59 KiB
59 KiB
1 | id | code | name | account_type | tag_ids | reconcile | name@fr |
2 | l10n_tn_1011 | 1011 | Subscribed capital - uncalled | equity | False | Capital souscrit - non appelé | |
3 | l10n_tn_1012 | 1012 | Subscribed capital - called, not paid | equity | False | Capital souscrit - appelé, non verse | |
4 | l10n_tn_10131 | 10131 | Unamortized capital | equity | False | Capital non amorti | |
5 | l10n_tn_10132 | 10132 | Amortised capital | equity | False | Capital amorti | |
6 | l10n_tn_1018 | 1018 | Subscribed capital subject to special regulations | equity | False | Capital souscrit soumis à une réglementation particulière | |
7 | l10n_tn_105 | 105 | Endowment fund | equity | False | Fonds de dotation | |
8 | l10n_tn_108 | 108 | Operator's account | equity | False | Compte de l'exploitant | |
9 | l10n_tn_109 | 109 | Shareholders, subscribed capital - uncalled | equity | False | Actionnaires, capital souscrit - non appelé | |
10 | l10n_tn_111 | 111 | Legal reserve | equity | False | Réserve légale | |
11 | l10n_tn_112 | 112 | Statutory reserves | equity | False | Réserves statutaires | |
12 | l10n_tn_1171 | 1171 | Share premium | equity | False | Primes d’émission | |
13 | l10n_tn_1172 | 1172 | Merger premiums | equity | False | Primes de fusion | |
14 | l10n_tn_1173 | 1173 | Contribution premium | equity | False | Primes d'apport | |
15 | l10n_tn_1174 | 1174 | Bond conversion premiums | equity | False | Primes de conversion d'obligation | |
16 | l10n_tn_1178 | 1178 | Other additional paid-in capital | equity | False | Autres compléments d'apport | |
17 | l10n_tn_1181 | 1181 | Reserves for social fund | equity | False | Réserves pour fonds social | |
18 | l10n_tn_119 | 119 | Shareholders' equity | equity | False | Avoirs des actionnaires | |
19 | l10n_tn_121 | 121 | Retained earnings | equity_unaffected | False | Résultats reportés | |
20 | l10n_tn_128 | 128 | Accounting changes affecting retained earnings | income | False | Modifications comptables affectant les résultats reportés | |
21 | l10n_tn_131 | 131 | Profitable result | equity | False | Résultat bénéficiaire | |
22 | l10n_tn_135 | 135 | Deficit result | equity | False | Résultat déficitaire | |
23 | l10n_tn_141 | 141 | Securities subject to special regulations | equity | False | Titres soumis à des réglementations particulières | |
24 | l10n_tn_1421 | 1421 | Unavailable reserves | equity | False | Réserves indisponibles | |
25 | l10n_tn_143 | 143 | Special depreciation allowances | equity | False | Amortissements dérogatoires | |
26 | l10n_tn_144 | 144 | Special revaluation reserve | equity | False | Réserve spéciale de réévaluation | |
27 | l10n_tn_1451 | 1451 | Investment grants | equity | False | Subventions d'investissement | |
28 | l10n_tn_1458 | 1458 | Other investment grants | equity | False | Autres subventions d'investissement | |
29 | l10n_tn_1459 | 1459 | Investment grants recorded in the income statement | equity | False | Subventions d'investissement inscrites aux comptes de résultat | |
30 | l10n_tn_147 | 147 | Grantor account | equity | False | Compte du concédant | |
31 | l10n_tn_1511 | 1511 | Provisions for disputes | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour litiges | |
32 | l10n_tn_1512 | 1512 | Provisions for guarantees given to customers | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour garanties données aux clients | |
33 | l10n_tn_1513 | 1513 | Provisions for losses on contracts with future completion | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour pertes sur marches à achèvement futur | |
34 | l10n_tn_1514 | 1514 | Provisions for fines and penalties | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour amendes et pénalités | |
35 | l10n_tn_1515 | 1515 | Provisions for foreign exchange losses | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour pertes de change | |
36 | l10n_tn_1518 | 1518 | Other provisions for risks | liability_non_current | False | Autres provisions pour risques | |
37 | l10n_tn_1522 | 1522 | Provisions for major repairs | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour grosses réparations | |
38 | l10n_tn_153 | 153 | Provisions for pensions and similar obligations | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour retraites et obligations similaires | |
39 | l10n_tn_154 | 154 | Provisions for regulatory purposes | liability_non_current | False | Provisions d'origine réglementaire | |
40 | l10n_tn_155 | 155 | Provisions for taxes | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour impôts | |
41 | l10n_tn_156 | 156 | Provisions for replacement of fixed assets | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour renouvellement des immobilisations | |
42 | l10n_tn_157 | 157 | Provisions for depreciation | liability_non_current | False | Provisions pour amortissement | |
43 | l10n_tn_158 | 158 | Other provisions for charges | liability_non_current | False | Autres provisions pour charges | |
44 | l10n_tn_1611 | 1611 | Bonds convertible into shares | liability_non_current | False | Emprunts obligataires convertibles en actions | |
45 | l10n_tn_1618 | 1618 | Other bonds | liability_non_current | False | Autres emprunts obligataires | |
46 | l10n_tn_1621 | 1621 | Bank loans | liability_non_current | False | Emprunts bancaires | |
47 | l10n_tn_1626 | 1626 | Acquired refinancing | liability_non_current | False | Refinancements acquis | |
48 | l10n_tn_163 | 163 | Borrowings from other financial institutions (secured) | liability_non_current | False | Emprunts auprès d'autres établissements financiers (assorties de sûretés) | |
49 | l10n_tn_1641 | 1641 | Blocked advances for capital increase | liability_non_current | False | Avances bloquées pour augmentation du capital | |
50 | l10n_tn_1642 | 1642 | Advances received and blocked current accounts of partners | liability_non_current | False | Avances reçues et comptes courants des associes bloques | |
51 | l10n_tn_1644 | 1644 | Conditional advances from the State and international organisations | liability_non_current | False | Avances conditionnées de L’État et organismes internationaux | |
52 | l10n_tn_165 | 1650 | Unsecured loans (to be subdivided according to the order of the loan accounts) | liability_non_current | False | Emprunts non assorties de sûretés (a subdiviser selon l'ordre des comptes des emprunts) | |
53 | l10n_tn_1661 | 1661 | Debts related to participating interests (group) | liability_non_current | False | Dettes rattachées à des participations (groupe) | |
54 | l10n_tn_1662 | 1662 | Debts related to participating interests (non-group) | liability_non_current | False | Dettes rattachées à des participations (hors groupe) | |
55 | l10n_tn_1663 | 1663 | Debts to joint ventures | liability_non_current | False | Dettes rattachées à des sociétés en participation | |
56 | l10n_tn_1670 | 167 | Deposits and guarantees received | liability_non_current | False | Dépôts et cautionnements reçus | |
57 | l10n_tn_1681 | 1681 | Other loans | liability_non_current | False | Autres emprunts | |
58 | l10n_tn_1685 | 1685 | Credit to suppliers of fixed assets | liability_non_current | False | Crédit fournisseurs d'immobilisations | |
59 | l10n_tn_1688 | 1688 | Other non-current liabilities | liability_non_current | False | Autres dettes non courantes | |
60 | l10n_tn_171 | 171 | Liaison accounts of establishments | liability_non_current | False | Comptes des liaison des établissements | |
61 | l10n_tn_176 | 176 | Goods and services exchanged between establishments (expenses) | liability_non_current | False | Biens et prestations de services échangés entre établissements (charges) | |
62 | l10n_tn_177 | 177 | Goods and services exchanged between establishments (income) | liability_non_current | False | Biens et prestations de services échangés entre établissements (produits) | |
63 | l10n_tn_185 | 185 | Exchange rate differences on other non-current liabilities | liability_non_current | False | Écarts de conversion sur autres passifs non courants | |
64 | l10n_tn_188 | 188 | Other non current liabilities | liability_non_current | False | Autres passifs non courants | |
65 | l10n_tn_211 | 211 | Investment in research and development | asset_non_current | False | Investissement recherche et développement | |
66 | l10n_tn_212 | 212 | Concessions of trademarks, patents, licences, brands, processes and similar assets | asset_non_current | False | Concessions de marques, brevets, licences, marques, procédés et valeurs similaires | |
67 | l10n_tn_213 | 213 | Software | asset_non_current | False | Logiciels | |
68 | l10n_tn_214 | 214 | Goodwill | asset_non_current | False | Fonds commercial | |
69 | l10n_tn_216 | 216 | Leasehold rights | asset_non_current | False | Droit au bail | |
70 | l10n_tn_218 | 218 | Other intangible assets | asset_non_current | False | Autres immobilisations incorporelles | |
71 | l10n_tn_2213 | 2213 | Bare land | asset_fixed | False | Terrains nus | |
72 | l10n_tn_2214 | 2214 | Developed land | asset_fixed | False | Terrains amenagés | |
73 | l10n_tn_2215 | 2215 | Built land | asset_fixed | False | Terrains bâtis | |
74 | l10n_tn_2216 | 2216 | Land improvements and fittings | asset_fixed | False | Agencements et aménagements des terrains | |
75 | l10n_tn_2221 | 2221 | Buildings | asset_fixed | False | Bâtiments | |
76 | l10n_tn_2225 | 2225 | General installations, fittings and improvements to buildings | asset_fixed | False | Installations générales, agencements et aménagements des constructions | |
77 | l10n_tn_2226 | 2226 | Infrastructure works | asset_fixed | False | Ouvrages d'infrastructure | |
78 | l10n_tn_2227 | 2227 | Buildings on non-building land | asset_fixed | False | Constructions sur sol d'autrui | |
79 | l10n_tn_2231 | 2231 | Technical installations | asset_fixed | False | Installations techniques | |
80 | l10n_tn_2234 | 2234 | Industrial equipment | asset_fixed | False | Matériel industriel | |
81 | l10n_tn_2235 | 2235 | Industrial tools | asset_fixed | False | Outillage industriel | |
82 | l10n_tn_2237 | 2237 | Fixtures and fittings for industrial equipment and tools | asset_fixed | False | Agencements et aménagements du matériel et outillage industriels | |
83 | l10n_tn_2241 | 2241 | Equipment for the transport of goods | asset_fixed | False | Matériel de transport de biens | |
84 | l10n_tn_2244 | 2244 | Equipment for the transport of persons | asset_fixed | False | Matériel de transport de personnes | |
85 | l10n_tn_2281 | 2281 | General installations, fixtures and fittings | asset_fixed | False | Installations générales, agencements et aménagements divers | |
86 | l10n_tn_2282 | 2282 | Office equipment | asset_fixed | False | Équipement de bureau | |
87 | l10n_tn_2286 | 2286 | Identifiable recoverable packaging | asset_fixed | False | Emballages récupérables identifiables | |
88 | l10n_tn_231 | 231 | Intangible assets in progress | asset_non_current | False | Immobilisations incorporelles en cours | |
89 | l10n_tn_232 | 232 | Tangible assets in progress | asset_fixed | False | Immobilisations corporelles en cours | |
90 | l10n_tn_237 | 237 | Advances and deposits paid on intangible assets | asset_non_current | False | Avances et acomptes verses sur immobilisations incorporelles | |
91 | l10n_tn_238 | 238 | Advances and deposits paid on orders for tangible fixed assets | asset_fixed | False | Avances et acomptes verses sur commandes d'immobilisations corporelles | |
92 | l10n_tn_24 | 24 | Fixed assets with special legal status | asset_non_current | False | Immobilisations à statut juridique particulier | |
93 | l10n_tn_2511 | 2511 | Shares in participating interests | asset_non_current | False | Actions de titres de participation | |
94 | l10n_tn_2518 | 2518 | Other equity securities | asset_non_current | False | Autres titres de participation | |
95 | l10n_tn_256 | 256 | Other forms of participation | asset_non_current | False | Autres formes de participation | |
96 | l10n_tn_2571 | 2571 | Receivables from participating interests (group) | asset_non_current | False | Créances rattachées à des participations (groupe) | |
97 | l10n_tn_2574 | 2574 | Receivables from participations (non-group) | asset_non_current | False | Créances rattachées à des participations (hors groupe) | |
98 | l10n_tn_2575 | 2575 | Payments representing non-capitalised contributions (call for funds) | asset_non_current | False | Versements représentatifs d'apports non capitalises (appel de fonds) | |
99 | l10n_tn_2576 | 2576 | Consolidatable advances | asset_non_current | False | Avances consolidables | |
100 | l10n_tn_2577 | 2577 | Other receivables from participating interests | asset_non_current | False | Autres créances rattachées à des participations | |
101 | l10n_tn_258 | 258 | Receivables from joint ventures | asset_non_current | False | Créances rattachées à des sociétés en participation | |
102 | l10n_tn_259 | 259 | Payments outstanding on unpaid equity securities | asset_non_current | False | Versements restant à effectuer sur titres de participation non libérés | |
103 | l10n_tn_2611 | 2611 | Shares in fixed assets | asset_non_current | False | Actions de titres immobilisés | |
104 | l10n_tn_2618 | 2618 | Other long-term securities | asset_non_current | False | Autres titres immobilisés | |
105 | l10n_tn_2621 | 2621 | Bonds | asset_non_current | False | Obligations | |
106 | l10n_tn_2622 | 2622 | Bonds | asset_non_current | False | Bons | |
107 | l10n_tn_2641 | 2641 | Equity loans | asset_non_current | False | Prêts participatifs | |
108 | l10n_tn_2642 | 2642 | Loans to partners | asset_non_current | False | Prêts aux associes | |
109 | l10n_tn_2643 | 2643 | Loans to employees | asset_non_current | False | Prêts au personnel | |
110 | l10n_tn_2645 | 2645 | Secured loans (to be subdivided) | asset_non_current | False | Prêts assortis de sûretés (a subdiviser) | |
111 | l10n_tn_2648 | 2648 | Other loans | asset_non_current | False | Autres prêts | |
112 | l10n_tn_2651 | 2651 | Deposits | asset_non_current | False | Dépôts | |
113 | l10n_tn_2655 | 2655 | Guarantees | asset_non_current | False | Cautionnements | |
114 | l10n_tn_2656 | 2656 | Non-current bank deposits | asset_non_current | False | Dépôts bancaires non courants | |
115 | l10n_tn_2658 | 2658 | Other deposits and guarantees paid | asset_non_current | False | Autres dépôts et cautionnements versés | |
116 | l10n_tn_2661 | 2661 | Fixed assets | asset_non_current | False | Créances immobilisées | |
117 | l10n_tn_2667 | 2667 | Other receivables | asset_non_current | False | Créances diverses | |
118 | l10n_tn_2668 | 2668 | Other non-current receivables | asset_non_current | False | Autres créances non courantes | |
119 | l10n_tn_269 | 269 | Outstanding payments on fixed assets not paid up | asset_non_current | False | Versements restant à effectuer sur titres immobilisés non libérés | |
120 | l10n_tn_271 | 271 | Preliminary expenses | asset_non_current | False | Frais préliminaires | |
121 | l10n_tn_272 | 272 | Deferred charges | asset_non_current | False | Charges à répartir | |
122 | l10n_tn_273 | 273 | Issuance costs and loan redemption premiums | asset_non_current | False | Frais d’émission et primes de remboursement des emprunts | |
123 | l10n_tn_275 | 275 | Exchange rate differences on other non-current assets | asset_non_current | False | Écarts de conversion sur autres actifs non courants | |
124 | l10n_tn_278 | 278 | Other non-current assets | asset_non_current | False | Autres actifs non courants | |
125 | l10n_tn_281 | 281 | Amortisation of intangible assets (same breakdown as for account 21) | asset_non_current | False | Amortissements des immobilisations incorporelles (même ventilation que celle du compte 21) | |
126 | l10n_tn_282 | 282 | Depreciation of tangible fixed assets (same breakdown as for account 22) | asset_non_current | False | Amortissements des immobilisations corporelles (même ventilation que celle du compte 22) | |
127 | l10n_tn_284 | 284 | Depreciation of assets with special legal status | asset_non_current | False | Amortissements des immobilisations à statut juridique particulier | |
128 | l10n_tn_291 | 291 | Provisions for depreciation of intangible assets (same breakdown as for account 21) | asset_non_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations incorporelles (même ventilation que celle du compte 21) | |
129 | l10n_tn_292 | 292 | Provisions for depreciation of tangible assets (same breakdown as for account 22) | asset_non_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations corporelles (même ventilation que celle du compte 22) | |
130 | l10n_tn_2931 | 2931 | Provisions for depreciation of intangible assets under construction | asset_non_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations en cours d'immobilisations incorporelles | |
131 | l10n_tn_2932 | 2932 | Provisions for impairment of tangible assets under construction | asset_non_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations en cours d'immobilisations corporelles | |
132 | l10n_tn_294 | 294 | Provisions for impairment of assets with special legal status | asset_non_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations à statut juridique particulier | |
133 | l10n_tn_295 | 295 | Provisions for impairment of participating interests and receivables related to participating interests (same breakdown as for account 25) | asset_non_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des participations et des créances liées à des participations (même ventilation que celle du compte 25) | |
134 | l10n_tn_296 | 296 | Provisions for impairment of other financial assets (same breakdown as for account 26) | asset_non_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des autres immobilisations financières (même ventilation que celle du compte 26) | |
135 | l10n_tn_311 | 311 | Raw materials | asset_current | False | Matières premières | |
136 | l10n_tn_313 | 313 | Supplies | asset_current | False | Fournitures | |
137 | l10n_tn_317 | 317 | Other raw materials and related supplies | asset_current | False | Autres matières premières et fournitures liées | |
138 | l10n_tn_321 | 321 | Consumable materials | asset_current | False | Matières consommables | |
139 | l10n_tn_322 | 322 | Consumable supplies | asset_current | False | Fournitures consommables | |
140 | l10n_tn_326 | 326 | Packaging | asset_current | False | Emballages | |
141 | l10n_tn_327 | 327 | Other supplies | asset_current | False | Autres approvisionnements | |
142 | l10n_tn_331 | 331 | Products in progress | asset_current | False | Produits en cours | |
143 | l10n_tn_335 | 335 | Works in progress | asset_current | False | Travaux en cours | |
144 | l10n_tn_341 | 341 | Studies in progress | asset_current | False | Études en cours | |
145 | l10n_tn_345 | 345 | Services in progress | asset_current | False | Prestations de services en cours | |
146 | l10n_tn_351 | 351 | Intermediate products | asset_current | False | Produits intermédiaires | |
147 | l10n_tn_355 | 355 | Finished goods | asset_current | False | Produits finis | |
148 | l10n_tn_357 | 357 | Residual products | asset_current | False | Produits résiduels | |
149 | l10n_tn_37 | 37 | Inventories of goods | asset_current | False | Stocks de marchandises | |
150 | l10n_tn_39 | 39 | Provisions for depreciation of inventories (to be broken down according to the nomenclature of this class) | asset_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des stocks (a ventiler selon la nomenclature de cette classe) | |
151 | l10n_tn_4011 | 4011 | Suppliers - Purchase of goods and services | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs - Achats de biens et prestations de services | |
152 | l10n_tn_4017 | 4017 | Suppliers - Holdbacks | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs - Retenues de garantie | |
153 | l10n_tn_403 | 403 | Operating suppliers - Notes payable | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs d'exploitation - Effets à payer | |
154 | l10n_tn_4041 | 4041 | Suppliers - Purchases of fixed assets | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs - Achats d'immobilisations | |
155 | l10n_tn_4047 | 4047 | Suppliers of fixed assets - Holdbacks | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs d'immobilisations - Retenues de garantie | |
156 | l10n_tn_405 | 405 | Fixed Asset Suppliers - Notes Payable | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs d'immobilisations - Effets à payer | |
157 | l10n_tn_4081 | 4081 | Operating suppliers | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs d'exploitation | |
158 | l10n_tn_4084 | 4084 | Fixed assets suppliers | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs d'immobilisations | |
159 | l10n_tn_4088 | 4088 | Suppliers - Accrued interest | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs - Intérêts courus | |
160 | l10n_tn_4091 | 4091 | Suppliers - Advances and deposits paid on orders | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs - Avances et acomptes verses sur commandes | |
161 | l10n_tn_4096 | 4096 | Suppliers - Receivables for packaging and materials to be returned | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs - Créances pour emballages et matériel à rendre | |
162 | l10n_tn_40971 | 40971 | Operating suppliers | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs d'exploitation | |
163 | l10n_tn_40974 | 40974 | Suppliers of fixed assets | liability_payable | True | Fournisseurs d'immobilisations | |
164 | l10n_tn_4098 | 4098 | Discounts, rebates, refunds and other credits not yet received | liability_payable | True | Rabais, remises, ristournes à obtenir et autres avoirs non encore reçus | |
165 | l10n_tn_4111 | 4111 | Customers - Sales of goods or services | asset_receivable | True | Clients - Ventes de biens ou de prestations de services | |
166 | l10n_tn_4117 | 4117 | Customers - Holdbacks | asset_receivable | True | Clients - Retenues de garantie | |
167 | l10n_tn_413 | 413 | Customers - Bills receivable | asset_receivable | True | Clients - Effets à recevoir | |
168 | l10n_tn_416 | 416 | Doubtful or disputed customers | asset_receivable | True | Clients douteux ou litigieux | |
169 | l10n_tn_417 | 417 | Receivables on work not yet billable | asset_receivable | True | Créances sur travaux non encore facturables | |
170 | l10n_tn_4181 | 4181 | Invoices to be issued | asset_receivable | True | Factures à établir | |
171 | l10n_tn_4188 | 4188 | Accrued interest | asset_receivable | True | Intérêts courus | |
172 | l10n_tn_4191 | 4191 | Customers - Advances and deposits received on orders | asset_receivable | True | Clients - Avances et acomptes reçus sur commandes | |
173 | l10n_tn_4196 | 4196 | Customers - Payables for packaging and deposit materials | asset_receivable | True | Clients - Dettes pour emballages et matériel consignés | |
174 | l10n_tn_4197 | 4197 | Customers - Other credit notes | asset_receivable | True | Clients - Autres avoirs | |
175 | l10n_tn_4198 | 4198 | Discounts, rebates, refunds and other credit notes to be issued | asset_receivable | True | Rabais, remises, ristournes à accorder et autres avoirs à établir | |
176 | l10n_tn_421 | 421 | Personnel - Advances and deposits | liability_current | False | Personnel - Avances et acomptes | |
177 | l10n_tn_422 | 422 | Works councils and other staff representative bodies | liability_current | False | Comités d'entreprises et autres organes représentatifs du personnel | |
178 | l10n_tn_423 | 423 | Staff, social works | liability_current | False | Personnel, œuvres sociales | |
179 | l10n_tn_425 | 425 | Staff - Remuneration due | liability_current | False | Personnel - Rémunérations dues | |
180 | l10n_tn_426 | 426 | Staff - Deposits | liability_current | False | Personnel - Dépôts | |
181 | l10n_tn_427 | 427 | Staff - Objections | liability_current | False | Personnel - Oppositions | |
182 | l10n_tn_4282 | 4282 | Accrued holiday payables | liability_current | False | Dettes provisionnées pour congés à payer | |
183 | l10n_tn_4286 | 4286 | Other accrued charges | liability_current | False | Autres charges à payer | |
184 | l10n_tn_4287 | 4287 | Accrued income | liability_current | False | Produits à recevoir | |
185 | l10n_tn_431 | 431 | Government - Grants receivable | liability_current | False | État - Subventions à recevoir | |
186 | l10n_tn_432 | 432 | State, withholding taxes | liability_current | False | État, Impôts et taxes retenus à la source | |
187 | l10n_tn_433 | 433 | Special transactions with the State, public authorities, international organisations | liability_current | False | Opérations particulières avec L’État, les collectivités publiques, les organismes internationaux | |
188 | l10n_tn_4341 | 4341 | Withholding tax | liability_current | False | Retenue à la source | |
189 | l10n_tn_4342 | 4342 | Instalments | liability_current | False | Acomptes provisionnels | |
190 | l10n_tn_4343 | 4343 | Tax to be settled | liability_current | False | Impôt à liquider | |
191 | l10n_tn_4349 | 4349 | Deferred taxes | liability_current | False | Impôts différés | |
192 | l10n_tn_435 | 435 | Guaranteed bonds | liability_current | False | Obligations cautionnées | |
193 | l10n_tn_43651 | 43651 | VAT payable | liability_current | False | TVA à payer | |
194 | l10n_tn_43658 | 43658 | Other turnover taxes | liability_current | False | Autres taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires | |
195 | l10n_tn_43662 | 43662 | VAT on fixed assets | asset_current | False | TVA sur immobilisations | |
196 | l10n_tn_43663 | 43663 | VAT transferred from other enterprises | asset_current | False | TVA transférée par d'autres entreprises | |
197 | l10n_tn_43666 | 43666 | VAT on other goods and services | asset_current | False | TVA sur autres biens et services | |
198 | l10n_tn_43667 | 43667 | VAT credit to be carried forward | asset_current | False | Crédit de TVA à reporter | |
199 | l10n_tn_43668 | 43668 | Other taxes on turnover | asset_current | False | Autres taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires | |
200 | l10n_tn_43671 | 43671 | VAT collected | liability_current | False | TVA collectée | |
201 | l10n_tn_43678 | 43678 | Other taxes on turnover | liability_current | False | Autres taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires | |
202 | l10n_tn_4368 | 4368 | Turnover taxes to be regularised or pending | liability_current | False | Taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires à régulariser ou en attente | |
203 | l10n_tn_437 | 437 | Other taxes and similar payments | liability_current | False | Autres impôts, taxes et versements assimiles | |
204 | l10n_tn_4371 | 4371 | Stamp duty collected | liability_current | False | Droit de timbre collecté | |
205 | l10n_tn_4382 | 4382 | Tax expenses on holidays to be paid | liability_current | False | Charges fiscales sur congés à payer | |
206 | l10n_tn_4386 | 4386 | Other accrued expenses | liability_current | False | Autres charges à payer | |
207 | l10n_tn_4387 | 4387 | Accrued income | asset_current | False | Produits à recevoir | |
208 | l10n_tn_4411 | 4411 | Group - Receivables and accrued interest | asset_current | False | Groupe - Créances et intérêts courus | |
209 | l10n_tn_4412 | 4412 | Group - Payables and accrued interest | liability_current | False | Groupe - Dettes et intérêts à payer | |
210 | l10n_tn_4421 | 4421 | Associates - Principal | liability_current | False | Associés - Principal | |
211 | l10n_tn_4428 | 4428 | Associates - Accrued interest | liability_current | False | Associés - Intérêts courus | |
212 | l10n_tn_446 | 446 | Associates - Capital transactions | liability_current | False | Associés - Opérations sur le capital | |
213 | l10n_tn_447 | 447 | Associates - Dividends payable | liability_current | False | Associés - Dividendes à payer | |
214 | l10n_tn_4481 | 4481 | Associates - Current transactions | liability_current | False | Associés - Opérations courantes | |
215 | l10n_tn_4488 | 4488 | Associates - Accrued interest | liability_current | False | Associés - Intérêts courus | |
216 | l10n_tn_452 | 452 | Receivables on disposal of fixed assets | asset_current | False | Créances sur cessions d'immobilisations | |
217 | l10n_tn_45311 | 45311 | Social organisations - CNSS | liability_current | False | Organismes sociaux - CNSS | |
218 | l10n_tn_45318 | 45318 | Social organisations - Other | liability_current | False | Organismes sociaux - Autres | |
219 | l10n_tn_45382 | 45382 | Social security bodies - Social security charges on leave payable | liability_current | False | Organismes sociaux - Charges sociales sur congés à payer | |
220 | l10n_tn_45387 | 45387 | Social security bodies - Accrued income | asset_current | False | Organismes sociaux - Produits à recevoir | |
221 | l10n_tn_454 | 454 | Debts on acquisitions of marketable securities | liability_current | False | Dettes sur acquisitions de valeurs mobilières de placement | |
222 | l10n_tn_455 | 455 | Receivables on sales of marketable securities | asset_current | False | Créances sur cessions de valeurs mobilières de placement | |
223 | l10n_tn_457 | 457 | Other accounts receivable or payable | liability_current | False | Autres comptes débiteurs ou créditeurs | |
224 | l10n_tn_4586 | 4586 | Various accrued charges | liability_current | False | Diverses charges à payer | |
225 | l10n_tn_4587 | 4587 | Various accrued income | asset_current | False | Divers produits à recevoir | |
226 | l10n_tn_461 | 461 | Suspense account | asset_current | False | Compte d'attente | |
227 | l10n_tn_4651 | 4651 | Exchange rate differences on assets | asset_current | False | Différences de conversion actif | |
228 | l10n_tn_4652 | 4652 | Exchange rate differences on liabilities | liability_current | False | Différences de conversion passif | |
229 | l10n_tn_468 | 468 | Other transitory accounts | liability_current | False | Autres comptes transitoires | |
230 | l10n_tn_471 | 471 | Prepaid expenses | liability_current | False | Charges constatées d'avance | |
231 | l10n_tn_472 | 472 | Deferred income | asset_current | False | Produits constates d'avance | |
232 | l10n_tn_4786 | 4786 | Periodic expense allocation accounts | liability_current | False | Comptes de répartition périodique de charges | |
233 | l10n_tn_4787 | 4787 | Accounts for periodic distribution of income | asset_current | False | Comptes de répartition périodique de produits | |
234 | l10n_tn_48 | 48 | Current provisions for risks and charges | liability_current | False | Provisions courantes pour risques et charges | |
235 | l10n_tn_491 | 491 | Provisions for impairment of trade receivables | liability_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des comptes clients | |
236 | l10n_tn_4941 | 4941 | Provisions for impairment of group accounts | liability_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des comptes du groupe | |
237 | l10n_tn_4942 | 4942 | Provisions for depreciation of partners' current accounts | liability_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des comptes courants des associés | |
238 | l10n_tn_4948 | 4948 | Provisions for depreciation of joint ventures | liability_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des pérations faites en commun | |
239 | l10n_tn_4952 | 4952 | Receivables on disposal of fixed assets | liability_current | False | Créances sur cession d'immobilisation | |
240 | l10n_tn_4955 | 4955 | Receivables on disposal of marketable securities | liability_current | False | Créances sur cession des valeurs mobilières de placement | |
241 | l10n_tn_4957 | 4957 | Other accounts receivable | liability_current | False | Autres comptes débiteurs | |
242 | l10n_tn_501 | 501 | Current loans related to the operating cycle | liability_current | False | Emprunts courants lies au cycle d'exploitation | |
243 | l10n_tn_505 | 505 | Maturities of non-current loans at less than one year | liability_current | False | Échéances à moins d'un an sur emprunts non courants | |
244 | l10n_tn_5061 | 5061 | Credit for mobilisation of trade receivables | liability_current | False | Crédit de mobilisation de créances commerciales | |
245 | l10n_tn_5063 | 5063 | Mobilisation of receivables arising abroad | liability_current | False | Mobilisation de créances nées à l’étranger | |
246 | l10n_tn_5067 | 5067 | Other bank loans | liability_current | False | Autres concours bancaires | |
247 | l10n_tn_507 | 507 | Matured and unpaid loans | liability_current | False | Emprunts échus et impayés | |
248 | l10n_tn_508 | 508 | Accrued interest (to be subdivided according to the same breakdown as account 50) | liability_current | False | Intérêts courus (a subdiviser selon la même ventilation que le compte 50) | |
249 | l10n_tn_511 | 511 | Current loans related to the operating cycle | asset_current | False | Prêts courants lies au cycle d'exploitation | |
250 | l10n_tn_516 | 516 | Non-current loans due within one year | asset_current | False | Échéances à moins d'un an sur prêts non courants | |
251 | l10n_tn_517 | 517 | Current maturities of other financial receivables | asset_current | False | Échéances à moins d'un an sur autres créances financières | |
252 | l10n_tn_518 | 518 | Accrued interest | asset_current | False | Intérêts courus | |
253 | l10n_tn_5231 | 5231 | Listed securities on shares | liability_current | False | Titres cotés sur actions | |
254 | l10n_tn_5235 | 5235 | Unlisted securities on shares | liability_current | False | Titres non cotés sur actions | |
255 | l10n_tn_524 | 524 | Other securities with property rights | liability_current | False | Autres titres conférant un droit de propriété | |
256 | l10n_tn_525 | 525 | Bonds and notes issued and redeemed by the company | liability_current | False | Obligations et bons émis par la société et rachetés par elle | |
257 | l10n_tn_5261 | 5261 | Listed securities on bonds | liability_current | False | Titres cotés sur obligations | |
258 | l10n_tn_5265 | 5265 | Unlisted securities on bonds | liability_current | False | Titres non cotés sur obligations | |
259 | l10n_tn_5266 | 5266 | Maturities within one year on fixed-interest securities | liability_current | False | Échéances à moins d'un an sur les obligations immobilisées | |
260 | l10n_tn_527 | 527 | Short-term treasury bills and notes | liability_current | False | Bons du trésor et bons de caisse à court terme | |
261 | l10n_tn_5281 | 5281 | Other securities | liability_current | False | Autres valeurs mobilières | |
262 | l10n_tn_5288 | 5288 | Accrued interest on bonds and similar securities | liability_current | False | Intérêts courus sur obligations bons et valeurs assimilées | |
263 | l10n_tn_529 | 529 | Payments outstanding on unpaid marketable securities | liability_current | False | Versements restant à effectuer sur valeurs mobilières de placement non libérées | |
264 | l10n_tn_5311 | 5311 | Coupons due for collection | asset_cash | False | Coupons échus à l'encaissement | |
265 | l10n_tn_5312 | 5312 | Cheques to be cashed | asset_cash | False | Chèques à encaisser | |
266 | l10n_tn_5313 | 5313 | Bills of exchange for collection | asset_cash | False | Effets à l'encaissement | |
267 | l10n_tn_5314 | 5314 | Bills for discounting | asset_cash | False | Effets à l'escompte | |
268 | l10n_tn_5324 | 5324 | Foreign currency accounts | asset_cash | False | Comptes en devises | |
269 | l10n_tn_534 | 534 | CCP | asset_cash | False | CCP | |
270 | l10n_tn_535 | 535 | Treasury accounts | asset_cash | False | Comptes au trésor | |
271 | l10n_tn_537 | 537 | Other financial institutions | asset_cash | False | Autres organismes financiers | |
272 | l10n_tn_5411 | 5411 | Cash in dinars | asset_cash | False | Caisse en dinars | |
273 | l10n_tn_5414 | 5414 | Cash in foreign currencies | asset_cash | False | Caisse en devises | |
274 | l10n_tn_542 | 542 | Branch offices | asset_cash | False | Caisses succursales | |
275 | l10n_tn_55 | 55 | Imprest accounts and letters of credit | asset_cash | False | Régies d'avances et accréditifs | |
276 | l10n_tn_58 | 58 | Internal transfers | asset_current | False | Virements internes | |
277 | l10n_tn_59 | 59 | Provisions for depreciation of financial accounts (Same breakdown as class 5 accounts) | liability_current | False | Provisions pour dépréciation des comptes financiers (Même ventilation que les comptes de la classe 5) | |
278 | l10n_tn_601 | 601 | Stocked purchases - Raw materials and related supplies | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats stockés - Matières premières et fournitures liées |
279 | l10n_tn_6021 | 6021 | Stocked purchases - consumables | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats stockés - Matières consommables |
280 | l10n_tn_6022 | 6022 | Purchases in stock - Consumable supplies | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats stockés - Fournitures consommables |
281 | l10n_tn_6026 | 6026 | Purchases in stock - Packaging | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats stockés - Emballages |
282 | l10n_tn_6031 | 6031 | Change in stocks of raw materials (and supplies) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Variation des stocks de matières premières (et fournitures) |
283 | l10n_tn_6032 | 6032 | Change in stocks of other supplies | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Variation des stocks des autres approvisionnements |
284 | l10n_tn_6037 | 6037 | Change in stocks of goods | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Variation des stocks de marchandises |
285 | l10n_tn_604 | 604 | Purchases of studies and services (including purchases of production subcontractors) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats d’études et de prestations de services (y compris achat de sous-traitance de production) |
286 | l10n_tn_605 | 605 | Purchases of materials, equipment and works | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats de matériel, équipements et travaux |
287 | l10n_tn_606 | 606 | Non-stock purchases of materials and supplies | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats non stockes de matières et fournitures |
288 | l10n_tn_607 | 607 | Purchases of goods | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats de marchandises |
289 | l10n_tn_608 | 608 | Purchases related to an accounting change to be taken into account in the result of the period or to a discontinued activity | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Achats liés à une modification comptable à prendre en compte dans le résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
290 | l10n_tn_609 | 609 | Discounts, rebates and refunds obtained on purchases | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Rabais, remises et ristournes obtenus sur achats |
291 | l10n_tn_611 | 611 | General subcontracting | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Sous-traitance générale |
292 | l10n_tn_612 | 612 | Royalties for the use of fixed assets under concession | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Redevances pour utilisation d'immobilisations concédées |
293 | l10n_tn_613 | 613 | Rentals (including depreciation on packaging) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Locations (y compris malis sur emballages) |
294 | l10n_tn_614 | 614 | Rental and condominium charges | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges locatives et de copropriété |
295 | l10n_tn_615 | 615 | Maintenance and repairs | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Entretien et réparations |
296 | l10n_tn_616 | 616 | Insurance premiums | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Primes d'assurances |
297 | l10n_tn_617 | 617 | Studies, research and various external services | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Etudes, recherches et divers services extérieurs |
298 | l10n_tn_618 | 618 | Other expenses related to an accounting change to be taken into account in the result of the financial year or to a discontinued activity | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres charges liées à une modification comptable à prendre en compte dans le résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
299 | l10n_tn_619 | 619 | Discounts, rebates and refunds obtained on external services | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Rabais, remises et ristournes obtenus sur services extérieurs |
300 | l10n_tn_621 | 621 | External personnel | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Personnel extérieur à l'entreprise |
301 | l10n_tn_622 | 622 | Remuneration of intermediaries and fees | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Rémunération d'intermédiaires et honoraires |
302 | l10n_tn_623 | 623 | Advertising, publications, public relations | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Publicité, publications, relations publiques |
303 | l10n_tn_6241 | 6241 | Transport on purchases | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Transports sur achats |
304 | l10n_tn_6242 | 6242 | Transport on sales | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Transports sur ventes |
305 | l10n_tn_6244 | 6244 | Administrative transport | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Transports administratifs |
306 | l10n_tn_6247 | 6247 | Collective transport of staff | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Transports collectifs du personnel |
307 | l10n_tn_6248 | 6248 | Miscellaneous (Transport of goods and collective transport of staff) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Divers (Transports de biens et transports collectifs du personnel) |
308 | l10n_tn_6251 | 6251 | Travelling and moving | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Voyages et déplacements |
309 | l10n_tn_6255 | 6255 | Moving expenses | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Frais de déménagement |
310 | l10n_tn_6256 | 6256 | Missions | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Missions |
311 | l10n_tn_6257 | 6257 | Entertainment | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Réceptions |
312 | l10n_tn_626 | 626 | Postage and telecommunications costs | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Frais postaux et frais de télécommunications |
313 | l10n_tn_6271 | 6271 | Securities fees (purchase, sale, custody) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Frais sur titres (achats, vente, garde) |
314 | l10n_tn_6272 | 6272 | Commissions and fees on loan issues | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Commissions et frais sur émission d'emprunts |
315 | l10n_tn_6275 | 6275 | Fees on bills of exchange | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Frais sur effets |
316 | l10n_tn_6276 | 6276 | Safe deposit box rental | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Location de coffres |
317 | l10n_tn_6278 | 6278 | Other fees and commissions on services | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres frais et commissions sur prestations de services |
318 | l10n_tn_628 | 628 | Other external services related to an accounting change to be taken into account in the result of the period or to a discontinued activity | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres services extérieurs lies à une modification comptable à prendre en compte dans le résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
319 | l10n_tn_629 | 629 | Discounts, rebates and refunds obtained on other external services | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Rabais, remises et ristournes obtenus sur autres services extérieurs |
320 | l10n_tn_631 | 631 | Royalties for concessions of trademarks, patents, licences, processes, rights and similar assets | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Redevances pour concessions de marques, brevets, licences, procédés, droits et valeurs similaires |
321 | l10n_tn_633 | 633 | Directors' fees | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Jetons de présence |
322 | l10n_tn_6341 | 6341 | Losses on bad debts - Receivables for the year | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Pertes sur créances irrécouvrables - Créances de l'exercice |
323 | l10n_tn_6344 | 6344 | Losses on bad debts - Receivables from previous years | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Pertes sur créances irrécouvrables - Créances des exercices antérieurs |
324 | l10n_tn_6351 | 6351 | Share of profit transferred (manager's accounting) | expense | False | Quote-part de bénéfice transférée (comptabilité du gérant) | |
325 | l10n_tn_6355 | 6355 | Share of loss borne (non-manager accounting) | expense | False | Quote-part de perte supportée (comptabilité des associes non gérants) | |
326 | l10n_tn_636 | 636 | Net expenses on disposal of fixed assets and other losses on non-recurring or exceptional items | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges nettes sur cessions d'immobilisations et autres pertes sur éléments non récurrents ou exceptionnels |
327 | l10n_tn_637 | 637 | Impairment losses | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Réduction de valeur |
328 | l10n_tn_638 | 638 | Miscellaneous ordinary expenses related to an accounting change to be taken into account in the result of the year or to a discontinued activity | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges diverses ordinaires liées à une modification comptable à prendre en compte dans le résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
329 | l10n_tn_6400 | 6400 | Salaries | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Salaires |
330 | l10n_tn_6401 | 6401 | Overtime | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Heures supplémentaires |
331 | l10n_tn_6402 | 6402 | Bonuses | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Primes |
332 | l10n_tn_6403 | 6403 | Gratuities | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Gratifications |
333 | l10n_tn_6404 | 6404 | Benefits in kind | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Avantages en nature |
334 | l10n_tn_6409 | 6409 | Other wage supplements | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres compléments de salaires |
335 | l10n_tn_6420 | 6420 | Wages | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Appointements |
336 | l10n_tn_6421 | 6421 | Overtime | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Heures supplémentaires |
337 | l10n_tn_6422 | 6422 | Bonuses | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Primes |
338 | l10n_tn_6423 | 6423 | Gratuities | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Gratifications |
339 | l10n_tn_6424 | 6424 | Benefits in kind | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Avantages en nature |
340 | l10n_tn_6429 | 6429 | Other supplements to wages. | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres compléments d'appointements. |
341 | l10n_tn_643 | 643 | Expense allowances | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Indemnités représentatives de frais |
342 | l10n_tn_6440 | 6440 | Commissions on purchases | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Commissions sur achats |
343 | l10n_tn_6441 | 6441 | Commissions on sales | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Commissions sur ventes |
344 | l10n_tn_645 | 645 | Remuneration of directors, managers and partners | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Rémunérations des administrateurs, gérants et associes |
345 | l10n_tn_64600 | 64600 | Salary related expenses - Paid holidays | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux salaires - Congés payés |
346 | l10n_tn_64602 | 64602 | Salary-related expenses - Payments in lieu of notice and termination payments (end-of-service bonuses) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux salaires - Indemnités de préavis et de licenciements (gratification de fin de service) |
347 | l10n_tn_64604 | 64604 | Salary related expenses - Family supplements | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux salaires - Supplément familial |
348 | l10n_tn_64620 | 64620 | Expenses related to salaries - Paid leave | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux appointements - Congés payés |
349 | l10n_tn_64622 | 64622 | Expenses related to wages - Pay in lieu of notice and termination of employment (end of service bonus) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux appointements - Indemnités de préavis et de licenciement (gratification de fin de service) |
350 | l10n_tn_64624 | 64624 | Expenses related to salaries - Family supplement | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux appointements - Supplément familial |
351 | l10n_tn_64640 | 64640 | Commission related expenses - Holiday pay | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux commissions - Congés payés |
352 | l10n_tn_64642 | 64642 | Commission related expenses - Pay in lieu of notice and termination (end of service bonus) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux commissions - Indemnités de préavis et de licenciement (gratification de fin de service) |
353 | l10n_tn_64644 | 64644 | Commission related expenses - Family supplement | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux commissions - Supplément familial |
354 | l10n_tn_64650 | 64650 | Expenses related to directors' and managers' remuneration - Paid leave | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux rémunérations des administrateurs et gérants - Congés payés |
355 | l10n_tn_64652 | 64652 | Expenses related to directors' and officers' remuneration - Payments in lieu of notice and termination of employment | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux rémunérations des administrateurs et gérants - Indemnités de préavis et de licenciement |
356 | l10n_tn_64654 | 64654 | Expenses related to directors' and officers' remuneration - Family supplements | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges connexes aux rémunérations des administrateurs et gérants - Supplément familial |
357 | l10n_tn_6470 | 6470 | Social security contributions on salaries | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Cotisations de sécurité sociale sur salaires |
358 | l10n_tn_6472 | 6472 | Social security contributions on salaries | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Cotisations de sécurité sociale sur appointements |
359 | l10n_tn_6474 | 6474 | Social security contributions on commissions | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Cotisations de sécurité sociale sur commissions |
360 | l10n_tn_6475 | 6475 | Social security contributions on directors' and managers' remuneration | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Cotisations de sécurité sociale sur rémunérations des administrateurs et gérants |
361 | l10n_tn_6476 | 6476 | Direct benefits | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Prestations directes |
362 | l10n_tn_648 | 648 | Personnel expenses related to an accounting change to be charged to the result of the year or to a discontinued activity | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Charges de personnel liées à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
363 | l10n_tn_6490 | 6490 | Other personnel expenses | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres charges de personnel |
364 | l10n_tn_6495 | 6495 | Other social charges | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres charges sociales |
365 | l10n_tn_65116 | 65116 | Interest on loans and similar debts | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Intérêts des emprunts et dettes assimilées |
366 | l10n_tn_65117 | 65117 | Interest on debt related to participating interests | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Intérêts des dettes rattachées à des participations |
367 | l10n_tn_6515 | 6515 | Interest on current accounts and deposits | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Intérêts des comptes courants et des dépôts créditeurs |
368 | l10n_tn_6516 | 6516 | Interest on bank and financing operations | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Intérêts bancaires et sur opérations de financement |
369 | l10n_tn_6517 | 6517 | Interest on guaranteed bonds | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Intérêts des obligations cautionnées |
370 | l10n_tn_6518 | 6518 | Interest on other liabilities (including penalties and interest on arrears) | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Intérêts des autres dettes (y compris les pénalités et intérêts de retard sur emprunts) |
371 | l10n_tn_653 | 653 | Losses on receivables from equity investments | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Pertes sur créances liées à des participations |
372 | l10n_tn_654 | 654 | Discounts granted | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Escomptes accordes |
373 | l10n_tn_655 | 655 | Cash Difference Loss | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Pertes de change |
374 | l10n_tn_656 | 656 | Net expenses on disposal of securities | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Charges nettes sur cessions de valeurs mobilières |
375 | l10n_tn_657 | 657 | Other financial expenses | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Autres charges financières |
376 | l10n_tn_658 | 658 | Financial expenses related to an accounting change to be charged to the result of the period or to a discontinued operation | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Charges financières liées à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
377 | l10n_tn_6611 | 6611 | Taxes and similar payments on remuneration - TFP | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Impôts, taxes et versements assimilés sur rémunérations - TFP |
378 | l10n_tn_6612 | 6612 | Taxes and similar payments on salaries - FOPROLOS | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Impôts, taxes et versements assimilés sur rémunérations - FOPROLOS |
379 | l10n_tn_6618 | 6618 | Taxes and similar payments on salaries - Other | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Impôts, taxes et versements assimilés sur rémunérations - Autres |
380 | l10n_tn_6651 | 6651 | Miscellaneous taxes (except income tax) | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Impôts et taxes divers (sauf impôts sur les bénéfices) |
381 | l10n_tn_6652 | 6652 | Non-recoverable turnover taxes | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Taxes sur le chiffre d'affaires non récupérables |
382 | l10n_tn_6654 | 6654 | Registration and stamp duties | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Droits d'enregistrement et de timbre |
383 | l10n_tn_6655 | 6655 | Vehicle taxes | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Taxes sur les véhicules |
384 | l10n_tn_6658 | 6658 | Other duties | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Autres droits |
385 | l10n_tn_668 | 668 | Taxes related to an accounting change to be charged to the result of the period or to a discontinued operation | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Impôts et taxes lies à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
386 | l10n_tn_67 | 67 | Extraordinary losses | expense | account.account_tag_investing | False | Pertes extraordinaires |
387 | l10n_tn_68111 | 68111 | Amortisation of intangible assets | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux amortissements des mmobilisations incorporelles |
388 | l10n_tn_68112 | 68112 | Depreciation of property, plant and equipment | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux amortissements des mmobilisations corporelles |
389 | l10n_tn_6812 | 6812 | Allocation to write-offs of deferred charges | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux résorptions des charges reportées |
390 | l10n_tn_6815 | 6815 | Provisions for operating risks and expenses | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux provisions pour risques et charges d'exploitation |
391 | l10n_tn_68161 | 68161 | Provisions for impairment of intangible assets | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations incorporelles |
392 | l10n_tn_68162 | 68162 | Provisions for depreciation of tangible assets | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations corporelles |
393 | l10n_tn_68173 | 68173 | Provisions for impairment of current assets - Inventories and work in progress | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux provisions pour dépréciation des actifs courants - Stocks et en-cours |
394 | l10n_tn_68174 | 68174 | Provisions for impairment of current assets - Receivables | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux provisions pour dépréciation des actifs courants - Créances |
395 | l10n_tn_6818 | 6818 | Depreciation and provisions related to an accounting change to be charged to the result of the period or to a discontinued operation | expense | account.account_tag_operating | False | Dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions liées à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
396 | l10n_tn_6861 | 6861 | Amortisation of bond redemption premiums | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Dotations aux amortissements des primes de remboursement des obligations |
397 | l10n_tn_6865 | 6865 | Allocation to provisions for financial risks and charges | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Dotations aux provisions pour risques et charges financières |
398 | l10n_tn_68662 | 68662 | Provisions for impairment of financial assets | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Dotations aux provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations financières |
399 | l10n_tn_68665 | 68665 | Provisions for impairment of current investments and loans | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Dotations aux provisions pour dépréciation des placements et prêts courants |
400 | l10n_tn_6868 | 6868 | Depreciation and provisions related to an accounting change recorded in the result of the year or to a discontinued activity (financial charges) | expense | account.account_tag_financing | False | Dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions liées à une modification comptable inscrite dans le résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée (charges financières) |
401 | l10n_tn_691 | 691 | Income taxes on profit or loss from ordinary activities | expense | False | Impôts sur les bénéfices calculés sur le résultat des activités ordinaires | |
402 | l10n_tn_695 | 695 | Other income taxes (special schemes) | expense | False | Autres impôts sur les bénéfices (régimes particuliers) | |
403 | l10n_tn_697 | 697 | Income taxes on extraordinary items | expense | False | Impôts sur les bénéfices calculés sur les éléments extraordinaires | |
404 | l10n_tn_7011 | 7011 | Sale of finished goods | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Vente de produits finis achevés |
405 | l10n_tn_7012 | 7012 | Sales of finished goods not completed (long-term contracts) | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Vente de produits finis non achevés (contrat de longue durée) |
406 | l10n_tn_702 | 702 | Sales of intermediate products | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Ventes de produits intermédiaires |
407 | l10n_tn_703 | 703 | Sales of residual products | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Ventes de produits résiduels |
408 | l10n_tn_704 | 704 | Work | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Travaux |
409 | l10n_tn_705 | 705 | Studies and services | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Études et prestations de services |
410 | l10n_tn_706 | 706 | Income from related activities | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Produits des activités annexes |
411 | l10n_tn_707 | 707 | Sales of goods | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Ventes de marchandises |
412 | l10n_tn_708 | 708 | Sales related to an accounting change to be charged to the result of the period or to a discontinued activity | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Ventes liées à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
413 | l10n_tn_709 | 709 | Discounts, rebates and refunds granted by the company | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Rabais, remises et ristournes accordés par l'entreprise |
414 | l10n_tn_7133 | 7133 | Changes in work in progress of goods | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Variations des en-cours de production de biens |
415 | l10n_tn_7134 | 7134 | Changes in work in progress of services | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Variation des en-cours de production de services |
416 | l10n_tn_7135 | 7135 | Changes in inventories of products | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Variation des stocks de produits |
417 | l10n_tn_721 | 721 | Intangible assets | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Immobilisations incorporelles |
418 | l10n_tn_722 | 722 | Property, plant and equipment | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Immobilisations corporelles |
419 | l10n_tn_728 | 728 | Capitalised production related to an accounting change to be charged to profit or loss for the year or to a discontinued operation | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Production immobilisée liée à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
420 | l10n_tn_731 | 731 | Royalties from concessions, patents, licences, trademarks, processes, rights and similar assets | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Redevances pour concessions, brevets, licences, marques, procédés, droits et valeurs similaires |
421 | l10n_tn_732 | 732 | Income from real estate not used for professional activities | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Revenus des immeubles non affectes aux activités professionnelles |
422 | l10n_tn_733 | 733 | Directors' fees and remuneration of directors and managers | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Jetons de présence et rémunérations d'administrateurs, gérants |
423 | l10n_tn_734 | 734 | Rebates received from cooperatives (from surpluses) | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Ristournes perçues des coopératives (provenant des excédents) |
424 | l10n_tn_735 | 735 | Share of profits from joint operations | income | False | Quotes-parts de résultat sur opérations faites en commun | |
425 | l10n_tn_736 | 736 | Net income on disposal of fixed assets and other gains on non-recurring or exceptional items | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Produits nets sur cessions d'immobilisations et autres gains sur éléments non récurrents ou exceptionnels |
426 | l10n_tn_738 | 738 | Miscellaneous ordinary income related to an accounting change to be charged to the result of the year or to a discontinued activity | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Produits divers ordinaires lies à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
427 | l10n_tn_739 | 739 | Share of investment grants recognised in profit or loss for the year | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Quotes-parts des subventions d'investissement inscrites au résultat de l'exercice |
428 | l10n_tn_741 | 741 | Operating grants | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Subventions d'exploitation |
429 | l10n_tn_745 | 745 | Balancing subsidies | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Subventions d'équilibre |
430 | l10n_tn_748 | 748 | Grants related to an accounting change to be charged to the result of the year or to a discontinued operation | income | account.account_tag_operating | False | Subventions liées à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
431 | l10n_tn_751 | 751 | Income from participating interests | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Produits des participations |
432 | l10n_tn_752 | 752 | Income from other financial assets | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Produits des autres immobilisations financières |
433 | l10n_tn_753 | 753 | Income from other receivables | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Revenus des autres créances |
434 | l10n_tn_754 | 754 | Income from marketable securities | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Revenus des valeurs mobilières de placement |
435 | l10n_tn_755 | 755 | Discounts received | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Escomptes obtenus |
436 | l10n_tn_756 | 756 | Cash Difference gain | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Gains de change |
437 | l10n_tn_757 | 757 | Net income from the sale of securities | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Produits nets sur cessions de valeurs mobilières |
438 | l10n_tn_758 | 758 | Financial income related to a change in accounting policy to be charged to profit or loss for the year or to a discontinued operation | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Produits financiers lies à une modification comptable à imputer au résultat de l'exercice ou à une activité abandonnée |
439 | l10n_tn_77 | 77 | Extraordinary gains | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Gains extraordinaires |
440 | l10n_tn_78111 | 78111 | Reversal of depreciation of intangible assets | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur amortissements des immobilisations incorporelles |
441 | l10n_tn_78112 | 78112 | Reversal of depreciation of tangible fixed assets | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur amortissements des immobilisations corporelles |
442 | l10n_tn_7815 | 7815 | Reversals of provisions for operating risks and expenses | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions pour risques et charges d'exploitation |
443 | l10n_tn_78161 | 78161 | Reversals of provisions for impairment of intangible assets | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations incorporelles |
444 | l10n_tn_78162 | 78162 | Reversals of provisions for impairment of property, plant and equipment | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions pour dépréciation des immobilisations corporelles |
445 | l10n_tn_78173 | 78173 | Reversals of provisions for impairment of current assets - Inventories and work in progress | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions pour dépréciation des actifs courants - Stocks et en-cours |
446 | l10n_tn_78174 | 78174 | Reversals of provisions for impairment of current assets - Receivables | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions pour dépréciation des actifs courants - Créances |
447 | l10n_tn_7818 | 7818 | Reversals of provisions related to an accounting change recorded in the income statement or to a discontinued operation | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions liées à une modification comptable inscrite aux résultats ou à une activité abandonnée |
448 | l10n_tn_7865 | 7865 | Reversals of provisions for financial risks and charges | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions pour risque et charges financières |
449 | l10n_tn_7866 | 7866 | Reversals of provisions for impairment of financial items | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions pour dépréciation des éléments financiers |
450 | l10n_tn_7868 | 7868 | Reversals of provisions (to be entered under financial income) linked to an accounting change recorded in the results of or to a discontinued activity | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Reprises sur provisions (a inscrire dans les produits financiers) liées à une modification comptable inscrite aux résultats de ou à une activité abandonnée |
451 | l10n_tn_79 | 79 | Transfers of expenses (To be broken down according to the accounts to which the expenses to be transferred have been allocated) | income | account.account_tag_investing | False | Transferts de charges (A ventiler en fonction des comptes ou ont été imputées les charges à transférer) |