90 KiB
90 KiB
1 | id | code | account_type | name | reconcile | name@sl |
2 | gd_acc_000000 | 000000 | asset_non_current | Good name | False | Dobro ime |
3 | gd_acc_002000 | 002000 | asset_non_current | Deferred development costs | False | Odloženi stroški razvijanja |
4 | gd_acc_003000 | 003000 | asset_non_current | Property and other rights | False | Premoženjske in druge pravice |
5 | gd_acc_005000 | 005000 | asset_fixed | Other intangible assets | False | Druga neopredmetena sredstva |
6 | gd_acc_007000 | 007000 | asset_non_current | Long-term active accruals | False | Dolgoročne aktivne časovne razmejitve |
7 | gd_acc_008000 | 008000 | asset_non_current | Amortisation adjustment to intangible assets | False | Popravek vrednosti neopredmetenih sredstev zaradi amortiziranja |
8 | gd_acc_009000 | 009000 | asset_non_current | Impairment of intangible assets | False | Oslabitev vrednosti neopredmetenih sredstev |
9 | gd_acc_010000 | 010000 | asset_non_current | Investment property valued according to the cost model | False | Naložbene nepremičnine, vrednotene po modelu nabavne vrednosti |
10 | gd_acc_011000 | 011000 | asset_non_current | Investment property valued using the fair value model | False | Naložbene nepremičnine, vrednotene po modelu poštene vrednosti |
11 | gd_acc_015000 | 015000 | asset_non_current | Allowance for depreciation of investment property | False | Popravek vrednosti naložbenih nepremičnin zaradi amortiziranja |
12 | gd_acc_017000 | 017000 | asset_non_current | Investment property under construction or development | False | Naložbene nepremičnine v gradnji oziroma izdelavi |
13 | gd_acc_019000 | 019000 | asset_non_current | Impairment of investment property | False | Oslabitev vrednosti naložbenih nepremičnin |
14 | gd_acc_020000 | 020000 | asset_fixed | Land valued using the cost model | False | Zemljišča, vrednotena po modelu nabavne vrednosti |
15 | gd_acc_021000 | 021000 | asset_fixed | Buildings valued using the cost model | False | Zgradbe, vrednotene po modelu nabavne vrednosti |
16 | gd_acc_021100 | 021100 | asset_fixed | Buildings - leasing | False | Zgradbe - leasing |
17 | gd_acc_022000 | 022000 | asset_fixed | Land valued using the revaluation model | False | Zemljišča, vrednotena po modelu revaloriziranja |
18 | gd_acc_022100 | 022100 | asset_fixed | Land valued according to the revaluation model | False | Zemljišča, vrednotena po modelu prevrednotenja |
19 | gd_acc_023000 | 023000 | asset_fixed | Buildings valued according to the revaluation model | False | Zgradbe, vrednotene po modelu revaloriziranja |
20 | gd_acc_026000 | 026000 | asset_fixed | Investing in foreign-owned real estate | False | Vlaganja v nepremičnine v tuji lasti |
21 | gd_acc_027000 | 027000 | asset_fixed | Real estate under construction or construction | False | Nepremičnine v gradnji oziroma izdelavi |
22 | gd_acc_031000 | 031000 | asset_fixed | Impairment of land value | False | Oslabitev vrednosti zemljišč |
23 | gd_acc_032000 | 032000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of land (quarries, waste disposal sites) due to depreciation | False | Popravek vrednosti zemljišč (kamnolomov, odlagališč odpadkov) zaradi amortiziranja |
24 | gd_acc_035000 | 035000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of buildings due to depreciation | False | Popravek vrednosti zgradb zaradi amortiziranja |
25 | gd_acc_035100 | 035100 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of buildings - leasing | False | Popravek vrednosti zgradb - leasing |
26 | gd_acc_036000 | 036000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of investments in foreign-owned real estate | False | Popravek vrednosti vlaganj v nepremičnine v tuji lasti |
27 | gd_acc_039000 | 039000 | asset_fixed | Impairment of value of buildings | False | Oslabitev vrednosti zgradb |
28 | gd_acc_040000 | 040000 | asset_fixed | Equipment and spare parts valued according to the cost model | False | Oprema in nadomestni deli, vrednoteni po modelu nabavne vrednosti |
29 | gd_acc_040100 | 040100 | asset_fixed | Equipment and spare parts - leasing | False | Oprema in nadomestni deli - leasing |
30 | gd_acc_041000 | 041000 | asset_fixed | Small inventory | False | Drobni inventar |
31 | gd_acc_043000 | 043000 | asset_fixed | Biological means - perennial plantations | False | Biološka sredstva - večletni nasadi |
32 | gd_acc_044000 | 044000 | asset_fixed | Biological means - basic herd | False | Biološka sredstva - osnovna čreda |
33 | gd_acc_045000 | 045000 | asset_fixed | Other tangible fixed assets | False | Druga opredmetena osnovna sredstva |
34 | gd_acc_045100 | 045100 | asset_fixed | Other tangible fixed assets - leasing | False | Druga opredmetena osnovna sredstva - leasing |
35 | gd_acc_046000 | 046000 | asset_fixed | Investments in foreign-owned tangible assets | False | Vlaganja v opredmetena sredstva v tuji lasti |
36 | gd_acc_047000 | 047000 | asset_fixed | Equipment and other tangible fixed assets in construction or production | False | Oprema in druga opredmetena osnovna sredstva v gradnji oziroma izdelavi |
37 | gd_acc_048000 | 048000 | asset_fixed | Works of art and other objects of cultural and/or historical value that are not depreciated | False | Umetniška dela in drugi predmeti kulturne in/ali zgodovinske vrednosti, ki se ne amortizirajo |
38 | gd_acc_050000 | 050000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of equipment and spare parts due to depreciation | False | Popravek vrednosti opreme in nadomestnih delov zaradi amortiziranja |
39 | gd_acc_050100 | 050100 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of equipment and spare parts - leasing | False | Popravek vrednosti opreme in nadomestnih delov - leasing |
40 | gd_acc_051000 | 051000 | asset_fixed | Adjustment of value of petty inventory due to depreciation | False | Popravek vrednosti drobnega inventarja zaradi amortiziranja |
41 | gd_acc_052000 | 052000 | asset_fixed | Depreciation of equipment and spare parts | False | Oslabitev vrednosti opreme in nadomestnih delov |
42 | gd_acc_053000 | 053000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of biological assets - perennial plantations due to depreciation | False | Popravek vrednosti bioloških sredstev - večletnih nasadov zaradi amortiziranja |
43 | gd_acc_054000 | 054000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of biological assets - basic herd due to depreciation | False | Popravek vrednosti bioloških sredstev - osnovne črede zaradi amortiziranja |
44 | gd_acc_055000 | 055000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of other tangible fixed assets due to depreciation | False | Popravek vrednosti drugih opredmetrenih osnovnih sredstev zaradi amortiziranja |
45 | gd_acc_055100 | 055100 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of other tangible fixed assets - leasing | False | Popravek vrednosti drugih opredmetrenih osnovnih sredstev - leasing |
46 | gd_acc_056000 | 056000 | asset_fixed | Correction of the value of investments in tangible fixed assets in foreign ownership | False | Popravek vrednosti vlaganj v opredmetena osnovna sredstva v tuji lasti |
47 | gd_acc_058000 | 058000 | asset_fixed | Impairment of the value of biological assets | False | Oslabitev vrednosti bioloških sredstev |
48 | gd_acc_059000 | 059000 | asset_fixed | Impairment of value of other tangible fixed assets | False | Oslabitev vrednosti drugih opredmetenih osnovnih sredstev |
49 | gd_acc_060000 | 060000 | asset_non_current | Long-term financial investments in shares and shares of organizations in the group, distributed and measured by purchase value | False | Dolgoročne finančne naložbe v delnice in deleže organizacij v skupini, razporejene in izmerjene po nabavni vrednosti |
50 | gd_acc_063000 | 063000 | asset_non_current | Long-term financial investments in shares and shares of affiliated organizations and jointly controlled organizations, distributed and measured at cost | False | Dolgoročne finančne naložbe v delnice in deleže pridruženih organizacij in skupaj obvladovanih organizacij, razporejene in izmerjene po nabavni vrednosti |
51 | gd_acc_066000 | 066000 | asset_non_current | Long-term financial investments in shares and shares of affiliated organizations and jointly controlled organizations, distributed and measured at cost | False | Druge dolgoročne finančne naložbe, razporejene in izmerjene po nabavni vrednosti |
52 | gd_acc_067000 | 067000 | asset_non_current | Other long-term financial investments allocated and measured at fair value through profit or loss | False | Druge dolgoročne finančne naložbe, razporejene in izmerjene po pošteni vrednosti prek poslovnega izida |
53 | gd_acc_068000 | 068000 | asset_non_current | Other long-term financial investments, distributed and measured at fair value through capital or own source of funds | False | Druge dolgoročne finančne naložbe, razporejene in izmerjene po pošteni vrednosti prek kapitala oziroma lastnega vira sredstev |
54 | gd_acc_069000 | 069000 | asset_non_current | Impairment of the value of long-term financial investments | False | Oslabitev vrednosti dolgoročnih finančnih naložb |
55 | gd_acc_070000 | 070000 | asset_non_current | Long-term loans granted under loan agreements to group organisations, including long-term finance lease receivables | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dana na podlagi posojilnih pogodb organizacijam v skupini, vključno z dolgoročnimi terjatvami iz finančnega najema |
56 | gd_acc_071000 | 071000 | asset_non_current | Long-term loans granted under loan agreements to associates and jointly controlled entities, including long-term finance lease receivables | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dana na podlagi posojilnih pogodb pridruženim organizacijam in skupaj obvladovanim organizacijam, vključno z dolgoročnimi terjatvami finančnega najema |
57 | gd_acc_072000 | 072000 | asset_non_current | Long-term loans to others, including long-term receivables from finance leases | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dana drugim, vključno z dolgoročnimi terjatvami iz finančnega najema |
58 | gd_acc_073000 | 073000 | asset_non_current | Long-term loans granted through the repurchase of bonds from group companies | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dana z odkupom obveznic od družb v skupini |
59 | gd_acc_074000 | 074000 | asset_non_current | Long-term loans granted through the repurchase of bonds from associates and jointly controlled entities | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dana z odkupom obveznic od pridruženih organizacij in skupaj obvladovanih organizacij |
60 | gd_acc_075000 | 075000 | asset_non_current | Long-term loans granted through the repurchase of bonds from others | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dana z odkupom obveznic od drugih |
61 | gd_acc_076000 | 076000 | asset_non_current | Long-term receivables for uncalled capital | False | Dolgoročne terjatve za nevplačani vpoklicani kapital |
62 | gd_acc_077000 | 077000 | asset_non_current | Other long-term invested assets | False | Druga dolgoročno vložena sredstva |
63 | gd_acc_078000 | 078000 | asset_non_current | Long-term deposits granted | False | Dani dolgoročni depoziti |
64 | gd_acc_079000 | 079000 | asset_non_current | Impairment of long-term loans granted | False | Oslabitev vrednosti danih dolgoročnih posojil |
65 | gd_acc_080000 | 080000 | asset_non_current | Long-term commodity credits granted in the country | False | Dolgoročni blagovni krediti, dani v državi |
66 | gd_acc_081000 | 081000 | asset_non_current | Long-term commodity credits granted abroad | False | Dolgoročni blagovni krediti, dani v tujini |
67 | gd_acc_082000 | 082000 | asset_non_current | Long-term consumer credit granted | False | Dani dolgoročni potrošniški krediti |
68 | gd_acc_083000 | 083000 | asset_non_current | Long-term advances granted | False | Dani dolgoročni predujmi |
69 | gd_acc_084000 | 084000 | asset_non_current | Long-term securities given | False | Dane dolgoročne varščine |
70 | gd_acc_086000 | 086000 | asset_non_current | Other long-term trade receivables | False | Druge dolgoročne poslovne terjatve |
71 | gd_acc_087000 | 087000 | asset_non_current | Long-term trade receivables from group companies | False | Dolgoročne poslovne terjatve do družb v skupini |
72 | gd_acc_089000 | 008900 | asset_non_current | Impairment of long-term trade receivables | False | Oslabitev vrednosti dolgoročnih poslovnih terjatev |
73 | gd_acc_090000 | 090000 | asset_non_current | Deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences | False | Odložene terjatve za davek iz odbitnih začasnih razlik |
74 | gd_acc_091000 | 091000 | asset_non_current | Deferred tax assets arising from unused tax loss carryforwards | False | Odložene terjatve za davek iz neizrabljenih davčnih izgub, prenesenih v naslednja davčna obdobja |
75 | gd_acc_091900 | 091900 | asset_non_current | Receivables on own account | False | Terjatve na lastniškem računu |
76 | gd_acc_092000 | 092000 | asset_non_current | Deferred tax assets arising from tax credit carry-forwards | False | Odložene terjatve za davek iz davčnih dobropisov, prenesenih v naslednja davčna obdobja |
77 | gd_acc_100000 | 100000 | asset_cash | Cash in hand, other than foreign currency | False | Denarna sredstva v blagajni, razen deviznih |
78 | gd_acc_100001 | 100001 | asset_cash | Cash | False | Gotovina |
79 | gd_acc_101000 | 101000 | asset_cash | Foreign currency in the treasury | False | Devizna sredstva v blagajni |
80 | gd_acc_102000 | 102000 | asset_cash | Cheques issued (deductible item) | False | Izdani čeki (odbitna postavka) |
81 | gd_acc_103000 | 103000 | asset_cash | Cheques received | False | Prejeti čeki |
82 | gd_acc_104000 | 104000 | asset_cash | Risk-free readily callable debt securities | False | Netvegani takoj udenarljivi dolžniški vrednostni papirji |
83 | gd_acc_109000 | 109000 | asset_cash | Money on the move | False | Denar na poti |
84 | gd_acc_109001 | 109001 | asset_current | Liquidity Transfer | True | Liquidity Transfer |
85 | gd_acc_110000 | 110000 | asset_cash | Cash on accounts other than foreign currency | False | Denarna sredstva na računih, razen deviznih |
86 | gd_acc_110001 | 110001 | asset_current | Bank | True | Banka |
87 | gd_acc_110002 | 110002 | asset_current | Bank suspense account | False | Bančni prehodni konto |
88 | gd_acc_110003 | 110003 | asset_current | Outstanding Receipts | True | Outstanding Receipts |
89 | gd_acc_110004 | 110004 | asset_current | Outstanding Payments | True | Outstanding Payments |
90 | gd_acc_110005 | 110005 | asset_cash | Payments | False | Plačila |
91 | gd_acc_110900 | 110900 | asset_cash | Transition account for unallocated payments other than foreign exchange | False | Prehodni konto za nerazporejena plačila, razen deviznih |
92 | gd_acc_111000 | 111000 | asset_cash | Short-term deposits or deposits redeemable at sight, excluding foreign currency | False | Kratkoročni depoziti oziroma depoziti na odpoklic, razen deviznih |
93 | gd_acc_112000 | 112000 | asset_cash | Foreign currency balances on accounts | False | Devizna sredstva na računih |
94 | gd_acc_112900 | 112900 | asset_cash | Transition account for unallocated foreign exchange payments | False | Prehodni konto za nerazporejena devizna plačila |
95 | gd_acc_113000 | 113000 | asset_cash | Short-term foreign currency deposits or foreign currency deposits redeemable at call | False | Kratkoročni devizni depoziti oziroma devizni depoziti na odpoklic |
96 | gd_acc_114000 | 114000 | asset_cash | Cash in special accounts or for specific purposes | False | Denarna sredstva na posebnih računih oziroma za posebne namene |
97 | gd_acc_120000 | 120000 | asset_receivable | Short-term receivables from customers in the country | True | Kratkoročne terjatve do kupcev v državi |
98 | gd_acc_121000 | 121000 | asset_receivable | Short-term receivables from customers abroad | True | Kratkoročne terjatve do kupcev v tujini |
99 | gd_acc_122000 | 122000 | asset_current | Short-term trade credits granted to customers in the country | False | Kratkoročni blagovni krediti, dani kupcem v državi |
100 | gd_acc_123000 | 123000 | asset_current | Short-term trade credits to customers abroad | False | Kratkoročni blagovni krediti, dani kupcem v tujini |
101 | gd_acc_124000 | 124000 | asset_current | Short-term consumer credit granted to customers in the country | False | Kratkoročni potrošniški krediti, dani kupcem v državi |
102 | gd_acc_125000 | 125000 | asset_receivable | Short-term receivables from members | True | Kratkoročnet terjatve do članov |
103 | gd_acc_126000 | 126000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables for unbilled goods and services | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za nezaračunano blago in storitve |
104 | gd_acc_127000 | 127000 | asset_current | Short-term trade receivables from group companies | False | Kratkoročne poslovne terjatve do družb v skupini |
105 | gd_acc_129000 | 129000 | asset_current | Impairment of short-term trade receivables | False | Oslabitev vrednosti kratkoročnih terjatev do kupcev |
106 | gd_acc_130000 | 130000 | asset_current | Short-term advances against property, plant and equipment | False | Kratkoročni predujmi, dani za opredmetena osnovna sredstva |
107 | gd_acc_131000 | 131000 | asset_current | Short-term advances made for intangible fixed assets | False | Kratkoročni predujmi, dani za neopredmetena osnovna sredstva |
108 | gd_acc_132000 | 132000 | asset_current | Short-term advances against inventories of materials and goods and services not yet rendered | False | Kratkoročni predujmi, dani za zaloge materiala in blaga ter še ne opravljene storitve |
109 | gd_acc_133000 | 133000 | asset_receivable | Other short-term advances and overpayments | True | Drugi dani kratkoročni predujmi in preplačila |
110 | gd_acc_134000 | 134000 | asset_current | Short-term securities given | False | Dane kratkoročne varščine |
111 | gd_acc_139000 | 139000 | asset_current | Impairment of short-term advances, overpayments and securities | False | Oslabitev vrednosti danih kratkoročnih predujmov, preplačil in varščin |
112 | gd_acc_140000 | 140000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables from exporters | False | Kratkoročne terjatve do izvoznikov |
113 | gd_acc_141000 | 141000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables from imports on foreign account | False | Kratkoročne terjatve iz uvoza za tuj račun |
114 | gd_acc_142000 | 142000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables from consignment and consignment sales | False | Kratkoročne terjatve iz komisijske in konsignacijske prodaje |
115 | gd_acc_145000 | 145000 | asset_current | Other short-term trade receivables due on foreign account | False | Druge kratkoročne terjatve iz poslovanja za tuj račun |
116 | gd_acc_149000 | 149000 | asset_current | Impairment of short-term trade receivables due on foreign account | False | Oslabitev vrednosti kratkoročnih terjatev iz poslovanja za tuj račun |
117 | gd_acc_150000 | 150000 | asset_current | Short-term interest receivable | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za obresti |
118 | gd_acc_151000 | 151000 | asset_current | Short-term dividend receivable | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za dividende |
119 | gd_acc_152000 | 152000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables for other profit sharing | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za druge deleže v dobičku |
120 | gd_acc_155000 | 155000 | asset_current | Other short-term receivables related to financial income | False | Druge kratkoročne terjatve, povezane s finančnimi prihodki |
121 | gd_acc_159000 | 159000 | asset_current | Impairment of short-term receivables related to financial income | False | Oslabitev vrednosti kratkoročnih terjatev, povezanih s finančnimi prihodki |
122 | gd_acc_160000 | 160000 | asset_current | Input VAT - 22% - SLO BL ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 22% - SLO BL ST |
123 | gd_acc_160010 | 160010 | asset_current | Input VAT - 9,5% - SLO BL ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 9,5% - SLO BL ST |
124 | gd_acc_160020 | 160020 | asset_current | Input VAT - 5% - SLO BL ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 5% - SLO BL ST |
125 | gd_acc_160300 | 160300 | asset_current | Input VAT - 22% - 3. svet BL | False | Vstopni DDV - 22% - 3. svet BL |
126 | gd_acc_160301 | 160301 | asset_current | Input VAT - 22% - 3. svet ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 22% - 3. svet ST |
127 | gd_acc_160310 | 160310 | asset_current | Input VAT - 9,5% - 3. svet BL | False | Vstopni DDV - 9,5% - 3. svet BL |
128 | gd_acc_160311 | 160311 | asset_current | Input VAT - 9,5% - 3. svet ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 9,5% - 3. svet ST |
129 | gd_acc_160320 | 160320 | asset_current | Input VAT - 5% 3. svet BL in ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 5% 3. svet BL in ST |
130 | gd_acc_160400 | 160400 | asset_current | Input VAT - 22% - EU BL | False | Vstopni DDV - 22% - EU BL |
131 | gd_acc_160410 | 160410 | asset_current | Input VAT - 9,5% - EU BL | False | Vstopni DDV - 9,5% - EU BL |
132 | gd_acc_160420 | 160420 | asset_current | Input VAT - 5% EU BL in ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 5% EU BL in ST |
133 | gd_acc_160430 | 160430 | asset_current | Input VAT - 22% - EU ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 22% - EU ST |
134 | gd_acc_160440 | 160440 | asset_current | Input VAT - 9,5% - EU ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 9,5% - EU ST |
135 | gd_acc_160460 | 160460 | asset_current | Input VAT - 22% - SLO - SO 76.a Article BL ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 22% - SLO - SO 76.a člen BL ST |
136 | gd_acc_160470 | 160470 | asset_current | Input VAT - 9.5% - SLO - SO Article 76a BL ST | False | Vstopni DDV - 9,5% - SLO - SO 76.a člen BL ST |
137 | gd_acc_160500 | 160500 | asset_current | Input VAT - 8% - SLO BL | False | Vstopni DDV - 8% - SLO BL |
138 | gd_acc_160700 | 160700 | asset_current | Input VAT receivable in Slovenia after accounting | False | Terjatve za vstopni DDV v Sloveniji po obračunu |
139 | gd_acc_160800 | 160800 | asset_current | Claims for the refund of the difference between input and input VAT in Slovenia | False | Terjatve za vračilo razlike med vstopnim in obračunanim DDV v Sloveniji |
140 | gd_acc_161000 | 161000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables for corporation tax, including tax paid abroad | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za davek od dohodkov pravnih oseb, vključno z davkom, plačanim v tujini |
141 | gd_acc_161100 | 161100 | asset_current | Short-term debit card receivables | False | Kratkoročne terjatve iz naslova plačilnih kartic |
142 | gd_acc_162000 | 162000 | asset_current | Current receivables for income tax on s.p. income, including tax paid abroad | False | Kratkoročne terjatve zd dohodnino od dohodka iz dejavnosti s.p., vključno z davkom plačanim v tujini |
143 | gd_acc_164000 | 164000 | asset_current | Other short-term receivables from government and other institutions | False | Druge kratkoročne terjatve do državnih in drugih inštitucij |
144 | gd_acc_164100 | 164100 | asset_current | Short-term receivables for gross salary reimbursements | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za bruto refundirane plače |
145 | gd_acc_165000 | 165000 | asset_current | Other short-term receivables | False | Ostale kratkoročne terjatve |
146 | gd_acc_165100 | 165100 | asset_current | Receivables due from employees in respect of travel advances | False | Terjatve do zaposlenih iz naslova predujmov za potne stroške |
147 | gd_acc_165200 | 165200 | asset_current | Receivables from returned goods to suppliers | False | Terjatve iz naslova vrnjenega blaga dobaviteljem |
148 | gd_acc_165900 | 165900 | asset_current | Other non-current receivables | False | Ostale nerazporeje kratkoročne terjatve |
149 | gd_acc_166000 | 166000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables for VAT refunded to foreigners | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za DDV, vrnjen tujcem |
150 | gd_acc_167000 | 167000 | asset_current | Short-term receivables for VAT paid abroad | False | Kratkoročne terjatve za DDV, plačan v tujini |
151 | gd_acc_169000 | 169000 | asset_current | Impairment of other current receivables | False | Oslabitev vrednosti drugih kratkoročnih terjatev |
152 | gd_acc_170000 | 170000 | asset_current | Short-term investments in shares of group entities, classified and measured at cost | False | Kratkoročne finančne naložbe v delnice in deleže organizacij v skupini, razporejene in izmerjene po nabavni vrednosti |
153 | gd_acc_173000 | 173000 | asset_current | Short-term investments in shares of associates and jointly controlled entities, classified and measured at cost | False | Kratkoročne finančne naložbe v delnice in deleže pridruženih organizacijin skupaj obvladovanih organizacij, razporejene in izmerjene po nabavni vrednosti |
154 | gd_acc_176000 | 176000 | asset_current | Other short-term investments classified and measured at cost | False | Druge kratkoročne finančne naložbe, razporejene in izmerjene po nabavni vrednosti |
155 | gd_acc_177000 | 177000 | asset_current | Other short-term investments designated and measured at fair value through profit or loss | False | Druge kratkoročne finančne naložbe, razporejene in izmerjene po pošteni vrednosti prek poslovnega izida |
156 | gd_acc_178000 | 178000 | asset_current | Other short-term investments classified and measured at fair value through equity or own funds | False | Druge kratkoročne finančne naložbe, razporejene in izmerjene po pošteni vrednosti prek kapitala oziroma lastnega vira sredstev |
157 | gd_acc_179000 | 179000 | asset_current | Impairment of short-term investments | False | Oslabitev vrednosti kratkoročnih finančnih naložb |
158 | gd_acc_180000 | 180000 | asset_current | Short-term loans granted under loan agreements to group organisations | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dana na podlagi posojilnih pogodb organizacijam v skupini |
159 | gd_acc_181000 | 181000 | asset_current | Short-term loans granted under loan agreements to associates and jointly controlled entities | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dana na podlagi posojilnih pogodb pridruženim organizacijam in skupaj obvladovanim družbam |
160 | gd_acc_182000 | 182000 | asset_current | Short-term loans to others, including short-term receivables from finance leases (leasing) | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dana drugim, vključno s kratkoročnimi terjatvami iz finančnega najema (leasing) |
161 | gd_acc_183000 | 183000 | asset_current | Short-term deposits in banks and other financial organizations | False | Kratkoročni depoziti v bankah in drugih finančnih organizacijah |
162 | gd_acc_184000 | 184000 | asset_current | Short-term loans granted by buying bonds | False | Dana kratkoročna posojila z odkupom obveznic |
163 | gd_acc_185000 | 185000 | asset_current | Bills of exchange received | False | Prejete menice |
164 | gd_acc_186000 | 186000 | asset_current | Short-term loans granted with the purchase of other debt securities | False | Dana kratkoročna posojila z odkupom drugih dolžniških vrednostnih papirjev |
165 | gd_acc_187000 | 187000 | asset_current | Short-term unpaid called-up capital | False | Kratkoročno nevplačani vpoklicani kapital |
166 | gd_acc_189000 | 189000 | asset_current | Short-term unpaid called-up capital | False | Oslabitev vrednosti kratkoročnih posojil |
167 | gd_acc_190000 | 190000 | asset_current | Short-term deferred costs or expenses | False | Kratkoročno odloženi stroški oziroma odhodki |
168 | gd_acc_190200 | 190200 | asset_current | Subscriptions | False | Naročnine |
169 | gd_acc_191000 | 191000 | asset_current | Short-term unbilled revenue | False | Kratkoročno nezaračunani prihodki |
170 | gd_acc_192000 | 192000 | asset_current | Valuables | False | Vrednotnice |
171 | gd_acc_195000 | 195000 | asset_current | VAT on advances received | True | DDV od prejetih predujmov |
172 | gd_acc_210000 | 210000 | liability_current | Liabilities included in disposal groups | False | Obveznosti, vključene v skupine za odtujitev |
173 | gd_acc_220000 | 220000 | liability_payable | Short-term liabilities (debts) to suppliers in the country | True | Kratkoročne obveznosti (dolgovi) do dobaviteljev v državi |
174 | gd_acc_221000 | 221000 | liability_payable | Short-term liabilities (debts) to suppliers abroad | True | Kratkoročne obveznosti (dolgovi) do dobaviteljev v tujini |
175 | gd_acc_222000 | 222000 | liability_current | Short-term commodity credits received in the country | False | Kratkoročni blagovni krediti, prejeti v državi |
176 | gd_acc_223000 | 223000 | liability_current | Short-term merchandise credits received abroad | False | Kratkoročni blagovni krediti, prejeti v tujini |
177 | gd_acc_224000 | 224000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities (debts) for unpaid goods and services SLO | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti (dolgovi) za nezaračunane blago in storitve SLO |
178 | gd_acc_224100 | 224100 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities (debts) for unbilled goods and services of TUJ | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti (dolgovi) za nezaračunane blago in storitve TUJ |
179 | gd_acc_227000 | 227000 | liability_current | Short-term business liabilities to companies in the group | False | Kratkoročne poslovne obveznosti do družb v skupini |
180 | gd_acc_230000 | 230000 | liability_payable | Received short-term advances SLO | True | Prejeti kratkoročni predujmi SLO |
181 | gd_acc_230100 | 230100 | liability_payable | Received short-term advances FOREIGN | True | Prejeti kratkoročni predujmi TUJ |
182 | gd_acc_231000 | 231000 | liability_current | Received short-term securities | False | Prejete kratkoročne varščine |
183 | gd_acc_240000 | 240000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities from exports for a foreign account | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti iz izvoza za tuj račun |
184 | gd_acc_241000 | 241000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities to importers | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti do uvoznikov |
185 | gd_acc_242000 | 242000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities from commission and consignment sales | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti iz komisijske in konsignacijske prodaje |
186 | gd_acc_245000 | 245000 | liability_current | Other short-term liabilities from operations for a foreign account | False | Druge kratkoročne obveznosti iz poslovanja za tuj račun |
187 | gd_acc_250000 | 250000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for accrued and unpaid wages | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za vračunane in neobračunane plače |
188 | gd_acc_251000 | 251000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for net wages and salary compensation | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za neto plače in nadomestila plač |
189 | gd_acc_252000 | 252000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for social security contributions by types of contributions | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za prispevke za socialno varnost po vrstah prispevkov |
190 | gd_acc_253000 | 253000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for contributions from gross wages and salary compensation | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za prispevke iz bruto plač in nadomestil plač |
191 | gd_acc_253042 | 253042 | liability_current | Obligations for employment contributions. from the gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke za zaposl. iz bruto plače |
192 | gd_acc_253043 | 253043 | liability_current | Contribution obligations for the parent. var. from the gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke za starš. var. iz bruto plače |
193 | gd_acc_253044 | 253044 | liability_current | Obligations for ZPIZ contributions from gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZPIZ iz bruto plače |
194 | gd_acc_253045 | 253045 | liability_current | Obligations for ZZZS contributions from gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZZZS iz bruto plače |
195 | gd_acc_254000 | 254000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for taxes from gross wages and salary compensation - income tax | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za davke iz bruto plač in nadomestil plač - dohodnina |
196 | gd_acc_255000 | 255000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for other employment benefits | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za druge prejemke iz delovnega razmerja |
197 | gd_acc_255100 | 255100 | liability_current | Obligations to employees for cash material costs | False | Obveznosti do zaposlenih za gotovinske materialne stroške |
198 | gd_acc_255200 | 255200 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities to employees for travel expenses | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti do zaposlenih za potne stroške |
199 | gd_acc_255300 | 255300 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities to employees for food allowance | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti do zaposlenih za nadomestilo za prehrano |
200 | gd_acc_255400 | 255400 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities to employees for reimbursement of transportation costs to work | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti do zaposlenih za povračilo stroškov prevoza na delo |
201 | gd_acc_255500 | 255500 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for holiday pay | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za regres |
202 | gd_acc_255600 | 255600 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for severance pay | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za odpravnino |
203 | gd_acc_256000 | 256000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for contributions from other benefits from the employment relationship that are not calculated together with wages | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za prispevke iz drugih prejemkov iz delovnega razmerja, ki se ne obračunavajo skupaj s plačami |
204 | gd_acc_257000 | 257000 | liability_current | Short-term tax liabilities from other employment benefits that are not calculated together with wages | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za davek iz drugih prejemkov iz delovnega razmerja, ki se ne obračunavajo skupaj s plačami |
205 | gd_acc_258000 | 258000 | liability_current | Obligations for the payer's contributions | False | Obveznosti za prispevke izplačevalca |
206 | gd_acc_258042 | 258042 | liability_current | Obligations for employment contributions. on gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke za zaposl. na bruto plačo |
207 | gd_acc_258043 | 258043 | liability_current | Contribution obligations for the parent. var. on gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke za starš. var. na bruto plačo |
208 | gd_acc_258044 | 258044 | liability_current | Obligations for ZPIZ contributions on gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZPIZ na bruto plačo |
209 | gd_acc_258045 | 258045 | liability_current | Obligations for ZZZS contributions on gross salary | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZZZS na bruto plačo |
210 | gd_acc_260000 | 260000 | liability_current | Output VAT - 22% - SLO BL ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 22% - SLO BL ST |
211 | gd_acc_260010 | 260010 | liability_current | Output VAT - 9,5% - SLO BL ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 9,5% - SLO BL ST |
212 | gd_acc_260020 | 260020 | liability_current | Output VAT - 5% - SLO BL ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 5% - SLO BL ST |
213 | gd_acc_260300 | 260300 | liability_current | Output VAT - 22% - 3. world BL | False | Izstopni DDV - 22% - 3. svet BL |
214 | gd_acc_260301 | 260301 | liability_current | Output VAT - 22% - 3. world ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 22% - 3. svet ST |
215 | gd_acc_260310 | 260310 | liability_current | Output VAT - 9,5% - 3. world BL | False | Izstopni DDV - 9,5% - 3. svet BL |
216 | gd_acc_260311 | 260311 | liability_current | Output VAT - 9,5% - 3. world ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 9,5% - 3. svet ST |
217 | gd_acc_260320 | 260320 | liability_current | Output VAT - 5% 3. world BL in ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 5% 3. svet BL in ST |
218 | gd_acc_260400 | 260400 | liability_current | Output VAT - 22% - EU BL | False | Izstopni DDV - 22% - EU BL |
219 | gd_acc_260410 | 260410 | liability_current | Output VAT - 9,5% - EU BL | False | Izstopni DDV - 9,5% - EU BL |
220 | gd_acc_260420 | 260420 | liability_current | Output VAT - 5% EU BL in ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 5% EU BL in ST |
221 | gd_acc_260430 | 260430 | liability_current | Output VAT - 22% - EU ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 22% - EU ST |
222 | gd_acc_260440 | 260440 | liability_current | Output VAT - 9,5% - EU ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 9,5% - EU ST |
223 | gd_acc_260460 | 260460 | liability_current | Output VAT - 22% - SLO - SO 76.a Article BL ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 22% - SLO - SO 76.a člen BL ST |
224 | gd_acc_260470 | 260470 | liability_current | Output VAT - 9,5% - SLO - SO 76.a Article BL ST | False | Izstopni DDV - 9,5% - SLO - SO 76.a člen BL ST |
225 | gd_acc_260500 | 260500 | liability_current | Output VAT - 8% - SLO BL | False | Izstopni DDV - 8% - SLO BL |
226 | gd_acc_260700 | 260700 | liability_current | Liability for VAT in Slovenia | False | Obveznost za DDV v Sloveniji |
227 | gd_acc_260800 | 260800 | liability_current | Obligation to pay the difference between calculated and input VAT for the tax period in Slovenia | False | Obveznost za plačilo razlike med obračunanim in vstopnim DDV za davčno obdobje v Sloveniji |
228 | gd_acc_261000 | 261000 | liability_current | Obligations for VAT, customs and other duties on imported goods | False | Obveznosti za DDV, carino in druge dajatve od uvoženega blaga |
229 | gd_acc_262000 | 262000 | liability_current | Obligations for contributions | False | Obveznosti za prispevke |
230 | gd_acc_263000 | 263000 | liability_current | Obligations for advance payment of income tax on income from activities | False | Obveznosti za akontacijo dohodnine od dohodka iz dejavnosti |
231 | gd_acc_264000 | 264000 | liability_current | Corporate income tax obligations - DDPO | False | Obveznosti za davek od dohodkov pravnih oseb - DDPO |
232 | gd_acc_265000 | 265000 | liability_current | Obligations for withholding tax | False | Obveznosti za davčni odtegljaj |
233 | gd_acc_265100 | 265100 | liability_current | Obligations for withholding tax - Author's ch. | False | Obveznost za davčni odtegljaj - Avtorska pog. |
234 | gd_acc_265200 | 265200 | liability_current | Obligations for withholding tax - Temporary work of pensioners | False | Obveznost za davčni odtegljaj - Začasno delo upokojencev |
235 | gd_acc_265300 | 265300 | liability_current | Obligations for withholding tax - Undertaking contract | False | Obveznost za davčni odtegljaj - Podjemna pogodba |
236 | gd_acc_265400 | 265400 | liability_current | Obligations for withholding tax - Ch. about the power of attorney | False | Obveznost za davčni odtegljaj - Pog. o prokuri |
237 | gd_acc_265500 | 265500 | liability_current | Obligations for withholding tax - Ch. about management | False | Obveznost za davčni odtegljaj - Pog. o poslovodenju |
238 | gd_acc_265600 | 265600 | liability_current | Liability for withholding tax - Payment of profit | False | Obveznost za davčni odtegljaj - Izplačilo dobička |
239 | gd_acc_266000 | 266000 | liability_current | Other short-term liabilities to state and other institutions | False | Druge kratkoročne obveznosti do državnih in drugih inštitucij |
240 | gd_acc_266044 | 266044 | liability_current | Obligations for ZPIZ contributions from gross salary - contract | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZPIZ iz bruto plače - pogodbe |
241 | gd_acc_266045 | 266045 | liability_current | Obligations for ZZZS contributions from gross salary - contract | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZZZS iz bruto plače - pogodbe |
242 | gd_acc_266100 | 266100 | liability_current | Obligations for contributions from contracts of natural persons | False | Obveznosti za prispevke iz pogodb fizičnih oseb |
243 | gd_acc_266144 | 266144 | liability_current | Obligations for ZPIZ contributions on gross wages - contracts | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZPIZ na bruto plače - pogodbe |
244 | gd_acc_266145 | 266145 | liability_current | Obligations for ZZZS contributions on gross wages - contracts | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZZZS na bruto plače - pogodbe |
245 | gd_acc_267000 | 267000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for social security contributions of sole proprietors | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za prispevke za socialno varnost samostojnih podjetnikov |
246 | gd_acc_267042 | 267042 | liability_current | Obligations for employment contributions. - SP | False | Obveznosti za prispevke za zaposl. - SP |
247 | gd_acc_267043 | 267043 | liability_current | Contribution obligations for the parent. var. - SP | False | Obveznosti za prispevke za starš. var. - SP |
248 | gd_acc_267044 | 267044 | liability_current | Obligations for ZPIZ - SP contributions | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZPIZ - SP |
249 | gd_acc_267045 | 267045 | liability_current | Obligations for ZZZS - SP contributions | False | Obveznosti za prispevke ZZZS - SP |
250 | gd_acc_270000 | 270000 | liability_current | Short-term loans obtained from organizations in the group | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dobljena pri organizacijah v skupini |
251 | gd_acc_271000 | 271000 | liability_current | Short-term loans obtained from affiliates and jointly controlled entities | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dobljena pri pridruženih organizacijah in skupaj obvladovanih organizacijah |
252 | gd_acc_272000 | 272000 | liability_current | Short-term loans obtained from banks and organizations in the country | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dobljena pri bankah in organizacijah v državi |
253 | gd_acc_272100 | 272100 | liability_current | Short-term loans obtained from banks in the country | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dobljena pri bankah v državi |
254 | gd_acc_272200 | 272200 | liability_current | Short-term loans obtained from companies in the country | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dobljena pri družbah v državi |
255 | gd_acc_273000 | 273000 | liability_current | Short-term loans obtained from banks abroad | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dobljena pri bankah v tujini |
256 | gd_acc_273100 | 273100 | liability_current | Short-term loans obtained from companies abroad | False | Kratkoročna posojila, dobljena pri družbah v tujini |
257 | gd_acc_274000 | 274000 | liability_current | Short-term financial liabilities related to bonds | False | Kratkoročne finančne obveznosti v zvezi z obveznicami |
258 | gd_acc_275000 | 275000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities from financial leasing (leasing) | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti iz finančnega najema (leasing) |
259 | gd_acc_276000 | 276000 | liability_current | Short-term financial obligations to natural persons (loans) | False | Kratkoročne finančne obveznosti do fizičnih oseb (posojila) |
260 | gd_acc_277000 | 277000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities related to the distribution of profit | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti v zvezi z razdelitvijo poslovnega izida |
261 | gd_acc_278000 | 278000 | liability_current | Obligations from the payment of capital until entry in the court register | False | Obveznosti iz vplačila kapitala do vpisa v sodni register |
262 | gd_acc_279000 | 279000 | liability_current | Other short-term financial liabilities | False | Druge kratkoročne finančne obveznosti |
263 | gd_acc_279100 | 279100 | liability_current | Installment payments | False | Obročna plačila |
264 | gd_acc_280000 | 280000 | liability_current | Short-term interest liabilities | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za obresti |
265 | gd_acc_281000 | 281000 | liability_current | Short-term bills payable | False | Kratkoročne menične obveznosti |
266 | gd_acc_282000 | 282000 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities related to deductions from wages and compensation of wages to employees | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti v zvezi z odtegljaji od plač in nadomestili plač zaposlenim |
267 | gd_acc_285000 | 285000 | liability_current | Other short-term business liabilities | False | Ostale kratkoročne poslovne obveznosti |
268 | gd_acc_285100 | 285100 | asset_cash | Obligations to the credit card issuer (card payments) | False | Obveznosti do izdajatelja kreditne kartice (kartična plačila) |
269 | gd_acc_285200 | 285200 | liability_current | Current liabilities for the payment of royalties | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za izplačilo avtorskega honorarja |
270 | gd_acc_285300 | 285300 | liability_current | Short-term obligations for payment to pupils and students on internships | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za izplačilo dijakom in študentom na praksi |
271 | gd_acc_285400 | 285400 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for the payment of management contracts | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za izplačilo poslovodskih pogodb |
272 | gd_acc_285500 | 285500 | liability_current | Short-term liabilities for the payment of contracts | False | Kratkoročne obveznosti za izplačilo podjemnih pogodb |
273 | gd_acc_285600 | 285600 | liability_current | Other short-term liabilities | False | Ostale kratkoročne obveznosti |
274 | gd_acc_290000 | 290000 | liability_current | Charged costs or expenses in advance | False | Vnaprej vračunani stroški oziroma odhodki |
275 | gd_acc_291000 | 291000 | liability_current | Short-term deferred revenue | False | Kratkoročno odloženi prihodki |
276 | gd_acc_295000 | 295000 | liability_current | VAT on advances | True | DDV od danih predujmov |
277 | gd_acc_300000 | 300000 | asset_current | The value of raw materials and materials according to suppliers' invoices | False | Vrednost surovin in materiala po obračunih dobaviteljev |
278 | gd_acc_301000 | 301000 | asset_current | Dependent costs of procurement of raw materials and materials | False | Odvisni stroški nabave surovin in materiala |
279 | gd_acc_302000 | 302000 | asset_current | Customs and other import duties on raw materials and materials | False | Carina in druge uvozne davščine od surovin in materiala |
280 | gd_acc_303000 | 303000 | asset_current | VAT and other taxes on raw materials and materials | False | DDV in druge davščine od surovin in materiala |
281 | gd_acc_309000 | 309000 | asset_current | Calculation of the purchase of raw materials and materials | False | Obračun nabave surovin in materiala |
282 | gd_acc_310000 | 310000 | asset_current | Stocks of raw materials and materials in the warehouse | False | Zaloge surovin in materiala v skladišču |
283 | gd_acc_311000 | 311000 | asset_current | Stocks of aggregates and material in a foreign warehouse | False | Zaloge sutovin in materiala v tujem skladišču |
284 | gd_acc_312000 | 312000 | asset_current | Stocks of raw materials and materials on the way | False | Zaloge surovin in materiala na poti |
285 | gd_acc_316000 | 316000 | asset_current | Stocks of raw materials and materials in finishing and processing | False | Zaloge surovin in materiala v dodelavi in predelavi |
286 | gd_acc_319000 | 319000 | asset_current | Deviations from the constant prices of stocks of raw materials and materials | False | Odmiki od stalnih cen zalog surovin in materiala |
287 | gd_acc_320000 | 320000 | asset_current | Stocks of petty inventory in the warehouse | False | Zaloge drobnega inventarja v skladišču |
288 | gd_acc_320100 | 320100 | asset_current | Stocks of packaging in the warehouse | False | Zaloge embalaže v skladišču |
289 | gd_acc_321000 | 321000 | asset_current | Petty inventory stocks put to use | False | Zaloge drobnega inventarja, dane v uporabo |
290 | gd_acc_321100 | 321100 | asset_current | Stocks of packaging put into use | False | Zaloge embalaže, dane v uporabo |
291 | gd_acc_329000 | 329000 | asset_current | Deviations from fixed prices of small inventory and packaging | False | Odmiki od stalnih cen drobnega inventarja in embalaže |
292 | gd_acc_400000 | 400000 | expense | Material costs | False | Stroški materiala |
293 | gd_acc_401000 | 401000 | expense | Cost of auxiliary material | False | Stroški pomožnega materiala |
294 | gd_acc_401100 | 401100 | expense | Cost of cleaning products | False | Stroški čistil |
295 | gd_acc_402000 | 402000 | expense | Energy costs - electricity | False | Stroški energije - elektrika |
296 | gd_acc_402100 | 402100 | expense | Energy costs - gas | False | Stroški energije - plin |
297 | gd_acc_402200 | 402200 | expense | Energy costs - fuel | False | Stroški energije - gorivo |
298 | gd_acc_403000 | 403000 | expense | Cost of spare parts for fixed assets and maintenance materials for fixed assets | False | Stroški nadomestnih delov za osnovna sredstva in materiala za vzdrževanje osnovnih sredstev |
299 | gd_acc_404000 | 404000 | expense | Write-off of small inventories | False | Odpis drobnega inventarja |
300 | gd_acc_404100 | 404100 | expense | Packaging waste | False | Odpis embalaže |
301 | gd_acc_405000 | 405000 | expense | Reconciliation of material and petty inventory costs due to inventory differences | False | Uskladitev stroškov materiala in drobnega inventarja zaradi popisnih razlik |
302 | gd_acc_406000 | 406000 | expense | Cost of office supplies | False | Stroški pisarniškega materiala |
303 | gd_acc_406100 | 406100 | expense | Costs of professional literature and publications | False | Stroški strokovne literature in publikacij |
304 | gd_acc_407000 | 407000 | expense | Other material costs | False | Drugi stroški materiala |
305 | gd_acc_410000 | 410000 | expense | Cost of services in the production of goods and services | False | Stroški storitev pri ustvarjanju proizvodov in opravljanju storitev |
306 | gd_acc_411100 | 411100 | expense | Transport costs - Post and other carriers (DPD, FedEx, etc.) | False | Stroški transportnih storitev - Pošta in ostali prevozniki (DPD, FedEx itd.) |
307 | gd_acc_412000 | 412000 | expense | Cost of maintenance services | False | Stroški storitev v zvezi z vzdrževanjem |
308 | gd_acc_413000 | 413000 | expense | Rent expense - real estate | False | Strošek najemnine - nepremičnine |
309 | gd_acc_413100 | 413100 | asset_prepayments | Rental cost - equipment | False | Strošek najemnine - oprema |
310 | gd_acc_414000 | 414000 | expense | Reimbursement of work-related expenses to employees - without analytics | False | Povračila stroškov zaposlencem v zvezi z delom - brez analitike |
311 | gd_acc_414110 | 414110 | expense | Daily subsistence allowance while travelling on business - SLO | False | Dnevnica na službeni poti - SLO |
312 | gd_acc_414120 | 414120 | expense | Mileage on business trips - SLO | False | Kilometrina na službeni poti - SLO |
313 | gd_acc_414130 | 414130 | expense | Toll and parking - SLO | False | Cestnina in parkirnina - SLO |
314 | gd_acc_414140 | 414140 | expense | Transport - Other - SLO | False | Prevoz - ostalo - SLO |
315 | gd_acc_414160 | 414160 | expense | Other mission expenses - SLO | False | Ostali stroški službenega potovanja - SLO |
316 | gd_acc_414170 | 414170 | expense | Employee reimbursements (excluding daily subsistence allowances and mileage) - SLO | False | Povračila zaposlenemu (razen dnevnice in kilometrine) - SLO |
317 | gd_acc_414210 | 414210 | expense | Daily subsistence allowance while travelling on business - TUJ | False | Dnevnica na službeni poti - TUJ |
318 | gd_acc_414220 | 414220 | expense | Mileage on business trips - TUJ | False | Kilometrina na službeni poti - TUJ |
319 | gd_acc_414230 | 414230 | expense | Toll and parking - TUJ | False | Cestnina in parkirnina - TUJ |
320 | gd_acc_414240 | 414240 | expense | Transport - Other - TUJ | False | Prevoz - ostalo - TUJ |
321 | gd_acc_414260 | 414260 | expense | Other mission expenses - TUJ | False | Ostali stroški službenega potovanja - TUJ |
322 | gd_acc_414270 | 414270 | expense | Employee reimbursements (excluding daily subsistence allowances and mileage) - SLO | False | Povračila zaposlenemu (razen dnevnice in kilometrine) - SLO |
323 | gd_acc_415000 | 415000 | expense | Payment and banking costs, transaction costs and insurance premiums - excluding analytics | False | Stroški plačilnega prometa in bančnih storitev, stroški posla in zavarovalne premije - brez analitike |
324 | gd_acc_415100 | 415100 | expense | Cost of banking services | False | Stroški bančnih storitev |
325 | gd_acc_415200 | 415200 | expense | Insurance premium costs | False | Stroški zavarovalne premije |
326 | gd_acc_416000 | 416000 | expense | Cost of intellectual and personal services - other | False | Stroški intelektualnih in osebnih storitev - drugo |
327 | gd_acc_416100 | 416100 | expense | Cost of accounting services | False | Stroški računovodskih storitev |
328 | gd_acc_416200 | 416200 | expense | Education costs | False | Stroški izobraževanja |
329 | gd_acc_416300 | 416300 | expense | Outsourcing costs - SLO | False | Stroški storitev zunanjih izvajalcev (outsourcing) - SLO |
330 | gd_acc_416310 | 416310 | expense | Outsourcing costs - TUJ | False | Stroški storitev zunanjih izvajalcev (outsourcing) - TUJ |
331 | gd_acc_416500 | 416500 | expense | Cost of health services | False | Stroški zdravstvenih storitev |
332 | gd_acc_416600 | 416600 | expense | Cost of other intellectual services | False | Stroški ostalih intelektualnih storitev |
333 | gd_acc_417000 | 417000 | expense | Costs of fairs | False | Stroški sejmov |
334 | gd_acc_417100 | 417100 | expense | National team costs | False | Stroški reprezentance |
335 | gd_acc_417200 | 417200 | expense | Advertising and publicity costs | False | Stroški reklame in oglaševanja |
336 | gd_acc_417300 | 417300 | expense | Sponsorship costs | False | Stroški sponzorstva |
337 | gd_acc_418000 | 418000 | expense | Costs of services provided by natural persons not engaged in an activity, including charges to the organisation (labour contracts, author's contracts, emoluments to employees and other persons) | False | Stroški storitev fizičnih oseb, ki ne opravljajo dejavnosti, skupaj z dajatvami, ki bremenijo organizacijo (pogodbe o delu, avtorske pogodbe, sejnine zaposlenim in drugim osebam) |
338 | gd_acc_418100 | 418100 | expense | Royalties | False | Avtorski honorar |
339 | gd_acc_418200 | 418200 | expense | Freelance contract | False | Podjemna pogodba |
340 | gd_acc_418300 | 418300 | expense | Students via Student Services | False | Študenti prek študentskega servisa |
341 | gd_acc_419000 | 419000 | expense | Cost of other services - excluding analytics | False | Stroški drugih storitev - brez analitike |
342 | gd_acc_419100 | 419100 | expense | Telephone costs | False | Stroški telefonije |
343 | gd_acc_419200 | 419200 | expense | Internet and other related services costs | False | Stroški interneta in drugih povezanih storitev |
344 | gd_acc_419300 | 419300 | expense | Utilities costs | False | Stroški komunalnih storitev |
345 | gd_acc_419400 | 419400 | expense | Cost of membership fees | False | Stroški članarin |
346 | gd_acc_430000 | 430000 | expense_depreciation | Amortisation of intangible assets | False | Amortizacija neopredmetenih sredstev |
347 | gd_acc_431000 | 431000 | expense_depreciation | Depreciation of buildings | False | Amortizacija zgradb |
348 | gd_acc_432000 | 432000 | expense_depreciation | Depreciation of equipment and spare parts | False | Amortizacija opreme in nadomestnih delov |
349 | gd_acc_433000 | 433000 | expense_depreciation | Depreciation of small inventories | False | Amortizacija drobnega inventarja |
350 | gd_acc_434000 | 434000 | expense_depreciation | Depreciation of other property, plant and equipment | False | Amortizacija drugih opredmetenih osnovnih sredstev |
351 | gd_acc_435000 | 435000 | expense_depreciation | Depreciation of investment property | False | Amortizacija naložbenih nepremičnin |
352 | gd_acc_436000 | 436000 | expense_depreciation | Depreciation of biological assets | False | Amortizacija bioloških sredstev |
353 | gd_acc_440000 | 440000 | expense | Provisions for corporate reorganisation costs | False | Rezervacije za stroške reorganizacije podjetja |
354 | gd_acc_441000 | 441000 | expense | Provisions for guarantees given | False | Rezervacije za dana jamstva |
355 | gd_acc_442000 | 442000 | expense | Provisions for losses on onerous contracts | False | Rezervacije za pokrivanje izgub iz kočljivih pogodb |
356 | gd_acc_449000 | 449000 | expense | Rezervacije za izgube iz škodljivih pogodb | False | Rezervacije za pokrivanje drugih obveznosti iz preteklega poslovanja |
357 | gd_acc_450000 | 450000 | expense | Credit interest costs | False | Stroški obresti kredita |
358 | gd_acc_450100 | 450100 | expense | Interest cost of the limit | False | Stroški obresti limita |
359 | gd_acc_470000 | 470000 | expense | Staff salaries | False | Plače zaposlenih |
360 | gd_acc_470100 | 470100 | expense | Bonitures | False | Bonitete |
361 | gd_acc_471000 | 471000 | expense | Employee salary allowances | False | Nadomestila plač zaposlencev |
362 | gd_acc_472000 | 472000 | expense | Employee supplementary pension scheme costs | False | Stroški dodatnega pokojninskega zavarovanja zaposlenih |
363 | gd_acc_473000 | 473000 | expense | Annual leave, bonuses, allowances and other staff emoluments - without analytics | False | Regres za letni dopust, bonitete, povračila in drugi prejemki zaposlenih - brez analitike |
364 | gd_acc_473100 | 473100 | expense | Commuting costs | False | Stroški prevoza na delo |
365 | gd_acc_473200 | 473200 | expense | Meal allowance costs | False | Stroški nadomestila za prehrano |
366 | gd_acc_473300 | 473300 | expense | Recourse costs | False | Stroški regresa |
367 | gd_acc_473400 | 473400 | expense | Cost of severance payments | False | Stroški odpravnin |
368 | gd_acc_473500 | 473500 | expense | Cost of the Jubilee Prize | False | Stroški jubilejne nagrade |
369 | gd_acc_474000 | 474000 | expense | Employer's contributions on wages, salaries, wage allowances, bonuses, reimbursements and other employee benefits - without analytics | False | Delodajalčevi prispevki od plač, nadomestil plač bonitet, povračil in drugih prejemkov zaposlencev - brez analitike |
370 | gd_acc_474042 | 474042 | expense | Gross cost of NA contributions - for employment | False | Stroški prispevkov NA bruto - za zaposlovanje |
371 | gd_acc_474043 | 474043 | expense | Gross cost of NA contributions - for parental care | False | Stroški prispevkov NA bruto - za starševsko varstvo |
372 | gd_acc_474044 | 474044 | expense | Gross cost of NA contributions - Pensions | False | Stroški prispevkov NA bruto - ZPIZ |
373 | gd_acc_474045 | 474045 | expense | Gross cost of NA contributions - ZZZS | False | Stroški prispevkov NA bruto - ZZZS |
374 | gd_acc_475000 | 475000 | expense | Other employers' levies on wages, salaries, bonuses, allowances and other employee benefits | False | Druge delodajalčeve dajatve od plač, bonitet, povračil in drugih prejemkov zaposlenih |
375 | gd_acc_476000 | 476000 | expense | Apprentices' bonuses, including taxes charged to the company | False | Nagrade vajencem skupaj z dajatvami, ki bremenijo podjetje |
376 | gd_acc_477000 | 477000 | expense | Management expenses accounted for on a basis such as employment | False | Stroški poslovodstva, obračunani na podlagi kot je delovno razmerje |
377 | gd_acc_478000 | 478000 | expense | Other labour costs | False | Drugi stroški dela |
378 | gd_acc_479000 | 479000 | expense | Provisions for pensions, gratuities and retirement benefits | False | Rezervacije za pokojnine, jubilejne nagrade in odpravnine ob upokojitvi |
379 | gd_acc_480000 | 480000 | expense | Charges that do not depend on labour costs or other types of costs | False | Dajatve, ki niso odvisne od stroškov dela ali drugih vrst stroškov |
380 | gd_acc_480100 | 480100 | expense | Cost of compensation for the use of building land | False | Stroški nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča |
381 | gd_acc_481000 | 481000 | expense | Environmental protection expenditure | False | Izdatki za varstvo okolja |
382 | gd_acc_482000 | 482000 | expense | Awards to students on work placements, including taxes | False | Nagrade dijakom in študentom na delovni praksi skupaj z dajatvami |
383 | gd_acc_483000 | 483000 | expense | Scholarships for pupils and students | False | Štipendije dijakom in študentom |
384 | gd_acc_484000 | 484000 | expense | Social security contributions for sole traders | False | Prispevki za socialno varnost samostojnih podjetnikov |
385 | gd_acc_484100 | 484100 | expense | Other costs incurred by the entrepreneur | False | Ostali stroški podjetnika |
386 | gd_acc_486000 | 486000 | expense | Reimbursement of s.p. expenses | False | Povračila stroškov s.p. |
387 | gd_acc_488000 | 488000 | expense | Grants to other associations and legal persons (donations) | False | Dotacije drugim društvom in pravnim osebam (donacije) |
388 | gd_acc_489000 | 489000 | expense | Other costs | False | Ostali stroški |
389 | gd_acc_489100 | 489100 | expense | Cost of reminders | False | Stroški opominov |
390 | gd_acc_489200 | 489200 | expense | Penalty costs | False | Stroški kazni |
391 | gd_acc_489300 | 489300 | expense | Other non-tax deductible costs | False | Ostali davčno nepriznani stroški |
392 | gd_acc_490000 | 490000 | expense | Transfer of costs to inventories | False | Prenos stroškov v zaloge |
393 | gd_acc_491000 | 491000 | expense | Transferring costs directly to expenditure | False | Prenos stroškov neposredno v odhodke |
394 | gd_acc_500001 | 500001 | expense | VAT only - EUL - deduction | False | Samo DDV - EUL - odbitek |
395 | gd_acc_500002 | 500002 | expense | Imports of goods 3rd world | False | Uvoz blaga 3. svet |
396 | gd_acc_500100 | 500100 | expense | Intermediate account of circular and chain offsets | False | Vmesni konto krožnih in verižnih kompenzacij |
397 | gd_acc_500300 | 500300 | expense | Opening of stocks | False | Otvoritev zalog |
398 | gd_acc_599999 | 599999 | expense | Interim account of the basis of the advance | True | Vmesni konto osnove avansa |
399 | gd_acc_600000 | 600000 | asset_current | Work in progress | False | Nedokončana proizvodnja |
400 | gd_acc_601000 | 601000 | asset_current | Services in progress | False | Nedokončane storitve |
401 | gd_acc_602000 | 602000 | asset_current | Semi-finished products | False | Polizdelki |
402 | gd_acc_604000 | 604000 | asset_current | Production in finishing and processing | False | Proizvodnja v dodelavi in predelavi |
403 | gd_acc_609000 | 609000 | asset_current | Price deviations for work in progress and services | False | Odmiki od cen nedokončane proizvodnje in storitev |
404 | gd_acc_610000 | 610000 | asset_current | Harvested crops at fair value | False | Pospravljeni pridelki po pošteni vrednosti |
405 | gd_acc_618000 | 618000 | asset_current | Harvested crops at cost | False | Pospravljeni pridelki po nabavni vrednosti |
406 | gd_acc_619000 | 619000 | asset_current | Deviations from crop prices | False | Odmiki od cen pridelkov |
407 | gd_acc_630000 | 630000 | asset_current | Products in own storage | False | Proizvodi v lastnem skladišču |
408 | gd_acc_631000 | 631000 | asset_current | Products in foreign storage | False | Proizvodi v tujem skladišču |
409 | gd_acc_632000 | 632000 | asset_current | Products on the move | False | Proizvodi na poti |
410 | gd_acc_633000 | 633000 | asset_current | Products in your own shop | False | Proizvodi v lastni prodajalni |
411 | gd_acc_634000 | 634000 | asset_current | VAT accrued on products in the shop | False | Vračunani DDV od proizvodov v prodajalni |
412 | gd_acc_635000 | 635000 | asset_current | Products undergoing finishing and processing | False | Proizvodi v dodelavi in predelavi |
413 | gd_acc_638000 | 638000 | asset_current | Biological agents that are stocks | False | Biološka sredstva, ki so zaloge |
414 | gd_acc_639000 | 639000 | asset_current | Product price deviations | False | Odmiki od cen proizvodov |
415 | gd_acc_650000 | 650000 | asset_current | Value of goods as invoiced by suppliers (cost) | False | Vrednost blaga po obračunih dobaviteljev (nabavna vrednost) |
416 | gd_acc_651000 | 651000 | asset_current | Dependent costs of purchase of goods | False | Odvisni stroški nabave blaga |
417 | gd_acc_652000 | 652000 | asset_current | Customs duty and other import taxes on goods | False | Carina in druge uvozne davščine od blaga |
418 | gd_acc_653000 | 653000 | asset_current | VAT and other taxes on goods | False | DDV in druge davščine od blaga |
419 | gd_acc_659000 | 659000 | asset_current | Accounting for the purchase of goods | False | Obračun nabave blaga |
420 | gd_acc_660000 | 660000 | asset_current | Goods in your own warehouse | False | Blago v lastnem skladišču |
421 | gd_acc_661000 | 661000 | asset_current | Goods in a foreign warehouse | False | Blago v tujem skladišču |
422 | gd_acc_662000 | 662000 | asset_current | Goods on the move | False | Blago na poti |
423 | gd_acc_663000 | 663000 | asset_current | Goods in your own shop | False | Blago v lastni prodajalni |
424 | gd_acc_664000 | 664000 | asset_current | VAT included in stocks of goods - 22% | False | DDV, vračunan v zalogah blaga - 22% |
425 | gd_acc_664010 | 664010 | asset_current | VAT included in stocks of goods - 9.5% | False | DDV, vračunan v zalogah blaga - 9,5% |
426 | gd_acc_664020 | 664020 | asset_current | VAT included in the stock of goods - 5% | False | DDV, vračunan v zalogah blaga - 5% |
427 | gd_acc_669000 | 669000 | asset_current | Accumulated difference in prices of inventories of goods | False | Vračunana razlika v cenah zalog blaga |
428 | gd_acc_670000 | 670000 | asset_current | Property, plant and equipment held for sale | False | Opredmetena osnovna sredstva, namenjena prodaji |
429 | gd_acc_671000 | 671000 | asset_current | Investment property valued under the cost model held for sale | False | Naložbene nepremičnine, vrednotene po modelu nabavne vrednosti, namenjene prodaji |
430 | gd_acc_672000 | 672000 | asset_current | Other non-current assets held for sale | False | Druga nekratkoročna sredstva, namenjena prodaji |
431 | gd_acc_700000 | 700000 | expense | Value of business effects sold | False | Vrednost prodanih poslovnih učinkov |
432 | gd_acc_701000 | 701000 | expense | Value of capitalised own products and services | False | Vrednost usredstvenih lastnih proizvodov in storitev |
433 | gd_acc_702000 | 702000 | expense | Cost of materials and goods sold | False | Nabavna vrednost prodanih materiala in blaga |
434 | gd_acc_703000 | 703000 | expense | Other operating expenses | False | Drugi poslovni odhodki |
435 | gd_acc_704000 | 704000 | expense | Expenditure from the evaluation of biological centres and harvesting of agricultural crops | False | Odhodki iz vrednotenja bioloških stredstev in pospravitev kmetijskih pridelkov |
436 | gd_acc_710000 | 710000 | expense | Value of business effects sold | False | Vrednost prodanih poslovnih učinkov |
437 | gd_acc_711000 | 711000 | expense | Cost of materials and goods sold | False | Nabavna vrednost prodanih materiala in blaga |
438 | gd_acc_712000 | 712000 | expense | Selling costs | False | Stroški prodajanja |
439 | gd_acc_713000 | 713000 | expense | General operating expenses (procurement and administration) | False | Stroški splošnih dejavnosti (nabave in uprave) |
440 | gd_acc_714000 | 714000 | expense | Other costs not held in inventories | False | Drugi stroški, ki se ne zadržujejo v zalogah |
441 | gd_acc_720000 | 720000 | expense | Revaluation operating expenses relating to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment and investment property | False | Prevrednotovalni poslovni odhodki v zvezi z neopredmetenimi sredstvi in opredmetenimi osnovnimi sredstvi in naložbenimi nepremičninami |
442 | gd_acc_721000 | 721000 | expense | Revaluation operating expenses related to inventories | False | Prevrednotovalni poslovni odhodki v zvezi z zalogami |
443 | gd_acc_722000 | 722000 | expense | Revaluation operating expenses as a result of impairment revaluation related to trade receivables | False | Prevrednotovalni poslovni odhodki kot posledica prevrednotenja zaradi oslabitve v zvezi z poslovnimi terjatvami |
444 | gd_acc_723000 | 723000 | expense | Revaluation operating expenses as a result of write-offs related to trade receivables | False | Prevrednotovalni poslovni odhodki kot posledica odpisov v zvezi s poslovnimi terjatvami |
445 | gd_acc_724000 | 724000 | expense | Revaluation operating expenses relating to current assets other than financial investments | False | Prevrednotovalni poslovni odhodki v zvezi s kratkoročnimi sredstvi, razen finančnimi naložbami |
446 | gd_acc_740000 | 740000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on loans received from group organisations - net of analytics | False | Odhodki iz posojil, prejetih od organizacij v skupini - brez analitike |
447 | gd_acc_740100 | 740100 | expense_direct_cost | Contractual interest - corporate loans | False | Pogodbene obresti - posojila družb |
448 | gd_acc_740200 | 740200 | expense_direct_cost | Interest on leases - loans from companies | False | Obresti leasinga - posojila družb |
449 | gd_acc_740300 | 740300 | expense_direct_cost | Interest on overdue loans - corporate loans | False | Zamudne obresti - posojila družb |
450 | gd_acc_741000 | 741000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on loans received from banks - excluding analytics | False | Odhodki iz posojil, prejetih od bank - brez analitike |
451 | gd_acc_741100 | 741100 | expense_direct_cost | Contractual interest - bank loans | False | Pogodbene obresti - posojila bank |
452 | gd_acc_741200 | 741200 | expense_direct_cost | Lease interest - bank loans | False | Obresti leasinga - posojila bank |
453 | gd_acc_741300 | 741300 | expense_direct_cost | Interest on overdue loans - bank loans | False | Zamudne obresti - posojila bank |
454 | gd_acc_742000 | 742000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on bonds issued | False | Odhodki iz izdanih obveznic |
455 | gd_acc_743000 | 743000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on other financial liabilities | False | Odhodki iz drugih finančnih obveznosti |
456 | gd_acc_744000 | 744000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on payables to group organisations | False | Odhodki iz poslovnih obveznosti do organizacij v skupini |
457 | gd_acc_745000 | 745000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on trade payables and bills of exchange | False | Odhodki iz obveznosti do dobaviteljev in meničnih obveznosti |
458 | gd_acc_745100 | 745100 | expense_direct_cost | Interest on late payment of payables to suppliers | False | Zamudne obresti iz zamudnega plačila obveznosti do dobaviteljev |
459 | gd_acc_746000 | 746000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on other payables, including interest expense on recalculated retirement benefits | False | Odhodki iz drugih poslovnih obveznosti, vključno za stroške obresti iz naslova preračunanih odpravnin ob upokojitvi |
460 | gd_acc_746100 | 746100 | expense_direct_cost | Interest on late payment of liabilities to the State (taxes and contributions) | False | Zamudne obresti iz zamudnega plačila obveznosti do države (davki in prispevki) |
461 | gd_acc_746200 | 746200 | expense | Negative exchange differences | False | Negativne tečajne razlike |
462 | gd_acc_747000 | 747000 | expense_direct_cost | Expenditure on assets designated at fair value through profit or loss and expenditure on the valuation of investment property at fair value through profit or loss | False | Odhodki iz sredstev, razporejenih po pošteni vrednosti prek poslovnega izida in odhodki iz vrednotenja naložbenih nepremičnin po poštevni vrednosti |
463 | gd_acc_748000 | 748000 | expense_direct_cost | Impairment losses on financial investments | False | Odhodki iz oslabitve finančnih naložb |
464 | gd_acc_749000 | 749000 | expense_direct_cost | Derecognition expense on investments and investment property measured at fair value | False | Odhodki iz odprave pripoznanja finančnih naložb in naložbenih nepremičnin, izmerjenih po pošteni vrednosti |
465 | gd_acc_752000 | 752000 | expense_direct_cost | Penalties not related to operating effects | False | Denarne kazni, ki niso povezane s poslovnimi učinki |
466 | gd_acc_753000 | 753000 | expense_direct_cost | Compensation not related to operating effects | False | Odškodnine, ki niso povezane s poslovnimi učinki |
467 | gd_acc_754000 | 754000 | expense_direct_cost | Donations | False | Donacije |
468 | gd_acc_755000 | 755000 | expense_direct_cost | Subsidies, grants and similar non-operating expenditure | False | Subvencije, dotacije in podobni odhodki, ki niso povezani s poslovnimi učinki |
469 | gd_acc_758000 | 758000 | expense_direct_cost | Negative euro offsets | False | Negativne evrske izravnave |
470 | gd_acc_759000 | 759000 | expense_direct_cost | Other non-operating expenses | False | Ostali odhodki, ki niso povezani s poslovnimi učinki |
471 | gd_acc_760000 | 760000 | income | Revenue from the sale of products and services on the domestic market | False | Prihodki od prodaje proizvodov in storitev na domačem trgu |
472 | gd_acc_761000 | 761000 | income | Revenue from the sale of products and services on foreign markets - EU | False | Prihodki od prodaje proizvodov in storitev na tujem trgu - EU |
473 | gd_acc_761200 | 761200 | income | Revenue from the sale of products and services on foreign markets - 3rd World | False | Prihodki od prodaje proizvodov in storitev na tujem trgu - 3. svet |
474 | gd_acc_762000 | 762000 | income | Revenue from the sale of merchandise and supplies on the domestic market | False | Prihodki od prodaje trgovskega blaga in materiala na domačem trgu |
475 | gd_acc_763000 | 763000 | income | Revenue from the sale of merchandise and supplies on foreign markets - EU | False | Prihodki od prodaje trgovskega blaga in materiala na tujem trgu - EU |
476 | gd_acc_763200 | 763200 | income | Revenue from the sale of merchandise and supplies on foreign markets - 3rd World | False | Prihodki od prodaje trgovskega blaga in materiala na tujem trgu - 3. svet |
477 | gd_acc_764000 | 764000 | income | Revenue from the valuation of biological products and the harvesting of agricultural crops | False | Prihodki iz vrednotenja bioloških sredstev in pospravitve kmetijskih pridelkov |
478 | gd_acc_765000 | 765000 | income | Rental income | False | Prihodki od najemnin |
479 | gd_acc_766000 | 766000 | income | Proceeds from the reversal of provisions and accrued charges or expenses | False | Prihodki od odprave rezervacij in PČR na račun vnaprej vračunanih stroškov oziroma odhodkov |
480 | gd_acc_767000 | 767000 | income | Gains on business combinations (revaluation surplus - bad name) | False | Prihodki od poslovnih združitev (presežek iz prevrednotenja slabo ime) |
481 | gd_acc_768000 | 768000 | income | Other income related to operating effects (subsidies, grants, recourses, offsets, premiums, etc.) | False | Drugi prihodki, povezani s poslovnimi učinki (subvencije, dotacije, regresi, kompenzacije, premije ...) |
482 | gd_acc_769000 | 769000 | income | Revaluation operating income | False | Prevrednotovalni poslovni prihodki |
483 | gd_acc_770000 | 770000 | income_other | Financial income from interests in group organisations | False | Finančni prihodki iz deležev v organizacij v skupini |
484 | gd_acc_771000 | 771000 | income_other | Financial income from interests in associates and jointly controlled entities | False | Finančni prihodki iz deležev v pridruženih organizacij in skupaj obvladovanih organizacij |
485 | gd_acc_772000 | 772000 | income_other | Financial income from shareholdings in other organisations | False | Finančni prihodki iz deležev v drugih organizacij |
486 | gd_acc_773000 | 773000 | income_other | Financial income from other investments | False | Finančni prihodki iz drugih naložb |
487 | gd_acc_774000 | 774000 | income_other | Financial income from loans granted to group organisations | False | Finančni prihodki iz posojil, danih organizacij v skupini |
488 | gd_acc_775000 | 775000 | income_other | Financial income from loans to others (including deposits) | False | Finančni prihodki iz posojil danih drugim( tudi od depozitov) |
489 | gd_acc_776000 | 776000 | income_other | Financial income from trade receivables from group organisations | False | Finančni prihodki iz poslovnih terjatev do organizacij v skupini |
490 | gd_acc_777000 | 777000 | income_other | Financial income from trade receivables due from others | False | Finančni prihodki iz poslovnih terjatev do drugih |
491 | gd_acc_777100 | 777100 | income_other | Interest on creditors' claims | False | Zamudne obresti iz terjatev upnikov |
492 | gd_acc_777200 | 777200 | income_other | Positive exchange rate differences | False | Pozitivne tečajne razlike |
493 | gd_acc_778000 | 778000 | income_other | Financial income from financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss | False | Finančni prihodki iz finančnih sredstev, razporejenih po pošteni vrednosti prek poslovnega izida |
494 | gd_acc_779000 | 779000 | income_other | Financial income from the valuation of investment property at fair value and income from the disposal of investment property at fair value | False | Finančni prihodki iz vredotenja naložbenih nepremičnin po poštevi vrednosti in prihodki od odtujitve naložbenih nepremičnin po pošteni vrednosti |
495 | gd_acc_784000 | 784000 | income_other | Donations | False | Donacije |
496 | gd_acc_785000 | 785000 | income_other | Subsidies, grants and similar non-operating income | False | Subvencije, dotacije in podobni prihodki, ki niso povezani s poslovnimi učinki |
497 | gd_acc_786000 | 786000 | income_other | Compensation not related to operating effects | False | Odškodnine, ki niso povezane s poslovnimi učinki |
498 | gd_acc_787000 | 787000 | income_other | Penalties not related to business effects | False | Kazni, ki niso povezane s poslovnimi učinki |
499 | gd_acc_788000 | 788000 | income_other | Positive euro offsets | False | Pozitivne evrske izravnave |
500 | gd_acc_789000 | 789000 | income_other | Other non-operating income | False | Ostali prihodki, ki niso povezani s poslovnimi učinki |
501 | gd_acc_790000 | 790000 | income | Capitalised own products and own services | False | Usredstveni lastni proizvodi in lastne storitve |
502 | gd_acc_794000 | 794000 | income | Inventory surpluses | False | Inventurni presežki |
503 | gd_acc_800000 | 800000 | equity_unaffected | Profit or loss before tax or surplus on income or surplus on expenses | False | Dobiček ali izguba pred obdavčitvijo oziroma presežek prihodkov ali presežek odhodkov |
504 | gd_acc_801000 | 801000 | off_balance | Establishing and transferring s.p. income | False | Ugotovitev in prenos dohodka s.p. |
505 | gd_acc_803000 | 803000 | off_balance | Identification and transfer of a negative profit or loss | False | Ugotovitev in prenos negativnega poslovnega izida |
506 | gd_acc_804000 | 804000 | off_balance | Surplus revenue from previous years to cover the surplus of the period's revenue | False | Presežek prihodkov iz prejšnjih let, namenjen pokrivanju presežka odgodkov obračunskega obdobja |
507 | gd_acc_805000 | 805000 | off_balance | Surplus expenditure from previous years to be charged to the revenue surplus of the accounting period | False | Presežek odhodkov iz prejšnjih let, ki se pokriva iz presežka prihodkov obračunskega obdobja |
508 | gd_acc_806000 | 806000 | off_balance | Total revenue surplus or total expenditure surplus | False | Celoten presežek prihodkov ali celotni presežek odhodkov |
509 | gd_acc_810000 | 810000 | off_balance | Corporate income tax V.I.T.T. | False | Davek od dohodkov pravnih oseb DDPO |
510 | gd_acc_812000 | 812000 | off_balance | Other taxes not shown under other headings | False | Drugi davki, ki niso izkazani v drugih postavkah |
511 | gd_acc_813000 | 813000 | off_balance | Deferred tax income (expense) | False | Prihodki (odhodki) iz naslova odloženega davka |
512 | gd_acc_815000 | 815000 | off_balance | Net profit for the year or net revenue surplus | False | Čisti dobiček poslovnega leta oziroma čisti presežek prihodkov |
513 | gd_acc_820000 | 820000 | off_balance | Net profit to cover losses carried forward | False | Čisti dobiček za kritje prenesenih izgub |
514 | gd_acc_821000 | 821000 | off_balance | Net profit for legal reserve formation | False | Čisti dobiček za oblikovanje zakonskih rezerv |
515 | gd_acc_822000 | 822000 | off_balance | Net profit for the creation of reserves for own shares or participating interests | False | Čisti dobiček za oblikovanje rezerv za lastne delnice oziroma deleže |
516 | gd_acc_823000 | 823000 | off_balance | Net profit for building up statutory reserves | False | Čisti dobiček za oblikovanje statutarnih rezerv |
517 | gd_acc_824000 | 824000 | off_balance | Net profit for other profit reserves | False | Čisti dobiček za druge rezerve iz dobička |
518 | gd_acc_825000 | 825000 | off_balance | Net revenue surplus earmarked for a specific purpose (fund) | False | Čisti presežek prihodkov za določen namen (sklad) |
519 | gd_acc_829000 | 829000 | off_balance | Carry forward of unused part of net profit or net revenue surplus for the financial year | False | Prenos neuporabljenega dela čistega dobička oziroma čistega presežka prihodkov poslovnega leta |
520 | gd_acc_890000 | 890000 | off_balance | Net loss for the year or net excess of expenses | False | Čista izguba tekočega leta oziroma čisti presežek odhodkov |
521 | gd_acc_899000 | 899000 | off_balance | Carry-forward of current year losses or carry-forward of net excess expenditure | False | Prenosčiste izgube tekočega leta oziroma prenos čistega presežka odhodkov |
522 | gd_acc_900000 | 900000 | equity | Basic share capital - shares | False | Osnovni delniški kapital - delnice |
523 | gd_acc_901000 | 901000 | equity | Share capital - capital shares or capital contribution | False | Osnovni kapital - kapitalski deleži ali kapitalska vloga |
524 | gd_acc_902000 | 902000 | equity | Start-up capital for s.p. | False | Začetni kapital s.p. |
525 | gd_acc_905000 | 905000 | equity | Incompatible cooperative capital | False | Nerazdružljivi zadružni kapital |
526 | gd_acc_906000 | 906000 | equity | Cooperative members' shares | False | Deleži članov zadruge |
527 | gd_acc_907000 | 907000 | equity | Ustanovitvena in kasnejše vloge | False | Ustanovitvena in kasnejše vloge |
528 | gd_acc_909000 | 909000 | equity | Uncalled capital (deductible item) | False | Nevpoklicani kapital (odbitna postavka) |
529 | gd_acc_910000 | 910000 | equity | Contributions in excess of the minimum issue amounts of shares (paid-in capital surplus) | False | Vplačila nad najmanjšimi emisijskimi zneski delnic oziroma deležev (vplačani presežek kapitala) |
530 | gd_acc_911000 | 911000 | equity | Payments in excess of the carrying amount on disposal of temporarily redeemed own shares or interests | False | Vplačila nad knjigovodsko vrednostjo pri odtujitvi začasno odkupljenih lastnih delnic oziroma deležev |
531 | gd_acc_912000 | 912000 | equity | Contributions in excess of the minimum issued amount of capital raised through the issue of convertible bonds or bonds with a share purchase option | False | Vplačila nad najmanjšim emisijskim zneskom kapitala, pridobljena z izdajo zamenljivih obveznic ali obveznic z delniško nakupno opcijo |
532 | gd_acc_913000 | 913000 | equity | Contributions to acquire additional rights attached to shares or interests | False | Vplačila za pridobitev dodatnih pravic iz delnic oziroma deležev |
533 | gd_acc_914000 | 914000 | equity | Other contributions of capital under the Statutes | False | Druga vplačila kapitala na podlagi statuta |
534 | gd_acc_915000 | 915000 | equity | Amounts arising from simplified reduction of share capital by withdrawal of shares or interests | False | Zneski iz poenostavljenega zmanjšanja osnovnega kapitala z umikom delnic oziroma deležev |
535 | gd_acc_916000 | 916000 | equity | General capital revaluation adjustment and amounts transferred from the revaluation reserve | False | Splošni prevrednotovalni popravek kapitala in zneski, preneseni iz revalorizacijske rezerve |
536 | gd_acc_917000 | 917000 | equity | Amounts arising from the effects of a confirmed compulsory arrangement | False | Zneski iz učinkov potrjene prisilne poravnave |
537 | gd_acc_918000 | 918000 | equity | Transfers of immovable property in the course of business | False | Prenosi stvarnega premoženja med opravljanjem dejavnosti |
538 | gd_acc_919000 | 919000 | equity | Inflows and outflows between business and household | False | Pritoki in odtoki med podjetjem in gospodinjstvom |
539 | gd_acc_920000 | 920000 | equity | Legal reserves | False | Zakonske rezerve |
540 | gd_acc_921000 | 921000 | equity | Reserves for own shares or own interests | False | Rezerve za lastne delnice oziroma lastne poslovne deleže |
541 | gd_acc_922000 | 922000 | equity | Statutory reserves | False | Statutarne rezerve |
542 | gd_acc_923000 | 923000 | equity | Other profit reserves | False | Druge rezerve iz dobička |
543 | gd_acc_924000 | 924000 | equity | Voluntary cooperative reserves | False | Prostovoljne zadružne rezerve |
544 | gd_acc_925000 | 925000 | equity | Voluntary cooperative funds | False | Prostovoljne zadružni skladi |
545 | gd_acc_926000 | 926000 | equity | Part of net revenue surplus earmarked for a specific purpose (fund) | False | Del čistega presežka prihodkov za določen namen (sklad) |
546 | gd_acc_929000 | 929000 | equity | Own shares or own shares acquired (deductible item) | False | Pridobljene lastne delnice oziroma lastni poslovni deleži (odbitna postavka) |
547 | gd_acc_930000 | 930000 | equity | Net profit carried forward from previous years | False | Preneseni čisti dobiček iz prejšnjih let |
548 | gd_acc_931000 | 931000 | equity | Net loss carried forward from previous years | False | Prenesena čista izguba iz prejšnjih let |
549 | gd_acc_932000 | 932000 | equity | Unused part of net profit for the year or unallocated net revenue surplus | False | Neuporabljeni del čistega dobička poslovnega leta oziroma nerazporejeni čisti presežek prihodkov |
550 | gd_acc_933000 | 933000 | equity | Net loss for the year or net excess of expenses | False | Čista izguba poslovnega leta oziroma čisti presežek odhodkov |
551 | gd_acc_935000 | 935000 | equity | Income s.p. | False | Dohodek s.p. |
552 | gd_acc_937000 | 937000 | equity | Negative profit/loss of s.p. | False | Negativni poslovni izid s.p. |
553 | gd_acc_940000 | 940000 | equity | Land revaluation reserve | False | Revalorizacijske rezerve iz prevrednotovanja zemljišč |
554 | gd_acc_941000 | 941000 | equity | Revaluation reserves on revaluation of buildings | False | Revalorizacijske rezerve iz prevrednotovanja zgradb |
555 | gd_acc_949000 | 949000 | equity | Adjustment to the revaluation reserve for deferred tax liabilities | False | Popravek vrednosti revaloriziacijskih rezerv za odložene obveznosri za davek |
556 | gd_acc_954000 | 954000 | equity | Reserves arising from the valuation of long-term investments at fair value | False | Rezerve, nastale zaradi vrednotenja dolgoročnih finančnih naložb po pošteni vrednosti |
557 | gd_acc_955000 | 955000 | equity | Reserves arising from the valuation of short-term investments at fair value | False | Rezerve, nastale zaradi vrednotenja kratkoročnih finančnih naložb po pošteni vrednosti |
558 | gd_acc_956000 | 956000 | equity | Amounts of the demonstrated gain or demonstrated loss from a change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets that is not part of a hedging relationship | False | Zneski dokazanega dobička ali dokazane izgube iz spremembe poštene vrednosti finančnih sredstev, razpoložljivih za prodajo, ki ni del razmerja pri varovanju vrednosti |
559 | gd_acc_957000 | 957000 | equity | Actuarial gains or losses on defined benefits | False | Aktuarski dobički ali izgube od določenih zaslužkov |
560 | gd_acc_959000 | 959000 | equity | Fair value reserve valuation allowance for deferred tax liabilities | False | Popravek vrednosti rezerv, nastalih zaradi vrednotenja po pošteni vrednosti za odložene obveznosti za davek |
561 | gd_acc_960000 | 960000 | equity | Provisions for reorganisation costs | False | Rezervacije za stroške reorganizacije organizacije |
562 | gd_acc_961000 | 961000 | equity | Provisions for future costs or expenses arising from decommissioning, restoration and other similar provisions | False | Rezervacije za pokrivanje prihodnjih stroškov oziroma odhodkov zaradi razgradnje, ponovne vzpostavitve prvotnega stanja in druge podobne rezervacije |
563 | gd_acc_962000 | 962000 | equity | Provisions for onerous contracts | False | Rezervacije za kočljive pogodbe |
564 | gd_acc_963000 | 963000 | equity | Provisions for pensions, gratuities and retirement benefits | False | Rezervacije za pokojnine, jubilejne nagrade in odpravnine ob upokojitvi |
565 | gd_acc_964000 | 964000 | equity | Provisions for guarantees given | False | Rezervacije za dana jamstva |
566 | gd_acc_965000 | 965000 | equity | Other provisions for long-term accrued charges | False | Druge rezervacije iz naslova dolgoročno vnaprej vračunanih stroškov |
567 | gd_acc_966000 | 966000 | income | State aid received | False | Prejete državne podpore |
568 | gd_acc_967000 | 967000 | income | Donations received | False | Prejete donacije |
569 | gd_acc_968000 | 968000 | income | Other non-current accrued liabilities | False | Druge dolgoročne pasivne časovne razmejitve |
570 | gd_acc_970000 | 970000 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained from group organisations | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri organizacije v skupini |
571 | gd_acc_971000 | 971000 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained from associates | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri pridruženih organizacije |
572 | gd_acc_972000 | 972000 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained from banks and organisations in the country - without analytics | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri bankah in organizacijah v državi - brez analitike |
573 | gd_acc_972100 | 972100 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained from banks in the country | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri bankah v državi |
574 | gd_acc_972200 | 972200 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained from state-owned companies | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri družbah v državi |
575 | gd_acc_973000 | 973000 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained from banks and organisations abroad - without analytics | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri bankah in organizacije v tujini - brez analitike |
576 | gd_acc_973100 | 973100 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans from banks abroad | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri bankah v tujini |
577 | gd_acc_973200 | 973200 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans from companies abroad | False | Dolgoročna posojila, dobljena pri družbah v tujini |
578 | gd_acc_974000 | 974000 | liability_non_current | Long-term financial liabilities related to bonds and notes | False | Dolgoročne finančne obveznosti v zvezi z obveznicami in menicami |
579 | gd_acc_975000 | 975000 | liability_non_current | Long-term lease debts | False | Dolgoročni dolgovi iz najema (leasing) |
580 | gd_acc_975100 | 975100 | liability_non_current | Interest from rent (leasing) | False | Obresti iz najema (leasing) |
581 | gd_acc_976000 | 976000 | liability_non_current | Long-term financial liabilities to natural persons | False | Dolgoročne finančne obveznosti do fizičnih oseb |
582 | gd_acc_979000 | 979000 | liability_non_current | Other long-term financial liabilities | False | Druge dolgoročne finančne obveznosti |
583 | gd_acc_980000 | 980000 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained under credit agreements from group organisations | False | Dolgoročni krediti, dobljeni na podlagi kreditnih pogodb od organizacij v skupini |
584 | gd_acc_981000 | 981000 | liability_non_current | Long-term loans obtained under credit agreements from associates and jointly controlled entities | False | Dolgoročni krediti, dobljeni na podlagi kreditnih pogodb od pridruženih organizacij in skupaj obvladovanih organizacij |
585 | gd_acc_982000 | 982000 | liability_non_current | Long-term credits obtained from other domestic suppliers | False | Dolgoročni krediti, dobljeni od drugih domačih dobaviteljev |
586 | gd_acc_983000 | 983000 | liability_non_current | Long-term credits obtained from other foreign suppliers | False | Dolgoročni krediti, dobljeni od drugih tujih dobaviteljev |
587 | gd_acc_985000 | 985000 | liability_non_current | Long-term promissory note liabilities | False | Dolgoročne menične obveznosti |
588 | gd_acc_986000 | 986000 | liability_non_current | Long-term advances and securities received - without analytics | False | Dolgoročni dobljeni predujmi in varščine - brez analitike |
589 | gd_acc_986100 | 986100 | liability_non_current | Long-term advances received | False | Dolgoročni prejeti predujmi |
590 | gd_acc_986200 | 986200 | liability_non_current | Long-term securities received | False | Dolgoročne prejete varščine |
591 | gd_acc_988000 | 988000 | liability_non_current | Deferred tax liabilities | False | Odložene obveznosti za davek |
592 | gd_acc_989000 | 989000 | liability_non_current | Other non-current payables | False | Druge dolgoročne poslovne obveznosti |
593 | gd_acc_990000 | 990000 | off_balance | Leased, borrowed and rented (foreign) assets | False | Najeta, izposojena in zakupljena (tuja) sredstva |
594 | gd_acc_991000 | 991000 | off_balance | Bills of exchange and other securities received as security for payments | False | Menice in drugi vrednostni papirji, prejeti za zavarovanje plačil |
595 | gd_acc_992000 | 992000 | off_balance | Goods received for consignment and consignment sale | False | Blago, prejeto v komisijsko in konsignacijsko prodajo |
596 | gd_acc_993000 | 993000 | off_balance | Valuation vouchers issued for inter-organisational accounting | False | Vrednotnice, izdane za obračunavanje znotraj organizacije |
597 | gd_acc_994000 | 994000 | off_balance | Other active off-balance sheet accounts | False | Drugi aktivni zunajbilančni konti |
598 | gd_acc_995000 | 995000 | off_balance | Owners of leased, borrowed and rented assets | False | Lastniki najetih, izposojenih in zakupljenih sredstev |
599 | gd_acc_996000 | 996000 | off_balance | Debtors who have secured payments with bills of exchange and other securities | False | Dolžniki, ki so zavarovali plačila z menicami in drugimi vrednostnimi papirji |
600 | gd_acc_997000 | 997000 | off_balance | Liabilities arising from goods received for consignment and consignment sale | False | Obveznosti iz blaga, prejetega v komisijsko in konsignacijsko prodajo |
601 | gd_acc_998000 | 998000 | off_balance | Nominal value of notes issued for intra-organisation accounting | False | Nominalna vrednost vrednotnic, izdanih za obračunavanje znotraj organizacije |
602 | gd_acc_999000 | 999000 | off_balance | Other off-balance sheet passive accounts | False | Drugi pasivni zunajbilančni konti |
603 | gd_acc_999001 | 999001 | off_balance | Cash Difference Loss | False | Cash Difference Loss |
604 | gd_acc_999002 | 999002 | off_balance | Cash Difference Gain | False | Cash Difference Gain |
605 | gd_acc_999003 | 999003 | income_other | Cash Difference Gain | False | Cash Difference Gain |
606 | gd_acc_999004 | 999004 | expense | Cash Difference Loss | False | Cash Difference Loss |
607 | gd_acc_999900 | 999900 | off_balance | Not defined | False | Nedefiniran |
608 | gd_acc_999999 | 999999 | off_balance | Undistributed Profits/Losses | False | Undistributed Profits/Losses |