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1 | id | name | code | account_type | tag_ids | reconcile | name@nl | name@de |
2 | 0010 | Acquisition value Goodwill | 0010 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_immat | False | Aanschafwaarde Goodwill | Anschaffungswert Geschäftswert |
3 | 0019 | Amortisation Goodwill | 0019 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_immat | False | Afschrijving Goodwill | Amortisation Geschäftswert |
4 | 0020 | Acquisition value other intangible assets | 0020 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_immat | False | Aanschafwaarde overige immateriele vaste activa | Anschaffungswert sonstige immaterielle Vermögenswerte |
5 | 0029 | Amortisation of other intangible assets | 0029 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_immat | False | Afschrijving overige immateriele vaste activa | Amortisation auf sonstige immaterielle Vermögenswerte |
6 | 0101 | Land purchase value | 0101 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Grond | Wert des Grunderwerbs |
7 | 0110 | Acquisition value of buildings | 0110 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Gebouwen | Anschaffungswert der Gebäude |
8 | 0119 | Depreciation of buildings | 0119 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Gebouwen | Abschreibung von Gebäuden |
9 | 0120 | Acquisition value of shops | 0120 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Winkels | Anschaffungswert der Geschäfte |
10 | 0129 | Depreciation of shops | 0129 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Winkels | Abschreibung von Geschäften |
11 | 0130 | Acquisition value of renovations | 0130 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Verbouwingen | Anschaffungswert der Renovierungen |
12 | 0139 | Depreciation of renovations | 0139 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Verbouwingen | Abschreibung von Renovierungen |
13 | 0210 | Acquisition value of machinery 1 | 0210 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Machines 1 | Anschaffungswert der Maschinen 1 |
14 | 0219 | Depreciation of machinery 1 | 0219 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Machines 1 | Abschreibung von Maschinen 1 |
15 | 0220 | Acquisition value of machinery 2 | 0220 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Machines 2 | Anschaffungswert der Maschinen 2 |
16 | 0229 | Depreciation of machinery 2 | 0229 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Machines 2 | Abschreibung von Maschinen 2 |
17 | 0310 | Purchase value of business equipment | 0310 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Bedrijfsinventaris | Anschaffungswert der Geschäftsausstattung |
18 | 0319 | Depreciation of business equipment | 0319 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Bedrijfsinventaris | Abschreibung von Geschäftsausstattung |
19 | 0320 | Purchase value of warehouse inventory | 0320 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Magazijninventaris | Anschaffungswert des Lagerbestands |
20 | 0329 | Depreciation of warehouse inventory | 0329 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Magazijninventaris | Abschreibung von Lagerbeständen |
21 | 0330 | Purchase value of factory inventory | 0330 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Fabrieksinventaris | Abschreibung des Fabrikinventars |
22 | 0339 | Depreciation of factory inventory | 0339 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Fabrieksinventaris | Abschreibung des Fabrikinventars |
23 | 0340 | Purchase value of tools | 0340 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Gereedschappen | Anschaffungswert der Werkzeuge |
24 | 0349 | Depreciation of tools | 0349 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Gereedschappen | Abschreibung von Werkzeugen |
25 | 0350 | Purchase value of office equipment | 0350 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Kantoorinventaris | Anschaffungswert der Büroausstattung |
26 | 0359 | Depreciation of office equipment | 0359 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Kantoorinventaris | Abschreibung von Büromaterial |
27 | 0360 | Purchase value of office machinery | 0360 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Kantoormachines | Anschaffungswert der Büromaschinen |
28 | 0369 | Depreciation of office machinery | 0369 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Kantoormachines | Abschreibung von Büromaschinen |
29 | 0370 | Purchase value of canteen inventory | 0370 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Kantine-inventaris | Anschaffungswert des Kantineninventars |
30 | 0379 | Depreciation of canteen inventory | 0379 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Kantine-inventaris | Abschreibung des Kantineninventars |
31 | 0410 | Purchase value of passenger cars | 0410 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Personenauto's | Anschaffungswert von Personenkraftwagen |
32 | 0419 | Depreciation of passenger cars | 0419 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Personenauto's | Abschreibung von Personenkraftwagen |
33 | 0420 | Purchase value other transport equipment | 0420 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde overige vervoersmiddelen | Anschaffungswert sonstige Transportmittel |
34 | 0429 | Depreciation of other transport equipment | 0429 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving overige vervoersmiddelen | Abschreibung von sonstigem Transportmaterial |
35 | 0430 | Purchase value of trucks | 0430 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Aanschafwaarde Vrachtauto's | Abschreibung von Lastkraftwagen |
36 | 0439 | Depreciation of trucks | 0439 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_23 | False | Afschrijving Vrachtauto's | Abschreibung von Lastkraftwagen |
37 | 0510 | Participation 1 | 0510 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Deelneming 1 | Teilnahme 1 |
38 | 0520 | Participation 2 | 0520 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Deelneming 2 | Teilnahme 2 |
39 | 0530 | Participation 3 | 0530 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Deelneming 3 | Teilnahme 3 |
40 | 0551 | Receivables from participation 1 | 0551 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Vorderingen op deelneming 1 | Forderungen aus Beteiligungen 1 |
41 | 0552 | Receivables from participation 2 | 0552 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Vorderingen op deelneming 2 | Forderungen aus Beteiligungen 2 |
42 | 0553 | Receivables from participation 3 | 0553 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Vorderingen op deelneming 3 | Forderungen aus Beteiligungen 3 |
43 | 0561 | Mortgages receivable 1 | 0561 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Hypotheken u/g 1 | Forderungen aus Hypotheken 1 |
44 | 0562 | Mortgages receivable 2 | 0562 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Hypotheken u/g 2 | Forderungen aus Hypotheken 2 |
45 | 0563 | Mortgages receivable 3 | 0563 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Hypotheken u/g 3 | Forderungen aus Hypotheken 3 |
46 | 0565 | Loans receivable 1 | 0565 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Leningen u/g 1 | Forderungen aus Darlehen 1 |
47 | 0566 | Loans receivable 2 | 0566 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Leningen u/g 2 | Forderungen aus Darlehen 2 |
48 | 0567 | Loans receivable 3 | 0567 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Leningen u/g 3 | Forderungen aus Darlehen 3 |
49 | 0570 | Security deposits | 0570 | asset_fixed | l10n_nl.account_tag_fin | False | Waarborgsommen | Kautionen |
50 | 0610 | Share capital | 0610 | equity | l10n_nl.account_tag_cap | False | Aandelenkapitaal | Grundkapital |
51 | 0620 | Legal reserves | 0620 | equity | l10n_nl.account_tag_legal_res | False | Wettelijke reserves | Gesetzliche Reserven |
52 | 0630 | Share premium reserve | 0630 | equity | l10n_nl.account_tag_premium | False | Agioreserve | Kapitalrücklage |
53 | 0640 | General reserve | 0640 | equity | l10n_nl.account_tag_other_res | False | Algemene reserve | Allgemeine Reserve |
54 | 0650 | Other reserves | 0650 | equity | l10n_nl.account_tag_other_res | False | Overige reserves | Sonstige Rücklagen |
55 | 0660 | Revaluation reserve | 0660 | equity | l10n_nl.account_tag_revaluation_res | False | Herwaarderingsreserve | Neubewertungsrücklage |
56 | 0710 | Provision for pension liabilities | 0710 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_14 | False | Voorziening pensioenverplichtingen | Rückstellung für Pensionsverpflichtungen |
57 | 0720 | Major maintenance equalisation reserve | 0720 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_14 | False | Egalisatiereserve groot onderhoud | Schwankungsreserve für größere Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen |
58 | 0730 | Provision for participating interests | 0730 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_14 | False | Voorziening deelnemingen | Rückstellung für Beteiligungen |
59 | 0740 | Deferred tax liability | 0740 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_14 | False | Latente belastingverplichting | Latente Steuerschuld |
60 | 0750 | Other provisions | 0750 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_14 | False | Overige voorzieningen | Sonstige Bestimmungen |
61 | 0760 | Guarantee liabilities | 0760 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_14 | False | Garantieverplichtingen | Bürgschaftsverpflichtungen |
62 | 0811 | Mortgages payable 1 | 0811 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Hypotheken o/g 1 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Hypotheken 1 |
63 | 0812 | Mortgages payable 2 | 0812 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Hypotheken o/g 2 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Hypotheken 2 |
64 | 0813 | Mortgages payable 3 | 0813 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Hypotheken o/g 3 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Hypotheken 3 |
65 | 0814 | Mortgages payable 4 | 0814 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Hypotheken o/g 4 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Hypotheken 4 |
66 | 0815 | Mortgages payable 5 | 0815 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Hypotheken o/g 5 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Hypotheken 5 |
67 | 0821 | Loans payable 1 | 0821 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Leningen o/g 1 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Krediten 1 |
68 | 0822 | Loans payable 2 | 0822 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Leningen o/g 2 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Krediten 2 |
69 | 0823 | Loans payable 3 | 0823 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Leningen o/g 3 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Krediten 3 |
70 | 0824 | Loans payable 4 | 0824 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Leningen o/g 4 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Krediten 4 |
71 | 0825 | Loans payable 5 | 0825 | liability_non_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_long_debt | False | Leningen o/g 5 | Verbindlichkeiten aus Krediten 5 |
72 | 1040 | Demand items | 1040 | asset_cash | l10n_nl.account_tag_25 | False | Vraagposten | Bedarfspositionen |
73 | recv | Debtors | 1100 | asset_receivable | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | True | Debiteuren | Debitoren |
74 | recv_pos | Debtors (PoS) | 1101 | asset_receivable | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | True | Debiteuren (PoS) | Debitoren (PoS) |
75 | 1150 | Doubtful debtors | 1150 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Dubieuze debiteuren | Zweifelhafte Schuldner |
76 | 1160 | Provision for doubtful debts | 1160 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Voorziening dubieuze debiteuren | Rückstellung für zweifelhafte Forderungen |
77 | 1205 | Prepaid expenses | 1205 | asset_prepayments | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Vooruitbetaalde kosten | Aktive Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten |
78 | 1210 | Deposit | 1210 | asset_prepayments | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Borg | Einzahlung |
79 | 1220 | Interest to be received | 1220 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Te ontvangen rente | Zu erhaltende Zinsen |
80 | 1230 | Sick pay to be received | 1230 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Te ontvangen ziekengeld | Zu erhaltendes Krankengeld |
81 | 1250 | Still to be invoiced (outgoing stock) | 1250 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Nog te factureren (uitgaande voorraad) | Noch zu fakturieren (Lagerabgang) |
82 | 1290 | Other short-term receivables | 1290 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_27 | False | Overige kortlopende vorderingen | Sonstige kurzfristige Forderungen |
83 | pay | Creditors | 1300 | liability_payable | l10n_nl.account_tag_cred | True | Crediteuren | Gläubiger |
84 | 1350 | Payments in transit | 1350 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Betalingen onderweg | Durchlaufende Zahlungen |
85 | 1405 | Invoiced amounts in advance | 1405 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Vooruit gefactureerde bedragen | Im Voraus in Rechnung gestellte Beträge |
86 | 1410 | Interest to be paid | 1410 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen rente | Zu zahlende Zinsen |
87 | 1420 | Dividends to be paid | 1420 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen dividend | Auszuschüttende Dividenden |
88 | 1430 | Audit fees to be paid | 1430 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen accountantskosten | Zu zahlende Prüfungsgebühren |
89 | 1440 | Telephone charges to be paid | 1440 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen telefoonkosten | Zu zahlende Telefongebühren |
90 | 1450 | Invoices to be received (incoming stock) | 1450 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Nog te ontvangen facturen (inkomende voorraad) | Zu erhaltende Rechnungen (Eingangsbestand) |
91 | 1460 | Income tax to be paid | 1460 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen VPB | Zu zahlende Einkommensteuer |
92 | 1470 | Income tax from previous years to be paid | 1470 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen VPB voorgaande jaren | Zu zahlende Einkommensteuer aus früheren Jahren |
93 | 1480 | Dividend tax to be paid | 1480 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen dividendbelasting | Zu zahlende Dividendensteuer |
94 | 1490 | Other current liabilities | 1490 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Overige kortlopende schulden | Sonstige kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten |
95 | vat_payable_h | Deferred VAT high rate | 1500 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer hoher Satz |
96 | vat_payable_l | Deferred VAT low rate | 1501 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW laag tarief | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer niedriger Satz |
97 | vat_payable_0 | Deferred VAT other rates | 1502 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer andere Sätze |
98 | 1503 | Deductible VAT on private use | 1503 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW privé-gebruik | Abzugsfähige Mehrwertsteuer bei privater Nutzung |
99 | vat_payable_v | Chargeable reverse charge VAT | 1504 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW heffing verlegd | Steuerpflichtige Verlagerung der Steuerschuldnerschaft |
100 | 1505 | VAT 0% / not taxed with me | 1505 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | BTW 0% / niet bij mij belast | Mehrwertsteuer 0% / bei mir nicht besteuert |
101 | 1507 | Installation/tele sales within the EU | 1507 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Installatie/televerkoop binnen de EU | Installation/Telefonverkauf innerhalb der EU |
102 | 1508 | Deliveries made to me outside the EU | 1508 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Aan mij verrichte leveringen buiten EU | Lieferungen an mich außerhalb der EU |
103 | 1509 | Deliveries within the EU made to me | 1509 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Aan mij verrichte leveringen binnen EU | Lieferungen innerhalb der EU an mich |
104 | vat_refund_0 | Pre-tax other | 1510 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting overige | Sonstige vor Steuern |
105 | vat_payable_h_non_eu | Deferred VAT high rate outside the EU | 1513 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief buiten de EU | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer hoher Satz außerhalb der EU |
106 | vat_payable_l_non_eu | Deferred VAT low rate outside the EU | 1514 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW laag tarief buiten de EU | Aufgeschobener niedriger Mehrwertsteuersatz außerhalb der EU |
107 | vat_payable_0_non_eu | Deferred VAT other rates outside the EU | 1515 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven buiten de EU | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer andere Sätze außerhalb der EU |
108 | vat_payable_h_eu | EU high rate VAT to be paid | 1516 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief binnen de EU | Hoher EU-Mehrwertsteuersatz zu entrichten |
109 | vat_payable_l_eu | EU low rate VAT to be paid | 1517 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW laag tarief binnen de EU | Niedriger EU-Mehrwertsteuersatz zu entrichten |
110 | vat_payable_0_eu | EU other rate VAT to be paid | 1518 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven binnen de EU | EU anderer Satz zu zahlende Mehrwertsteuer |
111 | vat_refund_h | Pre-tax high | 1520 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting hoog | Hoch vor Steuern |
112 | vat_refund_l | Pre-tax low | 1521 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting laag | Niedrig vor Steuern |
113 | vat_refund_v | Pre-tax shifted | 1522 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting verlegd | Vor Steuern verschoben |
114 | vat_refund_0_eu | Pre-tax other within the EU | 1523 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting overige binnen de EU | Sonstige innerhalb der EU vor Steuern |
115 | vat_refund_h_eu | Pre-tax high within the EU | 1524 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting hoog binnen de EU | Hohe Vorsteuerbeträge innerhalb der EU |
116 | vat_refund_l_eu | Pre-tax low within the EU | 1525 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting laag binnen de EU | Niedriges Vorsteuerergebnis innerhalb der EU |
117 | vat_refund_v_eu | Pre-tax carried forward within the EU | 1526 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting verlegd binnen de EU | Vorsteuer-Vortrag innerhalb der EU |
118 | vat_refund_0_non_eu | Pre-tax other outside EU | 1527 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting overige buiten EU | Sonstige außerhalb der EU vor Steuern |
119 | vat_refund_h_non_eu | Pre-tax high outside EU | 1528 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting hoog buiten EU | Hoch vor Steuern außerhalb der EU |
120 | vat_refund_l_non_eu | Pre-tax low outside EU | 1529 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting laag buiten EU | Niedrig vor Steuern außerhalb der EU |
121 | vat_refund_v_non_eu | Pre-tax carried forward outside EU | 1530 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting verlegd buiten EU | Vorsteuer-Vortrag außerhalb der EU |
122 | 1531 | VAT bad debts | 1531 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | BTW oninbare vorderingen | Uneinbringliche Forderungen bei der Mehrwertsteuer |
123 | 1532 | Small business regulation | 1532 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Kleine ondernemersregeling | Regulierung kleiner Unternehmen |
124 | vat_refund_v_d_non_eu | Pre-tax reverse charge outside EU services | 1535 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting verlegd buiten EU diensten | Umkehrung der Steuerschuldnerschaft außerhalb der EU Dienstleistungen |
125 | vat_payable_h_d | Deferred VAT high rate services | 1540 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief diensten | Aufgeschobene MwSt. für Dienstleistungen mit hohem Steuersatz |
126 | vat_payable_l_d | Deferred VAT low rate services | 1541 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW laag tarief diensten | Aufgeschobene MwSt. für niedrig besteuerte Dienstleistungen |
127 | vat_payable_0_d | Deferred VAT other rate services | 1542 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven diensten | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer andere Dienstleistungen |
128 | vat_payable_v_d | Deferred VAT to be paid on reverse-charge services | 1544 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW heffing verlegd diensten | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer auf Reverse-Charge-Dienstleistungen zu zahlen |
129 | 1550 | Sales tax payments/declaration | 1550 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Afdrachten/aangifte omzetbelasting | Umsatzsteuerzahlungen/-erklärung |
130 | 1560 | Sales tax supplement | 1560 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Suppletie omzetbelasting | Zuschlag für die Umsatzsteuer |
131 | vat_refund_0_d | Pre-tax other services | 1570 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting overige diensten | Sonstige Dienstleistungen vor Steuern |
132 | vat_payable_h_d_non_eu | Deferred VAT high rate outside EU services | 1573 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief buiten de EU diensten | Aufgeschobene MwSt. hoher Satz außerhalb der EU Dienstleistungen |
133 | vat_payable_l_d_non_eu | Deferred VAT low rate outside EU services | 1574 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW laag tarief buiten de EU diensten | Aufgeschobener niedriger Mehrwertsteuersatz außerhalb der EU Dienstleistungen |
134 | vat_payable_0_d_non_eu | Deferred VAT other rates outside EU services | 1575 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven buiten de EU diensten | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer andere Sätze außerhalb der EU Dienstleistungen |
135 | vat_payable_h_d_eu | Deferred VAT high rate within EU services | 1576 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief binnen de EU diensten | Aufgeschobener hoher Mehrwertsteuersatz bei Dienstleistungen in der EU |
136 | vat_payable_l_d_eu | Deferred VAT low rate within EU services | 1577 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW laag tarief binnen de EU diensten | Aufgeschobener niedriger Mehrwertsteuersatz für Dienstleistungen in der EU |
137 | vat_payable_0_d_eu | Deferred VAT other rate within EU services | 1578 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Af te dragen BTW overige tarief binnen de EU diensten | Aufgeschobene Mehrwertsteuer anderer Satz innerhalb der EU Dienstleistungen |
138 | vat_refund_h_d | Pre-tax high services | 1580 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting hoog diensten | Hohe Dienstleistungen vor Steuern |
139 | vat_refund_l_d | Pre-tax low services | 1581 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting laag diensten | Niedrige Dienstleistungen vor Steuern |
140 | vat_refund_v_d | Pre-tax reverse charge services | 1582 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting verlegd diensten | Reverse-Charge-Dienstleistungen vor Steuern |
141 | vat_refund_0_d_eu | Pre-tax other intra-EU services | 1583 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting overige binnen de EU diensten | Sonstige Intra-EU-Dienstleistungen vor Steuern |
142 | vat_refund_h_d_eu | Pre-tax high within EU services | 1584 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting hoog binnen de EU diensten | Hohe Vorsteuerbeträge im EU-Dienstleistungssektor |
143 | vat_refund_l_d_eu | Pre-tax low within EU services | 1585 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting laag binnen de EU diensten | Niedriges Vorsteuerergebnis bei EU-Dienstleistungen |
144 | vat_refund_v_d_eu | Pre-tax reverse charge within EU services | 1586 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting verlegd binnen de EU diensten | Verlagerung der Steuerschuldnerschaft innerhalb der EU-Dienstleistungen vor Steuern |
145 | vat_refund_0_d_non_eu | Pre-tax other non-EU services | 1587 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting overige buiten EU diensten | Sonstige Nicht-EU-Dienstleistungen vor Steuern |
146 | vat_refund_h_d_non_eu | Pre-tax high outside EU services | 1588 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting hoog buiten EU diensten | Hohe Vorsteuerbeträge für Dienstleistungen außerhalb der EU |
147 | vat_refund_l_d_non_eu | Pre-tax low outside EU services | 1589 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorbelasting laag buiten EU diensten | Niedriges Vorsteuerergebnis außerhalb der EU Dienstleistungen |
148 | 1599 | Sales tax liability (end of financial year) | 1599 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Schuld omzetbelasting (einde boekjaar) | Umsatzsteuerschuld (Ende des Haushaltsjahres) |
149 | 1610 | Pension premiums | 1610 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Pensioenpremies | Rentenprämien |
150 | 1615 | Payment of pension contributions | 1615 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Afdracht pensioenpremies | Zahlung von Rentenbeiträgen |
151 | 1620 | Net salaries | 1620 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Netto lonen | Nettogehälter |
152 | 1621 | Advance payment of wages | 1621 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Voorschot loon | Lohnvorauszahlung |
153 | 1625 | Net wages to be paid | 1625 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen netto lonen | Zu zahlende Nettolöhne |
154 | 1630 | Payroll tax | 1630 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Loonheffing | Lohnsummensteuer |
155 | 1635 | Remittance of wage tax | 1635 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Afdracht loonheffing | Abführung der Lohnsteuer |
156 | 1640 | Holidays to be paid | 1640 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen vakantiedagen | Zu bezahlende Feiertage |
157 | 1650 | Holiday pay due | 1650 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Te betalen vakantiegeld | Fälliges Urlaubsgeld |
158 | 2010 | Opening balance sheet suspense account | 2010 | liability_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_sh_debt | False | Tussenrekening beginbalans | Eröffnungsbilanz-Spannungskonto |
159 | 3001 | Raw materials 1 | 3001 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Grondstoffen 1 | Rohmaterialien 1 |
160 | 3002 | Raw materials 2 | 3002 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Grondstoffen 2 | Rohmaterialien 2 |
161 | 3100 | Excipients 1 | 3100 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Hulpstoffen 1 | Hilfsstoffe 1 |
162 | 3110 | Excipients 2 | 3110 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Hulpstoffen 2 | Hilfsstoffe 2 |
163 | 3200 | Stock 1 | 3200 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Voorraad 1 | Lagerbestand 1 |
164 | 3210 | Stock 2 | 3210 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Voorraad 2 | Lagerbestand 2 |
165 | 3300 | Packaging material | 3300 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Verpakkingsmateriaal | Verpackungsmaterial |
166 | 3310 | Packaging | 3310 | asset_current | l10n_nl.account_tag_4 | False | Emballage | Verpackung |
167 | 4001 | Gross wages | 4001 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Bruto lonen | Bruttolöhne |
168 | 4002 | Bonuses and commissions | 4002 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Bonussen en provisies | Boni und Provisionen |
169 | 4003 | Holiday allowance | 4003 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Vakantietoeslag | Urlaubsgeld |
170 | 4004 | Royalty | 4004 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Tantièmes | Lizenzgebühren |
171 | 4005 | Employee car contribution | 4005 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Werknemersbijdrage auto | Beitrag der Mitarbeiter zum Auto |
172 | 4006 | Healthcare Insurance Act (SVW) contribution | 4006 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Bijdrage zorgverzekeringswet (SVW) | Krankenversicherungsgesetz (SVW) Beitrag |
173 | 4010 | Employer's share of payroll taxes | 4010 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Werkgeversdeel loonheffingen | Anteil des Arbeitgebers an der Lohnsummensteuer |
174 | 4011 | Employer's share of pensions | 4011 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_20 | False | Werkgeversdeel pensioenen | Anteil des Arbeitgebers an den Renten |
175 | 4012 | Employer's share of social security contributions | 4012 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_18 | False | Werkgeversdeel sociale lasten | Anteil des Arbeitgebers an den Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen |
176 | 4015 | Provision for holidays | 4015 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Voorziening vakantiedagen | Rückstellung für Urlaub |
177 | 4016 | Compensation for commuting | 4016 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_1 | False | Vergoeding woon-werkverkeer | Entschädigung für Pendler |
178 | 4017 | Reimbursement of study costs | 4017 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Vergoeding studiekosten | Rückerstattung der Studienkosten |
179 | 4018 | Reimbursement of other travel expenses | 4018 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Vergoeding overige reiskosten | Erstattung der sonstigen Reisekosten |
180 | 4019 | Reimbursement of other expenses | 4019 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Vergoeding overige kosten | Erstattung sonstiger Kosten |
181 | 4020 | Management fees | 4020 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Managementvergoedingen | Verwaltungsgebühren |
182 | 4021 | Staff on loan | 4021 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Ingeleend personeel | Ausgeliehenes Personal |
183 | 4022 | Working expenses scheme (WKR max 1.2% gross pay) | 4022 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Werkkostenregeling (WKR max 1.2% brutoloon) | Arbeitskostenregelung (WKR max. 1,2 % des Bruttolohns) |
184 | 4024 | Travel costs of hired staff | 4024 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Reiskosten ingeleend personeel | Reisekosten für eingestelltes Personal |
185 | 4029 | Recharge of direct labour costs | 4029 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Doorbelasting directe loonkosten | Weiterberechnung der direkten Arbeitskosten |
186 | 4030 | Sick leave insurance | 4030 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_18 | False | Ziekteverzuimverzekering | Versicherung gegen Krankheitsurlaub |
187 | 4040 | Canteen costs | 4040 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Kantinekosten | Kantinenkosten |
188 | 4041 | Corporate clothing | 4041 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Bedrijfskleding | Firmenkleidung |
189 | 4042 | Other travel expenses | 4042 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Overige reiskosten | Sonstige Reisekosten |
190 | 4043 | Conferences, seminars and symposia | 4043 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Vergoeding woon- werkverkeer | Konferenzen, Seminare und Symposien |
191 | 4044 | Staff recruitment costs | 4044 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Wervingskosten personeel | Kosten für die Einstellung von Personal |
192 | 4045 | Study and training costs | 4045 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Studie- en opleidingskosten | Studien- und Ausbildungskosten |
193 | 4090 | Other personnel costs | 4090 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_19 | False | Overige personeelskosten | Sonstige Personalkosten |
194 | 4110 | Property rental | 4110 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Huur onroerend goed | Vermietung von Immobilien |
195 | 4111 | Major property maintenance | 4111 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Groot onderhoud onroerend goed | Instandhaltung von Immobilien |
196 | 4112 | Property maintenance | 4112 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Onderhoud onroerend goed | Instandhaltung von Immobilien |
197 | 4113 | Addition to large-scale maintenance equalisation reserve | 4113 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Toevoeging egalisatiereserve Groot onderhoud | Zuführung zur Schwankungsreserve für Großanlagen |
198 | 4120 | Property taxes | 4120 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Belastingen onroerend goed | Grundsteuern |
199 | 4130 | Energy costs | 4130 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Energiekosten | Energiekosten |
200 | 4140 | Cleaning costs | 4140 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Schoonmaakkosten | Kosten für die Reinigung |
201 | 4150 | Property insurance | 4150 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Assurantie onroerend goed | Sachversicherung |
202 | 4190 | Other housing costs | 4190 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Overige huisvestingskosten | Sonstige Wohnkosten |
203 | 4201 | Machine rental | 4201 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Huur machines | Vermietung von Maschinen |
204 | 4202 | Machines leasen (operationele lease) | 4202 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Lease machines (operational lease) | Geleaste Maschinen (Betriebsleasing) |
205 | 4210 | Inventory rental | 4210 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Huur inventaris | Vermietung von Inventar |
206 | 4211 | Lease inventaris (operationele lease) | 4211 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Lease inventaris (operational lease) | Leasing-Inventare (Operating-Leasing) |
207 | 4220 | Machinery maintenance | 4220 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Onderhoud machines | Instandhaltung von Maschinen |
208 | 4230 | Inventory maintenance | 4230 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Onderhoud inventaris | Pflege des Inventars |
209 | 4240 | Tools | 4240 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Gereedschappen | Werkzeuge |
210 | 4250 | Small acquisitions | 4250 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Kleine aanschaffingen | Kleine Akquisitionen |
211 | 4260 | Energy costs machines/inventory | 4260 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Energiekosten machines / inventaris | Energiekosten Maschinen/Lagerbestand |
212 | 4270 | Insurance machinery/inventory | 4270 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Assurantie machines / inventaris | Versicherung Maschinen/Vorräte |
213 | 4280 | Environmental costs | 4280 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Milieukosten | Umweltkosten |
214 | 4290 | Other operating expenses | 4290 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Overige bedrijfskosten | Sonstige betriebliche Aufwendungen |
215 | 4305 | Contributies / subscriptionen | 4305 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Contributies / abonnementen | Beiträge / Abonnements |
216 | 4310 | Office supplies | 4310 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Kantoorbenodigdheden | Büromaterial |
217 | 4320 | Maintenance of office equipment | 4320 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Onderhoud kantoorinventaris | Wartung der Büroausstattung |
218 | 4321 | Office equipment rental | 4321 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Huur kantoorapparatuur | Vermietung von Büroausstattung |
219 | 4322 | Lease of office equipment (operating lease) | 4322 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Lease kantoorinventaris (operational lease) | Leasing von Büroausstattung (Operating Lease) |
220 | 4330 | Phone | 4330 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Telefoon | Telefon |
221 | 4340 | Internet / e-mail | 4340 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Internet / e-mail | Internet/E-Mail |
222 | 4350 | Postage | 4350 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Porti | Porto |
223 | 4360 | Automation costs | 4360 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_hous | False | Automatiseringskosten | Kosten der Automatisierung |
224 | 4390 | Other office expenses | 4390 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_5 | False | Overige kantoorkosten | Sonstige Bürokosten |
225 | 4401 | Fuel for trucks | 4401 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Brandstof vrachtauto's | Kraftstoff für Lkw |
226 | 4402 | Truck maintenance | 4402 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Onderhoud vrachtauto's | Wartung von Lastkraftwagen |
227 | 4403 | Truck rental | 4403 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Huur vrachtauto's | Lkw-Vermietung |
228 | 4404 | Leasing trucks (operational lease) | 4404 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Lease vrachtauto's (operational lease) | Leasing von Lastkraftwagen (Operational Lease) |
229 | 4405 | Insurance trucks | 4405 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Assurantie vrachtauto's | Versicherung Lkw |
230 | 4406 | Truck taxes | 4406 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Belastingen vrachtauto's | Lkw-Steuern |
231 | 4408 | Other costs of trucks | 4408 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Overige kosten vrachtauto's | Sonstige Kosten für Lkw |
232 | 4411 | Fuel cars | 4411 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Brandstof personenauto's | Benzinautos |
233 | 4412 | Car maintenance | 4412 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Onderhoud personenauto's | Autopflege |
234 | 4413 | Car rental | 4413 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Huur personenauto's | Autovermietung |
235 | 4414 | Lease of cars (operational lease) | 4414 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Lease personenauto's (operational lease) | Leasing von Fahrzeugen (operatives Leasing) |
236 | 4415 | Car insurance | 4415 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Assurantie personenauto's | Autoversicherung |
237 | 4416 | Taxes on cars | 4416 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Belastingen personenauto's | Steuern auf Autos |
238 | 4418 | Private car use | 4418 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Privégebruik personenauto's | Private Pkw-Nutzung |
239 | 4419 | Other costs cars | 4419 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Overige kosten personenauto's | Sonstige Kosten Autos |
240 | 4421 | Fuel other means of transport | 4421 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Brandstof overige vervoermiddelen | Kraftstoff für andere Verkehrsmittel |
241 | 4422 | Maintenance of other means of transport | 4422 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Onderhoud overige vervoermiddelen | Wartung anderer Verkehrsmittel |
242 | 4423 | Rental of other means of transport | 4423 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Huur overige vervoermiddelen | Anmietung von sonstigen Verkehrsmitteln |
243 | 4424 | Lease of other means of transport (operational lease) | 4424 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Lease overige vervoermiddelen (operational lease) | Leasing von sonstigen Verkehrsmitteln (Operating Leasing) |
244 | 4425 | Insurance other means of transport | 4425 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Assurantie overige vervoermiddelen | Versicherung anderer Verkehrsmittel |
245 | 4426 | Taxes on other means of transport | 4426 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Belastingen overige vervoermiddelen | Steuern auf andere Verkehrsmittel |
246 | 4428 | Other remaining means of transport | 4428 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Overige overige vervoermiddelen | Andere verbleibende Verkehrsmittel |
247 | 4490 | Other transport costs | 4490 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_6 | False | Overige vervoerskosten | Sonstige Transportkosten |
248 | 4505 | Business gifts | 4505 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Relatiegeschenken | Werbegeschenke |
249 | 4510 | Travel and accommodation expenses | 4510 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Reis- en verblijfkosten | Reise- und Unterbringungskosten |
250 | 4515 | Representation costs | 4515 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Representatiekosten | Repräsentationskosten |
251 | 4520 | Advertising costs | 4520 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Etalagekosten | Kosten für Werbung |
252 | 4525 | Advertisements | 4525 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Advertenties | Inserate |
253 | 4530 | Scholarship costs | 4530 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Beurskosten | Kosten für das Stipendium |
254 | 4535 | Advertising costs | 4535 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Etalagekosten | Kosten für Werbung |
255 | 4540 | Website costs | 4540 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Websitekosten | Kosten der Website |
256 | 4550 | Bad debt write-off | 4550 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Afschrijving dubieuze debiteuren | Abschreibung uneinbringlicher Forderungen |
257 | 4560 | Credit limitation debtors | 4560 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Kredietbeperking debiteuren | Kreditbeschränkung Schuldner |
258 | 4570 | Freight costs | 4570 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_26 | False | Vrachtkosten | Frachtkosten |
259 | 4590 | Other selling expenses | 4590 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_10 | False | Overige verkoopkosten | Sonstige Vertriebskosten |
260 | 4601 | Audit fees | 4601 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Accountantskosten | Prüfungsgebühren |
261 | 4605 | Consultancy fees | 4605 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Advieskosten | Beratungsgebühren |
262 | 4610 | Legal costs | 4610 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Juridische kosten | Gerichtskosten |
263 | 4620 | Insurance | 4620 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Assuranties | Versicherung |
264 | 4621 | Administration fee | 4621 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Administratiekosten | Administration fee |
265 | 4630 | Bank charges | 4630 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Bankkosten | Bankgebühren |
266 | 4690 | Other overheads | 4690 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Overige algemene kosten | Sonstige Gemeinkosten |
267 | 4705 | Mortgage interest | 4705 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Rente hypotheek | Mortgage interest |
268 | 4710 | Loan interest | 4710 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Rente lening | Loan interest |
269 | 4720 | Bank current account interest | 4720 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Rente rekening-courant bank | Bank current account interest |
270 | 4790 | Other interest expenses | 4790 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Overige rentelasten | Other interest expenses |
271 | 4795 | Other interest income | 4795 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_30 | False | Overige rentebaten | Sonstige Zinserträge |
272 | 4805 | Goodwill | 4805 | expense_depreciation | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_22 | False | Goodwill | Goodwill |
273 | 4810 | Buildings / conversions | 4810 | expense_depreciation | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_21 | False | Gebouwen / verbouwingen | Gebäude/Umbauten |
274 | 4820 | Machinery | 4820 | expense_depreciation | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_21 | False | Machines | Maschinenpark |
275 | 4830 | Inventory | 4830 | expense_depreciation | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_21 | False | Inventaris | Bestandsaufnahme |
276 | 4840 | Transport resources | 4840 | expense_depreciation | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_21 | False | Vervoermiddelen | Transportmittel |
277 | 4901 | Book profit fixed assets | 4901 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_reso | False | Boekwinst vaste activa | Buchgewinn Anlagevermögen |
278 | 4902 | Book loss fixed assets | 4902 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_reso | False | Boekverlies vaste activa | Buchverlust Anlagevermögen |
279 | 4910 | Small business scheme Turnover tax | 4910 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_33 | False | Kleine ondernemingsregeling Omzetbelasting | Regelung für Kleinunternehmen Umsatzsteuern |
280 | 4920 | Exchange rate differences | 4920 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Koersverschillen | Wechselkursdifferenzen |
281 | 4930 | Payment differences | 4930 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Betalingsverschillen | Unterschiede bei den Zahlungen |
282 | 4940 | Cash differences | 4940 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Kasverschillen | Differenzbeträge |
283 | 4950 | Other income | 4950 | income_other | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Overige baten | Sonstige Einnahmen |
284 | 4960 | Other expenses | 4960 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Overige lasten | Sonstige Ausgaben |
285 | 4970 | Other income previous years | 4970 | income_other | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Overige baten voorgaande jaren | Sonstige Einnahmen Vorjahre |
286 | 4980 | Other expenses prior years | 4980 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_31 | False | Overige lasten voorgaande jaren | Sonstige Ausgaben Vorjahre |
287 | 7001 | Cost price NL trade goods 1 | 7001 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs NL handelsgoederen 1 | Selbstkostenpreis NL Handelswaren 1 |
288 | 7002 | Cost price within EU trade goods 1 | 7002 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs binnen EU handelsgoederen 1 | Selbstkostenpreis innerhalb der EU Handelswaren 1 |
289 | 7003 | Cost price outside EU trade goods 1 | 7003 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs buiten EU handelsgoederen 1 | Selbstkostenpreis außerhalb der EU Handelswaren 1 |
290 | 7004 | Cost Intercompany trade goods 1 | 7004 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs Intercompany handelsgoederen 1 | Kosten konzerninterne Handelswaren 1 |
291 | 7005 | Cost price NL trade goods 2 | 7005 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs NL handelsgoederen 2 | Selbstkostenpreis NL Handelswaren 2 |
292 | 7006 | Cost price within EU trade goods 2 | 7006 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs binnen EU handelsgoederen 2 | Selbstkostenpreis innerhalb der EU Handelswaren 2 |
293 | 7007 | Cost price outside EU trade goods 2 | 7007 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs buiten EU handelsgoederen 2 | Selbstkostenpreis außerhalb der EU Handelswaren 2 |
294 | 7008 | Cost Intercompany trade goods 2 | 7008 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs Intercompany handelsgoederen 2 | Kosten konzerninterne Handelswaren 2 |
295 | 7009 | Cost price NL trade goods 3 | 7009 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs NL handelsgoederen 3 | Selbstkostenpreis NL Handelswaren 3 |
296 | 7010 | Cost price within EU trade goods 3 | 7010 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs binnen EU handelsgoederen 3 | Selbstkostenpreis innerhalb der EU Handelswaren 3 |
297 | 7011 | Cost price outside EU trade goods 3 | 7011 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs buiten EU handelsgoederen 3 | Selbstkostenpreis außerhalb der EU Handelswaren 3 |
298 | 7012 | Cost Intercompany trade goods 3 | 7012 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs Intercompany handelsgoederen 3 | Kosten konzerninterne Handelswaren 3 |
299 | 7020 | Direct salary costs | 7020 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Directe loonkosten | Direkte Lohnkosten |
300 | 7030 | Production results | 7030 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Productieresultaten | Ergebnisse der Produktion |
301 | 7040 | Cost of third-party work | 7040 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Kostprijs werk derden | Cost of third-party work |
302 | 7050 | Provision for raw material obsolescence | 7050 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Voorziening incourante voorraad grondstof | Provision for raw material obsolescence |
303 | 7051 | Provision for obsolete supplies of consumables | 7051 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Voorziening incourante voorraad hulpstof | Rückstellung für veraltete Verbrauchsgüter |
304 | 7052 | Provision for obsolete stock of trade goods | 7052 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Voorziening incourante voorraad handelsgoederen | Rückstellung für veraltete Bestände an Handelswaren |
305 | 7060 | Purchasing costs | 7060 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Inkoopkosten | Purchasing costs |
306 | 7061 | Purchasing commission | 7061 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Inkoopprovisie | Purchasing commission |
307 | 7062 | Freight costs | 7062 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Vrachtkosten | Frachtkosten |
308 | 7063 | Import costs | 7063 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Invoerkosten | Kosten der Einfuhr |
309 | 7064 | Purchase bonuses | 7064 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Inkoopbonussen | Kaufprämien |
310 | 7065 | Payment discount creditors | 7065 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Betalingskorting crediteuren | Skontogläubiger |
311 | 7070 | Warranty costs | 7070 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Garantiekosten | Gewährleistungskosten |
312 | 7071 | Change in warranty liability | 7071 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Mutatie garantieverplichting | Veränderung der Garantieverpflichtung |
313 | 7080 | Price differences cost | 7080 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Prijsverschillen kostprijs | Preisunterschiede Kosten |
314 | 7090 | Stock adjustment | 7090 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Voorraadaanpassing | Anpassung der Bestände |
315 | 7091 | Rejected stock | 7091 | expense_direct_cost | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_7 | False | Afgekeurde voorraad | Zurückgewiesene Bestände |
316 | 8001 | Turnover NL trade goods 1 | 8001 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet NL handelsgoederen 1 | Umsatz NL Handelswaren 1 |
317 | 8002 | Turnover within EU trade goods 1 | 8002 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet binnen EU handelsgoederen 1 | Umsatz im EU-Warenhandel 1 |
318 | 8003 | Turnover outside EU trade goods 1 | 8003 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet buiten EU handelsgoederen 1 | Umsatz außerhalb der EU Handelswaren 1 |
319 | 8004 | Turnover Intercompany trade goods 1 | 8004 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet Intercompany handelsgoederen 1 | Umsatz konzerninterne Handelswaren 1 |
320 | 8005 | Turnover NL services 1 | 8005 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet NL diensten 1 | Umsatz NL Dienstleistungen 1 |
321 | 8011 | Turnover NL trade goods 2 | 8011 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet NL handelsgoederen 2 | Umsatz NL Handelswaren 2 |
322 | 8012 | Turnover within EU trade goods 2 | 8012 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet binnen EU handelsgoederen 2 | Umsatz im EU-Warenhandel 2 |
323 | 8013 | Turnover outside EU trade goods 2 | 8013 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet buiten EU handelsgoederen 2 | Umsatz außerhalb der EU Handelswaren 2 |
324 | 8014 | Turnover Intercompany trade goods 2 | 8014 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet Intercompany handelsgoederen 2 | Umsatz konzerninterne Handelswaren 2 |
325 | 8015 | Turnover NL services 2 | 8015 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet NL diensten 2 | Umsatz NL Dienstleistungen 2 |
326 | 8021 | Turnover NL trade goods 3 | 8021 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet NL handelsgoederen 3 | Umsatz NL Handelswaren 3 |
327 | 8022 | Turnover within EU trade goods 3 | 8022 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet binnen EU handelsgoederen 3 | Umsatz im EU-Warenhandel 3 |
328 | 8023 | Turnover outside EU trade goods 3 | 8023 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet buiten EU handelsgoederen 2 | Umsatz außerhalb der EU Handelswaren 3 |
329 | 8024 | Turnover Intercompany trade goods 3 | 8024 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet Intercompany handelsgoederen 3 | Umsatz konzerninterne Handelswaren 3 |
330 | 8025 | Turnover NL services 3 | 8025 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet NL diensten 3 | Umsatz NL Dienstleistungen 3 |
331 | 8041 | Turnover NL third-party work | 8041 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet NL werk derden | Umsatz NL Fremdarbeiten |
332 | 8042 | Turnover within EU third-party work | 8042 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet binnen EU werk derden | Umsatz innerhalb der EU bei Arbeiten für Dritte |
333 | 8043 | Turnover outside EU third-party work | 8043 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet buiten EU werk derden | Umsatz außerhalb der EU Arbeiten für Dritte |
334 | 8044 | Turnover Intercompany work third parties | 8044 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Omzet Intercompany werk derden | Umsatz konzerninterne Arbeiten Dritte |
335 | 8065 | Payment discount debtors | 8065 | income_other | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Betalingskorting debiteuren | Skonto Debitoren |
336 | 8090 | Sundry other income | 8090 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Diverse overige opbrengsten | Übrige sonstige Erträge |
337 | 8110 | Installation/remote sales within EU trade goods 1 | 80011 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Installatie/afstandsverkopen binnen EU handelsgoederen 1 | Installation/Fernabsatz innerhalb der EU Handelswaren 1 |
338 | 8120 | Installation/remote sales within EU trade goods 2 | 80012 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Installatie/afstandsverkopen binnen EU handelsgoederen 2 | Installation/Fernabsatz innerhalb der EU Handelswaren 2 |
339 | 8130 | Installation/remote sales within EU trade goods 3 | 80013 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Installatie/afstandsverkopen binnen EU handelsgoederen 3 | Installation/Fernabsatz innerhalb der EU Handelswaren 3 |
340 | 8920 | Exchange rate differences | 8920 | income | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_net | False | Koersverschillen | Wechselkursdifferenzen |
341 | 9011 | Result of participating interests 1 | 9011 | income_other | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_16 | False | Resultaat deelneming 1 | Ergebnis der Beteiligungen 1 |
342 | 9012 | Result of participating interests 2 | 9012 | income_other | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_16 | False | Resultaat deelneming 2 | Ergebnis der Beteiligungen 2 |
343 | 9013 | Result of participating interests 3 | 9013 | income_other | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_16 | False | Resultaat deelneming 3 | Ergebnis der Beteiligungen 3 |
344 | 9150 | Reorganisation costs | 9150 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_8 | False | Reorganisatiekosten | Kosten der Umstrukturierung |
345 | 9200 | Error account | 9200 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_29 | False | Foutenrekening | Fehler Konto |
346 | 9900 | Corporate tax | 9900 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_33 | False | Vennootschapsbelasting | Körperschaftssteuer |
347 | 9950 | Corporation tax previous years | 9950 | expense | l10n_nl.account_tag_prev_years_earnings,l10n_nl.account_tag_33 | False | Vennootschapsbelasting voorgaande jaren | Corporation tax previous years |