20 KiB
20 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | tag_ids | name@it |
2 | 1101 | 1101 | Planting costs | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Costi di impianto |
3 | 1106 | 1106 | Software | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Software |
4 | 1108 | 1108 | Startup | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Avviamento |
5 | 1111 | 1111 | Provision for depreciation of start-up costs | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento costi di impianto |
6 | 1116 | 1116 | Provision for software amortization | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento software |
7 | 1118 | 1118 | Goodwill amortization provision | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento avviamento |
8 | 1201 | 1201 | Buildings | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fabbricati |
9 | 1202 | 1202 | Plant and machinery | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Impianti e macchinari |
10 | 1204 | 1204 | Commercial equipment | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Attrezzature commerciali |
11 | 1205 | 1205 | Office machines | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Macchine d'ufficio |
12 | 1206 | 1206 | Furniture | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Arredamento |
13 | 1207 | 1207 | Vehicles | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Automezzi |
14 | 1208 | 1208 | Durable packaging | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Imballaggi durevoli |
15 | 1211 | 1211 | Building depreciation fund | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento fabbricati |
16 | 1212 | 1212 | Provision for depreciation of plant and machinery | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento impianti e macchinari |
17 | 1214 | 1214 | Allowance for depreciation of business equipment | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento attrezzature commerciali |
18 | 1215 | 1215 | Provision for depreciation of office machines | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento macchine d'ufficio |
19 | 1216 | 1216 | Furniture depreciation fund | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento arredamento |
20 | 1217 | 1217 | Provision for vehicle depreciation | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento automezzi |
21 | 1218 | 1218 | Durable packaging depreciation fund | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fondo ammortamento imballaggi durevoli |
22 | 1220 | 1220 | Fixed assets suppliers on account | asset_non_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Fornitori immobilizzazioni c/acconti |
23 | 1301 | 1301 | Active mortgages | asset_fixed | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_ATT | Mutui attivi |
24 | 1401 | 1401 | Consumable materials | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Materie di consumo |
25 | 1404 | 1404 | Goods | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Merci |
26 | 1410 | 1410 | Suppliers down payments | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Acconti dei fornitori |
27 | 1501 | 1501 | Customer receivables | asset_receivable | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti verso i clienti |
28 | 1502 | 1502 | Miscellaneous trade receivables | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti commerciali diversi |
29 | 1503 | 1503 | Clients expenses in advance | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Spese dei clienti in anticipo |
30 | 1505 | 1505 | Bills of exchange receivable | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Cambiali attive |
31 | 1506 | 1506 | Change them at a discount | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Cambiali allo sconto |
32 | 1507 | 1507 | Change in collection | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Cambiali all'incasso |
33 | 1508 | 1508 | Accounts receivable (PoS) | asset_receivable | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti v/clienti (PoS) |
34 | 1509 | 1509 | Invoices to be issued | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Fatture da emettere |
35 | 1510 | 1510 | Outstanding receivables | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti insoluti |
36 | 1511 | 1511 | Outstanding bills of exchange | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Cambiali insolute |
37 | 1531 | 1531 | Receivables to be settled | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti da liquidare |
38 | 1540 | 1540 | Allowance for doubtful accounts | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Fondo svalutazione crediti |
39 | 1541 | 1541 | Provision for credit risks | asset_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Fondo rischi su crediti |
40 | 1601 | 1601 | VAT credit | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Credito IVA |
41 | 1602 | 1602 | VAT down payment | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Acconto IVA |
42 | 1605 | 1605 | VAT receivables | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti per IVA |
43 | 1607 | 1607 | Down payment taxes | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Imposte sull'acconto |
44 | 1608 | 1608 | Tax credits | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti per imposte |
45 | 1609 | 1609 | Receivables for withholdings incurred | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti per ritenute subite |
46 | 1610 | 1610 | Receivables for deposits | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti per cauzioni |
47 | 1620 | 1620 | Staff down payments | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Pagamenti anticipati del personale |
48 | 1630 | 1630 | Social security institution receivables | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Crediti dell'ente previdenziale |
49 | 1640 | 1640 | Miscellaneous debtors | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_ATT | Debitori diversi |
50 | 1901 | 1901 | Accrued income | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_ATT | Ratei attivi |
51 | 1902 | 1902 | Prepaid expenses | asset_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_ATT | Risconti attivi |
52 | 2101 | 2101 | Net worth | equity | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PASS | Patrimonio netto |
53 | 2102 | 2102 | Operating profit | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PASS | Utile d'esercizio |
54 | 2103 | 2103 | Operating loss | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PASS | Perdita d'esercizio |
55 | 2104 | 2104 | Extra management withdrawals | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PASS | Prelevamenti extra gestione |
56 | 2105 | 2105 | Holder withholdings incurred | equity | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PASS | Ritenute del titolare subite |
57 | 2201 | 2201 | Provision for taxes | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PASS | Fondo per imposte |
58 | 2204 | 2204 | Liability fund | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PASS | Fondo responsabilità civile |
59 | 2205 | 2205 | Provision for future expenses | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PASS | Fondo spese future |
60 | 2211 | 2211 | Scheduled maintenance fund | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PASS | Fondo manutenzioni programmate |
61 | 2301 | 2301 | TFRL debts | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PASS | Debiti per TFRL |
62 | 2410 | 2410 | Mortgages payable | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Mutui passivi |
63 | 2411 | 2411 | Banks grants | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Sovvenzioni delle banche |
64 | 2420 | 2420 | Banks in collection | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Banche in raccolta |
65 | 2421 | 2421 | Banks RIBA account in collection | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Conto RIBA delle banche in raccolta |
66 | 2422 | 2422 | Banks account bills in collection | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Conti correnti bancari in incasso |
67 | 2423 | 2423 | Bank account advances on invoices | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Anticipi bancari su fatture |
68 | 2440 | 2440 | Debts to other lenders | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debiti verso altri finanziatori |
69 | 2501 | 2501 | Accounts payable | liability_payable | True | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debiti v/fornitori |
70 | 2503 | 2503 | Bills of exchange | liability_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Cambiali passive |
71 | 2520 | 2520 | Invoices to be received | liability_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Fatture da ricevere |
72 | 2521 | 2521 | Debts to be settled | liability_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debiti da liquidare |
73 | 2530 | 2530 | Customers down payments | liability_current | True | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Acconti dei clienti |
74 | 2601 | 2601 | VAT debt | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debito IVA |
75 | 2602 | 2602 | Payables for withholding taxes to be paid | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debiti per ritenute da versare |
76 | 2605 | 2605 | Treasury VAT | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Tesoro IVA |
77 | 2606 | 2606 | Taxes payable | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debiti per imposte |
78 | 2607 | 2607 | Funds with VAT Split Payment | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Erario c/IVA Split Payment |
79 | 2608 | 2608 | VAT Split Payment | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | IVA c/Split Payment |
80 | 2619 | 2619 | Payables for deposits | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debiti per cauzioni |
81 | 2620 | 2620 | Staff salaries | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Stipendi del personale |
82 | 2621 | 2621 | Staff liquidations | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Liquidazioni del personale |
83 | 2622 | 2622 | Customers disposal | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Smaltimento dei clienti |
84 | 2630 | 2630 | Social security debts | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Debiti previdenziali |
85 | 2640 | 2640 | Miscellaneous creditors | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_D_PASS | Creditori diversi |
86 | 2701 | 2701 | Accrued expenses | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_E_PASS | Ratei passivi |
87 | 2702 | 2702 | Deferred income | liability_current | False | l10n_it.account_tag_E_PASS | Risconti passivi |
88 | 2801 | 2801 | Opening balance | liability_current | False | Bilancio di apertura | |
89 | 2802 | 2802 | Closing balance sheet | liability_current | False | Bilancio di chiusura | |
90 | 2810 | 2810 | VAT liquidations | liability_current | False | Liquidazioni IVA | |
91 | 2811 | 2811 | Social security institutions | liability_current | False | Istituti previdenziali | |
92 | 2901 | 2901 | Third-party assets | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_BENI | Beni di terzi |
93 | 2902 | 2902 | Depositors of goods | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_BENI | Depositanti beni |
94 | 2911 | 2911 | Goods to be received | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Merci da ricevere |
95 | 2912 | 2912 | Supplier commitments | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Impegni dei fornitori |
96 | 2913 | 2913 | Commitments for leased assets | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Impegni per beni in leasing |
97 | 2914 | 2914 | Lease creditors | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Creditori di leasing |
98 | 2916 | 2916 | Customer engagements | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Impegni dei clienti |
99 | 2917 | 2917 | Goods to be delivered | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Merci da consegnare |
100 | 2921 | 2921 | Risks for discounted effects | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_RISCHI | Rischi per effetti scontati |
101 | 2922 | 2922 | Banks discounted effects | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_RISCHI | Banche effetti scontati |
102 | 2926 | 2926 | Risks for surety bonds | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_RISCHI | Rischi per fideiussioni |
103 | 2927 | 2927 | Creditors for surety bonds | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Creditori per fideiussioni |
104 | 2931 | 2931 | Risks for endorsements | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_RISCHI | Rischi per avalli |
105 | 2932 | 2932 | Creditors for endorsements | off_balance | False | l10n_it.account_tag_IMPEGNI | Creditori per avalli |
106 | 3101 | 3101 | Goods w/sales | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Merci c/vendite |
107 | 3103 | 3103 | Reimbursement of sales expenses | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Rimborsi spese di vendita |
108 | 3110 | 3110 | Returns on sales | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Resi su vendite |
109 | 3111 | 3111 | Rebates and rebates payable | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Ribassi e abbuoni passivi |
110 | 3112 | 3112 | Premiums on sales | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Premi su vendite |
111 | 3201 | 3201 | Premiums on salesRent income | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Fitti attivi |
112 | 3202 | 3202 | Miscellaneous income | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Proventi vari |
113 | 3210 | 3210 | Active rounding | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Arrotondamenti attivi |
114 | 3220 | 3220 | Miscellaneous ordinary capital gains | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Plusvalenze ordinarie diverse |
115 | 3230 | 3230 | Miscellaneous ordinary contingent assets | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Sopravvenienze attive ordinarie diverse |
116 | 3240 | 3240 | Sundry ordinary non-existent assets | income | False | l10n_it.account_tag_A_PL | Insussistenze attive ordinarie diverse |
117 | 4101 | 4101 | Goods purchased | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Merce acquistata |
118 | 4102 | 4102 | Consumables purchased | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Materiali di consumo acquistati |
119 | 4105 | 4105 | Goods contributions | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Contributi per le merci |
120 | 4110 | 4110 | Returns on purchases | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Resi su acquisti |
121 | 4111 | 4111 | Active rebates and discounts | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ribassi e abbuoni attivi |
122 | 4112 | 4112 | Rewards on purchases | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Premi su acquisti |
123 | 4121 | 4121 | Goods initial existences | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Esistenze iniziali dei beni |
124 | 4122 | 4122 | Existing consumables | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Materiali di consumo esistenti |
125 | 4131 | 4131 | Goods closing inventory | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Inventario di chiusura merci |
126 | 4132 | 4132 | Consumables closing inventories | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Rimanenze finali di materiali di consumo |
127 | 4201 | 4201 | Transportation costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi di trasporto |
128 | 4202 | 4202 | Energy costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi per energia |
129 | 4203 | 4203 | Advertising costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi di pubblicità |
130 | 4204 | 4204 | Consulting costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi di consulenze |
131 | 4205 | 4205 | Postal costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi postali |
132 | 4206 | 4206 | Telephone costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi telefonici |
133 | 4207 | 4207 | Insurance costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi di assicurazione |
134 | 4208 | 4208 | Supervisory costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi di vigilanza |
135 | 4209 | 4209 | Costs for the premises | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi per i locali |
136 | 4210 | 4210 | Motor vehicle operating costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi di esercizio automezzi |
137 | 4211 | 4211 | Maintenance and repair costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Costi di manutenzione e riparazione |
138 | 4212 | 4212 | Commissions payable | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Provvigioni passive |
139 | 4213 | 4213 | Collection fees | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Spese di incasso |
140 | 4301 | 4301 | Rents payable | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Fitti passivi |
141 | 4302 | 4302 | Leasing fees | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Canoni di leasing |
142 | 4401 | 4401 | Wages and salaries | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Salari e stipendi |
143 | 4402 | 4402 | Social charges | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Oneri sociali |
144 | 4403 | 4403 | TFRL | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | TFRL |
145 | 4404 | 4404 | Other personnel costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Altri costi per il personale |
146 | 4501 | 4501 | Amortization of start-up costs | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento costi di impianto |
147 | 4506 | 4506 | Software amortization | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento software |
148 | 4508 | 4508 | Goodwill amortization | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento avviamento |
149 | 4601 | 4601 | Building depreciation | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento fabbricati |
150 | 4602 | 4602 | Depreciation of plant and machinery | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento impianti e macchinari |
151 | 4604 | 4604 | Commercial equipment depreciation | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento attrezzature commerciali |
152 | 4605 | 4605 | Depreciation of office machines | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento macchine d'ufficio |
153 | 4606 | 4606 | Furniture depreciation | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento arredamento |
154 | 4607 | 4607 | Vehicle depreciation | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento automezzi |
155 | 4608 | 4608 | Durable packaging depreciation | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento imballaggi durevoli |
156 | 4701 | 4701 | Durable packaging depreciation | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Ammortamento imballaggi durevoli |
157 | 4702 | 4702 | Depreciation of tangible fixed assets | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Svalutazioni immobilizzazioni materiali |
158 | 4706 | 4706 | Impairment of receivables | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Svalutazione crediti |
159 | 4814 | 4814 | Provision for liability | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Accantonamento per responsabilità civile |
160 | 4821 | 4821 | Provision for future expenses | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Fondo spese future |
161 | 4823 | 4823 | Provision for planned maintenance | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Accantonamento per manutenzioni programmate |
162 | 4901 | 4901 | Miscellaneous tax charges | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Oneri fiscali diversi |
163 | 4903 | 4903 | Miscellaneous charges | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Oneri vari |
164 | 4905 | 4905 | Losses on receivables | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Perdite su crediti |
165 | 4910 | 4910 | Passive rounding | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Arrotondamenti passivi |
166 | 4920 | 4920 | Miscellaneous ordinary capital losses | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Minusvalenze ordinarie diverse |
167 | 4930 | 4930 | Miscellaneous ordinary contingent liabilities | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Sopravvenienze passive ordinarie diverse |
168 | 4940 | 4940 | Miscellaneous ordinary nonexistent liabilities | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_B_PL | Insussistenze passive ordinarie diverse |
169 | 5110 | 5110 | Interest income from customers | income_other | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Interessi attivi v/clienti |
170 | 5115 | 5115 | Bank interest income | income_other | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Interessi attivi bancari |
171 | 5116 | 5116 | Postal interest income | income_other | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Interessi attivi postali |
172 | 5140 | 5140 | Miscellaneous financial income | income_other | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Proventi finanziari diversi |
173 | 5201 | 5201 | Interest expense from/to suppliers | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Interessi passivi v/fornitori |
174 | 5202 | 5202 | Bank interest expense | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Interessi passivi bancari |
175 | 5203 | 5203 | Bank overdrafts | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Sconti passivi bancari |
176 | 5210 | 5210 | Interest expense on mortgages | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Interessi passivi su mutui |
177 | 5240 | 5240 | Miscellaneous financial charges | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_C_PL | Oneri finanziari diversi |
178 | 8101 | 8101 | Taxes for the year | expense | False | l10n_it.account_tag_E_PL | Imposte dell'esercizio |
179 | 9101 | 9101 | Economic performance account | expense | False | Conto di risultato economico | |
180 | 9102 | 9102 | État patrimonial | expense | False | Stato patrimoniale |