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1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | name@ja_JP |
2 | l10n_jp_110000 | 110000 | Buildings and Structures | asset_fixed | False | 建物及び構築物 |
3 | l10n_jp_110100 | 110100 | Buildings and Structures - Accumulated Depreciation | asset_fixed | False | 建物及び構築物減償累計額 |
4 | l10n_jp_110200 | 110200 | Machinery and Equipment | asset_fixed | False | 機械及び装置 |
5 | l10n_jp_110300 | 110300 | Machinery and Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation | asset_fixed | False | 機械及び装置物減償累計額 |
6 | l10n_jp_110400 | 110400 | Tools, Furniture and Fixtures | asset_fixed | False | 工具、器具及び備品 |
7 | l10n_jp_110500 | 110500 | Tools, Furniture and Fixtures - Accumulated Depreciation | asset_fixed | False | 工具、器具及び備品減償累計額 |
8 | l10n_jp_110600 | 110600 | Land | asset_fixed | False | 土地 |
9 | l10n_jp_121000 | 121000 | Current Assets | asset_current | False | 流動資産 |
10 | l10n_jp_121100 | 121100 | Stock Valuation Account | asset_current | False | 在庫評価 |
11 | l10n_jp_121200 | 121200 | Stock Interim Account (Received) | asset_current | False | 請求待ち入荷 |
12 | l10n_jp_121300 | 121300 | Stock Interim Account (Delivered) | asset_current | False | 請求待ち出荷 |
13 | l10n_jp_122000 | 122000 | Merchandise | asset_current | False | 商品 |
14 | l10n_jp_122100 | 122100 | Finished Goods | asset_current | False | 製品 |
15 | l10n_jp_122200 | 122200 | Semi-finished Goods | asset_current | False | 半製品 |
16 | l10n_jp_122300 | 122300 | Inventory in Transit | asset_current | False | 積送品 |
17 | l10n_jp_122400 | 122400 | Work in Process | asset_current | False | 仕掛品 |
18 | l10n_jp_122500 | 122500 | Raw Materials | asset_current | False | 原材料 |
19 | l10n_jp_122600 | 122600 | Materials | asset_current | False | 資材 |
20 | l10n_jp_122700 | 122700 | Advance Payments | asset_current | False | 前渡金 |
21 | l10n_jp_122800 | 122800 | Prepaid Expenses | asset_current | False | 前払費用 |
22 | l10n_jp_122900 | 122900 | Advances Paid | asset_current | False | 立替金 |
23 | l10n_jp_123000 | 123000 | Suspense Payments | asset_current | False | 仮払金 |
24 | l10n_jp_123100 | 123100 | Lease/Guarantee Deposits | asset_current | False | 敷金・保証金 |
25 | l10n_jp_123200 | 123200 | Consumption Tax - Purchase | asset_current | False | 仮払消費税 |
26 | l10n_jp_123300 | 123300 | Bad Debt Allowance | asset_current | False | 貸倒引当金 |
27 | l10n_jp_123400 | 123400 | Accrued Income | asset_current | False | 未収収益 |
28 | l10n_jp_123500 | 123500 | Securities | asset_current | False | 有価証券 |
29 | l10n_jp_123600 | 123600 | Liquidity Transfer | asset_current | True | 仮振込 |
30 | l10n_jp_123700 | 123700 | Outstanding Payments | asset_current | True | 確認待ち支払 |
31 | l10n_jp_123800 | 123800 | Outstanding Receipts | asset_current | True | 確認待ち入金 |
32 | l10n_jp_123900 | 123900 | Bank Suspense Account | asset_current | False | 銀行仮勘定 |
33 | l10n_jp_120003 | 124000 | Deposit | asset_current | False | 普通預金 |
34 | l10n_jp_120004 | 124100 | Time Deposit | asset_current | False | 定期預金 |
35 | l10n_jp_126000 | 126000 | Accounts Receivable - Trade | asset_receivable | True | 売掛金 |
36 | l10n_jp_126200 | 126200 | Accounts Receivable (PoS) | asset_receivable | True | 売掛金(PoS) |
37 | l10n_jp_126300 | 126300 | Notes Receivable | asset_receivable | True | 受取手形 |
38 | l10n_jp_126400 | 126400 | Notes Discount | asset_receivable | True | 割引手形 |
39 | l10n_jp_210000 | 210000 | Non-current Liabilities | asset_non_current | False | 非流動資産 |
40 | l10n_jp_210100 | 210100 | Software | asset_non_current | False | ソフトウェア |
41 | l10n_jp_210200 | 210200 | Software in Progress | asset_non_current | False | ソフトウェア仮勘定 |
42 | l10n_jp_210300 | 210300 | Other Intangible Asset | asset_non_current | False | その他無形固定資産 |
43 | l10n_jp_210400 | 210400 | Investment Securities | asset_non_current | False | 投資有価証券 |
44 | l10n_jp_210500 | 210500 | Shares of Subsidiaries and Associates | asset_non_current | False | 関係会社株式 |
45 | l10n_jp_210600 | 210600 | Long-term Loans Receivable | asset_non_current | False | 長期貸付金 |
46 | l10n_jp_210700 | 210700 | Long-term Prepaid Expenses | asset_non_current | False | 長期前払費用 |
47 | l10n_jp_210800 | 210800 | Deferred Organization Expenses | asset_non_current | False | 創立費 |
48 | l10n_jp_220000 | 220000 | Accounts Payable - Trade | liability_payable | True | 買掛金 |
49 | l10n_jp_220200 | 220200 | Notes Payable | liability_payable | True | 支払手形 |
50 | l10n_jp_220400 | 220400 | Short-term Loans Payable | liability_payable | True | 短期借入金 |
51 | l10n_jp_220500 | 220500 | Current Portion of Long-term Loans Payable | liability_payable | True | 一年以内返済長期借入金 |
52 | l10n_jp_220600 | 220600 | Accounts Payable - Other | liability_payable | True | 未払金 |
53 | l10n_jp_220700 | 220700 | Accounts Payable - Credit Card | liability_payable | True | 未払金(クレジット) |
54 | l10n_jp_220800 | 220800 | Dividends Payable | liability_payable | True | 未払配当金 |
55 | l10n_jp_220900 | 220900 | Capital Stock | equity | False | 資本金 |
56 | l10n_jp_221000 | 221000 | Legal Capital Surplus | equity | False | 資本準備金 |
57 | l10n_jp_221100 | 221100 | Other Capital Surplus | equity | False | その他資本剰余金 |
58 | l10n_jp_221200 | 221200 | Legal Retained Earnings | equity | False | 利益準備金 |
59 | l10n_jp_221300 | 221300 | Reserve for Special Depreciation | equity | False | 特別償却準備金 |
60 | l10n_jp_221400 | 221400 | Voluntary Retained Earnings | equity | False | 任意積立金 |
61 | l10n_jp_221500 | 221500 | Retained Earnings Brought Forward | equity | False | 繰越利益剰余金 |
62 | l10n_jp_330000 | 330000 | Current Liabilities | liability_current | False | 流動負債 |
63 | l10n_jp_330200 | 330200 | Accrued Expenses | liability_current | False | 未払費用 |
64 | l10n_jp_330300 | 330300 | Income Taxes Payable | liability_current | False | 未払法人税等 |
65 | l10n_jp_330400 | 330400 | Advances Received | liability_current | False | 前受金 |
66 | l10n_jp_330500 | 330500 | Deposits Received | liability_current | False | 預り金 |
67 | l10n_jp_330600 | 330600 | Suspense Receipt | liability_current | False | 仮受金 |
68 | l10n_jp_330700 | 330700 | Provision for Bonuses | liability_current | False | 賞与引当金 |
69 | l10n_jp_330800 | 330800 | Consumption Tax - Sales | liability_current | False | 仮受消費税 |
70 | l10n_jp_330900 | 330900 | Bonds Payable | liability_current | False | 社債 |
71 | l10n_jp_331000 | 331000 | Long-term Loans Payable | liability_current | False | 長期借入金 |
72 | l10n_jp_331100 | 331100 | Provision for Retirement Benefits | liability_current | False | 退職給付引当金 |
73 | l10n_jp_410000 | 410000 | Net Sales | income | False | 売上高 |
74 | l10n_jp_424000 | 424000 | Foreign Exchange Gain | income | False | 為替差益 |
75 | l10n_jp_425000 | 425000 | Cash Discount Gain | income_other | False | 割引差益 |
76 | l10n_jp_425200 | 425200 | Purchase Price Difference | income_other | False | 購買価格差異 |
77 | l10n_jp_425300 | 425300 | Inventory Adjustment | income_other | False | 棚卸調整 |
78 | l10n_jp_425400 | 425400 | Interest Income | income_other | False | 受取利息 |
79 | l10n_jp_425500 | 425500 | Dividend Income | income_other | False | 受取配当金 |
80 | l10n_jp_425600 | 425600 | Provision of Exchange Gain | income_other | False | 未実現為替差益 |
81 | l10n_jp_425700 | 425700 | Actual Exchange Gain | income_other | False | 実現為替差益 |
82 | l10n_jp_425800 | 425800 | Gain on Investment Securities | income_other | False | 投資有価証券売却益(外益) |
83 | l10n_jp_425900 | 425900 | Gain on Valuation of Investment Securities | income_other | False | 投資有価証券評価益(外益) |
84 | l10n_jp_426000 | 426000 | Miscellaneous Income | income_other | False | 雑収入 |
85 | l10n_jp_426100 | 426100 | Gain on Non-current Asset | income_other | False | 固定資産売却益 |
86 | l10n_jp_426200 | 426200 | Gain on Valuation of Non-current Asset | income_other | False | 固定資産評価益 |
87 | l10n_jp_510000 | 510000 | Cost of Goods Sold | expense | False | 商品売上原価 |
88 | l10n_jp_510100 | 510100 | Cash Difference Loss | expense | False | 現金差損 |
89 | l10n_jp_510200 | 510200 | Cash Discount Loss | expense | False | 割引差損 |
90 | l10n_jp_510300 | 510300 | Provision of Allowance for Doubtful Debt | expense | False | 貸倒引当金繰入額 |
91 | l10n_jp_510400 | 510400 | Director's Remuneration | expense | False | 役員報酬 |
92 | l10n_jp_510500 | 510500 | Salaries & Allowance | expense | False | 給料及び手当 |
93 | l10n_jp_510600 | 510600 | Bonus | expense | False | 賞与 |
94 | l10n_jp_510700 | 510700 | Retirement Payment | expense | False | 退職金 |
95 | l10n_jp_510800 | 510800 | Provision for Bonuses | expense | False | 賞与引当金 |
96 | l10n_jp_510900 | 510900 | Provision for Retirement Benefits | expense | False | 退職給付引当金 |
97 | l10n_jp_511000 | 511000 | Legal Welfare Expenses | expense | False | 法定福利費 |
98 | l10n_jp_511100 | 511100 | Welfare Expenses | expense | False | 福利厚生費 |
99 | l10n_jp_511200 | 511200 | Insurance Expenses | expense | False | 保険料 |
100 | l10n_jp_511300 | 511300 | Subcontract Expenses | expense | False | 外注費 |
101 | l10n_jp_511400 | 511400 | Packaging Expenses | expense | False | 荷造運賃 |
102 | l10n_jp_511500 | 511500 | Inventory Usage Expenses | expense | False | 棚卸減耗費 |
103 | l10n_jp_511600 | 511600 | Loss on Valuation of Goods | expense | False | 商品評価損 |
104 | l10n_jp_511700 | 511700 | Rental Expenses | expense | False | 地代家賃 |
105 | l10n_jp_511800 | 511800 | Lease Expenses | expense | False | リース料 |
106 | l10n_jp_511900 | 511900 | Advertisement/Promotion Expenses | expense | False | 広告宣伝費 |
107 | l10n_jp_512000 | 512000 | Communication Expenses | expense | False | 通信費 |
108 | l10n_jp_512100 | 512100 | Consumables Expeneses | expense | False | 消耗品費 |
109 | l10n_jp_512200 | 512200 | Travelling Expenses | expense | False | 旅費交通費 |
110 | l10n_jp_512300 | 512300 | Entertainment Expenses | expense | False | 交際費 |
111 | l10n_jp_512400 | 512400 | Commission Expenses | expense | False | 支払手数料 |
112 | l10n_jp_512500 | 512500 | Membership Fee | expense | False | 諸会費 |
113 | l10n_jp-512600 | 512600 | Newspaper/Book Expenses | expense | False | 新聞図書費 |
114 | l10n_jp_512700 | 512700 | Tax Expenses | expense | False | 租税公課 |
115 | l10n_jp_512800 | 512800 | Utility Bills | expense | False | 水道光熱費 |
116 | l10n_jp_512900 | 512900 | Meeting Expenses | expense | False | 会議費 |
117 | l10n_jp_513000 | 513000 | Other Expenses | expense | False | 雑費 |
118 | l10n_jp_513100 | 513100 | Interest Expenses | expense | False | 支払利息 |
119 | l10n_jp_513200 | 513200 | Amortization of Deferred Organization Expenses | expense | False | 創立費償却 |
120 | l10n_jp_513300 | 513300 | Depreciation | expense | False | 減価償却費 |
121 | l10n_jp_513400 | 513400 | Provision of Exchange Loss | expense | False | 未実現為替差損 |
122 | l10n_jp_513500 | 513500 | Actual Exchange Loss | expense | False | 実現為替差損 |
123 | l10n_jp_513600 | 513600 | Loss on Investment Securities | expense | False | 投資有価証券売却損(外損) |
124 | l10n_jp_513700 | 513700 | Loss on Valuation of Investment Securities | expense | False | 投資有価証券評価損(外損) |
125 | l10n_jp_513900 | 513900 | Loss on Non-current Asset | expense | False | 固定資産売却損 |
126 | l10n_jp_514000 | 514000 | Loss on Valuation of Non-current Asset | expense | False | 固定資産評価損 |
127 | l10n_jp_514300 | 514300 | Corporate, Inhabitant, and Enterprise Taxes | expense | False | 法人税、住民税及び事業税 |
128 | l10n_jp_514500 | 514500 | Transportation and warehousing expenses | expense | False | 運送費及び保管費 |
129 | l10n_jp_999002 | 999002 | Cash Difference Gain | income | False | 現金差益 |