16 KiB
16 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | reconcile | name@ko_KR |
2 | l10n_kr_111101 | 111101 | Cash | asset_cash | 1 | 현금 |
3 | l10n_kr_111102 | 111102 | Current Deposit | asset_cash | 1 | 당좌예금 |
4 | l10n_kr_111103 | 111103 | Ordinary Deposit | asset_cash | 1 | 보통예금 |
5 | l10n_kr_111201 | 111201 | Trading Securities | asset_current | 0 | 정기예.적금 |
6 | l10n_kr_111202 | 111202 | Other short-term Financial Instruments | asset_current | 0 | 기타단기금융상품 |
7 | l10n_kr_111203 | 111203 | Short-term Deposit | asset_current | 0 | 단기예금 |
8 | l10n_kr_111204 | 111204 | Short-term Trading Securities | asset_current | 0 | 단기매매증권 |
9 | l10n_kr_111205 | 111205 | Marketable Securities | asset_current | 0 | 매도가능증권 |
10 | l10n_kr_111206 | 111206 | Held-to-Maturity Securities | asset_current | 0 | 만기보유증권 |
11 | l10n_kr_111301 | 111301 | Accounts Receivable | asset_receivable | 1 | 외상매출금 |
12 | l10n_kr_111302 | 111302 | Allowance for Bad Debts - A/R | asset_receivable | 1 | 외상매출금대손충당금 |
13 | l10n_kr_111303 | 111303 | Account Receivable (POS) | asset_receivable | 1 | PoS 외상매출금 |
14 | l10n_kr_111304 | 111304 | Allowance for Bad Debts - A/R (POS) | asset_receivable | 1 | PoS 외상매출금대손충당금 |
15 | l10n_kr_111305 | 111305 | Notes Receivable | asset_receivable | 1 | 받을어음 |
16 | l10n_kr_111306 | 111306 | Allowance for Bad Debts - N/R | asset_receivable | 1 | 받을어음대손충당금 |
17 | l10n_kr_111401 | 111401 | Prepaid Expenses | asset_prepayments | 0 | 선급비용 |
18 | l10n_kr_111501 | 111501 | Deferred tax assets (Current) | asset_current | 0 | 이연법인세자산 |
19 | l10n_kr_111601 | 111601 | Accrued revenue | asset_current | 0 | 미수수익 |
20 | l10n_kr_111602 | 111602 | Short-term Loans | asset_current | 0 | 단기대여금 |
21 | l10n_kr_111603 | 111603 | Receivables | asset_current | 0 | 미수금 |
22 | l10n_kr_111604 | 111604 | Advances to Vendors | asset_current | 0 | 선급금 |
23 | l10n_kr_111605 | 111605 | Advances to Employees | asset_current | 0 | 가지급금 |
24 | l10n_kr_111606 | 111606 | VAT Receivable/Refund | asset_current | 0 | 부가세대급금 |
25 | l10n_kr_111607 | 111607 | Prepaid Taxes | asset_current | 0 | 선납세금 |
26 | l10n_kr_111608 | 111608 | Outstanding Receipts | asset_current | 0 | 미결제수금 |
27 | l10n_kr_111609 | 111609 | Outstanding Payments | asset_current | 0 | 미결제지급 |
28 | l10n_kr_111610 | 111610 | Bank Suspense Account | asset_current | 0 | 은행가계정 |
29 | l10n_kr_111611 | 111611 | Liquidity Transfer | asset_current | 1 | 유동성 이전 |
30 | l10n_kr_112101 | 112101 | Merchandise | asset_current | 0 | 상품 |
31 | l10n_kr_112102 | 112102 | Merchandise Custom Duties Reimbursed | asset_current | 0 | 상품관세환급금 |
32 | l10n_kr_112201 | 112201 | Finished Goods | asset_current | 0 | 제품 |
33 | l10n_kr_112202 | 112202 | Finished Goods Custom Duties Reimbursed | asset_current | 0 | 제품관세환급금 |
34 | l10n_kr_112301 | 112301 | Semi-Finished Goods | asset_current | 0 | 반제품 |
35 | l10n_kr_112401 | 112401 | Work In Progress | asset_current | 0 | 재공품 |
36 | l10n_kr_112501 | 112501 | Raw Materials | asset_current | 0 | 원재료 |
37 | l10n_kr_112502 | 112502 | Raw Materials (Sub-Materials) | asset_current | 0 | 부재료 |
38 | l10n_kr_112602 | 112602 | Supplies | asset_current | 0 | 저장품 |
39 | l10n_kr_112701 | 112701 | Goods in transit | asset_current | 0 | 미착품 |
40 | l10n_kr_112702 | 112702 | Stock Interim (Received) | asset_current | 0 | 재고 중간(입고) |
41 | l10n_kr_112703 | 112703 | Stock Interim (Delivered) | asset_current | 0 | 재고 중간(출고) |
42 | l10n_kr_112704 | 112704 | Cost of Production | asset_current | 0 | 재고 중간(제조) |
43 | l10n_kr_121101 | 121101 | Investment property | asset_non_current | 0 | 투자부동산 |
44 | l10n_kr_121201 | 121201 | Long-term Financial Instruments | asset_non_current | 0 | 장기금융상품 |
45 | l10n_kr_121202 | 121202 | Restricted Bank and Cash | asset_non_current | 0 | 특정현금과예금 |
46 | l10n_kr_121301 | 121301 | Investments accounted for using equity method | asset_non_current | 0 | 지분법적용투자주식 |
47 | l10n_kr_121401 | 121401 | Long-term Loans | asset_non_current | 0 | 장기대여금 |
48 | l10n_kr_121402 | 121402 | Long-term Receivables | asset_non_current | 0 | 장기대여금대손충당금 |
49 | l10n_kr_121501 | 121501 | Long-term Trade Receivables | asset_non_current | 0 | 장기성매출채권 |
50 | l10n_kr_121502 | 121502 | Present Value Discount | asset_non_current | 0 | 현재가치할인차금 |
51 | l10n_kr_121503 | 121503 | Allowance for Long-term Accounts Receivable Loan Loss | asset_non_current | 0 | 장기성매출채권대손충당금 |
52 | l10n_kr_121504 | 121504 | dishonored bills and checks | asset_non_current | 0 | 부도어음과수표 |
53 | l10n_kr_121505 | 121505 | Allowance for bad debts and checks | asset_non_current | 0 | 부도어음과수표대손충당금 |
54 | l10n_kr_122101 | 122101 | Land | asset_fixed | 0 | 토지 |
55 | l10n_kr_122201 | 122201 | Buildings | asset_fixed | 0 | 건물 |
56 | l10n_kr_122202 | 122202 | Accu. Depreciation - Buildings | asset_fixed | 0 | 건물감가상각누계액 |
57 | l10n_kr_122203 | 122203 | Construct | asset_fixed | 0 | 구축물 |
58 | l10n_kr_122204 | 122204 | Accu. Depreciation - Construct | asset_fixed | 0 | 구축물감가상각누계액 |
59 | l10n_kr_122205 | 122205 | Machinery | asset_fixed | 0 | 기계장치 |
60 | l10n_kr_122206 | 122206 | Accu. Depreciation - Machinery | asset_fixed | 0 | 기계장치감가상각누계액 |
61 | l10n_kr_122207 | 122207 | Vehicle | asset_fixed | 0 | 차량운반구 |
62 | l10n_kr_122208 | 122208 | Accu. Depreciation - Vehicle | asset_fixed | 0 | 차량운반구감가상각누계액 |
63 | l10n_kr_122209 | 122209 | Tools and Utensils | asset_fixed | 0 | 공구와기구 |
64 | l10n_kr_122210 | 122210 | Accu. Depreciation - Tools and Utensils | asset_fixed | 0 | 공구와기구감가상각누계액 |
65 | l10n_kr_122211 | 122211 | Office Supplies | asset_fixed | 0 | 비품 |
66 | l10n_kr_122212 | 122212 | Accu. Depreciation - Office Supplies | asset_fixed | 0 | 비품감가상각누계액 |
67 | l10n_kr_122213 | 122213 | Facility Equipment | asset_fixed | 0 | 시설장치 |
68 | l10n_kr_122214 | 122214 | Accu. Depreciation - Facility Equipment | asset_fixed | 0 | 시설장치감가상각누계액 |
69 | l10n_kr_122215 | 122215 | Facility | asset_fixed | 0 | 설비자산 |
70 | l10n_kr_122216 | 122216 | Accu. Depreciation - Facility | asset_fixed | 0 | 설비자산감가상각누계액 |
71 | l10n_kr_122301 | 122301 | Construction in progress | asset_fixed | 0 | 건설중인자산 |
72 | l10n_kr_122401 | 122401 | Other Tangible Assets | asset_fixed | 0 | 기타유형자산 |
73 | l10n_kr_122402 | 122402 | Accu. Depreciation - Other Assets | asset_fixed | 0 | 기타유형자산감가상각누계액 |
74 | l10n_kr_123101 | 123101 | Goodwill | asset_fixed | 0 | 영업권 |
75 | l10n_kr_123201 | 123201 | Patents | asset_fixed | 0 | 특허권 |
76 | l10n_kr_123301 | 123301 | Development Cost | asset_fixed | 0 | 개발비 |
77 | l10n_kr_123401 | 123401 | License | asset_fixed | 0 | 라이선스 |
78 | l10n_kr_123402 | 123402 | Copyright | asset_fixed | 0 | 저작권 |
79 | l10n_kr_123403 | 123403 | Software | asset_fixed | 0 | 컴퓨터소프트웨어 |
80 | l10n_kr_123404 | 123404 | Rental Interest Fee | asset_fixed | 0 | 임차권리금 |
81 | l10n_kr_123405 | 123405 | Mining Rights | asset_fixed | 0 | 광업권 |
82 | l10n_kr_123406 | 123406 | Fishing Rights | asset_fixed | 0 | 어업권 |
83 | l10n_kr_124101 | 124101 | Deferred tax assets (Non Current) | asset_fixed | 0 | 이연법인세자산 |
84 | l10n_kr_124201 | 124201 | Long-term Trade Receivables | asset_fixed | 0 | 장기매출채권 |
85 | l10n_kr_124202 | 124202 | Long-term Prepayment Cost | asset_fixed | 0 | 장기선급비용 |
86 | l10n_kr_124203 | 124203 | Long-term Advance Payment | asset_fixed | 0 | 장기선급금 |
87 | l10n_kr_124204 | 124204 | Long-term Receivables | asset_fixed | 0 | 장기미수금 |
88 | l10n_kr_124205 | 124205 | Rent Deposit | asset_fixed | 0 | 임차보증금 |
89 | l10n_kr_124206 | 124206 | Other Deposits | asset_fixed | 0 | 기타보증금 |
90 | l10n_kr_211001 | 211001 | Short-term borrowings | liability_current | 0 | 단기차입금 |
91 | l10n_kr_211002 | 211002 | Bank overdrafts | liability_current | 0 | 당좌차월 |
92 | l10n_kr_212001 | 212001 | Accounts Payable | liability_payable | 1 | 외상매입금 |
93 | l10n_kr_212002 | 212002 | Notes Payable | liability_payable | 1 | 지급어음 |
94 | l10n_kr_213001 | 213001 | Current Tax Liabilities | liability_current | 0 | 당기법인세부채 |
95 | l10n_kr_214001 | 214001 | Accruals | liability_current | 0 | 미지급비용 |
96 | l10n_kr_214002 | 214002 | Salary Payable | liability_current | 0 | 미지급 급여 |
97 | l10n_kr_215001 | 215001 | Deferred Tax Liabilities | liability_current | 0 | 이연법인세부채 |
98 | l10n_kr_216001 | 216001 | Advance Payment Received | liability_current | 0 | 선수금 |
99 | l10n_kr_216002 | 216002 | Withholdings | liability_current | 0 | 예수금 |
100 | l10n_kr_216003 | 216003 | Guarantee deposits received | liability_current | 0 | 예수보증금 |
101 | l10n_kr_216004 | 216004 | VAT Payable | liability_current | 0 | 부가세예수금 |
102 | l10n_kr_216005 | 216005 | Unearned Revenues | liability_current | 0 | 선수수익 |
103 | l10n_kr_216006 | 216006 | Non-trade Payable | liability_current | 0 | 미지급금 |
104 | l10n_kr_216007 | 216007 | Suspense Receipts | liability_current | 0 | 가수금 |
105 | l10n_kr_221001 | 221001 | Bonds | liability_non_current | 0 | 사채 |
106 | l10n_kr_222001 | 222001 | Bonds With Warrants | liability_non_current | 0 | 신주인수권부사채 |
107 | l10n_kr_223001 | 223001 | Convertible Bond | liability_non_current | 0 | 전환사채 |
108 | l10n_kr_224001 | 224001 | Non-Current Borrowings | liability_non_current | 0 | 장기차입금 |
109 | l10n_kr_225001 | 225001 | Post-Employment Benefit Obligations | liability_non_current | 0 | 퇴직급여충당부채 |
110 | l10n_kr_226001 | 226001 | Long-term Warranty Provision | liability_non_current | 0 | 장기제품보증충당부채 |
111 | l10n_kr_227001 | 227001 | Deferred Tax Liabilities | liability_non_current | 0 | 이연법인세부채 |
112 | l10n_kr_228001 | 228001 | Rental Deposit | liability_non_current | 0 | 임대보증금 |
113 | l10n_kr_310001 | 310001 | Ordinary Shares | equity | 0 | 보통주자본금 |
114 | l10n_kr_310002 | 310002 | Preference Shares | equity | 0 | 우선주자본금 |
115 | l10n_kr_320001 | 320001 | Share Premium | equity | 0 | 주식발행초과금 |
116 | l10n_kr_320002 | 320002 | Gain on Disposition Of Treasury Shares | equity | 0 | 자기주식처분이익 |
117 | l10n_kr_320003 | 320003 | Gain on Capital Reduction | equity | 0 | 감자차익 |
118 | l10n_kr_330001 | 330001 | Treasury Shares | equity | 0 | 자기주식 |
119 | l10n_kr_330002 | 330002 | Discount on Share Issuance | equity | 0 | 주식할인발행차금 |
120 | l10n_kr_330003 | 330003 | Share Options | equity | 0 | 주식매입선택권 |
121 | l10n_kr_330004 | 330004 | Debt-To-Equity Conversion | equity | 0 | 출자전환채무 |
122 | l10n_kr_330005 | 330005 | Losses From Capital Reduction | equity | 0 | 감자차손 |
123 | l10n_kr_340001 | 340001 | Gain(loss) On Remeasurement Of Available-for-sale Securities | equity | 0 | 매도가능증권평가손익 |
124 | l10n_kr_340002 | 340002 | Exchange Differences on Translating Foreign Operations | equity | 0 | 해외사업환산손익 |
125 | l10n_kr_340003 | 340003 | Gain(loss) On Remeasurement Of Derivates For Cash Flow Hedges | equity | 0 | 현금흐름위험회피파생상품평가손익 |
126 | l10n_kr_351001 | 351001 | Legal Reserve | equity | 0 | 법정적립금 |
127 | l10n_kr_351002 | 351002 | Other Legal Reserve | equity | 0 | 기타법정적립금 |
128 | l10n_kr_352001 | 352001 | Other Voluntary Reserve | equity | 0 | 기타임의적립금 |
129 | l10n_kr_353001 | 353001 | Previous Years Unappropriated Retained Earnings | equity | 0 | 전기이월미처분이익잉여금 |
130 | l10n_kr_410001 | 410001 | Sales Income - Goods | income | 0 | 상품매출 |
131 | l10n_kr_410002 | 410002 | Sales Allowance and Return - Goods | income | 0 | 상품매출환입및에누리 |
132 | l10n_kr_410003 | 410003 | Sales Discounts - Goods | income | 0 | 상품매출할인 |
133 | l10n_kr_410004 | 410004 | Cash Discount Gain/Loss | income | 0 | 상품매출현금할인수익/손실 |
134 | l10n_kr_410006 | 410006 | Sales Income - Products | income | 0 | 제품매출 |
135 | l10n_kr_410007 | 410007 | Sales Allowance and Return - Products | income | 0 | 제품매출환입및에누리 |
136 | l10n_kr_410008 | 410008 | Sales Discounts - Products | income | 0 | 제품매출할인 |
137 | l10n_kr_510001 | 510001 | Cost of Revenue - Goods | expense_direct_cost | 0 | 상품매출원가 |
138 | l10n_kr_510002 | 510002 | Cost of Revenue - Products | expense_direct_cost | 0 | 제품매출원가 |
139 | l10n_kr_610001 | 610001 | Salaries | expense | 0 | 급여 |
140 | l10n_kr_610002 | 610002 | Post-employment Benefits | expense | 0 | 퇴직급여 |
141 | l10n_kr_610003 | 610003 | Fringe Benefits | expense | 0 | 복리후생비 |
142 | l10n_kr_610004 | 610004 | Rent Expense | expense | 0 | 임차료 |
143 | l10n_kr_610005 | 610005 | Entertainment Expense | expense | 0 | 접대비 |
144 | l10n_kr_610006 | 610006 | Depreciation | expense_depreciation | 0 | 감가상각비 |
145 | l10n_kr_610007 | 610007 | Amortization | expense | 0 | 무형자산상각비 |
146 | l10n_kr_610008 | 610008 | Taxes and Dues | expense | 0 | 세금과공과 |
147 | l10n_kr_610009 | 610009 | Advertising | expense | 0 | 광고선전비 |
148 | l10n_kr_610010 | 610010 | Research | expense | 0 | 연구비 |
149 | l10n_kr_610011 | 610011 | Ordinary Development | expense | 0 | 경상개발비 |
150 | l10n_kr_610012 | 610012 | Bad Debt Expense | expense | 0 | 대손상각비 |
151 | l10n_kr_610013 | 610013 | Work in Progress Overhead | expense | 0 | 재공품 오버 헤드비 |
152 | l10n_kr_420001 | 420001 | Interest Income | income | 0 | 이자수익 |
153 | l10n_kr_420002 | 420002 | Dividend Income | income | 0 | 배당금수익 |
154 | l10n_kr_420003 | 420003 | Rental Income | income | 0 | 임대료 |
155 | l10n_kr_420004 | 420004 | Gain on Disposal of Short-term Investments | income | 0 | 단기투자자산처분이익 |
156 | l10n_kr_420005 | 420005 | Gain on Remeasurement of Short-term Investments | income | 0 | 단기투자자산평가이익 |
157 | l10n_kr_420006 | 420006 | Gain from Foreign Exchange Differences on Settlement | income | 0 | 외환차익 |
158 | l10n_kr_420007 | 420007 | Gain from Foreign Exchange Differences on Translation | income | 0 | 외화환산이익 |
159 | l10n_kr_420008 | 420008 | Gain on Investments Accounted for Using Equity Method | income | 0 | 지분법이익 |
160 | l10n_kr_420009 | 420009 | Reversal of Impairment Loss on Long-term Securities | income | 0 | 장기투자증권손상차손환입 |
161 | l10n_kr_420010 | 420010 | Gain on disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment | income | 0 | 유형자산처분이익 |
162 | l10n_kr_420011 | 420011 | Gain on Redemption of Bonds | income | 0 | 사채상환이익 |
163 | l10n_kr_420012 | 420012 | Gain on Prior Period Error Corrections | income | 0 | 전기오류수정이익 |
164 | l10n_kr_420013 | 420013 | Miscellaneous Income | income | 0 | 잡이익 |
165 | l10n_kr_420014 | 420014 | Corporate Income Tax Refund | income | 0 | 법인세환급액 |
166 | l10n_kr_620001 | 620001 | Interest Expense | expense | 0 | 이자비용 |
167 | l10n_kr_620002 | 620002 | Other Bad Debt Expense | expense | 0 | 기타의대손상각비 |
168 | l10n_kr_620003 | 620003 | Loss on Disposal of Short-term Investments | expense | 0 | 단기투자자산처분손실 |
169 | l10n_kr_620004 | 620004 | Loss on Remeasurement of Short-term Investments | expense | 0 | 단기투자자산평가손실 |
170 | l10n_kr_620005 | 620005 | Inventory Loss | expense | 0 | 재고자산감모손실 |
171 | l10n_kr_620006 | 620006 | Loss from Foreign Exchange Differences on Settlement | expense | 0 | 외환차손 |
172 | l10n_kr_620007 | 620007 | Loss from Foreign Exchange Differences on Translation | expense | 0 | 외화환산손실 |
173 | l10n_kr_620008 | 620008 | Donations | expense | 0 | 기부금 |
174 | l10n_kr_620009 | 620009 | Loss on Investments Accounted for Using Equity Method | expense | 0 | 지분법손실 |
175 | l10n_kr_620010 | 620010 | Impairment Loss on Long-term Securities | expense | 0 | 장기투자증권손상차손 |
176 | l10n_kr_620011 | 620011 | Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment | expense | 0 | 유형자산처분손실 |
177 | l10n_kr_620012 | 620012 | Loss on Redemption of Bonds | expense | 0 | 사채상환손실 |
178 | l10n_kr_620013 | 620013 | Loss on Prior Period Error Corrections | expense | 0 | 전기오류수정손실 |
179 | l10n_kr_620014 | 620014 | Miscellaneous Loss | expense | 0 | 잡손실 |
180 | l10n_kr_620015 | 620015 | Corporate Income Tax Paid in Advance | expense | 0 | 법인세추납액 |
181 | l10n_kr_630001 | 630001 | Tax Expense(income) | expense | 0 | 법인세등 |
182 | l10n_kr_999999 | 999999 | Undistributed Profits/Losses | equity_unaffected | 0 | 미배분이익(또는 미배분손실) |