Goodwill | asset_non_current | False | Goodwill |
11 | hr_014000 | 014000 | Other intangible assets | asset_non_current | False | Ostala nematerijalna imovina |
12 | hr_015000 | 015000 | Advance payments for purchase of intangible assets | asset_non_current | False | Predujmovi za nabavu nematerijalne imovine |
13 | hr_016000 | 016000 | Cryptocurrencies | asset_non_current | False | Kriptovalute |
14 | hr_017000 | 017000 | Intangible assets in preparation | asset_non_current | False | Nematerijalna imovina u pripremi (analitika prema vrsti računa skupine 01) |
15 | hr_018000 | 018000 | Value adjustment of intangible assets | asset_non_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje nematerijalne imovine (analitika prema vrsti računa skupine 01) |
16 | hr_019000 | 019000 | Accumulated depreciation of intangible assets | asset_non_current | False | Akumulirana amortizacija nematerijalne imovine |
17 | hr_020000 | 020000 | Land | asset_fixed | False | Zemljišta |
18 | hr_021000 | 021000 | Rights to use land | asset_fixed | False | Zemljišna prava (višegodišnja) |
19 | hr_023000 | 023000 | Buildings | asset_fixed | False | Građevinski objekti (za vlastite potrebe) |
20 | hr_024000 | 024000 | Flats for employees | asset_fixed | False | Stanovi za vlastite zaposlenike |
21 | hr_026000 | 026000 | Advance payments for purchase of land and buildings | asset_fixed | False | Predujmovi za nabavu nekretnina |
22 | hr_027000 | 027000 | Land and buildings under construction | asset_fixed | False | Nekretnine u pripremi |
23 | hr_028000 | 028000 | Value adjustment of land and buildings | asset_fixed | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje nekretnina |
24 | hr_029000 | 029000 | Accumulated depreciation of buildings | asset_fixed | False | Akumulirana amortizacija ulaganja u građevine |
25 | hr_030000 | 030000 | Plant | asset_fixed | False | Postrojenja |
26 | hr_031000 | 031000 | Equipment | asset_fixed | False | Oprema |
27 | hr_032000 | 032000 | Tools, transportation equipment and vehicle | asset_fixed | False | Alati, pogonski inventar i transportna imovina |
28 | hr_033000 | 033000 | Not deductible VAT prepayments (for cars, purchases after 1.1.2018. ) | asset_fixed | False | Pretporez koji se ne može odbiti (kao dio vrijednosti osobnih automobila za nabave od 1.1. 2018.) |
29 | hr_034000 | 034000 | Agricultural equipment and machinery | asset_fixed | False | Poljoprivredna oprema i mehanizacija |
30 | hr_035000 | 035000 | Other property, plant and equipment | asset_fixed | False | Ostala materijalna imovina |
31 | hr_036000 | 036000 | Advance payments for purchase of property, plant and equipment | asset_fixed | False | Advance payments for purchase of property, plant and equipment |
32 | hr_037000 | 037000 | Plant and equipment under construction | asset_fixed | False | Materijalna imovina u pripremi |
33 | hr_038000 | 038000 | Value adjustment of plant and equipment | asset_fixed | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje postrojenja i opreme |
34 | hr_039000 | 039000 | Accumulated depreciation of plant and equipment | asset_fixed | False | Akumulirana amortizacija postrojenja i opreme |
35 | hr_040000 | 040000 | Biological assets- growing crops | asset_non_current | False | Biološka imovina - bilje - višegodišnji nasadi |
36 | hr_041000 | 041000 | Biological assets- live stock | asset_current | False | Biološka imovina - životinje - osnovno stado |
37 | hr_046000 | 046000 | Advance payments for purchase of biological assets | asset_non_current | False | Predujmovi za biološku imovinu |
38 | hr_047000 | 047000 | Biological assets in preparation (not put in use) | asset_non_current | False | Biološka imovina u pripremi |
39 | hr_048000 | 048000 | Value adjustment of biological assets | asset_non_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje biološke imovine |
40 | hr_049000 | 049000 | Accumulated depreciation of biological assets | asset_non_current | False | Akumulirana amortizacija biološke imovine |
41 | hr_050000 | 050000 | Investment property-land | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u nekretnine - zemljišta |
42 | hr_051000 | 051000 | Investment property- buildings | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u nekretnine - građevine |
43 | hr_056000 | 056000 | Advance payments for investment properties | asset_non_current | False | Predujmovi za ulaganja u nekretnine |
44 | hr_057000 | 057000 | Investments property under construction | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u nekretnine u pripremi |
45 | hr_058000 | 058000 | Value adjustment of investment properties | asset_non_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje ulaganja u nekretnine |
46 | hr_059000 | 059000 | Accumulated depreciation of buildings | asset_non_current | False | Akumulirana amortizacija ulaganja u građevine |
47 | hr_060000 | 060000 | Investments in shares (shares) of entrepreneurs within the group | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u udjele (udjele) poduzetnika unutar grupe |
48 | hr_060100 | 060100 | Investments in other securities of entrepreneurs within the group | asset_non_current | False | Investments in other securities of entrepreneurs within the group |
49 | hr_061000 | 061000 | Loans, deposit etc given to a Group | asset_non_current | False | Dani zajmovi, depoziti i slično poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
50 | hr_062000 | 062000 | Investments in shares (shares) of companies connected by participating interests | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u dionice (udjele) društava povezanih udjelima |
51 | hr_062100 | 062100 | Investments in other securities of companies connected by participating interests | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u ostale vrijednosne papire društava povezanih sudjelujućim interesima |
52 | hr_063000 | 063000 | Loans, deposit etc given to companies in associated undertakings | asset_non_current | False | Dani zajmovi, depoziti i slično društvima povezanim sudjelujućim interesom |
53 | hr_064000 | 064000 | Investments in a securities | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u vrijednosne papire (dugotrajne) |
54 | hr_065000 | 065000 | Loans given to third party | asset_non_current | False | Dani zajmovi, depoziti i sl. |
55 | hr_066000 | 066000 | Investments in associates accounted for using the equity method | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja koja se obračunavaju metodom udjela |
56 | hr_067000 | 067000 | Other long-term financial assets | asset_non_current | False | Ostala dugotrajna financijska imovina |
57 | hr_068000 | 068000 | Value adjustment of long-term financial assets | asset_non_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje financijske imovine - dugotrajne (analitika prema oblicima imovine) |
58 | hr_069000 | 069000 | Unrealized interests on loans etc. | asset_non_current | False | Nezarađene kamate u kreditima i sl. |
59 | hr_070000 | 070000 | Receivables in a Group | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od poduzetnika unutar grupe |
60 | hr_071000 | 071000 | Receivable from associated undertakings | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od društava povezanih sudjelujućim interesom |
61 | hr_072000 | 072000 | Long term trade receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od kupaca - dugotrajna |
62 | hr_073000 | 073000 | Receivables from factoring | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja iz faktoringa |
63 | hr_074000 | 074000 | Receivables for a given guarantees | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za jamčevine |
64 | hr_075000 | 075000 | Receivables for legal cases in company's favour and other risk receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja u sporu i rizična potraživanja |
65 | hr_076000 | 076000 | Receivables for advance payments for services | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za predujmove za usluge |
66 | hr_077000 | 077000 | Other long-term receivables | asset_receivable | True | Ostala potraživanja - dugotrajna |
67 | hr_078000 | 078000 | Value adjustment of long-term receivables | asset_receivable | True | Vrijednosno usklađivanje dugotrajnih potraživanja |
68 | hr_079000 | 079000 | Receivables for unrealized interests in loans | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za nezarađenu kamatu |
69 | hr_080000 | 080000 | Deferred temporary tax difference on income tax | asset_receivable | True | Odgođena privremena razlika poreza na dobitak (analitika po godinama) |
70 | hr_081000 | 081000 | Other deferred tax asset | asset_receivable | True | Ostala odgođena porezna imovina |
71 | hr_100000 | 100000 | Cash in bank (transaction accounts) | asset_cash | False | Transakcijski računi u bankama |
72 | hr_101000 | 101000 | Letter of credit issued in domestic bank | asset_cash | False | Otvoreni akreditiv u domaćoj banci |
73 | hr_102000 | 102000 | Cash on hand | asset_cash | False | Blagajne |
74 | hr_103000 | 103000 | Foreign currency accounts | asset_cash | False | Devizni računi |
75 | hr_104000 | 104000 | Letter of credit issued in foreign bank | asset_cash | False | Otvoreni akreditiv u stranim valutama |
76 | hr_105000 | 105000 | Foreign cash on hand | asset_cash | False | Devizna blagajna |
77 | hr_106000 | 106000 | Cash assigned to foreign currency purchases | asset_cash | False | Novac za kupnju deviza |
78 | hr_108000 | 108000 | Other cash | asset_cash | False | Ostala novčana sredstva |
79 | hr_109000 | 109000 | Value adjustment of bank deposits | asset_cash | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje depozita u bankama |
80 | hr_110000 | 110000 | Investments in shares (shares) of entrepreneurs within the group | asset_current | False | Ulaganja u udjele (udjele) poduzetnika unutar grupe |
81 | hr_110100 | 110100 | Investments in other securities of entrepreneurs within the group | asset_current | False | Investments in other securities of entrepreneurs within the group |
82 | hr_111000 | 111000 | Loans, deposits etc in a Group | asset_current | False | Dani zajmovi, depoziti i slično poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
83 | hr_112000 | 112000 | Investments in shares (shares) of companies connected by participating interests | asset_current | False | Ulaganja u dionice (udjele) društava povezanih udjelima |
84 | hr_112100 | 112100 | Investments in other securities of companies connected by participating interests | asset_current | False | Ulaganja u ostale vrijednosne papire društava povezanih sudjelujućim interesima |
85 | hr_113000 | 113000 | Loans, deposits etc to companies in associated undertakings | asset_current | False | Dani zajmovi, depoziti i slično društvima povezanim sudjelujućim interesom |
86 | hr_114000 | 114000 | Investments in securities | asset_current | False | Ulaganja u vrijednosne papire |
87 | hr_115000 | 115000 | Leases given, deposits and other | asset_current | False | Dani zajmovi, depoziti i sl. |
88 | hr_116000 | 116000 | Receivables from investments funds | asset_current | False | Potraživanja iz ulaganja u investicijske fondove |
89 | hr_117000 | 117000 | Other financial assets | asset_current | False | Ostala financijska imovina |
90 | hr_118000 | 118000 | Receivables in dispute (e.g.. disputed, in bankruptcy etc, from financial assets) | asset_current | False | Potraživanja u sporu (npr. utužena, u predstečaju ili u stečaju i sl. iz fin. imovine) |
91 | hr_119000 | 119000 | Value adjustment of current financial assets (value adjustment by analytics of this group of accounts) | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađivanje financijske imovine - kratkotrajne (analitika po otpisima iz ove skupine računa) |
92 | hr_120000 | 120000 | Trade receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od kupaca |
93 | hr_120100 | 120100 | Trade receivables (PoS) | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od kupaca (PoS) |
94 | hr_121000 | 121000 | Foreign trade customers-EU and foreign | asset_receivable | True | Kupci iz EU i iz trećih zemalja |
95 | hr_122000 | 122000 | Group companies receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od poduzetnika unutar grupe |
96 | hr_123000 | 123000 | Associated undertakings interest receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od društava povezanih sudjelujućim interesom |
97 | hr_124000 | 124000 | Interest receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za kamate |
98 | hr_125000 | 125000 | Receivables for advance payments for services | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za predujmove za usluge |
99 | hr_126000 | 126000 | Foreign trade asset receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja iz vanjskotrgovačkog poslovanja |
100 | hr_127000 | 127000 | Receivables from other activities | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja s osnove ostalih aktivnosti |
101 | hr_128000 | 128000 | Other current receivables | asset_receivable | True | Ostala kratkoročna potraživanja |
102 | hr_129000 | 129000 | Value adjustment of receivables | asset_receivable | True | Vrijednosno usklađenje potraživanja |
103 | hr_130000 | 130000 | Receivables from employees | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od zaposlenih |
104 | hr_131000 | 131000 | Receivables from third party | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od vanjskih suradnika |
105 | hr_133000 | 133000 | Receivables from equity owners | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od članova poduzetnika |
106 | hr_134000 | 134000 | Receivables in dispute and risky receivables | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja u sporu i rizična potraživanja (iz skupine 12 i 13) |
107 | hr_135000 | 135000 | Receivables for assets held on free-trade zone | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za sredstva u slobodnoj zoni |
108 | hr_136000 | 136000 | Receivables from banks based on customer's loans | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za prodaju na potrošački kredit |
109 | hr_137000 | 137000 | Receivables from foreign business units | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od poslovnih jedinica u inozemstvu |
110 | hr_138000 | 138000 | Other receivables from operating activities | asset_receivable | True | Ostala poslovna potraživanja |
111 | hr_139000 | 139000 | Value adjustment of asset receivables from employees and other receivables | asset_receivable | True | |
112 | hr_140000 | 140000 | Advance tax on received deliveries and advances in the Republic of Croatia | asset_current | False | Predujam poreza na primljene isporuke i predujmove u Republici Hrvatskoj |
113 | hr_140010 | 140010 | Advance tax - 5% | asset_current | False | Pretporez - 5% |
114 | hr_140011 | 140011 | Advance tax - 13% | asset_current | False | Pretporez - 13% |
115 | hr_140012 | 140012 | Advance tax - 25% | asset_current | False | Pretporez - 25% |
116 | hr_140020 | 140020 | Advance tax from advances - 5% | asset_current | False | Akontacija od akontacija - 5% |
117 | hr_140021 | 140021 | Advance tax from advances - 13% | asset_current | False | Akontacija od akontacija - 13% |
118 | hr_140022 | 140022 | Advance tax from advances - 25% | asset_current | False | Akontacija od akontacija - 25% |
119 | hr_140030 | 140030 | Input tax corrections | asset_current | False | Ispravci ulaznog poreza |
120 | hr_140031 | 140031 | Correction of input tax due to conversion of goods (exempt deliveries) | asset_current | False | Ispravak pretporeza zbog konverzije dobara (oslobođene isporuke) |
121 | hr_140032 | 140032 | Input tax correction due to a change in input tax recognition percentage - adjustment | asset_current | False | Ispravak pretporeza zbog promjene postotka priznavanja pretporeza - ispravak |
122 | hr_140100 | 140100 | Advance tax from transferred tax liability in the country - 25% | asset_current | False | Predujam poreza od prenesene porezne obveze u tuzemstvu - 25% |
123 | hr_140200 | 140200 | Advance tax on the acquisition of goods from the EU - 5% | asset_current | False | Advance tax on the acquisition of goods from the EU - 5% |
124 | hr_140210 | 140210 | Advance tax on the acquisition of goods from the EU - 13% | asset_current | False | Akontacija poreza na stjecanje dobara iz EU - 13% |
125 | hr_140220 | 140220 | Advance tax on the acquisition of goods from the EU - 25% | asset_current | False | Akontacija poreza na stjecanje dobara iz EU - 25% |
126 | hr_140300 | 140300 | Withholding tax from services received from the EU - 5% | asset_current | False | Porez po odbitku od usluga primljenih iz EU - 5% |
127 | hr_140310 | 140310 | Withholding tax from services received from the EU - 13% | asset_current | False | Porez po odbitku za usluge primljene iz EU - 13% |
128 | hr_140320 | 140320 | Withholding tax from services received from the EU - 25% | asset_current | False | Porez po odbitku od usluga primljenih iz EU - 25% |
129 | hr_140400 | 140400 | Withholding tax from taxpayers without headquarters in the Republic of Croatia - 5% | asset_current | False | Porez po odbitku od poreznih obveznika bez sjedišta u Republici Hrvatskoj - 5% |
130 | hr_140410 | 140410 | Withholding tax from taxpayers without headquarters in the Republic of Croatia - 13% | asset_current | False | Porez po odbitku od poreznih obveznika bez sjedišta u Republici Hrvatskoj - 13% |
131 | hr_140420 | 140420 | Withholding tax from taxpayers without headquarters in the Republic of Croatia - 25% | asset_current | False | Porez po odbitku od poreznih obveznika bez sjedišta u Republici Hrvatskoj - 25% |
132 | hr_140500 | 140500 | VAT on the import of goods | asset_current | False | PDV na uvoz robe |
133 | hr_140700 | 140700 | Claims for the difference of higher input tax than liabilities in the taxation period | asset_current | False | Potraživanja razlike većeg pretporeza od obveza u poreznom razdoblju |
134 | hr_140800 | 140800 | Input tax not yet recognized | asset_current | False | Ulazni porez još nije priznat |
135 | hr_141000 | 141000 | Receivables from tax and surtax regarding salaries and other incomes | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za porez i prirez na dohodak iz plaća i drugih primanja |
136 | hr_142000 | 142000 | Receivables for prepayments made regarding mandatory contributions on personal income tax | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za više plaćene doprinose iz plaća i na plaće |
137 | hr_143000 | 143000 | Receivables for corporate income tax and withholding tax | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za porez na dobitak i po odbitku |
138 | hr_144000 | 144000 | Receivables for excise duties and other taxes | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za posebne poreze, trošarine i druge poreze od države |
139 | hr_145000 | 145000 | Receivables for National tourism office fee | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za plaćenu članarinu turističkim zajed. |
140 | hr_146000 | 146000 | Receivables for Croatian Economy Chamber or similar Chambers | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za članarine komori (HGK ili HOK i dr.) |
141 | hr_147000 | 147000 | Receivables for duties and prepayments to customs duty | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za carinu i više plaćene carinske pristojbe |
142 | hr_148000 | 148000 | Receivables for Country and municipal tax | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za županijski i općinski (gradski) porez |
143 | hr_149000 | 149000 | Receivables for other not mentioned taxes, contributions and duties | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za ostale nespomenute poreze, doprinose, takse i pristojbe |
144 | hr_150000 | 150000 | Receivables from Croatian institute for health insurance regarding employee's sick leave payments | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanje za nadoknade bolovanja od HZZO |
145 | hr_151000 | 151000 | Receivables for Pension insurance institute | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od mirovinskog osiguranja |
146 | hr_152000 | 152000 | Receivables from local government | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja od lokalne samouprave |
147 | hr_153000 | 153000 | Receivables for bonuses, premiums and government grants | asset_receivable | True | Potraživ. za regrese, premije, stimulac. i držav. potpore |
148 | hr_154000 | 154000 | Receivables for Fund for packaging repurchase | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanje od Fonda za otkupljenu ambalažu |
149 | hr_155000 | 155000 | Other receivables from the Government | asset_receivable | True | Ostala potraživanja od državnih institucija |
150 | hr_156000 | 156000 | Receivables for more paid fees for disabled person | asset_receivable | True | Potraživanja za više plaćenu naknadu s temelja invaliditeta |
151 | hr_159000 | 159000 | Value adjustment of receivables from the Government and other institutions | asset_receivable | True | Vrijednosno usklađenje potraživanja od države i drugih institucija |
152 | hr_190000 | 190000 | Prepaid expense and accrued income | asset_current | False | Unaprijed plaćeni troškovi |
153 | hr_191000 | 191000 | Accrued income | asset_current | False | Obračunani prihodi (budućeg razdoblja) |
154 | hr_192000 | 192000 | Prepaid expense and accrued income | asset_current | False | Unaprijed plaćeni troškovi |
155 | hr_193000 | 193000 | Accrued interest which relates to future periods | asset_current | False | Troškovi kamata iz budućeg razdoblja |
156 | hr_194000 | 194000 | Prepaid expense for concession rights | asset_current | False | Unaprijed plaćeni troškovi koncesija (za razdoblje do 12 mj.) |
157 | hr_195000 | 195000 | Prepaid expense for franchise fee | asset_current | False | Unaprijed plaćene franšize, trgovačko znakovlje, prava i sl. (do 12 mj.) |
158 | hr_196000 | 196000 | Prepaid expense for licences and patents | asset_current | False | Unaprijed plaćene licencije i patenti (do 12 mj.) |
159 | hr_197000 | 197000 | Derivatives- hedging instruments | asset_current | False | Derivativ - instrument zaštite |
160 | hr_199000 | 199000 | Other prepaid expense | asset_current | False | Ostali plaćeni troškovi budućeg razdoblja |
161 | hr_200000 | 200000 | Obligations towards Entrepreneurs within the Group | liability_current | False | Obveze prema poduzetnicima unutar Grupe |
162 | hr_200100 | 200100 | Obligations for loans, deposits and the like of entrepreneurs within the group | liability_current | False | Obveze za kredite, depozite i sl. poduzetnika unutar grupe |
163 | hr_201000 | 201000 | Liabilities due to share in results | liability_current | False | Obveze s osnove udjela u rezultatu |
164 | hr_210000 | 210000 | Liabilities due to issued cheques | liability_current | False | Obveze za izdane čekove |
165 | hr_211000 | 211000 | Liabilities due to issued promissory notes | liability_current | False | Obveze za izdane mjenice |
166 | hr_212000 | 212000 | Liabilities due to issued securities | liability_current | False | Obveze po izdanim vrijednosnim papirima |
167 | hr_213000 | 213000 | Obligations towards companies connected by participating interests | liability_current | False | Obveze prema društvima povezanim udjelima |
168 | hr_213100 | 213100 | Obligations for loans, deposits and the like of companies connected by a participating interest | liability_current | False | Obveze za zajmove, depozite i sl. društava povezanih udjelom |
169 | hr_214000 | 214000 | Lease liabilities and deposits received | liability_current | False | Obveze s osnove zajmova, depozita i sl. |
170 | hr_215000 | 215000 | Liabilities towards banks and other financial institutions | liability_current | False | Obveze prema bankama i drugim financijskim institucijama |
171 | hr_216000 | 216000 | Liabilities towards credit card institutions | liability_current | False | Obveze prema izdavateljima kreditnih kartica (analitika prema kartičarima) |
172 | hr_217000 | 217000 | Liabilities from discount services | liability_current | False | Obveze iz eskontnih poslova |
173 | hr_218000 | 218000 | Liabilities due to asset_non_current held for sale (this account relates to due loan liabilities and account payable for asset which is held for sale (acc.69)) | liability_current | False | Obveze s osnove dugotrajne imovine namijenjene prodaji (analitika prema izvorima) |
174 | hr_220000 | 220000 | Domestic trade payable | liability_payable | True | Obveze prema dobavljačima u zemlji (analitika prema dobavljačima) |
175 | hr_221000 | 221000 | Account payable from EU and third countries | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači iz EU i inozemstva (analitika prema dobavljačima) |
176 | hr_222000 | 222000 | Trade payable- private person | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači fizičke osobe |
177 | hr_223000 | 223000 | Trade payable for utility services | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači komunalnih usluga |
178 | hr_224000 | 224000 | Liabilities for not invoiced but received goods and services | liability_payable | True | Obveze za nefakturirane a preuzete isporuke robe i usluge |
179 | hr_225000 | 225000 | Liabilities for advances received | liability_payable | True | Obveze za predujmove |
180 | hr_230000 | 230000 | Liabilities towards employees | liability_current | False | Obveze prema zaposlenicima |
181 | hr_231000 | 231000 | Liability from procurements and grants | liability_current | False | Kratkoročne obveze iz nabava i potpora |
182 | hr_232000 | 232000 | Interests payable | liability_current | False | Obveze za kamate (analitika prema dužnicima i vrstama obveza prema nepovezanim društvima) |
183 | hr_233000 | 233000 | Liabilities for commission or consignment sale of goods | liability_current | False | Obveze po obračunu prodanih dobara primljenih u komisiju ili konsignaciju |
184 | hr_234000 | 234000 | Liabilities towards insurance companies | liability_current | False | Obveze prema osiguravajućim društvima |
185 | hr_235000 | 235000 | Liabilities due to operations in free-trade zone | liability_current | False | Obveze iz poslovanja u slobodnoj zoni |
186 | hr_236000 | 236000 | Liabilities due to operations in foreign trade | liability_current | False | Obveze iz vanjskotrgovačkog poslovanja |
187 | hr_237000 | 237000 | Liabilities towards foreign business units | liability_current | False | Obveze prema poslovnim jedinicama u inozemstvu |
188 | hr_238000 | 238000 | Liabilities due to acquisitions of shares/stakes | liability_current | False | Obveze iz stjecanja udjela |
189 | hr_239000 | 239000 | Other current liability | liability_current | False | Ostale kratkoročne obveze |
190 | hr_240000 | 240000 | VAT obligations | liability_current | False | PDV obveze |
191 | hr_240010 | 240010 | Obligation for VAT - 5% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a - 5% |
192 | hr_240011 | 240011 | Obligation for VAT - 13% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a - 13% |
193 | hr_240012 | 240012 | Obligation for VAT - 25% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a - 25% |
194 | hr_240020 | 240020 | VAT liability for advance payment - 5% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za akontaciju - 5% |
195 | hr_240021 | 240021 | VAT liability for advance payment - 13% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za akontaciju - 13% |
196 | hr_240022 | 240022 | VAT liability for advance payment - 25% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za akontaciju - 25% |
197 | hr_240030 | 240030 | VAT liability for unbilled deliveries - 5% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za nenaplaćene isporuke - 5% |
198 | hr_240031 | 240031 | VAT liability for unbilled deliveries - 13% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za nenaplaćene isporuke - 13% |
199 | hr_240032 | 240032 | VAT liability for unbilled deliveries - 25% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za nenaplaćene isporuke - 25% |
200 | hr_240040 | 240040 | VAT liability based on own consumption - 25%, 13% or 5% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a na temelju vlastite potrošnje - 25%, 13% ili 5% |
201 | hr_240050 | 240050 | Liability for corrected VAT due to conversion of goods | liability_current | False | Obveza za ispravljeni PDV zbog pretvorbe dobara |
202 | hr_240100 | 240100 | Liability for VAT from the transferred tax liability from the home country - 25% | liability_current | False | Obveza za PDV iz prenesene porezne obveze iz tuzemstva - 25% |
203 | hr_240200 | 240200 | VAT obligations for the acquisition of goods from the EU - 5% | liability_current | False | Obveze PDV-a za stjecanje dobara iz EU - 5% |
204 | hr_240210 | 240210 | VAT obligations for the acquisition of goods from the EU - 13% | liability_current | False | Obveze PDV-a za stjecanje dobara iz EU - 13% |
205 | hr_240220 | 240220 | VAT obligations for the acquisition of goods from the EU - 25% | liability_current | False | Obveze PDV-a za stjecanje dobara iz EU - 25% |
206 | hr_240300 | 240300 | VAT obligations for services received from the EU - 5% | liability_current | False | Obveze PDV-a za primljene usluge iz EU - 5% |
207 | hr_240310 | 240310 | VAT obligations for services received from the EU - 13% | liability_current | False | Obveze PDV-a za primljene usluge iz EU - 13% |
208 | hr_240320 | 240320 | VAT obligations for services received from the EU - 25% | liability_current | False | Obveze PDV-a za primljene usluge iz EU - 25% |
209 | hr_240400 | 240400 | VAT liability for goods and services received from taxpayers without headquarters in the Republic of Croatia - 5% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za primljena dobra i usluge od poreznih obveznika bez sjedišta u Republici Hrvatskoj - 5% |
210 | hr_240410 | 240410 | VAT liability for received goods and services from taxpayers without headquarters in the Republic of Croatia - 13% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za primljena dobra i usluge od poreznih obveznika bez sjedišta u Republici Hrvatskoj - 13% |
211 | hr_240420 | 240420 | VAT liability for goods and services received from taxpayers without headquarters in the Republic of Croatia - 25% | liability_current | False | Obveza PDV-a za primljena dobra i usluge od poreznih obveznika bez sjedišta u Republici Hrvatskoj - 25% |
212 | hr_240500 | 240500 | Obligation for calculated VAT on import | liability_current | False | Obveza za obračunati PDV pri uvozu |
213 | hr_240700 | 240700 | Liability for the difference between tax and input tax in the taxation period | liability_current | False | Obveza za razliku poreza i pretporeza u razdoblju oporezivanja |
214 | hr_240800 | 240800 | Return of VAT from passenger traffic to natural persons from abroad | liability_current | False | Povrat PDV-a iz prometa putnika fizičkim osobama iz inozemstva |
215 | hr_241000 | 241000 | Liabilities for personal income tax and surtax | liability_current | False | Obveze za porez i prirez na dohodak |
216 | hr_242000 | 242000 | Liabilities for insurance contributions | liability_current | False | Obveze za doprinose za osiguranja |
217 | hr_243000 | 243000 | Income tax payable, tax on investment income and withholding tax | liability_current | False | Obveze za porez na dobitak, dohodak od kapitala i porez po odbitku |
218 | hr_244000 | 244000 | Liabilities for excise duties and other taxes | liability_current | False | Obveze za posebne poreze, trošarine i druge poreze prema državi |
219 | hr_245000 | 245000 | Liabilities for fee to National tourism office | liability_current | False | Obveze za članarinu turističkim zajednicama |
220 | hr_246000 | 246000 | Liabilities for Chamber membership fee | liability_current | False | Obveze za članarinu komori |
221 | hr_247000 | 247000 | Liabilities for duties and customs duty | liability_current | False | Obveze za carinu i carinske pristojbe |
222 | hr_248000 | 248000 | Liabilities for a Country's and municipal's taxes | liability_current | False | Obveze za lokalne poreze i druga davanja |
223 | hr_249000 | 249000 | Liabilities for other not mentioned taxes, contributions and duties | liability_current | False | Ostale obveze javnih davanja |
224 | hr_250000 | 250000 | Obligations towards Entrepreneurs within the Group | liability_current | False | Obveze prema poduzetnicima unutar Grupe |
225 | hr_250100 | 250100 | Obligations for loans, deposits and the like of entrepreneurs within the group | liability_current | False | Obveze za kredite, depozite i sl. poduzetnika unutar grupe |
226 | hr_251000 | 251000 | Obligations for loans, deposits and the like of companies connected by a participating | liability_current | False | Obveze za zajmove, depozite i sl. društava povezanih sudionicima |
227 | hr_251100 | 251100 | Obligations for loans, deposits and the like interest | liability_current | False | Obveze za kredite, depozite i sl. kamate |
228 | hr_252000 | 252000 | Liabilities towards banks and other financial institutions | liability_current | False | Obveze prema bankama i drugim financijskim institucijama |
229 | hr_253000 | 253000 | Long term leasing liabilities | liability_current | False | Dugoročne obveze iz financijskog i operativnog lizinga |
230 | hr_254000 | 254000 | Liabilities for advances received | liability_current | False | Obveze za predujmove |
231 | hr_255000 | 255000 | Trade payable (unpaid long term trade payable) | liability_current | False | Obveze prema dobavljačima (neisplaćene dugoročne obveze prema vjerovnicima s osnove poslovanja) |
232 | hr_256000 | 256000 | Liabilities for long term securities | liability_current | False | Obveze po vrijednosnim papirima (dugoročnim) |
233 | hr_257000 | 257000 | Liabilities towards associated undertakings | liability_current | False | Obveze prema društvima povezanim sudjelujućim interesom |
234 | hr_258000 | 258000 | Liabilities towards government | liability_current | False | Obveze prema Državi (realizirana jamstva, krediti, plaćene koncesije) |
235 | hr_259000 | 259000 | Other long term liabilities | liability_current | False | Ostale dugoročne obveze |
236 | hr_260000 | 260000 | Deferred tax liabilities | liability_current | False | Odgođena porezna obveza |
237 | hr_280000 | 280000 | Provision for employee benefits | liability_non_current | False | Rezerviranja za otpremnine i mirovine |
238 | hr_281000 | 281000 | Provision for tax liabilities | liability_non_current | False | Rezerviranja za porezne obveze |
239 | hr_282000 | 282000 | Provisions for legal cases | liability_non_current | False | Rezerviranja za započete sudske sporove |
240 | hr_283000 | 283000 | Provisions for renewal of natural resources | liability_non_current | False | Rezerviranja za troškove obnavljanja prirodnih bogatstava |
241 | hr_284000 | 284000 | Provision for risks within warranty period | liability_non_current | False | Rezerviranja za troškove u jamstvenim rokovima |
242 | hr_285000 | 285000 | Other provisions | liability_non_current | False | Druga rezerviranja |
243 | hr_290000 | 290000 | Accrued expense | liability_non_current | False | Odgođeno plaćanje troškova |
244 | hr_291000 | 291000 | Accrued expense for rights to use | liability_non_current | False | Obračunani troškovi korištenih prava |
245 | hr_292000 | 292000 | Accrued expense for goods purchases | liability_non_current | False | Obračunani troškovi nabave dobara |
246 | hr_293000 | 293000 | Deferred income (income which relates to future period) | liability_non_current | False | Obračunani prihodi budućeg razdoblja |
247 | hr_294000 | 294000 | Deferred income from government grants | liability_non_current | False | Odgođeni prihodi iz državnih potpora (HSFI t. 15.37 i MRS 20, t. 12. i 24.) |
248 | hr_295000 | 295000 | Deferred income | liability_non_current | False | Odgođeno priznavanje prihoda |
249 | hr_296000 | 296000 | Deferred income relating to not invoiced but shipped goods and services | liability_non_current | False | Odgođeni prihod s osnove nefakturiranih isporuka dobara i usluga |
250 | hr_297000 | 297000 | Unrealized gains on financial assets | liability_non_current | False | Nerealizirani dobitci iz financijske imovine (HSFI 9 i MSFI 9) |
251 | hr_298000 | 298000 | Deferred invoiced income without delivery | liability_non_current | False | Odgođeni fakturirani prihod za koji nije nastala isporuka |
252 | hr_299000 | 299000 | Provision for unused vacation days | liability_non_current | False | Ostala pasivna vremenska razgraničenja |
253 | hr_300000 | 300000 | Payable purchase price | asset_current | False | Kupovna cijena dobavljača |
254 | hr_301000 | 301000 | Other inventory dependant costs | asset_current | False | Ovisni troškovi nabave (u svezi s dovođenjem na zalihu) |
255 | hr_302000 | 302000 | Duties and other customs duty | asset_current | False | Carina i druge uvozne pristojbe |
256 | hr_303000 | 303000 | Excise duties which can not be deducted | asset_current | False | Posebni porezi (trošarine) koji se ne mogu odbiti |
257 | hr_309000 | 309000 | Cost of inventory purchasing calculation | asset_current | False | Obračun troškova kupnje |
258 | hr_310000 | 310000 | Raw material on stock | asset_current | False | Sirovine i materijal u skladištu |
259 | hr_311000 | 311000 | Material in processing, finishing and manipulation phases | asset_current | False | Materijal u doradi, obradi i manipulaciji |
260 | hr_312000 | 312000 | Material sent for finishing to partners | asset_current | False | Materijal na doradi kod ortaka |
261 | hr_313000 | 313000 | Materials used in agriculture | asset_current | False | Zalihe materijala za poljoprivredu |
262 | hr_318000 | 318000 | Inventory price adjustment | asset_current | False | Odstupanje od cijene zaliha |
263 | hr_319000 | 319000 | Value adjustment of raw materials | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje zaliha sirovina i materijala |
264 | hr_320000 | 320000 | Spare parts on stock | asset_current | False | Rezervni dijelovi na zalihi |
265 | hr_328000 | 328000 | Spare part price adjustment | asset_current | False | Odstupanje od cijene rez. dijelova na zalihi |
266 | hr_329000 | 329000 | Value adjustment of spare parts | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje zaliha rezervnih dijelova |
267 | hr_350000 | 350000 | Small inventory on stock | asset_current | False | Sitan inventar na zalihi |
268 | hr_351000 | 351000 | Packaging on stock | asset_current | False | Ambalaža na zalihi (samo vlastita i višekratna, analitika prema vrstama) |
269 | hr_352000 | 352000 | Tires on stock | asset_current | False | Autogume na zalihi |
270 | hr_358000 | 358000 | Small inventory's price adjustment | asset_current | False | Odstupanje od cijene |
271 | hr_359000 | 359000 | Value adjustment of small inventory | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje zaliha |
272 | hr_360000 | 360000 | Small inventory in use | asset_current | False | Sitan inventar u uporabi |
273 | hr_361000 | 361000 | Packaging in use | asset_current | False | Ambalaža u uporabi |
274 | hr_362000 | 362000 | Tires in use | asset_current | False | Autogume u uporabi |
275 | hr_363000 | 363000 | Small inventory write off | asset_current | False | Otpis sitnog inventara |
276 | hr_364000 | 364000 | Packaging write off | asset_current | False | Otpis ambalaže |
277 | hr_365000 | 365000 | Tires write off | asset_current | False | Otpis autoguma |
278 | hr_369000 | 369000 | Value adjustment of small inventory, packaging and tires | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje sitnog inventara, ambalaže i autoguma |
279 | hr_370000 | 370000 | Advance payments for material | asset_current | False | Predujmovi dobavljačima materijala |
280 | hr_371000 | 371000 | Advance payments for spare parts | asset_current | False | Predujmovi dobavljačima rezervnih dijelova |
281 | hr_372000 | 372000 | Advance payments for small inventory | asset_current | False | Predujmovi dobavljačima sitnog inventara |
282 | hr_373000 | 373000 | Advance payments to importer for raw materials, spare parts and small inventory | asset_current | False | Predujmovi dani uvozniku za nabavu sirovina i materijala, dijelova i inventara |
283 | hr_374000 | 374000 | Advance payments to foreign suppliers | asset_current | False | Predujmovi inozemnim dobavljačima |
284 | hr_379000 | 379000 | Value adjustment of advance payments | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje danih predujmova |
285 | hr_400000 | 400000 | Cost of raw material | expense | False | Nabavna vrijednost prodanih nekretnina i umjetnina |
286 | hr_401000 | 401000 | Cost of material used in administration and sale department | expense | False | Materijalni troškovi administracije, uprave i prodaje |
287 | hr_402000 | 402000 | Research and development cost | expense | False | Materijalni troškovi istraživanja i razvoja |
288 | hr_403000 | 403000 | Packaging cost | expense | False | Troškovi ambalaže |
289 | hr_404000 | 404000 | Cost of small inventory, packaging and tires | expense | False | Trošak sitnog inventara, ambalaže i autoguma |
290 | hr_405000 | 405000 | Spare parts and material used on maintenance | expense | False | Rezervni dijelovi i materijal za održavanje |
291 | hr_406000 | 406000 | Energy used during production of goods and services | expense | False | Potrošena energija u proizvodnji dobara i usluga |
292 | hr_407000 | 407000 | Energy - administration and sale department | expense | False | Potrošena energija u administraciji, upravi i prodaji |
293 | hr_408000 | 408000 | Costs for samples | expense | False | Troškovi uzoraka |
294 | hr_409000 | 409000 | Standard cost adjustments | expense | False | Odstupanja od standardnog troška |
295 | hr_410000 | 410000 | Telephone and transportation costs | expense | False | Troškovi telefona, prijevoza i sl. |
296 | hr_411000 | 411000 | External service costs used in goods production and providing services | expense | False | Troškovi vanjskih usluga pri izradi dobara i obavljanju usluga |
297 | hr_412000 | 412000 | Maintenance and securities services | expense | False | Usluge održavanja i zaštite (servisne usluge) |
298 | hr_413000 | 413000 | Vehicle registration and permission costs | expense | False | Usluge registracije prijevoznih sredstava i troškovi dozvola |
299 | hr_414000 | 414000 | Leasing costs | expense | False | Usluge zakupa - leasinga |
300 | hr_415000 | 415000 | Promotion , sponsorship and fairs costs | expense | False | Usluge promidžbe, sponzorstva i troškovi sajmova |
301 | hr_416000 | 416000 | Intellectual services | expense | False | Intelektualne i osobne usluge |
302 | hr_417000 | 417000 | Utilities and similar costs | expense | False | Troškovi komunalnih i sličnih usluga |
303 | hr_418000 | 418000 | Representation costs - hosting | expense | False | Usluge reprezentacije - ugošćivanja |
304 | hr_419000 | 419000 | Other external costs | expense | False | Troškovi ostalih vanjskih usluga |
305 | hr_420000 | 420000 | Wages and salaries | expense | False | Neto plaće i nadoknade |
306 | hr_421000 | 421000 | Income tax and surtax costs | expense | False | Troškovi poreza i prireza |
307 | hr_422000 | 422000 | Contributions from salaries costs | expense | False | Troškovi doprinosa iz plaća |
308 | hr_423000 | 423000 | Contributions on salaries costs | expense | False | Doprinosi na plaće |
309 | hr_424000 | 424000 | Gross salaries | expense | False | Bruto plaće |
310 | hr_430000 | 430000 | Amortisation of intangible assets | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija nematerijalne imovine |
311 | hr_431000 | 431000 | Depreciation of property, plant and equipment | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija materijalne imovine |
312 | hr_432000 | 432000 | Depreciation of cars and other vehicles for personal transportation | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija osobnih automobila i dr. sredstava za osobni prijevoz |
313 | hr_433000 | 433000 | Depreciation of property, plant and - management and selling department | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija objekata i opreme uprave i prodaje |
314 | hr_434000 | 434000 | Depreciation surplus due to revaluation of assets | expense_depreciation | False | Povećana amortizacija s temelja revalorizacije |
315 | hr_435000 | 435000 | Depreciation of biological assets (vineyards, orchards, live stock) | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija biološke imovine (vinogradi, voćnjaci, osnovno stado i sl.) |
316 | hr_436000 | 436000 | Tax not-deductible depreciation | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija iznad porezno dopuštene |
317 | hr_440000 | 440000 | Value adjustment of non-current intangible assets (acc. 018) | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje dugotrajne nematerijalne imovine (018) |
318 | hr_441000 | 441000 | Value adjustment of property, plant and equipment | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje dugotrajne materijalne imovine |
319 | hr_442000 | 442000 | Value adjustment of non-current receivables (acc. 078) | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje dugotrajnih potraživanja (veza sa 078) |
320 | hr_444000 | 444000 | Value adjustment of deposit on banks, bills of exchange, cheques (acc.109 and acc. 119) | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje depozita u bankama, mjenica, čekova i sl. (109 i dio 119) |
321 | hr_445000 | 445000 | Value adjustment of current receivables | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje kratkotrajnih potraživanja |
322 | hr_446000 | 446000 | Value adjustment of inventory | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje zaliha (veza s 319, 329, 359 i 369) |
323 | hr_447000 | 447000 | Value adjustment of advance payments | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje danih predujmova |
324 | hr_448000 | 448000 | Value adjustment of receivables from bankruptcy | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje potraživanja iz predstečajne nagodbe |
325 | hr_449000 | 449000 | Inventory write off | expense | False | Otpis zaliha materijala |
326 | hr_450000 | 450000 | Long-term provision for pensions, severance payments and other employment benefits | expense | False | Troškovi dugoročnog rezerviranja za mirovine, otpremnine i sl. obveze (čl. 11. st. 2. ZoPD-a) |
327 | hr_451000 | 451000 | Long-term provision for tax obligations | expense | False | Rezerviranja za porezne obveze |
328 | hr_452000 | 452000 | Long term provision for litigation losses | expense | False | Troškovi dugoročnog rezerviranja za gubitke po započetim sudskim sporovima (čl. 11. st. 2. ZoPD-a) |
329 | hr_453000 | 453000 | Long-term provision for renewal of natural resources | expense | False | Troškovi dugoročnog rezerviranja za obnovu prirodnog bogatstva (čl. 11. st. 2. ZoPD-a) |
330 | hr_454000 | 454000 | The cost of long term provision for risks within warranty period | expense | False | Troškovi dugoročnog rezerviranja za rizike u jamstvenom (garancijskom) roku (čl. 11. st. 2. ZoPD-a) |
331 | hr_455000 | 455000 | The costs of long-term provision for Company's restructuring | expense | False | Troškovi dugoročnog rezerviranja za restrukturiranje poduzeća (MRS 37, t. 72. i HSFI t. 16.22) |
332 | hr_456000 | 456000 | The costs of provision for onerous contracts | expense | False | Troškovi rezerviranja po štetnim ugovorima (HSFI 16.21.) |
333 | hr_457000 | 457000 | The costs of other provision for other risk and charges | expense | False | Troškovi ostalih dugoročnih rezerviranja i troškovi rizika |
334 | hr_460000 | 460000 | Daily allowances for business trips and other travel expense | expense | False | Dnevnice za službena putovanja i putni troškovi |
335 | hr_461000 | 461000 | Cost reimbursements, allowances and scholarships | expense | False | Nadoknade troškova, darovi i potpore |
336 | hr_462000 | 462000 | Severance payments, gifts, performance awards, grants, insurance premiums and jubilee awards | expense | False | Troškovi članova uprave |
337 | hr_463000 | 463000 | Cost of internal representation and promotion | expense | False | Troškovi reprezentacije i promidžbe (interne) |
338 | hr_464000 | 464000 | Insurance premiums | expense | False | Premije osiguranja |
339 | hr_465000 | 465000 | Bank charges and costs of payment operations | expense | False | Bankovne usluge i troškovi platnog prometa |
340 | hr_466000 | 466000 | Fees, compensations and other expense | expense | False | Članarine, nadoknade i slična davanja |
341 | hr_467000 | 467000 | Taxes which does not depend on results and charges | expense | False | Porezi koji ne ovise o dobitku i pristojbe |
342 | hr_468000 | 468000 | Cost of usage rights (excluding leases) and expense of board members | expense | False | Troškovi prava korištenja (osim najmova) |
343 | hr_469000 | 469000 | Other operating costs- intangible | expense | False | Ostali troškovi poslovanja - nematerijalni |
344 | hr_470000 | 470000 | Interest expense from Group companies | expense | False | Kamate s poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
345 | hr_471000 | 471000 | Foreign exchange difference and other expense in a Group | expense | False | Tečajne razlike i drugi rashodi s poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
346 | hr_472000 | 472000 | Other costs from a Group companies | expense | False | Ostali troškovi s poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
347 | hr_473000 | 473000 | Interest expense from operations with third party | expense | False | Kamate iz odnosa s nepovezanim poduzetnicima |
348 | hr_474000 | 474000 | Penalty interest | expense | False | Zatezne kamate |
349 | hr_475000 | 475000 | Exchange difference on translation of foreign operations with third party | expense | False | Tečajne razlike iz odnosa s nepovezanim poduzetnicima |
350 | hr_476000 | 476000 | Loss from sale of investments in shares, stakes, bonds and other securities (which are sold below cost) | expense | False | Gubitci iz ulaganja u dionice, udjele, obveznice i dr. vrijednosne papire (koji su prodani ispod troška nabave - čl. 10. ZoPD) |
351 | hr_477000 | 477000 | Cost of discounts given | expense | False | Mjesta i nositelji troškova |
352 | hr_478000 | 478000 | Unrealized loss (expense) from financial assets | expense | False | Nerealizirani gubitci (rashodi) od financ. imovine |
353 | hr_478200 | 478200 | Unrealized losses (expenses) from financial assets | expense | False | Nerealizirani gubici (rashodi) od financijske imovine |
354 | hr_479000 | 479000 | Other financial expense | expense | False | Ostali financijski troškovi |
355 | hr_480000 | 480000 | Additional rebates , discounts, claims and costs of samples | expense | False | Trošak naknadnih popusta, sniženja, reklamacija i troškovi uzoraka |
356 | hr_481000 | 481000 | Bad debts and other assets write off | expense | False | Otpisi vrijednosno neusklađenih potraživanja |
357 | hr_482000 | 482000 | Disposals of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets | expense | False | Rashodi - otpisi nematerijalne i materijalne imovine |
358 | hr_483000 | 483000 | Inventory shortages and burglary costs | expense | False | Manjkovi i provalne krađe na zalihama i drugim sredstvima |
359 | hr_484000 | 484000 | Penalties, compensation for damages occurred and contract related costs | expense | False | Kazne, penali, nadoknade šteta i troškovi iz ugovora |
360 | hr_485000 | 485000 | Additionally found operating expense | expense | False | Naknadno utvrđeni troškovi poslovanja |
361 | hr_486000 | 486000 | Gifts/donations up to 2% of total income | expense | False | Darovanje do 2% od ukupnog prihoda |
362 | hr_487000 | 487000 | Gifts/donations above 2% of total income and other donations | expense | False | Darovanja iznad 2% od UP i dr. darovanja |
363 | hr_488000 | 488000 | Expense from other activities | expense | False | Troškovi iz drugih aktivnosti (izvan osnovne djelatnosti) |
364 | hr_489000 | 489000 | Other costs-expense | expense | False | Ostali troškovi - rashodi |
365 | hr_490000 | 490000 | Allocation of costs to cost of conversion (cost of production) - (on acc. 60, 62, 63) | expense | False | Raspored troškova za obračun proizvoda i usluga (prema HSFI 10 i MRS-u 2 i MRS-u 11) - uskladištivi troškovi (na račune 60, 62 i 63) |
366 | hr_491000 | 491000 | Allocation of management and administrative overheads to expense for the year - (on acc. 72) | expense | False | Raspored troškova za pokriće upravnih, administrativnih, prodajnih i drugih troškova (na račune 70 i 71) |
367 | hr_500000 | 500000 | Material used in management and administrative overheads | expense | False | Materijal u troškovima uprave i administracije |
368 | hr_501000 | 501000 | Wages and other costs of administration | expense | False | Plaće u troškovima uprave i prodaje |
369 | hr_502000 | 502000 | Depreciation used in management and administrative overheads | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija u troškovima uprave i administracije |
370 | hr_505000 | 505000 | Other costs related to the administration and selling | expense | False | Drugi troškovi uprave i prodaje (Razrada npr. dnevnica, osiguranje, bankovni troškovi, reprezentacija itd.) |
371 | hr_510000 | 510000 | Material used during selling process in total selling costs | expense | False | Materijal u troškovima prodaje |
372 | hr_511000 | 511000 | Wages in selling costs | expense | False | Plaće u troškovima prodaje |
373 | hr_512000 | 512000 | Depreciation in selling costs | expense_depreciation | False | Amortizacija u troškovima prodaje |
374 | hr_513000 | 513000 | Rents in the cost of sales | expense | False | Zakupnine u troškovima prodaje |
375 | hr_515000 | 515000 | Other costs related to the deliverables, invoicing and marketing, packaging, export | expense | False | Drugi troškovi prodaje (razrada npr. otpreme pošiljaka, fakturiranje, propaganda, naplata ambalaža, omotni papir, troškovi izvoza, troškovi posredništva itd.) |
376 | hr_590000 | 590000 | Allocation of costs to cost of conversion (cost of production) - (on acc. 60, 62, 63) | expense | False | Raspored troškova za obračun proizvoda i usluga (prema HSFI 10 i MRS-u 2 i MRS-u 11) - uskladištivi troškovi (na račune 60, 62 i 63) |
377 | hr_591000 | 591000 | Allocation of costs to expenditures - to be shown in this year income statement - (on acc. 72) | expense | False | Raspored troškova u rashode na teret prihoda |
378 | hr_600000 | 600000 | Work in progress (allocation by cost driver, cost centres, working orders) | asset_current | False | Proizvodnja u tijeku (razrada po serijama, nositeljima troškova, mjestima, pogonima, gradilištima, objektima, radnim nalozima i sl.) |
379 | hr_601000 | 601000 | Work in progress for services | asset_current | False | Vrijednost usluga (u tijeku ili nedovršenih na datum bilance - MRS 2, t. 16.) |
380 | hr_602000 | 602000 | Production in cooperation | asset_current | False | Vanjska proizvodnja (kooperacija i dr.) |
381 | hr_605000 | 605000 | Production process in free trade zone | asset_current | False | Proizvodnja u slobodnoj zoni |
382 | hr_606000 | 606000 | Production in processing and manipulation phases | asset_current | False | Proizvodnja u doradi i manipulaciji |
383 | hr_607000 | 607000 | Suspended production | asset_current | False | Obustavljena proizvodnja |
384 | hr_608000 | 608000 | Work in progress under partnership agreement | asset_current | False | Proizvodnja u tijeku iz ortačkog ugovora |
385 | hr_609000 | 609000 | Value adjustments of work in progress | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađivanje proizvodnje - usluga |
386 | hr_610000 | 610000 | Semi-manufacture goods on stock (analytics by the production stage) | asset_current | False | Zalihe poluproizvoda (analitika prema osnovnim skupinama ili po stupnju dovršenosti) |
387 | hr_611000 | 611000 | Unfinished goods and semi-manufacture goods (analytics by products types) | asset_current | False | Nedovršeni proizvodi i poluproizvodi (analitika po vrstama proizvoda) |
388 | hr_619000 | 619000 | Value adjustment of unfinished goods and semi-manufacture goods | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađivanje nedovršenih proizvoda i poluproizvoda |
389 | hr_620000 | 620000 | Biological assets in progress | asset_current | False | Zalihe biološke proizvodnje u toku |
390 | hr_621000 | 621000 | Biological assets for sale | asset_current | False | Zaliha biološke imovine za prodaju |
391 | hr_629000 | 629000 | Value adjustment of biological assets | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje biološke imovine |
392 | hr_630000 | 630000 | Finished goods in warehouse | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi na skladištu (razrada za svako skladište a unutar toga po skupinama, tipovima, vrstama i sl. te poljoprivredni gotovi proizvodi) |
393 | hr_631000 | 631000 | Finished goods in public warehouse | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi u javnom skladištu, silosu, i dr. |
394 | hr_632000 | 632000 | Finished goods given in commission sale | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi dani u komisijsku prodaju |
395 | hr_633000 | 633000 | Finished goods given in consignment sale | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi dani u konsignacijsku prodaju |
396 | hr_634000 | 634000 | Finished goods in processing, finishing and manipulation phases | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi u doradi, obradi i manipulaciji |
397 | hr_635000 | 635000 | Finished goods in free-trade zone | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi u slobodnoj zoni |
398 | hr_636000 | 636000 | Obsolete and slow moving inventory | asset_current | False | Zalihe nekurentnih proizvoda i otpadaka |
399 | hr_637000 | 637000 | Finished goods in storefront | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi u izložbenim prostorima |
400 | hr_638000 | 638000 | Finished goods from partnership agreement | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi iz ortaštava |
401 | hr_639000 | 639000 | Value adjustment of finished goods | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađivanje zaliha gotovih proizvoda |
402 | hr_640000 | 640000 | Finished goods in own stores | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi u prodaji u vlastitim prodavaonicama |
403 | hr_641000 | 641000 | VAT included in value of goods | asset_current | False | Uračunani PDV u vrijednosti proizvoda |
404 | hr_648000 | 648000 | Margin included in sale price of finished goods | asset_current | False | Uračunana marža u prodajnoj cijeni gotovih proizvoda |
405 | hr_649000 | 649000 | Value adjustment of finished goods in own stores | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađivanje gotovih proizvoda u prodavaonicama |
406 | hr_660000 | 660000 | Merchandise goods on stock | asset_current | False | Roba u skladištu |
407 | hr_661000 | 661000 | Merchandise goods in others warehouse and in storefront | asset_current | False | Roba u tuđem skladištu i izlozima |
408 | hr_662000 | 662000 | Merchandise goods given in commission and consignment sale | asset_current | False | Roba dana u komisijsku ili konsignacijsku prodaju |
409 | hr_663000 | 663000 | Merchandise goods in stores | asset_current | False | Roba u prodavaonicama |
410 | hr_664000 | 664000 | Tax included in value of merchandise goods | asset_current | False | Uračunani porezi u robi |
411 | hr_665000 | 665000 | Merchandise goods placed in tax-free warehouse or in free-trade area | asset_current | False | Roba u poreznom skladištu ili u slobodnoj zoni |
412 | hr_666000 | 666000 | Finished goods in processing, finishing and manipulation phases | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi u doradi, obradi i manipulaciji |
413 | hr_667000 | 667000 | Merchandise goods in transit | asset_current | False | Roba na putu |
414 | hr_668000 | 668000 | Margin included in sale price of merchandise goods | asset_current | False | Uračunana razlika u cijeni robe |
415 | hr_669000 | 669000 | Value adjustment of merchandise goods | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađivanje zaliha robe |
416 | hr_670000 | 670000 | Advance payments for merchandise goods | asset_current | False | Dani predujmovi za nabavu robe |
417 | hr_671000 | 671000 | Advance payments for merchandise goods import | asset_current | False | Dani predujmovi uvozniku za nabavu robe |
418 | hr_672000 | 672000 | Advance payments to related party for merchandise goods | asset_current | False | Dani predujmovi za robu povezanom društvu |
419 | hr_673000 | 673000 | Advances for biological asset purchases | asset_current | False | Dani predujmovi za nabavu bioloških proizvoda |
420 | hr_679000 | 679000 | Value adjustment of advance payments for merchandise goods | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje danih predujmova za robu |
421 | hr_680000 | 680000 | Property which is classified as held for sale- at cost | asset_current | False | Nabavna vrijednost nekretnina za preprodaju (s porezom na promet) |
422 | hr_681000 | 681000 | Additions on the property held for sale | asset_current | False | Umjetnine u prodaji |
423 | hr_682000 | 682000 | Arts held for sale | asset_current | False | Umjetnine u prodaji |
424 | hr_683000 | 683000 | Property which is classified as held for sale | asset_current | False | Nekretnine za prodaju (uređene) |
425 | hr_684000 | 684000 | Old timers for trading | asset_current | False | Oldtimeri za trgovanje |
426 | hr_685000 | 685000 | VAT included in arts and old timers | asset_current | False | Uračunani PDV u umjetninama i oldtimerima |
427 | hr_687000 | 687000 | Advance payments for the purchase of property held for sale | asset_current | False | Predujmovi za kupnju nekretnina i sl radi daljnje prodaje |
428 | hr_688000 | 688000 | Margin included in the sale price of property and arts held for sale | asset_current | False | Uračunana razlika u cijeni nekretnina i umjetnina za daljnju prodaju |
429 | hr_689000 | 689000 | Value adjustment of real estate and works of art, etc. in transactions and advances | asset_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađivanje nekretnina i umjetnina i sl u prometu i predujmova |
430 | hr_690000 | 690000 | Intangible assets held for sale | asset_non_current | False | Nematerijalna imovina namijenjena prodaji |
431 | hr_691000 | 691000 | Other property, plant and equipment held for sale | asset_non_current | False | Materijalna imovina namijenjena za prodaju |
432 | hr_699000 | 699000 | Impairment of property, plant and equipment held for sale | asset_non_current | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje dugotrajne imovine namijenjena prodaji |
433 | hr_700000 | 700000 | Cost of goods sold | expense | False | Trošak zaliha prodanih proizvoda (60, 62, 63 i 64) |
434 | hr_701000 | 701000 | Costs of rendering services | expense | False | Troškovi realiziranih usluga (490 i 601) |
435 | hr_702000 | 702000 | Costs of unused capacity | expense | False | Troškovi neiskorištenog kapaciteta (HSFI t. 10.18. i MRS 2 t. 13) |
436 | hr_703000 | 703000 | Cost of sale of material and obsolete inventory | expense | False | Troškovi zaliha materijala i otpadaka (31, 32, 35 i 36) |
437 | hr_704000 | 704000 | Value adjustment of inventory | expense | False | Vrijednosno usklađenje zaliha (veza s 319, 329, 359 i 369) |
438 | hr_705000 | 705000 | Expense which relates to previous periods- by mistake not show in previous periods | expense | False | Greškom neiskazani rashodi proteklih razdoblja |
439 | hr_706000 | 706000 | Construction contracts losses | expense | False | Gubitci iz ugovora o izgradnji (MRS 11, t. 36.) |
440 | hr_707000 | 707000 | Costs in relation with partnership agreement | expense | False | Troškovi iz ugovora o ortaštvu |
441 | hr_708000 | 708000 | Cost of value adjustments of work in progress, semi-finished goods and finished goods | expense | False | Troškovi vrijednosnog usklađenja proizvodnje u tijeku (609), poluproizvoda (629) i zaliha gotovih proizvoda (639 i 649) |
442 | hr_710000 | 710000 | Costs of goods sold | expense | False | Nabavna vrijednost prodane robe |
443 | hr_711000 | 711000 | Cost of property which is classified as held for sale | expense | False | Trošak imovine koja je klasificirana kao namijenjena prodaji |
444 | hr_712000 | 712000 | Costs which relates to property, plant and equipment held for sale | expense | False | Troškovi dugotr. imov. namijenjeni prodaji (neto) |
445 | hr_713000 | 713000 | Costs of goods shortages ( due to evaporate), damages , breakage and goods write off | expense | False | Troškovi kala, rastepa, kvara i loma na robi i otpisi robe |
446 | hr_714000 | 714000 | Costs of replacement of goods within the warranty period | expense | False | Troškovi zamjene robe u jamstvenom roku |
447 | hr_715000 | 715000 | Cost of good sold which relates to previous periods- by mistake not show in previous periods | expense | False | Greškom neiskazani rashodi prodane robe u proteklim razdobljima u trgovini |
448 | hr_718000 | 718000 | Costs of value adjustments of merchandise goods and advance payments | expense | False | Troškovi vrijednosnog usklađenja trgovačke robe i predujmova (669, 679, 689) |
449 | hr_719000 | 719000 | Impairment losses recognized on property, plant and equipment held for sale | expense | False | Troškovi vrijednosnog usklađenja dugotrajne imovine namijenjene prodaji (699) |
450 | hr_720000 | 720000 | Cost of management, selling costs and administrative overheads | expense | False | Troškovi uprave, prodaje, administracije (491) |
451 | hr_721000 | 721000 | Other operational expense | expense | False | Ostali poslovni rashodi - nespomenuti |
452 | hr_730000 | 730000 | Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment (HSFI 8 t. 8.35.) | expense | False | Rashodi od prodaje dugotrajne imovine (HSFI 8 t. 8.35.) |
453 | hr_731000 | 731000 | Expense based on material and unexpected asset disposals | expense | False | Otpisi od otuđenja imovine koji su nastali neočekivano i u visokoj vrijednosti (HSFI 4 t. 4.7. i MRS 10, t. 9.) |
454 | hr_732000 | 732000 | Losses due to dispossession or natural disasters on material assets | expense | False | Gubitci zbog izvlaštenja ili zbog prirodnih katastrofa na važnom dijelu imovine |
455 | hr_733000 | 733000 | Expense based on material and unexpected events | expense | False | Rashodi iz ostalih rijetkih i neobičnih događaja ili transakcija |
456 | hr_734000 | 734000 | Other expense due to penalties, paid compensations and liabilities from subsequent events | expense | False | Izvanredne kazne, penali, odštete, naknadno utvrđ. obveze i sl. |
457 | hr_735000 | 735000 | Unrealised losses | expense | False | Nerealizirani gubitci |
458 | hr_736000 | 736000 | The costs of goods sold in previous years (returned in this year) | expense | False | Troškovi vraćene robe prodane u prethodnim god. |
459 | hr_737000 | 737000 | Losses from biological assets arising from valuation | expense | False | Gubitci od procjene biološke imovine |
460 | hr_738000 | 738000 | Losses from agricultural assets arising from valuation | expense | False | Gubitci od procjene poljoprivrednih proizvoda |
461 | hr_740000 | 740000 | Share in the profit from the company connected by participating interest | income | False | Udio u dobiti od društva povezanog sudjelujućim interesom |
462 | hr_740100 | 740100 | Share in joint profits undertaking | income | False | Udio u zajedničkoj dobiti poduzeća |
463 | hr_745000 | 745000 | Share in the loss from the company connected by participating interest | income | False | Udio u gubitku društva povezanog sudjelujućim interesom |
464 | hr_745100 | 745100 | Share of loss from joint undertaking | income | False | Udio gubitka od zajedničkog poduzeća |
465 | hr_750000 | 750000 | Sale of goods (analytics by goods or profit centres) | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda (analitika po proizvodima ili profitnim centrima) |
466 | hr_751000 | 751000 | Revenue from the rendering of services | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje usluga |
467 | hr_752000 | 752000 | Revenue from the rendering of construction services- construction services agreement | income | False | Prihodi od graditeljskih usluga - iz ugovora o izgradnji (građevina) |
468 | hr_753000 | 753000 | Sales income from goods- foreign | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje dobara u inozemstvo |
469 | hr_754000 | 754000 | Sales income from services - foreign | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje usluga u inozemstvo |
470 | hr_755000 | 755000 | Sale income from internal usage of own goods and services | income | False | Prihodi s osnove upotrebe proizvoda i usluga za vlastite potrebe |
471 | hr_756000 | 756000 | Revenue from leases and rents | income | False | Prihodi od najmova i najamnina |
472 | hr_757000 | 757000 | Revenues form partnership agreement | income | False | Prihodi iz ortaštva |
473 | hr_758000 | 758000 | Other income from other sale | income | False | Ostali prihodi od ostale prodaje |
474 | hr_759000 | 759000 | Sale income from Group companies | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
475 | hr_760000 | 760000 | Revenue from sale of goods | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe |
476 | hr_761000 | 761000 | Sales income from goods- foreign | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje dobara u inozemstvo |
477 | hr_762000 | 762000 | Revenue from the rendering of merchandise services | income | False | Prihodi od trgovačkih usluga |
478 | hr_763000 | 763000 | Income from sale of slow-moving inventory | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje nekurentne robe (robe u kvaru, oštećenju, demodirana i sl.) |
479 | hr_764000 | 764000 | Income from sale of goods on commodity loan granted | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe na robni kredit |
480 | hr_765000 | 765000 | Sale income from internal usage of own merchandise goods | income | False | Prihodi s osnove upotrebe robe za vlastite potrebe |
481 | hr_766000 | 766000 | Income from sale of goods on financial leasing | income | False | Prihodi od prodane robe u financijski lizing (najam) |
482 | hr_767000 | 767000 | Income from sale of property, plant and equipment and arts (held for sale) | income | False | Prihodi od preprodaje nekretnina i umjetnina |
483 | hr_768000 | 768000 | Other income from sale of goods and rendering of merchandise services | income | False | Ostali prihodi od prodaje roba i trgovačkih usluga |
484 | hr_769000 | 769000 | Sale income from Group companies | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
485 | hr_770000 | 770000 | Income from investments in shares (shares) of entrepreneurs within the group | income | False | Prihodi od ulaganja u udjele (udjele) poduzetnika unutar grupe |
486 | hr_770100 | 770100 | Income from other long-term financial investments and loans to entrepreneurs within the group | income | False | Prihodi od ostalih dugoročnih financijskih ulaganja i kredita poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
487 | hr_770200 | 770200 | Other income based on interest from relations with entrepreneurs within the group | income | False | Ostali prihodi po osnovi kamata iz odnosa s poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
488 | hr_770300 | 770300 | Exchange rate differences and other financial income from relations with entrepreneurs within the group | income | False | Tečajne razlike i ostali financijski prihodi iz odnosa s poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
489 | hr_771000 | 771000 | Interest income | income | False | Prihodi od kamata |
490 | hr_772000 | 772000 | Income from exchange difference on translation of foreign operations and other income | income | False | Prihodi od tečajnih razlika i ostali prihodi |
491 | hr_773000 | 773000 | Income from dividends and share in result | income | False | Prihodi od dividende i dobitaka iz udjela |
492 | hr_774000 | 774000 | Financial income from long term financial asset and loans given | income | False | Prihodi od ostalih dugotrajnih financijskih ulaganja i zajmova |
493 | hr_775000 | 775000 | Dividends income from associated undertakings | income | False | Prihodi od ulaganja u udjele (dionice) društava povezanih sudjelujućim interesom |
494 | hr_776000 | 776000 | Unrealized gains from financial assets | income | False | Nerealizirani dobitci (prihodi) od financijske imovine |
495 | hr_777000 | 777000 | Income from negative goodwill | income | False | Prihodi negativnog goodwilla |
496 | hr_778000 | 778000 | Financial fees income | income | False | Prihodi od financijskih naknada |
497 | hr_779000 | 779000 | Other financial income | income | False | Ostali financijski prihodi |
498 | hr_780000 | 780000 | Income from liability write off and from discounts received | income_other | False | Prihodi od otpisa obveza i popusta |
499 | hr_781000 | 781000 | Net gain on disposal of assets, surpluses and evaluation | income_other | False | Prihodi od rezidualnih imovinskih stavki, viškova i procjena |
500 | hr_782000 | 782000 | Income from reversal of value adjustment and provisions and collected receivables written off | income_other | False | Prihodi od ukidanja rezerviranja i naknadno naplaćeni prihodi |
501 | hr_783000 | 783000 | Income from grants, subsidies and compensations | income_other | False | Prihodi od refundacije, dotacija, subvencija i nadoknada |
502 | hr_780900 | 780900 | Income from the write-off of liabilities to entrepreneurs within the group | income_other | False | Prihodi od otpisa obveza prema poduzetnicima unutar grupe |
503 | hr_783900 | 783900 | Income from grants and compensation from entrepreneurs within the group | income_other | False | Prihodi od potpora i naknada od poduzetnika unutar grupe |
504 | hr_784000 | 784000 | Income from losses and revaluations reversals | income_other | False | Prihodi od ukidanja gubitaka i revalorizacija |
505 | hr_785000 | 785000 | Other business income | income_other | False | Ostali poslovni prihodi |
506 | hr_786000 | 786000 | Income from government grants | income_other | False | Prihodi od državnih potpora (HSFI 15 i MRS 20) |
507 | hr_787000 | 787000 | Gains from biological assets arising from valuation | income_other | False | Dobitci od procjene poljoprivrednih proizvoda i biološke imovine (HSFI 17, t. 17.12 i MRS 41) |
508 | hr_788000 | 788000 | Revenues from the sale of a significant part of the assets | income_other | False | Prihodi od prodaje značajnog dijela imovine (društva, pogona, gosp. cjeline) |
509 | hr_789000 | 789000 | Other income (free deliverables, non-operational income) | income_other | False | Ostali prihodi (npr. veliki besplatni primitak, prihod koji nije proizašao iz redovitog poslovanja) |
510 | hr_803000 | 803000 | Income tax expense | expense | False | Porez na dobitak (gubitak) |
511 | hr_900000 | 900000 | Issued capital - paid in | equity | False | Upisani temeljni kapital koji je plaćen |
512 | hr_901000 | 901000 | Issued capital - non controlling interests | equity | False | Upisani temeljni kapital manjinskih članova |
513 | hr_902000 | 902000 | Issued capital- not paid in | equity | False | Upisani kapital koji nije plaćen |
514 | hr_903000 | 903000 | Shareholders share in public limited company capital | equity | False | Kapital (ulozi) članova javnog trgovačkog društva |
515 | hr_904000 | 904000 | Partners business stakes in limited partnership | equity | False | Kapital (ulozi) komanditora komanditnog društva |
516 | hr_905000 | 905000 | Government capital in company | equity | False | Državni kapital u udjelima |
517 | hr_906000 | 906000 | Members business stake in cooperative capital | equity | False | Kapital članova zadruge |
518 | hr_910000 | 910000 | Paid in stake/share above issued share capital | equity | False | Uplaćeni udjeli - dionice iznad svote temeljnog kapitala |
519 | hr_911000 | 911000 | Capital reserves from additional payments in order to gain special rights in the Company (convertible bonds) | equity | False | Kapitalne pričuve iz dodatnih uplata radi stjecanja posebnih prava u društvu (ili zamjenjivih obveznica) |
520 | hr_912000 | 912000 | Capital reserves from the additional payments of equity holders | equity | False | Kapitalne pričuve iz uplata dodatnih činidbi |
521 | hr_913000 | 913000 | Decrease of share capital transferred to capital reserve | equity | False | Kapitalne pričuve iz ostatka pri smanjenju temeljnog kapitala |
522 | hr_914000 | 914000 | Capital reserves from other sources | equity | False | Kapitalne pričuve iz drugih izvora |
523 | hr_915000 | 915000 | Capital gain from sale of treasury shares - stakes | equity | False | Kapitalni dobitak iz prodaje vlastitih udjela - dionica |
524 | hr_916000 | 916000 | Capital gains on the sale of shares issued | equity | False | Kapitalni dobitak na prodane emitirane dionice |
525 | hr_917000 | 917000 | Investments in silent company transferred to capital reserves | equity | False | Kapitalne pričuve iz ulaganja tajnog člana društva (čl. 148. ZTD-a) |
526 | hr_918000 | 918000 | Capital loss from sale of treasury shares - stakes | equity | False | Kapitalni gubitci iz vlastitih dionica i udjela |
527 | hr_919000 | 919000 | Investments of entrepreneur transferred to capital reserves | equity | False | Kapital iz ulaganja obrtnika dobitaša |
528 | hr_920000 | 920000 | Legal reserves | equity | False | Zakonske pričuve |
529 | hr_921000 | 921000 | Reserves for treasury shares | equity | False | Pričuve za vlastite dionice i udjele (čl. 233. i 406.a ZTD-a) |
530 | hr_922000 | 922000 | Treasury shares and stakes | equity | False | Vlastite dionice i udjeli (odbitna- dugovna stavka) |
531 | hr_923000 | 923000 | Statutory reserves | equity | False | Statutarne pričuve |
532 | hr_924000 | 924000 | Other reserves | equity | False | Ostale pričuve |
533 | hr_930000 | 930000 | Revaluation reserves from tangible and intangible assets | equity | False | Revalorizacijske pričuve s osnove revalorizacije dugotrajne materijalne i nematerijalne imovine |
534 | hr_931000 | 931000 | Fair value of available-for-sale financial assets | equity | False | Fer vrijednost financijske imovine raspoložive za prodaju |
535 | hr_931200 | 931200 | An effective part of cash flow protection | equity | False | Učinkovit dio zaštite novčanog toka |
536 | hr_931300 | 931300 | An effective part of the protection of net investment abroad | equity | False | Učinkovit dio zaštite neto ulaganja u inozemstvu |
537 | hr_932000 | 932000 | Foreign currency from foreign translation | equity | False | Tečajne razlike iz preračuna inozemnog poslovanja |
538 | hr_933000 | 933000 | Other accumulated comprehensive income / loss | equity | False | Udio u ostaloj sveobuhvatnoj dobiti/gubitku društava povezanih sudjelujućim interesom |
539 | hr_934000 | 934000 | Actuarial gains/losses based on employment benefits | equity | False | Aktuarski dobici/gubici po planovima definiranih primanja |
540 | hr_935000 | 935000 | Other changes in capital (minorities) | equity | False | Ostale nevlasničke promjene kapitala |
541 | hr_940000 | 940000 | Retained earnings | equity | False | Zadržani dobitak (iz prethodnih godina) |
542 | hr_941000 | 941000 | Accumulated loss | equity | False | Preneseni gubitak (kumuliran u prethodnim godinama - analitika po članovima) |
543 | hr_960000 | 960000 | Non-controlling interest | equity | False | Manjinski interes |
544 | hr_990000 | 990000 | Property plant and equipment in use | off_balance | False | Imovina - materijalna u optjecaju |
545 | hr_991000 | 991000 | Rights and receivables to be used | off_balance | False | Prava i tražbine |
546 | hr_992000 | 992000 | Securities | off_balance | False | Vrijednosni papiri |
547 | hr_993000 | 993000 | Securities in circulation | off_balance | False | Vrijednosnice u manipulaciji |
548 | hr_994000 | 994000 | Calculation of profit from investment in securities | off_balance | False | Obračun dobitka investicijskog pothvata |
549 | hr_995000 | 995000 | Source of property plant and equipment | off_balance | False | Izvori materijalne imovine |
550 | hr_996000 | 996000 | Source of rights and obligations | off_balance | False | Izvori prava i obveze |
551 | hr_997000 | 997000 | Liabilities for securities which are not in circulation | off_balance | False | Obveze za vrijednosne papire koji nisu stavljeni u optjecaj |
552 | hr_998000 | 998000 | Liabilities for securities in circulation | off_balance | False | Obveze za izdane vrijednosnice u manipulaciji |
553 | hr_999000 | 999000 | Liabilities due to investment project | off_balance | False | Obveze s osnove investicijskog pothvata |