54 KiB
54 KiB
1 | id | name | code | account_type | tag_ids | reconcile | name@sr@latin |
2 | rs_000 | Subscribed shares unpaid | 000 | asset_non_current | False | Upisane a neuplaćene akcije | |
3 | rs_001 | Subscribed stakes unpaid | 001 | asset_non_current | False | Upisani a neuplaćeni udeli i ulozi | |
4 | rs_010 | Investment in development | 010 | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja u razvoj | |
5 | rs_011 | Concessions, patents, licenses, goods and services brands | 011 | asset_non_current | False | Koncesije, patenti, licence, robne i uslužne marke | |
6 | rs_012 | Software and other rights | 012 | asset_non_current | False | Softver i ostala prava | |
7 | rs_013 | Godwill | 013 | asset_non_current | False | Gudvil | |
8 | rs_014 | Other intangible assets | 014 | asset_non_current | False | Ostala nematerijalna imovina | |
9 | rs_015 | Intangible assets under preparation | 015 | asset_non_current | False | Nematerijalna imovina u pripremi | |
10 | rs_016 | Advances for acquisition of intangible assets | 016 | asset_non_current | False | Avansi za nematerijalnu imovinu | |
11 | rs_019 | Provisions for acquisition of intangible assets | 019 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti nematerijalne imovine | |
12 | rs_020 | Agricultural and other land | 020 | asset_non_current | False | Poljoprivredno i ostalo zemljište | |
13 | rs_021 | Building land | 021 | asset_non_current | False | Građevinsko zemljište | |
14 | rs_022 | Buildings | 022 | asset_non_current | False | Građevinski objekti | |
15 | rs_023 | Plant and equipment | 023 | asset_non_current | False | Postrojenja i oprema | |
16 | rs_024 | Investment property | 024 | asset_non_current | False | Investicione nekretnine | |
17 | rs_025 | Other property, plant and equipment | 025 | asset_non_current | False | Ostale nekretnine, postrojenja i oprema | |
18 | rs_026 | Property, plant and equipment under construction | 026 | asset_non_current | False | Nekretnine, postrojenja i oprema u pripremi | |
19 | rs_027 | Investment in other property, plant and equipment | 027 | asset_non_current | False | Ulaganja na tuđim nekretninama, postrojenjima i opremi | |
20 | rs_028 | Advances for property, plant and equipment | 028 | asset_non_current | False | Avansi za nekretnine, postrojenja i opremu | |
21 | rs_029 | Provisions for property, plant and equipment | 029 | asset_non_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme | |
22 | rs_030 | Forests | 030 | asset_non_current | False | Šume | |
23 | rs_031 | Plantations | 031 | asset_non_current | False | Višegodišnji zasadi | |
24 | rs_032 | Livestock | 032 | asset_non_current | False | Osnovno stado | |
25 | rs_037 | Natural assets under construction | 037 | asset_non_current | False | Biološka sredstva u pripremi | |
26 | rs_038 | Advances for natural assets | 038 | asset_non_current | False | Avansi za biološka sredstva | |
27 | rs_039 | Provisions of natural assets | 039 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti bioloških sredstava | |
28 | rs_040 | Investments in capital of parent companies and subsidiaries | 040 | asset_non_current | False | Učešća u kapitalu zavisnih pravnih lica | |
29 | rs_041 | Investments in capital of associated legal entities and joint ventures | 041 | asset_non_current | False | Učešća u kapitalu pridruženih pravnih lica i zajedničkim poduhvatima | |
30 | rs_042 | Investments in other legal entities and other securities available for sale | 042 | asset_non_current | False | Učešća u kapitalu ostalih pravnih lica i druge hartije od vrednosti raspoložive za prodaju | |
31 | rs_0430 | Long-term domestic loans to parent companies, to subsidiaries | 0430 | asset_non_current | False | Dugoročni domaći krediti matičnim preduzećima, zavisnim preduzećima | |
32 | rs_0431 | Long-term domestic loans to other associated companies | 0431 | asset_non_current | False | Dugoročni domaći krediti drugim povezanim preduzećima | |
33 | rs_0440 | Long-term foreign loans to parent companies, to subsidiaries | 0440 | asset_non_current | False | Dugoročni inostrani krediti matičnim preduzećima, zavisnim preduzećima | |
34 | rs_0441 | Long-term foreign loans to other associated companies | 0441 | asset_non_current | False | Dugoročni inostrani krediti drugim povezanim preduzećima | |
35 | rs_0450 | Long term domestic loans | 0450 | asset_non_current | False | Dugoročni domaći krediti | |
36 | rs_0451 | Long term foreign loans | 0451 | asset_non_current | False | Dugoročni inostrani krediti | |
37 | rs_046 | Securities held to maturity | 046 | asset_non_current | False | Hartije od vrednosti koje se drže do dospeća | |
38 | rs_047 | Own stocks and shares purchased | 047 | asset_non_current | False | Otkupljene sopstvene akcije i otkupljeni sopstveni udeli | |
39 | rs_048 | Other long term financial investments | 048 | asset_non_current | False | Ostali dugoročni finansijski plasmani | |
40 | rs_049 | Provisions for long-term financial investments | 049 | asset_non_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti dugoročnih finansijskih plasmana | |
41 | rs_050 | Receivables from parent and dependent legal entities | 050 | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja od matičnih i zavisnih pravnih lica | |
42 | rs_051 | Receivables from other related parties | 051 | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja od ostalih povezanih lica | |
43 | rs_052 | Receivables based on sales on commodity credit | 052 | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja po osnovu prodaje na robni kredit | |
44 | rs_053 | Receivables for sale under financial lease agreements | 053 | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja za prodaju po ugovorima o finansijskom lizingu | |
45 | rs_054 | Receivables based on warranty | 054 | asset_non_current | False | Potraživanja po osnovu jemstva | |
46 | rs_055 | Contested and doubtful receivables | 055 | asset_non_current | False | Sporna i sumnjiva potraživanja | |
47 | rs_056 | Other long term receivables | 056 | asset_non_current | False | Ostala dugoročna potraživanja | |
48 | rs_059 | Provisions of long term receivables | 059 | asset_non_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti dugoročnih potraživanja | |
49 | rs_100 | Material purchase costs calculation | 100 | asset_current | False | Obračun nabavne vrednosti zaliha materijala, rezervnih delova, alata i inventara | |
50 | rs_101 | Raw materials | 101 | asset_current | False | Materijal | |
51 | rs_102 | Spare parts | 102 | asset_current | False | Rezervni delovi | |
52 | rs_103 | Tools and inventories | 103 | asset_current | False | Alat i inventar | |
53 | rs_104 | Raw materials, spare parts, tools and inventories being processed, finished off and handled | 104 | asset_current | False | Materijal, rezervni delovi, alat i inventar u obradi, doradi i manipulaciji | |
54 | rs_109 | Provisions for material | 109 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti materijala, rezervnih delova, alata i inventara | |
55 | rs_110 | Work in progress | 110 | asset_current | False | Nedovršena proizvodnja | |
56 | rs_111 | Services in progress | 111 | asset_current | False | Nedovršene usluge | |
57 | rs_120 | Finished products | 120 | asset_current | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
58 | rs_130 | Merchandise cost accounting | 130 | asset_current | False | Obračun nabavke robe | |
59 | rs_131 | Merchandise in warehouse | 131 | asset_current | False | Roba u magacinu | |
60 | rs_132 | Wholesale merchandise | 132 | asset_current | False | Roba u prometu na veliko | |
61 | rs_133 | Merchandise in storehouse, depot and other legal entities' shops | 133 | asset_current | False | Roba u skladištu, stovarištu i prodavnicama kod drugih pravnih lica | |
62 | rs_134 | Merchandise in retail sale | 134 | asset_current | False | Roba u prometu na malo | |
63 | rs_135 | Merchandise being processed, finished off and handled | 135 | asset_current | False | Roba u obradi, doradi i manipulaciji | |
64 | rs_136 | Merchandise in transit | 136 | asset_current | False | Roba u tranzitu | |
65 | rs_137 | Merchandise in transport | 137 | asset_current | False | Roba na putu | |
66 | rs_139 | Provisions for merchandise | 139 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti robe | |
67 | rs_140 | Intangible assets for trading | 140 | asset_non_current | False | Nematerijalna imovina namenjena prodaji | |
68 | rs_141 | Land held for trading | 141 | asset_non_current | False | Zemljište namenjeno prodaji | |
69 | rs_142 | Buildings held for trading | 142 | asset_non_current | False | Građevinski objekti namenjeni prodaji | |
70 | rs_143 | Investment property for trading | 143 | asset_non_current | False | Investicione nekretnine namenjene prodaji | |
71 | rs_144 | Other property held for trading | 144 | asset_non_current | False | Ostale nekretnine namenjene prodaji | |
72 | rs_145 | Installations and equipment for trading | 145 | asset_non_current | False | Postrojenja i oprema namenjena prodaji | |
73 | rs_146 | Natural assets for trading | 146 | asset_non_current | False | Biološka sredstva namenjena prodaji | |
74 | rs_147 | Assets of suspended business | 147 | asset_current | False | Sredstva poslovanja koje se obustavlja | |
75 | rs_149 | Provisions for assets held for trading | 149 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti stalnih sredstava i sredstava obustavljenog poslovanja namenjenih prodaji | |
76 | rs_150 | Domestic advances paid for raw material, spare parts and inventories | 150 | asset_prepayments | False | Plaćeni avansi za materijal, rezervne delove i inventar u zemlji | |
77 | rs_151 | Foreign advances paid for raw material, spare parts and inventories | 151 | asset_prepayments | False | Plaćeni avansi za materijal, rezervne delove i inventar u inostranstvu | |
78 | rs_152 | Domestic advances paid for merchandise | 152 | asset_prepayments | False | Plaćeni avansi za robu u zemlji | |
79 | rs_153 | Foreign advances paid for merchandise | 153 | asset_prepayments | False | Plaćeni avansi za robu u inostranstvu | |
80 | rs_154 | Domestic advances paid for services | 154 | asset_prepayments | False | Plaćeni avansi za usluge u zemlji | |
81 | rs_155 | Foreign advances paid for services | 155 | asset_prepayments | False | Plaćeni avansi za usluge u inostranstvu | |
82 | rs_159 | Provisions for advances paid | 159 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti plaćenih avansa | |
83 | rs_200 | Domestic trade receivables - parent companies and subsidiaries | 200 | asset_receivable | True | Kupci u zemlji – matična i zavisna pravna lica | |
84 | rs_201 | Foreign trade receivables - parent companies and subsidiaries | 201 | asset_receivable | True | Kupci u inostranstvu – matična i zavisna pravna lica | |
85 | rs_202 | Domestic trade receivables - other associated entities | 202 | asset_receivable | True | Kupci u zemlji – ostala povezana lica | |
86 | rs_203 | Foreign trade receivables - other associated entities | 203 | asset_receivable | True | Kupci u inostranstvu – ostala povezana lica | |
87 | rs_204 | Trade receivables - domestic third party | 204 | asset_receivable | True | Kupci u zemlji | |
88 | rs_205 | Trade receivables - foreign third party | 205 | asset_receivable | True | Kupci u inostranstvu | |
89 | rs_206 | Other trade receivables | 206 | asset_receivable | True | Ostala potraživanja po osnovu prodaje | |
90 | rs_209 | Provisions for trade receivables | 209 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti potraživanja od prodaje | |
91 | rs_210 | Receivables from exporters | 210 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja od izvoznika | |
92 | rs_211 | Receivables due from import on behalf of other entities | 211 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja po osnovu uvoza za tuđ račun | |
93 | rs_212 | Receivables from sales on commission and consignment | 212 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja iz komisione i konsignacione prodaje | |
94 | rs_218 | Other receivables from specific business operations | 218 | asset_current | False | Ostala potraživanja iz specifičnih poslova | |
95 | rs_219 | Provisions for receivables from specific business operations | 219 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti potraživanja iz specifičnih poslova | |
96 | rs_220 | Receivables for interest and dividends | 220 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja za kamatu i dividende | |
97 | rs_221 | Receivables from employees | 221 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja od zaposlenih | |
98 | rs_222 | Receivables from state authorities and organizations | 222 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja od državnih organa i organizacija | |
99 | rs_223 | Receivables for prepaid income tax | 223 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja za više plaćen porez na dobitak | |
100 | rs_224 | Receivables for other taxes and contributions prepaid | 224 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja po osnovu preplaćenih ostalih poreza i doprinosa | |
101 | rs_225 | Receivables for compensation of salaries that are refunded | 225 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja za naknade zarada koje se refundiraju | |
102 | rs_226 | Receivables based on damages | 226 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja po osnovu naknada šteta | |
103 | rs_228 | Other short term receivables | 228 | asset_current | False | Ostala kratkoročna potraživanja | |
104 | rs_229 | Provisions for other receivables | 229 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti drugih potraživanja | |
105 | rs_230 | Short-term loans and investments in parent companies and subsidiaries | 230 | asset_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i plasmani – matična i zavisna pravna lica | |
106 | rs_231 | Short-term loans and investments in other associated companies | 231 | asset_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i plasmani – ostala povezana lica | |
107 | rs_232 | Short term loans - domestic | 232 | asset_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i zajmovi u zemlji | |
108 | rs_233 | Short term loans - foreign | 233 | asset_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i zajmovi u inostranstvu | |
109 | rs_234 | Current portions of long term loan due within one year | 234 | asset_current | False | Deo dugoročnih finansijskih plasmana koji dospeva do jedne godine | |
110 | rs_235 | Current portions of securities held to maturity - a part that reaches one year | 235 | asset_current | False | Hartije od vrednosti koje se drže do dospeća – deo koji dospeva do jedne godine | |
111 | rs_236 | Financial assets that are measured at fair value through the Income statement | 236 | asset_current | False | Finansijska sredstva koja se vrednuju po fer vrednosti kroz Bilans uspeha | |
112 | rs_237 | Bought up own shares for trading | 237 | asset_current | False | Otkupljene sopstvene akcije namenjene prodaji i otkupljeni sopstveni udeli namenjeni prodaji ili poništavanju | |
113 | rs_238 | Other short-term investments | 238 | asset_current | False | Ostali kratkoročni finansijski plasmani | |
114 | rs_239 | Provisions for short - term investments | 239 | asset_current | False | Ispravka vrednosti kratkoročnih finansijskih plasmana | |
115 | rs_240 | Securities - cash equivalents | 240 | asset_current | False | Hartije od vrednosti – gotovinski ekvivalenti | |
116 | rs_241 | Current (business) accounts | 241 | asset_cash | False | Tekući (poslovni) računi | |
117 | rs_242 | Cash allocated for payments and open letters of credit | 242 | asset_cash | False | Izdvojena novčana sredstva i akreditivi | |
118 | rs_243 | Cash in hand | 243 | asset_cash | False | Blagajna | |
119 | rs_244 | Foreign exchange account | 244 | asset_cash | False | Devizni račun | |
120 | rs_245 | Foreign currency letters of credit | 245 | asset_cash | False | Devizni akreditivi | |
121 | rs_246 | Foreign currency - cash in hand | 246 | asset_cash | False | Devizna blagajna | |
122 | rs_248 | Other cash and cash equivalents | 248 | asset_cash | False | Ostala novčana sredstva | |
123 | rs_249 | Blocked bank accounts | 249 | asset_cash | False | Novčana sredstva čije je korišćenje ograničeno ili vrednost umanjena | |
124 | rs_270 | VAT in incoming invoices - general tax rate (except advances paid) | 270 | asset_current | False | Porez na dodatu vrednost u datim avansima po posebnoj stopi | |
125 | rs_271 | VAT in incoming invoices - specific tax rate (except advances paid) | 271 | asset_current | False | Porez na dodatu vrednost u primljenim fakturama po posebnoj stopi (osim plaćenih avansa) | |
126 | rs_272 | VAT in advances paid - general tax rate | 272 | asset_current | False | Porez na dodatu vrednost u datim avansima po opštoj stopi | |
127 | rs_273 | VAT in advances paid - specific tax rate | 273 | asset_current | False | PDV na plaćene avanse – posebna poreska stopa | |
128 | rs_274 | VAT paid for import of goods - general tax rate | 274 | asset_current | False | Porez na dodatu vrednost plaćen pri uvozu dobara po opštoj stopi | |
129 | rs_275 | VAT paid for import of goods - specific tax rate | 275 | asset_current | False | Porez na dodatu vrednost plaćen pri uvozu dobara po posebnoj stopi | |
130 | rs_276 | VAT on services rendered by foreign suppliers | 276 | asset_current | False | Porez na dodatu vrednost obračunat na usluge inostranih lica | |
131 | rs_277 | VAT returned to foreign customers | 277 | asset_current | False | Naknadno vraćen porez na dodatu vrednost kupcima – stranim državljanima | |
132 | rs_278 | VAT reimbursement paid to farmers | 278 | asset_current | False | PDV nadoknada isplaćena poljoprivrednicima | |
133 | rs_279 | Receivables for prepaid VAT | 279 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja za više plaćeni porez na dodatu vrednost | |
134 | rs_280 | Prepaid costs | 280 | asset_prepayments | False | Unapred plaćeni troškovi | |
135 | rs_281 | Accrued income (un-invoiced income) | 281 | asset_current | False | Potraživanja za nefakturisani prihod | |
136 | rs_282 | Deferred costs based on obligations | 282 | asset_current | False | Razgraničeni troškovi po osnovu obaveza | |
137 | rs_288 | Deferred tax assets | 288 | asset_current | False | Odložena poreska sredstva | |
138 | rs_289 | Other accruals | 289 | asset_current | False | Ostala aktivna vremenska razgraničenja | |
139 | rs_300 | Share capital | 300 | equity | False | Akcijski kapital | |
140 | rs_301 | Stakes in limited liability companies | 301 | equity | False | Udeli društava s ograničenom odgovornošću | |
141 | rs_302 | Participating interests | 302 | equity | False | Ulozi | |
142 | rs_303 | State owned capital | 303 | equity | False | Državni kapital | |
143 | rs_304 | Socially owned capital | 304 | equity | False | Društveni kapital | |
144 | rs_305 | Stakes in co-operatives | 305 | equity | False | Zadružni udeli | |
145 | rs_306 | Share issuing premiums | 306 | equity | False | Emisiona premija | |
146 | rs_309 | Other capital | 309 | equity | False | Ostali osnovni kapital | |
147 | rs_310 | Subscribed share capital unpaid | 310 | equity | False | Upisane a neuplaćene akcije | |
148 | rs_311 | Subscribed stakes unpaid | 311 | equity | False | Upisani a neuplaćeni udeli i ulozi | |
149 | rs_321 | Legal reserves | 321 | equity | False | Zakonske rezerve | |
150 | rs_322 | Statutory and other reserves | 322 | equity | False | Statutarne i druge rezerve | |
151 | rs_330 | Effect of restatement of capital based on the revaluation of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment | 330 | equity | False | Revalorizacione rezerve po osnovu revalorizacije nematerijalne imovine, nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme | |
152 | rs_331 | Actuarial gains or losses on planned benefit plans | 331 | equity | False | Aktuarski dobici ili gubici po osnovu planova definisanih primanja | |
153 | rs_332 | Gains or losses on investments in equity instruments | 332 | equity | False | Dobici ili gubici po osnovu ulaganja u vlasničke instrumente kapitala | |
154 | rs_333 | Gains or losses on the basis of the share in other comprehensive income or loss of associates | 333 | equity | False | Dobici ili gubici po osnovu udela u ostalom sveobuhvatnom dobitku ili gubitku pridruženih društava | |
155 | rs_334 | Gains or losses arising from the calculations of financial statements of foreign operations | 334 | equity | False | Dobici ili gubici po osnovu preračuna finansijskih izveštaja inostranog poslovanja | |
156 | rs_335 | Gains or losses on instruments for the protection of net investments in foreign operations | 335 | equity | False | Dobici ili gubici od instrumenata zaštite neto ulaganja u inostrano poslovanje | |
157 | rs_336 | Gains or losses arising from hedging instruments of cash flow | 336 | equity | False | Dobici ili gubici po osnovu instrumenata zaštite rizika (hedžinga) novčanog toka | |
158 | rs_337 | Gains or losses on securities available for trading | 337 | equity | False | Dobici ili gubici po osnovu hartija od vrednosti raspoloživih za prodaju | |
159 | rs_340 | Retained profit from previous years | 340 | equity | False | Neraspoređeni dobitak ranijih godina | |
160 | rs_341 | Retained profit from current year | 341 | equity_unaffected | False | Neraspoređeni dobitak tekuće godine | |
161 | rs_350 | Previous year's losses | 350 | equity | False | Gubitak ranijih godina | |
162 | rs_351 | Current year loss | 351 | equity | False | Gubitak tekuće godine | |
163 | rs_400 | Provisions for costs incurred during the warranty period | 400 | liability_non_current | False | Rezervisanja za troškove u garantnom roku | |
164 | rs_401 | Provisions for the recovery of natural resources | 401 | liability_non_current | False | Rezervisanja za troškove obnavljanja prirodnih bogatstava | |
165 | rs_402 | Provisions for retained deposits and caution money | 402 | liability_non_current | False | Rezervisanja za zadržane kaucije i depozite | |
166 | rs_403 | Provisions for restructuring costs | 403 | liability_non_current | False | Rezervisanja za troškove restrukturiranja | |
167 | rs_404 | Provisions for contribution and other employee benefits | 404 | liability_non_current | False | Rezervisanja za naknade i druge beneficije zaposlenih | |
168 | rs_405 | Provision for court costs | 405 | liability_non_current | False | Rezervisanja za troškove sudskih sporova | |
169 | rs_409 | Other long-term provisions | 409 | liability_non_current | False | Ostala dugoročna rezervisanja | |
170 | rs_410 | Liabilities which can be converted into capital | 410 | liability_non_current | False | Obaveze koje se mogu konvertovati u kapital | |
171 | rs_411 | Liabilities to parent companies and subsidiaries | 411 | liability_non_current | False | Obaveze prema matičnim i zavisnim pravnim licima | |
172 | rs_412 | Liabilities to other associated companies | 412 | liability_non_current | False | Obaveze prema ostalim povezanim pravnim licima | |
173 | rs_413 | Liabilities for long-term securities | 413 | liability_non_current | False | Obaveze po emitovanim hartijama od vrednosti u periodu dužem od godinu dana | |
174 | rs_414 | Long-term loans - domestic | 414 | liability_non_current | False | Dugoročni krediti i zajmovi u zemlji | |
175 | rs_415 | Long-term loans - foreign | 415 | liability_non_current | False | Dugoročni krediti i zajmovi u inostranstvu | |
176 | rs_416 | Liabilities based on financial leasing | 416 | liability_non_current | False | Obaveze po osnovu finansijskog lizinga | |
177 | rs_419 | Other long-term liabilities | 419 | liability_non_current | False | Ostale dugoročne obaveze | |
178 | rs_420 | Short-term loans from parent companies and subsidiaries | 420 | liability_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i zajmovi od matičnih i zavisnih pravnih lica | |
179 | rs_421 | Short-term loans from other associated companies | 421 | liability_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i zajmovi od ostalih povezanih lica | |
180 | rs_422 | Short term loans - domestic | 422 | liability_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i zajmovi u zemlji | |
181 | rs_423 | Short term loans - foreign | 423 | liability_current | False | Kratkoročni krediti i zajmovi u inostranstvu | |
182 | rs_424 | Current portion of long-term loans | 424 | liability_current | False | Deo dugoročnih kredita i zajmova koji dospeva do jedne godine | |
183 | rs_425 | Current portion of other long-term liabilities | 425 | liability_current | False | Deo ostalih dugoročnih obaveza koje dospevaju do jedne godine | |
184 | rs_426 | Liabilities for short-term securities | 426 | liability_current | False | Obaveze po kratkoročnim hartijama od vrednosti | |
185 | rs_427 | Liabilities based on fixed assets and assets of suspended business for trading | 427 | liability_current | False | Obaveze po osnovu stalnih sredstava i sredstava obustavljenog poslovanja namenjenih prodaji | |
186 | rs_429 | Other short-term financial liabilities | 429 | liability_current | False | Ostale kratkoročne finansijske obaveze | |
187 | rs_430 | Received advances, deposits and caution money | 430 | liability_current | False | Primljeni avansi, depoziti i kaucije | |
188 | rs_431 | Domestic trade payables - parent companies and subsidiaries | 431 | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači – matična i zavisna pravna lica u zemlji | |
189 | rs_432 | Foreign trade payables - parent companies and subsidiaries | 432 | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači – matična i zavisna pravna lica u inostranstvu | |
190 | rs_433 | Domestic trade payables - other associated companies | 433 | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači – ostala povezana lica u zemlji | |
191 | rs_434 | Foreign trade payables - other associated companies | 434 | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači – ostala povezana lica u inostranstvu | |
192 | rs_435 | Trade payables - domestic | 435 | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači u zemlji | |
193 | rs_436 | Trade payables - foreign | 436 | liability_payable | True | Dobavljači u inostranstvu | |
194 | rs_439 | Other liabilities from business operations | 439 | liability_current | False | Ostale obaveze iz poslovanja | |
195 | rs_440 | Liabilities to importers | 440 | liability_current | False | Obaveze prema uvozniku | |
196 | rs_441 | Liabilities due to exporters made on behalf of third parties | 441 | liability_current | False | Obaveze po osnovu izvoza za tuđ račun | |
197 | rs_442 | Liabilities for sale on commission and consignment | 442 | liability_current | False | Obaveze po osnovu komisione i konsignacione prodaje | |
198 | rs_449 | Other liabilities from specific business operations | 449 | liability_current | False | Ostale obaveze iz specifičnih poslova | |
199 | rs_450 | Liabilities for net salaries and fringe benefits, except refundable fringe benefits | 450 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za neto zarade i naknade zarada, osim naknada zarada koje se refundiraju | |
200 | rs_451 | Liabilities for taxes on salaries and fringe benefits charged to employees | 451 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na zarade i naknade zarada na teret zaposlenog | |
201 | rs_452 | Liabilities for contributions on salaries and fringe benefits charged to employees | 452 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za doprinose na zarade i naknade zarada na teret zaposlenog | |
202 | rs_453 | Liabilities for taxes and contributions on salaries and fringe benefits charged to employer | 453 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za poreze i doprinose na zarade i naknade zarada na teret poslodavca | |
203 | rs_454 | Liabilities for refundable net fringe benefits | 454 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za neto naknade zarada koje se refundiraju | |
204 | rs_455 | Liabilities for taxes and contributions on refundable fringe benefits charged to employees | 455 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za poreze i doprinose na naknade zarada na teret zaposlenog koje se refundiraju | |
205 | rs_456 | Liabilities for taxes and contributions on refundable fringe benefits charged to employer | 456 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za poreze i doprinose na naknade zarada na teret poslodavca koje se refundiraju | |
206 | rs_460 | Liabilities for interests and finance costs | 460 | liability_current | False | Obaveze po osnovu kamata i troškova finansiranja | |
207 | rs_461 | Liabilities for dividends | 461 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za dividende | |
208 | rs_462 | Liabilities for share in the profit | 462 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za učešće u dobitku | |
209 | rs_463 | Liabilities to employees | 463 | liability_current | False | Obaveze prema zaposlenima | |
210 | rs_464 | Liabilities to members of Management Board and Supervisory Board | 464 | liability_current | False | Obaveze prema direktoru, odnosno članovima organa upravljanja i nadzora | |
211 | rs_465 | Liabilities to individuals for contracted fees | 465 | liability_current | False | Obaveze prema fizičkim licima za naknade po ugovorima | |
212 | rs_466 | Liabilities for net income of sole traders who obtain advances during the year | 466 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za neto prihod preduzetnika koji akontaciju podiže u toku godine | |
213 | rs_467 | Liabilities for short-term provisions | 467 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za kratkoročna rezervisanja | |
214 | rs_469 | Other liabilities | 469 | liability_current | False | Ostale obaveze | |
215 | rs_470 | Liabilities for VAT in outgoing invoices - general tax rate (except advances received) | 470 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po izdatim fakturama po opštoj stopi (osim primljenih avansa) | |
216 | rs_471 | Liabilities for VAT in outgoing invoices - specific tax rate (except advances received) | 471 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po izdatim fakturama po posebnoj stopi (osim primljenih avansa) | |
217 | rs_472 | Liabilities for VAT in advances received - general tax rate | 472 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po primljenim avansima po opštoj stopi | |
218 | rs_473 | Liabilities for VAT in advances received - specific tax rate | 473 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po primljenim avansima po posebnoj stopi | |
219 | rs_474 | Liabilities for VAT on internal consumption - general tax rate | 474 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po osnovu sopstvene potrošnje po opštoj stopi | |
220 | rs_475 | Liabilities for VAT on internal consumption - specific tax rate | 475 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po osnovu sopstvene potrošnje po posebnoj stopi | |
221 | rs_476 | Liabilities for VAT on sales for cash | 476 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po osnovu prodaje za gotovinu | |
222 | rs_479 | Liabilities for VAT on difference between calculated VAT and previous taxes | 479 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez na dodatu vrednost po osnovu razlike obračunatog poreza na dodatu vrednost i prethodnog poreza | |
223 | rs_480 | Liabilities for excise duties | 480 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za akcize | |
224 | rs_481 | Liabilities for income tax | 481 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za porez iz rezultata | |
225 | rs_482 | Liabilities for taxes, customs, and other duties charged to costs | 482 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za poreze, carine i druge dažbine iz nabavke ili na teret troškova | |
226 | rs_483 | Liabilities for contributions charged to costs | 483 | liability_current | False | Obaveze za doprinose koji terete troškove | |
227 | rs_489 | Other liabilities for taxes, contributions and other duties | 489 | liability_current | False | Ostale obaveze za poreze, doprinose i druge dažbine | |
228 | rs_490 | Accrued expenses | 490 | liability_current | False | Unapred obračunati troškovi | |
229 | rs_491 | Revenue charged in advance | 491 | liability_current | False | Unapred naplaćeni prihodi | |
230 | rs_494 | Accrued direct purchase costs | 494 | liability_current | False | Razgraničeni zavisni troškovi nabavke | |
231 | rs_495 | Donations received | 495 | liability_current | False | Odloženi prihodi i primljene donacije | |
232 | rs_496 | Accrued income from receivables | 496 | liability_current | False | Razgraničeni prihodi po osnovu potraživanja | |
233 | rs_498 | Deferred tax liabilities | 498 | liability_current | False | Odložene poreske obaveze | |
234 | rs_499 | Other accruals and deferred income | 499 | liability_current | False | Ostala pasivna vremenska razgraničenja | |
235 | rs_500 | Purchases of merchandises (goods for resale) | 500 | expense | False | Nabavka robe | |
236 | rs_501 | Cost of merchandise sold | 501 | expense | False | Nabavna vrednost prodate robe | |
237 | rs_502 | Cost of sold assets held for trading | 502 | expense | False | Nabavna vrednost nekretnina pribavljenih radi prodaje | |
238 | rs_503 | Cost of other assets held for trading | 503 | expense | False | Nabavna vrednost ostalih stalnih sredstava namenjenih prodaji | |
239 | rs_510 | Costs material | 510 | expense | False | Nabavka materijala | |
240 | rs_511 | Costs of raw material | 511 | expense | False | Troškovi materijala za izradu | |
241 | rs_512 | Costs of other material (overhead) | 512 | expense | False | Troškovi ostalog materijala (režijskog) | |
242 | rs_513 | Costs of fuel and energy | 513 | expense | False | Troškovi goriva i energije | |
243 | rs_514 | Costs of spare parts | 514 | expense | False | Troškovi rezervnih delova | |
244 | rs_515 | Costs of One-time write-off for tools and inventory | 515 | expense | False | Troškovi jednokratnog otpisa alata i inventara | |
245 | rs_520 | Costs of salaries and fringe benefits (gross) | 520 | expense | False | Troškovi zarada i naknada zarada (bruto) | |
246 | rs_521 | Costs of taxes and contributions on salaries and fringe benefits charged to employer | 521 | expense | False | Troškovi poreza i doprinosa na zarade i naknade zarada na teret poslodavca | |
247 | rs_522 | Costs of remunerations according to temporary service contracts | 522 | expense | False | Troškovi naknada po ugovoru o delu | |
248 | rs_523 | Costs of remunerations according to author's contracts | 523 | expense | False | Troškovi naknada po autorskim ugovorima | |
249 | rs_524 | Costs of remunerations according to temporary and provisional contracts | 524 | expense | False | Troškovi naknada po ugovoru o privremenim i povremenim poslovima | |
250 | rs_525 | Costs of remunerations to individuals according to other contracts | 525 | expense | False | Troškovi naknada fizičkim licima po osnovu ostalih ugovora | |
251 | rs_526 | Costs of remuneration to manager, members of Management Board and Supervisory Board | 526 | expense | False | Troškovi naknada direktoru, odnosno članovima organa upravljanja i nadzora | |
252 | rs_529 | Other personal expenses remunerations | 529 | expense | False | Ostali lični rashodi i naknade | |
253 | rs_530 | Costs of services used in production process of own costs capitalized | 530 | expense | False | Troškovi usluga na izradi učinaka | |
254 | rs_531 | Transport services costs | 531 | expense | False | Troškovi transportnih usluga | |
255 | rs_532 | Maintenance costs | 532 | expense | False | Troškovi usluga održavanja | |
256 | rs_533 | Rental costs | 533 | expense | False | Troškovi zakupnina | |
257 | rs_534 | Fairs exhibit costs | 534 | expense | False | Troškovi sajmova | |
258 | rs_535 | Advertising costs | 535 | expense | False | Troškovi reklame i propagande | |
259 | rs_536 | Costs of researching activities | 536 | expense | False | Troškovi istraživanja | |
260 | rs_537 | Costs of development that are not capitalized | 537 | expense | False | Troškovi razvoja koji se ne kapitalizuju | |
261 | rs_539 | Costs of other services | 539 | expense | False | Troškovi ostalih usluga | |
262 | rs_540 | Depreciation costs | 540 | expense_depreciation | False | Troškovi amortizacije | |
263 | rs_541 | Costs of provisions during the warranty period | 541 | expense | False | Troškovi rezervisanja za garantni rok | |
264 | rs_542 | Provisions for recovery of natural resources | 542 | expense | False | Rezervisanja za troškove obnavljanja prirodnih bogatstava | |
265 | rs_543 | Provisions for retained deposits and caution money | 543 | expense | False | Rezervisanja za zadržane kaucije i depozite | |
266 | rs_544 | Provisions for restructuring costs | 544 | expense | False | Rezervisanja za troškove restrukturiranja | |
267 | rs_545 | Provisions for contributions and other benefits of employees | 545 | expense | False | Rezervisanja za naknade i druge beneficije zaposlenih | |
268 | rs_549 | Other long-term provisions | 549 | expense | False | Ostala dugoročna rezervisanja | |
269 | rs_550 | Costs of non-production services | 550 | expense | False | Troškovi neproizvodnih usluga | |
270 | rs_551 | Representation costs | 551 | expense | False | Troškovi reprezentacije | |
271 | rs_552 | Costs of insurance premiums | 552 | expense | False | Troškovi premija osiguranja | |
272 | rs_553 | Costs of payment operations | 553 | expense | False | Troškovi platnog prometa | |
273 | rs_554 | Costs of membership fees | 554 | expense | False | Troškovi članarina | |
274 | rs_555 | Tax costs | 555 | expense | False | Troškovi poreza | |
275 | rs_556 | Contribution costs | 556 | expense | False | Troškovi doprinosa | |
276 | rs_559 | Other non-production costs | 559 | expense | False | Ostali nematerijalni troškovi | |
277 | rs_560 | Financial expenses incurred with parent companies and subsidiaries | 560 | expense | False | Finansijski rashodi iz odnosa sa matičnim i zavisnim pravnim licima | |
278 | rs_561 | Financial expenses incurred with other associated companies | 561 | expense | False | Finansijski rashodi iz odnosa sa ostalim povezanim pravnim licima | |
279 | rs_562 | Costs of interest | 562 | expense | False | Rashodi kamata (prema trećim licima) | |
280 | rs_563 | FX losses | 563 | expense | False | Negativne kursne razlike (prema trećim licima) | |
281 | rs_564 | Expenses on the basis of the effects of a currency clause | 564 | expense | False | Rashodi po osnovu efekata valutne klauzule (prema trećim licima) | |
282 | rs_565 | Expenses from participation in loss of associated legal entities and joint ventures | 565 | expense | False | Rashodi od učešća u gubitku pridruženih pravnih lica i zajedničkih poduhvata | |
283 | rs_566 | Expenses arising from the hedging effects that do not meet the requirements to qualify under other comprehensive income | 566 | expense | False | Rashodi po osnovu efekata ugovorene zaštite od rizika, koji ne ispunjavaju uslove da se iskažu u okviru ostalog sveobuhvatnog dobitka | |
284 | rs_569 | Other financial expenses | 569 | expense | False | Ostali finansijski rashodi | |
285 | rs_570 | Losses on writing-offs and disposals of Intangible assets and Property, plant and equipment | 570 | expense | False | Gubici po osnovu rashodovanja i prodaje nematerijalne imovine, nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme | |
286 | rs_571 | Losses on writing-offs and disposals of natural assets | 571 | expense | False | Gubici po osnovu rashodovanja i prodaje bioloških sredstava | |
287 | rs_572 | Losses on disposals of long-term investments | 572 | expense | False | Gubici po osnovu prodaje učešća u kapitalu i hartija od vrednosti | |
288 | rs_573 | Losses on disposals of raw material | 573 | expense | False | Gubici od prodaje materijala | |
289 | rs_574 | Shortages | 574 | expense | False | Manjkovi | |
290 | rs_575 | Costs from negative hedging effects | 575 | expense | False | Rashodi po osnovu efekata ugovorene zaštite od rizika, koji ne ispunjavaju uslove da se iskažu u okviru ostalog sveobuhvatnog rezultata | |
291 | rs_576 | Writing-offs of receivables | 576 | expense | False | Rashodi po osnovu direktnih otpisa potraživanja | |
292 | rs_577 | Writing-offs of inventories and merchandise | 577 | expense | False | Rashodi po osnovu rashodovanja zaliha materijala i robe | |
293 | rs_579 | Other expenses | 579 | expense | False | Ostali nepomenuti rashodi | |
294 | rs_5791 | Cash difference loss | 5791 | expense | False | Gubitak razlike u gotovini | |
295 | rs_580 | Impairment of natural assets | 580 | expense | False | Obezvređenje bioloških sredstava | |
296 | rs_581 | Impairment of intangible assets | 581 | expense | False | Obezvređenje nematerijalne imovine | |
297 | rs_582 | Impairment of property, plant and equipment | 582 | expense | False | Obezvređenje nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme | |
298 | rs_583 | Impairment of long-term investments and other securities available for sale | 583 | expense | False | Obezvređenje dugoročnih finansijskih plasmana i drugih hartija od vrednosti raspoloživih za prodaju | |
299 | rs_584 | Impairment of material and merchandise | 584 | expense | False | Obezvređenje zaliha materijala i robe | |
300 | rs_585 | Impairment of receivables and short-term financial investments | 585 | expense | False | Obezvređenje potraživanja i kratkoročnih finansijskih plasmana | |
301 | rs_589 | Impairment of other assets | 589 | expense | False | Obezvređenje ostale imovine | |
302 | rs_590 | Losses of suspended business | 590 | expense | False | Gubitak poslovanja koje se obustavlja | |
303 | rs_591 | Expenses on the Effects of Changes in Accounting Policies | 591 | expense | False | Rashodi po osnovu efekata promene računovodstvenih politika | |
304 | rs_592 | Expenses based on correction of errors from previous years that are not material | 592 | expense | False | Rashodi po osnovu ispravki grešaka iz ranijih godina koje nisu materijalno značajne | |
305 | rs_599 | Transfer of expenses | 599 | expense | False | Prenos rashoda | |
306 | rs_600 | Domestic sales of merchandise to parent companies and subsidiaries | 600 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe matičnim i zavisnim pravnim licima na domaćem tržištu | |
307 | rs_601 | Foreign sales of merchandise to parent companies and subsidiaries | 601 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe matičnim i zavisnim pravnim licima na inostranom tržištu | |
308 | rs_602 | Domestic sales of merchandise to other associated companies | 602 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe ostalim povezanim pravnim licima na domaćem tržištu | |
309 | rs_603 | Foreign sales of merchandise to other associated companies | 603 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe ostalim povezanim pravnim licima na inostranom tržištu | |
310 | rs_604 | Sales of merchandise to domestic customers | 604 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe na domaćem tržištu | |
311 | rs_605 | Sales of merchandise to foreign customers | 605 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje robe na inostranom tržištu | |
312 | rs_610 | Domestic sales of finished goods and services rendered to parent companies and subsidiaries | 610 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga matičnim i zavisnim pravnim licima na domaćem tržištu | |
313 | rs_611 | Foreign sales of finished goods and services rendered to parent companies and subsidiaries | 611 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga matičnim i zavisnim pravnim licima na inostranom tržištu | |
314 | rs_612 | Domestic sales of finished goods and services rendered to other associated entities | 612 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga ostalim povezanim pravnim licima na domaćem tržištu | |
315 | rs_613 | Foreign sales of finished goods and services rendered to other associated entities | 613 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga ostalim povezanim pravnim licima na inostranom tržištu | |
316 | rs_614 | Sales of finished goods and services rendered to domestic customers | 614 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga na domaćem tržištu | |
317 | rs_615 | Sales of finished goods and services rendered to foreign customers | 615 | income | False | Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda i usluga na inostranom tržištu | |
318 | rs_620 | Income from the own use of merchandise | 620 | income | False | Prihodi od aktiviranja ili potrošnje robe za sopstvene potrebe | |
319 | rs_621 | Income from the own use of products and services | 621 | income | False | Prihodi od aktiviranja ili potrošnje proizvoda i usluga za sopstvene potrebe | |
320 | rs_630 | Increase of finished goods, work in progress and services in progress | 630 | income | False | Povećanje vrednosti zaliha nedovršenih i gotovih proizvoda i nedovršenih usluga | |
321 | rs_631 | Decrease of finished goods, work in progress and services in progress | 631 | expense | False | Smanjenje vrednosti zaliha nedovršenih i gotovih proizvoda i nedovršenih usluga | |
322 | rs_640 | Income from premiums, subventions, donations, compensations and tax returns | 640 | income | False | Prihodi od premija, subvencija, dotacija, regresa, kompenzacija i povraćaja poreskih dažbina | |
323 | rs_641 | Income from donations under specified conditions | 641 | income | False | Prihodi po osnovu uslovljenih donacija | |
324 | rs_650 | Rental fees income | 650 | income | False | Prihodi od zakupnina | |
325 | rs_651 | Membership fees | 651 | income | False | Prihodi od članarina | |
326 | rs_652 | Income from royalties and license fees | 652 | income | False | Prihodi od tantijema i licencnih naknada | |
327 | rs_659 | Other operating income | 659 | income | False | Ostali poslovni prihodi | |
328 | rs_660 | Financial income incurred with parent companies and subsidiaries | 660 | income | False | Finansijski prihodi od matičnih i zavisnih pravnih lica | |
329 | rs_661 | Financial income incurred with other associated companies | 661 | income | False | Finansijski prihodi od ostalih povezanih lica | |
330 | rs_662 | Income from interest | 662 | income | False | Prihodi od kamata (od trećih lica) | |
331 | rs_663 | FX Gains | 663 | income_other | False | Pozitivne kursne razlike (prema trećim licima) | |
332 | rs_664 | Income on the basis of the effects of a currency clause | 664 | income | False | Prihodi po osnovu efekata valutne klauzule (prema trećim licima) | |
333 | rs_665 | Income from participation in loss of associated legal entities and joint ventures | 665 | income | False | Prihodi od učešća u dobitku pridruženih pravnih lica i zajedničkih poduhvata | |
334 | rs_669 | Other financial income | 669 | income | False | Ostali finansijski prihodi | |
335 | rs_670 | Gains on disposals of Intangible assets and Property, plant and equipment | 670 | income | False | Dobici od prodaje nematerijalne imovine, nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme | |
336 | rs_671 | Gains on disposals of natural assets | 671 | income | False | Dobici od prodaje bioloških sredstava | |
337 | rs_672 | Gains on disposals of long-term investments | 672 | income | False | Dobici od prodaje učešća i hartija od vrednosti | |
338 | rs_673 | Gains on disposals of raw materials | 673 | income | False | Dobici od prodaje materijala | |
339 | rs_674 | Surpluses | 674 | income | False | Viškovi | |
340 | rs_675 | Collected written-off receivables | 675 | income | False | Naplaćena otpisana potraživanja | |
341 | rs_676 | Income from positive hedging effects | 676 | income | False | Prihodi po osnovu efekata ugovorene zaštite od rizika koji ne ispunjavaju uslove da se iskažu u okviru ostalog sveobuhvatnog rezultata | |
342 | rs_677 | Income from reduction of liabilities | 677 | income | False | Prihodi od smanjenja obaveza | |
343 | rs_678 | Income from abolishing of long-term and short term provisions | 678 | income | False | Prihodi od ukidanja dugoročnih i kratkoročnih rezervisanja | |
344 | rs_679 | Other income | 679 | income_other | False | Ostali nepomenuti prihodi | |
345 | rs_6791 | Cash difference gain | 6791 | income_other | False | Dobitak razlike u gotovini | |
346 | rs_680 | Income from valuation adjustments of natural assets | 680 | income_other | False | Prihodi od usklađivanja vrednosti bioloških sredstava | |
347 | rs_681 | Income from valuation adjustments of intangible assets | 681 | income_other | False | Prihodi od usklađivanja vrednosti nematerijalne imovine | |
348 | rs_682 | Income from valuation adjustments of property, plant and equipment | 682 | income_other | False | Prihodi od usklađivanja vrednosti nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme | |
349 | rs_683 | Income from valuation adjustments long-term investments and securities available for sale | 683 | income_other | False | Prihodi od usklađivanja vrednosti dugoročnih finansijskih plasmana i hartija od vrednosti raspoloživih za prodaju | |
350 | rs_684 | Income from valuation adjustments of inventories | 684 | income_other | False | Prihodi od usklađivanja vrednosti zaliha | |
351 | rs_685 | Income from valuation adjustments of receivables and short- term investments | 685 | income_other | False | Prihodi od usklađivanja vrednosti potraživanja i kratkoročnih finansijskih plasmana | |
352 | rs_689 | Income from valuation adjustments of other assets | 689 | income_other | False | Prihodi od usklađivanja vrednosti ostale imovine | |
353 | rs_690 | Profit of suspended business | 690 | income_other | False | Dobitak poslovanja koje se obustavlja | |
354 | rs_691 | Income based on the Effects of Changes in Accounting Policies | 691 | income_other | False | Prihodi od efekata promene računovodstvenih politika | |
355 | rs_692 | Income based on correction of errors from previous years that are not material | 692 | income_other | False | Prihodi po osnovu ispravki grešaka iz ranijih godina koje nisu materijalno značajne | |
356 | rs_699 | Transfer of income | 699 | income_other | False | Prenos prihoda | |
357 | rs_700 | Opening account of general ledger | 700 | off_balance | False | Otvaranje glavne knjige | |
358 | rs_710 | Account of expenses and income | 710 | off_balance | False | Rashodi i prihodi | |
359 | rs_711 | Profit and loss of suspended business | 711 | off_balance | False | Dobitak i gubitak poslovanja koje se obustavlja | |
360 | rs_712 | Transfer of total result | 712 | off_balance | False | Prenos ukupnog rezultata | |
361 | rs_720 | Profit or loss account | 720 | off_balance | False | Dobitak ili gubitak | |
362 | rs_721 | Tax expense of the period | 721 | expense | False | Poreski rashod perioda | |
363 | rs_7220 | Deferred tax expense of the period | 7220 | expense | False | Odloženi poreski rashod perioda | |
364 | rs_7221 | Deferred tax income of the period | 7221 | income | False | Odloženi poreski prihod perioda | |
365 | rs_723 | Personal earnings of the employer | 723 | expense | False | Lična primanja poslodavca | |
366 | rs_724 | Transfer of profit or loss | 724 | off_balance | False | Prenos dobitka ili gubitka | |
367 | rs_730 | Closing of the balance sheet's accounts | 730 | off_balance | False | Izravnanje računa stanja | |
368 | rs_880 | Other assets taken into operating lease (rent) | 880 | off_balance | False | Tuđa sredstva uzeta u operativni lizing (zakup) | |
369 | rs_881 | Acquired products and commodities for joint business | 881 | off_balance | False | Preuzeti proizvodi i roba za zajedničko poslovanje | |
370 | rs_882 | Goods taken into commission and consignment | 882 | off_balance | False | Roba uzeta u komision i konsignaciju | |
371 | rs_883 | Material and goods received for processing and finishing | 883 | off_balance | False | Materijal i roba primljeni na obradu i doradu | |
372 | rs_884 | Assigned warranties, guarantees and other rights | 884 | off_balance | False | Data jemstva, garancije i druga prava | |
373 | rs_885 | Securities that are out of circulation | 885 | off_balance | False | Hartije od vrednosti koje su van prometa | |
374 | rs_889 | Assets with other entities | 889 | off_balance | False | Imovina kod drugih subjekata | |
375 | rs_890 | Liabilities for assets taken into operating lease (rent) | 890 | off_balance | False | Obaveze za sredstva uzeta u operativni lizing (zakup) | |
376 | rs_891 | Liabilities for acquired products and commodities for joint business | 891 | off_balance | False | Obaveze za preuzete proizvode i robu za zajedničko poslovanje | |
377 | rs_892 | Liabilities for goods taken into commission and consignment | 892 | off_balance | False | Obaveze za robu uzetu u komision i konsignaciju | |
378 | rs_893 | Liabilities for material and goods received for processing and finishing | 893 | off_balance | False | Obaveze za materijal i robu primljenu na obradu i doradu | |
379 | rs_894 | Liabilities for assigned warranties, guarantees and other rights | 894 | off_balance | False | Obaveze za data jemstva, garancije i druga prava | |
380 | rs_895 | Liabilities for securities that are out of circulation | 895 | off_balance | False | Obaveze za hartije od vrednosti koje su van opticaja | |
381 | rs_899 | Liabilities for assets with other entities | 899 | off_balance | False | Obaveze za imovinu kod drugih subjekata | |
382 | rs_900 | Taking over inventories account | 900 | off_balance | False | Račun za preuzimanje zaliha | |
383 | rs_901 | Taking over purchasing of material and merchandise account | 901 | off_balance | False | Račun za preuzimanje nabavke materijala i robe | |
384 | rs_902 | Costs taking over account | 902 | off_balance | False | Račun za preuzimanje troškova | |
385 | rs_903 | Income taking over account | 903 | off_balance | False | Račun za preuzimanje prihoda | |
386 | rs_910 | Raw material | 910 | off_balance | False | Materijal | |
387 | rs_911 | Merchandise | 911 | off_balance | False | Roba | |
388 | rs_912 | Finished products and merchandise in producer's shops | 912 | off_balance | False | Proizvodi i roba u prodavnicama proizvođača | |
389 | rs_950 | Cost units | 950 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
390 | rs_951 | Cost units | 951 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
391 | rs_952 | Cost units | 952 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
392 | rs_953 | Cost units | 953 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
393 | rs_954 | Cost units | 954 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
394 | rs_955 | Cost units | 955 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
395 | rs_956 | Cost units | 956 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
396 | rs_957 | Cost units | 957 | off_balance | False | Nosioci troškova | |
397 | rs_958 | Semi-finished products of own production | 958 | off_balance | False | Poluproizvodi sopstvene proizvodnje | |
398 | rs_959 | Deviation in cost units | 959 | off_balance | False | Odstupanja u troškovima nosioca troškova | |
399 | rs_960 | Finished products | 960 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
400 | rs_961 | Finished products | 961 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
401 | rs_962 | Finished products | 962 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
402 | rs_963 | Finished products | 963 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
403 | rs_964 | Finished products | 964 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
404 | rs_965 | Finished products | 965 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
405 | rs_966 | Finished products | 966 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
406 | rs_967 | Finished products | 967 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
407 | rs_968 | Finished products | 968 | off_balance | False | Gotovi proizvodi | |
408 | rs_969 | Exceptions in costs of finished products | 969 | off_balance | False | Odstupanja u troškovima gotovih proizvoda | |
409 | rs_980 | Costs of products and services sold | 980 | off_balance | False | Troškovi prodatih proizvoda i usluga | |
410 | rs_981 | Cost of merchandise sold | 981 | off_balance | False | Nabavna vrednost prodate robe | |
411 | rs_982 | Costs of the period | 982 | off_balance | False | Troškovi perioda | |
412 | rs_983 | Write-offs, shortages and surpluses of work in progress and finished products | 983 | off_balance | False | Otpisi, manjkovi i viškovi zaliha učinaka | |
413 | rs_986 | Income from products and services | 986 | off_balance | False | Prihodi po osnovu proizvoda i usluga | |
414 | rs_987 | Income from merchandise | 987 | off_balance | False | Prihodi po osnovu robe | |
415 | rs_989 | Other operating income | 989 | off_balance | False | Ostali poslovni prihodi | |
416 | rs_990 | Operating profit and loss | 990 | off_balance | False | Poslovni dobitak i gubitak | |
417 | rs_991 | Loss and profit on raw materials' sale | 991 | off_balance | False | Gubitak i dobitak po osnovu prodaje materijala | |
418 | rs_992 | Shortages of raw materials and merchandise | 992 | off_balance | False | Manjkovi materijala i robe | |
419 | rs_993 | Write-offs of raw materials and merchandise | 993 | off_balance | False | Otpisi materijala i robe | |
420 | rs_994 | Surpluses of raw materials and merchandise | 994 | off_balance | False | Viškovi materijala i robe | |
421 | rs_999 | Closing computation of costs and effects | 999 | off_balance | False | Zaključak obračuna troškova i učinaka |